CFB trying to write to application dir

I'm just trying to troubleshoot why CFB completely locks up every coupla hours, and just saw this in my workspace log:
Exception saving preferences to: C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/profile.profile/.data/.settings/ lipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.prefs.
What the hell is CFB trying to write preferences to my application dir?  It should not be writing files there.  Well: especially given I'm not an adminstrator of this machine, I specically can't write files there.  But CFB should not be putting config stuff in the application dir in the first place.  It should be writing to the workspace dir.
Is this a cock-up in my install, or a cock-up in CFB?

It seems to me that your nickname from the iTunes Store on a computer does not necessarily carry over to the App Store on the iPad.
So I suggest simply re-entering your nickname.  Surely there is no harm in doing that.

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    I managed to make it work.
    I did entry as below in /etc/fstab
    // /mnt/win cifs credentials=/etc/
    smbcred 0 0
    mount -a
    /etc/smbcred file contains username and password
    now it is mounted as read write mode.

  • Error while reading UcdContext [trying to read / set application values for users]

    I am trying to write a program to store user selected values on NW7.3 Portal using "User Content Directory". I can see and read some code snippets on how to set and read the context but I am getting one error after another.
    The error message I am getting is
    "[email protected]entClassLoader@84507ed@alive incompatible with interface[email protected]der@f46d103@alive ". Code snippet is as given below at the end of the message.
    1) I tried different ways to have a lookup and always gave message as "look up not found" and for pcd:portal_content came up with above error.
    2) Once I read the UCD context, I would like to store some values based on user selection and store them. User may change the values whenever they like and I will be using the values for other purposes in another application.
    3) Has any one successful in setting and reading UCD Context in NW 7.3. Will it be possible to share such sample code as the code snippets at are not much of use unless I am able to read the UCD.
    Thanks for your help!
    TestingUCD is my test application and the following is code snippet
    InitialContext initialContext = null;
    IPcdContext pcdCtx;
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, request.getUser());
    env.put(Constants.REQUESTED_ASPECT, IPcdAttribute.PERSISTENCY_ASPECT);
    initialContext = new InitialContext(env);
    //response.write("Before pcdCtx lookup");
    try {
    pcdCtx = ( initialContext.lookup("pcd:portal_content");
    } catch(Exception e){
    response.write("Some problem with lookup" + e.getMessage());

    There are quite few differences in the standard code snippet given by SAP Help on UCD and the once that you put above in the question.
    Below is standard snippet.
    Hashtable<Object, Object> env = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
    pcdCtx =  (IPcdContext) ctx.lookup("");
    Check the ones highlighted in BOLD and compare them in your code. In your code when ur doing initial lookup you are not using the Correct class type cast for the returned lookup object!
    Your code shows as below:
    pcdCtx = ( initialContext.lookup("pcd:portal_content");
    But may be it shd have been something like below:
    pcdCtx = (IPcdContext) initialContext.lookup("pcd:portal_content");
    Pls verify and hopefully this resolves your issues around look up.
    Swapna Priya.

  • Trying to write code for clicking on the links that are in HTML table

    I have an application, where in I created a table test for one HTML table. The table test case is passed. Now I am trying to write some VBA code for clicking on the links that are in the table.
    Please help me.
    I was trying to write the following code:
    Dim tbl As HTMLTable
    ' tbl = "window(index=0).Tag[TABLE](index=11)"
    Dim tblrow As HTMLTableRow
    For Each tblrow In tbl
    but getting error as runtime error 424: Object required.
    Is what I am doing is correct.
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    Call RSWApp.WriteToLog("Number of links", objDocument.links.Length) ( i have this code from one of the forum entries).
    This writes the links to the Results log. but is there a way to assign this value to an integer.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Dim myFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim myFile As Scripting.TextStream
    Set myFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set myFile = myFs.OpenTextFile("C:\Empirix\eTEST\DataBank\linksData.csv", ForWriting)
    Q2: I was using the following code for clicking. ( This is different from above. I was trying other alternative without using databank.)
    Dim myDoc As HTMLDocument
    Dim myLink As HTMLAnchorElement
    Set myDoc =
    For Each myLink In myDoc.links
    If myLink.Id = "AppsNavLink" Then
    End If
    The problem here is, The "clicking" is happening but not visible in the application. I have 70 links to click, after the test is passed, the cursor is pointing to the last link ( 70th link).
    Please help me if I am doing wrong.

  • SQL errors in SMS_STATE_SYSTEM - Trying to write NULL values to PropertyLocale

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    Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 515, severity 16: [23000][515][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PropertyLocale', table 'CM_I20.dbo.CatalogAppModelProperties'; column does not allow
    nulls. UPDATE fails. : usp_BuildCatalogPropertyTable
    Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.
    I understand what this message means but i cant find which applications are causing the problem.
    (actually i think I do but I still get the error messages after deleting them..)
    It seems it's trying to write NULL-values twice every 5 minutes, but from "where"? What is telling it to update the row with a NULL value?

    Here are part of the statesys.log - It's not very helpful ;)
    Seems it's the  'Update Application Catalog Tables'-task who is responsible for the mess.. But it does not say anything about the application..
    Started task 'Update Application Catalog Tables'
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:14
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:29
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [23000][515][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PropertyLocale', table 'CM_I20.dbo.CatalogAppModelProperties'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. : usp_BuildCatalogPropertyTable
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:29
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:29
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [24000][0][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Invalid cursor state
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:29
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [23000][515][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PropertyLocale', table 'CM_I20.dbo.CatalogAppModelProperties'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. : usp_BuildCatalogPropertyTable
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Task 'Update Application Catalog Tables' failed after running for 19 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Will sleep until task 'Update NAP Restriction Error Summary' is due in 220 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Main thread waiting for file change notification or timeout after 220 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:18:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Inbox notification triggered, pause for 10 seconds....
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:19:53
    4744 (0x1288)
    Found new state messages to process, starting processing thread
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:20:03
    4744 (0x1288)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:3088 started
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:20:03
    3088 (0x0C10)
    total chucks loaded (1) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:20:03 3088 (0x0C10)
    total chucks loaded (0) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:20:03 3088 (0x0C10)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:3088 terminated normally
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:20:03
    3088 (0x0C10)
    CThreadMgr::ThreadTerminating - All threads have stopped running
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:20:03
    3088 (0x0C10)
    Found new state messages to process, starting processing thread
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:21:03
    4744 (0x1288)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:6468 started
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:21:03
    6468 (0x1944)
    total chucks loaded (1) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:21:03 6468 (0x1944)
    total chucks loaded (0) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:21:03 6468 (0x1944)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:6468 terminated normally
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:21:03
    6468 (0x1944)
    CThreadMgr::ThreadTerminating - All threads have stopped running
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:21:03
    6468 (0x1944)
    Started task 'Update NAP Restriction Error Summary'
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:22:18
    4744 (0x1288)
    Task 'Update NAP Restriction Error Summary' completed successfully after running for 15 seconds, with status 0.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:22:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Will sleep until task 'Update Application Catalog Tables' is due in 60 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:22:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Main thread waiting for file change notification or timeout after 60 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:22:33
    4744 (0x1288)
    Inbox notification triggered, pause for 10 seconds....
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:20
    4744 (0x1288)
    Found new state messages to process, starting processing thread
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:30
    4744 (0x1288)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:4076 started
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:30
    4076 (0x0FEC)
    total chucks loaded (1) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:23:30 4076 (0x0FEC)
    total chucks loaded (0) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:23:30 4076 (0x0FEC)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:4076 terminated normally
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:30
    4076 (0x0FEC)
    CThreadMgr::ThreadTerminating - All threads have stopped running
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:30
    4076 (0x0FEC)
    Started task 'Update Application Catalog Tables'
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:23:45
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:00
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [23000][515][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PropertyLocale', table 'CM_I20.dbo.CatalogAppModelProperties'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. : usp_BuildCatalogPropertyTable
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:00
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:00
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [24000][0][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Invalid cursor state
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:00
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** exec usp_RunCatalogTableTasks NULL, 0xA102000074652041
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:04
    4744 (0x1288)
    *** [23000][515][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PropertyLocale', table 'CM_I20.dbo.CatalogAppModelProperties'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. : usp_BuildCatalogPropertyTable
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:04
    4744 (0x1288)
    Task 'Update Application Catalog Tables' failed after running for 19 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:04
    4744 (0x1288)
    Found new state messages to process, starting processing thread
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:49
    4744 (0x1288)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:6800 started
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:49
    6800 (0x1A90)
    total chucks loaded (1) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:24:49 6800 (0x1A90)
    total chucks loaded (0) SMS_STATE_SYSTEM
    03.02.2014 16:24:49 6800 (0x1A90)
    Thread "State Message Processing Thread #0" id:6800 terminated normally
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:49
    6800 (0x1A90)
    CThreadMgr::ThreadTerminating - All threads have stopped running
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:24:49
    6800 (0x1A90)
    Will sleep until task 'Update NAP Restriction Summary' is due in 16 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:04
    4744 (0x1288)
    Main thread waiting for file change notification or timeout after 16 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:04
    4744 (0x1288)
    Inbox notification triggered, pause for 10 seconds....
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:20
    4744 (0x1288)
    Started task 'Update NAP Restriction Summary'
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:30
    4744 (0x1288)
    Task 'Update NAP Restriction Summary' completed successfully after running for 15 seconds, with status 0.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:45
    4744 (0x1288)
    Will sleep until task 'Update Application Catalog Tables' is due in 139 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:45
    4744 (0x1288)
    Main thread waiting for file change notification or timeout after 139 seconds.
    SMS_STATE_SYSTEM 03.02.2014 16:26:45
    4744 (0x1288)

  • Newbie trying to write toplink hello world program

    I am trying to write my first toplink app using POJOs, and I'm having a hard time finding a sample toplink application. In this case, I'd like to run outside of a J2EE container with a stand-alone java application to do some basic CRUD operations. I've already run the mapping workbench on my Java classes and generated the deployment file and sessions.xml file. Where (Oracle docs) can I find source code for a simple stand-alone java main() app that uses the toplink API?
    Thanks in advance.

    TopLink ships with many examples - complete with runtime and workbench componants - in 9.0.4.X Find them here: <TopLink_install_dir>\examples\
    For non app server simple CRUD examples, I suggest you look here first:

  • Error on Mac: couldn't write  the application to the hard drive

    A Mac user can load the Connect meeting interface but when he
    tries to share screen he gets a pop-up that says:
    "Couldn't write the application to the hard drive. Please
    verify the hard disk is available" with options to retry or cancel.
    On retry same error.
    Any idea of what is going on and how to fix it?

    Hi rpembroke,
    I don't know if this will help you or not.  I found the fix for me, for this problem and several others I was having.
    I created, or I should say, since I am still working on this, a new user account.  Once I created a new account and tried to install no more can't install to harddrive. Many of the other problems I was having are now gone also.
    I am in the process of moving over just what I need as far as apps, docs, book marks etc... So far everything is working fine. So you can try creating a new account and see.
    Hope this works for you.

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    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="/store/" />
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="~//store/" />
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="/../../../../../store/" />
    to {OC4J_HOME}/j2ee/home/application-deployments/myApp/myApp/orion-web.xml with no success. The webapp still tries to write to
    Can I write outside the oc4j container?

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    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="/store/" />
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="~//store/" />
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/store" real-path="/../../../../../store/" />
    to {OC4J_HOME}/j2ee/home/application-deployments/myApp/myApp/orion-web.xml with no success. The webapp still tries to write to
    Can I write outside the oc4j container?

  • Trying to write an Automator program to find files with same time created and change file names to matching source folder names

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    I am trying to write an Automator program:
    Not sure where to post this
    trying to write an Automator program to find files and alter their names
    I have a source folder with correct named master files in it.
    eg. A0001_1234.mpeg
    time created 14:02:03
    date 07/07/2012
    Another folder where there will be copies of the master files in a different format with different names but created at the same time as a file in the source directory.
    they are created with a seperate device but they are
    time created 14:02:03
    date 07/07/2012
    I need it to then take the name from the source fies and apply the correct name to the matching file based on the time it was created.
    I can't seem to find actions in automator that reference time crated.
    Is this something I will be able to Do in automator?
    Any help would be great

    It's impossible to do this without any script in Automator.
    Use this AppleScript script :
    set source to choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder"
    set anotherfolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the another folder"
    tell application "Finder"
        repeat with tfile in (get files of source)
            set cDate to creation date of tfile
            set findFiles to (files of anotherfolder whose creation date is cDate)
            if findFiles is not {} then
                set tName to name of tfile
                set name of item 1 of findFiles to tName
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell

  • Trying to Deploy an application on Cloud with openrdf-sesame-2.2.4.jar

    I am trying to deploy an application which has dependency on openrdf-sesame-2.2.4.jar (which I can't remove from the app). I am getting the following white list validation errors:
    ERROR : There are 4,495 error(s) found for D:\Oracle\temp\RemoteAgent\resources\openrdf-sesame-2.2.4.jar
    ERROR : Path:D:\Oracle\temp\RemoteAgent\resources\openrdf-sesame-2.2.4.jar (365 Errors)
    ERROR : Path:D:\Oracle\temp\RemoteAgent\resources\openrdf-sesame-2.2.4.jar (365 Errors)
    ERROR : Class:info.aduna.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory (2 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:26 Method Name:java.lang.SecurityManager->getThreadGroup())
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:25 Variable Name:java.lang.SecurityManager s ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.SecurityManager)
    ERROR : (3 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    ERROR : ( ->Base type)
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:266 Constructor:java.lang.SecurityManager() ->Class Extension?..)
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:280 Method Name:java.lang.SecurityManager->getClassContext())
    ERROR : Class:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher (29 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Signature for field:subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:193 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->getRuntime())
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:193 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->exec(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[],
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:193 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:196 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->getRuntime())
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:196 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->exec(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[],
    ERROR : 7:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:196 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:198 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 9:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:198 Method Name:java.lang.Process->getInputStream())
    ERROR : 10:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:199 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 11:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:199 Method Name:java.lang.Process->getErrorStream())
    ERROR : 12:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:203 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 13:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:203 Method Name:java.lang.Process->waitFor())
    ERROR : 14:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:219 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 15:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 16:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Method Name:java.lang.Process->destroy())
    ERROR : 17:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:221 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 18:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:219 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 19:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 20:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Method Name:java.lang.Process->destroy())
    ERROR : 21:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:221 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 22:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:219 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 23:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 24:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:220 Method Name:java.lang.Process->destroy())
    ERROR : 25:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:221 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 26:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:238 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 27:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:239 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : 28:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:239 Method Name:java.lang.Process->destroy())
    ERROR : 29:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:240 Field Name:info.aduna.platform.ProcessLauncher->subProcess ->OnClassSignature:java.lang.Process)
    ERROR : Class:info.aduna.webapp.util.FilePart (1 Error)
    ERROR : 1:Type "javax.activation.DataSource" not allowed.
    ERROR : (OnClassSignature:info.aduna.webapp.util.FilePart ->Base type)
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.console.Console (5 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Method "exit" not allowed from "java.lang.System".
    ERROR : (Line No:202 Method Name:java.lang.System->exit(int))
    ERROR : 2:Method "exit" not allowed from "java.lang.System".
    ERROR : (Line No:207 Method Name:java.lang.System->exit(int))
    ERROR : 3:Method "exit" not allowed from "java.lang.System".
    ERROR : (Line No:216 Method Name:java.lang.System->exit(int))
    ERROR : 4:Method "exit" not allowed from "java.lang.System".
    ERROR : (Line No:231 Method Name:java.lang.System->exit(int))
    ERROR : 5:Method "exit" not allowed from "java.lang.System".
    ERROR : (Line No:240 Method Name:java.lang.System->exit(int))
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.query.resultio.binary.BinaryQueryResultParser (5 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:325 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->wrap(byte[]))
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:326 Method Name:java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder->decode(java.nio.ByteBuffer))
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:328 Method Name:java.nio.CharBuffer->toString())
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:325 Variable Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:326 Variable Name:java.nio.CharBuffer charBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.CharBuffer)
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.query.resultio.binary.BinaryQueryResultWriter (6 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:279 Method Name:java.nio.CharBuffer->wrap(java.lang.CharSequence))
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:279 Method Name:java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder->encode(java.nio.CharBuffer))
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:280 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->remaining())
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:281 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->array())
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:281 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->remaining())
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:279 Variable Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager.1 (9 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Signature for field:val$fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Argument signature at index (starting with 0):1 for method:<init> ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:206 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager.1->val$fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:217 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->getRuntime())
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:217 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->addShutdownHook(java.lang.Thread))
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:226 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->getRuntime())
    ERROR : 7:Type "java.lang.Runtime" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:226 Method Name:java.lang.Runtime->removeShutdownHook(java.lang.Thread))
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:232 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager.1->val$fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 9:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:232 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileLock->release())
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager (10 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:89 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->lock())
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:90 Method Name:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager->createLock(, java.nio.channels.FileLock))
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:89 Variable Name:java.nio.channels.FileLock fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:163 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->tryLock())
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:167 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileLock->release())
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:163 Variable Name:java.nio.channels.FileLock fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 7:Type "java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:171 Variable Name:java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException exc ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException)
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Argument signature at index (starting with 0):1 for method:createLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : 9:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:206 Constructor:org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager.1(org.openrdf.sail.helpers.DirectoryLockManager, java.nio.channels.FileLock,
    ERROR : 10:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:206 Variable Name:java.nio.channels.FileLock fileLock ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileLock)
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.sail.memory.FileIO (11 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:358 Method Name:java.nio.CharBuffer->wrap(java.lang.CharSequence))
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:358 Method Name:java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder->encode(java.nio.CharBuffer))
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:359 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->remaining())
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:360 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->array())
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:360 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->remaining())
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:358 Variable Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    ERROR : 7:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:400 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->wrap(byte[]))
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:401 Method Name:java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder->decode(java.nio.ByteBuffer))
    ERROR : 9:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:403 Method Name:java.nio.CharBuffer->toString())
    ERROR : 10:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:400 Variable Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    ERROR : 11:Type "java.nio.CharBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:401 Variable Name:java.nio.CharBuffer charBuf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.CharBuffer)
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache.RecordCacheIterator (11 Errors)
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:99 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache->fileChannel ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileChannel)
    ERROR : 2:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:99 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->size())
    ERROR : 3:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:101 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->wrap(byte[]))
    ERROR : 4:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:103 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache->fileChannel ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileChannel)
    ERROR : 5:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:103 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->read(java.nio.ByteBuffer, long))
    ERROR : 6:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:101 Variable Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer buf ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    ERROR : 7:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:120 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache->fileChannel ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileChannel)
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:120 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->size())
    ERROR : 9:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:121 Field Name:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache->fileChannel ->OnClassSignature:java.nio.channels.FileChannel)
    ERROR : 10:Type "java.nio.ByteBuffer" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:121 Method Name:java.nio.ByteBuffer->wrap(byte[]))
    ERROR : 11:Type "java.nio.channels.FileChannel" not allowed.
    ERROR : (Line No:121 Method Name:java.nio.channels.FileChannel->write(java.nio.ByteBuffer, long))
    ERROR : Class:org.openrdf.sail.nativerdf.SequentialRecordCache (9 Errors)

    Hi. it looks like you have run into at least the limitations on HD/IO access, security restrictions and running/viewing native processes - see the whitelist exclusion in the following link.
    Understanding Java Cloud Service Whitelist Criteria
    ERROR : 1:Type "java.lang.SecurityManager" not allowed.
    Overriding Java Security Manager
    ERROR : 17:Type "java.lang.Process" not allowed.
    Executing a new Process
    ERROR : 8:Type "java.nio.channels.FileLock" not allowed
    Java non-blocking IO
    Also see the unsupported API list
    thank you

  • Trying to write a Listener on a CheckBox to change the Model of a ComboBox

    I am trying to change the list that appears in a ComboBox dynamically based on if a CheckBox is selected or not. I have multiple CheckBoxes and ComboBoxes being created in a loop based on a variable assigned at creation. Every tutorial i have seen writes out a listener that explicitly defines the checkbox instance but in my case i don't acctually know. My checkboxes are in an array of checkboxes as are the comboboxes as they are being created at runtime. Any help would be much apreciated this issue has been with me for two days now.

    here is a snippit of my code in how i was implementing this:
    int numButton = 17; //this is for testing only, this variable is set from another class normally
    // these variables are defined private elsewhere in the class
    JCheckBox PlayerByeCheck[] = new JCheckBox[numButton + 1];
    JCheckBox PlayerHomeCheck[] = new JCheckBox[numButton + 1];
    boolean PlayerOnBye[] = new boolean[numButton + 1];
    for (int i = 1; i <= numButton; i++) {
             PlayerByeCheck[i] = new JCheckBox();
         PlayerHomeCheck[i] = new JCheckBox();
         PlayerOnBye[i] = false;
    // more code here for building the gui it is not important for this problem
    // code to build the list starts here
    for (int i = 1; i <= numButton; i++) {
         ((TableLayout)PlayerRosterPanel.getLayout()).insertRow(1, TableLayout.PREFERRED);
         PlayerByeCheck[i].setName("PlayerByeCheck" + i);
         PlayerRosterPanel.add(PlayerByeCheck[i], new TableLayoutConstraints(2, 1, 2, 1, TableLayoutConstraints.CENTER, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL));
    //the comboox that i want to change
    //---- PlayerTeamSelect1 ----
         if (PlayerOnBye[i] = true) {
              PlayerTeamSelect[i].setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {
         } else {
              PlayerTeamSelect[i].setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {
         PlayerRosterPanel.add(PlayerTeamSelect[i], new TableLayoutConstraints(4, 1, 4, 1, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL));
    //more gui code here method gets closed
    //Item Action Listener starts here this is where i am having the problem                         
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
         Object source = e.getItem();
         if (source == PlayerByeCheck[1])
         int select = e.getStateChange();
              if (select == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              PlayerOnBye[1] = true;
    //repaint the window i think can't get the listener to work to see if this is the right way to do this
    //i doubt it is
    I have tried several different ways to write the listener, the example in the code above is following the java swing tutorial by explicitly defining the checkbox. I have tried to write the listener as i am creating the checkbox, which doesn't seem to work or i am wrting it wrong, which is entirely possible. Once the listener sets the value i think it should repaint the screen but i am sure that that is wrong right now as well. As my hunch is the repaint will reset the checkbox to DESELCTED the default value. I will come to that issue once i figure out how to get the listener working. Ideally i want to be able to set the listener for the checkboxes regardless as to how many there are. As stated above i am generating a list of checkboxes, comboboxes and other fields based on a variable that is defined in one of my objects. If the user selects checkbox 3 than combobox 3 should be changed, and the others should not. if the user selects all the checkboxes than all the comboboxes change.
    thanks for any help. Still plugging along on it trying to figure this one out.

  • WIN7 x64 Home Basic, 0x80070013 when trying to write or delete files. Disk is write protected.

    My SD card reader is not able to write or delete and format sd cards.
    WIN7 x64 Home Basic, 0x80070013 when I trying to write or delete files. When I trying to format I can see a message that disk is write protected. 
    The card is not locked, it's work in Lenovo Idea Pad s10 without any problem, It's also work in my Pentax camera.
    I'm almost sure that the problem is software, but can't find solution.
    Could Any one help me please?
    Laptop is new, 8 days in use. 

    I have network shutdown 2.0.1 installed and the pcns process normally would be abend in 1 or 2 minute's time. What could be the problem ? Consider to upgrade the network shutdown to 2.2.1 version. Could the problem be resolved in new version ? Any precaution needs to be taken when installing the new version ?

  • I have one paid mobileme account, few days ago I have done transition to iCloud and all my iDisk, contact... gone. Today I tried login to iCloud application on my windows pc but can not, it said "this apple id is valid but is not iCloud account"

    I have one paid mobileme account, few days ago I have done transition to iCloud and all my iDisk, contact... gone. Today I tried login to iCloud application on my windows pc (64bit) but I can not, it said "this apple id is valid but is not iCloud account". I can login on website but can not login into iCloud application installed on pc. What's wrong?
    I have tried another free apple ID and logged on. That's funny when I can login with free account and can not login with paid mobileme account!!!!!!

    By the way - the only reason I downloaded iCloud is because Apple deleted the backup option from iTunes.  Since iCloud doesn't work, I guess we have no way to protect our iTunes music collection.  Absolutely stupid.

  • I am trying to deploy an application and it fails with the error below.

    How do I resolve this deploy problem?
    Log messages: 
    [3/22/13 9:28:42:539 CDT] 000000d9 ApplicationSt E com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationStoreImpl create ApplicationStoreImpl:create:application exists:6201:FMLA: version :2.0
    [3/22/13 9:28:42:539 CDT] 000000d9 ApplicationSt E com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationStoreImpl create ApplicationStoreImpl:create:ExceptionFMLA : version : 2.0 : has already been created. only updates to the application are supported after they are created
    [3/22/13 9:28:42:539 CDT] 000000d9 ApplicationMa E com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService _importApplicationArchive ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():DSCException:FMLA : version : 2.0 : has already been created. only updates to the application are supported after they are created
    [3/22/13 9:28:42:555 CDT] 000000d9 ApplicationMa E com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService _importApplicationArchive ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():archive cleanup exception:9601:null

    Are you trying to import an application in the server as a LCA? Have you checked whether that application was existing previously or not? Sometimes if the application archieve is corrupted this type of situation might happen. Another reason might be you have already deployed application of the same name. try to undeploy the application if you have in the same name and try doing it. You can also import that in thw orkbench if you have got individual files.

  • I got this iphone from a guy and everytime i tried to update the applications stored in this phone it keeps asking me the password that the guy used to use, even thou i created a new apple ID of my own and updated the account of icloud and everything in t

    I got this iphone from a guy and everytime i tried to update the applications stored in this phone it keeps asking me the password that the guy used to use, even thou i created a new apple ID of my own and updated the account of icloud and everything in this iphone with the new apple ID, it still asks me the password of the account that the guy used to use whenever i tried to update the applications, and i cant find the guy who gave me this iphone...wt should i do???

    Apps are permanently tied to the AppleID that downloaded them and cannot be transferred to another.  Best thing to do is delete the apps and download those you want or need under your AppleID.

Maybe you are looking for