Changing JInternalFrame color does not work

UIManager.put("InternalFrame.activeTitleForeground", new ColorUIResource(;
UIManager.put("InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground", new ColorUIResource(;
UIManager.put("InternalFrame.borderColor", new ColorUIResource(;This code does not make anything appear red on my JInternalFrames .. the header etc. still looks purple when selecting one ... why is this?

That is because the internal frame isn't using those settings for setting the color of the internal frames. If you look at the code in javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane you can see that the title pane is drawn using:
MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlHighlight() MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlDarkShadow()
If you wish to change the color of internal frames, you have to either change those settings L&F wide, or create your own internal frame title bar UI classes (not a small task you will find).
Why doesn't it use those settings? No idea, it should use something like that.

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    I am setting the background color of JProgressBar. While it used to work in 1.4.1, the background color does not show in 1.4.2 on XP. It looks like it has something to do with the XP L&F in 1.4.2. I am setting the L&F to systemlookand feel. Is anyone aware of anyworkaround for this? Setting the opaque property does not help either. I don't want to say swing.xp=false. We need the xp look and feel.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Actually I draw a blank looking into it a bit deeper. The Windows UI paintXPBackground method is private and the XPStyle class can not be accessed outside the package. I guess the reason for this is to protect the XP LAF from having the backgrounds changed etc.
    If it is important to you the source is available for you to replicate your own MyXPStyle class and then you would have to recreate the whole paintDeterminate methods in your MyProgressBarUI class. It would not be very future proof though.

  • Header background color does not work

    I would like to change the background color of the header element, but it does not work as I imagined
    First of all, here is the HTML:
    <div id="wraper">
        <h1><span>Pacific</span> Coastal Highway</h1>
            <li>Big Sur</li>
            <li>Pfeiffer Beach</li>
            <li>Elephant Seals</li>
            <li>Morro Bay</li>
      // ... some other HTML elements & content ...
    So, within <header> element we have <h1> and <nav> elements, and within that <nav> element there is a list that is actually menu.
    Here it CSS code that refers to these elements:
    #wraper {
        width: 1200px;
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-top: 0px;
        border-right: 1px solid #000000;
        border-left: 1px solid #000000;
    body {
        margin: 0;
        background-color: #CBD2FB;
        font-family: "OpenSans Regular", "Gill Sans MT", Arial, "Times New Roman", sans-serif;
        color: #202020;
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 11.91%,rgba(232,238,245,1.00) 25.91%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(138,169,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%);
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 11.91%,rgba(232,238,245,1.00) 25.91%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(138,169,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%);
        background-image: -o-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 11.91%,rgba(232,238,245,1.00) 25.91%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(138,169,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 11.91%,rgba(232,238,245,1.00) 25.91%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(138,169,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 100%,rgba(202,212,220,1.00) 100%);
    h1 {
        margin-top: 0px;
        font-size: 48px;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #969696;
        padding-top: 32px;
    h1, h2, h3 {
        font-family: "Prociono Regular", "OpenSans Regular", "Gill Sans MT", "Times New Roman", Arial;
        color: #507AAD;
        text-align: center;
    h1 span {
        position: relative;
        top: -37px;
        left: 35px;
        font-family: GoodDog, Arial, "Times New Roman", "Gill Sans MT", sans-serif;
        font-size: 47px;
    header nav ul {
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-left: auto;
        list-style-type: none;
        padding-left: 0px;
        width: 705px;
        /* [disabled]margin-bottom: 10px; */
    nav ul li {
        float: left;
        padding: 10px;
        display: block;
        width: 110px;
        text-align: center;
        background-color: #A9A3FF;
        border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 23px;
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 60.11%);
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 60.11%);
    background-image: -o-linear-gradient(270deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 60.11%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(135,167,207,1.00) 0%,rgba(204,217,234,1.00) 60.11%);
        margin: 18px 5px;
    And, finally, here's how it looks:
    Now, I'd like to change the background color of the <header> element (to chage that white behind that <h1> and menu into some other color), so I just added the background color of the <header> element in CSS:
    header {
        background-color: #FF2D31;
    But, here is how it looks now:
    As you can see, although <nav> element with list (menu) is IN <header> element - the background color of <header> is just behind <h1> element.
    Do you know why it's happening, and what would be the best way to solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance.

    Ben Pleysier wrote:
    The problem is caused when floated children do not force the parent element to clear the floats.
    Nancy O. wrote:
    It may seem counter-intuitive but overflow:hidden prevents margin collapse on parent elements containing floats:
    The magic of “overflow: hidden” — Articles — Colin Aarts, freelance web developer
    I'm trying to figure out what happened (and why) in my example, where the problem occurred, but...
    I tried with inspecting elements with Firebug - to see what's what in case when there isn't overflow:hidden property that is related to <header> element in this example from the first post:
    As you can see in the picture - <header> element is only that blue area containing <h1> element, and although <nav> element (with the <ul> element inside) is IN <header> element - it is not shown within the blue area, as it is not within <header> element.
    As for the <h1> element which is inside of the <header> element, when I select it - it looks like this:
    Now, purple area indicates the padding-top of <h1> element, and I guess that yellow area which indicates the margin is actually browser's default margin of the <h1> element.
    Next, confusing is when I select <nav> element:
    Although <nav> element is selected - there is no that blue area indicating where is that element on the web-page... ?
    Next, when I select <ul> element, there is only yellow area indicating margin -  I guess that yellow area which indicates the margin is actually browser's default margin of the <ul> element.
    When I select <li> element - it's the same case as with <nav> element there is no that blue area indicating where is that element on the web-page... ?
    Finally, when I select <a> element - it looks like this:
    All in all - inspecting all <header> element and the elements within it didn't help me to see what and why this is happening (with the background color of the header element). I think the problem is in me, I'll wait a few days and maybe then things become clearer in my mind
    Sorry for my bad English.
    Again, thank you all!

  • Equipmen dismantle, change plant, install does not work

    Hello experts,
    I have developed a function module which should execute the following steps:
    - dismantle an equipment from a functional location
    - change the plant of the equipment
    - install the equipment into a new functional location
    I therefor tried to use these three existing function modules:
    - Dismantle -> EQUIPMENT_DISMANTLE
    - Change Plant -> BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE
    - Install -> EQUIPMENT_INSTALL
    Now the problem occurs that the call of the BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE does not execute a commit so the changes are not directly written to the database and the following call of EQUIPMENT_INSTALL is not able to install the equipment into the new functional location.
    I tried to execute a BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT after the BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE but still it does not work. In my dev system I can insert a "WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS." call which work but this does not work in the testing env. Also this is a very bad approach.
    The curious thing is that everytime I debug my FM everything is working fine. So I bet there is a problem in the direct following call after the BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE and EQIPMENT_INSTALL.
    Here are the relevant calls:
    *     READ_SOBJ             = 'X'
    *     READ_ROBJ             = 'X'
    *     LOCK_SOBJ             = 'X'
    *     I_DATE                = SY-DATUM
    *     I_TIME                = SY-UZEIT
          i_inherit_flags       = p_i_inheritance_flags
          old_sequi             = p_i_ls_equi
    *     EXEC_MEAS             = ' '
          transmit_new          = 'X'
          direct_new            = 'X'
          commit_new            = 'S'
          s_equi                = p_i_ls_equi
    *     R_EQUI                =
    *     R_IFLO                =
          err_dismantle         = 1
          OTHERS                = 2
      p_rc = sy-subrc.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            wait   = 'X'
            return = bapiret2.
      itob-maintplant   = p_target_swerk.
      itob-planplant    = p_target_iwerk.
      itobx-maintplant  = 'X'.
      itobx-planplant   = 'X'.
          equipment               = p_ls_equi-equnr
          data_general            = itob
          data_generalx           = itobx
          data_specific           = itob_eq
          data_specificx          = itob_eqx
    *     VALID_DATE              = SY-DATUM
    *     VALID_TIME              = SY-UZEIT
    *     DATA_GENERAL_EXP        =
    *     DATA_SPECIFIC_EXP       =
          return                  = bapiret2
      IF bapiret2 IS INITIAL.
            wait   = 'X'
            return = bapiret2.
          read_sobj             = 'X'
    *     READ_ROBJ             = 'X'
    *     LOCK_SOBJ             = 'X'
    *     POSEQUI               =
    *     I_DATE                = SY-DATUM
    *     I_TIME                = SY-UZEIT
          i_inherit_flags       = p_i_inheritance_flags
    *     OLD_SEQUI             =
    *     EXEC_MEAS             = ' '
    *     CALL_EXIT             = ' '
    *     CHECK_NEW             = 'X'
          transmit_new          = 'X'
          direct_new            = ' '
          commit_new            = 'X'
          s_equi                = p_ls_equi
          r_equi                = p_ls_equi_target
          r_iflo                = s_iflo
          err_install           = 1
          OTHERS                = 2
    How can I enable this inside one function module?
    Please, any hints are welcome!

    So, what I have done now is the following:
    IF bapiret2-type EQ 'S'.
    *   now check if changes are written to db
          l_iwerk = 0.
          " get the latest item entry
          SELECT SINGLE iwerk FROM equz
            INTO l_iwerk
            WHERE equnr EQ p_ls_equi-equnr AND
                  datbi EQ '99991231'.
          IF l_iwerk EQ equitime-planplant.
            p_rc = 0.
            EXIT.                 " data written to db -> exit
            WAIT UP TO 2 SECONDS. " wait and check in next loop
          IF sy-index EQ 10.
            p_rc = 1.             " set returncode to 1
            EXIT.                 " after 10 times -> exit
    This code checks if the respective entry in the db is already written and if not retry to read it with a delay of 2 seconds.
    Looks a little bit ugly but does the job.
    If anyone could get me to a "better" solution I would be happy to hear!

  • Final Cut 6 and Color does not work

    I bought FInal Cut Pro Studio 2 and i receive the suite today and instal only apps ( no contents and loops )without problem
    Tried to open FCP6 and Color but not working.
    i launch FCP 6 or Color,2 jumps on dock and then quit.
    can be memory problem.( i have 768RAM on my imac G5 64VRAM)
    any pacth to resolv this problem?
    ps* SountrackPro 2,DVDStudio Pro,Motion3,LiveType,CinemaTools and Compressor woks fine in the same computer
    Computer configuration
    IMac G5 1.6 with 64VRAM and 768RAM
    thx in advance

    Ok,forgot Color,but and about final cut 6 ? why does not work?
    max resolution 1440x900.
    i was looking the systen requirements on fcp page
    Minimum Requirements to Install All Final Cut Studio Applications
    Final Cut Pro 6
    Macintosh 1.25GHz or faster PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5 = OK
    1GB of RAM = NO,my iMac have 768RAM
    1024-by-768 resolution or higher OK
    Mac OS X v10.4.9 or later OK
    QuickTime 7.1.6 or later OK
    A DVD drive for installation OK
    Can i deduce that problem is because i don't have RAM enought?

  • Problem - SCSM Change status workflow does not work, shows huge "minutes behind" in SQL, but do not appear as failed.

    There is a workflow "Change request status changed" which periodically fails to run, and it does not show up in "All instances" tab. For instance when I cancel a CR, all activities remain as-is in their respective statuses.
    SQL - "SubscriptionStatus" from
    shows increasing number of "minutes by" each minute for this particular workflow. 
    Restarting "Management service" does not give enything. As well as "UpdateSubscriptionWatermark" SQL from the link above (except resetting the "minutes behind" counter)
    Please help!
    Egils Zonde from Technet

    Take it to an apple store and see if you can get an out of warranty replacement. It won't be free, I think the fee for an Air replacement is $299, but it sounds like the insides are broken.

  • Events Click Set Property Fill Color does not work.

    Setting Stroke Color does work.  Setting Fill Color is accepted by the user interface, but nothing happens.  I was applying this to a Basic Circle Shape.
    Until this is fixed, my alternative is to define a "custom event".  I have assigned a name to a "custom event" but can find no way to define it's action.  Can anyone help me with this or point me to the documentation on this?

    You also need to register the fields which you want F4 event to become active for.
    DATA: it_f4 TYPE lvc_t_f4,
            wa_f4 TYPE lvc_s_f4.
      wa_f4-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
      wa_f4-register = 'X'.
    *     wa_f4-GETBEFORE = 'X'.   "if you want to trigger before F4
    *      wa_f4-CHNGEAFTER = 'X'. "or just after it
      APPEND wa_f4 TO it_f4.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_grid_ref->register_f4_for_fields
          it_f4 = it_f4.

  • The visited sites font color does not work

    if I revisit the site. the color does appear while the left-click is held then is gone

    * Make sure that you not run Firefox in (permanent) [[Private Browsing]] mode
    * In Private Browsing mode some menu items are disabled (grayed) and features like visited links are disabled and not showing
    * You are in Private Browsing mode if you see "Tools > Stop Private Browsing", possibly grayed
    * You enter Private Browsing mode if you select: Tools > Options > Privacy > History: Firefox will: "Never Remember History"
    * To see all History settings, choose: Tools > Options > Privacy, choose the setting <b>Firefox will: Use custom settings for history</b>
    * Uncheck: [ ] "Automatically start Firefox in a private browsing session"

  • Changing icons & Controls does not work- Help needed

    When changing the theme in "theme preferences" only the window borders change... The icons and window controls remains as the same boring default.
    Does anybody have a solution to the problem?

    kapelrud wrote:
    Oh, sorry... I just had to forget that
    I use gnome 2.8 as my DE
    Update: A nice little reboot fixed the problem. It may have been because I added fam to the startup...
    i always use ... "switch" and "switch2" from pacman.  they're small programs to switch gtk/gtk2 themes... I don't have the whole gnome package so that works well for me.

  • After upgrading to version 10.0.2, the pinch and close to change font size does not work

    I'm using Mac OS X version 10.6.8. The pinch and close works with Safari but not Firefox 10.0.2

    Some gestures have been removed in Firefox 4+ versions.
    You can restore the zoom feature by changing the values of the related prefs on the <b>about:config</b> page.
    * -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReduce</b>
    * -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.out -> <b>cmd_fullZoomEnlarge</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.out.shift -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.latched -> <b>false</b>

  • Batch change to description does not work

    I have a IMac27" Intel i7 using IPhoto 09
    I am trying to batch update the description on multiple photos.
    I shift click on a series of photos then go to batch update> change description.
    It appears to start with a message and blue line that says " updating photos ", but then after the initial blue line nothing advances and nothing happens to the photos

    This will end my contributions to this topic. I have done my best to describe the symptoms I encountered, how I had created this problem, and a solution to it.
    I have no special knowledge to how or where metadata is stored with a file, nor the permissions associated with the file and its storage in iPhoto. Unless someone can correct me, I had believed that capture date, camera, format, lens, EXIF, TIFF, CANON, or any other descriptor are part of the metadata and that Canon stored all of this information together with the image in a single file. It did not matter to me whether IPTC data was part of any image file that I imported into iPhoto or not. I am presuming there is metadata attached to image files that can be properly parsed to give what can be loosely described as capture date, time, EXIF, TIFF, CANON, IPTC or any other descriptor that might be present. Because I had used batch change to write data to RAW images in iPhoto in the past, I expected I would be able to do so again. I wasn't trying to trick iPhoto or any readers into confusion about how or where that data may be stored. I simply noted that I had some RAW files that iPhoto could not write to and some that it could.
    I hope that I have given an adequate description of how I encountered this problem. If others should encounter a similar effect, they may try the solution I found (namely, export the original file and re-importing it).
    If someone wishes to explain why the solutions suggested by Old Toad were incorrect for photos imported from another computer, be my guest.
    Message was edited by: Peter Wepplo

  • Recently changed documents command does not work

    Using DW CS5. German version.
    When I want to access all the files that have been changed recently, I get an error message
    " when OnClick in SelectRecentlymodified.html , following Javaccript-Errors occured:
    In Line 370 of the file "C:Programme/Adobe/Adobe DReamweaver C5/Configuration/Menus/MM/SelectRecentModified.js":
    DWfile.getAttributes (listItem) has no properties.
    This is the german thread, which did not get any answers yet:
    Anybody has any suggestions what to do?
    Thank you.

    Now I realized that this problem occurs only with one site definition.
    Anyone has any more suggestions? Could reinstalling DWCS5 help?
    Try this -
    1.  Open DW's SiteManager, select this site's name, and export the site definition (make sure you do a full site definition export including the FTP information).  Save the resulting *.ste file in a place where you can find it again.
    2.  With the site's name still selected in SiteManager, REMOVE the site from DW by clicking the REMOVE button.
    3.  Now Click on IMPORT and import the *.ste file you just exported.
    Is the error still with you now?

  • On Mac OS X, multitouch with Firefox 4 RC does not work.

    Multitouch support (such as changing text sizes) does not work on Mac OS X when using Firefox 4 RC

    Some gestures have been removed in Firefox 4.<br />
    You can restore the zoom feature by changing the values of the related prefs on the <b>about:config</b> page. cmd_fullZoomReduce cmd_fullZoomReset
    browser.gesture.pinch.out cmd_fullZoomEnlarge
    browser.gesture.pinch.out.shift cmd_fullZoomReset

  • I changed my appleID, it worked fine but now I can not restore icloud backup in a new ipad (old appleid does not work and it is grey colored so I'm unable to change it)

    Some months ago I changed my email address and so my appleID. Everything worked fine, but last week my ipad broke and when I tried to restore my icloud backup in my new ipad it does not work: it asks me for the password of the OLD appleID (it doesnt work); and in icloud configuration page the field for appleid is colored grey so I can not change it.
    any clues? thank you in advance

    My suggestion is to change apple id back. I know it is not something you want to hear, but there are suppose to be ways around it and usually they work, but not right now. I suspect that is consequences of Apple getting their servers ready for ios7. Normally in your situation - you should be able to get all your stuff back, but apps, and then you can sync those or download from icloud. But lately (last week) it does not seem to work normal way.

  • In Photoshop CS6 Hue Saturation does not work with forground/background Jitter set at 100 percent no change in color is observed. Help

    In Photoshop CS6 Hue Saturation does not work with forground/background Jitter set at 100 percent no change in color is observed. I have Added a screen Shot of the Brush settings and a demonstration of what the brush produces.
    I also notice That when I make a pattern of a single color, when I fill a selection with the pattern I get a rainbow of different colors.
    I am running a 64 bit version of Photoshop from the CS6 Masters Collection
    I am on a PC with a Intel i7 1366 4 physical cores and 8 threads, 24 Gig of DDR memory, A Crucial 512 Gig SSD and a NVIDIA GTX 570 with 2 Gig of memory.
    The document size is 2100 by 1500 Pixels at 300 PPI   only two layers

    In Photoshop CS6 Hue Saturation does not work with forground/background Jitter set at 100 percent no change in color is observed. I have Added a screen Shot of the Brush settings and a demonstration of what the brush produces.
    I also notice That when I make a pattern of a single color, when I fill a selection with the pattern I get a rainbow of different colors.
    I am running a 64 bit version of Photoshop from the CS6 Masters Collection
    I am on a PC with a Intel i7 1366 4 physical cores and 8 threads, 24 Gig of DDR memory, A Crucial 512 Gig SSD and a NVIDIA GTX 570 with 2 Gig of memory.
    The document size is 2100 by 1500 Pixels at 300 PPI   only two layers

Maybe you are looking for