Changement OS MAC vers Windows

J'ai un abonnement adobe CC et je l'ai déployé sur MAC. Est-il possible de le désinstaller du MAC et de le ré-installer sur le PC ?
Dans l'attente de vous lire
Bien cordialement

Bonjour Hachette
selon le site d'aide adobe:
«Vous pouvez installer les logiciels sur deux machines maximum. Il peut s’agir d’ordinateurs Windows, Mac OS ou un de chaque.
Si vous souhaitez installer un logiciel sur un troisième ordinateur, vous devez d’abord le désactiver sur l’un des deux autres. Par la suite, vous pourrez réactiver le logiciel sur l’un des deux premiers ordinateurs pour y utiliser les applications Creative Cloud.»
-ésinstallation d’applications
Si vous voulez avoir l'information pour la désactivation  voir ici
Aide sur l’activation et la désactivation

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    This Forum is not the best place for dump file analyzing. It‘s suggested to contact Microsoft Customer Support
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    As you suspect, serial numbers for Creative Suites are platform specific.  Unfortunately, platform swaps are only supported for the most recent versions, which is now CS6.  Adobe does not sell older versions of their software so you would not be able to buy a Windows version from them anyways.  CS4 is not in the upgrade path for CS6, so you would not be able to purchase an upgrade version either.
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    multiple users to have expressed interest in the problem But Microsoft not corrected the problem window7-8.1 10?
    On windows XP or linux have a MAC adress Change function  allow 00 mac adress and another normal mac adress range.On windows 8.1 all Mac changer program dont work.This 2,6,A,E on second adress are not vaild Mac adress. You simply can not use normal MAC
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    and works with the 802.11b hot spot.I got the internet my PC and laptop too public HotSpots and another wifi HotSpots if wont work correctly i can not use neither the windows 7,8,8.1 or 10. Many users have expressed interest in the problem more forums.
    The 3. problem im tested in virtualbox the windows 7 and 8.1 on 8.1 (on the blue wifi platform) not show correctly the signal strengh. On windows 7 show this correctly.The windows 7-8.1 Configure/advanced the advanced options on Ralink 3070 the default (windows
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    Today it is very common these wi-fi technology increasingly used (hotels,Public Hots Spots,Internet coffe,) growing free bublic wifi projects. The wifi funktions on windows  need debugging and modernize.The quality of Wi-Fi is now the operating system
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    For changing the MAC address for Windows 7 is designed with some limitation, we cannot get over it. Thanks for your understanding.
    Under Windows 7, the possible range of spoofed addresses for wireless adapters that can be set is limited.  To be used by Windows 7, a spoofed MAC address should have 0 as a least significant bit (unicast) and 1 as a second least significant
    bit (locally administered) in the second nibble.  Thus possible values for the second nibble are limited to 2, 6, A and E.
    In other words 
    MAC address:  “XY-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX” “X” can be anything hexadecimal.  The hexadecimal “Y”, written in binary format, is  Y:  “kmnp”,  where “p” is the least significant bit; 
    p=0 --> unicast;
    p=1 --> multicast;
    n=0 --> globally assigned MAC;
    n=1 --> locally administered;
    So, actually MAC can be changed  to any combination in which p=0 and n=1;
    “Y” can be 2, 6, A or E.
    So the possible MAC addresses in Windows 7 for wireless adapters:
    For the wifi hotspot issue, please check this blog to see if it can be helpful.
    Windows 7 Connectivity Problems in Public Hotspots
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Everyone gets that problem. Evidently Windows and Mac use a different reference point for the time, I think one uses Greenwich and the other local. On the Mac side you can go to System Prefs->Date & Time, and see if checking the box to "Set date & time automatically" fixes the problem.

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    Restore the iPod in iTunes for Mac. Restoring will erase and reformat the iPod's hard drive, reload the software with the Mac version and put it back to default settings. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions to name the iPod and automatically sync your songs and videos onto the fresh installation. Press Done and the iPod will appear in iTunes and start to sync. If you want to sync using selected playlists uncheck the box beside the sync automatically instruction and press Done, it will default to manual mode and you can choose whatever setting you like: Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes

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    I used iDVD to create an IMG file
    You created the video DVD, the IMG file, with iDVD and just burned it with Disk Utility. As Klaus1 pointed out Disk Utility can't create video DVDs.

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    Yes. It's called a Platform swap.
    Order product | Platform, language swap

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    This is a known issue when sending emails from Outlook for Mac to Outlook for Windows. This is caused by the pixel-to-point or point-to-pixel conversion that happens between the Mac and Windows operating systems. See:
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    This is a good question for Adobe support, we are just users
    on this board.
    I really don't know. You could try downloading the trial for
    PC, installing it, then see if your Mac license key works to
    activate it. My guess is that it will not, but it's worth a try.
    But again, to really get this resolved you should contact
    Adobe support.
    Good luck.

  • Photoshop CS6 sous garantie : changement de plateforme Mac vers PC

    Je souhaite passer de Mac à PC et donc migrer Photoshop CS6 (Amazon) vers PC.
    Vos services m'ont orienté vers vous. Merci.

    Merci AndresBrA pour les n° de téléphones, je vais les contacter dans la
    journée et je te tiendrai au courant.
    Je me demande pourquoi je n’ai pas de n° de référence téléphonique dans mes
    Je n’ai pas d’info. sur ma version achetée, je connais le prix : 950 euros
    pour :
    Détails de commandes :
    PhotoshopCS6 (téléchargement) vendu par Amazon media EU S.à.r.l.
    Etat : Neuf – Nouveau
    Montant total TTC : EUR 950,00
    Les deux messages reçus ne comportent pas de n° de téléphone :
    Merci d'avoir contacté le Service Clientèle Adobe .
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    Bien à vous,
    Support Adobe
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    supporté par le Chat Adobe en français.
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    Pour atteindre le Chat :
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    - Sélectionnez "Téléchargement et installation"
    - Cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Encore besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous".
    - Connectez-vous avez votre Adobe ID (votre adresse email et votre mot de
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    NB1 : Mot de passe oublié ? Cliquez sur "Mot de passe oublié"
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    Bien à vous,
    Support Adobe
    De :  AndresBrA <[email protected]>
    Répondre à : 
    <[email protected]>
    Date :  vendredi 20 février 2015 10:30
    À :  C E <[email protected]>
    Objet :   Photoshop CS6 sous garantie : changement de
    plateforme Mac vers PC
    Photoshop CS6 sous garantie : changement de plateforme Mac vers PC
    created by AndresBrA <>  in Forums
    en français - View the full discussion
    En cherchant un peu, j'ai trouvé ceci sur les pages du support d'Adobe.
    Toutes les configurations de produits, à l’exception des offres OEM, peuvent
    faire l’objet d’un échange de plateforme ou de langue.
    La page de l'aide semble dater de la CS2 mais c'est toujours en ligne!
    >>>>>> >>>>> Vérifie si ta version ne Photoshop n'est pas une OEM, et si ce
    >>>>>> n'est pas le cas, insiste au près du support en signalant le contenu de
    >>>>>> cette page..  Essaye donc de lire calmement et attentivement la page du
    >>>>>> lien ci-dessous et vois si tu peux y trouver une issue favorable à ton
    >>>>>> problème.Commande de produit | Echange de plateforme ou de langue
    >>>>>> <
    >>>>>> form-language-swap.html> Informations utiles à fournir :
    résumé de votre problème
    type d’ordinateur utilisé—Mac ou PC ?
    étapes de dépannage déjà effectuées
    Appelez le :France: 01 71 23 01 96
    Belgique: 027119960
    Suisse: 044 800 9581Du lundi au vendredi, 9am—5pm CETJe dois dire que ce n'est
    pas toujours très facile de s'y retrouver avec le support d'Adobe mais lorsque
    je les ai contactés, j'ai toujours eu un bon accueil et solution (Support pour
    la Belgique).Je ne peux malheureusement pas t'aider plus. Si grâce à cette
    page du support tu as réussi à faire l'échange de plateforme, tiens nous au
    courant. C'est toujours utile pour les autres utilisateurs. Bonne journée.
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  • How do I change my iPod from Windows to Mac ?

    When I got my IPod, my music was on a windows computer. Now I have a MacBook Pro and want to convert my Ipod nano to the Mac. How can I do this as I am new to the IPod and very new to the MacBook?

    Connect it to your Mac and restore it. Just be aware that restoring will erase and reformat the hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings, so if you have songs on your iPod that aren't on iTunes you will lose them if you have no back up. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions and it should connect to iTunes and give you a prompt to automatically update your library onto the fresh installation: Restoring iPod to Factory Settings with iTunes 7
    If you haven't transferred the music from your PC to the Mac and you have any iTMS purchases on your iPod the transfer of purchased content from the iPod to authorised computers has been introduced with iTunes 7. A paragraph on it has been added to this article: Transfer iTunes Store purchases using iPod
    The transfer of non iTMS content is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there is a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on Windows posted in this thread: MacMuse - iPod to iTunes
    If you prefer something more automated then there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. Have a look at the web pages and documentation for these, they are generally quite straightforward. You can read reviews of some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    iGadget Windows Only
    iPod Access Mac and Windows Versions
    PodUtil Mac and Windows Versions
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    PodPlayer Windows Only
    CopyPod Windows Only

  • The active tab is difficult to see on my Mac ver. Firefox with Personas. On the Windows machine in my office the active tab is in contrast to the persona. What can i do with the Mac version?

    The Mac ver. of Firefox is 3.6.8
    == When i selected a persona

    I suggest try getting it back to your stock iOS and forget about jailbreaking.
    Try a manual install (using DFU Mode), as outlined in the link below.
    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101
     In Memory of Steve Jobs 

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