![CDATA[null]] + flash.xml.Xml

how to make Xml work with <![CDATA[null]]>? Now if to deal with something like <node><![CDATA[null]]></node> an exception will be thrown.

What exception? Post full error.

Similar Messages

  • How to link pdf file in flash by xml ??

    how to link pdf file in flash by xml ??

    try to give <a href="your address">My Pdf</a>
    and your textfield should be html enabled
    mytextField.htmlText=your xml text

  • How to edit bitmap which is imported in flash using xml and save the edited bitmap back to xml in flash.

    hi all
    It would be appreciated if any one let me know how to edit
    bitmap which is imported in flash using xml and save the edited
    bitmap back to xml in flash.
    Is it posible to save the bitmap data in flash?
    thanks in advance

    Yes you can... but like I said before you need to upload the
    data from the changes you make to a server.
    In terms of the solution... its unlikely that you'll find one
    specifically for your needs. You will have to learn whatever you
    don't know how already and maybe adapt some existing examples to
    your needs.
    To change the visual state of a movie clip... you just do all
    the regular things that you want to do to it using flash... scale,
    rotation, drawing API , textfields etc in actionscript. If you
    don't know how to how to do that stuff, then you need to learn that
    first. That's basic actionscript.
    You can capture the visual state of a movieclip using the
    BitmapData class. That includes a loaded jpeg. You can also
    manipulate bimatp data using the same class. You should read up on
    that if you don't know how to use it or check out the examples
    below for uploading info.
    For uploading to the server:
    Here's an as2 solution that took 15 secs to find using
    If you're using as3, google search for "jpeg encoder as3" and
    look through that info. There are also historical answers in the
    forums here related to this type of thing that might help as

  • Flash Lite XML Driven Gallery Simple Question

    Hello Flash Lite Gurus',
    Someone Named "Mr. Samir K. Dash;" did a wonderful tutorial regarding Flash Lite XML driven Photo Gallery, and I have just a small question:
    1> I changed the attributes schema of the xml as attached and noticed that it is not working, and I wonder what could be the reason (please see the attached XML new attribute schema, I didn't change fields names, I just changed the way the attributes' schema looks like).
    The link to the tutorial is the following:
    Looking forward to your help
    best regards

    As I look at your modified XML file, you need to make major changes in the script.
    You have changed the attributes to become child nodes. So, you will need to use firstChild.nodeValue or childNodes[i].nodeValue everywhere.
    Hemanth Sharma

  • Flash and XML help : (

    Hi all
    bit of a newbie, so probably quite easy if you know how:eek:
    would anyone beable to help with sorting out an XML file, what I have is a tooltip that loads in via XML and exported from flash. the XML loads in 2 text fields,  field and field2.
    what I am trying to do is add a button also to the tooltip so that you can click and go to a url.
    would anyone beable to help with this.
    this is what I have in my XML file;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        title="Food Fight"
        text="Information here!" />
    this loads in 2 text fields.
    this is what I have in my AS;
                  var tooltip:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
          //tooltip.buttonMode = false; 
                    tooltip.field.text = titles;//loads tooltip 1
                    tooltip.field2.text = texts;//loads tool tip 2
    I thought I could do something like this but I seem to be getting errors
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        title="Food Fight"
        text="Information here!"
                 button="click to view/>
    and in my AS
    var tooltip:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
                    //tooltip.buttonMode = false; 
                    tooltip.field.text = titles;//loads tooltip 1
                    tooltip.field2.text = texts;//loads tool tip 2
                    tooltip.field3.text = buttons;//loads tool tip 3
    but just not working, what am I doing wrong:yikes:
    many thanks for any help!

    hi Saransoft
    thanks for that, thats great, yes it seesm to work I now have an extra text field with the menu that is the button, I have put my XML like this, is it correct
    <image name="image 2" path="img/img2.jpg"
      title="Jazz Time"
      button="Click for URL"  />   //NEW THAT I ADDED FOR THE BUTTON IS THIS CORRECT?
    Now that I have another text for the button my final thing is getting it to be click able and go to a URL when you the text button is clicked. can I do this just in the XML file or is there also more to be added to the AS...aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrghhhhh!!!!
    many thanks for your help??

  • Automating multi-file Flash using XML file "run list"

    I've created a multi-file interactive Flash "demo" for a client. It's very much like a website (though he's not using it as a website) in the way that it is laid out in that there is a main index page which can then direct you to different product categories, which you can click on to see. Each "page" contains product (or product category) information, photos, block diagrams, etc. There is nothing animated in the Flash.
    My client also wants to be able to set it up so that the demo runs automatically from a configurable XML file. My ActionScript skills are pretty limited, but I've been able to using ActionScript 3 to load and read the XML file. Using a 'for' loop, I am able to read the XML file and return the path of each Flash file and the duration that each file should be displayed (my client requested that he be able to configure the duration of each page as well).
    I've set up a loader for each movie clip and a timer for the display duration. Unfortunately, the thing that is throwing me off is that when I attempt to load the movie clip (as the last item in the for loop), it reads the entire XML file, returns all of the clips and durations (I'm using trace to see this) before it loads the movie clip. As a result, the only movie clip that is loaded is the last one read from the XML file.
    As I said, I'm not very good at ActionScript, so everything that I've managed to cobble together has been from internet tutorials.
    This is my code:
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    var mcLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    mcLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, playClip);
    var mcCurrent:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var xml:XML;
    function playClip(e:Event):void
        mcCurrent = MovieClip(mcLoader.content);
    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void
        trace("Function: xmlLoaded");
        xml = new XML(e.target.data);
        var cl:XMLList = xml.clip;
        for(var i:uint=0; i<cl.length(); i++)
            trace("Begin 'for' loop");
            trace("variable 'i' is" + i);
            var clipPath = cl[i].@path;
            var delay = cl[i].@duration;
            trace("Clip path is " + clipPath);
            trace("Display for " + delay);
            mcLoader.load(new URLRequest(clipPath));
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("filerunlist.xml"));
    I removed the timer event because it, like everything else was getting repeated before anything got loaded, so I wanted to figure out out to get the clip loader (mcLoader) to load the movie clip for each file before I figured out where to put the time to ensure that each clip is displayed for the appropriate duration. I suspect that the timer event needs to occur in the 'playClip' function, but would take advice on that as well.
    Thanks to anyone that can help me figure this out.

    What you need to do in the xml parsing function is to simply store all of the data into an array.  You will then use that array one element after another via whatever timer control you set up, accessing each file in the order they are stored in the array.  You will not do any loading in that function, just data storage, and when you are done, the last line in that function, outside of the loop, will trigger whatever function you have that will start processing the first item in the array.
    Example, storing data objects in the array...
    var clipData:Array = new Array();   // store your xml data here
    var clipToShow:uint = 0;                   // use this later in the showClip function
    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void
        trace("Function: xmlLoaded");
        xml = new XML(e.target.data);
        var cl:XMLList = xml.clip;
        for(var i:uint=0; i<cl.length(); i++)
            clipArray.push( { clipPath: cl[i].@path, delay: cl[i].@duration } );
    function showClip(){
         // do whatever to process loading clipArray[clipToShow].clipPath
         // and using clipArray[clipToShow].delay for starting whatever timer is involved
         // the timer event handler function will call this function when it is executed
         clipToShow += 1;   // increment the counter for the next clip in line
    If you are not comfortable/familiar with the object approach, then you could also store the clip and delay data in two separate arrays.

  • How to export string in CDATA with the jaxb xml writer?

    How to export string in CDATA with the jaxb xml writer?
    It read CDATA no problem but it is lost on write.

    Found it:
    (Not tested with any other)
    In the xsd, you must create a type for your string-like element.
    Then associate a data type converter class to this new type, which will produce CDATA tags.
    Then you must set a custom characterEscapeHandler to avoid the default xml escaping in order to preserve the previously produced CDATA tag.
    Good luck.
    -----type converter-----
    import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
    public class ExpressionConverter {
         * Convert an expression from an XML file into an internal representation. JAXB will
         * probably have already stripped off the CDATA encapsulation. As a result, this method
         * simply invokes the JAXB type conversion for strings but does not take any other action.
         * @param text an XML-compliant expression
         * @return a pure string expression
         public static String parse(String text) {
              String result = DatatypeConverter.parseString(text);
              return result;
         * Convert an expression from its internal representation to an XML-compliant version.
         * This method will simply surround the string in a CDATA block and return the result.
         * @param text a pure string expression
         * @return the expression encapsulated within a CDATA block
         public static String print(String text) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() + 20); //should add the length of the CDATA tags + 8 EOLs to be safe
              sb.append(wrapLines(text, 80));
              return DatatypeConverter.printString(sb.toString());
         * Provides line-wrapping for long text strings. EOL indicators are inserted at
         * word boundaries once a specified line-length has been exceeded.
         * @param text the string to be wrapped
         * @param lineLength the maximum number of characters that should be included in a single line
         * @return the new string with appropriate EOL insertions
         private static String wrapLines(String text, int lineLength) {
              //wrap logic, watchout for quoted strings!!!!
              return text;
    ------in caller----
    Marshaller writer = ......
    writer.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.characterEscapeHandler", new NoCharacterEscapeHandler());
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.Writer;
    import com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.CharacterEscapeHandler;
    public class NoCharacterEscapeHandler implements CharacterEscapeHandler {
         * Escape characters inside the buffer and send the output to the writer.
         * @param buf buffer of characters to be encoded
         * @param start the index position of the first character that should be encoded
         * @param len the number of characters that should be encoded
         * @param isAttValue true, if the buffer represents an XML tag attribute
         * @param out the output stream
         * @throws IOException if the writing process fails
         public void escape(char[] buf, int start, int len, boolean isAttValue, Writer out) throws IOException {
              for (int i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
                   char ch = buf;
                   if (isAttValue) {
                        // isAttValue is set to true when the marshaller is processing
                        // attribute values. Inside attribute values, there are more
                        // things you need to escape, usually.
                        if (ch == '&') {
                        } else if (ch == '>') {
                        } else if (ch == '<') {
                        } else if (ch == '"') {
                        } else if (ch == '\'') {
                        } else if (ch > 0x7F) {
                             // escape everything above ASCII to &#xXXXX;
                        } else {
                   } else {

  • Flash and XML

    I am very new to Flash.  I recently came across a tutorial while trying to learn a bit more about using XML with FLASH. I apologize if this question is to open ended. The tutorial was for a simple carousel with a secondary state with a text field. I have 3 questions:
    1) would it be possible for me to build a function into a single XML element with in that secondary state.  For instance, if I wanted to play a mc, in just one of the images released state.
    2) Can i make embedded links (hyperlinks?), that are unique to each xml line?
    3) What is the best file format to maintain scalable vector art in XML
    Here is the as code implemented from the tutorial:
        import flash.display.Stage
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
    import mx.utils.Delegate;
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var radiusX:Number = 270;
    var radiusY:Number = 70;
    var centerX:Number = Stage.width / 2;
    var centerY:Number = Stage.height / 1.4;
    var speed:Number = .005;
    var perspective:Number = 300;
    var home:MovieClip = this;
    theText._alpha = 0;
    var tooltip:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("tooltip","tooltip",10000);
    tooltip._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = function()
    var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    numOfItems = nodes.length;
    for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
    var t = home.attachMovie("item","item"+i,i+1);
    t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems);
    t.onEnterFrame = mover;
    t.toolText = nodes[i].attributes.tooltip;
    t.content = nodes[i].attributes.content;
    t.icon.onRollOver = over;
    t.icon.onRollOut = out;
    t.icon.onRelease = released;
    function over()
    var sou:Sound = new Sound();
    home.tooltip.tipText.text = this._parent.toolText;
    home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
    home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent._height/2;
    home.tooltip.onEnterFrame = Delegate.create(this,moveTip);
    home.tooltip._alpha = 100;
    function out()
    delete home.tooltip.onEnterFrame;
    home.tooltip._alpha = 0;
    function released()
    var sou:Sound = new Sound();
    home.tooltip._alpha = 0;
    for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
    var t:MovieClip = home["item"+i];
    t.xPos = t._x;
    t.yPos = t._y;
    t.theScale = t._xscale;
    delete t.icon.onRollOver;
    delete t.icon.onRollOut;
    delete t.icon.onRelease;
    delete t.onEnterFrame;
    if(t != this._parent)
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,0,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,0,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,1,true);
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,100,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,100,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,200,1,true);
    var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,320,1,true);
    var tw5:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
    theText.text = t.content;
    var s:Object = this;
    tw.onMotionStopped = function()
    s.onRelease = unReleased;
    function unReleased()
    var sou:Sound = new Sound();
    delete this.onRelease;
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,0.5,true);
    for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
    var t:MovieClip = home["item"+i];
    if(t != this._parent)
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,t.xPos,1,true);
    var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,t.yPos,1,true);
    tw.onMotionStopped = function()
    for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
    var t:MovieClip = home["item"+i];
    t.icon.onRollOver = Delegate.create(t.icon,over);
    t.icon.onRollOut = Delegate.create(t.icon,out);
    t.icon.onRelease = Delegate.create(t.icon,released);
    t.onEnterFrame = mover;
    function moveTip()
    home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
    home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent._height/2;
    function mover()
    this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
    this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
    var s = (this._y - perspective) /(centerY+radiusY-perspective);
    this._xscale = this._yscale = s*150;
    this.angle += this._parent.speed;
    this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100);
    this.onMouseMove = function()
    speed = (this._xmouse-centerX)/30500;
    Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

    Thanks for the response on the first two.  I'll give it a shot.  I'll try and make the third question a bit clearer.  I get the first part, I'm referencing images. I started by using png files and the images just were not looking great with the motion.  I than went hunting for some tutorials on whether I could use ai or eps in xml hoping to find improvement (scalable vector art), the general consensus seemed to be no, the suggestion seemed to be to use a SVG file.  Flash seemed to recognize the images but not display them (I showed no compiler errors initially but broke the names got unfound URLS).  I than found a suggestion to use SWF's exported from AI, which worked fine but gave little improvement.  I am looking for a response on the general consensus on the best quality image file format that I can maintain through XML and Flash? A preference I guess.  Thanks Again.

  • Custom Map in flash using XML data for dynamic map and point of intrest loading...

    Been some time since I have used Flash for anything...
    I'm working on a little project to dynamically build a map
    and set points of interest on the map. At this time I have the
    (mySQL) data being queried and formatted with PHP and pushing the
    data to Flash as XML.
    In starting the project I'm a bit lost... I mean I have my
    data and a good XML format but as it is I'm lost on parsing the
    data in Flash and assigning its values to movie clips or other...
    I've looked at the Loader Component and the XML Connector
    Component and find I can get that to work at all...
    My second though was to create a single movie clip on stage
    and give it an instance name of "Background" and have it load the
    URL of an image given in the attached XML doc... Node "a_zone" and
    the value given to attribute "image"... But this brings me back to
    square one of not quite understanding Flash and parsing XML... With
    this second idea I would use AS to create a movie clip, set it's X
    & Y cords and load an image to it based on the XML attributes
    listed in the "Gatherable" node (one for each node).
    Any suggestions, examples or related info is welcome...
    Thanks in advance!

    Okay, that really wasn't what I was looking for... But I did
    go back and RTM :-)
    Here's what I have... 1st frame:
    2nd Layer: movieclip with the instance name "currentPicture"
    The image loads into "currentPicture" from the URL given in
    the XML "a_zone" node attribute "image" just fine....
    But I'm not able to grab the attributes of each "Gatherable"
    node it seems... am I missing something or just not pointing to the
    right node?
    I keep getting:
    Error opening URL
    Error opening URL
    Error opening URL

  • Flash AS3 & XML

    I was wondering if someone can help me.  I am doing a project that consists of AS3 in flash an importing an external xml data that will populate dynamic data in text fields in my flash project.  The xml is all ready set up  (pre exsisting)  data. The structure of the XML Code looks like this:
    <GlobalDynamicData xmlns:xsi"http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance">
    <schema version 1.0.0>version 1</schemaversion>
    <DataField> AlertOn</DataField>
    <DataField> AlertImage1</DataField>
    Yes,  as you can see the XML  was created  with the same  "DynamicDataField" and "DataField"  for all information data.  (There is 4 pages of data with the same structure) I am confused and I dont know how to create the ActionScript to pull this data in my .swf    The only way I know how to dynamically populate text fields using XML and actionscript  is the code below:
    My action script-------->
    my xml document is called: CMS_GD_AlertData.xml
    <owner_name> example</owner_name>
    <steve_name>  example2   </steve_name>
    <jack_name>   example3   </jack_name>
    <ken_name>   example4   </ken_name>
    <AlertVicOther> example 5</AlertVicOther>
    Then my instance name for the dynamic text box is called: ownerName_txt, steve_txt, jack_text......  (etc)
    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    var XML_URL:String = "CMS_GD_AlertData.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
        myXML = XML(myLoader.data);
    var xmlDoc:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
        xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
        var menuXML:XML = XML(myLoader.data);
    for each (var ConfigItems:XML in myXML..ConfigureItems) {
            // Set the external values into local vars for simpler script use below
        var ownerName:String = ConfigItems.owner_name.toString();
    var steveName:String = ConfigItems.steve_name.toString();
    var jackName:String = ConfigItems.jack_name.toString();
    var AlertVicOther:String = ConfigItems.AlertVicOther.toString();
        var bgColor:String = ConfigItems.background_color.toString();
        var bgSize:Number = ConfigItems.background_size.toString();
            // And apply those variables now to the stage elements or whatever the use
        ownerName_txt.text = ownerName;
    steve_txt.text = steveName;
    jack_text.text = jackName;
    message_text.text = AlertVicOther;
        myBG.width = bgSize;
        myBG.height = bgSize;
    which works fine, 
    My question to everyone is How do tell flash to pull specific dynamic data if all the datafields are exactly the same... I would think all data fields that are named have to be diffrent  so when you script the code you are telling flash to go to that data source and pull from that record.  if you have the same naming convention how does flash know which one to pull from if they all have the same name..
    Please help.
    thank you

    Try to work thru the tutorial linked below, and maybe you can gain some insight as to how to deal with an xml structure that has multiple sets of data.

  • Reference a DSL from CDATA section in an Xml file

    I use a DSL along with some XML files in an Eclipse project. I would like to reference some of the DSL entities from within a CDATA section in the XML files and provide content assist for doing so.
    Would I need to define a DSL for the XML and then implement some DSL cross referencing ?
    Would I lose the default XML features of Eclipse if I do so ?
    Is there a way to overload the XML support built into Eclipse for implementing this ?

    I don't know about the extension capabilities of the XML editor. You would need to investigate how this editor can be extended first. This might be a question for Eclipse Web Tools Platform, if you use that XML editor (there are several XML editor plugins available).

  • XML Publisher (Converting (.xml )XML file into (.xsd)XMLSchema)

    How to convert (.xml) XML file into (.xsd.) XML Schema.
    Please help me out.

    Actually We have to generate reports using XML Publisher.For this we gone through the documents provided by XML Publisher.As per Pusher documents we followed the steps.
    Taken the Oracle Apps Report.Converted into .xml file then converted into XML Schema (.xsd) by using Stylus studio.
    Now we are not able to create .rtf file.
    please help us.

  • Adding CDATA to an existing xml and flash asset

    Hi, I am a front end web designer/developer and
    analyst...struggling with putting an accordian flash xml menu
    together. I have it done except I need to add a simple trademark
    symbol circle with r. I am struggling with how to do this since I
    am not savvy in actioncript. I assume the best way is to add it is
    with a CDATA child node, but do not know how or whatever is the
    best way to get this done since am on a tight deadline. I need
    someone to explain step by step what I have to do to get this
    simple addition resolved. Attached are the links to home page and
    code for the xml file. The left navigation is the asset that I need
    to add the trademark symbol under about, about ADHERE. Thanks so
    much in advance!!!!!!
    page with flash xml menu asset[/URL]
    xml code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <item name="HOME">
    <item name="ABOUT">
    <item name= "ABOUT
    <item name="Medical Information" url="
    <item name="About SCIOS" url="
    <item name="Indications and Usage" url="
    <item name="Contraindications" url="
    <item name="Warnings" url="
    <item name="Dosage and Administration" url="
    <item name="RESOURCES AND TOOLS">
    <item name="NATRECOR PI" url="
    <item name="About Heart Failure" url="
    <item name="Stages of Heart Failure" url="
    <item name="NATRECOR Dosing Information" url="
    <item name="Patient Management Resources" url="
    <item name="REGISTRATION ref=http://www.jnj.com">
    FLASH actionscript is as follows:
    // The accordion
    var accordion = this
    // The item list
    var itemList = []
    // Separation between the buttons
    var separation = 1.5
    // Tabulation between the buttons and the margin
    var tabulation = 10
    // if true, it cant be more than one items opened at the same
    time (only for the first buttons, POWERFUL, MENU ,ACCORDION, ets).
    var autoClose = true
    // if true, it cant be more than one subItems opened at the
    same time.
    var subItemAutoClose = true
    // if true, open and close all the subItems at the same time.
    var openAll = false
    // The height of the button
    var itemHeight = 21
    // The width of the button
    var itemWidth = 230
    // If true, show the light over the button
    var light = true
    // The ease of the menu opening
    var openEase = 2.5
    // The ease of the menu closing
    var closeEase = 2.5
    // The rollOut color fade speed
    var rollOutFade = 8
    // The color of the button
    var buttonColor = 0xa
    // The roll over color
    var rollOverColor = 0xCCCCCC
    // The arrow color
    var arrowColor = 0xCCCCCC
    // The arrow color on roll over
    var rollOverArrowColor = 0x000000
    // The text color
    var TextColor = 0xFFFFFF
    // The text color on roll over
    var rollOverText = 0x000000
    // The xml data
    var xmlSource:XML = new XML
    // Loading the xml
    xmlSource.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void {
    // When the load finishs...
    if (success) {
    // The first node of the xml
    xmlRoot = xmlSource.firstChild
    // The item nodes
    xmlItems = xmlRoot.childNodes
    // The total of items
    total = xmlItems.length
    // Creating the buttons
    for (i=0; i<total; i++){
    // Attaching the buttons
    accordion.attachMovie("item", "item" + i, i)
    // The button reference
    = accordion["item"+i]
    // The first node of the item node
    itemList.xmlRoot = xmlItems
    // The separation between subitems
    itemList.separation = separation
    // Tabulation between the subitems and the margin
    .tabulation = tabulation
    // subItems auto close
    itemList.subItemAutoClose = subItemAutoClose
    // The subitems height
    .itemHeight = itemHeight
    // The subitems width
    itemList.itemWidth = itemWidth
    // shows/hides the subitems light
    .light = light
    // The subitems color
    itemList.buttonColor = buttonColor
    // The roll over color
    .rollOverColor = rollOverColor
    // The arrow color
    itemList.arrowColor = arrowColor
    // the arrow color on roll over
    .rollOverArrowColor = rollOverArrowColor
    // The text color
    itemList.TextColor = TextColor
    // The roll over text color
    .rollOverText = rollOverText
    // the opening easing
    itemList.openEase = openEase
    // The closing easing
    .closeEase = closeEase
    // The roll over fade speed
    itemList.rollOutFade = rollOutFade
    // open all
    .openAll = openAll
    // ignore white
    xmlSource.ignoreWhite = true;
    // Loads the .xml file
    // Aligning the items each one below the other
    // Does the align to ALL the items
    for (i=1; i<total; i++){
    // Aligning the items
    itemList._y = itemList[i-1]._y +
    itemList[i-1].mask._height + itemList[i-1].button._height +
    // The cursor position
    cursor._x = _xmouse
    cursor._y = _ymouse
    // Opens the items
    onMouseDown = function (){
    // Does this to all the buttons
    for (i=0; i<total; i++){
    // If is clicked
    if (itemList
    // Shows the current item
    // Shows the button clicked
    // Does this to all the buttons
    for (i=0; i<total; i++){
    // Does this to all the buttons exept the clicked
    if (itemList
    // Close the other items if autoclose = true
    if (autoClose){
    // Close the other items
    // fades the roll over effect of the other items
    .over = false
    //Does this to the clcked item only
    } else {
    // If it has sub items
    if (total>0){
    //Hides them if its open
    if (itemList.openBox){
    //Shows them if its closed
    } else {
    // If it has no subitems goes to the link
    } else {
    getURL(xmlRoot.attributes.url, _self)

    Please don't cross-post in a bunch of forums. Also when
    adding code to a post, please use the attach code button. That
    keeps the formatting and makes it easier to read. Your code is far
    too long and way to unformatted to really understand quickly.
    I don't know why you would need a CDATA node to get the
    registered symbol. If the XML file you are working with is saved as
    unicode (UTF-8) the symbol should come across just fine. Just
    putting the UTF-8 at the beginning doesn't tell whatever program
    you are using to save as UTF-8!
    Do you know how to make the registered symbol? On windows it
    is ALT -0174 (use the keypad for those numbers).
    Once you've got the symbol in your XML the next step is to
    check if Flash is loading it correctly. When you are in the testing
    environment go to the Debug menu and select List Variables. The
    trace window will show all the variables -- and there are probably
    a lot! Search/Find something close to the symbol and see if the
    trace window shows the symbol correctly. If it does then Flash is
    readying it correctly and if it isn't showing you have problems
    with your textfield. If it isn't showing correctly then your XML
    file isn't UTF-8.
    If it is textfield problems I wouldn't know what to do since
    it is inside a component. Post back with your findings.

  • Convert XML "values" to be passed as CDATA into Flash

    Hello all,
    I found the following XML - Flash quiz template on the net
    and I was wondering how can I adapt the XML doc to pass CDATA
    instead of "Value". The code is currently sending the "answers"
    values into Flash as value, instead of values I will like to type
    the answers inside of CDATA tags. I don't know how and what to
    change in the XML as well as in the AS file.
    I tried to contact the author but no use, I guess his email
    is no more
    Please see the link
    where you can see and download the files. I will appreciatte your
    Mark this message as the answer.


  • Java, Flash and Xml, not able to getParent of xml files

    I am using Java as a server, with a macromedia flash front end (using flash remoting to connect the two). I am loading in xml files in my java application, and i am having some problems when i run this from flash.
    Whenever i use any getParent methods from the JDOM library on an Element variable i get an error sent back to my flash document.
    But when i run my java code using NetBeans it is fine, the code runs fine and the getParent methods are called fine.
    Is there somthing I need to know about the getParent methods which make them return exceptions ....
    The error says the service threw an exception during method invocation: null
    What does this mean, my method threw an exception in Java ???
    Any help would be much appreciated

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    Does anyone have any ideas on how to mount the JDOM.jar file properly

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