
if you use a cfform this normally overwrites the spry
validation at submit. Call on your cfform the validate() function
on submit action. You should have something like: if
(Spry.Widget.Form.validate(form) == true)....
On submit check if the validate() function returns true or
false. If true, continue submission, if false trigger the spry
Does anyone have a sample of the code, or more detailed
information on the code reffered to above. I have included my code
<html xmlns=""
<title>Admissions Application</title>
<cfinclude template="/head/app.htm" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateForm(form){
return true;
<div id="container" style="background-image:none;">
<div id="header">
<cfinclude template="/templates/header.htm" />
<img id="leafBottom" src="/images/rightNavLeaf.png" alt=""
<div id="content">
<cfform method="post" name="app" id="application"
action="" onsubmit="javascript:return ValidateForm(this)"
<div id="box">
<h1>I.D. and Name Information</h1>
<p class="section">Section 1 of 7</p>
<h3>Social Security Number</h3>
<div id="thessn">
<label for="ssn"><span
class="required">*</span>Social Security
<p><cfinput id="ssn" class="field" name="ssn"
type="text" size="10" />
<span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please enter your
social security number.</span>
<span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
valid social security number.</span></p>
<div id="thessn2">
<label for="ssn2"><span
class="required">*</span>Re-enter Social Security
<p><cfinput id="ssn2" class="field" name="ssn2"
type="text" size="10" />
<span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please re-enter your
social security number.</span>
<span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
valid social security number.</span>
<span class="confirmInvalidMsg">Social Security entires
do not match.</span></p>
<p><cfinput class="field" type="submit" name=""
value="Submit Application" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var thessn = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn",
"social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
var thessn2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn2",
"social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
var spryconfirm = new
Spry.Widget.ValidationConfirm("thessn2", "ssn");
<div id="footer">
<cfinclude template="/Templates/footer.htm" />

Thanks for pointing this out...
Yes! as per the cfinput tag, type=text and not textbox
Reference: 51.html
We will get this fixed!!

Similar Messages

  • Redirect to two separate pages in the same cfform

    I'm a bit of a novice at this.Hoping someone can guide me on how to accomplish this. I have a simple selection list (below). If they user chooses the selection in red I want it to redirect them to a page other than the one in the cfform tag, but I can't figure out how to segregate the options within the cfform from the same list. Thanks in advance.
    <cfform action="index2.cfm" method="POST">
    <table align="center" width="475" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
    <td><span class="label">Select Version:</span> </td>
      <cfselect name = "UPVersion">
       <option value=""></option>
       <option value="66SP1">6.6 SP1x</option>
       <option value="66SP2">6.6 SP2x</option>
      <option value="701">7.0.1x</option>
    <input type="hidden" name="gosearch" value="gosearch">
    <input type="hidden" name="Rows" value="50">
    <td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="[ search ]"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="[ clear ]"></td>

    The sample code I provided is reduced down to show a concept of how I solved the multiple processing based upon user selection criteria. 
    Looping throught the FORM.FIELDNAMES was provided as an easy way to capture the fieldnames and their values.
    Process1,cfm and Process2.cfm were used to show 2 different processing pages.  They do not exist and are examples.
    I use this logic on many pages and it works well. 
    You are correct that you need to further refine the code using the javascript or URL to pass the form variables.
    <CFLOOP list="#Form.FieldNames#" index="i">
         <CFIF CurrentRow EQ 1>
                                          <CFSET z = "?#i# & "=" & #Evaluate("Form." & "#i#")#">
                                          <CFSET z = #z# &", " & "#i# & "=" & #Evaluate("Form." & "#i#")#">
    <CFIF #Form.X#  EQ 1>
         <CFLOCATION Url = "process1.cfm#z#">
         <CFLOCATION Url = "process2.cfm#z#">
    You could also process both functions on one page.
    <CFIF IsDefined("Form.UPVersion") and #Form.UPVersion# EQ "7.0.1x">
         Do special processing
         Do Normal Processing

  • Why do I get "The form data has expired." every time with Flash formatted CFFORM moved to CF 9.1?

    We are moving a ColdFusion site from CF8 to CF9.1 and have discovered that any CFForm that was uses Flash as it's format keeps giving us the "The form data has expired." error almost every time we visit the page containing the form.  We have fiddled with the timeout settings and even tried to add the various "cfheader" workarounds that some people have mentioned when getting this error, but to no avail.  To be clear this works perfectly on CF8 *and* it works on our CF 9.1 QA server, but for some reason fails on the Live Server.  Supposedly the Live server completely matches the QA server, but the behavior is sure different in this instance.
    What could be the issues?  What Apache or CF settings might I look into?  Could there be some weird permissions error on the generated swf form file or some other obscure reason?  I am totally in the dark and can't figure out why ColdFusion keeps thinking the form data has expired.
    Please, any ideas would be welcome.

    Make sure the web server settings between the QA and the Production servers are also compatible.
    I suspect your suspecion about permissions is the closest to the answer.  But this is a little out of my depth of expertise.
    Realize that ColdFusion default behavior is to NOT generate and actual swf FILE.  Rather what it does is generate the swf content in memory and directly deliver it to the client.  But if the web server is configured to look for an actual file system file you may have a clash going on

  • CFFORM onSubmit script works in FF but not in IE

    I've got a CFFORM that has an onSubmit additional javascript for  form validation, and while it works in FF, it passes right through in IE and ends up erroring because the mandatory fields aren't there...
    the CFFORM call looks like this
    <cfform name="add_project" method="post" action="xxxxxxx.cfm?view=admin-add-process&entity=project" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkReq();">
    and the function looks like
    <script language="javascript">
    function checkReq() {
    var valid = true;
    var errMsg = '';
    if (document.add_project.projectreviewer_emails.value.trim() == '') {
    } else {
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    There is some doubt regarding the universality of Javascript's trim function among browsers. Is it vital here?  If you leave it out, your code will work across all browsers. Something along the lines of:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkReq() {
        var valid = true;
        var errMsg = '';
        var projectReviewerEmails = document.forms["add_project"]["projectreviewer_emails"].value;
        if (projectReviewerEmails == '') {
            // no no no no no
            return !valid;
        } else {
            // yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
            return valid;
    <cfform name="add_project" method="post" action="test.cfm?view=admin-add-process&entity=project" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkReq();">
    <cfinput type="file" name="projectreviewer_emails" >
    <cfinput type="submit" name="sbmt" value="Submit">

  • Spry validation and CFFORM

    I am using Spry validation on some of my forms and noticed
    that if I am using CFFORM, the validation works, but the form is
    still allowed to submit if the validation fails. If I change the
    cfform tags to regular form tags the validation works and the
    submit is NOT allowed. I really need to use CFFORM. Does anyone
    know what is happening here? Why is the form submitting even though
    the spry validation failed. ???

    Can we use onsubmit for simple form.
    Like below
    <form action="index2.php" method="post" name="loginForm"
    id="loginForm" style="clear: both;" onsubmit="return
    <span id="username">
    <input name="username" id="username" type="text"
    class="inputbox" size="15" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> Username
    <span id="password">
    <input name="passwd" id="password" type="password"
    class="inputbox" size="15" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Password
    <a onClick="loginForm.submit();"> Login </a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Text Field Vlidation
    var username = new
    Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("username", "none", {minChars:1,
    maxChars:200, validateOn:["blur"]});
    var password = new
    Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("password", "none", {minChars:1,
    maxChars:200, validateOn:["blur"]});

  • CFMX 7 CFFORM Validation doesn't work in 7.0.1

    We have code that's been running under CF5 and CF6.1 just
    fine, but when we moved it to CF7 all of the cfform validation
    stopped working (standard cfform w/ no additional custom
    javascript, just cfinput tags w/ required attributes). We updated
    the server to the newest version, and even applied the cumulative
    hotfix .jar file, but to no avail. Seems to be some consensus out
    there that there's a bug in version 7.0.1 where the path to the
    cfform.js file (/cfide/scripts/cfform.js) is not being translated
    properly so that the browser can find that .js include. I found a
    workaround, but I had to create a virtual directory "cfide" (that
    points to the actual cfide directory in the webroot) in IIS so that
    the mappings would work properly. This isn't terribly secure and is
    kind of a silly workaround to have to do when it worked perfectly
    under the other versions of CF and the /CFIDE mapping is in place
    in the CF Administrator. Anyone else having this issue, and beyond
    that, know if macromedia/adobe has (or is working on) a fix for
    Thanks in advance.

    That could be also, but in our case, we're not even using
    custom JavaScript. We're just using the internal cf form
    <cfform action="default.cfm" method="post">
    <cfinput name="firstname" type="text" required="yes"
    message="enter your name">
    <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">
    And, unless we create an IIS virtual directory mapping to the
    CFIDE folder, even though it's in the CF Administrator mappings,
    the validation doesn't work, even though it did in previous CF
    Thanks for the idea, though.

  • Problem with cfform

    is there anything wrong in this code.
    <cfform name="RunningForm" method="post"
    <td><cfinput type="text" name="date"
    <td><cfinput type="text" name="distance"
    <td><cfinput type="text" name="time"
    <td><cftextarea rows="3" cols="40"
    <td colspan="2" align="right">
    <cfinput name="Add Entry" value="Add Entry"
    on execution, getting error msg
    Attribute validation error for tag CFINPUT.
    The value of the attribute TYPE, which is currently "button",
    must be one of the values: RADIO,CHECKBOX,PASSWORD,TEXT.
    The error occurred in
    /home/httpd/html/testing_subhash/form.cfm: line 29
    27 : <tr>
    28 : <td colspan="2" align="right">
    29 : <cfinput name="Add Entry" value="Add Entry"
    type="button" />
    30 : </td>
    31 : </tr>

    which version of CF are you using?
    submit & button (as well as file, image, reset and
    hidden) types were
    added in CFMX7 only...
    Azadi Saryev

  • Active Content for cfform in Flash format

    I have use <cfform> to generate flash forms. When the
    pages display these forms they are locked with the "Click to
    activate this control" message. Because these forms are dynamic and
    genrated in-line, I am unsure how to cause the form to display
    unlocked. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    This is because of microsoft having to change the way IE
    interacts with the object.
    There is a hot fix or you can apply updater 2 for cf. This
    will resolve the problem.

  • CFFORM   problem

    In my CFFORM I first call my javascript then some cfinput
    fields are required. In test my codes behaves what it supposed to
    be. CF server creates its javascripts for those required fields and
    replace the USER DEFINED JAVASCRIPT on my onsubmit with coldfusion
    generated function or scripts then at the of those scripts it calls
    my USER DEFINED JAVASCRIPT , which is how supposed to work. But
    when I deploy it to production the CFFORM return my user defined
    javascript to be called under onsubmit instead of
    _CF_checkMyForm(_CF_this) since I those required fields. I noticed
    in the source code it creates these functions
    _CF_checkMyForm(_CF_this) and the validations for the required
    fields. Only the "onsubmit" hasn't give the right command...
    instead of onsubmit = _CF_checkMyForm(_CF_this) it calls the user
    defined one.

    Verify your CFIDE virtual directory in production is
    configured correctly. There's a .js file in cifde/scripts that
    needs to get called.

  • Problem with CFFORM type="flash"

    I don't like to have "the question mark" at the end of the
    URL in the new page because I can't open extension with .xls
    Any idee ?
    <cfset rootDir =
    <cfset repbase = "download/documentation">
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#rootDir#"
    recurse="yes" name="myDir">
    <cfform format="flash" skin="haloblue">
    <cftree width="400" height="600" name = "myDirTree"
    vscroll="yes" hscroll="yes" enabled="yes" visible="yes"
    highlighthref="yes" appendkey="No" required="no" completepath="no"
    <cfloop query="myDir">
    <cfswitch expression="#myDir.Type#">
    <cfcase value="Dir">
    <cfset img = "folder">
    <cfcase value="File">
    <cfset img = "document">
    <cfset wholePath = myDir.Directory & "/" &
    <cfset treeVal =Right(wholePath,len(wholePath) -
    <cfset parVal =
    <CFSET TYPFIC = #right(myDir.Name, 3)#>
    <CFSET LIENFIC = "">
    <CFIF #TYPFIC# EQ "pdf" OR #TYPFIC# EQ "exe" OR #TYPFIC#
    EQ "xls" OR #TYPFIC# EQ "doc" OR #TYPFIC# EQ "jpg">
    <CFSET LIENFIC = #repbase# & #treeVal#>
    <cftreeitem value="#treeVal#" display="#myDir.Name#"
    parent = "#parVal#" expand="no" img="#img#" href="#LIENFIC#"

    agh... for some reason the the character are being turned
    into html equivalant on the board. WTF?

  • About the cfform format "Flash"

    My code:
    <cfform name="test" format="Flash">
    <cfinput name="test1" type="text">
    <cfinput name="test2" type="text">
    run the code, the input box "test1" and "test2" in two
    rows,how to let them in same row?

    Take a look at cfformgroup type="horizontal"

  • Cfform format="flash" not loading

    The Problem: When I load a file that contains ANY cfform tag
    with format="flash", all I get is a partially rendered object with
    a spinning clock for a pointer.
    Your initial reaction is probably "oh, thats just bad
    code"... but, read on.. the plot thickens...
    I have 2 domains... Domain.A is hosted out of the root of my
    folder (i.e. /hosting)... a second domain, Domain.B is hosted out
    of a subfolder of the root (i.e. /hosting/DomainB)...
    I have a stripped down page with a cfform format="flash"
    located at /hosting/DomainB called test.cfm.
    If I open a browser and go to - the
    file will NOT compile or load all the way
    If I open another browser and go to - the file loads correctly.
    Exact same file, referenced by 2 different domain paths, with
    2 different results.
    I have copied this file to various other folders in my main
    domain, and it works fine. I have also copied this file to other
    servers and it runs fine. I have created new files and placed them
    in DomainB's folder and they ALL exhibt the same problems - they
    will only compile so far and then I get a spinning clock for all
    I'm at a total loss on this one and would appreciate ANY
    Thanks all!

    Wolvie....I sure hope you found an answer to your problem and
    if you'd post it, i'd be most appreciated.
    I have the exact same issue on cfform with flash rendering...
    incident and incident has been post with goddaddy and finally
    got someone to toss me a tidbit of info.
    since i host domains in subfolders as you do i experience the
    same works/doesnt work scenario.
    I am told the key to this solution is in the Application.cfm
    file. (not confirmed)
    Now...exactly WHAT is to be declared, i dunno.
    however, the acid test is to provide a full path to your
    failing cfm. if it works doing that. then its some sort of pointer
    to the IDE folder in issue (i am told) (again not figured
    just sharing at this time)
    when i provided the full path ie: the failing page rendered
    correctly. (and finally without that GD spinning clock ^^)
    so i feel i'm on the right road here.

  • Flash CFFORM only displays with HTTPS

    I have a VERY basic test cfform in Flash mode that displays
    fine from the production server, but fails to show when called from
    my local development server. [code copied below]
    Eventually I called it via HTTPS and it works - but all I get
    is a blank page when running through HTTP. It works fine through
    both HTTP and HTTPS when running on the production server.
    I've been running Flash content for a while without issues -
    but this is my first attempt at using CFFORM in Flash Mode.
    The fact my local browsers (IE7, IE6, Firefox latest,
    Netscape latest) all get the same results, suggest its my local
    CFMX8 or IIS setup that's the problem.
    I've tried:
    Checking the CFIDE/Scripts is accessible through the browser
    - *.js file do download.
    Re-installed the connectors.
    Made sure the 'file exists' checkbox is NOT ticked in IIS for
    Re-installed CFMX8 (several times now!)
    Removed IIS and reinstalled.
    I'm running Win 2003 and CFMX8 - both with latest updates.
    Been struggling for 4 days on this one - does anyone have any
    experience with this - any help would be appreciated!!
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <TITLE>Search Form</TITLE>
    <BODY bgcolor="ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
    marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
    <table border="1">
    <td align="center">
    <cfform format="flash" height="350" width="800"
    preservedata="yes" accessible="yes">
    Login : <cfinput name="login" >
    Password :<cfinput name="password" type="password" >
    <cfinput type="submit" name="submit_btn"

    post a link to your website.,

  • CFFORM method=GET behaves differently in CFMX6.1 than in CF 8 ?

    Hi Everyone,
    My organization is in the process of testing applications for a move from CFMX6.1 to CF8, however, we've found there appears to be a difference between the way CFMX6.1 and CF8 handle the GET method in a CFFORM tag.
    I'm not quite sure why our developers would have used the "GET" instead of "POST" to begin with. In the application I'm currently testing, I've found that all but one of the 50+ occurrences of "GET" can be changed to "POST" without issue. However, I am a little concerned with the many other apps we have and the amount of testing that would be required.
    Here's what's happening:
    CFMX6.1: An appended query string parameter is always part of the submitted url whether the ACTION is POST or GET.
    CF 8: A query string parameter appended to a url in the ACTION attribute will be part of the submitted url when the METHOD is POST but not when the METHOD is GET.
    To see the above mentioned difference, execute the example code below in both CFMX6.1 and CF8. While executing in CFMX6.1, you will notice when the NEXT button is pressed, the myTestParameter=123 parameter is present in the browsers address bar and the variable will be accessible in the resulting page. This will not be the case when running in CF8
    <h3>Test CFFORM POST vs. GET (CFMX6.1 vs. CF 8)</h3>
            <cfform method="get" action="/Bayerah/gettest.cfm?myTestParameter=123" >      
                <input type="hidden" name="mytestFormVariable" value="abc">
                        The CFform tag which is displaying this text contains action="#CGI.Path_Info#?myTestParameter=123"
                        <br /><br />
                        <strong>CF 8</strong><br />                   
                            The query string parameter "myTestParameter=123" will be part of the url when the
                            METHOD is POST and the form is submitted but not when METHOD is GET
                        <br />
                        <strong>CFMX6.1</strong><br />                   
                            The query string parameter "myTestParameter" displays with both POST and GET
                        <br/><br />
                        Press Next to submit the form...
                        <input type="submit" value="Next">
    Thanks in advance.

    Last word. I also think that url variables in the ACTION attribute should be honored.
    Yes, I was torn about that.  Though there is really no need to use url parameters with method="get", it just seemed a little counterintutive. At least  given how one normally works with urls.  But after looking at the spec's, it seems like this is the intended behavior and that the parameters should be ignored.
    With the HTTP "get" method, the form data set is appended to the URI specified by the action attribute (with a question-mark ("?") as separator) and this new URI is sent to the processing agent.
    Anyway, I am glad I could help.

  • Need popup window from cfform to go to PayPal using their button

    I have a cfform page (ColdFusion 8) that is embedded in an iframe in my standard html webpage. (Embedded so that I still have the same outer "envelope" as the rest of the pages; nav bars, etc.) I have the form post back to itself in order to check for injection problems, validation beyond basic form validation, etc, then insert form entries into a database. I am trying to then pass the visitor on to PayPal for them to make the payment. This could be either by way of a popup window or a redirect. The problem is that if I just put the PayPal button in my .cfm page it doesn't work. Also, it seems I need to get it out of the iframe context. Of course it would be nice to go the other way (which I have also tried) and have the potential donor first go to PayPal, enter their info, and then have them redirected back to my page. I realize I could then get some of the info I need from them (name, email, etc) in the PayPal IPN return, but there are 2 problems with this. 1) I have to rely on them clicking the "go back to ....." link in PayPal and 2) I still need other info that PayPal doesn;t pick up, like what department category they want their donation to go to, etc. which I can get up front from them if I go the first route mentioned.
    I have looked into cfhttp and cflocation tags. I don't seem to be finding any clearcut answers!
    Thanks for any help in advance!

    This link may help.

  • CFFORM Problems

    We just upgraded to cfmx7. We are having a problem with
    CFFORM and text fields. When I have a form with a text field I am
    finding that if Ipopulate the field with a large amout of text it
    will not submit. For example
    ---------------Cold Fusion Code ----------------
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="ItemName#ID#" value="#ItemName#"
    size="8" class="W80"></td>
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="VariationRules#ID#"
    value="#VariationRules#" size="8" class="W80"></td>
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="UserInput#ID#"
    value="#UserInput#" size="8" class="W80"></td>
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="Weight#ID#" value="#Weight#"
    size="3" class="W3"></td>
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="Qty#ID#" value="#Qty#" size="3"
    class="W30" required="yes" message="You must specify a valid value
    for 'Qty'" validate="integer" maxlength="7"></td>
    <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    valign="top"><cfinput name="Price#ID#"
    value="#Trim("#NumberFormat(Price, "#CurrencyList.mask#")#")#"
    size="5" class="W45" required="yes" message="You must enter a valid
    numeric value for 'Price'" validate="float"></td>
    This code was inside of a cfloop processing 1 - 3 records in
    a resultset. With one record the submit worked fine. When the query
    returns two records the submit does not work. I later found that
    with one record if I populate one or more of the fields with a
    large amout of text that the submit fails. On multiple records if I
    clear the text fields the submit works as well.
    Any ideas this was working code in CFMX 6.1 and is now broken
    in 7.02 . It does not seem to be related to a form validation
    problem since I have tested without the calls to
    _CF_checkOrderForm(_CF_this) -->>OrderForm is the name of the
    Form - BTW - I am testing with IE6 FireFox seems to work OK.

    What do you mean by "it will not submit"
    Are you getting an error?
    If you are getting an error, what is the exact error?
    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Fordwebs, LLC
    "WaveRunr" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > We just upgraded to cfmx7. We are having a problem with
    CFFORM and text fields.
    > When I have a form with a text field I am finding that
    if Ipopulate the field
    > with a large amout of text it will not submit. For
    > ---------------Cold Fusion Code ----------------
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="ItemName#ID#" value="#ItemName#" size="8"
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="VariationRules#ID#" value="#VariationRules#"
    size="8" class="W80"></td>
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="UserInput#ID#" value="#UserInput#" size="8"
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="Weight#ID#" value="#Weight#" size="3"
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="Qty#ID#" value="#Qty#" size="3" class="W30"
    required="yes" message="You
    > must specify a valid value for 'Qty'" validate="integer"
    > <td bgColor="#StoreOptions.admincolor2#"
    > name="Price#ID#" value="#Trim("#NumberFormat(Price,
    > size="5" class="W45" required="yes" message="You must
    enter a valid numeric
    > value for 'Price'" validate="float"></td>
    > ----------------------------------
    > This code was inside of a cfloop processing 1 - 3
    records in a resultset. With
    > one record the submit worked fine. When the query
    returns two records the
    > submit does not work. I later found that with one record
    if I populate one or
    > more of the fields with a large amout of text that the
    submit fails. On
    > multiple records if I clear the text fields the submit
    works as well.
    > Any ideas this was working code in CFMX 6.1 and is now
    broken in 7.02 . It
    > does not seem to be related to a form validation problem
    since I have tested
    > without the calls to _CF_checkOrderForm(_CF_this)
    -->>OrderForm is the name of
    > the Form

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