Changing Image

I have changed my image for my podcast. I have changed my my picture in libsyn. It was a couple of weeks ago, I though it just make a little bit time. but it shows the old picture. Any suggestions??? Thanks
T. 441

Roguecast, I see a picture of a guy with a bridge in the background. Is that the new or old picture?

Similar Messages

  • Changing Images at's sending me nuts (I'm a newbie, go easy)

    Hi all,
    I am trying change images at runtime and quite frankly it's driving me nuts. I'm pretty new to Java and don't understand some of the principles but I'm trying. I have this code below, that loads up a few images. I want to be able to change some/all of these images either on a timed even or on a button press, but all the things I've tried don't work. Can someone offer me some help....thanks in advance
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class bc extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         public static void main(String[] args) {new bc();}
         bc() {
              //setUndecorated(true); // - this removed the titlebar!
              setBackground(new Color(0,0,0));
              getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
              JPanel hours = new JPanel();
              hours.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
              JPanel mins = new JPanel();
              mins.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
              JPanel secs = new JPanel();
              secs.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
              JPanel helptext = new JPanel();
              helptext.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
              helptext.add(new JLabel("8"));
              helptext.add(new JLabel("4"));
              helptext.add(new JLabel("2"));
              helptext.add(new JLabel("1"));
    //add action listenters
              JPanel cp = new JPanel();
              cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,6));
              cp.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
              //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "changed");
    JPanel hour11 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel hour12 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel hour13 = new PaintBlank();
    JPanel hour14 = new PaintBlank();
    JPanel hour21 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel hour22 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel hour23 = new PaintBlank();
    JPanel hour24 = new PaintBlank();
    JPanel min11 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min12 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min13 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min14 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min21 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min22 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min23 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel min24 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec11 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec12 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec13 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec14 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec21 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec22 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec23 = new PaintOff(0);
    JPanel sec24 = new PaintOff(0);
    JButton changeImg = new JButton("change");
    }///---------This is my PaintOff class ---------------\\\
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.Image.*;
    public class PaintOff extends JPanel {
    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    public Image imgOff = tk.getImage("off.jpg");
    public Image imgOn = tk.getImage("on.jpg");
    public Image paintMe = tk.getImage("off.jpg");
         PaintOff(int a) {
              if(a == 1) {
              } else {
         public void vOn() {
            paintMe = imgOn;
         //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new bc(), "shown");
         public void vOff() {
            paintMe = imgOff;
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    }PaintBlank class is not included here, it's basically just the same as PaintOff but only has one image inside.
    When I try and compile this code, I get
    C:\jdk1.4\bin\bclock>javac cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method PaintOff (int)
    location: class javax.swing.JPanel
    1 error
    I don't understand this either, I've tried replacing "PaintOff(1)" with "vOn()" but I get the same error. This is baffling to be, as I thought that the hour11 would have access to all the methods inside the PaintOff class?
    Anyway, thanks for any help you guys give me!

    Your problem is that you've used a widening conversion to convert from PaintOff to a JPanel. JPanel has no such method, and so the compiler is complaining that it can't find it.
    public class NoCompile{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              One one = new Two();
    public class Two extends One{
         public Two(){}
         public void methTwo(){
            System.out.println("Executed 2");
    public class One{
         public One(){}
         public void meth1(){}
    } will give you the same sort of error message. To make the compiler happy, use a cast.
    Now this will compile and gives the right result.
    public class NoCompile{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              One one = new Two();
    }So in your case, you want to do
    Does that help?
    :) jen

  • Photoshop Elements 5.0 - won't let me change image aspect ratio. Box is greyed out. Have reinstalled

    I've been using Photoshop Elements 5.0 for years.  As of today, it won't let me change image aspect ratio. Box is greyed out. Have reinstalled the program with no change

    Where in photoshop elements 5 are you seeing the "Box" geyed out?
    Or how are you trying to change the image aspect ratio?

  • Filter plugin. Problem after change image depth.

    Hi All !
    I already wrote filter plugin it work fine but only for image depth 8bit, after i change image depth on 16 or 32 bits I getting error msg box from photoshop.
    I try change on 'destination.colBits = 8' or 'destination.colBits = pChannel->depth' or ' (pChannel->bounds.bottom - pChannel-> * pChannel->depth;'  but all the same.
    PixelMemoryDesc destination; = data; //*pixel
    destination.depth = pChannel->depth;
    destination.rowBits = (pChannel->bounds.right - pChannel->bounds.left) * pChannel->depth;
    destination.colBits = 8;
    destination.bitOffset = 0 ;
    Please help someone !
    Very Thanks in Advance !
    All code below:
    //  Gauss.cpp
    //  gauss
    //  Created by Dmitry Volkov on 30.12.14.
    //  Copyright (c) 2014 Automatic System Metering. All rights reserved.
    #include "Gauss.h"
    #include "GaussUI.h"
    #include "FilterBigDocument.h"
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    SPBasicSuite* sSPBasic = NULL;
    FilterRecord* gFilterRecord = NULL;
    PSChannelPortsSuite1* sPSChannelPortsSuite = NULL;
    PSBufferSuite2* sPSBufferSuite64 = NULL;
    int16* gResult = NULL;
    void DoParameters ();
    void DoPrepare ();
    void DoStart ();
    void DoFinish ();
    void DoEffect();
    void GaussianBlurEffect(ReadChannelDesc* pChannel, char* data);
    void ReadLayerData(ReadChannelDesc* pChannel, char* pLayerData);
    void WriteLayerData(ReadChannelDesc* pChannel, char* pLayerData);
    DLLExport MACPASCAL void PluginMain(const int16 selector,
                                        FilterRecordPtr filterRecord,
                                        intptr_t * data,
                                        int16 * result)
        sSPBasic = filterRecord->sSPBasic;
        gFilterRecord = filterRecord;
        gResult = result;
        try {
                if (sSPBasic->AcquireSuite(kPSChannelPortsSuite,
                                                   (const void **)&sPSChannelPortsSuite))
                    *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
                if (sSPBasic->AcquireSuite( kPSBufferSuite,
                                                   (const void **)&sPSBufferSuite64))
                    *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
                if (sPSChannelPortsSuite == NULL || sPSBufferSuite64 == NULL)
                    *result = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
                switch (selector)
                    case filterSelectorParameters:
                    case filterSelectorPrepare:
                    case filterSelectorStart:
                    case filterSelectorFinish:
        catch (...)
            if (NULL != result)
                *result = -1;
    void DoParameters ()
    void DoPrepare ()
    void DoStart ()
        if (*gResult == noErr)
            if (doUi())
    void DoFinish ()
    #define defColBits 8
    void DoEffect()
        // Start with the first target composite channel
        ReadChannelDesc *pChannel = gFilterRecord->documentInfo->targetCompositeChannels;
        // Calculation width and height our filter window
        int32 width = pChannel->bounds.right - pChannel->bounds.left;
        int32 height = pChannel->bounds.bottom - pChannel->;
        fstream logFile ("/Volumes/Macintosh Media/GaussLogFile.txt", ios::out);
        logFile << endl << "top " << pChannel->;
        logFile << endl << "bottom " << pChannel->bounds.bottom;
        logFile << endl << "left " << pChannel->bounds.left;
        logFile << endl << "right " << pChannel->bounds.right;
        logFile << endl << "depth " << pChannel->depth;
        logFile << endl << "vRes " << gFilterRecord->documentInfo->vResolution;
        logFile << endl << "hRes " << gFilterRecord->documentInfo->hResolution;
        // Get a buffer to hold each channel as we process. Note we can using standart malloc(size_t) or operator new(size_t)
        // functions, but  Adobe recommend sPSBufferSuite64->New() for memory allocation
        char *pLayerData = sPSBufferSuite64->New(NULL, width*height*pChannel->depth/8);
        if (pLayerData == NULL)
        // we may have a multichannel document
        if (pChannel == NULL)
            pChannel = gFilterRecord->documentInfo->alphaChannels;
        // Loop through each of the channels
        while (pChannel != NULL && *gResult == noErr)
            ReadLayerData(pChannel, pLayerData);
            GaussianBlurEffect(pChannel, pLayerData);
            WriteLayerData(pChannel, pLayerData);
            // off to the next channel
            pChannel = pChannel->next;
        pChannel = gFilterRecord->documentInfo->targetTransparency;
        // Delete pLayerData
    void GaussianBlurEffect(ReadChannelDesc* pChannel, char *data)
        // Make sure Photoshop supports the Gaussian Blur operation
        Boolean supported;
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->SupportsOperation(PSChannelPortGaussianBlurFilter,
        if (!supported)
        // Set up a local rect for the size of our port
        VRect writeRect = pChannel->bounds;
        PIChannelPort inPort, outPort;
        // Photoshop will make us a new port and manage the memory for us
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->New(&inPort,
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->New(&outPort,
        // Set up a PixelMemoryDesc to tell how our channel data is layed out
        PixelMemoryDesc destination; = data; //*pixel
        destination.depth = pChannel->depth;
        destination.rowBits = (pChannel->bounds.right - pChannel->bounds.left) * pChannel->depth;
        destination.colBits = defColBits;
        destination.bitOffset = 0 ;
        // Write the current effect we have into this port
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->WritePixelsToBaseLevel(inPort,
        // Set up the paramaters for the Gaussian Blur
        PSGaussianBlurParameters gbp;
        int inRadius = 1;
        Fixed what = inRadius << 16;
        gbp.radius = what;
        gbp.padding = -1;
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->ReadPixelsFromLevel(outPort,
        // Delete the temp port in use
    void ReadLayerData(ReadChannelDesc *pChannel, char *pLayerData)
        // Make sure there is something for me to read from
        Boolean canRead;
        if (pChannel == NULL)
            canRead = false;
        else if (pChannel->port == NULL)
            canRead = false;
        else if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->CanRead(pChannel->port, &canRead))
            // this function should not error, tell the host accordingly
            *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
        // if everything is still ok we will continue
        if (!canRead || pLayerData == NULL)
        // some local variables to play with
        VRect readRect = pChannel->bounds;
        PixelMemoryDesc destination;
        // set up the PixelMemoryDesc = pLayerData;
        destination.depth = pChannel->depth;
        destination.rowBits = pChannel->depth * (readRect.right - readRect.left);
        destination.colBits = defColBits;
        destination.bitOffset = 0 ;
        // Read this data into our buffer, you could check the read_rect to see if
        // you got everything you desired
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->ReadPixelsFromLevel(
            *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
    void WriteLayerData(ReadChannelDesc *pChannel, char *pLayerData)
        Boolean canWrite = true;
        if (pChannel == NULL || pLayerData == NULL)
            canWrite = false;
        else if (pChannel->writePort == NULL)
            canWrite = false;
        else if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->CanWrite(pChannel->writePort, &canWrite))
            *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
        if (!canWrite)
        VRect writeRect = pChannel->bounds;
        PixelMemoryDesc destination; = pLayerData;
        destination.depth = pChannel->depth;
        destination.rowBits = pChannel->depth * (writeRect.right - writeRect.left); //HSIZE * pChannel->depth * gXFactor*2;
        destination.colBits = defColBits;
        destination.bitOffset = 0 ;
        if (sPSChannelPortsSuite->WritePixelsToBaseLevel(
            *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;

    Have you reviewed your code vs the Dissolve example? It is enabled for other bit depths as well.

  • Automator - Change Image Type - Multiple page PDF- TIFF conversion

    I was able to do this on a friend's computer (not sure which version of OS X they were running), but this seems impossible on Snow Leopard.
    I need to convert hundreds of multiple page PDFs to TIFFs. I can't get this to work, and the Change Image Type option only lists single page PDF conversion. I could separate PDFs into multiple files, convert to TIFFs, but then I don't know how to recombine a bunch of TIFF pages into a larger file. From google searches, I know this is possible using tiffutil, but I don't really understand how to use that well, and I really need an automatic process.
    I'm at my wits end with this, because I did it just last week on someone else's computer and it was easy as pie. Why can't you convert multiple page PDFs in Snow Leopard?
    Any ideas?

    I just tried this - two problems.
    It creates a separate tiff document for each page of the input pdf.
    Also, this action is just annoying because it results in randomly named files in some temp folder that i can only locate using the reveal finder item action. I know I can rename files in automator, but I'd really like to have the output file have the same name as the input file.
    It confuses me why they would remove this functionality in Snow Leopard.

  • Menu Buttons Change Image instead of Highlighting?

    Does anyone know how to/or if it's possible to make a DVD menu in Photoshop for Encore where, when the menu button is highlighted it actually changes image instead of making it a solid highlighted colour?
    For example...
    In a DVD i'm making, I have Cartoon images that are the menu buttons. I would like to make it so that when you select it on your dvd player it makes the eyes open up wider and mouths of the characters open up. I have made the duplicate layers and changed one to have the open eyes and mouth and placed it directly ontop of the other and put both layers in the one group with the (+) to allow Encore to recognize it. But all I get is the top layer of the two turning to a top colour. I know that using prefixes like (=1) makes it highlighted and that is why it's highlighting but I don't know what else to suggest. I've looked at the prefixes on the Encore help on this site and tried to work it out but no luck
    I know this is due to my lack of knowledge and really need some help to fix it, or know if it's even possible (I assume tht using such great products as Adobe it will be)

    Welcome to the forum.
    This is easily done by doing dupe Menus for each Button. The Button on the original Menu will be set to Auto-Activate, and be linked to the dupe Menu with the different graphic. I would probably turn OFF Sub-picture Highlights.
    The trick is to do a layout, and also name your Menus (especially the dupes), to reflect exactly what they do. I use Illustrator for my layout, but pencil and paper work well too.
    Note: if run on a computer, the user will need to Dbl-click the Button, as Auto-Activate only works seamlessly from a DVD set-top player.
    There are several other posts on this forum (a few very recent), where I go into much more detail. Also, Jeff Bellune's excellent book, The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe EncoreDVD 2.0, by Focal Press, has excellent, easy to follow steps for doing this. Though written for EncoreDVD 2.0, 100% of the book will apply to CS3 & CS4.
    Good luck,

  • Displaying dynamically changing image: a problem with JLabel.

    Hello! I use NetBeans 5.5 and I develop my GUI with Matisse. I'm rather a beginner in developing GUIs with this editor...
    I'd like to display a dynamically changing image. The idea is: GUI shows the image, that is modified as some computations run in a different thread. App will be run on a single machine.
    I'm trying to display the image as a label's icon. The problem is that my app's frame can be resized - and when it is, the label also resizes. When the label is resized, the image should also be resized - the image should always be of the same size as the label. The problem? I noticed, that it works only when I make my app's bigger. When I try to lower its dimensions, the label's dimensions remain the same. Why the label don't make its size smaller?
    My code works as follows: when app's main frame is resize, the panel (the one, that the label is placed in) is also resized. And, since the label is in the panel, it (should) also be resized. So I wrote all the resize-events handlers (therefore I know that the resize event is sent when my app's frame is resized, and when the panel is resized - but the label is resized only when it grows bigger). In this methods I modify the image displayed in the label (I resize the image).
    Or, perhaps, there is some other way to show a (dynamically changing) image with Swing... I chose JLabel, because I didn't want to write my own JComponent. JLabel can display image and that is all I need. The problem is: when the label grows bigger, I create a new, bigger image (icon). Why my label don't get smaller (the resize event isn't even sent)?

    There is no component that dynamically resizes an image. You need to create your own. Something like this:
    JComponent component = new JComponent()
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
              //  Scale image to size of component
              g.drawImage(yourImage, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null);

  • Changing images on jsp

    I created a jsp page with a button and a image (ImageComponent). When the button is pressed a picture is retrieved from a database and saved on the CLIENTs harddrive (ex: "C:\\img.jpg"). After this the image should be changed to the picture just downloaded from the database.
    The tried to call the methode:
    then the current image dissapears, but the new image isn't displayed.
    Did I used the right methode, or should I just call some kind of refresh methode? Can you please help.

    Google "banner rotation".
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "informatic-tec" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:efj729$mpa$[email protected]..
    > Hellow to everybody, i would like to know witch is the
    html code or script
    > that let me change images on and web page any time i
    refres it.
    > I would like to make a page with 4 images at the top,
    that change
    > any time that one user refresh it.
    > Thanks to anyone who can help me.
    > David

  • Changing images on html

    Hellow to everybody, i would like to know witch is the html
    code or script
    that let me change images on and web page any time i refres
    I would like to make a page with 4 images at the top, that
    any time that one user refresh it.
    Thanks to anyone who can help me.

    Google "banner rotation".
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "informatic-tec" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:efj729$mpa$[email protected]..
    > Hellow to everybody, i would like to know witch is the
    html code or script
    > that let me change images on and web page any time i
    refres it.
    > I would like to make a page with 4 images at the top,
    that change
    > any time that one user refresh it.
    > Thanks to anyone who can help me.
    > David

  • Dreamweaver template won't change images

    I am using Dreamweaver 5 on a Macbook Pro and I have been trying to change the Header image in my site.  I would go in and change the image using the CSS panel but the image itself will not update.  I've tried deleting the old site definitions and recreating them only to have the same problem.
    Nothing will change on my template. It won't aknowledge my changed image "i have saved it under the same image name". i've tried changing the name of the image, re-loading it and still THE OLD IMAGE APPEARS!. What the heck is going on? Can someone please tell me where it is getting this image from when I have clearly changed the image, looked at image to confirm it is in fact the changed image prior to attaching it. 
    I am completely puzzled and Desperate as my client expects these changes. Thank you.  In the mean time I will try to just upload the changed image to the web and hope the template uses the updated image on the server.
    Thank you for any help you can offer.

    Dreamweaver 5 means Dreamweaver CS5 correct? Can you give us a bit more info on your workflow? How's your site set up? Where does this image reside in comparison to the root of the site folder (make sure the image gets saved to the site folder)? Is the file path to the image correct? Make sure to turn live view off and back on again?

  • How to change image in jsp in a web application

    I had created a web application in which I have given the option to change the image in a jsp, and I am saving that image in a folder.
    The image is saved during the run time.But I am not getting that changed image.
    If I restart my server the image is retrieved . What is the solution for getting the changed image during the runtime itself?

    use javascript
    <img id='img' src="Img1.gif" border=0

  • Changing image prefix in Apex 4.1

    Hi guys,
    I installed APEX 4.1 with EPG on Oracle linux 6 and for some reason I want to change image prefix from */i/* to */i4/*.
    I browsed to apex/utilities and logged in sqlplus as sysdba and run the file:
    @reset_image_prefix.sql choosing */i4/* as my new prefix.
    then i tried:
    select id, flow_image_prefix from apex_040100.wwv_flows; all application now have the prefix /i4/ but when I go to http://myserver:8080/apex nothing is displayed !!!!
    when i change */i4/* back to */i/* everything is back to normal...
    please help :) ....

    Your results would be expected. You changed the image prefix to reference /i4/ which by default would not exist. Did you take any steps to actually create and load the files into /i4/?

  • Want to change image properties programmatically

    want to change image properties programmatically like
    Reply as soon as possible.
    [email protected]

    I understand.
    In terms of for the initial Ecommerce switchover we mass updated the MMIMAGE field in partsmaster so that the assumed naming convention of the image files are ITEMCODE.jpg.
    Your solution is good which covers the instance where the image file field is empty and then putting in a empty image field in there.
    The other scenario is that the MMIMAGE field is filled put the physical .jpg file is missing in the file system.  Is there a way to handle that. 
    I checked already the netpoint thumbnail handler .dll and browsed over the available member properties / methods but I don't think such a config exists.

  • Dynamic Background - Changing images

    I'm new to Dreamweaver and also web design. I saw a site with a nice dynamic background that changes images. I was wondering what sort of function would I be looking to code to get the same sort of result? The website I saw was
    Thanks in Advance

    That site is using a JQuery supersized slideshow. You may download here:

  • How do you change image size in the title window?

    I just changed operating systems to Windows 7, which meant that I had to re install Premiere Pro CS4. I am now working on a 64 bit system. Might not make any difference, but thought I would give you the specifics just in case.  When I pull up the title window to add a title to my clip, the image is about the size of a postage stamp. How do I increase the size of the image in that window?

    Thank you again for responding Hunt. I did find out what what was happening.
    I had to reinstall the program on my computer. I just upgraded to Windows 7, and I now have a 64 bit system. When I booted up PPCS4, I assumed that my settings would be the same as they were before when I had Vista installed and didn't bother to check them when I started a new project. Well, they were not. I also added a TV tuner card to my computer. I now can watch HD TV on my computer. I suppose that it is possible that somehow PPCS4 noticed that, and set my default settings to HD, rather than NTSC DV. I just merrily went along clicking the OK button and started editing. When I start a new project now, I select NTSC DV and the Title window works just fine, and exactly the way I expect it to.
    I just received Jeff Bellune's book Adobe Encore DVD 2.0 in the mail and will be totally immersed in Encore studies today. With all of his children, I don't see how he had time to write it, but I'm glad that he did. I also ordered a book entitled Designing Menus with Encore DVD. I know that it was written for an earlier version than CS4, but I will trust what you said about that. Many things are the same with some minor variations due to upgrades in the program. The basic ideas don't change, but how you accomplish them can, and usually do over time.
    Terry Lee Martin
    Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:04:16 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: how do you change image size in the title window?
    Welcome to the forum.
    That is an odd one. The Title should be the same Frame Size as your Project/Sequence. What is it's Frame Size? Also, are you perhaps doing a Title based on an older Template, that was done for a different Frame Size?
    What happens if you choose Title>New Title>Default Still?
    Good luck,

  • Change image source distorts new image

    Is there any easy way, once I change image source in Edge Animate, to get it to at least be proportionally correct? When I change an image source with a different size, it comes in distorted.

    If you change the source it will fill the boundaries of the original source image automatically. If the size is different, it is probably better to delete the original image and drop the new one.
    If you are talking about loading an image dynamically and changing them dynamically, use css background image with no-repeat and have you div be the size of the largest image used unless you code the image size when they change.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I am trying to develop an automated process that receives an Adobe Interactive Forms as an email attachment and performs a bapi call to an R/3 backend. I plan to use an XI interface that will monitor a email inbox and deliver the pdf as a message to

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    We have a legal requirement in our bank that in our intranet site whatever document we show it should have save icon disabled? [thought there are lot if ways we can capture the contents of it even with save icon disabled] Is there any way of implemen

  • Dual gps

    Hi, I recently bought an Dual XGPS150 bluetooth GPS receiver for use with my (wifi only) iPad3. This device is according to the manufacturer "made for iPad" and there are a lot of good reviews about it on the internet, but in my case it doesn't work.