Changing Page Upon Successful Form Validation

I am trying to create a sort-of registration process and am having some difficulty.  I'll try to explain this as clearly as I can (forgive me, I'm a little new to all this):
I have a form where I am using Spry validation widgets.  I'd like the submit button to validate those entries and keep the user on the page if any field doesn't pass, but take them to another page if the form checks out ok.  I can't figure out how to do this.  I've tried using behaviors to make the submit button also be a link but what ends up happening is that the link works whether the form passes validation or not.
Is there any simple way to accomplish this with Dreamweaver's tools?  Any help is appreciated.

That is not entirely true. Using SpryValidation you automatically stop the form from being processes (that is if the browser is JS enabled). If the form validates upon submission, then the action will take place. If the action is to go to another page then it will do so.
The following is a very simple example
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<form action="action.php" method="post">
<input name="frmSubmit" type="submit">
<span id="sprytextfield1">
<label for="text1"></label>
<input type="text" name="text1" id="text1">
<span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1");

Similar Messages

  • Changing pop-up for form validating

    I have simple contact forms that are validated which makes sure the fields in the form are filled out and that it is a proper email address.
    I have 2 contact forms on the same page. On the first one the field name's and id's are "name", "email" and "question". If you click the submit button a pop-up come up with:
    The following error(s) occurred:
    - name is required.
    - email is required.
    - question is required.
    The second form has name's and id's are "name-main", "email-main" and "question-main". The pop-up comes up with:
    The following error(s) occurred:
    - name-main is required.
    - email-main is required.
    - question-main is required.
    The first one is OK but is their a way to change the second one to something more user friendly?

    snarble wrote:
    I am just using dreamweaver 5 form validator.
    Yeah, I just picked up your other thread so you can't use a 'class' as that's already assigned to the input tag.
    You could just forget the protocol about duplicating id's and repeat 'name' as the id for the second form. Only one form will be active at any given time.

  • Change Page in Sapscript form

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    Kindly follow the below steps::
    1.declare first field in ur internal table as 'KUNNR'.
    2.once u get the required data into ur internal table to print, SORT the internal table with KUNNR.
    3.LOOP the internal table to print and use CONTROL BREAK event (AT END OF KUNNR) to trigger new page for every new KUNNR.
    4.In Control Break event (AT END OF KUNNR) call the Function Module 'CONTROL_FORM', which will trigger a new page in the output.
    call function 'OPEN_FORM'      --> to Open the Form
    LOOP AT itab.
         call function 'WRITE_FORM'
              element = 'ITEM_DET'.
        AT END OF KUNNR.
                   COMMAND = 'NEW-PAGE'.
    Hope it helps!!

  • ORA-06502 on "Help Text" region when changing pages on a tabular form

    Hello everybody,
    We are developing an application on Apex This application have some pages with tabular forms and these pages uses a page zero as template. In this page zero, we have added two sidebar regions: a list region to navigate on the application and a help text to describe how to use our application.
    The problem occurs when the tabular split the records into pages (since it has more records that it can show on a single page). When the user clicks to change to another page, Apex raises an ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error as described below:
    Erro ao renderizar a região "Ajuda". ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: erro de conversão de caractere em número numérico ou de valor
    Informações Técnicas (visível somente para desenvolvedores)
    is_internal_error: true
    apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR
    ora_sqlcode: -6502
    ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: erro de conversão de caractere em número numérico ou de valor
    component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS 2 Ajuda
    ORA-06512: em "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654
    ORA-06512: em "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204
    Obs: Our database is in Brazilian Portuguese, so I guess it will be hard for some people to understand the first two lines! :)
    We have tried to change the pagination style of the tabular form and change the region model of the help text but the problem still happens.
    Does anyone an ideia about what this may be?
    Thanks in advance!

    I am getting the exact same message, to the line number, also in APEX
    Occurs when changing pages in a classic report, Standard region template, select list pagination, when selecting a different pagination set.
    In English:
    Error during rendering of region "Matched Participants Help & Hints".
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Technical Info (only visible for developers)
    is_internal_error: true
    apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR
    ora_sqlcode: -6502
    ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS 2 <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204
    There are no conditions on the region, and no date string within the Help text. Some HTML <strong> tags, that's it.
    The Help region renders fine the first time.
    The Debug info does not help any:
    3.798360.00062Computation point: After Box Body4
    3.798990.00081Processes - point: AFTER_BOX_BODY4
    3.799790.00068Region: <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints4
    3.800470.00213Region rendered dynamically because request was not null4
    3.802590.00096Add error onto error stack4
    3.803550.00084...Error data:4
    3.804400.00084......message: Error during rendering of region "<strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints".4
    3.805240.00084......additional_info: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error4
    3.806080.00081......display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4
    3.806890.00081......is_internal_error: true4
    3.807700.00084......apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR4
    3.808540.00082......ora_sqlcode: -65024
    3.809350.00234......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error4
    3.811700.00082......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204 4
    3.812510.00081......component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS4
    0 24
    0 <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints4
    3.815400.00076...Show Error on Error Page4
    3.816160.00344......Performing rollback4
    3.819610.00225Processes - point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER4
    3.821850.00268Processes - point: BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER4
    3.82453-End Page Rendering
    Any thoughts on where to poke around for this one?
    Thanks - Karen

  • When I open "Pages" all the forms are in spanish. ( I am english speaking) I travel a lot and wonder if the program picked up on me being in Spain or something similar. How do I change it to english?

    When I open "Pages" all the forms are in spanish. ( I am english speaking) I travel a lot and wonder if the program picked up on me being in Spain or something similar. How do I change it to english?

    If that is what you are seeing, you just select it and type in your own text.

  • Form validation working on one page, but not the other....

    Hope someone can help with this.
    I have a page below with a load of contact forms which all work fine :
    I've trued to recreate (admittedly mostly by saving as....) the same functionality here :
    They do work when fulled in correctly, but there's a glitch with the validation.
    Basically when you fill in a form incorrectly, the page reloads, with the form's accordion closed. When you open it up, its showing the ugly looking error at the top of the form.
    Any ideas what's causing it to act like this, as opposed to the way it works in the first link?

    Iain71 wrote:
    I've trued to recreate (admittedly mostly by saving as....) the same functionality here :
    They do work when fulled in correctly, but there's a glitch with the validation.
    When looking at the source code I note that - unlike the first page - this one doesn´t contain any references to the ADDT form validation libraries ("../includes/tng/scripts/FormValidation.js" and "../includes/tng/scripts/FormValidation.js.php"), meaning that the validation can´t work.

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    Is there any settings for this.Plase advice.I appriciate your guidence in this regard.Thanks in advance

    Hi Vijay,
       As the form is formated to A4, now the one A4 sheet and take a print out as well take a print with A6 sheet check the difference.  If the data is not printed in right way then u need to do alignment.
    If it's printing in the same as it used to be, then check the settings in SPAD. 

  • SunOne 7 FORM Validation & Initial page

    Hi All.
    I have an application running in a Sun One 7 Server. I use LDAP for validation and I have configured a FORM validation, with two html's for login and error.
    All goes OK, when I'm trying to get the initial JSP of the application, the login form comes. But when I validate, my browser calls an image of the JSP instead of the JSP.
    It seems like the JSP tryes to load this image and then the validation starts. But when I validate, Sun One don't remember that the JSP called the image and only load the image.
    I'm blocked and I don't find nothing in the documentation. In the logs nothing appears to be bad.
    Somebody could help me, please?
    Thanks a lot.

    i need to authenticate the requests of my sun application server with an ldap server.
    u told that u have configured how to connect sun app sever and ldap server....
    I need to do the same for my pls help me
    ill b thankful to u..
    u can mail ur reply at [email protected]
    [email protected]
    or here

  • PLEASE help with server-side form validation using PHP!!!

    I feel like im going round and round in circles with this, after looking into all sorts of server-side advice i've come to the conclusion that i want to validate my form using server-side validation with PHP.
    So my form has several drop down menu's and  textareas  (not all of them need validation). For the part of my form i would like to validate, all i want is the drop downs to have to be changed/selected. So just a simple message like "You must select an option" if customers haven't done so. For the textareas, they just need to be filled out, so a message like "Information required" to come up if customers haven't done so.
    I believe i need to create a PHP page say for example 'error.php' place  the validation code in there and set this part of the the form to -
    <form name="product"form action="error.php" method="post" class="product_form">
    BUT im getting really confused with creating the code for the error.php. Please please can anyone help me with this!!!???
    Here are the drop down menu's i need validation on, error message being "You must select an option",
    and here are the textareas that need validating, error message "Information required",
    I'd really appreciate any help!!!

    Ness_quick wrote:
    Great thats good enough for me. In that case, would you please be able to help me create the javascript for the above validation?? If you could just help me create it for this page i can amend it for all the other pages. I'd really really appreciate it!!!
    Can you follow the below example?? Obviously AFTER validation has been successful you need to collect the information from the form and send it to the recipient email address...that's where you can use php. I'll check back tomorrow and see how you are doing.
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Form validation</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function RequiredFormFields() {
        // inform customer to provide figurine choice
    var figurine = document.forms.product.figurine.value;
    if (figurine == "-- Select figurine --")
    alert("Please provide figurine choice");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide engraving choice
    var engraving = document.forms.product.engraving.value;
    if (engraving == "-- Select engraving --")
    alert("Please provide engraving choice");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide font choice
        var font = document.forms.product.font.value;
    if (font == "-- Select style --")
    alert("Please select font style");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide their name
    var Name = document.forms.product.Name.value;
    if (Name == null || Name == "")
    alert("Please provide your name");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide their house number/name
    var house =;
    if (house == null || house == "")
    alert("Please provide your house number/name");
    return false;
    } // end function
    <form name="product" form action="processForm.php" method="post" class="product_form" onsubmit="return RequiredFormFields()">
    <p class="product_form_options">Choice of Figurine<br>
    <select name="figurine" class="productButton" id="figurine" onChange="Recalculate()">
    <option selected>-- Select figurine --</option>
    <option value="7031">Tropical Green Granite with bronze sacred heart figurine as pictured(&pound;7031)</option>
    <option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with bronze effect sacred heart figurine (&pound;5216)</option>
    <option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with reconstituded figurine MF122(&pound;5216)</option>
    <p class="product_form_options">Engraved Lettering<br>
    <select name="engraving" class="productButton" id="engraving" onChange="Recalculate()">
            <option selected>-- Select engraving --</option>
            <option value="2.30">Sandblast and enamel painted (&pound;2.30/letter)</option>
            <option value="2.80">Sandblast and guilded (&pound;2.80/letter)</option>
            <option value="2.20">Maintenance free (&pound;2.20/letter)</option>
            <option value="3.73">Traditionally hand cut and enamel painted (&pound;3.73/letter)</option>
            <option value="3.98">Traditionally hand cut and gilded (&pound;3.98/letter)</option>
            <option value="4.34">Raised lead and enamel painted (&pound;4.34/letter)</option>
            <option value="4.59">Raised lead and gilded (&pound;4.59/letter)</option>
    <p class="product_form_options">Letter/Font Style<br>    
          <select name="font" class="productButton" id="font" >
               <option selected>-- Select style --</option>
               <option value="Maintenance free">Maintenance free </option>
               <option value="White painted block">White painted block</option>
               <option value="White painted roman">White painted roman</option>
               <option value="White painted Script">White painted Script</option>
               <option value="White painted Celtic">White painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="White painted Nova">White painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted block">Sliver painted block</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted roman">Sliver painted roman</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Script">Sliver painted Script</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Celtic">Sliver painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Nova">Sliver painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted block">Gold leaf painted block</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted roman">Gold leaf painted roman</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Script">Gold leaf painted Script</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Celtic">Gold leaf painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Nova">Gold leaf painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Old English">Gold leaf painted Old English</option>
    <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" value="">
    <p>House name or number:<br>
    <input name="house" type="text" id="house" size="67">
    <input name="submit" type="submit" class="place_order" id="submit" value="Place order">

  • How to insert an username from the login page to the form page

    Hi friends,
    I created one database apex application in which it consist of three pages...
    1)login page----->1
    2)form page along with report page(in same page) i.e. i created a report region within a form region
    3)form page(this page appears when i click the edit option in my previous report page
    (i.e.) my 3rd form page depends upon my 2nd report page, as soon after i click the edit option of each and every row in my report which is in 2nd page it has to go to the corresponding 3rd form page for making an updations in each and every row...
    I have created my above listed applications....
    But the scenario for me is since the login page contains two fields, that is
    user name:
    so i will be giving my name in the user name and also respective PW for accessing to my 2nd and 3rd page in my application...
    Since my 2nd form page consist of following fields like
    *) user name---------->
    *) assigned to
    *) status
    *) start date
    *) priority
    so my requirement over here is soon after i logging into my application through the user name and PW into second page, while coming to the second form page
    my user name field in my 2nd form page has to get inserted automatically with the user name that i have entered in the login page...
    example: my user_name in login page is :harry
    after going into the second form page with the user name "harry"
    the field of my 2nd form page "username" has to get automatically generated with the name "harry"
    Whether it is possible friends to do this in my application....i doesn't have any idea of it...Kindly help me friends to solve my scenario...please explain each and every steps in detailed manner...
    Since the user_name: harry, is of I got from the admin side as a developer for the workspace......
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Karthik,
    I made the following changes that you said, but there is just a one change in it...
    You told these changes
    Source Used: always, replacing any existing values in session state.
    Source Type: Database column
    Source value or expression: (respective column name)
    and in Default: u need to give-----> &APP_USER.(exactly the same including the full stop)....
    Thanks for your help Patel....I just worked and inserting for me in table of the corresponding user name who login.....

  • JSF - CommandLink action - Partial Refresh for Multiple Pages in a Form

    I have a 3 JSP Pages, say ( 1.jsp, 2.jsp, 3.jsp) called as designed in the FORM below :
    --------------PAGE 1.jsp-----------------------------------------
    | Input Box 1 |
    | Input Box 2 |
    | Input Box 3 |
    | |
    | <DIV> |
    | PAGE 2.JSP |
    | </DIV> |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | <DIV> |
    | PAGE 3.jsp |
    | </DIV> |
    |________________________________________ |
    Page 1 has some input boxes and onBlur() of one of the input Boxes --> I call some Ajax code pass Values from Page 1.jsp to Page 2.jsp --> build URL for Page 2.jsp and display it in the specifiedDIV area above.
    Similarly, Page 2.jsp has some inputs --> pass inputs from Page2 to Page 3----> build URL for Page 3.jsp and call it in DIV areaabove .
    Page 3.jsp has a commanButton which I click and upon success submission refreshes the whole screen & loads only Page 3.JSP
    Is there a way that when i click on the submit button on Page3.jsp above, only the part of the whole form that has Page 3.jsp refreshes and rest of the screen remains as it is. I mean Page 1 & Page 2 do not get refreshed.
    I would really appreciate if you could assist with some code examples

    Don't know if I get it right, but it's not wise to discover wheel, when it's alredy discovered. Mix of JSF 1.2 with RichFaces should do. You can set form to be submited in ajax, you have ajax components, finally you have attribute 'reRender' in commandButton (or whatever you use) which tells which part of page should server rerender, so just indicate it by element id :].
    In short term You may try to divide your page with sub pages (suppose you use subview) on 3 forms. In JSF 1.2 RI h:form always send whole form, and so rerenders whole form

  • Form Validations

    How to perform form validations in ADF. And also can i customize the behaviour of "Required" property of a UIComponent? I dont want alert boxes to be shown Can i change that?

    you might want to think about using one of the popup LOV item types for your employee ID field. popup LOVs are great for cases where you don't want to weigh your page down w/large lists of values. about your validation, if you really want to do it client-side, then javascript's probably the way to go (search google for code). if you do that, though, let the record show that you'd have to fetch your valid values down to your page for your comparison logic, anyhow. i'd consider using a regular htmldb validation for your emp id field. you seemed concerned in your post with the page submission. i'm assuming that's because you didn't want processing to occur unless the validation passes. if that's the case, fear not, it's a simple matter to set your processing to occur only after your validations have passed. check out the available "Process Point"s and "Computation Point"s for htmldb Processes and Computations to see what i mean.
    hope this helps,

  • How to make a value changed based upon values selected in dropdown menu

    I am making my first Dreamweaver website using Dreamweaver CS6 on a windows 8 PC.
    I am trying to make a website where the user selects different criteria; in this example an ipod's model, condition and size from three seperate dropdown selections (similar to and then based upon these selections a value for their ipod is shown. However i cannot work out how to display a value which remains on the same page and changes based upon the values which have been selected from the dropdown boxes. I was planning on creating a database and then creating a simple code which retrieves the value from the database which corresponds to the three selected values, however i am not sure how to go about doing this.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many Thanks,

    You need scripts for this. Try this jQuery tutorial
    Nancy O.

  • Web Form Validation Message Language Setting at Runtime when work in multi lingual environment

    Business Catalyst use the default culture language to display web form validation message.
    When we are in multi lingual environment and not using subdoamin to handle multilingual sites, we found that the validation message did appear in the default culture setting. To make this work, we need to add the below script in our template.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var script= document.createElement('script');
    script.src= '/BcJsLang/ValidationFunctions.aspx?lang=FR';
    script.charset = 'utf-8';
    script.type= 'text/javascript';
    Assuming the template is in french. You can change the lang parameter in the script according to your language.

    After user 1 submits the page, it might not even be committed, so there is no way to have the pending data from user1 seen by user2.
    However, we do have a new feature in ADF 11g TP4 that I plan to blog more about called Auto-Refresh view objects. This feature allows a view object instance in a shared application module to refresh its data when it receives the Oracle 11g database change notification that a row that would affect the results of the query has been changed.
    The minimum requirements in 11g TP4 to experiment with this feature which I just tested are the following:
    1. Must use Database 11g
    2. Database must have its COMPATIBLE parameter set to '' at least
    3. Set the "AutoRefresh" property of the VO to true (on the Tuning panel)
    4. Add an instance of that VO to an application module (e.g. LOVModule)
    5. Configure that LOVModule as an application-level shared AM in the project properties
    6. Define an LOV based on a view accessor that references the shared AM's VO instance
    7. DBA must have performed a 'GRANT CHANGE NOTIFICATION TO YOURUSER'
    8. Build an ADF Form for the VO that defined the LOV above and run the web page
    9. In SQLPlus, go modify a row of the table on which the shared AM VO is based and commit
    When the Database delivers the change notification, the shared AM VO instance will requery itself.
    However that notification does not arrive all the way out to the web page, so you won't see the change until the next time you repaint the list.
    Perhaps there is some way to take it even farther with the active data feature PaKo mentions, but I'm not familiar enough with that myself to say whether it would work for you hear.

  • How to avoid submitting a page when tabular form rows are empty

    I have a master detail form in my application. There are 2 tables that are used Table A and Table B. Table A contains Ticket number and Table B refers to Table A through a foriegn key and Table B have columns like Date,Name, Age, ticket_id (that refers to the ticket_number of the Table A).
    This is how the application works:
    In a page there is a field for Ticket Number, once the user enters the Ticket Number and click Add Details, a tabular Form with 5 empty field appears... (Done through Page Process->Data Manipilation->Add Rows)
    This form contains fields Date, Name and Age. Once the user fills in all the details and click Submit button, the page is submitted. Whatever values that was entered is saved in Table B. Page Sucess message appears. This works fine.
    But once the Ticket Number is entered and Add Details is clicked, and without entering the values in the Tabular Form, if Submit button is clicked, there is no error showing up neither I see Page success message. But this should not be allowed. There should be some error showing up...
    Tabular Form Validations works only when user enters some values in the Tabular Form and click Submit. For the above scenario, where the form is untouched the validation doesnt work.
    How can I get this done? Any ideas?

    Hello Suzi,
    >> if (document.wwv_flow==null)
    The document.wwv_flow is an object representing the current form that was just rendered on your screen. As such, it can never be null.
    >> How to avoid submitting a page when tabular form rows are empty
    The correct way, especially for versions prior to APEX 4.0 is to use JavaScript, but for that, you need to know and understand how APEX generates your tabular form, HTML wise.
    To be very brief, APEX attached a unique ID to every updatable cell in the tabular form, using a certain pattern – each updatable column is getting a unique name (e.g. ‘f01’,’f02’ etc.) and the ID of a cell is a combination of this name with the serial row number the cell is on. For example, a cell on the third row in an updatable column called ‘f04’ will be given an ID of f04_0003. (More detailed explanation, with an example, can be found in my book).
    What you should do is to check these cells according to your validation policy (e.g. is all five row must be filled, is all the columns in a specific row must be filled, etc.).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

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