Change drag and drop cursor

My application lets users drag files from their desktop and drop them onto a Jtree. I wrote this test app to see if I could change the drag cursor by defining the dragenter method. But the cursor doesn't change until the drop is complete.
In my final app I want the cursor to change to the "no drop" symbol when the user tries to drop files in certain nodes. But in this test I'm simply trying to see if the cursor will change at all.
The only examples I could find were apps dragging components from the applet, in which case they tied their compents to a DragSource object. In my case the drag is coming from outside the applet. Any help would be appreciated.
public class UploadGUI extends Applet implements DropTargetListener{
public void init()
     DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root");
     DefaultMutableTreeNode child1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Child");
     DefaultTreeModel treemodel = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
     JTree tree = new JTree(root);
                dropTarget = new DropTarget(tree, this);
                jscroll = new JScrollPane(tree);
public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)

try DragSourceListener instead and implement the dragOver method.

Similar Messages

  • Change Drag and Drop Cursor/Icon

    When a drag and drop starts, a default icon/image appears under the cursor.
    Is there any way to change this icon/image ?

    See this thread Drag/Drop cursor image
    The short answer is no.
    If you want the feature, submit a jira: and provide a link to the jira in this forum thread.

  • Drag and Drop Cursor changes - not working

    I have fully implemented a working drag and drop Swing application, but I am running into problems with the cursor.
    My application has some drop targets that set the cursor to DragSource.DefaultCopyNoDrop, and some that set it to DragSource.DefaultCopyDrop. The problem is once I change the cursor DefaultCopyDrop, I can never change it to NoDrop. I can however change it from NoDrop to Drop. I have tried it with jdk1.4 beta3 and rc.
    An example of this cursor behavior can be found at:
    I found some information related to this at:
    I have tried using a null cursor in the startDrag method.
    Does anyone have a DND example where the cursor consistantly changes to give drop feedback that works with the DND in JDK1.4?

    Hi, I also want to implement DND. I am using JRE1.3.1
    I am also facing the cursor change problem. i have passed null in the startDrag method. This problem get solved to some extent, but still many times cursor is not changing. I have created my dragSource and drag Target
    in the Constructor of my tree in a separate thread like
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Tree_DropTarget(this) );
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new TreeDragSource(this,
    DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) );
    Than in the target and source class
    publi clas Tree_DropTarget implements DropTargetListener,Runnable
    public Tree_DropTarget(JTree tree)
    m_dropTarget = tree;
    public void run ()
    catch (InterruptedException e)
    m_dropTarget = new DropTarget (m_targetTree, this);
    Same Way I have done for DragSource.
    Is anything wrong there???
    I am also facing 1 more proble, sometiems DND events are getting fired on navigating through the nodes, even though i am not dragging the node. And getting the Below exception some times
    java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetContextPeer.handleMotionMessage(Unknown Source)
         at Method)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    This exception I am not able to get who is throwing as all exceptions i am catching.
    Please help me, if u had any idea about these problems.

  • How to change mouse cursor during drag and drop

    Hi Guys,
    Iam performing a Drag and drop from Table1(on top of the figure) to Table2(down in the figure).
    see attached figure
    Have implemented the Drag and drop functionality using "Transferable" and "TransferHandler"using the java tutorial
    Now My problem is that ,I want to make the 1st column in Table2(ie: Column2-0) not to accept any drops so that the cursor appears like a "No-Drop" cursor but with selection on the column cell during a drop action.
    Also when I move my cursor between "column2-0" and "column2-1",want to to have the "No-Drop" and "Drop" cursor to appear depending on the column.
    How can I achieve it using the TransferHandle class.Dont want to go the AWT way of implementing all the source and target listeners on my own.
    Have overridded the "CanImort" as follows:
    public boolean canImport(JComponent c, DataFlavor[] flavors) {
         JTable table = (JTable)c;      
    Point p = table.getMousePosition();
    /* if(p==null)
         return false;
    int selColIndex = table.columnAtPoint(p);
         return false;*/
    If I execute the above commented code,The "No-Drop" Icon appears in "column2-0",but no cell selection.Also If I move to "column2-1",which is the 1st column,Still get the "No-Drop" Icon there,also with no cell selection.
    for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) {
    if ((DataFlavor.stringFlavor.equals(flavors))) {
    return true;
    return false;
    Thanks in advance.....
    Edited by: Kohinoor on Jan 18, 2008 3:47 PM

    If you found the selection column based on the mouse pointer, then based on the column, you can set the cursor pointer as any one as below :
    setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
    setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));

  • Can you use a custom cursor with drag and drop?

    Hi there! I'm a newbie flash user and working on a simulation for a graduate course in instructional design. I'm using Flash Professional CC on Mac. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have several draggable sprites on the stage and three target sprites. I have specified the original x,y locations of the sprites and have set the end x,y locations as those of each of the three targets. Items must be dragged to one of the three targets.
    Some questions:
    1. Can I specify more than one End x,y location for a draggable sprite? I'm creating a lesson to teach kindergartners how to sort lunchroom waste. If they have a napkin, for example, it could either go into the compost OR into the recycling. In cases like this where an item could really be placed into more than one bin, I want them to get it right if they do either of those things, rather than forcing them to choose which one.
    2. To make my project more "fun" for kids, I wanted to customize the cursor with a graphic of  hand. When I tried this in the flash file it works perfectly until I add the drag and drop functionality for the wasted items. Then the cursor will more around  but not pick up any items. Once I revert back to the standard pointer, the correct drag and drop functionality is restored.
    3. I have it set to snap back to the original location if learner attempts to drop the item on the wrong target. I want to be able to play a sound file when that happens, as well as play a sound file when it lands on the correct target, as well as shrink the item and change its opacity so that it appears invisible. I want to give the illusion of it being placed into the bin. I have no idea as to the proper way to code these events so that they happen.
    4. I've watched dozens of hours of youtube tutorials before coming here. I'm a quick study, but am very new to action script. In one of the videos the developer showed referencing an external action script file which I don't think is an option in CC. The coding method he used seemed much more streamlined and "clean" than the chunks I'm working with now. Is there an easy way for me to code information about these objects  than the way I've got it here now? I hate starting new things with bad habits. The perils of self-teaching.
    I'm pasting my code from the actions panel below so you can see what's going on:
    /* Custom Mouse Cursor
    Replaces the default mouse cursor with the specified symbol instance.
    customcursor.mouseEnabled = false;
    customcursor.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_CustomMouseCursor);
    function fl_CustomMouseCursor(event:Event)
      customcursor.x = stage.mouseX;
      customcursor.y = stage.mouseY;
    //To restore the default mouse pointer, uncomment the following lines:
    customcursor.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_CustomMouseCursor);
    //set up variables and objects for dragging
    var offset:int = 10;
    var appleStartX:int = 243;
    var appleStartY:int = 156;
    var appleEndX:int = 522;
    var appleEndY:int = 22;
    apple.buttonMode = true;
    apple.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    apple.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var cupStartX:int = 39;
    var cupStartY:int = 266;
    var cupEndX:int = 520;
    var cupEndY:int = 175;
    cup.buttonMode = true;
    cup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    cup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var barStartX:int = 178;
    var barStartY:int = 234;
    var barEndX:int = 522;
    var barEndY:int = 22;
    bar.buttonMode = true;
    bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var orangeStartX:int = 284;
    var orangeStartY:int = 102;
    var orangeEndX:int = 522;
    var orangeEndY:int = 22;
    orange.buttonMode = true;
    orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var bottleStartX:int = 172;
    var bottleStartY:int = 303;
    var bottleEndX:int = 520;
    var bottleEndY:int = 175;
    bottle.buttonMode = true;
    bottle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    bottle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var bananaStartX:int = 113;
    var bananaStartY:int = 123;
    var bananaEndX:int = 522;
    var bananaEndY:int = 22;
    banana.buttonMode = true;
    banana.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    banana.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var napkinStartX:int = 248;
    var napkinStartY:int = 271;
    var napkinEndX:int = 520;
    var napkinEndY:int = 175;
    napkin.buttonMode = true;
    napkin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    napkin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var yogurtStartX:int = 27;
    var yogurtStartY:int = 136;
    var yogurtEndX:int = 518;
    var yogurtEndY:int = 329;
    yogurt.buttonMode = true;
    yogurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    yogurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var strawberryStartX:int = 120;
    var strawberryStartY:int = 285;
    var strawberryEndX:int = 522;
    var strawberryEndY:int = 22;
    strawberry.buttonMode = true;
    strawberry.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    strawberry.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var sandwichStartX:int = 7;
    var sandwichStartY:int = 364;
    var sandwichEndX:int = 522;
    var sandwichEndY:int = 22;
    sandwich.buttonMode = true;
    sandwich.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    sandwich.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var juiceStartX:int = 88;
    var juiceStartY:int = 347;
    var juiceEndX:int = 518;
    var juiceEndY:int = 329;
    juice.buttonMode = true;
    juice.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    juice.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var foilStartX:int = 39;
    var foilStartY:int = 416;
    var foilEndX:int = 520;
    var foilEndY:int = 175;
    foil.buttonMode = true;
    foil.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    foil.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var waxbagStartX:int = 235;
    var waxbagStartY:int = 342;
    var waxbagEndX:int = 522;
    var waxbagEndY:int = 22;
    waxbag.buttonMode = true;
    waxbag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    waxbag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    function startDragging (e:MouseEvent) {
    function stopDragging (e:MouseEvent) {
      switch (e.currentTarget) {
      case apple:
      if (apple.x < appleEndX - offset || apple.x > appleEndX + offset || apple.y < appleEndY - offset || apple.y > appleEndY + offset) {
      apple.x = appleStartX;
      apple.y = appleStartY;
      else {
      apple.x = appleEndX;
      apple.y = appleEndY;
      case sandwich:
    if (sandwich.x < sandwichEndX - offset || sandwich.x > sandwichEndX + offset || sandwich.y < sandwichEndY - offset || sandwich.y > sandwichEndY + offset) {
      sandwich.x = sandwichStartX;
      sandwich.y = sandwichStartY;
      else {
      sandwich.x = sandwichEndX;
      sandwich.y = sandwichEndY;
      case orange:
    if (orange.x < orangeEndX - offset || orange.x > orangeEndX + offset || orange.y < orangeEndY - offset || orange.y > orangeEndY + offset) {
      orange.x = orangeStartX;
      orange.y = orangeStartY;
      else {
      orange.x = orangeEndX;
      orange.y = orangeEndY;
      case strawberry:
    if (strawberry.x < strawberryEndX - offset || strawberry.x > strawberryEndX + offset || strawberry.y < strawberryEndY - offset || strawberry.y > strawberryEndY + offset) {
      strawberry.x = strawberryStartX;
      strawberry.y = strawberryStartY;
      else {
      strawberry.x = strawberryEndX;
      strawberry.y = strawberryEndY;
      case napkin:
    if (napkin.x < napkinEndX - offset || napkin.x > napkinEndX + offset || napkin.y < napkinEndY - offset || napkin.y > napkinEndY + offset) {
      napkin.x = napkinStartX;
      napkin.y = napkinStartY;
      else {
      napkin.x = napkinEndX;
      napkin.y = napkinEndY;
      case bar:
    if (bar.x < barEndX - offset || bar.x > barEndX + offset || bar.y < barEndY - offset || bar.y > barEndY + offset) {
      bar.x = barStartX;
      bar.y = barStartY;
      else {
      bar.x = barEndX;
      bar.y = barEndY;
      case juice:
    if (juice.x < juiceEndX - offset || juice.x > juiceEndX + offset || juice.y < juiceEndY - offset || juice.y > juiceEndY + offset) {
      juice.x = juiceStartX;
      juice.y = juiceStartY;
      else {
      juice.x = juiceEndX;
      juice.y = juiceEndY;
      case foil:
    if (foil.x < foilEndX - offset || foil.x > foilEndX + offset || foil.y < foilEndY - offset || foil.y > foilEndY + offset) {
      foil.x = foilStartX;
      foil.y = foilStartY;
      else {
      foil.x = foilEndX;
      foil.y = foilEndY;
      case banana:
    if (banana.x < bananaEndX - offset || banana.x > bananaEndX + offset || banana.y < bananaEndY - offset || banana.y > bananaEndY + offset) {
      banana.x = bananaStartX;
      banana.y = bananaStartY;
      else {
      banana.x = bananaEndX;
      banana.y = bananaEndY;
      case bottle:
    if (bottle.x < bottleEndX - offset || bottle.x > bottleEndX + offset || bottle.y < bottleEndY - offset || bottle.y > bottleEndY + offset) {
      bottle.x = bottleStartX;
      bottle.y = bottleStartY;
      else {
      bottle.x = bottleEndX;
      bottle.y = bottleEndY;
      case waxbag:
    if (waxbag.x < waxbagEndX - offset || waxbag.x > waxbagEndX + offset || waxbag.y < waxbagEndY - offset || waxbag.y > waxbagEndY + offset) {
      waxbag.x = waxbagStartX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagStartY;
      else {
      waxbag.x = waxbagEndX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagEndY;
      case cup:
    if (cup.x < cupEndX - offset || cup.x > cupEndX + offset || cup.y < cupEndY - offset || cup.y > cupEndY + offset) {
      cup.x = cupStartX;
      cup.y = cupStartY;
      else {
      cup.x = cupEndX;
      cup.y = cupEndY;
      case yogurt:
    if (yogurt.x < yogurtEndX - offset || yogurt.x > yogurtEndX + offset || yogurt.y < yogurtEndY - offset || yogurt.y > yogurtEndY + offset) {
      yogurt.x = yogurtStartX;
      yogurt.y = yogurtStartY;
      else {
      waxbag.x = waxbagEndX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagEndY;

    Some questions:
    1. Can I specify more than one End x,y location for a draggable sprite?
    yes, use an if-else statement
    I'm creating a lesson to teach kindergartners how to sort lunchroom waste. If they have a napkin, for example, it could either go into the compost OR into the recycling. In cases like this where an item could really be placed into more than one bin, I want them to get it right if they do either of those things, rather than forcing them to choose which one.
    2. To make my project more "fun" for kids, I wanted to customize the cursor with a graphic of  hand. When I tried this in the flash file it works perfectly until I add the drag and drop functionality for the wasted items. Then the cursor will more around  but not pick up any items. Once I revert back to the standard pointer, the correct drag and drop functionality is restored.
    assign your cursor's mouseEnabled property to false:
    3. I have it set to snap back to the original location if learner attempts to drop the item on the wrong target. I want to be able to play a sound file when that happens, as well as play a sound file when it lands on the correct target, as well as shrink the item and change its opacity so that it appears invisible. I want to give the illusion of it being placed into the bin. I have no idea as to the proper way to code these events so that they happen.
    use the sound class to create a sound:
    // initialize your correct sound once with
    var correctSound:Sound=new CorrectSound();  // add an mp3 sound to your library and assign it class = CorrectSound
    // apply the play() method everytime you want your sound to play:;
    // change an object's opacity:
    someobject.alpha = .3;  // partially visible
    someobject.alpha = 1;  // fully visible
    someobject.visible=false;  // not visible, at all.
    // change an object's scale
    someobject.scaleX=someobject.scaleY=.5;  // shink width and height by 2
    someobject.scaleX=someobject.scaleY=1;  // resize to original
    4. I've watched dozens of hours of youtube tutorials before coming here. I'm a quick study, but am very new to action script. In one of the videos the developer showed referencing an external action script file which I don't think is an option in CC. The coding method he used seemed much more streamlined and "clean" than the chunks I'm working with now. Is there an easy way for me to code information about these objects  than the way I've got it here now? I hate starting new things with bad habits. The perils of self-teaching.
    you could google: 
    actionscript 3 class coding
    actionscript 3 object oriented programming
    p.s.  you can simplify and streamline your coding by learning about arrays and using hitTestObject.

  • [BUG] Cursor Disappears After Drag And Drop

    every time i drag and drop an image out of firefox into an already open document in photoshop cs5, my cursor disappears (it doesn't change to reflect the program specific tasks like type/move/scale etc) and i have to restart the program.
    please fix this?

    sorry, forgot to mention that...
    mac os x server 10.6, all updates
    firefox 3, all updates

  • Drag and Drop to Change Order of a Collection

    I have created a collection and now want to change the order of the photos in the collection. I try to select a photo to drag and drop it to the correct position.
    Sometimes I can do this, other times I can't.
    If I exit and reenter Lightroom, the problem of not being able to drag and drop is corrected.
    Any ideas about a workaround for this bug without exiting and restarting Lightroom?

    You have to be at the lowest level of a folder/collection to get drag and drop to work.
    If you have 'Include Photos from Subitems' unticked then you can sort in higher up folders/collections, but this only shows items in the actual collection/folder.
    If you have images in multiple collections that you want to sort in order, select them and then Ctrl N (Cmd N on Mac ) to create a new collection. Tick the use selected photos box and name the new collection. Make sure it's at the bottom of a collection tree (or on it's own) and then sort inside the new collection.
    When dragging, drag from the image itself, not from the border around it.

  • Drag and Drop to Change Order in a List

    Does anyone know of an example where there is the ability to drag and drop elements in a list and thus change their order? (I.E. drag item one below item two and then item one and two change locations)

    Check out
    There's an example towards the end of the page for drag-and-drop between 2 JLists. Might be a good starting point.

  • Drag and drop not working.  When trying to move a cell or icon the shadow of the cell or icon being moved appears under the cursor but can't be released causing a freeze of function within the program.  Happens in finder numbers and firefox

    Drag and drop not working.  When trying to move a cell or icon the shadow of the cell or icon being moved appears under the cursor but can't be released causing a freeze of function within the program.  Happens in finder numbers, firefox, and when trying to move any file from the downloads folder.
    This is a serious pain.
    Please help.

    Yes, all I can tell you is that Finder does not have that function in ML. Your system is "working as expected".
    You can file feedback here.

  • Cannot change target sound in drag and drop to "no sound" once a default sound is selected in Captivate 8

    I was trying out all the options for a drag and drop interaction in Captivate 8 and selected one of the default sounds for a target. I want to change it back to "no sound", but the selection never sticks. Is there something I'm missing or is this a "feature"?

    When you go to the “Format” tab of the drag and drop properties, there is an option called “audio” (right below the “depth” option).
    It has default sounds you can pick (sound1, sound2, sound3, and incorrect sound). Or you can browse to an audio file. If I select one of the default sounds, and then decide not to use any sound, it will not change to the “none” option. I have to delete the drag and drop interaction and start over.
    Robert Willis  | 616.935.1155 | [email protected]
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  • Drag and drop into playlist not working + changing of timezone

    Hey All
    Ive searched and cant find an answer to this anywhere
    My PC crashed pretty hardcore like (unable to load vista to deauthorize account before formatting PC) so a format ensued, once i formatted i reinstalled itunes and reauthorized my account for my ipod touch did the whole back transfer and delete and resync of my ipod so now i have to put all my music back onto the ipod touch (well not all my music just the stuff i want to listen too)
    So i went and made a new blank playlist (not a smart list) and proceeded to fill ... when i came accross my problem i cant drag music from the library to my new fresh (definitely not a smart playlist) Playlist
    ive checked the "manually manage box" in the ipod summary screen but even when the ipod isnt plugged in i cant drag and drop. i can right click and add to playlist fine ... just not drag and drop
    also when i plug my ipod in it sets my timezone to london and changes my time .... rather annoying considering i use my ipod as an alarm clock
    any assistance is greatly appreciated
    Thanks Rey

    You're Very Welcome Nick!
    I'm glad the fix was that simple!
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    This info, and more, can be viewed by clicking on
    ? Help & Terms of Use, located under your login name, on all "Discussions" pages.
    Specifically What are question answers?.
    ali b

  • Unable to complete drag and drop; items stick to cursor.

    Basically I am having the exact same issue as, .
    Sometimes when attempting to drag and drop an item the item will not drop and just become stuck to the cursor, across applications. The only way to drop the item seems to be force quitting Finder, or sometimes just mashing the Esc key.
    I've had this issue on 10.6.5, and 10.6.6. A fresh install did not rectify the problem. What is incredibly annoying is the issue just comes and goes. The only thing I can narrow it down to is a Wacom driver for my Intuos. As far as I can remember this issue only started after installing that driver.
    Has any one else experienced this behaviour, and do you have a Wacom Intuos?

    it seems there is no way.
    See note 1797073
    Is there someone with a better solution?

  • Problem Cursor disappears / Drag and Drop doesn't work

    Hey everybody,
    I have an urgent problem!
    Three butterflies are supposed to be dragged in an object.  My customized cursor is sort of a landing net to catch these butterflies.
    For the cursor I have this code:
    My drag and drop code is:
    cursor_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    redbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    violetbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    yellowbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    cursor_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    redbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    violetbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    yellowbutterfly_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    function startMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    function stopMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    But when I'm clicking on a butterfly my cursor stops to move and stays on the position of the butterfly, which i'm dragging. After dropping it, there is no cursor at all so one doesn't know where the mouse is currently located.
    Does someone know why this doesn't work? I'm working currently with a mousefollower, because at the moment this is the only way it works..
    The mousefollower code is:
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler)
    function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void {
        cursor_mc.x += cursor_mc.mouseX / 4;
        cursor_mc.y += cursor_mc.mouseY / 4;
    But now I have the problem that only the yellow butterfly moves even if I'm clicking on the red or the violet...
    Please help me!! Thank you in anticipation!

    You've solved the problem, thank you very much!
    Since it seems you know all about actionscript or at least all answers to my questions, I try my luck a further time
    If I wanted to collect the caught butterflies in a certain target, for example a flowerpot, where the butterflies can't be removed after dragged in, is this more or less the code for it? I haven't tried it yet but I'm searching the internet for something like that and maybe it is the right thing? And is in this case "myTarget" the name of the picture which is used as the target? Thank you in advance!
    function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void {;;
        startX =;
        startY =;
    function dropIt(event:MouseEvent):void {;
        var myTargetName:String = "target" +;
        var myTarget:DisplayObject = getChildByName(myTargetName);
        if ( != null && == myTarget){
  , pickUp);
  , dropIt);
   = false;
   = myTarget.x;
   = myTarget.y;

  • Drag and Drop error - icons are stuck to the cursor

    For the last few days when I try to use drag and drop, the items stick to the cursor and cannot be dislodged without a force quit or a reboot. That is they drag, but they do not drop. This is really sub-optimal.
    Has this happened to anyone else? How do I fix it?

    Idiot question - How do I re-install Leopard? No matter what I do, it kicks the disk out on restart. I have tried using the 'install' command on the disk, nothing. It kicks the disk out and boots from the hard drive. I have tried rebooting holding down the 'c' key to force it to read from the drive, it still kicks the disk out and boots from the hard drive. What else should I do?
    I researched back further and found another thread where people were complaining of the same drag and drop issue:
    Someone suggested a solution involving permissions. I fixed my permissions. Drag and drop is still not working.
    There was also a set of commands to type into terminal that would supposedly fix the issue, or perhaps it was a Spotlight issue that the thread had morphed into. I did that. Drag and drop is still not working.
    Am I just totally hosed? Help!

  • Hand cursor not showing on Drag and Drop interaction Submit button

    Does anyone know why the hand cursor doesn't show when I hover over the submit button on a drag and drop interaction slide created in CP7 and published as HTML5?
    Many thanks.

    Thanks @rickhumpries86. What I did was I narrowed the problem down to a text animation. I only left 2 elements on the stage:
    1) A button
    2) A text animation (a plus sign)
    In this first picture of the stage, the problem exists. The frame of the + is indicated but is not overlapping the button.
    How I corrected it was I had to move the text animation up about 9 times (Ctrl + up arrow) to the position indicated in this next screen shot. Then there was no interference from the + text animation. For the animation I used the Disperse effect. To get the + sign that large, I used Arial size 72 font. So I'm not sure if this is considered a bug, or there is something else that I'm not understanding about the interaction of the text animation and its affect on the stage to other elements.

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  • Image Optimization in CQ5

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