Change associated program to .doc files

After I changed to Mountatin Lion I have got a new problem.
I use show info and tries to associate all .do files with OpenOffice. But it is not possible. Every time I dio and change to OpenOffice the system still change it back to the previwe program. I can change it to texteditor (the apple porgram) but not to OpenOffice. Why is it so??

Ok I understand. Its not sufficient with just OpenOffice. But when I try to do that I dont get that choice. I mean I dont get the choice OpenOffice writer only the choice
Do I have to install OpenOffice in some special way or do I have to update OpenOffice. I am using 3.3. Haven found any never version at least not for swedish.

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    Navigate to a .doc file.
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    Highlight a known Word document in the Finder, highlight it & choose Get Info from the File menu. In the Get Info box, click the triangle next to "Open With." Click on this drop-down menu & choose Pages. If Pages is not a choice, choose "Other" & navigate to the Pages application. Now click the "Change" button under the text that asks if you want to open all documents like this with Pages. You can then double-click the Word documents & they will open in Pages. Note that the icon for the Word files will have a plain, white icon.

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    Microsoft has a recover pst program that you can get from their
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    Well, with the program Onyx, I've found that LaunchServices database is the culprit. To fix this I just pick a type of file I want to change. Right click the file, choose get info, and change the program it opens with, then click the change all button. Done!

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    Change the '''Action''' for '''''.doc''''' documents to OpenOffice, and then make sure the Mozilla Plugin is enabled in the OpenOffice program. <br />
    Tools > Options > Internet + Browser Plugin
    You have a number of Plugins that are outdated and are a security risk, please visit the Plugin Check page.

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    Choose any one of the files you want to change. Then, command-i to "Get Info". Open the disclosure triangle under "Open With" choose "Microsoft Word" then click on "Change All".
    [email protected]

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    Right-click any .DOC file and select Get Info. Then choose Pages as the open with application and select "Change For All. Pages is now your default app for .DOCs.

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    Thanks for help,

    Thank you, Dean,
    I tried the RCDefaultApp. It looks great and there is so much what can be changed, from the file extentions ends, program defaults and file types. I guess it works great. ... for other apps.
    Adobe PS CS6 keeps all files and extentions assigned and grayed out, unaccessible to change or uncheck.
    Therefore when extentions are assigned as default to anoter program or app, nothing happens. It won't allow to chose another program to open it under files tab too.
    It all falls back where it was before, same like with get info panel.
    PS CS6 is grabby program. PS CS4 Bridge now opens CS6 Photoshop, automatically, unless you tell it not to, chose right click CS4, which is pain in the neck, and will be even bigger after the trial expires. I may buy CS6, but not within a month. The period between is going to be troublesome, and making me not want to see CS6 at all, ever. I just hope after I uninstall it it will all fall back to CS4 defaults.
    Thabnks again for your reply.

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    Firefox should be able to remember your preference -- as long as the site is specifically identifying the file as a distinct content type. Some sites may fail to do this and simply indicate it is a binary file that the browser can't handle, in which case Firefox doesn't store a specific preference.
    So this could be a problem caused by how the server is identifying the content type. Or it could be a problem with the settings file that stores download preferences. The workaround for that problem is to remove the file and have Firefox rebuild it. If you have changed settings from the default (for example, how to view PDFs) you will have to change those settings again.
    If you want to try it:
    Open your current Firefox settings (AKA Firefox profile) folder using
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > (in the first table) "Show in Finder" button
    Leaving that window open, switch back to Firefox and Exit/Quit
    Pause while Firefox finishes its cleanup, then rename '''mimeTypes.rdf''' to something like mimeTypes.old
    Restart Firefox and see whether its memory improves.

  • Changed handling of Microsoft Word .doc files in Finder and Quicklook

    This is happening on my new MacBook Pro with Retina Display and Mountain Lion 10.8.4.
    Starting a week or 10 days ago, the appearance and behavior of .doc files in my finder changed from the .docx style to the style associated with Word 6.0/95. The application associated with .doc files has always been MS Word 2011. Before this changed, I could preview them in quicklook and the icons were not changed.  Word will open the .doc files if I double click from the finder (or open them from the application's Open command) but I can't quicklook the doc. files. I have tried to change the application using the two finder methods, namely through the "Get Info" command or by control-clicking on the .doc file icon.  Docx. files and all versions of other MS Office applications behave normally. This seems to be a problem with .doc files only.
    An interesting thing is if I change the application to open a .doc file to Pages, the "Kind' designation in the Get Info dialog changes from MS Word 6.0/95 to "Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document" but changing the associated application back to Word 2011 doesn't fix the problem and the description changes back to Word 6.0/95. There are different recommended applications.
    All of this worked fine until a few weeks ago. The problem is on my new MacBook Pro with Retina display. I have an iMac 27 inch, latest model, and this is not happening on that machine. I have tried this in several different user accounts on my MBP and the behavior is the same in each one.
    I've been working with this for a week or two, and have tried resetting quicklook preferrences and restarting the process as suggested on Macfixit and elsewhere. But the problem persists. I can't tell if this is a file association problem or a quicklook problem. Usually I find solutions here but it doesn't look like anyone else is complaining.

    Baltwo, thanks for your advice and quick response. Thanks to you, I think I'm making some progress after a lot of frustration. I'm not quite "there" yet, though, so I hope I'm not imposing when I ask ask for a little more of your help and expertise. 
    I ran the suggested command (after deleting the space) and got the following in the Terminal window:
    lsregister: [OPTIONS] [ <path>... ]
                          [ -apps <domain>[,domain]... ]
                          [ -libs <domain>[,domain]... ]
                          [ -all  <domain>[,domain]... ]
    Paths are searched for applications to register with the Launch Service database.
    Valid domains are "system", "local", "network" and "user". Domains can also
    be specified using only the first letter.
      -kill     Reset the Launch Services database before doing anything else
      -seed     If database isn't seeded, scan default locations for applications and libraries to register
      -lint     Print information about plist errors while registering bundles
      -convert  Register apps found in older LS database files
      -lazy n   Sleep for n seconds before registering/scanning
      -r        Recursive directory scan, do not recurse into packages or invisible directories
      -R        Recursive directory scan, descending into packages and invisible directories
      -f        force-update registration even if mod date is unchanged
      -u        unregister instead of register
      -v        Display progress information
      -dump     Display full database contents after registration
      -h        Display this help
    It looks like I have reset the Launch Services database but need to register or reregister my applications. Maybe run -seed or -convert? Sorry to be dense about what to do next.

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    I am looking for a program that can handel the import and export of palm doc Files that can convert them to to either txt or RTF files for Vista 32, running Palm Desktop 7.1.
    Could anyone give me a few suggestions of any plug-ins that would be good me?
    Post relates to: Palm IIIxe
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Ok, you need to clean uninstall Palm desktop 6.2. Install Palm desktop 4.1.4 and download and install documents to go version 6.
    Here are the clean uninstall instructioins for Vista.
    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something
    happens. You can find your data files by going to Start --> Documents -->
    Palm OS Desktop. Highlight your Palm Desktop username and right click and
    copy. Then go to your PC desktop right click on a blank spot and select paste.
    If this is the first time you are installing Palm desktop and encountering a problem, skip the previous step.
    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove everything that has to do
    with Palm Desktop from your computer.
    Go to the following locations on the PC and delete the folders listed below.
    C:\Program Files\Palm or Palm One
    C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata\local\virtualstore\Program Files\Palm or
    C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata
    *Note you may need to view hidden folders to get to appdata. To do that go
    into your control panel and open folder options. Go to view tab and uncheck
    hide hidden files.
    Once this is done you will need to delete some registry keys from your PC Operating System.
    Word of warning, going here and deleting the wrong thing can cause your PC
    from starting up, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel
    you are unsure of yourself, see if you have a friend that can help you or a
    PC technician that you can pay to help you. This procedure will show them everything they need to delete. To make sure we have a good copy of the current registry, we need to do a backup of the Registry.
    Go to start on the PC, in the search field type "regedit.exe" without quotes.
    Highlight COMPUTER, go to File --> Export. Should pop up with a Save As box.
    Current location is fine, should be in My Documents or save to a location you will remember. In the file name on the bottom type "backup[todaysdate]" i.e. backup07072008. Next, the hard part.
    The easiest way to make sure your working with the correct key, highlight the key i.e. palm quick install, and press delete on your keyboard. It will ask you, are you sure. Say yes. Do the same thing for all keys below.
    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician.
    BUT do not turn off your computer.
    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of theses reg keys will not be here
    but if they are delete them)
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\PalmOne File Transfer
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm
    Next reboot your computer.
    Then reinstall your palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. Use the username that is on the handheld.

  • Opening .doc files with wrong program

    Hi *,
    first I've installed open office. A few month later I installed micorsoft office. After that I converted all office files. Everything was working fine. Now my mac forgot to open .doc files with ms word, he chooses oo word. I do'nt have these problems with .xls files.
    Where are the global settings that I can tell my mac to open .doc files with ms word (I will not use "open with" each time;-)
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: MichaelLudt

    Select the file. Do a "Get-Info" from the File menu. (command-I). In the drop down menu "open with" select the program and then confirm you want all files like these to open with that program.

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