Changing the color of patterns?

I tried googling tutorials but I can't seem to find any. I found this one: (Which is basically what I'm trying to do)
However, the background color of the pattern does change but the actual lines do not. Is there anyway I can change the color of the lines?

One may be able to change the color of a Pattern Layer with a simple Color Overlay (set to the appropriate Blend Mode if necessary) with »Blend Interiot Effects as Group« checked … don’t know if this is any help to you.

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    Highlight the Existing Record in Forms
    (Compatible with 4.x, 5.x, 6.x & 9i)
    Step 1: Create a New Visual Attribute(BLUE_VA) (Color of highlighted record)
              Font – Arial
              Size – 8
              Style – Plain
              Font width - Normal
              Font Weight - Bold
              Foreground Color – Black
              Background Color – Blue
              Fill Pattern – Transparent
    Step 2: Create another Visual Attribute (WHITE_VA) (Default Color of the record)
              Font – Arial
              Size – 8
              Style – Plain
              Font width - Normal
              Font Weight - Bold
    Foreground Color – Black
              Background Color – White
              Fill Pattern – Transparent
    Step 3: Add Following code to Block-level Trigger WHEN-NEW-RECORD- INSTANCE, POST-BLOCK
    (Add to the block, which has these records)
    -- Following code will only highlight an item
    -- Following code will highlight complete Record (ref: DISPLAY_ITEM example)
              cur_itm VARCHAR2(80);
              cur_block VARCHAR2(80) := :System.Cursor_Block;
    cur_itm := Get_Block_Property( cur_block, FIRST_ITEM );
    WHILE ( cur_itm IS NOT NULL ) LOOP
    cur_itm := cur_block||'.'||cur_itm;
    Display_Item( cur_itm, 'BLUE_VA');
    cur_itm := Get_Item_Property( cur_itm, NEXTITEM );
    Step 4: Add Following code to Block-level Trigger PRE-RECORD, PRE-BLOCK
    (Add to the block, which has these records)
    -- Following code will only highlight an item
    -- Following code will highlight complete Record (ref: DISPLAY_ITEM example)
              cur_itm VARCHAR2(80);
              cur_block VARCHAR2(80) := :System.Cursor_Block;
    cur_itm := Get_Block_Property( cur_block, FIRST_ITEM );
    WHILE ( cur_itm IS NOT NULL ) LOOP
    cur_itm := cur_block||'.'||cur_itm;
    Display_Item( cur_itm, 'WHITE_VA');
    cur_itm := Get_Item_Property( cur_itm, NEXTITEM );
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    Just wondering, when you pull up the inspector, is the writing that is coming up blue a hyperlink (when you click on it, will it take you to a web page or an e-mail)?

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    You can make such a change with code in userChrome.css
    Add code to [ userChrome.css] below the @namespace line.<br />
    <pre><nowiki>@namespace url(""); /* only needed once */
    #personal-bookmarks .toolbarbutton-text {
    color: black !important;
    background-color: -moz-dialog !important;
    font-size: 11pt !important;
    font-weight: bold;
    You can adjust the values or leave out things that you do not want to change.

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      Mac OS X (10.4)  
      Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Text behaviors work by sequencing the Text's parameters.
    Try changing the color of your text's outline.
    Select the Text tab in the Inspector
    Go to the Style sub tab
    change the Outline color to green
    Hope that helps.

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    Customization of login page, banner,logo in obiee11g

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    Thanks so much!!

    I don't believe this is an option on a BlackBerry. You only have an option to change the appointment color on the calendar.
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

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    Make a Shape > Inspector > Graphic > Tinted Image Fill > Scale to fit > browse to image > click on the color patch to change the color to what you want
    Drag in an image > overlay it with a Shape > select the color for the shape and change its Opacity
    Shapes may have Gradient and Advanced Gradient (multiple colors) fills both linear and radial. Both are in the Graphic Inspector as is Opacity.

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    I figured out a solution for changing the other calendars but not the birthday calendar. Although it's not the most direct fix, it worked for me. Apparently Apple didn't think to give us the ability to choose the calendar color. I use Entourage and sync over the air. When I upgraded to iOS 4 my calendar turned bright red and the birthday calendar was blue. I don't use the birthday calendar so it isn't even enabled in my case. What finally worked was to go through the calendar colors one at a time by disabling and re-enabling the calendar in my mail account settings. I would double click the home button to quickly switch between settings and calendar to check the color each time I enabled the calendar. I had to do this 4 or 5 times to cycle through until blue came back up.

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