Change French to English

I was using Lightroom 1.0 in English but now that I have upgraded to Lightroom 1.1 , the interface is in French. That could be because I am using a French MacOS X and because I am currently in France.
How can I switch Lightroom back to English again?
If I select the software icon in the Finder and type Command + I, the languages are grayed out and I can't deselect French.
Please help.

OK, Don, problem solved.
Here's how I was able to switch Lightroom 1.1 back to English.
Thanks to Adobe Tech Support (and Don) for their help.
First I had to manually uninstall Lightroom (there's no faster way alas). Then I had select English in the International Preferences, the I had to download the 1.1 upgrade from the US server.
I'm on Mac using Mac OSX (French), so that's precisely what I had to do:
1. Delete the following files or folders:
The application file: Applications/Adobe
The preference file: [username]/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Lightroom.plist
The database, the database lock file, the preview file, and the database backups:
* [Username]Pictures//Lightroom/Lightroom Database.lrdb
Important: Deleting the Lightroom Database.lrdb file deletes your library database!
* [Username]Pictures//Lightroom/Lightroom Database.lrdb.lock
* [Username]Pictures//Lightroom/Lightroom Previews.lrdata
* [Username]Pictures//Lightroom/Lightroom/Backups folder
Presets and templates: [Username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom folder
Registration data: Library/Application Support/Lightroom/Lightroom 1.0 Registrations folder
Library/Receipts/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.pkg
2. Go to "Préférences Système" (System Preferences), choose International, Select English as a language (drag it to the top of the list).
3. Download the Lightroom 1.1 from the US site (maybe that can be done from an Adobe European site too, as there seems to be only one version of 1.1 for English, French and German).
Anyway, this is how I was able to upgrade to Lightroom 1.1 and keep the software in English although I am currently located in France.
Hope this helps.
Ivry sur Seine, France

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