Change desktop air application installer icon

Im making an application in flashbuilder 4.6, and im exporting it to air desktop. The installer has the default icon, i tried putting the icon for all sizes in the descriptor file, without success:
Any help will be appreciated, thanks

I had tried the same in my applications.But it didnt work. So I have moved the png files into src folder and given the path in following manner.
Since the app-descriptor file and other application level files are present at application level(src), so I have put the related icons over there and other images in assets folder.You may try this.

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  • Desktop AIR Application installs fine on Mac... crashes on PC

    Hey guys,
    I ran into an issue that has be pulling my hair out. I have a very simple AIR application that was built with Flash CS6 on a Mac. The published app installs and runs perfectly on my Mac. Installation goes just fine on a PC, but the app will not launch! The window starts to come up and immediately crashes. I just finished making a desktop app in the last version of AIR and it ran perfect on PC.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue? So much fun using a Mac when most clients use PC lol!

    It's actually quite a tiny app. Tiny enough that I'm just coding in Flash CS6 in the first frame noob style LOL. I published another AIR app like this recently and it worked just fine on PC.
    Here is literally all of the code that runs the app. I am using the File class to access the desktop directory for some files, but my understanding is that it should access the desktop the same on PC and Mac.
    Thanks for the time and help... I could have a friend publish on a PC, but it would be much more convenient if I could get it to work correctly .
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.ui.MouseCursor;
    var XMLDirectory:File = File.desktopDirectory;
    XMLDirectory = XMLDirectory.resolvePath("missing_person/results.xml");
    var myXML:XML;
    var imageDirectory:File = File.desktopDirectory;
    imageDirectory = imageDirectory.resolvePath("missing_person/images/");
    var screen_saver:MovieClip;
    var part1_mc:MovieClip;
    var part2_mc:MovieClip;
    var rightBtn:SimpleButton = part2_mc.right_btn;
    var leftBtn:SimpleButton = part2_mc.left_btn;
    var heightOpt:MovieClip = part1_mc.height_options_mc;
    var heightBtn:SimpleButton = part1_mc.height_btn;
    var genderOpt:MovieClip = part1_mc.gender_options_mc;
    var genderBtn:SimpleButton = part1_mc.gender_btn;
    var ageOpt:MovieClip = part1_mc.age_options_mc;
    var ageBtn:SimpleButton = part1_mc.age_btn;
    var searchBtn:SimpleButton = part1_mc.search_btn;
    var resetBtn:SimpleButton = header_mc.restart_btn;
    var searchingDB:MovieClip = part1_mc.searching_mc;
    var startArray:Array = [[],[]];
    var ageStr:String = "";
    var heightStr:String = "";
    var genderStr:String = "";
    var heightState = heightBtn.upState;
    var genderState = genderBtn.upState;
    var ageState = ageBtn.upState;
    var searchState = searchBtn.upState;
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest(XMLDirectory.url));
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        myXML = new XML(;
        for (var i:int = 0; i < myXML.result.length(); i++)
            startArray[i] = [(imageDirectory.url + "/" + myXML.result[i].image), myXML.result[i].name, myXML.result[i].age, myXML.result[i].gender, myXML.result[i].height, myXML.result[i].description, myXML.result[i].features];
    resetBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, resetAll);
    function resetAll(event:MouseEvent):void
        heightOpt.visible = false;
        genderOpt.visible = false;
        ageOpt.visible = false;
        searchingDB.visible = false;
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "";
        part1_mc.gender_txt.text = "";
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "";
        part2_mc.visible = false;
    function init():void
            part1_mc.height_txt.text = "";
        part1_mc.gender_txt.text = "";
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "";
        part1_mc.visible = false;
        part2_mc.visible = false;
        screen_saver.visible = true;
        heightOpt.visible = false;
        genderOpt.visible = false;
        ageOpt.visible = false;
        searchingDB.visible = false;
    heightBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showHeights);
    genderBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showGenders);
    ageBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showAges);
    function showHeights(event:MouseEvent):void
        heightOpt.visible = true;
        heightOpt.opt_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight1);
        heightOpt.opt_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight2);
        heightOpt.opt_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight3);
        heightOpt.opt_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight4);
        heightOpt.opt_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight5);
        heightOpt.opt_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setHeight6);
    function showGenders(event:MouseEvent):void
        genderOpt.visible = true;
        genderOpt.opt_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setGender1);
        genderOpt.opt_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setGender2);
        genderOpt.opt_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setGender3);
    function showAges(event:MouseEvent):void
        ageOpt.visible = true;
        ageOpt.opt_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge1);
        ageOpt.opt_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge2);
        ageOpt.opt_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge3);
        ageOpt.opt_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge4);
        ageOpt.opt_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge5);
        ageOpt.opt_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setAge6);
    function disableButtons():void
        heightBtn.upState = heightBtn.downState;
        heightBtn.enabled = false;
        genderBtn.upState = genderBtn.downState;
        genderBtn.enabled = false;
        ageBtn.upState = ageBtn.downState;
        ageBtn.enabled = false;
        searchBtn.upState = searchBtn.downState;
        searchBtn.enabled = false;
    function enableButtons():void
        heightBtn.upState = heightState;
        heightBtn.overState = heightState;
        heightBtn.hitTestState = heightState;
        heightBtn.enabled = true;
        genderBtn.upState = genderState;
        genderBtn.overState = genderState;
        genderBtn.hitTestState = genderState;
        genderBtn.enabled = true;
        ageBtn.upState = ageState;
        ageBtn.overState = ageState;
        ageBtn.hitTestState = ageState;
        ageBtn.enabled = true;
        searchBtn.upState = searchState;
        searchBtn.overState = searchState;
        searchBtn.hitTestState = searchState;
        searchBtn.enabled = true;
    function setHeight1(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "135-145cm";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setHeight2(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "145-155cm";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setHeight3(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "155-165cm";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setHeight4(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "165-175cm";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setHeight5(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "175-185cm";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setHeight6(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.height_txt.text = "Unknown";
        heightOpt.visible = false;
    function setGender1(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.gender_txt.text = "Male";
        genderOpt.visible = false;
    function setGender2(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.gender_txt.text = "Female";
        genderOpt.visible = false;
    function setGender3(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.gender_txt.text = "Unknown";
        genderOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge1(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "20-30 years old";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge2(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "31-40 years old";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge3(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "41-50 years old";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge4(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "51-60 years old";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge5(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "71-80 years old";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    function setAge6(event:MouseEvent)
        part1_mc.age_txt.text = "Unknown";
        ageOpt.visible = false;
    screen_saver.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideScreenSaver);
    function hideScreenSaver(event:MouseEvent):void
        screen_saver.visible = false;
        part1_mc.visible = true;
    searchBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startSearch);
    var resultContainer:MovieClip;
    var resultCount:int = 0;
    var position:int = 1;
    function startSearch(event:MouseEvent):void
        resultContainer = new MovieClip;
        ageStr = part1_mc.age_txt.text;
        heightStr = part1_mc.height_txt.text;
        genderStr = part1_mc.gender_txt.text;
        searchingDB.visible = true;
        part2_mc.visible = true;
        rightBtn.visible = false;
        leftBtn.visible = false;
    rightBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, moveRight);
    leftBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, moveLeft);
    function moveRight(event:MouseEvent):void
        if (position < Math.ceil(resultCount/3))
            resultContainer.x = resultContainer.x - 1680;
    function moveLeft(event:MouseEvent):void
        if (position > 1)
            resultContainer.x = resultContainer.x + 1680;
    function checkRight():void
        if (position < Math.ceil(resultCount/3))
            rightBtn.visible = false;
            if (position > 1)
                leftBtn.visible = true;
    function checkLeft():void
        if (position > 1)
            leftBtn.visible = false;
            if (position < Math.ceil(resultCount/3))
                rightBtn.visible = true;
    function createResults():void
        var resultY = 250;
        var startX = 175;
        resultCount = 0;
        trace(ageStr.substr(0,2), ageStr.substr(3,2));
        for (var i:int=0; i < startArray.length; i++)
            if ((parseInt(startArray[i][2]) >= parseInt(ageStr.substr(0,2)) && parseInt(startArray[i][2]) <= parseInt(ageStr.substr(3,2))) || ageStr == "" || ageStr == "Unknown")
                if ((startArray[i][4] >= heightStr.substr(0,3) && startArray[i][4] <= heightStr.substr(4,3)) || heightStr == "" || heightStr == "Unknown")
                    if (genderStr == "" || genderStr == startArray[i][3] || genderStr == "Unknown")
                        var resultItem = new result_item();
               = "r_" + i;
                        resultItem.name_txt.text = startArray[i][1];
                        resultItem.gender_txt.text = "Gender: " + startArray[i][3];
                        resultItem.height_txt.text = "Height: " + startArray[i][4] + "cm";
                        resultItem.age_txt.text = "Age: " + startArray[i][2];
                        resultItem.description_txt.text = "                                " + startArray[i][5];
                        resultItem.features_txt.y = (resultItem.description_txt.y + resultItem.description_txt.height) + 20;
                        resultItem.features_txt.text = "Distinguishing Features: " + startArray[i][6];
                        var l=new Loader();
                        l.x = l.y = 0;
                        l.load(new URLRequest(startArray[i][0]));
                        resultItem.y = resultY;
                        resultItem.x = startX;
                        if ((resultCount+1)%3 == 0)
                            startX = startX + 780;
                            startX = startX + 450;
                        if (resultCount > 3)
                            rightBtn.visible = true;

  • Adobe Air Application Installer on Utilities Folder

    I just got my first mac early this year so I still haven't gotten the hang of the Mac OS. Anyway, I installed Adobe Photoshop CS4 a few days back but I uninstalled it a few days after. I noticed when I opened my utilities folder I saw the following:
    Adobe Air Applications Installer
    Adobe Air Uninstaller
    Adobe Installer Folder
    Adobe Utilites Folder
    I can't remember if the files were there even before I installed the Adobe Photoshop CS4 program. Is it safe for me to remove these files? If it is, how do I remove them? Thanks!

    theoc3 wrote:
    I clicked the Adobe Air Uninstaller icon in my utilities folder and a pop up box appeared with the message:
    "Adobe AIR already installed. This version of Adobe AIR is already installed on your system"
    Just move them to desktop, restart and see if you get any alerts.
    Also check in System Preferences for Version Cue and if you have it, turn it off.
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • Need better alternative to Adobe AIR Application Installer

    In order to build a double-clickable desktop application,
    apparently one has to use the Adobe AIR Application Installer. This
    is bad for a few reasons:
    It's not scriptable.
    It hard-wires the name of the swf file to load into the
    generated binary.
    For Mac OS X, the "swf launcher" should be a simple "launcher
    stub". The name of the swf file to load should be read from the
    Info.plist file. If it did this, then the stub could be the same
    for all applications. For Windows, there could be a simple XML
    config file in the same directory as the app that serves the same
    purpose as Info.plist on the Mac.
    I hope Adobe addresses this soon.

    Originally posted by:
    How about creating your native launcher app with the whole
    AIR client in the Resources folder. When you launch your app it
    launches your server executable, then after its done its stuff it
    launches the AIR app.
    You could make the launcher app itself headless so you don't
    get two dock icons.
    This doesn't address the need to have a non-GUI alternative to
    the Air Application Installer so builds can be completely
    It definitely breaks the drag-and-drop of a file onto the
    application's icon.
    I never said I have 2 Dock icons. (I already solved that
    problem by making the server "faceless" by setting LSUIElement to 1
    in the server's Info.plist.)
    Why do I want completely automated builds? Aside from the
    ease of just being able to type "ant" and press Return, any real
    development group has things such that a "build machine"
    automatically rebuilds the app (on all platforms) after ever
    developer check-in to check for accidental build breakage. Those
    builds also become available to QA for them to test.
    Ever time some new development tool comes out where the
    authors provide a GUI tool (presumably because they think GUI =
    easy), I have to wonder, "What were they thinking?" If the authors
    are themselves developers, how can they not see how crippling not
    providing an all-command-line tool-chain is? Don't all non-trivial
    development groups do automated builds as described above? The only
    answer I can think of is that some
    somewhere thought it would be a "neat idea" to have an
    "easy-to-use" GUI application (because that sells to other PHBs).
    As to drag-and-drop: presumably, the swf launcher that gets
    generated properly handles drag-and-drop of files onto the
    application's icon and Does The Right Thing when it happens (where
    "right thing" usually means simply opening the document dropped
    onto the icon). Now, since my launcher gets launched instead, that
    breaks drag-and-drop unless I implement that functionality myself.
    The way I've implemented my launcher is such that, after the
    fork(), it's the parent process that exec's itself into the client
    thus keeping the original process ID. The hope is that Launch
    Services on the Mac, when handling and drag-and-drop event, will
    send said event to the original process -- which is now the client
    -- and everything Just Works. I have yet to get around to testing
    this (I'm busy with other things at the moment); but, if it turns
    out that my hope isn't fulfilled, well then I can fall back to
    keeping my launcher running to get and forward the OpenDoc
    AppleEvents from my launcher to the swf launcher.
    So, anyway, back to my original plea: Adobe,
    please just give us a command-line replacement for the Air
    Application Installer (preferably just a launcher stub that reads
    Info.plist). Thanks.

  • Custom AIR application installer

    I have one question about air application installation process.
    Is there any way to build a custom air application installer?
    How it works now:
    First I've made air project, and when I start installation process (over badge swf file on the web site), I've going through next steps:
    - On the first step I can to open or save installation .air file.
    - After I click on the "open" button, I've getting the info about publisher and application, and I have "install" and "cancel" buttons.
    - After I click on the "install" button, I've getting more options, about desktop shortcut icon, installation location, and I have "contionue" and "cancel" buttons.
    - After I click on the "continue" button, the installation process begins.
    Is there any way to put some steps out from the air installation process. For example, to put out the third step?
    The best for us would be, if is possible, to integrate all questions in only one Accept or Cancel, make the most simple for user to install. Do you have advice how to do it?
    Thank you

    Not using a web install badge. What I have done in some cases is a first-run configuration setup UI as part of the app itself.
    You can create a custom native installer (not in AIR) for AIR apps using the captive runtime:

  • Adobe Air application installation using the bundled runtime installer

    We plan to develop application for different platforms with Adobe Air and testing installing Air applications with bundled runtime installer on different platforms. It's ok with Windows and Mac OS, but we got troubles with "silent" installation on Ubuntu OS 9.10.
    I tried to install Adobe Air application with bundled runtime, like in this document in part "Silent installation":
    using command-line:
    "sudo ./MyInstaller -silent simple-air-air-application-1.0-SNAPSHOT.air"
    and installation fails. Installation log looks like this:
    [setup:2306][INFO] Runtime Installer begin with version on Linux x86
    [setup:2306][INFO] Commandline is: -silent simple-air-air-1.0-SNAPSHOT.air
    [setup:2306][INFO] No installed runtime detected
    [setup:2306][INFO] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [setup:2306][INFO] Launching subprocess with commandline /tmp/air.QMrLZl/build/opt/Adobe AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime /tmp/air.QMrLZl/build/opt -silent -withRuntime -url file:///tmp/air.QMrLZl/simple-air-air-1.0-SNAPSHOT.air
    [setup:2306][ERR] Subprocess app installer failed (-1)
    [setup:2306][ERR] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    P.S. We tried do the same on Linux Mint 10. Everything's fine, application getting installed well.

    Thanks for the reply and solution MrSykes.
    I uninstalled adobe AIR and ran a file and registry cleaner to delete any left over files and installs.
    Then installed the v.15 Adobe AIR beta as recommended.
    The cleaners I used (ccleaner & jv16 power tools) did find some temporary install files and remnants of the Video Alchemy install.
    Tried the install again and still no installation window displays.
    I'm running Windows 7 on my PC and even changed the installation file compatibility to Windows XP service pack 2 to no avail.
    Funny that it installed fine on my notebook with Adobe AIR latest version running Windows 7.
    I'm watching task manager as I'm attempting the install and videoalchemy.exe has some cpu usage then drops to zero activity.
    Then Adobe AIR application Installer starts up then cycles to zero cpu activity.
    I'm stumped on this one :-(
    Thanks again for investing the time on my behalf.

  • Adobe AIR Application Installation will not start

    I purchased a program called Video Alchemy which requires Adobe AIR to run but the installation window will not display and the installation does not start.
    The Adobe AIR log install log file can be found here
    Here is a link to the VideoAlchemy.exe install file
    Can anyone help me to get this program to install?

    Thanks for the reply and solution MrSykes.
    I uninstalled adobe AIR and ran a file and registry cleaner to delete any left over files and installs.
    Then installed the v.15 Adobe AIR beta as recommended.
    The cleaners I used (ccleaner & jv16 power tools) did find some temporary install files and remnants of the Video Alchemy install.
    Tried the install again and still no installation window displays.
    I'm running Windows 7 on my PC and even changed the installation file compatibility to Windows XP service pack 2 to no avail.
    Funny that it installed fine on my notebook with Adobe AIR latest version running Windows 7.
    I'm watching task manager as I'm attempting the install and videoalchemy.exe has some cpu usage then drops to zero activity.
    Then Adobe AIR application Installer starts up then cycles to zero cpu activity.
    I'm stumped on this one :-(
    Thanks again for investing the time on my behalf.

  • Can HTML based browsers rotate along with a Desktop AIR application if browser is modular?

    I get a buged out browser module in my Desktop AIR application after doing an application level rotation/orientation-change/flip screen for viewing on other side of monitor .
    Most of the HTML content rotates 180 degrees without any issue, but, it seems some of the "components" aren't getting with the program.
    Dropdown box lists don't rotate, even though the button to initate use of the dropdown list does. So, when viewing the application from the new orientation,
    the dropdown lists are upside down from an end user perspective ( just never rotated properly from a developer perspective )
    I was having to flip my application by sending out a message to a service and recieving the call from a WCF to tell the whole OS to flip via WIN32 API but
    64bit operating systems do this a lot slower, so i'm trying to find a new solution.
    I am wondering if a workaround can be done by replacing the misbehaving things like the dropdown box with native flex components?
    Any thoughts/ideas/conclusions?

    Did you try ...
    location.href = url

  • Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe

    On my win xp pro sp3 machine from all the Adobe stuff
    following software installed only:
    - acrobat reader
    - flash player
    - shockwave player
    The Secunia scan tool noticed me recently I had old version
    of flash player.
    It is not right, some days ago just upgraded to
    Why I am using the 9.x one see my other thread in the adobe
    flash player forum.
    In-depth analysis has shown that the old one is really
    present on my station:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe is present on this
    machine and it keeps the old and
    vulnerable version of adobe flash player.
    What for ???????
    I didn't ever install the air application installer on my
    It must be one of other three applications I'm using
    What of the three application named above has installed AIR ?
    And what for ?
    Why is nobody upgrading the vulnerable flash version attached
    to AIR ?
    How can I deinstall it ?

    Originally posted by:
    You can uninstall AIR by using the uninstall program control
    panel. Just like uninstall an application.
    AIR doesn't figure on the Add/Remove Programs list.

  • Adobe Air Application Installer.exe Documentation

    Hello All,
    i am having severe problems retrieving the documentation for "Adobe Air Application Installer.exe"
    We have applied as Publisher for Air Apps here:
    and filled out the form
    After that we were hoping to receive documentation about seamless install of air applications, but we are waiting right now ...
    So, time is running out, and i need the documentation of the "Adobe Air App Installer.exe"
    So far i have managed to silently install an air app:
    '$1 -silent -programMenu -location "$INSTDIR" "$TEMP\AirApp.air"' $0
    Where $1 is the "Adobe Air Installer.exe" retrieved from the registry
    $INSTDIR is the installation target path
    $TEMP is a temporary folder, containing the to install Air Application
    the above command works fine for clean and empty systems with no prior versions of the application installed.
    what i now miss are the return code meanings, ranging from 0..9 where i only know that 0 means success !
    And i would like to have a documentation about the
    and the
    parameters for seamless installation/deinstallation of a whole air app with data

    hi there,
    i got the documentation also, dunno why they make it so hard
    to get it
    thank you very much !
    greets from joymoney
    I was also facing this problem.
    Today I got this

  • Adobe AIR Application Installer command-line

    Could someone provide the command-line reference (parameters
    and usage) for Adobe AIR Application Installer?

    Hey Oliver!
    I've applied for an AIR distribution license but I still have
    some doubts.
    My application is based in one .air component and another one
    service created using C++. So, in order to install my application,
    I need to install both applications. I've used the bundled
    installation mentioned in the distribution docs, but it is not the
    best solution for my problem. I would like to have just one entry
    point in the “Add/Remove Programs” applet.
    Is there another way to deliver the .air application (e.g.
    not using the Adobe AIR Application Installer)?
    For example, is it possible get all files needed to create my
    .air file and install them without creating the .air file properly?
    I mean, is there any license or technical restrictions that
    invalidate this approach?

  • AIR Application installs successfully but no GUI appears on startup

    I have an AIR application that was exported to Release Build as a Native Installer (*.exe as I am using Windows).  I install the application on a Windows box with no error.  See log file below :
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture"
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Commandline is: C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Validating app in folder C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Application signature verified
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] No app located for appID 'ActualCapture' and pubID ''
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual. Installing app ActualCapture version 0.0.0 using the source file at file:///C:/Users/actual/AppData/Local/Temp/AIR5755.tmp/ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Installing msi at C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture\setup.msi with guid {3345C675-010C-A907-7ADE-BC8B0927E7E9}
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual\ActualCapture\ActualCapture.exe
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application installer success
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Bootstrapper success
    However when I run the installed application, nothing appears.  No GUI is present as I would expect but on checking the task manager, the application .exe is listed as a running process?  This problem has only appeared with two recently purchased Dell machines that have Windows Professional Service Pack 1 operating system installed.  The same application was installed on a laptop with Windows Professional Service Pack 1 and works fine!
    Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    I have an AIR application that was exported to Release Build as a Native Installer (*.exe as I am using Windows).  I install the application on a Windows box with no error.  See log file below :
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture"
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Commandline is: C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Validating app in folder C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Application signature verified
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] No app located for appID 'ActualCapture' and pubID ''
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual. Installing app ActualCapture version 0.0.0 using the source file at file:///C:/Users/actual/AppData/Local/Temp/AIR5755.tmp/ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Installing msi at C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture\setup.msi with guid {3345C675-010C-A907-7ADE-BC8B0927E7E9}
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual\ActualCapture\ActualCapture.exe
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application installer success
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Bootstrapper success
    However when I run the installed application, nothing appears.  No GUI is present as I would expect but on checking the task manager, the application .exe is listed as a running process?  This problem has only appeared with two recently purchased Dell machines that have Windows Professional Service Pack 1 operating system installed.  The same application was installed on a laptop with Windows Professional Service Pack 1 and works fine!
    Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

  • [ubuntu 64bit 9.04] AIR Application Installer Doesn't Work

    On Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) 64bit, I have installer the Adobe AIR system as follows:
    1) Downloaded Adobe AIR from:
    2) sudo chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
    3) sudo apt-get install -y ia32-libs lib32nss-mdns lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6 libc6-i386 lib32nss-mdns libcanberra-gtk-module
    4) sudo wget
    5) sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb
    6) sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
    7) dpkg -l | grep adobeair
    ii  adobeair1.0                                                      Adobe AIR
    8) Reboot Ubuntu (just for 'fun')
    9) From Applications > Acessories --> Selecting "Adobe AIR Application Installer" does nothing ... not even a blip.
    10)  .airappinstall.log is a zero-length file (did a 'touch ~/.airappinstall.log')
    Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for the help!

    Here is what happens when I try to invoke the Application Installer from the command line:
    $ "Adobe AIR Application Installer"
    Error loading the runtime ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

  • "Abobe AIR Application Installer" is damaged and can't be opened.

    I went just downloaded ADOBE AIR and when I try to use it to install one of my Apps I get the message, "Abobe AIR Application Installer" is damaged and can't be opened.
    Can someone please address this.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Alan

    Exactly some of our customers are experiencing with "Adobe AIR application Installer damaged" issues.
    Can someone help us here?

  • AIR Application Installer

    On my win xp pro sp3 machine from all the Adobe stuff following software installed only:
    - acrobat reader
    - flash player
    - shockwave player
    The Secunia scan tool noticed me recently I had old version of flash player.
    It is not right, some days ago just upgraded to
    Why I am still using the 9.x one see my other thread in the adobe flash player forum.
    In-depth analysis has shown that the old one is indeed present on my station:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe is available on this machine and it keeps the old and vulnerable version of adobe flash player.
    What for ???????
    I didn't ever install the air application installer on my own.
    It must be one of other three applications I'm using intentionally.
    Has the Adobe Acrobat Reader this been ?
    If yes, what did he it for ?
    Why is nobody upgrading the vulnerable flash version attached to AIR ?
    How can I deinstall it ?

    Adobe AIR comes by default with Adobe Reader 9; you can download the AIR-less version from - or just uninstall Adobe AIR (from Add/Remove Programs).
    Adobe Flash Player may leave some ActivX remains behind if you don't uninstall before upgrading the Flash Player. You can delete the old OCX file manually.

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