Center alignment not working fora ll groups

We are trying to center our visual within our blank white canvas, and we have multiple groups within the file. See image attached. When we select all groups then hit the center alignment button, only the bottom group becomes centered and nothing else. When we try to select all layers within the first group and hit it, everything moves except the color mask which stays in the original place.
This seems to be a glitch or bug that it's not working automatically for everything. We are using Adobe Photoshop CC, 2014.1.0 release

Ask in the PS forum and provide exact system and version info.

Similar Messages

  • Center alignment not working for all groups

    We are trying to center our visual within our blank white canvas, and we have multiple groups within the file. See image attached. When we select all groups then hit the center alignment button, only the bottom group becomes centered and nothing else. When we try to select all layers within the first group and hit it, everything moves except the color mask which stays in the original place.
    This seems to be a glitch or bug that it's not working automatically for everything.

    Ask in the PS forum and provide exact system and version info.

  • CAS SSO not working for VPN Group

    I am trying to get SSO working for a CAS/CAM in a inband virtual gateway for VPN users coming in off a ASA5520. There are two VPN groups each with its own group policy and tunnel group. One group uses a Windows IAS Radius Server and the other a token based RADIUS RSA device.
    Users use the AnyConnect client to connect to the ASA where they are dumped into a vlan. SSO works for the group that uses the Winodws radius server. On the CAS the Cisco VPN Auth server has the Unauthenticated Group as the default group, and then I use mapping rules (Framed_IP_Address) to get the different vpn groups into the right roles. This works for the one group, but since SSO is not working on the second group the CAS never gets the chance to assign them into the correct role.
    The only thing I got is this from the ASA:
    AAA Marking RADIUS server billybob in aaa-server group cas_accounting as ACTIVE
    AAA Marking RADIUS server billybob in aaa-server group cas_accounting as FAILED
    I am so close but cant call this done yet....

    Hey Faisel,
    Thanks for the question.
    This is the stange thing. For days Group A (Windows Radius Server) was working and Group B (RSA Radius Server)  would not work. Then for some reason I had to reboot the CAS and BOOM...Group B started working and Group A STOPPED working.
    So on the ASA I now get these:
    AAA Marking RADIUS server cas2-hvn-3515 in aaa-server group cas_accounting2 as ACTIVE
    AAA Marking RADIUS server cas2-hvn-3515 in aaa-server group cas_accounting2 as FAILED
    Where cas_accounting2 is the AAA server group for Group A
    On the ASA I can see that the FW sends a packet to the cas:
    "send pkt cas2-hvn-3515/1813"
    but the FW never gets an answer back from the CAS for Group A whereas with Group B I can see the response from the CAS.
    "rad_vrfy() : response message verified"
    What can I look for in the CAS logs to see where the problem is. I will try and setup a packet capture on the CAS and debug it too.

  • Currency format and Right Align not working for messagetext in HGrid

    We are dynamically enabling MessageTextinput inside HGrid region, it is Number type and when we set readonly to True it become left align, and currency format also not working, I tried the below various options but nothing is working.
    Option : 1
    OAMessageTextInputBean attribute = (OAMessageTextInputBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Attribute"+i);
    Option :2
    OAWebBean amountDueBean2 = webBean.findChildRecursive("Attribute"+i);
    oracle.cabo.ui.validate.Formatter formatter2 = new OADecimalValidater("#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)","#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)");
    amountDueBean2.setAttributeValue(ON_SUBMIT_VALIDATER_ATTR, formatter2);
    etc options we tried
    amountDueBean2.setAttributeValue(OAWebBeanConstants.CURRENCY_CODE,"USD" );
    Please help on this issue.
    We are using Jdeveloper

    I don't know if my situation is the same as yours, but after a lot of head-scratching, forum searching and template rebuilding, I finally figured out my problem.
    I had one column that no matter what I did kept appearing in Excel as text. I'd format it to Number in Excel and nothing. When trying to sum the column, Excel would not recognize any of the values as numbers. I even did the reformatting on the XML Word template to number, and the currency format that Adam mentions. Still no go. The $ and ',' appeared, but column still formatted as string.
    I just finally noticed Adam's mention of the 2 extra spaces at the end of the numbers and sure enough mine was doing the same thing. Take out the 2 spaces and voila! Number!
    Every time I redid my template in Word (07 and 03), I used the wizard. (Add-ins>Insert>Table>Wizard) walked through the steps, not really changing anything. Then I would preview and the spaces would be there. The column that I was having problems with was the last column of the table, which would get the text 'end G_ASSIGNED_CC' inserted in after the field name - separated by 2 spaces. Once I took out these two spaces, so the column now shows 'COSTend G_ASSIGNED_CC', it worked fine in Excel - all numbers.
    Hope that helps someone out there as I was having a heck of a time finding anything (solutions anyway) on this.

  • Monthly and Yearly backups not working for Protection Group?

    We have a Protection Group with 160 members currently attached to it. The group has the following customized Recovery Points:-
    - 1 recovery point every 1 day for the last 2 weeks, 1 recovery point every 1 month for the last 60 months and 1 recovery point every year for the last 5 years.
    The schedule is as follows:-
    - Every Day at 01:00, Every Month on First Day at 01:00 and Every 12 Months on 01 January at 01:00.
    The daily tape backups are working fine without issue but neither the Monthly or Yearly backups are being attempted. We have checked the monthly backups for this issue for the last few months and are unable to see any evidence of the Monthly schedule even
    running? This means that we are having to manually label the Daily tapes once a month as Monthly tapes but they will then stay on the Reports for the next 5 years as DPM will constantly request these tapes back.
    Are you able to help with this matter?
    Not that we really want to do this but if we removed the group completely and re-create it would this cause problems with our restore points?

    This is a known issue that can occur in all current versions of
    DPM including DPM 2012, to correct the condition, you simply need to perform this step. Any time before the next scheduled (monthly or longer) backup, manually update
    the long term backup schedule by hitting the MODIFY button.  The code that runs when modifying the backup schedule redoes the bacup schedules and it fixes the scheduling issue. 
    Below is a DPM Power-shell script that will show you the scheduled backups for all recovery goals for all protection groups.  You can see the last time each recovery goal ran, and the NEXT run time, so you can monitor
    the goals and re-fix them if necessary.
    NOTE: It takes about 20-30 minutes before the fixed next run time schedule will be populated after modify the protection group and updating the schedule.
    # This script will list all currently scheduled backup to tape jobs #
    # It will list scheduled, last run and next run dates #
    # Note: The script takes in consideration that the DPM Database was installed locally on its #
    # Default instance. If SQL is installed on a different location/instance, edit the line #
    # that starts with $instance = '.\msdpm2010 #
    # Author : Wilson Souza #
    # Date Created : 1/13/2012 #
    # Last modified : 1/17/2012 #
    # Version : 1.0 #
    # This version of the script was only tested on DPM 2010 #
    param([string] $verbose)
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    $ConfirmPreference = 'None'
    $instance = '.\msdpm2010' # <---- If DPM Database is on a different location, edit this line accordinly
    $query = "use DPMDB
    CREATE FUNCTION label (@GUID varchar(36), @kindred varchar(4), @vault varchar(8))
    returns varchar (1024)
    declare @result varchar (1024)
    select @result = vaUltlabel from tbl_mm_vaultlabel where mediapoolid = @GUID and generation =
    case @kindred
    when 'Fath' Then '2'
    when 'Gran' then '1'
    when 'grea' Then '0'
    end and
    vault =
    case @vault
    when 'Offsite1' then '3'
    when 'Offsite2' then '4'
    when 'Offsite3' then '5'
    when 'Offsite4' then '6'
    when 'Offsite5' then '7'
    when 'Offsite6' then '8'
    when 'Offsite7' then '9'
    RETURN @result
    use DPMDB
    select ScheduleId as name
    ,def.JobDefinitionId as JD
    ,FriendlyName as PG
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),1,4) as SD
    ,jobs.date_created as SCD
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),1,4) + ' ' +
    SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),1,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),3,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),5,2) as LRD
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),1,4) + ' ' +
    SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),1,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),3,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),5,2) as NRD
    ,dbo.label ((substring(xml,(patindex('%MediaPoolId%',Xml))+13,36)), (substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4)), (substring(xml,(patindex('%vault%',Xml))+7,8))) as TL
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%vault%',Xml))+7,3) = 'off' then 'Long-Term'
    else 'Short-term'
    end as STLT
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Fath' then 'Recovery Goal 1'
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Gran' then 'Recovery Goal 2'
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Grea' then 'Recovery Goal 3'
    end as RG
    from tbl_SCH_ScheduleDefinition sch
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs
    ,tbl_JM_JobDefinition def
    ,DPMDB.dbo.tbl_IM_ProtectedGroup prot
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules jobsch
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps jobsteps
    ,msdb.dbo.sysschedules syssch
    where CAST(sch.ScheduleId as NCHAR (128)) =
    and def.JobDefinitionId = sch.JobDefinitionId
    and def.ProtectedGroupId = prot.ProtectedGroupId
    and jobs.job_id = jobsch.job_id
    and jobs.job_id = jobsteps.job_id
    and jobsch.schedule_id = syssch.schedule_id
    and (def.Type = '913afd2d-ed74-47bd-b7ea-d42055e5c2f1' or def.Type = 'B5A3D25C-8EB2-4032-9428-C852DA5CE2C5')
    and sch.IsDeleted = '0' and def.ProtectedGroupId is not null
    order by FriendlyName, next_run_date, next_run_time
    drop function label
    $result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instance -Query $query
    $count = 1
    write-host " The list below shows all scheduled backup to tape jobs (short term and long term)" -f green
    if ($verbose.ToLower() -eq '')
    write-host " For optimun output, set PoweShell Width for screen buffer size to at least 200" -f yellow; write-host
    write-host " Protection Group name Creation Date [Schedule Creation Date] [Last Run Date / time] [Next Sched Run Date/time] Goal type Recovery Goal # Custom Tape Label"
    write-host " ------------------------------ ------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- ---------- --------------- -----------------"
    foreach ($result1 in $result)
    if ($color -eq 'white') {$color = 'cyan'} else {$color = 'white'}
    write-host ("{0,2}"-f $count) -foreground green -nonewline
    write-host ( " - {0,-30} {1,-13} {2,-24} {3,-24} {4,-27} {5,-10} {6,15} " -f $result1.PG, $result1.SD, $result1.SCD, $result1.LRD, $result1.NRD, $result1.STLT, $result1.RG) -nonewline -f $color
    write-host $result1.TL -f yellow
    write-host " For optimun output, set PoweShell Width for screen buffer size to at least 110" -f yellow; write-host
    write-host " Protection Group Term Goal Tape Label"
    write-host " ------------------------------ ---------- --------------- --------------"
    foreach ($result1 in $result)
    if ($color -eq 'white') {$color = 'cyan'} else {$color = 'white'}
    write-host ("{0,2}"-f $count) -foreground green -nonewline
    write-host ( " - {0,-30} {1,-10} {2,15} " -f $result1.PG, $result1.STLT, $result1.RG) -nonewline -f $color
    write-host $result1.TL -f yellow
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    I cant seem to get this script to run.. can someone point out what might be missing..
    I've tried creating a shortcut like the following as well:
    Target: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -File "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
    DPM\DPM\bin\dpmcliinitscript.ps1" "C:\Data\scripts\scheduledjobs.ps1"
    Start in: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin\"
    If i run as admin in just takes you to a command line prompt in PS..
    Any thoughts on what is missing here.. i've modified the ps1 to reflect 2012 in my case.. 2012 R2
    Tech, the Universe, Everything:
    Ok, the 1.6 script works.. but only if i run it from the ps1 script file.. by right clicking it and doing the Run with Powershell option (non admin).. my shortcut doesnt work.. same issue.. it just goes to a power shell prompt.  The right click and
    run is non admin mode as well.
    When I run it with the right click it shows no jobs scheduled.. If i look in dpm 2012 r2 i see a yearly tape backup scheduled for today.. the script doesnt show me a way to also get the monthly to appear (i've set the monthly for a day later but it doesnt
    appear in the scheduled tasks for next 7 days).. i was under the impression this script would help force the monthly to appear/run.. but even the yearly that does show in DPM scheduled tasks isnt showing up with the script (maybe admin issue?)
    Tech, the Universe, Everything:

  • MG2100 Printer Head Alignment not working for color ink?

    I have a Canon MG2100, and I just changed the color ink. When I print something in color I get magenta lines through the image. I realized I had to align the heads and have been trying to do both the automatic and manual methods of aligning the printer heads. I click color every time, but when the printer prints the sheet I'm supposed to scan or input values, there are no color values printed, only the black and white? I assume it needs the color values since the manual has them... What am I doing wrong?
    Here's a picture: 

    Hi bgill93.
    First, please make sure that the ink installed in the printer is the correct ink.  The correct ink cartridges are the PG-240 black and the CL-241 color.
    Next, a test page should be printed.  The nozzle check pattern shows if each print head nozzle is operating properly.
     1.  Ensure that the printer is powered on and the LED displays a 1.
     2.  Open the paper output tray.
     3.  Load a sheet Letter-sized plain paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder.
     4.  Press the <Maintenance> button to display [A].  The Maintenance button is the button on the Operator's panel which has the wrench and screwdriver label above it.
     5.  Press the Black Start button. The machine will print a nozzle check pattern.  Please compare the test page that you printed with the one at the bottom of this post.
    If the test page does not match the example attached to this email, printhead cleanings should be performed.  To do this, please follow these steps:
     1.  Ensure that the printer is powered on and the LED displays a 1.
     2.  Press the <Maintenance> button once to display [H].
     3.  Press the Black Start button. The cleaning will commence.
    After performing a few cleanings, please print another test page.
    If you continue to have difficulties, it is recommended that the ink cartridges are replaced.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • Substitution written under cost center accounting is not working for tcode MB1B but working for MIGO_GI

    Hi All
    Do you know why this behaviour different for subtitution written under cost center accounting.
    We have written substitution using coding block table. Logic of substitution is in case of any GL maintained in a set is being used for posting , then we will replace the cost center with profit center vlaue. Reason being we have same naming convention for Cost center and Profit center.

    MB1B is t-code for stock transfer posting.
    Stock transfer posting generate FI document using balance sheet account, not P&L account.
    Because you don’t create cost elements using balance sheet accounts related to stock, I think that Substitution written under cost center accounting is not working for tcode MB1B is right.

  • Why is Cfgrid not working for me

    I am using CFMX7
    Why is this not working for me?
    This is Gridtest1.cfm
    <CFFORM align="center" ACTION="gridtest2.cfm"
    name="getstuff" >
    <cfinput type="HIDDEN" name="ID" value="" >
    <cfinput type="HIDDEN" name="customerno"
    <cfgrid name="Mygrid" width="960" query="getpermits"
    gridlines =
    "yes" rowheaders="yes"
    selectmode = "edit" height="350" >
    <cfgridcolumn name="id" bgcolor="##FFFFFF" header="ID"
    display="yes" WIDTH="40" select="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="permitno" bgcolor="##FFFFFF"
    No" display="yes" width="70" select="yes">
    <cfgridcolumn name="sortorder" bgcolor="##FFFFFF"
    header="SortOrder" display="yes" WIDTH="62" select="yes">
    <div align="center">
    <cfINPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save My Changes"
    This is GridTest2.cfm
    Form fields:
    Form values:
    <cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#"
    index="idx"><cfoutput>#idx# =
    <cfif isdefined ("form.savemychanges")>
    <cfgridupdate grid="mygrid" datasource = "divwt"
    tablename =
    "tankerpermits" keyonly="yes" >
    Output from TestGrid2.cfm reflects a �funny
    looking� grid name and I
    can see in the output that Permitno is definitely a defined
    Form fields:
    Form values:
    ID = 13
    CUSTOMERNO = 21691
    SAVEMYCHANGES = Save My Changes
    __CFGRID__GETSTUFF__MYGRID = __CFGRID__EDIT__=3 id N Permitno
    sortorder Y 1 U 571 z
    undefined in
    The error occurred in
    line 147
    Thanks in Advance

    Lorna, be careful. This could cause your comments
    to stop working. Blog comments are
    .......... Lorna says ................................................
    Allyson, your precaution comes on the heels of me realizing that if I put a song on a blog summary page, then I will have to edit the .js file every time I add a blog entry.
    Whereas MassReplaceIt could solve the problem there, the added issue of problems with comments is enough to make me stay away, so that is what I will do: No music within 250' of the blog guy.
    Lorna in Southern California

  • Software Update Point Switching is not working for some Clients

    Hi there,
    I found nothing similar here and I hope this is the right section.
    I´m running ConfigMgr 2012 R2 where one of the Site Systems from one of the Primaries is located in an untrusted Forest in a perimeter Network. The Site System there has the MP, SUP and DB Roles. In general it works great. The Systems in that untrusted Forest
    get the SCCM Agent pushed, see and can install published Software packages and receive Windows Updates. But there are a few systems where everything works, except Windows Updates.
    So I had a deeper look at what is happening and found out that the SUP switching is not working for them. They always try to contact the SUP from the Primary, which they cannot reach (this is intended).
    From how I understand SUP switching as described here
    the Windows Update Agent tries to connect to a SUP every 30 minutes and after 4 failed attempts he will try to connect to the next one until he finds one which works.
    As I said before, this seems to work for most systems in the untrusted forest, but some do not make any intentions to switch the SUP.
    So my next step was to find out from where the Update Agent can get the information of the available SUPs. I think they either don´t receive the information that other SUPs exist, or if the Information is there, they don´t realize that there´s an error and
    make no attempt to switch.
    I used the System Center Support Center to gather all Information from some of the systems with that problems (Log Files, WMI information, registry information, policies etc.) but I cannot find where SCCM or the Update Agent store the information which SUPs
    are available in my environment.
    I´m sure the problem is on the Systems which fail to connect to the right SUP and not in the SCCM infrastructure itself, because for most of the systems everything is working just perfect. Unfortunately in the Blog Post above there´s also no information
    where this information is stored and how it is obtained by the clients. In the comments there´s even one post which describes the same problem I have here, but there was no answer. I hope someone can point me into the right direction, because I´m stuck currently.
    Things I tried additionally to all the log file / WMI / registry sniffing:
    Removing the Software Distribution Folder and restarting the Windows Update Agent
    Removing the WindowsUpdate Registry folder in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Windows section in the Registry and restarting the Windows Update Agent.
    Tried to reset the WUAgent with wuauclt /Resetauthorization additionally to the steps above.
    I also tried to manually set the WUServer and WUStatusServer Keys in the registry to the new Server, but as soon as the next Update Scan cycle runs, the value is set back to the URL of the Primary Sites SUP
    Is someone having additional ideas? It seems to me older systems are more affected (which were configured for a standard WSUS before SCCM 2012 was deployed) than newer ones which were installed when SCCM was in place already. But I don´t know what else to
    "reset" on those machines without reinstalling them.

    Thank you very much for your response. I must have missed that one by looking through numerous Logfiles. In this, there´s indeed a list of all available SUPs. So according to the LocationServices.log the machine should have a choice.
    The WMI Key however, contains just one entry and this is the URL of the Primaries SUP which is not reachable in the untrusted forest. Is it OK that the WMI entry includes only one entry? If yes, what process is putting the results from the LocationServices
    into WMI? It seems like the Windows Update Agent is feeded from the WMI Key then. If this is the case my problems seems to be the "communication path" between these two components.
    Is this the job from the SCCM Agent, the Windows Update Agent or maybe some third component I´m not aware of? I wonder how I can fix this.

  • Search criteria is not working in Responsible Group field in sap crm could you please help me this how to achieve.

    search criteria is not working in Responsible Group field in sap crm could you please help me this how to achieve.I have writen code on EH_ONSEARCH .as per below...what changess i need to do..and through partner function and adding the selection params please send the sample .
    code. partner funtction - ZRG DATA :
    DATA : lv_partner_fct type .
    types: begin of ty_resp,
           partner    type but000-partner,
           name_last  type but000-name_last,
           name_first type but000-name_first,
           mc_name1   type but000-mc_name1,
           mc_name2   type but000-mc_name2,
           end of ty_resp.
    DATA: lv_resp_bp type STANDARD TABLE OF ty_resp INITIAL SIZE 0,
           lw_resp_bp type ty_resp.
    IF lv_attr_name = 'Rgroup'.
    lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = if_crm_srqm_uiu_const=>gc_attr_low
                                       IMPORTING ev_result = lv_low ).
    IF lv_low IS INITIAL.
    SELECT partner
    FROM but000 INTO table lv_resp_bp
    WHERE mc_name2 = lv_low and bu_group = '0010'.
    loop at lv_resp_bp into lw_resp_bp.
        lv_low = lw_resp_bp-mc_name2.
      lr_query_service2->add_selection_param( iv_attr_name = 'Rgroup'
                                                iv_sign = lv_sign
                                                iv_option = lv_option
                                                iv_low = lv_low
                                                iv_high = lv_high ).
    if lv_partner_fct = 'ZRG'.
      lr_entity = lr_iterator->get_next( ).
    lv_attr_name = 'BU_PARTNER'.

    <b>You can acheive   this .... first by creating the search help exit    ... by  creating the maintaince  view   then   using it in the   Creation of the search help </b> ...
    see the link for attaching the view   to the serach help .
    <a href="http://"></a>
    reward  points if it is usefull...

  • HP Officejet Pro L7590 Printer - HP Solution Center does not work

    I am not able to get the Solution Center suite to work because the installation has an error.  I am using Windows 7 Home Premium.  The printer I am installing is the HP Officejet Pro L7590.
    If I go to Devices and Printers and add the printer.  The driver Windows 7 driver would work, it would detect the printer and the test page and everything would be fine. 
    However, if I install using the software provided by HP for the L7590 it would result in an error and it would not work. 
    The failed driver installation is only from installing the full bundle software provided by HP, if by itself through Windows 7 it would be fine.
    Because of the failed installation using HP software the HP solution center does not work.
    In Devices and Printers, the printer has the yellow exclamation point requiring troubleshooting, I click on troubleshoot and no device drivers were found.  In addition, I could not remove the printer.  Before installing the HP software, I could successfully install the printer and there would be a green checkmark, and there would be an option to remove the printer.  This leads me to believe HP has a faulty software bug that is causing the error.
    I am suppose to use the HP add a printer shortcut that populated on my desktop after installing the software, the first time it would show the failure to successfully install the driver, afterwards it would not even detect my printer if it is plugged in.  If I remove the usb and reinsert it, the Windows would just show the failed driver.  I repeat, it failed after I install the software, it works fine without.  The primary reason I want the software is to use the scanning feature.

    Hello NickRT, and welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I see you are having software installation issues.  i would like to try and assist you.
    I would suggest Uninstalling the Printer Software.
    Once it is uninstalled, I would suggest putting your system into clean boot mode within the Microsoft configuration.  You can do so by following this document: How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
    Once the computer is in clean boot mode, I would reinstalling the HP Officejet Pro Full Feature Software and Driver.
    Good luck and please let me know the results of your troubleshooting steps. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

  • Auto resolve not working for cached outlook

    We recently migrated from Exchange 2007 to 2010. One thing we have noticed is that auto resolve (to alias name) is not working for Outlook in cached mode.  Not in cached mode or via owa, it seems to work fine.

    Does the issue happen to all users or some specific users?
    Please check whether the issue happens in Outlook Online mode. If the issue only happens in Cached mode but not in Outlook Online mode, please create a new Outlook profile to have a try.
    If it doesn't work, please restart Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007 then click Send/Receive > Send/Receive groups > Download Address Book to have a try.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • GPS Not working for E72

    My GPS is not working for E72. I can get my position but I think that is because of A-GPS enabled.
    I talked to customer care and they are saying "you must be in open space, no tall buildings etc" which is not practical.
    I tried for hours, it always says "waiting for GPS" but never gets any thing.
    It used to work earlier but then there was p problem [ no breathing light ] and I had to take it to serivce center, after that it never worked.
    My E72 software version date is 031.023
    custom version 031.023.c00.01
    ovi maps v3.04
    Please help!

    Hi purohit
    Of no consolation to you but this is a known issue to the maps team:/t5/Maps-Navigation-and-GPS/quot-Waiting-for-GPS-quot-problem-in-my-Nokia-E72/m-p/736353/highlight/t...
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • Tacacs not working for 5508

    Tacacs not working for 3 new 5508 WLC's...working fine for 6 old 4400 WLC's.
    before 7.116 code upgrade...I remember 5508 was working on and off and now they are not.
    Same configs on SW, WLC and ACS.
    Debug on WLC gives..below message when Tacacs is attempted..
    *aaaQueueReader: Oct 25 09:20:41.700: tplus_processAuthRequest: memory alloc failed for tplus
    Any pointers for troubleshooting? Not sure why statistics show zero...?? Radius is working for users.
    (wlc03) >show tacacs auth statistics
    Authentication Servers:
    Server Index..................................... 1
    Server Address...................................
    Msg Round Trip Time.............................. 0 (msec)
    First Requests................................... 0
    Retry Requests................................... 0
    Accept Responses................................. 0
    Reject Responses................................. 0
    Error Responses.................................. 0
    Restart Responses................................ 0
    Follow Responses................................. 0
    GetData Responses................................ 0
    Encrypt no secret Responses...................... 0
    Challenge Responses.............................. 0
    Malformed Msgs................................... 0
    Bad Authenticator Msgs........................... 0
    Timeout Requests................................. 0
    Unknowntype Msgs................................. 0
    Other Drops...................................... 0
    Server Index..................................... 2
    --More-- or (q)uit
    Server Address...................................
    Msg Round Trip Time.............................. 0 (msec)
    First Requests................................... 0
    Retry Requests................................... 0
    Accept Responses................................. 0
    Reject Responses................................. 0
    Error Responses.................................. 0
    Restart Responses................................ 0
    Follow Responses................................. 0
    GetData Responses................................ 0
    Encrypt no secret Responses...................... 0
    Challenge Responses.............................. 0
    Malformed Msgs................................... 0
    Bad Authenticator Msgs........................... 0
    Timeout Requests................................. 0
    Unknowntype Msgs................................. 0
    Other Drops...................................... 0
    (wlc03) >show tacacs summary
    Authentication Servers
    Idx  Server Address    Port    State     Tout
    1     49      Enabled   5    
    2      49      Enabled   5    
    Authorization Servers
    Idx  Server Address    Port    State     Tout
    1      49      Enabled   30   
    2     49      Enabled   5    
    Accounting Servers
    Idx  Server Address    Port    State     Tout
    1      49      Enabled   5 
    We can ping the TACACS servers...

    >show memory statistics
    System Memory Statistics:
    Total System Memory............: 1028820992 bytes
    Used System Memory.............: 458424320 bytes
    Free System Memory.............: 570396672 bytes
    Bytes allocated from RTOS......: 21939008 bytes
    Chunks Free....................: 29 bytes
    Number of mmapped regions......: 45
    Total space in mmapped regions.: 212779008 bytes
    Total allocated space..........: 12015112 bytes
    Total non-inuse space..........: 9923896 bytes
    Top-most releasable space......: 133800 bytes
    Total allocated (incl mmap)....: 234718016 bytes
    Total used (incl mmap).........: 224794120 bytes
    Total free (incl mmap).........: 9923896 bytes
    show buffers
    Pool[00]: 16 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    50000
        chunks in use:     19030
        bytes in use:      304480
        bytes requested:   90479 (214001 overhead bytes)
    Pool[01]: 64 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    40000
        chunks in use:     14519
        bytes in use:      929216
        bytes requested:   566395 (362821 overhead bytes)
    Pool[02]: 128 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    20000
        chunks in use:     7726
        bytes in use:      988928
        bytes requested:   672853 (316075 overhead bytes)
    Pool[03]: 256 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    4000
        chunks in use:     808
        bytes in use:      206848
        bytes requested:   154777 (52071 overhead bytes)
    Pool[04]: 1024 byte chunks
    --More-- or (q)uit
        chunks in pool:    15300
        chunks in use:     11645
        bytes in use:      11924480
        bytes requested:   4945714 (6978766 overhead bytes)
    Pool[05]: 2048 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    1000
        chunks in use:     189
        bytes in use:      387072
        bytes requested:   355272 (31800 overhead bytes)
    Pool[06]: 4096 byte chunks
        chunks in pool:    1000
        chunks in use:     36
        bytes in use:      147456
        bytes requested:   102479 (44977 overhead bytes)
    Raw Pool:
        chunks in use:     186
        bytes requested:   156052303
    show process memory
    Name               Priority       BytesInUse  BlocksInUse    Reaper
    cslStoreManager    (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    System Reset Task  (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    reaperWatcher      (  3/ 96)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   I
    osapiReaper        ( 10/ 94)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   I
    TempStatus         (240/  7)            424            1      (  0/  0)%   I
    pktDebugSocketTask (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    LICENSE AGENT      (240/  7)           2228           85      (  0/  0)%   I
    emWeb              (  7/ 95)        1235795        20743      (  0/  0)%   T 300
    webJavaTask        (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    fmcHsTask          (100/ 60)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apstatEngineTask   (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    rrcEngineTask      (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    spectrumDataTask   (255/  1)        1614480           12      (  0/  0)%
    spectrumNMSPTask   (255/  1)          28808            3      (  0/  0)%
    wipsTask           (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    tsmTask            (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    cids-cl Task       (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ethoipSocketTask   (  7/ 95)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ethoipOsapiMsgRcv  (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    envCtrollerStatus  (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    rfidTask           (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    idsTrackEventTask  (239/  8)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    DHCP Server        (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    bcastReceiveTask   (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ProcessLoggingTask (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    CDP Main           (240/  7)           3100           13      (  0/  0)%
    sntpMainTask       (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    sntpReceiveTask    (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    cdpSocketTask      (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    grouping Task      (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    dot11a             (255/  1)             63            3      (  0/  0)%
    rrm Socket Task    (  1/ 97)          35024            1      (  0/  0)%
    rrm Socket Task    (255/  1)          35024            1      (  0/  0)%
    dot11a             (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    grouping Task      (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    dot11b             (255/  1)            105            5      (  0/  0)%
    rrm Socket Task    (255/  1)          35024            1      (  0/  0)%
    dot11b             (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    rrm Socket Task    (255/  1)          35024            1      (  0/  0)%
    apfPmkCacheTimer   (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Apf Guest          (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    RLDP Schedule Task (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    apfMsConnTask_5    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_4    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_6    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_7    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_3    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_2    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfLbsTask         (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_0    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfMsConnTask_1    (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfProbeThread     (200/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfOrphanSocketTas (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfRogueDetectorTh (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfRogueTask       (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfOpenDtlSocket   (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfRLDP            (175/ 32)            424            1      (  0/  0)%
    apfRLDPRecv        (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    apfReceiveTask     (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    mmMfpTask          (175/ 32)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    mmMobility         (240/  7)           1272            3      (  0/  0)%
    mmSSHPeerRegister  (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    mmListen           (180/ 30)          99920          227      (  0/  0)%
    tplusTransportThre (201/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    radiusCoASupportTr (201/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    EAP Framework      (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    aaaQueueReader     (225/ 13)           3518           12      (  0/  0)%
    radiusRFC3576Trans (201/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    radiusTransportThr (201/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    pemReceiveTask     (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    iappSocketTask     (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ccxRmTask          (230/ 11)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ccxS69Task         (240/  7)            424            1      (  0/  0)%
    ccxDiagTask        (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    ccxL2RoamTask      (240/  7)         240424            3      (  0/  0)%
    dot1xSocketTask    (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_7 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_6 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_2 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_3 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_4 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_5 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_1 (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Dot1x_NW_MsgTask_0 (240/  7)            424            1      (  0/  0)%
    dot1xMsgTask       (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    locpTxServerTask   (220/ 15)            408            2      (  0/  0)%
    locpRxServerTask   (200/ 22)         428043         1961      (  0/  0)%
    capwapSocketTask   ( 72/ 70)         303104          148      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    spamApTask6        (118/ 53)          25929           63      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask7        ( 53/ 78)          24233           59      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask5        (118/ 53)          23445           61      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask4        (118/ 53)          23513           58      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask3        (118/ 53)          19569           48      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask2        ( 53/ 78)          23809           58      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask1        ( 53/ 78)          22961           56      (  0/  0)%
    spamApTask0        ( 78/ 68)          39189          106      (  0/  0)%
    spamReceiveTask    (120/ 52)        2204024          252      (  0/  0)%
    spamSocketTask     ( 32/ 85)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    Image License brok (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   I
    Image License brok (240/  7)             28            1      (  0/  0)%   I
    IPC Main Thread    (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   I
    License Client Lib (240/  7)             96            1      (  0/  0)%   I
    sshpmLscScepTask   (100/ 60)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    License Client Lib (240/  7)             96            1      (  0/  0)%   I
    sshpmLscTask       (100/ 60)          25783         1739      (  0/  0)%
    sshpmReceiveTask   (175/ 32)           6697           66      (  0/  0)%
    sshpmMainTask      (100/ 60)         208440          358      (  0/  0)%
    mfpKeyRefreshTask  (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    mfpEventTask       (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    mfpTrapForwardTask (255/  1)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    clientTroubleShoot (100/ 60)        2841248            4      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    loggerMainTask     (200/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    debugMainTask      (200/ 22)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    dot3ad_lac_task    (240/  7)          32901            3      (  0/  0)%
    gccp_t             (240/  7)           5864            5      (  0/  0)%
    dot1dTimer         (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   T 300
    dot1dRecv          (250/  3)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    uart_session       (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    StatsTask          (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    fdbTask            (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    broffu_SocketRecei (100/ 60)             13            1      (  0/  0)%
    SNMPProcMon        (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   T 300
    RMONTask           ( 71/ 71)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   I
    SNMPTask           (240/  7)          61089         1064      (  0/  0)%
    DHCP Socket Task   (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    DHCP Proxy Task    (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    dhcpClientTimerTas (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    DHCP Client Task   (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   T 600
    BootP              (240/  7)              0            0      (  0/  0)%   T 300
    TransferTask       (240/  7)            848            2      (  0/  0)%   I
    osapiTimer         (100/ 60)          13024            2      (  0/  0)%   T 300
    nim_t              (100/ 60)           2447            3      (  0/  0)%
    dtlArpTask         (  7/ 95)          98436            3      (  0/  0)%
    dtlTask            (100/ 60)          41089           20      (  0/  0)%
    --More-- or (q)uit
    dtlDataLowTask     (  7/ 95)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    sysapiprintf       (240/  7)          22657            3      (  0/  0)%
    osapiBsnTimer      ( 95/ 62)              0            0      (  0/  0)%
    fp_main_task       (240/  7)       153068796        26868      (  0/  0)%

  • Search suggestion not working for anonymous user in sharepoint 2013

    Hi ,
    Please help on this search suggestion not working for anonymous user in sharepoint 2013

    You can create a search center site, and set the search center site to
    allow anonymous access.
    Also see this link - 
     (As this is regarding a 3rd party tool, I suggest that you direct it to the  provider support.)
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

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