CD to download

is there a way for me to download photoshop elements if I have the CD and serial number?  My Macbook doesn't have a CD drive.

Download the trial, then enter the number.
Adobe - Download free trial version Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 | Adobe

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    Hi JohnBNO,
    Are you on a managed network. Please refer the kb:
    Romit Sinha

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    - Delete the imported CD tracks
    - Download the tracks from iTunes
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    I just got a Canon powershot A630 camera. it's great. I was using iPhoto to download images and that was fine. But I thought the Image Browser software that came with the camera would offer more functionality. And i guess it does but I'm having a lot of difficulties with it.
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    At this point, I think I'll just go back to iPhoto, but if anyone has a solution, or other reasons why I should use Image Browser I'd love to hear.
    One more thing. The second Canon guy I talked with took me into "Image capture" utility and had me set the destination folder there. Don't see where that has any bearing on the activity at hand, though.
    Thanks a lot,
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    See my responses (marked "B-") interleaved with your great note...
    I love my Canon Powershot A620. The 630 looks
    awesome. My Image Browser is version 5.5, and I don't
    know what changed with the next versions.
    B- Yeah, the a630 is really nice. I previously had an A40 and this is a major step up.
    Anyway, the second Canon guy sounds a bit more
    knowlegdeable about Macs. The preferences in Image
    Capture are where you set which application (or none)
    opens automatically when the Mac detects a camera or
    card. So if setting it in Image Capture doesn't work,
    then I'm not sure what will. I'm afraid I can't
    answer your core question here about how to download
    to your preferred folder.
    B- Thanks for explaining that. It's very clear. I did not understand that from my conversation with the Canon rep.
    As for your choice of which app to use, consider
    this: Image Browser is just that - an application for
    browsing your hard drive and displaying the image
    files in various ways. iPhoto is NOT an image
    browser. It is a photo organizer with lightweight
    editing capabilities and limited version control.
    B- That's good to know, too. I was assuming that Imagebrowser was a substitute for iPhoto and I was hoping for increased funcionality. And it does have lots of stuff in it, which was more confusing than anything else.
    iPhoto is a database application, so when you use it
    you should NOT manipulate items in its library folder
    structure from within the Finder.
    B- yeah, I had discovered that
    With an image
    browser you always manipulate the files yourself from
    Finder. You alone are responsible for the
    organization of your images. With a database you
    manipulate your files from inside the application,
    and let it take care of the file management
    automatically. The two apps are incompatible. If you
    import your photos to iPhoto you should not access
    them using Image Browser, because you could damage
    the library. I know you weren't suggesting combining
    the two, I am just trying to highlight the
    differences between them.
    So ask yourself if you like iPhoto's capabilities. If
    you were happy with it before, then there's really no
    need to switch to Image Browser. It's like apples and
    ... cows (oranges are too similar) and the choice is
    up to you.
    B- the one thing I like so far about imagebrowser is the easy way to view the image full screen. Have not figured out how to do that in iPhoto.
    BUT, there is a task inside my Image Browser that I
    absolutely LOVE because it does something I can't do
    with iMovie. Its called "MovieEdit Task" in
    Applications>Image Browser>DVCUtility. It's a great
    little thing that lets you take separate video clips
    and combine them into one movie. It's much simpler
    than iMovie, and optimized to work with your Canon's
    video clips. (Whereas iMovie prefers miniDV tape.) It
    will allow you to rotate a video clip 90 degrees, so
    if you turned the camera on its side to record a
    movie clip you can rotate it to portrait view. I have
    done this and used the clip in iMovie, and it was
    perfect. Without it I would have needed an iMovie
    plug-in or had to buy QuickTime Pro.
    B- I'll have to look into that. I also have a digital camcorder and have used iMovie. And I'll definitely look into the rotation. My novice friend used my camcorder and shot a bunch of shots of our band with the camcorder rotated 90 degrees.
    So, I sometimes use Image Browser due to the way it
    handles video clips. Here, it is superior to iPhoto.
    But for every day use and for the storage,
    organization, and manipulation of my photos, I use
    iPhoto (in conjunction with PhotoShop Elements for
    real editing).
    Just my 4¢.
    B- Thanks for the great letter!
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Maybe it is in the Purchased category of iTunes,
    Try going there

  • Downloads going into wrong folder

    I have it set up so that when downloading any apps etc from the iTunes store that they go into a specific folder, but they are being downloaded into the default C: Users/my name/My Music/iTunes/mobile applications every time.
    Obviously I can copy them over if I want to but want to know why they are being installed there instead of the folder I want to which is specified under preferences.
    Anyway of resolving this?

    Use the menus File > LIbrary > Organize Library... > Reorganize files in the folder "<Media Folder>" then File > LIbrary > Organize Library... > Consolidate files...
    You can then delete the now redundant Mobile Applications folder on C: and iPod Games, Ringtones or Tones if they exist.
    The first command will restucture your library so that all music moves from
    <Media Folder>\<Artist>\<Album>\## <Name> to
    <Media Folder>\Music\<Artist>\<Album>\## <Name>
    which is the default layout for new libraries.

  • Downloads disappear from folder

    I have downloaded some music and when it has completed the task, the download file disappears. Hasn't done this before, files always remain in download folder.

    Launch Finder.
    Finder > File > Find
    When the Finder window opens up, enter the name of the music file in the search box at the top right corner.
    It will show up in the Finder under “Name”.
    Right click on it and select “Reveal in Finder” from contextual menu.
    The resulting Finder window will show the location.


    I have founbd a further problem somewhat related to my previous posting today.
    My Windows live Mail is downloading the emails which BT has been moved to the trash folder.  Surely if they have been regarded as trash, it should not be possible for them to be downloaded.  I thought only the inbox was downloaded.
    If this is not the case, how do I stop what BT regards as trash, from being downloaded.
    Thanks again,

    Have you checked your BT Mail settings? There are options to switch spam filtering on or off under "Spam settings for POP users".
    You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

  • Downloads saving to wrong location

    I changed the value for Downloads, Save Files to My Documents\Downloads but files are still being saved to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp.

    Oh right i forgot the first answer to every problem is "reinstall firefox".
    Does anyone have a suggestion that does not involve reinstalling firefox and wiping my profile?

  • I have upgraded from 3.5 to 4.1 , it downloads to the folder but still uses the 3.5

    I'm getting an urgent to update on my screen so I have updated from 3.5 to 4.1 , it has down loaded to the firefox folder but still brings up the old firerfox.
    I have downloaded it 3 times and rebooted around 6 times but still the same screen telling me to upgrade as the older version is not now protected.
    Kind Regards

    It looks that the update wasn't successful because your "More system details" list still shows a Firefox 3.5.19 version.
    If there are problems with updating then best is to download the full version and uninstall the currently installed version.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    * Firefox 4.0.x:
    * Firefox 3.6.x:
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version.
    * Do not remove personal data when you uninstall the current version.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other profile data are stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder] and won't be affected by a reinstall, but make sure that you do not select to remove personal data if you uninstall Firefox.

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