CF8 +session replication +stackoverflow

Good day
I'm running a CentOS cluster releas 5.3 64bit version. There are two servers in the cluster, each running 2 CF8.1 servers in a cluster mode.
I have a dedicated jvm config file for each server, so that I can set the mem specs per server. All 4 are running on 1Gig memory for the JVM.
The admin server process on each server is running with max 500M JVM space.
I'm "using weighted round robin" with "sticky sessions" and "replicate sessions" selected.
I have now started the jconsole and monitored one of the servers. With only 300Meg alocated in the JVM, I have this error.
11/09 08:06:05 Information [jrpp-4112] - Called include
11/09 08:06:05 error Setup of session replication failed.
It is not effecting the rest of the applicatin (so it seems and nobody has complained yet), bit is not acceptable as it raises the alarm every time.
These are the CF parameters
Serial Number
Operating System
OS Version
JVM Details
Java Version
Java Vendor
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java Vendor URL
Anybody with a solution/idea?
Message was edited by Jochem van Dieten to remive a serial number

Oops - doing so many things simultanious at the time that I missed the serial no. Tks for editing.
I will go and have a serious look at the session variable usage.
The application is a restricted-access type with the majority of the the application (80%) running in the background.
The application uses session variables quite heavily for authentication and other access control mechanisms.
Maybee it is a better option to just disable the session replication. If a server fails, the user must simply re-authorize him/herself.

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    ---- server-2
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    you need run Openbox with ck-launch-session:
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    ********** sun-web.xml ***************
    <!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server
    8.1 Servlet 2.5//EN" "
    <session-manager persistence-type="replicated"/>
    ** path : dir-root/https-[instance-name]/web-app/[instance-name]/myweb/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml setting ...
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    Try this blog [|]
    4. Enabling Session Replication
    Now that we deployed our web application, we need to enable the session replication feature in the configuration. This will start the session replication services in each instance. We can do this using the CLI administration:
    wadm> set-session-replication-prop --config=mycluster enabled=true
    CLI201 Command 'set-session-replication-prop' ran successfully
    wadm> deploy-config mycluster
    CLI201 Command 'deploy-config' ran successfully

  • Session Replication and Session Timeout -- Urgent

    WLS -4.5.1 SP 11
              OS - both NT and Sol
              HI All
              The session does not seems to timeout when running the Weblogic servers in
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              Surya B Maithani wrote:
              > WLS -4.5.1 SP 11
              > OS - both NT and Sol
              > HI All
              > The session does not seems to timeout when running the Weblogic servers in
              > clustered mode with in-memory session replication on.
              > This problem seems to be there in version5.1 too , as per another post , it
              > seems to be solved in WLS5.1 sp 8
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              > Thanks in advance..
              > -Surya

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    Dear all,
              My Cluster can failover, but can't session replicate....
              I start up the 2 WLS 6.0 and the Web Server, then I visit
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              counter variable in the session raise up, then I down the "target" WLS, then
              I try http://web_server_ip/myWebApp/SessionServlet now, I can call but the
              counter restart.... so the session seems not yet replicated. what I can
              My Setup: I setup a Netscape Web Server 3.6.3 as the proxy using
              with the cluster setting, and use 2 WLS 6.0 (both are running in 7001,7002)
              as the Application Server Cluster (WLCluster). one WLS is on Unix Machine
              and the other in on a NT. I set the 2 WLSs: the Primary Group is
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              Deployment: I deploy the application "myWebApp" (.war) on the servers unix
              and nt, adn also deploy to the cluster WLCluster.
              I deploy the examplesWebApp to my created domain "demo", and modify the
              so ... anything I did wrong, so the WLS can't do Session replication??!!
              Please Help or Comment!
              Thanks in advance!
              with thanks,
              Alex Wong

    Dear Vinod and Kevin,
              Some more information that I think it may help.
              First, I want to correct 1 point in my previous message, the Replication
              Group is "WLRepGroup1" and the Preferred Secondary Group is "WLRepGroup2"
              for the 2 machine WLSs.
              Second, I found that the Multicast Communication is not functioning becoz
              the switch of my office block the's communication, so now I added
              a hub for this 2 machine, as a result the multicast is wokring... at least
              pass the java utils.MulticastTest....
              Thrid, after the mutlicast work, I try the SessionServlet, it is working at
              beginning... but after some more clicks, one server will cause the following
              error (this time crash on x.y.z.b--NT machine)....
              -------- (a long list, the IPs are replaced: x.y.z.a UNIX machine, x.y.z.b
              NT machine, x.y.z.c My PC)
              Screen caption on demo>Servers>wlserver2 (monitoring> cluster)
              Unexpected Error
              Connected to x.y.z.a:7001 Active Domain: demo Jun 11, 2001 5:06:23 PM
              An unexpected error was encountered in processing your request.
              Current Date
              Mon Jun 11 17:06:23 GMT+08:00 2001
              Console Release Build
              6.0 Service Pack 2
              Console Build
              6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 11:55:28 #117037
              Server Release Build
              6.0 Service Pack 2
              Server Build
              6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 11:55:28 #117037
              All Server Product Versions
              WebLogic Server Build: 6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 11:55:28 #117037
              WebLogic XML Module: 6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 12:34:27 #117037
              Request Info
              Protocol: HTTP/1.1
              ServerName: x.y.z.a
              ServerPort: 7001
              Secure: false
              ContextPath: /console
              ServletPath: /panels/mbean/Server.jsp
              PathInfo: null
              PathTranslated: null
              RequestURI: /console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp
              AuthType: null
              ContentType: null
              CharacterEncoding: null
              Locale: zh_TW
              Method: GET
              RequestedSessionIdFromCookie: true
              RequestedSessionIdFromURL: false
              UserPrincipal: system
              RemoteUser: system
              RemoteAddr: x.y.z.c
              RemoteHost: x.y.z.c
              mbean = demo:Name=wlserver2,Type=Server
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.ContextPath = /console
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.Method = GET
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.QueryString =
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.RemoteUser = system
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.RequestURI =
              console.original./console/panels/mbean/Server.jsp.ServletPath =
              console.preferences.ContextKey =
              javax.servlet.include.context_path = /console
              javax.servlet.include.request_uri =
              javax.servlet.include.servlet_path =
              javax.servlet.jsp.jspException =
              weblogic.httpd.user = system
              Accept = image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
              Accept-Encoding = gzip, deflate
              Accept-Language = zh-tw
              Connection = Keep-Alive
              Cookie =
              Host = x.y.z.a:7001
              User-Agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
              User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
              IE: true
              Netscape: false
              Supported: true
              JavscriptHrefs: false
              TableCellClick: true
              DocumentReloadedOnResize: false
              DropdownStretchable: true
              CellSpacingBlank: false
              EmptyCellBlank: false
              ImgOnclickSupported: true
              TableBorderFancy: true
              PartialToWideTables: false
              Server System Properties
              bea.home = /u0/weblogic
              file.encoding = ISO8859-1
              file.encoding.pkg =
              file.separator = /
              java.awt.fonts =
              java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
              java.awt.printerjob = sun.awt.motif.PSPrinterJob
              java.class.path =
              java.class.version = 47.0
              java.ext.dirs = /u0/weblogic/jdk130/jre/lib/ext
              java.home = /u0/weblogic/jdk130/jre
     = /var/tmp/
              java.library.path =
              java.naming.factory.initial =
              java.naming.factory.url.pkgs = weblogic.jndi.factories
              java.protocol.handler.pkgs =
     = Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
              Standard Edition
              java.runtime.version = 1.3.0
     = Java Platform API Specification
              java.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
              java.specification.version = 1.3
              java.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
              java.vendor.url =
              java.vendor.url.bug =
              java.version = 1.3.0
     = mixed mode
     = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
     = Java Virtual Machine
              java.vm.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
              java.vm.specification.version = 1.0
              java.vm.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
              java.vm.version = 1.3.0
              javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass =
              javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass = weblogic.iiop.UtilDelegateImpl
              javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory =
              javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory =
     = JMX RI
              jmx.implementation.vendor = Sun Microsystems
              jmx.implementation.version = 1.0
     = Java Management Extensions
              jmx.specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems
              jmx.specification.version = 1.0 Final Release
              line.separator =
              os.arch = sparc
     = SunOS
              os.version = 5.6
              path.separator = :
              sun.boot.class.path =
              sun.boot.library.path =
              sun.cpu.endian = big
              sun.cpu.isalist = sparcv8plus+vis sparcv8plus
              sparcv8 sparcv8-fsmuld sparcv7 sparc
     = UnicodeBig
              user.dir = /u0/weblogic/wlserver6.0
              user.home = /
              user.language = en
     = root
              user.region = US
              user.timezone = Asia/Hong_Kong
              weblogic.Domain = demo
              weblogic.Name = wlserver1
              ---------- End of the message -----------
              any comment?? is that I deploy on wlserver1, wlserver2, WLCluster cause
              error??!! anything I did wrong??!
              please help!! or Comment
              with thanks,
              Alex Wong
              "Alex Wong" <[email protected]> ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hi Vinod and Kevin,
              > Thanks Vinod first, and after I try the session.getClass(), I get the
              > following output
              > class weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData
              > I think that's means I am using "replicated" already, rite?!
              > About the License, I cat the license.bea, there is a license to the
              > "In-memory Replication - Servlet" and "In-memory Replication - EJB",
              > it is a eval license but seems not yet expired, so I don't think that is
              > problem, rite?
              > And a quick question, you tell me "your configuration looks ok" means the
              > H/W configuration, or the WLS configuration??!!
              > Maybe I tell you more about my WLS configuration, so that, you can
              > determinate where I go wrong. (thanks)
              > Vinod and Kevin
              > (Kevin, I am Alex Wong from ASL, if you have any comment, you can simply
              > reply my personal email, thx)
              > Steps I did to create the domain, WLS and Cluster and deploy the .war
              > --- on Unix ---
              > I create a demo domain and wlserver1 using port 7001 and 7002 by the
              > installation program (ip x.y.z.a)
              > --- on NT ---
              > I create a demo domain and wlserver2 using port 7001 and 7002 by the
              > installation program (ip x.y.z.b)
              > --- on Unix ---
              > start the wlserver1 with
              > --- My PC ---
              > go http://x.y.z.a:7001/console
              > create one more server named "wlserver2" using port 7001 and 7002
              > create the cluster named "WLCluster" and fill the the cluster ip
              > "x.y.z.a:7001,x.y.z.b:7001"
              > fill the multi-cast ip
              > add the "wlserver1" and "wlserver2" to the "WLCluster"
              > stop the unix WLS
              > start the unix WLS with
              > --- on NT ---
              > start the WLS with wlserver2 http://x.y.z.a:7001
              > --- on Unix ---
              > install the NES 3.6.3 and create a WEB server instance and modify the
              > obj.conf
              > DETAIL
              > ----- start of the obj.conf -----
              > Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init"
              > shlib="/opt/nes/plugins/weblogic/"
              > Init fn="wl-init"
              > .
              > .
              > .
              > <Object name="weblogic" ppath="*">
              > Service fn=wl-proxy \
              > WebLogicCluster="x.y.z.a:7001,x.y.z.b:7001"
              > </Object>
              > <Object name=default>
              > *NameTrans ...
              > *NameTrans ...
              > *NameTrans ...
              > *NameTrans fn=document-root root="/opt/nes/docs"
              > Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type=text/jsp fn=wl-proxy \
              > WebLogicCluster="x.y.z.a:7001,x.y.z.b:7001"
              > .
              > .
              > .
              > </Object>
              > <Object name=cgi>
              > .
              > .
              > .
              > </Object>
              > ----- End of the obj.conf ----- (I suppose will redirect all HTTP request
              > WLS from NES)
              > --- My PC ---
              > go http://x.y.z.a:7001/console
              > assign the DefaultWebApp_wlserver1 to wlserver1
              > assign the DefaultWebApp_wlserver2 to wlserver2
              > assign the console the wlserver1 only
              > assign the certificate to wlserver1, wlserver2, WLCluster
              > go SERVER-wlserver1 assign "WLRepGroup1" to Replication Group and
              > Secondary Group
              > go SERVER-wlserver2 assign "WLRepGroup1" to Replication Group and
              > Secondary Group
              > --- on Unix ---
              > go to ./config/examples/applications/examplesWebApp/WEB-INF
              > modify the weblogic.xml
              > go to ./config/examples/applications/examplesWebApp
              > jar cvf myWebApp.war *
              > copy the myWebApp.war to ./config/demo/applications/.
              > and ftp myWebApp.war ro (NT)./config/demo/applicaitons/.
              > --- My PC ---
              > And then now, I can visit http://x.y.z.a:7001/console
              > now I can configuration the myWebApp.
              > assign the myWebApp to wlserver1,wlserver2,WLCluster
              > --- on Unix ---
              > stop the WLS and start with
              > --- on NT ---
              > stop the WLS and start with wlserevr2
              > http://x.y.z.a:7001
              > --- My PC ---
              > visit http://x.y.z.a/myWebApp/SessionServlet (this time no port 7001,
              > I want to use the NES web server to proxy the HTTP request)
              > Finally... I can failover the SessionServlet, SnoopServlet and all the
              > html, jsp, servlet, but seems can't load-balancing and Session
              > Is that anything I did wrong, please comment!
              > with thanks,
              > Alex Wong
              > "Vinod Mehra" <[email protected]> ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > Your configuration looks ok but I guess somehow your clustering is not
              > setup
              > > properly. Check if all the servers are listeniong on the same port and
              > part
              > > of
              > > the same cluster. Also check if you have clustering license.
              > >
              > > Make sure your sessions are of type : "replicated". For that print
              > > the value of session.getClass(), the name will give you an idea. Check
              > > your logs if you got any error message.
              > >
              > > --Vinod.
              > >
              > >
              > > "Alex Wong" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > > news:[email protected]...
              > > > Dear all,
              > > >
              > > > My Cluster can failover, but can't session replicate....
              > > >
              > > > I start up the 2 WLS 6.0 and the Web Server, then I visit
              > > > http://web_server_ip/myWebApp/SessionServlet serveral times, then the
              > > > counter variable in the session raise up, then I down the "target"
              > > then
              > > > I try http://web_server_ip/myWebApp/SessionServlet now, I can call but
              > the
              > > > counter restart.... so the session seems not yet replicated. what I
              > > > do...?!
              > > >
              > > > My Setup: I setup a Netscape Web Server 3.6.3 as the proxy using
              > >
              > > > with the cluster setting, and use 2 WLS 6.0 (both are running in
              > > 7001,7002)
              > > > as the Application Server Cluster (WLCluster). one WLS is on Unix
              > Machine
              > > > and the other in on a NT. I set the 2 WLSs: the Primary Group is
              > > > "WL_rep_group1", and set the secondary is "WL_rep_group2".
              > > >
              > > > Deployment: I deploy the application "myWebApp" (.war) on the servers
              > unix
              > > > and nt, adn also deploy to the cluster WLCluster.
              > > >
              > > > I deploy the examplesWebApp to my created domain "demo", and modify
              > > > weblogic.xml:
              > > > -------------------
              > > > <weblogic-web-app>
              > > >
              > > > <session-descriptor>
              > > > <session-param>
              > > > <param-name>PersistentStoreType</param-name>
              > > > <param-value>replicated</param-value>
              > > > </session-param>
              > > > </session-descriptor>
              > > >
              > > > <jsp-descriptor>
              > > > <jsp-param>
              > > > <param-name>
              > > > pageCheckSeconds
              > > > </param-name>
              > > > <param-value>
              > > > 1
              > > > </param-value>
              > > > </jsp-param>
              > > > <jsp-param>
              > > > <param-name>
              > > > verbose
              > > > </param-name>
              > > > <param-value>
              > > > true
              > > > </param-value>
              > > > </jsp-param>
              > > > </jsp-descriptor>
              > > >
              > > > </weblogic-web-app>
              > > > ---------------------
              > > >
              > > > so ... anything I did wrong, so the WLS can't do Session
              > > >
              > > >
              > > > Please Help or Comment!
              > > >
              > > > Thanks in advance!
              > > >
              > > > with thanks,
              > > >
              > > > Alex Wong
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > > >
              > >
              > >

  • Flex session replication among cluster Help needed!

    I'am using Flex 3, LiceCycle Data Service 2.5.1, JBoss 4.2.1 in a web application. Our JBoss servers are in a cluster. We want to replicate Flex session among cluster, but it doesn't work. Did someone face issue with Flex session replication among application servers?
    Thank you for your help

    Gerard,<br /><br />You will need to cluster the LCDS 2.5.1 instances the same way you clustered <br />JBoss.<br /><br />Check out the "Configuring Data Services" chapter in the Admin guide:<br /><b r /><br />--<br />Tom Jordahl<br />Adobe<br /><br /><br /><[email protected]> wrote<br />> Hi,<br />><br />> I'am using Flex 3, LiceCycle Data Service 2.5.1, JBoss 4.2.1 in a web <br />> application. Our JBoss servers are in a cluster. We want to replicate Flex <br />> session among cluster, but it doesn't work. Did someone face issue with <br />> Flex session replication among application servers?<br />> Thank you for your help<br />><br />> Gerard

  • Apache + 2 Tomcats session replication problem.

    Greetings everyone.
    Before stating the problem, let me explain how my environment is set.
    I have two machines. One (PC1) running Apache (HTTP server 2.0.58)
    and one instance of Tomcat (5.0.28) and another machine (PC2) with
    another instance of Tomcat(5.0.28).
    The Apache server
    It is configured to handle static content, to redirect dynamic content to a
    Tomcat instance through AJP 1.3 connector.
    This process is done through the mod_jk and the
    The file is configured to have sticky_session = True
    so it assigns a SESSION_ID to the same Tomcat it was first assigned.
    The file is configured to have
    sticky_session_force = True so if the Tomcat the SESSION_ID was
    assigned is not available, the server answers with a 500 error.
    The Tomcat servers
    Both have only the AJP 1.3 connector enabled
    Both have the Cluster tag from the server.xml file uncommented
    and the useDirtyFlag flag set to false, for not to allow SESSION
    replication between Tomcats.
    The file
    #Defining workers -----------------------------
    #Defining balancer ---------------------------
    worker.balancer.balance_workers=tel1, tel2
    #Defining status -----------------------------
    #Workers properties ---------------------------
    worker.tel1.connection_pool_timeout = 20
    worker.tel2.connection_pool_timeout = 20
    I open a browser in the jk-status page to see how the Tomcat instances are
    working, and both are working fine: Stat -> OK, now as the
    loadbalancing factor is 1 on both Tomcats, an even alternating session
    distribution is set.
    While this browser is open to keep an eye on the status, I open a new
    browser (B1)to connect to my Web Application, Apache answers
    correctly and gives me a SESSION_ID for Tomcat instance 1 [both
    instances are OK], if I make a simple refresh, my SESSION_ID is still the
    same so I'm assigned to Tomcat instance 1 but this time I get an
    ERROR 503 - Service unavailable but looking at the status of the
    Tomcat instances both instances are still OK, no-one is down. And it
    stays throwing this error for as many refreshes i do.
    Now, I open a new browser (B2)and do the same process as before,
    as expected, Apache now gives me a SESSION_ID for Tomcat instance 2,
    repeating the same refreshing process, the error is thrown again, but still at
    the jk-status page, both instances are fine.
    Without closing these windows, I make a new refresh try on B1 and
    even though the jk-status says both Tomcat instances are OK, the error
    is still thrown. I open a third one (B3), and Apache again, correctly
    gives me a new SESSION_ID for Tomcat instance 1 and answers
    correctly on the first call. But once again if i repeat the refreshing process, the
    error is thrown again.
    Note: Using a different resolution to always keep and eye on the
    instances status and using a refresh rate of 1 second for status, both
    servers always were OK.
    So the main problem is that somehow when the session is replicated
    to the same tomcat, Apache confuses and thinks it is not available, when
    asking it through the jk-status it tells it is OK
    I've been trying different configurations with both Apache and Tomcat,
    but there must be something missing since I don't get it to work correctly
    Thanks in advance for all your helping comments.
    - @alphazygma

    Whew... that was quite an answer... definitely is going to help him a lot. Yeah any n00b by now should know how to use google, but that's not the point in this forums, here we are to help each other. and wether you like it or not many of us deploy applications to tomcat and stumble on this. So dont try to be cool posting this kind of answers like google this or google that if you dont have an answer please dont comment you will appear to be more noobish than you aparently are.
    Well enough talking.
    I found the following useful: (it comes in the server.xml of the tomcat configuration)
    <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via JK/JK2 ie :
    <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0" jvmRoute="jvm1">
    Enabling that entry on both machines should be enough.
    Aparently the problem is not with apache. is with tomcat since it can't retain the session apache gives.
    more information in the Tomcat help at:

  • Does replication group have to be set for session replication

    I have delployed an servlet based application on a 3 node cluster. I have a simple POJO that I use to carry data in the session from a "confirm?" to "confirmed" page. This object implements serializable and only has String and int members. I put it in session using request.getSession().setAttribute("dto", myobject). For some reason it is not being replicated to the other nodes in the cluster. My weblogic.xml has "PersistentStoreType" set to "replicated_if_clustered". I am not seeing any serialization or other errors in the node logs.
              I have looked at information contained in the link below and I think we are doing everything right.
              The only thing that I noticed is that the "Replication Group" is not set for any of the servers in the cluster. Does this need to be set for replication to happen?

              Having replication group is optional. It is used only if you are implementing failover in cluster. For session replication one has to generally configure 3 things:
              - in memory replication
              - jdbc replication
              - file sytem replication
              for im memory replication,
              Step 1:
              make sure taht a client is accesing the cluseter using either
              - load balancing hardware
              - web servers with weblogic proxy plugin
              Step 2:
              specify the persistance type in weblogic.xml

  • Weblogic 7.0 sp1 cluster - session replication problem

              I have installed Weblogic 7.0 sp2 on Win NT. To test clustering
              feature, I have installed one admin server and added two managed
              servers. All are running on same box. I could deploy web application
              to the cluster. Connection pools and every other resource is working
              well with the cluster. However I couldn't get session replication to
              work. I have modified web app descriptor, and set 'persistent store
              type' to "replicated".
              I accessed application from one managed server, in the middle of
              session I modified the port number in the URL to point to other
              managed server. It looks like second managed server has no idea of
              that session, my app fails because of this.
              Could you please help me out in this, Do I need to do any thing in
              addition to the above. I couldn't find much in the BEA manual..

              For Web application like servlets/JSP, it is better to put one web server as proxy
              plugin before your two managed servers and access your application through web
              proxy. (You need set session as in-memory replicated either in weblogic.xml or
              by console editor). Otherwise, you need record the session cookie from the first
              serevr and send the cookie to the second server (not sure if it works). To access
              EJB/JMS, use cluster URL like t3://server1:port1,server2:port2.
              [email protected] (Rao) wrote:
              >I have installed Weblogic 7.0 sp2 on Win NT. To test clustering
              >feature, I have installed one admin server and added two managed
              >servers. All are running on same box. I could deploy web application
              >to the cluster. Connection pools and every other resource is working
              >well with the cluster. However I couldn't get session replication to
              >work. I have modified web app descriptor, and set 'persistent store
              >type' to "replicated".
              >I accessed application from one managed server, in the middle of
              >session I modified the port number in the URL to point to other
              >managed server. It looks like second managed server has no idea of
              >that session, my app fails because of this.
              >Could you please help me out in this, Do I need to do any thing in
              >addition to the above. I couldn't find much in the BEA manual..

  • Session replication at every http request

    Hi everybody
    I'm trying to use ZKoss Framework ( to develop a
    web application and deploy it in a Clustered WebLogic Server.
    The main issue I'm facing is that the "state" of the visual interface
    is stored inside the http session, and so, when node that handle
    the http request changes, the state is resetted and then the page changes,
    even if there was no user intervention.
    So I need to replicate the whole session at every http request,
    to prevent strange behaviours when the request handler node's changes.
    Do you know some settings that will force WebLogic Server to replicate the whole
    session at every http request?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Marco,
    Yes, You are right But You NEED NOT to put setAttribute("key","value")...code in all your JSPs. because if the Attribute data of Session is changed then Automatically it will be replicated (only the Changed Data and not the Data which is unchanged). Even we need not to worry about replicating the Unchanged Data Again...And WebLogic will take care of ChangedData by itself. There is no other alternate solution available in weblogic to do this...Even no such similar Element available in Deployment descriptors as well.
    Actual Link is Broken
    Any way i am copy-pasting few Lines from E-Docs (the actual link i am not able to find ..but may be u can open the cached page:
    ---------------------------If you are not able to open the link then please refer to the E-Docs copy-paste content below --------------------------
    Programming Considerations for Clustered Servlets and JSPs
    This section highlights key programming constraints and recommendations for servlets and JSPs that you will deploy in a clustered environment.
    Session Data Must Be Serializable
    To support in-memory replication of HTTP session states, all servlet and JSP session data must be serializable.
    Note:     Serialization is the process of converting a complex data structure, such as a parallel arrangement of data (in which a number of bits are transmitted at a time along parallel channels) into a serial form (in which one bit at a time is transmitted); a serial interface provides this conversion to enable data transmission.
    Every field in an object must be serializable or transient in order for the object to be considered serializable. If the servlet or JSP uses a combination of serializable and non-serializable objects, WebLogic Server does not replicate the session state of the non-serializable objects.
    Use setAttribute to Change Session State
    In an HTTP servlet that implements javax.servlet.http.HttpSession, use HttpSession.setAttribute (which replaces the deprecated putValue) to change attributes in a session object. If you set attributes in a session object with setAttribute, the object and its attributes are replicated in a cluster using in-memory replication. If you use other set methods to change objects within a session, WebLogic Server does not replicate those changes. Every time a change is made to an object that is in the session, setAttribute() should be called to update that object across the cluster.
    Likewise, use removeAttribute (which, in turn, replaces the deprecated removeValue) to remove an attribute from a session object.
    Note:     Use of the deprecated putValue and removeValue methods will also cause session attributes to be replicated.     
    Jay SenSharma
    Edited by: Jay SenSharma on Feb 11, 2010 10:24 PM
    Edited by: Jay SenSharma on Feb 11, 2010 10:26 PM

  • What are the steps to setup an HTTP Session replication clustering in oc4j9

    what are the steps to setup an HTTP Session replication clustering in oc4j9.0.5

    Are you sure you have the correct version number for OC4J? Is this a standalone OC4J instance, if it then the steps involved are different from the full stack. Please check the Higher Availibility guide in the documentation on OTN.

  • Using UMS on a Glassfish cluster - how to support session replication ?

    I have deployed the imqums.war in a Glassfish cluster but can not use the session replication.
    The UMS uses sid as client session identifier. If the client session is is created on node 1, when the call hits the node 2 it gets:
    com.sun.messaging.ums.service.UMSServiceException: javax.jms.JMSException: sid is not authenticated. Use login to get a new sid, expired/invalid sid=4-LTE2NTA5ODMzMTU=
    at com.sun.messaging.ums.service.ClientPool.getClient(
    at com.sun.messaging.ums.service.SendServiceImpl.commit(
    at com.sun.messaging.ums.service.UMSServiceImpl.commit(
    at com.sun.messaging.ums.core.UMSServlet.doSimpleMessaging(
    at com.sun.messaging.ums.core.UMSServlet.doPost(
    Can you provide advise how to obtain session replication for UMS calls ?
    Thank you,

    There is an example here,
    It was run on WebLogic but should be runnable on Glassfish without too much effort. (if you port it, please submit your changes to the wiki or bugzilla).

  • Remote handle caching error when using HTTP session replication

              Using WL 7.0 Sp2 on Solaris, deployed apllication on a 2 instance wide cluster.Code
              attached -
              unzip to find a test.jar which is the stateless sesion ejb and test.war
              which is the applicaiton.
              I have this class - TestDelegate that looks up a stateless session EJB(TestEJB),
              and puts the remote handle as a member variable(Test bean).Test.jsp instantiates
              this delegate(TestDelegate ), and then via setAttribute puts the TestDelegate
              in the HTTPSession.Then it calls a couple of methods via the TestDelegate which
              has the remote handle of the TestEJB.
              Scenario 1 : We deploy the WAR on cluster A which is 2 instance wide,we deploy
              the TestEJB on
              cluster B, which is also 2 instance wide. All works fine, the delegate is able
              to lookup EJB and
              can add the remote handle as a member variable.
              Scenario 2: We deploy the WAR on cluster A which is 2 instance wide,we deploy
              the TestEJB on
              cluster B, which is also 2 instance wide. This time we put a weblogic.xml in the
              WAR which has tag for in-memory session replication.This time we get class cast
              exception for the same sequence that we have above.
              <Mar 24, 2003 10:43:28 AM EST> <Error> <kernel> <000802> <ExecuteRequest failed
              java.lang.ClassCastException: Assigning instance of class com.TestEJB_1jsmq_EOImpl_WLStub
              to field com.bean.TestDelegate#bean
              Start server side stack trace:
              java.lang.ClassCastException: Assigning instance of class com.TestEJB_1jsmq_EOImpl_WLStub
              to field com.bean.TestDelegate#bean
              at java.util.Hashtable.readObject(
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at weblogic.common.internal.ChunkedObjectInputStream.readObject(
              at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevInputStream.readObject(
              at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              End server side stack trace

    To see the list of session IDs in the cache you can iterate over the keys of the cache returned from the following code:
    NamedCache cacheCatalog = CacheFactory.getReplicatedCacheService("$FilterService$").ensureCache("CoherenceSession.CATALOG", getClass().getClassLoader());Then to see the contents of a session you can take a look a the cache returned from the following code:
    String sId = // keys from cacheCatalog
    NamedCache cacheDetails = cacheCatalog.getCacheService().ensureCache(sId, getClass().getClassLoader());Hope this helps.
    We have received your request for a development license and we hould have ti out to you today.
    Rob Misek
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Coherence: Cluster your Work. Work your Cluster.

  • Strange errors in session replication

              I get following errors in session replication :
              weblogic.utils.NestedError: Tried to update secondary, but it thought
              it was the primary
              - with nested exception:
              [weblogic.cluster.replication.BadStatusException: updateSecondary
                  -148099416498695151 but it is not the primary]
              Using Weblogic451, SP7 on Solaris 2.6.
              Any clues ??
              -Kuntal Shah.

              > > Alteon is set to use "permanent hashing" to route the client into
              > > the same server in each request.
              > How do you expect the switch to know about the secondary node
              > if the primary fails? This information is stored in the URL and
              > parsed by a proxy.
              It took a couple of days and fair amount of documentation to understand
              the behaviour of the web cluster...;-)
              We changed the configuration to include two proxy servers between the
              Alteon switch and web cluster, but we ended up with a different problem.
              The setup at the moment is:
              - Sun Solaris 2.6, native threads, JDK 1.1.7B_008
              - two WLS 4.51 SP7 running in cluster using in-memory replication
              - only servlets deployed in the servers
              - Two WLS proxies between the webcluster and alteon switch. Both proxies are
              configured to use both of the web servers. they do not belong to the web
              The proxies are configured in the following way:
              Probably most of the configuration parameters are not necessary, can
              somebody tell me which are
              and which are not?
              The servers in the web cluster are configured in the following way:
              The following parameters are in the start-up script of the servers:
              -Dweblogic.cluster.enable=true \
              -Dweblogic.cluster.multicastAddress= \
              -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr=x.y.z.a1 \
              -Dweblogic.system.nativeIO.enable=true \
              -Dweblogic.debug.replication=1 \
              And the following are in the cluster-wide properties file:
              The IP-address of the Alteon box in front of the proxies is bound to
              The first problem seems to be very poor performance. The overall throughtput
              is vveeeerrryyy slow, comparing
              to the configuration where there is no proxy sitting in front of the
              cluster. Furthermore, at some stage the proxy
              starts to print out error messages: java.lang.InvalidStateException: broken
              pipe [...] . After those exceptions no
              client get any response anymore.
              Could someone give some hints what are the most essential items in the
     -file for the
              proxy server? Also, if someone has some experience from setting up a
              configuration similar to ours: one hardware
              load-balancer in front of two proxies, and eventually two web servers
              running in a web cluster.

  • HTTP Sessions tracking using in-memory session replication

              I am using wls5.1. I have a situation where the "Java Heap size
              used" exceeds 100%, then it drops down to maybe 20% (after garbage
              collection). What happens to the active Http sessions when using
              in-memory session replication with persistance set to false.
              Are the sessions written to disk? If so, where?
              Are the sessions, before the garbage collection, still active?

    Also looks like either your session invalidation time is too high or your
              heap size is too small. Make sure you tune either of this paramater
              Viresh Garg
              Principal Developer Relations Engineer
              BEA Systems
              Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > Replicated session data is never written to disk. I dont' understand
              > your second questions. If the session is active and if GC kicks in it
              > won't delete the object since the servlet engine has reference to that
              > session object.
              > Make sure you never swap and your application has enough heap.
              > -- Prasad
              > chris mckinnon wrote:
              > > I am using wls5.1. I have a situation where the "Java Heap size
              > > used" exceeds 100%, then it drops down to maybe 20% (after garbage
              > > collection). What happens to the active Http sessions when using
              > > in-memory session replication with persistance set to false.
              > > Are the sessions written to disk? If so, where?
              > > Are the sessions, before the garbage collection, still active?
              > --
              > Cheers
              > - Prasad

Maybe you are looking for