CF8 DirectoryWatcher Gateway Doesn't Run When I Overwrite a File

I've set up a Coldfusion Directory Event Gateway on my site (Win2K3 server, CF8 Ent).  The DW monitors an FTP directory where my users upload a batch of 5 PDF files each week.  The files are named file1.pdf, file2.pdf and so on.  When my DW gateway sees an addition or a file change, it copies the file to a new location, reads the PDF's meta data and uses that to rename the file and then add an entry to a database table for that file (the table entry gets used to populate a PDF archive list on a different page). In general this all works with a few exceptions.
ISSUE 1: If I add a new file, the gateway sees it and calls my onAdd function (which actually just calls my onChange function). If I rename a file in that directory, the onChange event fires and my code runs.  However, if I upload a new file1.pdf file which overwrites the old file1.pdf, nothing happens. The new file is truly different and has a new modification date.  I read through the Java class and mod date is how the gateway determines a change.  Now, so far am not actually FTPing a new file in, but rather just coping it in from my local machine to the server directory via a mapping.
I saw a solution for a similar issue which talked about setting up the onDelete event b/c the FTP will actually delete then add the file. Does this sound like a solution?
ISSUE 2: I had a lot of CFM files that needed to be put into the archive, so I converted those to PDFs.  I then put all of them in my watch directory so my script would process them.  To my surprise, the script would only load 11 files at a time.  So after some tests to confirm the issue and the correct number of files, I then loaded my batch, 11 files at a time.  Any ideas why this would happen?
My Specs again:
Windows 2003 Server
Coldfusion 8 Enterprise
In my config file:
checking my directory every minute (60000 milliseconds)
only checking for .pdf extension
Set an onAdd and onChange function call, but no onDelete
my onAdd function simply calls my onChange function, passing
in the CFEvent argument that it received

We had the same problem here, and I agree that it is disappointing that the DW doesn't consider that a new file.  As far as a workaround, what I did was change the way our process dealt with incoming files entirely.  I used to handle the files as they came in, relying on Dave Ferguson's tricks for getting around files that were still being written to or otherwise locked (thanks, Dave!).  Now, instead of that, I only do one thing when a file is received: I rename it with a datestamp and write this to our db as the received filename so that the additional processes can be run on it.  That way, when that same filename is used by our client again, which is every time, the DW picks it up again as a new file.  I don't know if that helps or not, because it still means you lose the functionality that used to be inside the DW instead of a scheduled task, but at least you know when an actual new file is received, regardless of its name.  You may even be able to put your functions inside the onChange or onDelete if you keep the reference to the original filename, then have those do your work after the file is renamed and/or moved.  In our case, the DW also kept hanging every couple of days so we were missing very important files.  I ended up just restarting the gateway through code as the last piece of the scheduled task that runs every 30 mins to process the files.

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    Hello Iván,
    I think you meant ~singletransaction right?  If so please remove this parameter and try again. 

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    function loadPlayList(url:String) {
              delete myMO.onMouseWheel;
              delete myKO.onKeyDown;
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        root["_ref"+i] = root["_bmd"+i]=false;
              loadedAll = false;
              infostruc = [];
              for (var i in root) {
                        if ((root[i]._name.substr(0, 3) == "art" || root[i]._name.substr(0, 10) == "reflection") && (parseInt(root[i]._name.split("art")[1]) || parseInt(root[i]._name.split("reflection")[1]))) {
              current = 1;
              root.createEmptyMovieClip("loader", root.getNextHighestDepth());
    function init(Void):Void {
              myMO = {};
              myKO = {};
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        loader.attachMovie("default", "art", 1);
                        root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                        root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                        root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                        this["_bmd"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        this["_ref"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        var mc:MovieClip = loader.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", loader.getNextHighestDepth());
                        matrix = new Matrix();
                        matrix.createGradientBox(loader._width, loader._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                        mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                        mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, 0);
               = reflectionAlpha;
                        loader.moveTo(0, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, 0);
              for (var i:Number = count=0; count<stageWidth-(centerDistance*3); count += shelveCDSpacing, i++) {
                        var cArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("art"+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        var rArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("reflection"+(this.getNextHighestDepth()-1), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        rArt._x = cArt._x=stageWidth;
                        var tmpFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(reflectionBlurX, reflectionBlurY, reflectionQuality);
                        rArt.filterArray = cArt.filterArray=[];
                        rArt.filterArray[0] = tmpFilter;
                        rArt.filters = rArt.filterArray;
                        tmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_mask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_rmask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rArt._visible = cArt._visible=false;
              myMO.onMouseWheel = function(delta:Number):Void  {
                        if (delta>0) {
                        } else if (delta<=0) {
              myKO.onKeyDown = function():Void  {
                        if (Selection.getFocus() != "_level0.goto") {
                                  if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
                                  } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
              scrollBar.scroller.onPress = function():Void  {
                        dist = this._parent._xmouse-this._x;
                        this.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                                  tmp = 1+Math.ceil(((this._parent._xmouse-dist)-scrollBarStart)/(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop)*(infostruc.length-1));
                                  if (tmp>infostruc.length) {
                                            tmp = infostruc.length;
                                  if (tmp<1) {
                                            tmp = 1;
                                  current = tmp;
              scrollBar.scroller.onRelease = scrollBar.scroller.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
                        delete this.onMouseMove;
              scrollBar.left.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(previous, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.right.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(next, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
              scrollBar.onMouseDown = function():Void  {
                        if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.left.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.right.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
                                  if (this._xmouse<this.scroller._x) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(previous, clickDelay);
                                  if (this._xmouse>this.scroller._x+this.scroller._width) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(next, clickDelay);
              goto.restrict = "0-9";
              goto.onKillFocus = function():Void  {
                        if (!isNaN(Number(this.text)+1)) {
                                  if (this.text>infostruc.length) {
                                            this.text = infostruc.length;
                                  if (this.text<1) {
                                            this.text = 1;
                                  current = Number(this.text);
                        } else {
                                  this.text = current;
              fscreen.onPress = function():Void  {
                        fscommand("fullscreen", !(this._currentframe-1));
              slideShow.onPress = function():Void  {
                        if (this._currentframe == 1) {
                                  sliderShow = setInterval(function ():Void {
                                            if (current<infostruc.length) {
                                            } else if (slideshowLooping) {
                                                      current = 0;
                                  }, slideshowSpeed);
                        } else {
              distance = Number(i);
    function concat(m1, m2):Object {
              var mat:Object = {};
              mat.a = m1.c*m2.b;
              mat.b = m1.d*m2.b;
              mat.c = m1.a*m2.c;
              mat.d = m1.b*m2.c;
              mat.tx = m1.a*m2.tx+m1.c*m2.ty+m1.tx;
              mat.ty = m1.b*m2.tx+m1.d*m2.ty+m1.ty;
              return mat;
    function updateInfo():Void {
              goto.text = current;
              info = infostruc[current-1].info;
              author = infostruc[current-1].auth;
              album = infostruc[current-1].album;
              displayAlternArt(root["_bmd"+(current-1)], artDisplay._width, artDisplay._height);
              scrollBar.scroller._x = scrollBarStart+((current-1)/(infostruc.length-1)*(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop));
    function brightness(_prop:String, _old:Number, _new:Number, target:MovieClip):Void {
              var brightness_array:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, _new, 0, 1, 0, 0, _new, 0, 0, 1, 0, _new, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
              target.filterArray[1] = new ColorMatrixFilter(brightness_array);
              target.filters = target.filterArray;
    function controlTheObject(mc):Void {
              if (mc._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                        mc.onPress = function():Void  {
                                  if ((getTimer()-this.pressTime<=doubleClickRegister && this.pressTime) || !doubleClickURL) {
                                            if (infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet) {
                                                      getURL(infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet, "_"+infostruc[this.cid].urlAction);
                                  this.pressTime = getTimer();
                                  current = this.cid+1;
    "_brightness", brightness, mc);
              mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void  {
                        this._visible = true;
                        if (infostruc[this.cid].loaded && !this.loadedImage) {
                                  this.allowUpdate = true;
                                  this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  this.loadedImage = true;
                        if (Math.round(Math.abs(this._x-this.x))>=1 || this.allowUpdate) {
                                  if (this._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2));
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                      } else {
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                  } else {
                                            this._yscale = -100;
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && this._x<centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && this._x>centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                      } else if (!validateOk(this)) {
                                                                this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                  this.allowUpdate = false;
                                  this._x -= Math.min(Math.max((this._x-this.x)/albumEase, -maxSlide), maxSlide);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  if (this._x<deleteMinDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid+distance)]) {
                                            this.cid += distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMaxDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  if (this._x>deleteMaxDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid-distance)]) {
                                            this.cid -= distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMinDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                        } else if (Math.ceil(Math.abs(this._x-this.x)) == 0) {
                                  this._x = this.x;
                        if (this.cid+1>current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))+centerDistance;
                        } else if (this.cid+1<current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))-centerDistance;
                        } else {
                                  this.x = centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing);
                        if (fadeType == "brightness") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else {
                                            this._brightness = 0;
                        } else if (fadeType == "alpha") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else {
                                            this._alpha = 100;
    function next():Void {
              if (current<infostruc.length) {
                        current += 1;
    function previous():Void {
              if (current>1) {
                        current -= 1;
    function displayAlternArt(art, width:Number, height:Number):Void {
              artDisplay.attachBitmap(art, 1);
              artDisplay._width = width;
              artDisplay._height = height;
    function loadNext():Void {
              if (!loadedAll) {
                        var num:Number = current-1;
                        if (infostruc[current-1].loaded) {
                                  var num:Number = current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1>=0 ? current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1 : 0;
                                  while (infostruc[num].loaded && num<infostruc.length) {
                                  if (num>=infostruc.length) {
                                            var num:Number = current-1;
                                            while (infostruc[num].loaded && num>0) {
                                            if (num<=0) {
                                                      loadedAll = true;
                        var newLoad:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("artLoad"+num, this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad.createEmptyMovieClip("art", newLoad.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad._alpha = 0;
                        var mc:Object = {};
                        mc.number = num;
                        var artLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
                        mc.onLoadError = function() {
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                        mc.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip) {
                                  tw = target._width;
                                  ty = target._height;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                  target._width = tw;
                                  target._height = ty;
                                  root["_bmd"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  root["_ref"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  var mc:MovieClip = target._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", target._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
                                  matrix = new Matrix();
                                  matrix.createGradientBox(target._width, target._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                                  mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                                  mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._alpha = reflectionAlpha;
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
    xmlData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void  {
              if (success) {
                        for (var i:Number = -1; this.childNodes[0].childNodes[++i]; ) {
                                  var cNode:XMLNode = this.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes;
                                  var val1:String = cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownSong;
                                  var val2:String = cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownArtist;
                                  var val3:String = cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownAlbum;
                                  var val4:String = cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : "./";
                                  var val5:String = cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  var val6:String = cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  infostruc.push({art:cNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, info:val1, auth:val2, album:val3, httpType:val4, urlToGet:val5, urlAction:val6, loaded:false});
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        loadStat = "";
              } else {
                        loadStat = "There was an error loading that data, sorry.";
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    loader._visible = false;
    mask._alpha = 0;
    scrollBar.scroller._y = 0;

    This won't work on most servers: "./albuminfo9.xml". It should be "../albuminfo9.xml". That may or may not solve the problem. Be sure that all of your files and folders are in the same relative location on the server as they are on your computer. Also be sure that the case for each referenced item is correct. Upper and lower case are sometimes more important on a server than they are on your computer. JPG is not the same as jpg. Be sure that your files are uploading correctly.

  • Silverlight application (example.xap) doesn't run when call in other pages using "Object tag"

    I have silverlight 3 installed with Visual studio 2008. installation is fine.
    I have created a  silvelight application including a test page.
    In my test page I used the "object tag" to call my application as it is suggested since silverlight 3:
    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2"
    width="450" height="220">
    <param name="source" value="MySilverlightApplication.xap"/>
    At the run time, using the test page my application runs as expected. But when i call the same application in another page i have created, nothing happens: the web page is blank. I wonder why it works with the test page created at the same time with the
    silverlight application ( i have checked the radio button that required the test paged creation during the process of the silverlight application) and why it doesn't work with a page created separately.
    Thank you for your help!

    Hi Andy!
    Hi Qimin!
    Thank you for your helps. But i want to let you know that the html code i wrote in my post is just an example so I will complete my post with more information.
    0- I have visual studio 2008 installed with silverlight 3.
    1- I have created a web project with a master page (my master page has a content page )
    2- I added a silvelight application: carousel.xap (during its creation I've accepted to add a test page: carouselTestPage.aspx)
    3- I added a main page Home.aspx: which inherits from the master page created in step 1, then I call my silverlight application in this content page using the object tag.
    Result of the tests during run time:
    My silverlight application carousel.xap works fine when I test it with the
    But my silverlight application carousel.xap doesn't work with the main page I added to my web project. the web content page is blank.
         Here below the script of the carouselTestPage.aspx
    and for the Pages_Home:
    carouselTestPage.aspx code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" >
    <style type="text/css">
    html, body {
    height: 100%;
    body {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    #silverlightControlHost {
    height: 100%;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function onSilverlightError(sender, args) {
    var appSource = "";
    if (sender != null && sender != 0) {
    appSource = sender.getHost().Source;
    var errorType = args.ErrorType;
    var iErrorCode = args.ErrorCode;
    if (errorType == "ImageError" || errorType == "MediaError") {
    var errMsg = "Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application " + appSource + "\n" ;
    errMsg += "Code: "+ iErrorCode + " \n";
    errMsg += "Category: " + errorType + " \n";
    errMsg += "Message: " + args.ErrorMessage + " \n";
    if (errorType == "ParserError") {
    errMsg += "File: " + args.xamlFile + " \n";
    errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
    errMsg += " + args.charPosition + " \n";
    else if (errorType == "RuntimeError") {
    if (args.lineNumber != 0) {
    errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
    errMsg += " + args.charPosition + " \n";
    errMsg += "MethodName: " + args.methodName + " \n";
    throw new Error(errMsg);
    <form id="form1" runat="server" style="height:100%">
    <div id="silverlightControlHost">
    <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%">
    <param name="source" value="ClientBin/carousel.xap"/>
    <param name="onError" value="onSilverlightError" />
    <param name="background" value="white" />
    <param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40624.0" />
    <param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />
    <a href="" style="text-decoration:none">
    <img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style:none"/>
    </object><iframe id="_sl_historyFrame" style="height:0px;width:0px;border:0px"></iframe></div>
    2. Home.aspx code:
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/MyMasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Home.aspx.cs" Inherits="Pages_Home" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
    <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MyContent" Runat="Server">
    <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%">
    <param name="source" value="~/ClientBin/carousel.xap"/>
    <param name="background" value="white" />
    <param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40624.0" />
    <param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />
    <param name="enableHtmlAccess" value="true" />
    <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;">
    <img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/>
    <iframe id="_sl_historyFrame" style="visibility:hidden;height:0px;width:0px;border:0px">
     so the application source is correctly supplied in the object tag description. so I wonder why it doesn't work with a separate content page in the same web project and work with this embedded Silverlight Test page.
    Thank you for your helps.

  • Task doesn't run when "Start in" contains a UNC path

    We have a central scripts repository on a servershare \\fileserver\scripts$. That directory also contains all the functions and libraries we use in our scripts. On Windows 2008 (R2) this has always worked as a charm. But now we have our first Windows Server
    2012, and now it doesn't work.
    We get 2 errors:
    Event ID: 101
    Task Scheduler failed to start "\Simpel test" task for user "Domain\Serviceaccount". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147942667.
    Event ID: 203
    Task Scheduler failed to launch action "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" in instance "{6e09d300-4d0e-4e13-80de-d7091384e939}" of task "\Simpel test". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147942667.
    When I search for this error, I find numerous hits that the path on "Start in" shouldn't contain quotes "". But we don't have quotes in that line, it's just \\fileserver\scripts$. When I run the script from the command line, it workes
    like a charm, so it has nothing to do with rights. I've also tried the FQDN, and added it to the Trusted Sites.
    If tried everything to my knowledge, and the only times it works, is when I don't use a UNC path but a local path or no path at all. But then the script fails because it can't access the functions and libraries.
    I hope someone has a solution.

    Regarding the current issue, I suggest you could try to refer to the following similar thread to see if it could help.
    running a scheduled task in windows 2008 r2
    In addition, I suggest we could try to disable UAC and reboot the server to see if the issue persists.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Exporter plug-in doesn't run when open by clicking .prproj file

    Hi everyone!
    I am creating an exporter plug-in. It works fine when I open Premiere, open a project and choose to export using my plug-in. But when i open a project directly by double clicking the project file (like untitled.prproj), my plug-in always show up a "Error compiling movie" message.
    I use log4cxx to help track the plug-in, but no log was created, so my guess is that the plug-in has not even been loaded.
    Could anyone tell be the differences between starting Premiere -> open a project and open a project directly by double clicking its .prproj file. In both case, which file is loaded and which file is not?
    I'm very appreciated if anyone would have the same problem and tell me how to fix this. I'm really stuck here

    The version is CS5.5.
    And my steps are:
    1. open the project by double clicking the .prproj file
    2. select a file in the project
    3. Choose File -> Export -> Media
    4. Select my plug-in in the drop down list and choose Export
    => Error
    But if take these step:
    1. Open Premiere Pro
    2. select a project
    3. select a file in the project
    4. Choose File -> Export -> Media
    5. Select my plug-in in the drop down list and choose Export
    the plug-in run just fine.
    So I think that there are something different between opening a project directly and open Premiere and choose a project. Could you verify this for me? Thanks.

  • Flash animation doesn't work when I publish Captivate file

    I have an e-learning developed by a third party using Captivate 6, they've inserted animations (swf files) created using Flash CS6. When I try publishing the Captivate file on my computer all the animations work well except for a particular one (a wheel that spins and asks questions).
    When I publish the Captivate file and go to that particular slide and click anywhere other than this animation the whole thing freezes (this doesn't happen on other slides with the other animation/quizzes developed using Flash CS6 on the same project). However, when the developer publishes the same file on their machine it works well.
    I don't have Flash CS6 installed on my machine (I only have Flash CS4 and can't open the animation/swf files), I asked someone else (that had Flash CS6) to try publishing the Captivate file and had the same issue I had.
    Has anyone had this issue before? how can I fix it?

    Since you are loading another SWF file into your main root timeline and want to transfer control to the loaded SWF you need to call _lockroot on the container that holds the loaded content since you are using _root. Like this:
    myMCLMain.loadClip("flashSite.swf", "container2");
    container2._lockroot = true; //Add this line after loadClip
    Or you can remove the _root in the loaded SWF.

  • Cs3 stops running when opening a picture file

    HI, Ihave CS3 extended running on Vista.Program ran find for months until yesterday, Whenever I try to open a picture file CS3 stops working and shut down. It doesnt matter what type file. I removed program amd reinstalled, still got same probelem. Any suggestions on how to solve? thanks Craig

    Well, when stuff stops working it means that something happened that made it go haywire so what did you install/configure/do before this happened? have you installed some photoshop plugins? updated some drivers? installed some new software?
    Another (far fetched) possibility would be that your anti-virus program is up to no good after an auto update so try temporarily deactivating it, maybe that will solve it.
    Or if it's as Chris says, a problem with the printer driver, try uninstalling the driver completely, not just disable it or maybe go to Control Panel->Printers, right click on Adobe PDF(or some other "printer" from the list) and select "Set As Default Printer"

  • Camera raw doesn't open when opening a raw file in photoshop

    I have a mac mini and am using the latest version of lightroom and have an EOS70d. The problem I experience is that when I open a raw file from lightroom it goes directly into photoshop without launching the camera raw plugin and when I manually launch the camera raw plugin from within photoshop, i do not see the details from the metadata in the image, such as colour temperature etc and there is no blue link at the bottom of the screen. I have tried the version of camera raw included in photoshop asnd the latest beta version, it's the same in both and also the same on my windows machine. I have also tried with raw images from my other cameras including ones taken a long time ago and that have previously opened in camera raw and they don't. Please help

    As I said, read my post "Send me both ses files (no media) via my aatranslator dot com dot au web site".  I made no mention of saving "frozen track SES files without any media".
    I understand your frustration but I only made an offer to assist.
    Now if you want me to have a look at your ses file to see if I can work out what is going on then send it to me without sending any of the media associated with it. 
    If not I'm happy either way.
    The idea of sending 2 ses files is to compare the one which can't find the frozen track with one that has just been saved and apparently includes the frozen track.

  • Reader doesn't open when clicking on PDF file

    Well, it eventually works, but I have to keep trying and trying... never had this problem before last update.  Help?!

    Please provide some details; operating system, Reader version, local or online files, ...

  • Page rendering process doesn't run after validation error

    I have a page rendering process (On Load - After Regions) that needs to be run for my page to be rendered properly; however, it doesn't run when the page is rendered after a validation error. In debug mode, I see the following line:
    "0.05: not perform process because inline validation condition found."
    Is this a bug? Validations are meant to prevent execution of On Submit processes, but is there a reason to also not run rendering processes?
    I need to dynamically construct some javascript and insert it somewhere after a certain item on the page. Is there a workaround?

    Let me see if I understand your question:
    1. A page is rendered
    2. The page is submitted
    3. A validation fires and fails
    4. The page is re-rendered displaying the validation error message
    5. Your on-load after regions process did not fire
    You want to run a process in all cases; in the standard page load case (1) and in the re-load case (4).
    You can do this by creating a region of type PL/SQL. You can give the region a null template so that it will not display any values. The region can be the last one displayed on the page; so that it will be run last.
    You also asked if it is a bug that the on-load after regions process did not fire; as the debug message indicates this is proper. Here is an example that illustrates why you typically don't want to perform processes when rendering a page after it was posted causing a validation to fire.
    Lets take the following example:
    1. create a form on the emp table; assume a salary column called "SAL"
    2. create a validation that says the salary must be numeric
    3. edit a row of the EMP table
    4. change the employee job from clerk to manager; and enter a "X" in the salary item
    5. submit the page
    6. the validation will fire; page processing will stop; and the page will be re-displayed
    7. the process which fetches the rows will not fire; and the page will be re-displayed; the job item will display the change from "clerk" to "manager" and salary will still contain the invalid "X" value. If the process had fired it would have replaced the values in the form.
    My recommendation is that you use regions for any processing that is UI releated. I hope this helps.

  • Script running when opening a file.

    I am new at this so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
    I have a script that allows me to insert today's date in a text box. So far, it works well when I run the script. However, I would like the script to automatically run when I open the file. This would save me from having to update the date manually.
    Is there a way to accomplish that?

    try to put "#target indesign" at the bigening of you sript code, then you can launch the script from out of InDesign

  • Doesn't start when starting as administrator. Error Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.

    Update firefox, it asked me to update flash, I tried to update flash but it said I had to close firefox. A box came up and said the Flash install would continue when I closed firefox. I closed all firefox windows and no update of flash occurred. I tried relaunching firefox but got the "Doesn't start when starting as administrator. Error Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." message. I rebooted the system, no improvement. I tried to run firefox as administrator and got the same message. Either I find a fix or I won't be able to use firefox and will have to go back to ie.

    -> press '''CTRL''' + '''SHIFT''' + '''ESC''' to Open Task Manager -> Processes tab -> right-click '''firefox.exe''' and click '''End Process Tree''' -> close Task Manager
    Troubleshooting extensions and themes
    Troubleshooting plugins
    Check and tell if its working.

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