Change medium texts of Objectives in Scorecard

Hi to everyone, i am very please to join this community, this is my first post.
My problem is with Balanced ScoreCard.
When we display any of the BSC that we have created with the cause-effect chain the objectives are always displayed with the Medium Text.
Is there any chance to see the objectives with the Long text?
I don´t know if it´s a dumb question but i haven´t found anything regarding this question.
Thanks in advance.

In the method CONVERT_XML_FOR_CEDESIGN in the line STR = LS_OBJPOS-LTXT the objective is indeed catching the long text and this works for SAPGUI, but when you see the cause-effect chain via Web (in the Balanced Scorecard Launchpad) the medium texts are displayed.
Edit: I found this note 1004788 - Long text for objective in C-E chain that explains exactly what i wanted.
Message was edited by:
        Ivan Lopez

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    First thing is why are you using a Rich Text Field .....woudln't a regular field be enough? Secondly you are pasting a string that represents a link. The field onlt deals with a string and cannot actually link for you (it is a field not a link). You  could add code to the field that woudl perform the linking operation. On the click event of the field you coudl add code something like this:
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    Hi kishan,
    For updating these text you can use FM 'SAVE_TEXT'.
    As for your problem, to get the parameter you need, go to the billing document, go to the text, and display it in plain page mode.
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    You haven't said what version of Pages you are referring to.
    Hold down the option key when you go to the File menu and Save As… appears.
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    Once you do do this it is pretty much what it was before.

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    The function you selected uses interfaces to record changes made to your objects in requests and tasks.
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    System Response
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    Hello Arun,
    U could do the translation in Tcode Se63.
    U follow the procedure
    Translation >Shorttext>Screen Painter--> Screen Painter Text.
    There u will see the all the text use for that transaction.
    You can make the traslation there.
    If useful reward.

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    As our experts said  may be ur loading data from othe source also for that object
    If it is sure that u are loading data from flat file , u know that that object where it is used , either it is a standard object or custom object(Z object)
    if it is standard object then it will be used in different places at that time deleting the data also it is to difficult.
    u try once again first select the medium text check box and do the activation of that master data object and move the same to quality and check that medium text check box selection option is appering or not then it is appering
    then move the data sorce and Transformation and DTP and load the data and try to see the data.
    Thansk & Regards,

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    Hi Gregg,
    excellent question. I had the same problem as well before.
    What I have learned is that you cannot change a UI Element via Enhancements.
    You can add new UI Elements (e.g. new label) or remove existing elements, but you cannot change them (except the layout properties (e.g. colspan) maybe).
    The only possibilities I see is
    1. Remove the existing label, and add a new label with your desired text
    2. Do it as a modification
    3. Do it as a configuration (This means you go to the webdynpro application in SE80, right click and select "Create/Change Configuration)
    4. Do it as customizing (This means you add the URL parameter sap-config-mode=X to the URL, navigate to the label, right click on it, and select "Change Settings for Current Configuration").
    The disadvatages of 3) and 4) are
    - texts in configurations and customizing are not translatable (as far as I know)
    - if you have multiple configurations, you have to change the label multiple times
    Hope this helps a bit,

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    Error(25,35): illegal start of type
    Error(25,3): missing method body, or declare as abstract
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    Thanks much.

    I got it to work with the following:
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OATableBean table = (OATableBean)webBean;
    // Set the install-base specific "control bar" select text:
    // "Select Item(s)…"
    table.setTableSelectionText("Select Item(s)...");

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    In the front panel, right click on the listbox object and select create>attribute node.
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    Text1 => "Contact Name: {Contact.Name}"
    and I'd like to change it to anything else like:
    Text1 => "Nom du Contact: {Contact.Name}"
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    Anyone knows how to deal with that ?

    Only way I can think of doing this:
    1) Create a formula (call it lang) and enter the string "Contact Name" in it
    2) Place the  {Contact.Name} field next to the string
    3) So now you have:
    ContactName:  {Contact.Name}
    4) Check what localization you are after. If you need "Nom du Contact", change the lang formula so it shows "Nom du Contact" using the code below:
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Dim Report As New CrystalReport1()
    Dim FormulaFields As FormulaFieldDefinitions
    Dim FormulaField As FormulaFieldDefinition
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    FormulaFields = Report.DataDefinition.FormulaFields
    FormulaField = FormulaFields.Item(0)
    FormulaField.Text = "[formula text]"
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Report
    End Sub
    I realize this may not give you consistent spacing as the translations may have strings of differnt length. Perhaps someone has other idea(s)...

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    hi ,
    I am created an application ,where in i press a button which call another form having a menu .
    I select any one of the option from the menu ....i enter a number in the text item object of this form ....depending upon what option i have typed .....i would like to call another form ...
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    2) Since this form is not having any database insert,delete ,update or query (select)
    it should directly go to the new form,whose option i provide in the text item .

    hey bro, i am assuming that ur text item contains the form name, any relevant trigger can be used for user action, like key-enter, post-change or key-next-item.
    to run a form u can use functions call_form or open_form with proper paramters.
    if u want to forward the entered text in the item, use global variable for the session.
    it doesnt matter if the form contains database items or blocks, all u have to do is run the form.
    VAR VARCHAR2-------;
    /* u can use the variable to concatinate or modify too, also can use global variable
    /* use ur own relevant parameters */

  • How to change the text "form of address" while Create User in EP6.0??

    Hi All,
      We are using NDS 2.0.9 & EP6.0.
      I have the following doubts:
      1) I have to change the text <b>Form of Address</b> which comes when we <b>Create User</b> in EP.
      Can any1 please let me know how to change that text? Is there any .par file? What is the name of .par file (if any) which is used to <b>Create User</b> in EP6.0??
      2) I am getting the value of this <b>form of address</b> by <b>request.getSalutation()</b> in PDK, but this value is coming in the <b>Welcome Message</b> in the masthead. I tried to change the masthead by changing the corresponding code, but i am getting a runtime error. Is there any other method of making this salutation value <b>NOT</b> appear in the masthead welcome message?
      Please help me in this regard. Thanks in Advance. Bye.
    Sai Krishna.</b>

    Hi Sai Krishna,
    within HeadiView.jsp, you'll find this code fragment:     
    if(salutation != null) {
      return java.text.MessageFormat.format(welcomeClause, new Object[] {firstName, lastName, salutation}).toString();
    } else {
      return java.text.MessageFormat.format(welcomeClause, new Object[] {firstName, lastName, " "}).toString();
    Just delete the first part and always use the second:
    return java.text.MessageFormat.format(welcomeClause, new Object[] {firstName, lastName, " "}).toString();
    This will delete the salutation without errors
    Hope it helps
    PS: For both solutions, 1. and 2., think of it: These workarounds will be overwritten witch patches / maybe hotfixes.

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