Changing defualts for options on far left of timeline

hi everyone. Anyone know if it's possible to change defaults for the options available under the arrow facing right on the far bottom left of the timeline? I'm sorry if there is a word for these options that I'm not aware of. I'm talking about 'Show video film strips/Show audio wave forms/show through edits...'
I would like to have 'show duplicate frames on whenever I create a sequence, rather than have to select it every time. Thanks in advance for any advice.

In the top left of your screen, in the menu Choose FINAL CUT PRO > User Preferences > go to the 'Timeline Options'-tab...
Set your desired settings.
That will apply to everey newly created sequence...

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    Hi Viktor,
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    Roger the Photographer

    And then there is the general human revulsion to
    change in general. Many of the same problems and many
    of the same arguments against the changes appeared
    when the old forum organization was introduced at the
    end of 2003.
    This is where we differ, Tom. Change for change is not a good thing, and we see it too often. Stupid as it may be, many had also levels in mind when contributing. The surgical change is not welcome IMHO. I am ready to give it a chance and wait for personalized icons, dictionary... and much more.
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    javascript:self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeT (screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight);
    or whatever combination of those at will. This will go into my Freeway-generated code and I will come back in a few days to tell if it works OK or not. It should, I think.
    Roger the Photographer

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    Go to Solution.

    Whenever you give your phone to someone else, do a security wipe. That way, it'll be like they're getting a new phone right out of the box with no data left over from you.
    I hope that helps you.
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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