I have 2 CFINPUT DateField on the form, one is Start ate and one is End Dated. Start Date is on top of End Date.
The Start Date Calendar goes behind End Date when users enter start date using Start Date control that users is unable to use calendar to enter date.
I would like to know how I can control that make Start Date Calendar in front of End Date Control while user enter information.
Your help and information is great appreciated,

Hi. I was able to reproduce the same behavior you described in Internet Explorer 8, but only if I triggered compatibility mode in IE.
If it is possible for the page/site you are working on, I would recommend using a Document Type Definition (DTD) that triggers standards mode. For example, if I include the HTML5 doctype as the first line in the CFM file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Then the page is rendered in standards mode and the datepicker overlays are rendered properly.
The HTML 4.01 strict doctype should also trigger standards mode:
If you want to make the compatibility mode button disappear, so that users can't trigger it manually, you can include Microsoft's X-UA-Compatible header:
<cfheader name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=edge">
Normally you might see this ehader added via a meta tag, e.g.:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
However, if it is not part of the response header, it should be one of the first (if not the first) item after the opening head tag. Since cfform injects Javascript above any code you add to the head, the typical method won't work.
I hope that helps!

Similar Messages

  • Problem with cfwindow and cfinput datefield

    If you have a cfform that contains a cfinput type datefield that is displayed in a cfwindow there is a problem when you scroll the cfwindow.
    That is if the form content causes the cfwindow to have scroll bar when you scroll the cfinput datefield stays where it is while the rest of the form scrolls with the window.
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this.
    The code being used is as follows
            title="Test Window"
            <cfform name="mycfform1">
                <div style="float:left;">Date 1: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate1"><br><br><br>
                <div style="float:left;">Date 2: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate2" value="15/1/2007"><br><br><br>
                <div style="float:left;">Date 3: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate3" required="yes"><br><br><br>
                <div style="float:left;">Date 4: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate4" required="no"><br><br><br>
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                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate5" mask="dd/mm/yyyy">
                <div style="float:left;">Date 2: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate6" mask="mm/dd/yyyy">
                <div style="float:left;">Date 3: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate7" mask="d/m/yy">
                <div style="float:left;">Date 4: </div>
                <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate8" mask="m/d/yy">

    Thanks for your help.
    I know IE 7 is a problem, not using this one.
    I'm actually using 8.0.6
    I will need to do more research, maybe it's my doc type.
    Anyway, thanks for testing.

  • Cfinput 'datefield' always aligns to left

    It appears that  cfinput 'datefield' always aligns to left, I have tried everything I can think of to get it to align center (in the td, in a div,  style in the input, etc) and it just wont align center, I even tried putting a bunch  of   in front of the input and it puts them on the right. Any Help would be appreciated.

    Over the years I have moved away from using CF input validation and instead use jquery and the validation plug-in.
    For a more direct answer, have you tried creating a "center" class with text-align set to !important:
    .center{ text-align:center !important; }
    Then adding this class to the cfinput tag?

  • Cfinput datefield gives wrong display in IE6 IE7

    With CF8, I try cfform=html with cfinput type=datefield. When
    I use 2 input dates, and click on the calendar image, the opened
    calendar window appears behind the second cfinput. You can check
    the result here :
    The code is quite simple :
    <cfform action = "cfinput.cfm">
    <p> </p>
    <cfinput type="datefield" name="MyDate1"
    <p> </p><p> </p>
    <cfinput type="datefield" name="MyDate2"
    <p> </p>
    <input type="Submit" name = "" value="Submit">
    The display problem appears in IE6 and IE7, but not in
    Firefox. Is this a bug, or any workaround is already know ?

    <input type="Submit" name = "" value="Submit">
    corrected to: <input type="Submit" name = "sbmt"
    > Is this a bug
    Seems so. You should report it.
    i suspect the likely cause to be the z-index value.
    is a CSS property. It determines one element's stack order in front
    of or behind another. An element with a higher z-index will be
    stacked in front of one with a lower value. The default value is 0,
    for example, in the case where you don't specify the z-index.
    To see the relevance to your case, open in Internet Explorer
    a page containing just the form. View the source code. The
    Coldfusion engine has automatically arranged the HTML within the
    form into two main DIV blocks, each containing other DIVs. You will
    notice that neither of the two main DIV blocks has z-index in its
    style attribute. It means that they have the same z-index value,
    namely, the default value 0.
    The calender image at the top has the same z-index value as
    the input field at the bottom, namely, the default value 0. One
    would naturally expect that order of appearance would be the
    deciding factor. Apparently, order of appearance is important in
    Mozilla but not in Internet Explorer. It seems that, if two
    elements have the same z-index, Internet Explorer may show the
    second one in front of the first.
    >... any workaround ...
    Yes, here is one:
    <cfform action = "cfinput.cfm">
    <div class="df1" style="position:relative;">
    <p> </p>
    <cfinput type="datefield" name="MyDate1"
    <div class="df2" style="position:relative;z-index:-1;">
    <p> </p><p> </p>
    <cfinput type="datefield" name="MyDate2"
    <div class="sbmt">
    <p> </p>
    <cfinput type="Submit" name = "sbmt" value="Submit">

  • Coldfusion 11 error with cflayout

    0 down vote  favorite  
    I have some applications developed on older CF versions (9&10) and in anticipation of a hosting system migrating to CF11 and started doing some
    testing with a CF development platform on Windows 8 with Apache 2.4. I have found that in CF11 pages using cflayout and cflayoutarea does not work
    correctly when collapsed with javascript:ColdFusion.Layout.collapseArea.  Firebug does flag an error in the CF javascript. Wondering if anyone else
    has seen a problem like this and if there is a circumvention I could use to get this working.
    A very simple example (complements of the Chapter 2 cflayout example demonstrated in Dan Short's video on Ajax & Coldfusion) fails as well on
    CF11 but works in CF9 & CF10. 
    <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <cflayout name="borderLayout" type="border" fittowindow="true"> <cflayoutarea name="header" position="top" size="75">This is the header<br /> <a href="javascript:ColdFusion.Layout.collapseArea('borderLayout', 'left');">Collapse Left Column</a><br> </cflayoutarea> <cflayoutarea name="centerColumn" position="center" source="content.cfm?pageName=Header 1" /> <cflayoutarea name="rightColumn" position="right" style="width: 100px;">This is the right column</cflayoutarea> <cflayoutarea name="leftColumn" position="left" title="Left Column" style="width: 250px;" collapsible="true" splitter="true" minsize="200"> This is the left column<br /> <a href="javascript:ColdFusion.navigate('content.cfm?pagename=Header 2', 'centerColumn');">Load Header 2</a> </cflayoutarea> <cflayoutarea name="footer" position="bottom">This is a footer &copy; 2010</cflayoutarea> </cflayout> </body> </html>
    <cfsilent> <cfparam name="URL.pageName" default="Default header" /> </cfsilent> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <cfoutput><h2>#URL.pageName#</h2></cfoutput> <p>This is the text content from content.cfm</p> </body> </html>  

    use <CFAJAXIMPORT tag and make sure you have the CFIDE folder as a virtual directory in your IIS local or server machine. if the "cfajaximport" tag alone didn't work, try using it in little more details to the path of CFIDE folder and specify cflayout within the cfajaximport tag as follows:
        CSSSRC = "CFIDE/scripts/ajax/"
        SCRIPTSRC = "/CFIDE/scripts"
        TAGS = "cfdiv,cfform,cfgrid,cfinput-autosuggest,cfinput-datefield,cflayout-border,cflayout-tab,cfmenu,cftextarea,cftooltip,cftree,cfwindow">
    Normally, you shouldn't need all these specifications in the cfajaximport but in case you may try it in more detail as shown above.

  • Select Range of dates

    is it possible to use the <cfinput datefield> or the <cfcalendar> to allow users to select multiple range of dates.
    EG User wants to select some days in June, July and August.

    The cfcalendar only allows for blocking of range of Dates and not for multiple selection of dates.
    My client would want to select multiple dates like July 14, 17,25 Aug 25,26,28 at one shot from the calendar

  • "Please Wait Message" Slider with cfgrid

    Some of my cfgrid type=html results are taking a long time
    and an impatient user will likely wander if they need to hit the
    submit button again. I've seen how to implement a standard "Please
    Wait Message" with flushing periodic results, but how do I do it in
    this datagrid environment with an AJAX-based cfgrid with CF8.01? My
    users all use IE 6.

    I believe I did. Here's the code. Functions without the line
    "grid.loadMask = true;"
    <script type="text/javascript" >
    <cfajaxproxy cfc="#strcomponentpath#"
    jsclassname="diaproxy" />
    diaproxy = new diaproxy();
    function initDIA(){
    //set page permissions
    //the grid will be empty, but will have the default layout
    // Set the focus to the first search field for those that
    prefer to not use a mouse
    function setFocus(){
    var objFirstField = document.frmSearchGrid.strsearchdb[0];
    <!--- this function is called when the Search button is
    clicked --->
    function submitSearch(){
    //refresh grid with new parameters
    ColdFusion.Grid.refresh("searchGrid", true);
    <!--- this function is called to refresh grid (hiding
    columns and customizing grid footer) --->
    function customizeGrid(){
    <!--- Create a new paging tool bar in the grid footer and
    display the record count in it. --->
    // get the grid component
    var grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("searchGrid");
    // Create a reference to the column model.
    var cm = grid.getColumnModel();
    // create a reference to the grid footer
    var gridFoot = grid.getView().getFooterPanel(true);
    // get the datasource
    var ds = grid.getDataSource();
    // add a new paging toolbar to the grid's footer
    var paging = new Ext.PagingToolbar(gridFoot, ds, {
    // this pageSize is the same value as in the cfgrid
    pageSize: <cfoutput>#intShowRows#</cfoutput>,
    displayInfo: true,
    // this will display all the record information for you
    displayMsg: 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}',
    emptyMsg: "No records to display"});
    //returns true if the particular radio button is selected
    var booDocumentImaging =
    var booFilenet =
    // Now show/hide grid columns and data details based on
    default or user choice
    if (booDocumentImaging) {
    document.getElementById('divFilenetFields').style.display =
    document.getElementById('divDocumentImagingFields').style.display =
    //setHidden(colIndex, hidden)
    // If true then Filenet was selected
    else if (booFilenet) {
    document.getElementById('divFilenetFields').style.display =
    document.getElementById('divDocumentImagingFields').style.display =
    // Filenet does not need the ability to add an attachment
    //setHidden(colIndex, hidden)
    else {
    // add a Please Wait Message on submittals
    grid.loadMask = true;
    <BODY class="bodyclass" onLoad="" onUnload="">
    <cfform name="frmSearchGrid" id="frmSearchGrid"
    format="html" method="post" >
    <cfgrid name="searchGrid"
    bind="cfc:#strcomponentpath#.readdiadocumentgrid({cfgridpage},{cfgridpagesize},{cfgridsor tcolumn},{cfgridsortdirection},{frmSearchGrid:strsearchdb@none},{frmSearchGrid:strsearchme tadata@none},{frmSearchGrid:dtedateRangeFrom@none},{frmSearchGrid:dtedateRangeTo@none},{fr mSearchGrid:strDocImageRights},{frmSearchGrid:strdoctype@none},{frmSearchGrid:strdocsubjec t@none})">
    <cfgridcolumn name="diadocno" header="docno" width="70"
    <cfgridcolumn name="diadocumentdate" header="doc date"
    width="75" />
    <cfset ajaxOnLoad("initDIA") />

  • Cf8-cf9 and server upgrade problems

    I took over a system developed in coldfusion 8 and sql server
    2005 on a windows server 2003. I was new to all of this. I now need to upgrade to cf9 and sqlserver 2005 on a windows server 2008. someone has done the initial install of sql server cf and dreamweaver. I added java. All seems ok except I can't make the datechooser work. I activated the rds in but I still could not get to datechooser.png. I copied the directory from c.... to the same directory as my application and it showed the icon but did not do anything. I think I have 2 problems here
    1. how to I correctly map to the default CFIDE path
    2. is there something else I need to install to get the datechooser implemyed via cfinput datefield to produce a calender when I click on the icon
    Obviously I am a complete novice at this....
    Thanks in advance for any assistance

    @elizinn, someone may offer a single sentence proposal of how to fix things, but in my experience (helping solve such problems), this could be far more challenging problem to resolve than meets the eye, and all the more so if you're new to all this.
    I'll share my observations, for what they're worth. Sorry if ultimately your problem is totally unrelated, but perhaps then it will help someone else reading this later. Also, it's not clear, but I'm assuming that you DID proceed with the CF9 update. Even if you didn't, some of what I offer could still help you, if you can stick with me.
    First, you refer to not finding the DateChooser.png. Are you saying that it's somehow appearing as a broken link? Or are you getting a 404?
    As a test, it should be found at:
    What happens when you do that? That could be useful, diagnostically.
    As for the question of mappings, and CF updates, that actually could be a real mess, from my experience, if people aren't careful about what they're doing. Things get all the more complicated when people support multiple web sites and start doing manual configurations. Let me explain.
    The problem could have to do with where the first install of CF8 put the CFIDE, and then where the update to CF9 expected to update those files. It wouldn't be hard for someone not understanding things to have told the update to put its files in a different place than the original install, which could cause IIS (and your sites and requests) to be finding the wrong files (even if not a 404, they may not be the updated version for CF9).
    At root, the problem is that during the install, one is asked whether they want to have CF use its built-in web server or an external one. If they choose the former, then the CFIDE (and related files) are put it in that web server's webroot (which is \wwwroot). If they choose the latter, then the files are put in a docroot defined for IIS. (Even there, someone may later configure things with the web server configuration tool to support several web sites, each of which could have its own web site. And for that, some will manually setup a an IIS "virtual directory" for the CFIDE, which points to whatever single one they think is the one that should be used.
    I appreciate that it may sound confusing. This is one of those things where it may be faster for you to have someone with experience look over your shoulder and help correct things. There are some of us who do that, if you're interested. I list myself and others at
    And things can get hairier still when someone then runs the CF update, where it again asks where to put the CFIDE files. They may not pay close attention to all this above (if they even understand it), and they may let the updater put the files in a different location than the IIS sites are currently configured to look at. That could then leave things not working, or not working well.
    If you want to try to sort this out yourself, look in IIS, view whatever site you're working with, and look for any reference to a CFIDE directory. If it's not there, that's a problem from the start. You will want to add a virtual directory that points to wherever it really exists (and again, you want to be careful that there may be two different ones, as only will likely have been updated by the installer.)
    If it is there, then if it's a "real" directory (within that site's docroot), then again you want to make sure it's the one that was updated in the upgrade to CF9. If not, then you may need to copy whatever files "were" updated into that directory (or delete that directory and create a virtual one to point to the right place).
    And if it's there and it's a virtual mapping, again, make sure it's whatever is the latest CFIDE (if you have multiples).
    I'll note as well that there is also a mapping in the CF Admin (on the mappings page) for CFIDE, and that's put there by the installer (and is not editable in the interface). That could help clarify where the installer put the latest files.
    Hope that's helpful.
    /charlie arehart
    [email protected]
    Providing CF and CFBuilder troubleshooting services

  • CF form/image graphics and https

    Is there a way to get the graphics generated by cfinput datefield and cfimage to source from https instead of http? I'm trying to get rid of a mixed content warning on a secure form.
    I'm on a hosted CF service, so I don't have access to the admin panel.
    Thx in advance for your ideas.

    cross post

  • Upload of exif encoded JPEG's not working in FF

    Just starin this thread to get everyones input/comments/suggestions on handling this interesting issue.
    I have a script that uploads jpeg's. When I do the upload from the hard drive all works well in IE, FF, and Safari. When done directly from a camera it works in IE, but not in FF or Safari. I get an error saying the file is not an image. The camera (canon) saves images in JPG format and the script allows uploads of jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Upon doing some research i found out that the camera 'encodes' the JPEG by way of EXIF to add image data to the JPEG, but its still a JPEG.
    At first i thought it was the script but since it works in IE, i was told that it cant be... I have a discussion going on about it in another forum provided by the company I purchased this upload script from. You can see it at I'm staring to think its a browser issue and wonder how to 'accomadate' for such... I am using cs4 with vista 64 and the latest version of all browsers.  there has to be a way to accomadate for the inconsistency across browsers without changing the file extension or putting the images on the harddrive first... I want convenience for my users.... any ideas?

    I am having a very similar issue, but the reverse - IE9 doesn't work, but IE8, FF, and Chrome all work fine.  The error:
    SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'split': object is null or undefined  -->  Line 43: _10d=_10c.split("/");
    The field has both name and id, as does the CFFORM. (There is only one CFFORM on the page.)  I am event calling the CFAJAXIMPORT at the beginning of the file.
    <cfajaximport  tags="cfform,cftextarea,CFINPUT-DATEFIELD">
    <cfform name="registration" id="registration" method="post" action="#cgi.SCRIPT_NAME#"> 
    Funny thing though, on the exact same code, but in another page, it works fine in all browsers.
    <cfinput  type="datefield" name="udf_43" id="udf_43" class="editbody" style="width:255px;" validate="date" validateat="ONSUBMIT"
    required="yes" message="Required Field: Please enter the information for - BIRTHDATE.">
    So, what is the fix?

  • Cflayoutarea collapsible in Coldfusion 9

    If I uase cfajaximport tags CFINPUT-DATEFIELD in CFLayout application along with CFFORM,CFINPUT-DATEFIELD,CFLAYOUT-
    BORDER,CFWINDOW,CFGRID, CFTOOLTIP,CFTEXTAREA then left cflayoutarea it will not work(collapsible feature).
    This feature i tested in Coldfusion 9 standard developer(separate system) and coldfusion 9 upgraded(from coldfusion 8)
    standard system. In both system showing same result.
    Sample App:
    <head><title>ONLINE APP</title>
    <cflayout name="main" type="border" fittowindow="yes">
    <cflayoutarea name="top" position="top" size="50" overflow="hidden">
         <cflayoutarea name="left" position="left" size="200" maxsize="200" minsize="200" collapsible="true" title="Menu"
    <cflayoutarea name="center" position="center"></cflayoutarea>
    <cflayoutarea name="bottom" position="bottom" size="40"></cflayoutarea>
    I need to use CFINPUT-DATEFIELD inside CFLayout.

    Hi, please try this example
    <head><title>ONLINE APP</title>
    <cflayout name="main" type="border" fittowindow="yes">
    <cflayoutarea name="top" position="top" size="50" overflow="hidden">
         <cflayoutarea name="left" position="left" size="200" maxsize="200" minsize="200" collapsible="true" title="Menu"
    <cflayoutarea name="center" position="center">
    <cfform name="frm_lay">
            <cfinput type="text" name="txt_name" value="" tooltip="Name">
    <cflayoutarea name="bottom" position="bottom" size="40"></cflayoutarea>
    Main reason is adding cfajaximport tags order. first we need to add CFLAYOUT-BORDER then CFINPUT-DATEFIELD and CFTOOLTIP ...

  • ColdFusion.navigate and

    Hello, everyone.
    I'm not sure if is part of the problem; I am assuming.
    But most of the links that appear in Google when using "ColdFusion 9" +"'f' is null or not an object" as the keyword search are links related to
    I have a list of links that load in a cfdiv when clicked.  [onClick = ColdFusion.navigate('doc.cfm?param=blah blah blah','div_name',myCallback,myErrorHandler)]
    The first time a link is clicked, no problems whatsoever.
    The second time a link is clicked (ANY link), I get the error message 'f' is null or not an object.
    Does ColdFusion.navigate clear/delete a JavaScript variable called 'f' when it kicks in?
    Any suggestions on what could be causing this?

    The following code works.
    Here you go:
    I had to make a simple version. I am swamped today.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <cfajaximport tags="cfinput-autosuggest,cfinput-datefield,
    cfajaxproxy, cfpod, cftooltip, cfdiv, cfwindow, cflayout-tab,
    <script language="javascript">
    var orgcallBack = function(){
    document.getElementById("orgsection").innerHTML = "This
    var salescallBack = function(){
    document.getElementById("").innerHTML = "";
    var oppscallBack = function(){
    document.getElementById("").innerHTML = "";
    <!--- The error handler pops an alert with the error code
    and message. --->
    var myerrorhandler = function(errorCode,errorMessage){
    alert("[In Error Handler]" + "\n\n" + "Error Code: " +
    errorCode + "\n\n" + "Error Message: " + errorMessage);
    <cfform format="html" name="enterpartner" id="form1">
    <cfinput type="text"
    <cfinput type="button" name="Submit" value="Go!"
    onClick="javascript:ColdFusion.navigate('testcfdiv.cfm','orgsection',orgcallBack,myerrorh andler,'POST','form1');"
    <cfinput type="button" name="Print" value="Print"
    <cfdiv id="orgsection"/>
    Hope this helps!

  • The CFINPUT TYPE=DATEFIELD does not want to accept the date from the database

    I got a weird problem which I guess can be just a way to
    explain to the server how to interpret the value. I am using
    ColdFusion 8 with SQL 2005 Express. In my table, the field is a
    DATETIME field and shows the date with time (eg. 2007-07-23
    In my form, when I am adding using the DATEFIELD as the type
    for CFINPUT, it records the date correctly. But when I use the
    EDIT.cfm form and try to put the value from the database into the
    DATEFIELD CFINPUT, the server generate an error. Here is the error:
    2007-07-23 00:00:00/0 is an invalid date or time string.
    Of course, I tried many things but mostly I tried to force
    the format of the date with DATEFORMAT(qGetNewsInfos.dtIssued,
    'mm/dd/yyyy') and many more format but without success.
    Is anybody know the trick how to use a date into a

    I tried the method like this and still got the same problem:
    <cfinput type="datefield" value="#DateFormat(now(),
    The system return this error:
    08/13/2007 is an invalid date or time string.
    I can use this method to record the date of parution of the
    News but cannot use it to put a vlue in the CFINPUT? This is not
    making any senses!

  • CFINPUT with datefield type issue

    I have a personal information form that has a hire date entry
    field. I would like to make the field optional, yet I have to enter
    a hire date as I get an error if I dont. The database autofills the
    hire date field with the word "null" so if I submit the form
    without entering a date, I get an error message saying: "Error
    "null" is an invalud date or time string."
    Also, in my database, I have Hire Date as a type DATE, null
    is selected, and default is 0000-00-00. On a side note, even though
    I have 0000-00-00 entered as the default, the word "null" still
    populates the hire date field on the page.
    Here is my code:
    <cfformgroup type="horizontal" visible="yes" enabled="yes"
    style="marginLeft:-74;" >
    <cfinput type="Datefield" name="HireDate" label="Hire
    Date:" width="80" bind="{contactList.selectedItem.HireDate}"
    onchange="UpdateSelect(HireDate, selectYear1);"/>
    <cfselect name="selectYear1" width="80" label=""
    onchange="setStartYear(HireDate, selectYear1);">
    <option value="">Pick Year</option>
    <cfloop index="i" from="1935" to="#thisyear#">
    <option value="#i#">#i#</option>
    Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.
    Nick Butler

    Hi Nick,
    I am not sure which insert method you are using for inserting
    your form information into the database. I prefer to insert
    form information via a <cfquery>.
    Below is the code I use in my forms and have not encountered
    any issues with blank date fields being inserted into a DB.
    <cfquery name="qry_name" datasource="yourdatasource">
    Insert Into tbl_name (
    nullif(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
    nullif(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_DATE"
    nullif(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
    With the above code, should the person leave the hire date
    field blank, it will
    insert a null value into the db field. If the person enters a
    date, it will insert the
    date into the db field formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
    Leonard B

  • CFINPUT Type=DateField... support international dates?

    I can't seem to find it in the docs but does the HTML
    Datefield support international date names (e.g. French). I can set
    the Local and display it properly for the LSDateFormat but don't
    know if it is supported with the CFINPUT Type=DateField.

    for instance:
    // thai locale
    // get date format symbols for this locale
    // localized month names
    // localized short month names
    // localized days of week
    // localized short days of week
    <cfdump var="#months#" label="months">
    <cfdump var="#shortMonths#" label="short months">
    <cfdump var="#dow#" label="days of week">
    <cfdump var="#shortDOW#" label="short days of week">

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