Change panel's content?

Hi, All!
I have JPanel (pC) with other JPanel(p1) and JButton. I want to change p1 to p2 on click button, but I don't see expected result.
class testChange extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
     JPanel p1=new JPanel(),
          p2=new JPanel(),
          p3=new JPanel(),
          pC=new JPanel();
     static int count=0;
     testChange () {
          p1.add(new JLabel("Panel 1"));
          p2.add(new JLabel("Panel 2"));
          p3.add(new JLabel("Panel 3"));
          JPanel pC=new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,0));
          JButton b=new JButton("Next");
          b.addActionListener (this);
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
          switch (count) {
               case 0:
               case 1:
               case 2:
               case 3:
public static void main (String [] argv) {
          new testChange();
Who can hint me why after click button don't change panels (p1->p2->p3->p1) on JPanel pC?

The CardLayout looks like just the thing you need.
Check for examples.

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  • How to change  panel's content ??

    i just tried to remove the older contents and repaint the panel then add the new contents ,but this try didnt work.
    what do you think?
    how can i change the contents?

    After you add or remove components from a panel you need to revalidate() the panel.
    Or, maybe a Card Layout is a better approach:

  • How do I use Actionmanager code to change just the contents of a line of text?

    The quick question - can anyone provide me with Action Manager code that will simply change the contents of a text field in Photoshop CS6?
    The long version, if anyone wants to know:
    I'm a reasonably experienced Applescripter with hundreds of Illustrator and Photoshop applescripts, but I don't know javascript at all.
    I have a script I'm doing currently that just deletes, changes the visibility, and/or changes the text contents of a whole bunch of layers.
    It's running just fine in Applescript, except it runs slower than molasses. I went to so much work to automate this stuff - the script's 750 lines with all the logic - and users are telling me that they can do this by hand in the time the script runs. It really does take as long as a minute, which just feels painful. It deletes about 25 layers, changes the text contents of up to 5 layers, and changes the visibility of maybe 2 to 24 layers.
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    So I've been taking out the Photoshop calls in Applescript, and replacing them with calls to subroutines that replay Action Manager code I got from Scripting Listener and then plugging in the relevant variables.
    So far so good on the deleting layers, that part runs 20x faster now.
    On the text layer part - scripting listener records 1,011 lines of code when I change just the contents of a text field.
    What's recorded has everything about the appearance baked in. With Applescript, I could set the contents of a text field only, leaving the existing formatting, which was really handy. But if I use a call to my scripting listener code here, I'm going to have to save a different 1,000 line subroutine function for every text style of a text field I want to change, and then the script will be horribly non-future-proof.
    Not knowing Javascript, trying to deconstruct the 1,011 line monstrosity Scripting Listener spits out to get to something that just changes the character contents of the text field is not happening. I tried a bit, but it's way over my head.
    Thanks in advance for any help. Scripting listener output pasted below, in case it's helpful. The only line that's relevant to what I'm trying to accomplish - meaning the only line I'll be replacing with my own variable, is line 13:
            desc6.putString( idTxt, """This is the text I entered.\rFor the this text field.""" );
    var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
        var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref5 = new ActionReference();
            var idTxLr = charIDToTypeID( "TxLr" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref5.putEnumerated( idTxLr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc5.putReference( idnull, ref5 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
            var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idTxt = charIDToTypeID( "Txt " );
            desc6.putString( idTxt, """This is the text I entered.\rFor the front inks.""" );
            var idwarp = stringIDToTypeID( "warp" );
                var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idwarpStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "warpStyle" );
                var idwarpStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "warpStyle" );
                var idwarpNone = stringIDToTypeID( "warpNone" );
                desc7.putEnumerated( idwarpStyle, idwarpStyle, idwarpNone );
                var idwarpValue = stringIDToTypeID( "warpValue" );
                desc7.putDouble( idwarpValue, 0.000000 );
                var idwarpPerspective = stringIDToTypeID( "warpPerspective" );
                desc7.putDouble( idwarpPerspective, 0.000000 );
                var idwarpPerspectiveOther = stringIDToTypeID( "warpPerspectiveOther" );
                desc7.putDouble( idwarpPerspectiveOther, 0.000000 );
                var idwarpRotate = stringIDToTypeID( "warpRotate" );
                var idOrnt = charIDToTypeID( "Ornt" );
                var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
                desc7.putEnumerated( idwarpRotate, idOrnt, idHrzn );
            var idwarp = stringIDToTypeID( "warp" );
            desc6.putObject( idwarp, idwarp, desc7 );
            var idtextGridding = stringIDToTypeID( "textGridding" );
            var idtextGridding = stringIDToTypeID( "textGridding" );
            var idNone = charIDToTypeID( "None" );
            desc6.putEnumerated( idtextGridding, idtextGridding, idNone );
            var idOrnt = charIDToTypeID( "Ornt" );
            var idOrnt = charIDToTypeID( "Ornt" );
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            desc6.putEnumerated( idOrnt, idOrnt, idHrzn );
            var idAntA = charIDToTypeID( "AntA" );
            var idAnnt = charIDToTypeID( "Annt" );
            var idAnCr = charIDToTypeID( "AnCr" );
            desc6.putEnumerated( idAntA, idAnnt, idAnCr );
            var idbounds = stringIDToTypeID( "bounds" );
                var desc8 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idLeft = charIDToTypeID( "Left" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc8.putUnitDouble( idLeft, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                var idTop = charIDToTypeID( "Top " );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc8.putUnitDouble( idTop, idPnt, -95.852051 );
                var idRght = charIDToTypeID( "Rght" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc8.putUnitDouble( idRght, idPnt, 1318.981323 );
                var idBtom = charIDToTypeID( "Btom" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc8.putUnitDouble( idBtom, idPnt, 141.910156 );
            var idbounds = stringIDToTypeID( "bounds" );
            desc6.putObject( idbounds, idbounds, desc8 );
            var idboundingBox = stringIDToTypeID( "boundingBox" );
                var desc9 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idLeft = charIDToTypeID( "Left" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc9.putUnitDouble( idLeft, idPnt, 4.000000 );
                var idTop = charIDToTypeID( "Top " );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc9.putUnitDouble( idTop, idPnt, -80.000000 );
                var idRght = charIDToTypeID( "Rght" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc9.putUnitDouble( idRght, idPnt, 1307.720215 );
                var idBtom = charIDToTypeID( "Btom" );
                var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                desc9.putUnitDouble( idBtom, idPnt, 119.000000 );
            var idboundingBox = stringIDToTypeID( "boundingBox" );
            desc6.putObject( idboundingBox, idboundingBox, desc9 );
            var idtextShape = stringIDToTypeID( "textShape" );
                var list1 = new ActionList();
                    var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idTEXT = charIDToTypeID( "TEXT" );
                    var idTEXT = charIDToTypeID( "TEXT" );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "Pnt " );
                    desc10.putEnumerated( idTEXT, idTEXT, idPnt );
                    var idOrnt = charIDToTypeID( "Ornt" );
                    var idOrnt = charIDToTypeID( "Ornt" );
                    var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
                    desc10.putEnumerated( idOrnt, idOrnt, idHrzn );
                    var idTrnf = charIDToTypeID( "Trnf" );
                        var desc11 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var idxx = stringIDToTypeID( "xx" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idxx, 1.000000 );
                        var idxy = stringIDToTypeID( "xy" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idxy, 0.000000 );
                        var idyx = stringIDToTypeID( "yx" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idyx, 0.000000 );
                        var idyy = stringIDToTypeID( "yy" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idyy, 1.000000 );
                        var idtx = stringIDToTypeID( "tx" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idtx, 0.000000 );
                        var idty = stringIDToTypeID( "ty" );
                        desc11.putDouble( idty, 0.000000 );
                    var idTrnf = charIDToTypeID( "Trnf" );
                    desc10.putObject( idTrnf, idTrnf, desc11 );
                    var idrowCount = stringIDToTypeID( "rowCount" );
                    desc10.putInteger( idrowCount, 1 );
                    var idcolumnCount = stringIDToTypeID( "columnCount" );
                    desc10.putInteger( idcolumnCount, 1 );
                    var idrowMajorOrder = stringIDToTypeID( "rowMajorOrder" );
                    desc10.putBoolean( idrowMajorOrder, true );
                    var idrowGutter = stringIDToTypeID( "rowGutter" );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                    desc10.putUnitDouble( idrowGutter, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                    var idcolumnGutter = stringIDToTypeID( "columnGutter" );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                    desc10.putUnitDouble( idcolumnGutter, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                    var idSpcn = charIDToTypeID( "Spcn" );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                    desc10.putUnitDouble( idSpcn, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                    var idframeBaselineAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "frameBaselineAlignment" );
                    var idframeBaselineAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "frameBaselineAlignment" );
                    var idalignByAscent = stringIDToTypeID( "alignByAscent" );
                    desc10.putEnumerated( idframeBaselineAlignment, idframeBaselineAlignment, idalignByAscent );
                    var idfirstBaselineMinimum = stringIDToTypeID( "firstBaselineMinimum" );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                    desc10.putUnitDouble( idfirstBaselineMinimum, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                    var idbase = stringIDToTypeID( "base" );
                        var desc12 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
                        desc12.putDouble( idHrzn, 0.000000 );
                        var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
                        desc12.putDouble( idVrtc, 0.000000 );
                    var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "Pnt " );
                    desc10.putObject( idbase, idPnt, desc12 );
                var idtextShape = stringIDToTypeID( "textShape" );
                list1.putObject( idtextShape, desc10 );
            desc6.putList( idtextShape, list1 );
            var idTxtt = charIDToTypeID( "Txtt" );
                var list2 = new ActionList();
                    var desc13 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idFrom = charIDToTypeID( "From" );
                    desc13.putInteger( idFrom, 0 );
                    var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
                    desc13.putInteger( idT, 48 );
                    var idTxtS = charIDToTypeID( "TxtS" );
                        var desc14 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var idstyleSheetHasParent = stringIDToTypeID( "styleSheetHasParent" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idstyleSheetHasParent, true );
                        var idfontPostScriptName = stringIDToTypeID( "fontPostScriptName" );
                        desc14.putString( idfontPostScriptName, """ProximaNova-Bold""" );
                        var idFntN = charIDToTypeID( "FntN" );
                        desc14.putString( idFntN, """Proxima Nova""" );
                        var idFntS = charIDToTypeID( "FntS" );
                        desc14.putString( idFntS, """Bold""" );
                        var idScrp = charIDToTypeID( "Scrp" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idScrp, 0 );
                        var idFntT = charIDToTypeID( "FntT" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idFntT, 1 );
                        var idSz = charIDToTypeID( "Sz  " );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idSz, idPnt, 115.000000 );
                        var idHrzS = charIDToTypeID( "HrzS" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idHrzS, 100.000000 );
                        var idVrtS = charIDToTypeID( "VrtS" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idVrtS, 100.000000 );
                        var idsyntheticBold = stringIDToTypeID( "syntheticBold" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idsyntheticBold, false );
                        var idsyntheticItalic = stringIDToTypeID( "syntheticItalic" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idsyntheticItalic, false );
                        var idautoLeading = stringIDToTypeID( "autoLeading" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idautoLeading, false );
                        var idLdng = charIDToTypeID( "Ldng" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idLdng, idPnt, 119.000000 );
                        var idTrck = charIDToTypeID( "Trck" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idTrck, 15 );
                        var idBsln = charIDToTypeID( "Bsln" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idBsln, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idcharacterRotation = stringIDToTypeID( "characterRotation" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idcharacterRotation, 0.000000 );
                        var idAtKr = charIDToTypeID( "AtKr" );
                        var idAtKr = charIDToTypeID( "AtKr" );
                        var idopticalKern = stringIDToTypeID( "opticalKern" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idAtKr, idAtKr, idopticalKern );
                        var idfontCaps = stringIDToTypeID( "fontCaps" );
                        var idfontCaps = stringIDToTypeID( "fontCaps" );
                        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idfontCaps, idfontCaps, idNrml );
                        var iddigitSet = stringIDToTypeID( "digitSet" );
                        var iddigitSet = stringIDToTypeID( "digitSet" );
                        var iddefaultDigits = stringIDToTypeID( "defaultDigits" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( iddigitSet, iddigitSet, iddefaultDigits );
                        var iddirOverride = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverride" );
                        var iddirOverride = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverride" );
                        var iddirOverrideDefault = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverrideDefault" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( iddirOverride, iddirOverride, iddirOverrideDefault );
                        var idkashidas = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidas" );
                        var idkashidas = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidas" );
                        var idkashidaDefault = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidaDefault" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idkashidas, idkashidas, idkashidaDefault );
                        var iddiacVPos = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPos" );
                        var iddiacVPos = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPos" );
                        var iddiacVPosOpenType = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPosOpenType" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( iddiacVPos, iddiacVPos, iddiacVPosOpenType );
                        var iddiacXOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "diacXOffset" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( iddiacXOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var iddiacYOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "diacYOffset" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( iddiacYOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "baseline" );
                        var idbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "baseline" );
                        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idbaseline, idbaseline, idNrml );
                        var idotbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "otbaseline" );
                        var idotbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "otbaseline" );
                        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idotbaseline, idotbaseline, idNrml );
                        var idstrikethrough = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethrough" );
                        var idstrikethrough = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethrough" );
                        var idstrikethroughOff = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethroughOff" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idstrikethrough, idstrikethrough, idstrikethroughOff );
                        var idUndl = charIDToTypeID( "Undl" );
                        var idUndl = charIDToTypeID( "Undl" );
                        var idunderlineOff = stringIDToTypeID( "underlineOff" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idUndl, idUndl, idunderlineOff );
                        var idunderlineOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "underlineOffset" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idunderlineOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idligature = stringIDToTypeID( "ligature" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idligature, true );
                        var idaltligature = stringIDToTypeID( "altligature" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idaltligature, false );
                        var idcontextualLigatures = stringIDToTypeID( "contextualLigatures" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idcontextualLigatures, true );
                        var idalternateLigatures = stringIDToTypeID( "alternateLigatures" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idalternateLigatures, false );
                        var idoldStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "oldStyle" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idoldStyle, false );
                        var idfractions = stringIDToTypeID( "fractions" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idfractions, false );
                        var idordinals = stringIDToTypeID( "ordinals" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idordinals, false );
                        var idswash = stringIDToTypeID( "swash" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idswash, false );
                        var idtitling = stringIDToTypeID( "titling" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idtitling, false );
                        var idconnectionForms = stringIDToTypeID( "connectionForms" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idconnectionForms, true );
                        var idstylisticAlternates = stringIDToTypeID( "stylisticAlternates" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idstylisticAlternates, false );
                        var idornaments = stringIDToTypeID( "ornaments" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idornaments, false );
                        var idjustificationAlternates = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationAlternates" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idjustificationAlternates, false );
                        var idfigureStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "figureStyle" );
                        var idfigureStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "figureStyle" );
                        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idfigureStyle, idfigureStyle, idNrml );
                        var idproportionalMetrics = stringIDToTypeID( "proportionalMetrics" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idproportionalMetrics, false );
                        var idkana = stringIDToTypeID( "kana" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idkana, false );
                        var iditalics = stringIDToTypeID( "italics" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( iditalics, false );
                        var idruby = stringIDToTypeID( "ruby" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idruby, false );
                        var idbaselineDirection = stringIDToTypeID( "baselineDirection" );
                        var idbaselineDirection = stringIDToTypeID( "baselineDirection" );
                        var idwithStream = stringIDToTypeID( "withStream" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idbaselineDirection, idbaselineDirection, idwithStream );
                        var idtextLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "textLanguage" );
                        var idtextLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "textLanguage" );
                        var idenglishLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "englishLanguage" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idtextLanguage, idtextLanguage, idenglishLanguage );
                        var idjapaneseAlternate = stringIDToTypeID( "japaneseAlternate" );
                        var idjapaneseAlternate = stringIDToTypeID( "japaneseAlternate" );
                        var iddefaultForm = stringIDToTypeID( "defaultForm" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idjapaneseAlternate, idjapaneseAlternate, iddefaultForm );
                        var idmojiZume = stringIDToTypeID( "mojiZume" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idmojiZume, 0.000000 );
                        var idgridAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "gridAlignment" );
                        var idgridAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "gridAlignment" );
                        var idroman = stringIDToTypeID( "roman" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idgridAlignment, idgridAlignment, idroman );
                        var idenableWariChu = stringIDToTypeID( "enableWariChu" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idenableWariChu, false );
                        var idwariChuCount = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuCount" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idwariChuCount, 2 );
                        var idwariChuLineGap = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuLineGap" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idwariChuLineGap, 0 );
                        var idwariChuScale = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuScale" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idwariChuScale, 0.500000 );
                        var idwariChuWidow = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuWidow" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idwariChuWidow, 2 );
                        var idwariChuOrphan = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuOrphan" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idwariChuOrphan, 2 );
                        var idwariChuJustification = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuJustification" );
                        var idwariChuJustification = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuJustification" );
                        var idwariChuAutoJustify = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuAutoJustify" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idwariChuJustification, idwariChuJustification, idwariChuAutoJustify );
                        var idtcyUpDown = stringIDToTypeID( "tcyUpDown" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idtcyUpDown, 0 );
                        var idtcyLeftRight = stringIDToTypeID( "tcyLeftRight" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idtcyLeftRight, 0 );
                        var idleftAki = stringIDToTypeID( "leftAki" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idleftAki, -1.000000 );
                        var idrightAki = stringIDToTypeID( "rightAki" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idrightAki, -1.000000 );
                        var idjiDori = stringIDToTypeID( "jiDori" );
                        desc14.putInteger( idjiDori, 0 );
                        var idnoBreak = stringIDToTypeID( "noBreak" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idnoBreak, false );
                        var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
                            var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
                            desc15.putDouble( idRd, 30.217500 );
                            var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
                            desc15.putDouble( idGrn, 76.104756 );
                            var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
                            desc15.putDouble( idBl, 114.999902 );
                        var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
                        desc14.putObject( idClr, idRGBC, desc15 );
                        var idstrokeColor = stringIDToTypeID( "strokeColor" );
                            var desc16 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
                            desc16.putDouble( idRd, 30.217500 );
                            var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
                            desc16.putDouble( idGrn, 76.104756 );
                            var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
                            desc16.putDouble( idBl, 114.999902 );
                        var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
                        desc14.putObject( idstrokeColor, idRGBC, desc16 );
                        var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idFl, true );
                        var idStrk = charIDToTypeID( "Strk" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idStrk, false );
                        var idfillFirst = stringIDToTypeID( "fillFirst" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idfillFirst, false );
                        var idfillOverPrint = stringIDToTypeID( "fillOverPrint" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idfillOverPrint, false );
                        var idstrokeOverPrint = stringIDToTypeID( "strokeOverPrint" );
                        desc14.putBoolean( idstrokeOverPrint, false );
                        var idlineCap = stringIDToTypeID( "lineCap" );
                        var idlineCap = stringIDToTypeID( "lineCap" );
                        var idbuttCap = stringIDToTypeID( "buttCap" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idlineCap, idlineCap, idbuttCap );
                        var idlineJoin = stringIDToTypeID( "lineJoin" );
                        var idlineJoin = stringIDToTypeID( "lineJoin" );
                        var idmiterJoin = stringIDToTypeID( "miterJoin" );
                        desc14.putEnumerated( idlineJoin, idlineJoin, idmiterJoin );
                        var idlineWidth = stringIDToTypeID( "lineWidth" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idlineWidth, idPnt, 1.050280 );
                        var idmiterLimit = stringIDToTypeID( "miterLimit" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc14.putUnitDouble( idmiterLimit, idPnt, 1.050280 );
                        var idlineDashoffset = stringIDToTypeID( "lineDashoffset" );
                        desc14.putDouble( idlineDashoffset, 0.000000 );
                    var idTxtS = charIDToTypeID( "TxtS" );
                    desc13.putObject( idTxtS, idTxtS, desc14 );
                var idTxtt = charIDToTypeID( "Txtt" );
                list2.putObject( idTxtt, desc13 );
            desc6.putList( idTxtt, list2 );
            var idparagraphStyleRange = stringIDToTypeID( "paragraphStyleRange" );
                var list3 = new ActionList();
                    var desc17 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idFrom = charIDToTypeID( "From" );
                    desc17.putInteger( idFrom, 0 );
                    var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
                    desc17.putInteger( idT, 28 );
                    var idparagraphStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "paragraphStyle" );
                        var desc18 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var idstyleSheetHasParent = stringIDToTypeID( "styleSheetHasParent" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idstyleSheetHasParent, true );
                        var idAlgn = charIDToTypeID( "Algn" );
                        var idAlg = charIDToTypeID( "Alg " );
                        var idLeft = charIDToTypeID( "Left" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idAlgn, idAlg, idLeft );
                        var idfirstLineIndent = stringIDToTypeID( "firstLineIndent" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc18.putUnitDouble( idfirstLineIndent, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idstartIndent = stringIDToTypeID( "startIndent" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc18.putUnitDouble( idstartIndent, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idendIndent = stringIDToTypeID( "endIndent" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc18.putUnitDouble( idendIndent, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idspaceBefore = stringIDToTypeID( "spaceBefore" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc18.putUnitDouble( idspaceBefore, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var idspaceAfter = stringIDToTypeID( "spaceAfter" );
                        var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                        desc18.putUnitDouble( idspaceAfter, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                        var iddropCapMultiplier = stringIDToTypeID( "dropCapMultiplier" );
                        desc18.putInteger( iddropCapMultiplier, 1 );
                        var idautoLeadingPercentage = stringIDToTypeID( "autoLeadingPercentage" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idautoLeadingPercentage, 1.200000 );
                        var idleadingType = stringIDToTypeID( "leadingType" );
                        var idleadingType = stringIDToTypeID( "leadingType" );
                        var idleadingBelow = stringIDToTypeID( "leadingBelow" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idleadingType, idleadingType, idleadingBelow );
                        var iddirectionType = stringIDToTypeID( "directionType" );
                        var iddirectionType = stringIDToTypeID( "directionType" );
                        var iddirLeftToRight = stringIDToTypeID( "dirLeftToRight" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( iddirectionType, iddirectionType, iddirLeftToRight );
                        var idjustificationMethodType = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationMethodType" );
                        var idjustificationMethodType = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationMethodType" );
                        var idjustifMethodDefault = stringIDToTypeID( "justifMethodDefault" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idjustificationMethodType, idjustificationMethodType, idjustifMethodDefault );
                        var idhyphenate = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenate" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idhyphenate, false );
                        var idhyphenateWordSize = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenateWordSize" );
                        desc18.putInteger( idhyphenateWordSize, 6 );
                        var idhyphenatePreLength = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenatePreLength" );
                        desc18.putInteger( idhyphenatePreLength, 2 );
                        var idhyphenatePostLength = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenatePostLength" );
                        desc18.putInteger( idhyphenatePostLength, 2 );
                        var idhyphenateLimit = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenateLimit" );
                        desc18.putInteger( idhyphenateLimit, 0 );
                        var idhyphenationZone = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenationZone" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idhyphenationZone, 36.000000 );
                        var idhyphenateCapitalized = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenateCapitalized" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idhyphenateCapitalized, true );
                        var idhyphenationPreference = stringIDToTypeID( "hyphenationPreference" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idhyphenationPreference, 0.500000 );
                        var idjustificationWordMinimum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationWordMinimum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationWordMinimum, 0.800000 );
                        var idjustificationWordDesired = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationWordDesired" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationWordDesired, 1.000000 );
                        var idjustificationWordMaximum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationWordMaximum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationWordMaximum, 1.330000 );
                        var idjustificationLetterMinimum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationLetterMinimum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationLetterMinimum, 0.000000 );
                        var idjustificationLetterDesired = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationLetterDesired" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationLetterDesired, 0.000000 );
                        var idjustificationLetterMaximum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationLetterMaximum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationLetterMaximum, 0.000000 );
                        var idjustificationGlyphMinimum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationGlyphMinimum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationGlyphMinimum, 1.000000 );
                        var idjustificationGlyphDesired = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationGlyphDesired" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationGlyphDesired, 1.000000 );
                        var idjustificationGlyphMaximum = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationGlyphMaximum" );
                        desc18.putDouble( idjustificationGlyphMaximum, 1.000000 );
                        var idsingleWordJustification = stringIDToTypeID( "singleWordJustification" );
                        var idAlg = charIDToTypeID( "Alg " );
                        var idJstA = charIDToTypeID( "JstA" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idsingleWordJustification, idAlg, idJstA );
                        var idhangingRoman = stringIDToTypeID( "hangingRoman" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idhangingRoman, false );
                        var idautoTCY = stringIDToTypeID( "autoTCY" );
                        desc18.putInteger( idautoTCY, 1 );
                        var idkeepTogether = stringIDToTypeID( "keepTogether" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idkeepTogether, true );
                        var idburasagari = stringIDToTypeID( "burasagari" );
                        var idburasagari = stringIDToTypeID( "burasagari" );
                        var idburasagariNone = stringIDToTypeID( "burasagariNone" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idburasagari, idburasagari, idburasagariNone );
                        var idpreferredKinsokuOrder = stringIDToTypeID( "preferredKinsokuOrder" );
                        var idpreferredKinsokuOrder = stringIDToTypeID( "preferredKinsokuOrder" );
                        var idpushIn = stringIDToTypeID( "pushIn" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idpreferredKinsokuOrder, idpreferredKinsokuOrder, idpushIn );
                        var idkurikaeshiMojiShori = stringIDToTypeID( "kurikaeshiMojiShori" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idkurikaeshiMojiShori, false );
                        var idtextEveryLineComposer = stringIDToTypeID( "textEveryLineComposer" );
                        desc18.putBoolean( idtextEveryLineComposer, false );
                        var idtextComposerEngine = stringIDToTypeID( "textComposerEngine" );
                        var idtextComposerEngine = stringIDToTypeID( "textComposerEngine" );
                        var idtextLatinCJKComposer = stringIDToTypeID( "textLatinCJKComposer" );
                        desc18.putEnumerated( idtextComposerEngine, idtextComposerEngine, idtextLatinCJKComposer );
                        var iddefaultTabWidth = stringIDToTypeID( "defaultTabWidth" );
                        desc18.putDouble( iddefaultTabWidth, 36.000000 );
                        var iddefaultStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "defaultStyle" );
                            var desc19 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idfontPostScriptName = stringIDToTypeID( "fontPostScriptName" );
                            desc19.putString( idfontPostScriptName, """MyriadPro-Regular""" );
                            var idFntN = charIDToTypeID( "FntN" );
                            desc19.putString( idFntN, """Myriad Pro""" );
                            var idFntS = charIDToTypeID( "FntS" );
                            desc19.putString( idFntS, """Regular""" );
                            var idScrp = charIDToTypeID( "Scrp" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idScrp, 0 );
                            var idFntT = charIDToTypeID( "FntT" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idFntT, 0 );
                            var idSz = charIDToTypeID( "Sz  " );
                            var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                            desc19.putUnitDouble( idSz, idPnt, 48.000000 );
                            var idHrzS = charIDToTypeID( "HrzS" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idHrzS, 100.000000 );
                            var idVrtS = charIDToTypeID( "VrtS" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idVrtS, 100.000000 );
                            var idsyntheticBold = stringIDToTypeID( "syntheticBold" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idsyntheticBold, false );
                            var idsyntheticItalic = stringIDToTypeID( "syntheticItalic" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idsyntheticItalic, false );
                            var idautoLeading = stringIDToTypeID( "autoLeading" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idautoLeading, true );
                            var idTrck = charIDToTypeID( "Trck" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idTrck, 0 );
                            var idBsln = charIDToTypeID( "Bsln" );
                            var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                            desc19.putUnitDouble( idBsln, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                            var idcharacterRotation = stringIDToTypeID( "characterRotation" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idcharacterRotation, 0.000000 );
                            var idAtKr = charIDToTypeID( "AtKr" );
                            var idAtKr = charIDToTypeID( "AtKr" );
                            var idmetricsKern = stringIDToTypeID( "metricsKern" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idAtKr, idAtKr, idmetricsKern );
                            var idfontCaps = stringIDToTypeID( "fontCaps" );
                            var idfontCaps = stringIDToTypeID( "fontCaps" );
                            var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idfontCaps, idfontCaps, idNrml );
                            var iddigitSet = stringIDToTypeID( "digitSet" );
                            var iddigitSet = stringIDToTypeID( "digitSet" );
                            var iddefaultDigits = stringIDToTypeID( "defaultDigits" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( iddigitSet, iddigitSet, iddefaultDigits );
                            var iddirOverride = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverride" );
                            var iddirOverride = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverride" );
                            var iddirOverrideDefault = stringIDToTypeID( "dirOverrideDefault" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( iddirOverride, iddirOverride, iddirOverrideDefault );
                            var idkashidas = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidas" );
                            var idkashidas = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidas" );
                            var idkashidaDefault = stringIDToTypeID( "kashidaDefault" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idkashidas, idkashidas, idkashidaDefault );
                            var iddiacVPos = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPos" );
                            var iddiacVPos = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPos" );
                            var iddiacVPosOpenType = stringIDToTypeID( "diacVPosOpenType" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( iddiacVPos, iddiacVPos, iddiacVPosOpenType );
                            var iddiacXOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "diacXOffset" );
                            var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                            desc19.putUnitDouble( iddiacXOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                            var iddiacYOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "diacYOffset" );
                            var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                            desc19.putUnitDouble( iddiacYOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                            var idbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "baseline" );
                            var idbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "baseline" );
                            var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idbaseline, idbaseline, idNrml );
                            var idotbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "otbaseline" );
                            var idotbaseline = stringIDToTypeID( "otbaseline" );
                            var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idotbaseline, idotbaseline, idNrml );
                            var idstrikethrough = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethrough" );
                            var idstrikethrough = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethrough" );
                            var idstrikethroughOff = stringIDToTypeID( "strikethroughOff" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idstrikethrough, idstrikethrough, idstrikethroughOff );
                            var idUndl = charIDToTypeID( "Undl" );
                            var idUndl = charIDToTypeID( "Undl" );
                            var idunderlineOff = stringIDToTypeID( "underlineOff" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idUndl, idUndl, idunderlineOff );
                            var idunderlineOffset = stringIDToTypeID( "underlineOffset" );
                            var idPnt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pnt" );
                            desc19.putUnitDouble( idunderlineOffset, idPnt, 0.000000 );
                            var idligature = stringIDToTypeID( "ligature" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idligature, true );
                            var idaltligature = stringIDToTypeID( "altligature" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idaltligature, false );
                            var idcontextualLigatures = stringIDToTypeID( "contextualLigatures" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idcontextualLigatures, false );
                            var idalternateLigatures = stringIDToTypeID( "alternateLigatures" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idalternateLigatures, false );
                            var idoldStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "oldStyle" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idoldStyle, false );
                            var idfractions = stringIDToTypeID( "fractions" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idfractions, false );
                            var idordinals = stringIDToTypeID( "ordinals" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idordinals, false );
                            var idswash = stringIDToTypeID( "swash" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idswash, false );
                            var idtitling = stringIDToTypeID( "titling" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idtitling, false );
                            var idconnectionForms = stringIDToTypeID( "connectionForms" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idconnectionForms, false );
                            var idstylisticAlternates = stringIDToTypeID( "stylisticAlternates" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idstylisticAlternates, false );
                            var idornaments = stringIDToTypeID( "ornaments" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idornaments, false );
                            var idjustificationAlternates = stringIDToTypeID( "justificationAlternates" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idjustificationAlternates, false );
                            var idfigureStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "figureStyle" );
                            var idfigureStyle = stringIDToTypeID( "figureStyle" );
                            var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idfigureStyle, idfigureStyle, idNrml );
                            var idproportionalMetrics = stringIDToTypeID( "proportionalMetrics" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idproportionalMetrics, false );
                            var idkana = stringIDToTypeID( "kana" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idkana, false );
                            var iditalics = stringIDToTypeID( "italics" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( iditalics, false );
                            var idruby = stringIDToTypeID( "ruby" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idruby, false );
                            var idbaselineDirection = stringIDToTypeID( "baselineDirection" );
                            var idbaselineDirection = stringIDToTypeID( "baselineDirection" );
                            var idrotated = stringIDToTypeID( "rotated" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idbaselineDirection, idbaselineDirection, idrotated );
                            var idtextLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "textLanguage" );
                            var idtextLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "textLanguage" );
                            var idenglishLanguage = stringIDToTypeID( "englishLanguage" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idtextLanguage, idtextLanguage, idenglishLanguage );
                            var idmojiZume = stringIDToTypeID( "mojiZume" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idmojiZume, 0.000000 );
                            var idgridAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "gridAlignment" );
                            var idgridAlignment = stringIDToTypeID( "gridAlignment" );
                            var idroman = stringIDToTypeID( "roman" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idgridAlignment, idgridAlignment, idroman );
                            var idenableWariChu = stringIDToTypeID( "enableWariChu" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idenableWariChu, false );
                            var idwariChuCount = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuCount" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idwariChuCount, 2 );
                            var idwariChuLineGap = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuLineGap" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idwariChuLineGap, 0 );
                            var idwariChuScale = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuScale" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idwariChuScale, 0.500000 );
                            var idwariChuWidow = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuWidow" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idwariChuWidow, 2 );
                            var idwariChuOrphan = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuOrphan" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idwariChuOrphan, 2 );
                            var idwariChuJustification = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuJustification" );
                            var idwariChuJustification = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuJustification" );
                            var idwariChuAutoJustify = stringIDToTypeID( "wariChuAutoJustify" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idwariChuJustification, idwariChuJustification, idwariChuAutoJustify );
                            var idtcyUpDown = stringIDToTypeID( "tcyUpDown" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idtcyUpDown, 0 );
                            var idtcyLeftRight = stringIDToTypeID( "tcyLeftRight" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idtcyLeftRight, 0 );
                            var idleftAki = stringIDToTypeID( "leftAki" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idleftAki, -1.000000 );
                            var idrightAki = stringIDToTypeID( "rightAki" );
                            desc19.putDouble( idrightAki, -1.000000 );
                            var idjiDori = stringIDToTypeID( "jiDori" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idjiDori, 0 );
                            var idnoBreak = stringIDToTypeID( "noBreak" );
                            desc19.putBoolean( idnoBreak, false );
                            var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
                                var desc20 = new ActionDescriptor();
                                var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idRd, 0.000000 );
                                var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idGrn, 0.000000 );
                                var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idBl, 0.000000 );
                            var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
                            desc19.putObject( idClr, idRGBC, desc20 );
                            var idstrokeColor = stringIDToTypeID( "strokeColor" );
                                var desc21 = new ActionDescriptor();

    That is awesome, works perfectly.
    I'll get it worked into my main script. Is this Action Manager code, and not just regular Javascript from the Scripting Dictionary? I can't tell the difference. I'll see whether or not it's actually faster than Applescript.
    Thanks. I know Scripting Listener records a bunch of stuff, but it's pretty amazing to me that playing back this line does the same thing that playing back the 1,011 lines Scripting Listener puts out.

  • Changing the EMail content for a message either failure or success

    Hi All,
    I  need some information about how to change the Email content which was sent by the system which was triggered during process chain. we want to get  the subject of the message rather than all the details which are part of default messages like
    Log for This Process:
    Log of Respective Background Job:
    and others.
    Since we are trying to send the message to Cell Phones  , just need a short message either sucess or failure.
    Is there any exit or methid to override this message to a custom message.
    Any help in this regard is appriciated.
    Thanks on advance.

    I know its a very old post, but I'm facing this issue now.. It would be great if you guide me.
    I'm getting the following error
    "Message handle error.
    error while attempting to process the message "com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessage"; the reported exception is: Transaction Rolledback.: weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 303 seconds

  • Changing the email Content for the Contact Person Creation

    Dear All
    We are on SRM 7.0. We need to change he mail content that goes to the Contact Persons of Vendors. These contact Persons are created in SRM for bidding.
    How to change the email content?.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Pl. follow the following steps :-
    1. Create smartforms containing your own content to be sent to contact persons.
    2. Implement the BADI : BBP_OUTPUT_CHANGE_SF.
    3. There is one interface(method) in the above BADI e.g. :change_forms.  You have to call smart forms in this interface.
    I hope you may achieve your task by following the above steps.

  • Having trouble with dreamweaver cs 6 spry tabbed panels, all content in each tab showes through like

    Having trouble with dreamweaver cs 6 spry tabbed panels, all content in each tab showes through like it was all created on one page, plus mouse over doesnt work on them.
    This started all of a sudden.
    The entire website is a series of spry tabbed panels.
    if you click on General construction tab things work ok...
    if you click on Machine control tab, mouse over doesnt work and all page content of each tab show through.
    ive been looking for the answer for 4 months with no success.
    Hope a fellow dreamwever-person can help
    Thanks Rick

    You called it: your links to the SpryAssets are linking to your hard drive, not to the files within the folder on the server.
    Correct these links:
    <script src="file:///C:/Users/work/Desktop/Sites/SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="file:///C:/Users/work/Desktop/Sites/SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    And you should be good to go.
    ps. If you run into more difficulties with the Spry Widgets, take your questions to the Dreamweaver Spry Forum, where they will get quicker attention.

  • How to change table of content font in captivate 6

    Hi There,
    Can somebody please suggest me how to change table of Content Text font English to Arabic in Captivate 6 and which font supports Arabic language.
    Please refer below image, highlighted text font should be changed.
    Looking forward for help.

    The weird sliding navigation is Apples pride and joy!
    That TOC allows you to slide between chapters, sections and pages.
    iBooks Authjor was designed to do what it does and what Apple wanted it to do.
    Some things can be changed during the books production,  but the " weird navigation"  is not something you can change to do what you want.
    iBooks Author is does not produce ePubs.. at least not as "ePub" is known from Pages, inDesign etc,.
    If you want what is available in ePubs.. then iBooks Author is not the application to produce it.
    You could drag a section page above chapter on and create an index type page using book marks for links - but whats the point? 
    People using iPads and familiar with iBooksAuthors special way of book presentation.. are quite happy its so easy to use.

  • Wls 9.1 doesn't pick up changes to static content in production mode

    Hi Everybody,
              I'm running wls 9.1 on XP in production mode as a stand-alone server. My web app is deployed in exploded format in an external directory.
              I'm trying to force the server to pick up the changes to static content like JSPs automatically and it's not working.
              1. I've set pageCheckSeconds = 1 in weblogic.xml and even though server picks this setting up it does nothing about it.
              2. I tried weblogic.Deployer utitlity to redeploy just one jsp file and it's not working because it's unable to get the full path to a source file. Can this happen due to application Context Path not being set properly?
              Does anybody come across issues like this?

    Hi Everybody,
              I'm running wls 9.1 on XP in production mode as a stand-alone server. My web app is deployed in exploded format in an external directory.
              I'm trying to force the server to pick up the changes to static content like JSPs automatically and it's not working.
              1. I've set pageCheckSeconds = 1 in weblogic.xml and even though server picks this setting up it does nothing about it.
              2. I tried weblogic.Deployer utitlity to redeploy just one jsp file and it's not working because it's unable to get the full path to a source file. Can this happen due to application Context Path not being set properly?
              Does anybody come across issues like this?

  • Email Notification need anyone changes the PCD content..

    Can someone give me a solution for this issue.
    An email should be sent to a person if someone has changed the PCD content. Can be an iveiw property, role property, workset property etc,.
    Or if any thing is created or modified in PCD i should get an email notification that so and so content has been modified by so and so person.

    Hello Krishna,
    As far as regarding to your question there is no built in functionality with portal. Email notification for subscription and notification service can be configured in the portal as:
    Sys admin - System Configuration - Knowledge Management-Content Management - Utilities-channels - email channels  by this you can configure the communication channels available in the portal. However this is used to send information to the users.
    Also the email notifications are used in the User Management where the user profile changes can be tracked by the Administrator, similarly for tasks and notification's we can configure the UWL for the email communication.
    Some of the useful links are:
    /thread/34939 [original link is broken]
    EP-Email Configuration
    Outlook Email Based Approval
    Creating An Import File For UME From Excel
    In these there are threads which explain you some concepts of Collaboration rooms by which you can track the details of PCD and also like the System landscape monitoring.
    I hope this information would give you an idea as of how email channel could be used in portal where in as specific to your question i think we need to build an application and try integrate it with portal to test it.
    'Please reward point if helpful'

  • Change the Related Content Server name in FR Studio

    Hello All
    We are on Hyperion EPM and we are currently have a requirement where we want to change the name of the Related Content Server in Financial Reporting Studio.
    existing -
    new -
    Found a note on metalink " How to Add or Change a Related Content Server [ID 803074.1]" But it applies only for Release: 9.0 to 9.3.
    Moreover the file in the above note doesn't exists on Even though the parameter "FR_BaseWebApp" exists in another file called, change to that parameter wasn't reflected where expected.
    Found another note "Cannot Add Related Content to a Report in Financial Reporting Studio [ID 1068491.1]" but using this note we can only change the properties like port, isSSL etc but not the hostname.
    I would be grateful if you can help me in this matter.

    Hi Sree,
    Were you able to resolve this issue? We are facing the same problem.
    When changing the server name in, we restart the services. This however replaces the newly added name with the old one.
    Please let me know which other file needs to be changed.

  • Its possible to change text frame contents inside group...???

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm newbibe to Indesign forums.
    I had grouped image placed on rectangle and text frame. now i need change text frame content using indesign Javascript
    Its possible to change text frame contents inside group..?

    Hi Siraj,
    Thank you very much for your assistance...
    Actually I need swap both group of image and text frame to another group of image box and text frame.
    I wrote code use of you advice and i struct with errors. can you rectify this code if possible...
    Thanks in advance
      if (app.documents.length != 0){
         if (app.selection.length != 1){
              if(app.selection[0] == "Group"){
                   var myGr1 = app.selection[0].itemLink;
                   var selText1 =app.selection[0].contents; 
         if(app.selection[1] == "Group"){
              var myLink2 = File(app.selection[1].graphics[0].itemLink.filePath);
              var selText2 =app.selection[0].contents; 
              myGr1.relink (myLink2);
              myGr2.relink (myLink1);
         else{alert("Please select the two selection....!!!");}

  • Cannot make changes to the contents of this read-only folder

    I recently got a new laptop and loaded Office 2013.  We have three inboxes in Outlook and are using Cox IMAP.  I get the following message when I try to delete emails from the primary inbox "Cannot make changes to the contents of this read-only
    folder". Emails can be deleted from the other folders with no problem.
    Does anyone know what could be causing this and how to fix it?

    As per the information and details provided by you, to solve the problem of Outlook inbox folder, please follow these steps: -
    Step 1: - If you are unable to delete all emails from a given Outlook folder, most likely that folder is locked.
    Restarting Windows should fix it.
    Step 2: - If you are unable to delete only some emails, then your
    Outlook data file might be corrupted.
    Step 3: -
    Empty your Deleted items mail folder, then try again to delete emails.
    Step 4: -
    Hard deletes the selected emails – While the emails are highlighted/selected, keep the
    Shift key pressed and hit the Delete key.
    Step 5: -
    Restart Outlook in Safe Mode and try deleting the emails from there.
    Step 6: -
    Edit the culprit email (Actions > Edit Message), save it back and try to delete it.
    I hope this information will be helpful for you.
    Thanks and regards

  • Changing E-Mail Contents?

    Dear SDNers,
    I followed the steps mentioned in the URL for changing the text of the mail which is sent to the Users.
    Here i have two questions:
    1) In the link mentioned above, it says that there are few placeholders of which "Free text. This is the text that the administrator or user can add in a text box, for example when creating a new user. In general, the free text placeholder should never be removed." I want to know how this placeholder of can be used.
    2) I did some modifications in the file as per thr link above and modified the TEXT_CREATE_PERFORMED tag. But i want to know when and where each tag is used for. I mean for what requirement i have to change which tag. for ex there is one more tag TEXT_CREATE_BY_BATCH_PERFORMED for user creation.
    Also if i want to modify the mail text, what would be best to modify the or the tab directly?
    Please help on this...
    Gaurav Gandhi

    HI Pedro
    Thanx for the reply. I have also modified the TEXT_CREATE_PERFORMED tag and uploaded back through config tool and it is working fine. But i want to know abt the placeholder as per the link mentioned in my question.
    Also i would like to know where each of these tags in the properties file are used. like suppose if i have to change the mail contents for user creation mail, which tags do i have to modify?? What does the other tags mean?
    Gaurav Gandhi
    Message was edited by: Gaurav Gandhi

  • Sliding Panels Problem: Content panels with different width?

    I'm trying to create the exact same behaviour as this Argentinian Photographer have done:
    I've read and used the files in your tutorial:
    and searched the forum but couldn't find an answer.
    I'm almost there. The problem is that I have 6 test photos that are of the same height (and the same height as the slidingpanel view port) but different in width. If I set the class .SlidingPanelsContent to the same width as the largest picture(i.e. panel) then it creates a white space until the next pic starts. And If I set the width to the same as the smallest picture then it crops the other ones.
    Here is the div in the index file:
    <div class="SlidingPanels" id="panelwidget">
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-2.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-1.jpg" width="594" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-3.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-4.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-5.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-6.jpg" width="594" height="430" /></div>
      </div><br />
      <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showFirstPanel();">First Panel</a> | <a
        href="#" onclick="sp1.showPreviousPanel();">Previous Panel</a> |
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showNextPanel();">Next Panel</a> | <a href="#"
        onclick="sp1.showLastPanel();">Last Panel</a>
      <script type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    And here is the classes in the css:
    .SlidingPanels {
         position: relative;
         float: left;
         width: 1000px;
         height: 430px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {
         position: relative;
         float: left;
         width: 10000px;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContent {
         width: 645px;
         height: 430px;
         float: left;
         overflow: hidden;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    In the css file before the .SlidingPanelsContent class Adobe states that they in their default implementation has set the width to the same as the view port to ensure that only one panel at a time can be viewed within the view port. But I want the opposite.
    How do I solve this?

    It seems to me that if you have all different width images, you will want to remove the width from the content pane. That should allow the images to butt up next to each other without either extra white space (for smaller images) or cropping (of larger images). Saenz's photos are in divs with a class of .panelfoto that has the definition of float: left; width: auto;
    I have not played around a lot with sliding panels, but it seems reasonable to me that that would work.
    You have probably already read and digested this page:
    You know, if you really want something very close to what the example site looks like, look into his code and imitate it.
    It does not appear that every move of the pane goes the same distance, and I'm not sure what controls that, but I see some of his images moving part-way, exposing part of the next, and so forth, instead of a complete image change each time. Using different width photos will do that partly, of course.

  • How to change panel title

    I have a master/detail view based on code generated by the
    ColdFusion Application wizard. When a user selects a record in the
    top panel, the details get displayed in the bottom panel.
    What I want to do is to have the title of the bottom panel
    dynamically display one of the fields in the record (the patient's
    name), i.e., whenever a different record is selected the panel
    title should change.
    I tried giving the panel an ID (pendingDetailPanel). then
    referring to it in the file which contains the contents of the
    panel like this:
    <mx:Script >
    But that gives me the following error:
    1120: Access of undefined property pendingDetailPanel.
    How should I go about it?

    First, you cannot do assignments like that outside of a
    script. Get in the habit of doing all work inside of an initialize
    or creationComplete handler. Only declare instance (global)
    variables outside of a function
    Next, you cannot use binding braces in AS.
    What you want to do is have the select operation set the
    value of a bindable instance variable:
    [Bindable] var _sPatientName:String = "";
    private function onChangePatient(oEvent:Event):void {
    _sPatientName =;
    And in the panel:
    <mx:Panel title="{_sPatientName }" .../>

Maybe you are looking for

  • Satellite L500 - How to show external display after closing lid?

    Hi, i`m using the Satellite L500-120 Notebook, and before installing Windows 7 the laptop had a very comfortable function, when i applied an external display. When i closed the lid of my notebook, the desktop was shown on my external display (with th

  • Connecting a HP LaserJet 4000 parallel port to Windows 7 USB port

    I have been using a HP LaserJet 4000 via a parallel port for years on a variety of machines / Operating systems without issue. However, having purchased a new Laptop (Windows 7  64bit), there is no parallel port (unsurprisingly). So the question is '

  • Backing up contacts from iphone 5s to laptop / icloud

    Hi I am desperately trying to back up my contacts from my iphone to my laptop & / Or icloud. On my phone most of the contacts comefrom my (outlook) email account - hoever when I go into my contacts arent there.  I was told to pull t

  • Synaptics Touchpad not working properly

    Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me with this problem. I have my laptop since more than 2 years and never had a problem with the touchpad. Since yesterday it's all messed up. Touchpad is enabled and if set on right-handed and buttons and tapping

  • ITunes pause and play issue

    For some unknown reason, iTunes will play/pause the current song anytime the following happen: - I move any file to another folder (also CMD Del) - I empty the Trash - I hit play or pause in YouTube - A message comes into iChat Also sometimes in iTun