Changing voltage msi 670 pe oc

I just reinstalled msi 2.2.3. I can change the voltage if I unlock in options. However I would like to know if this even works or was the voltage locked. If I increase aux, core and memory voltage would it actually change?
Also is it safe to increase core voltage to max for higher overclock? I'm kind of new to overclocking the card.

I just reinstalled msi 2.2.3. I can change the voltage if I unlock in options. However I would like to know if this even works or was the voltage locked.
While aux and mem can be adjusted vgpu will not exceed over 1.175v which is the limit dictated by Nvidia and vbios is locked therefor.
It would require an unlocked mod bios. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your own risk (as always when using mod bios). If it works 1.2125 should be available.
However due to technical restrictions the GTX670 PE unfortunately does not offer the possibility to readout voltage of the gpu with Afterburner so you can't monitor.
Without unlocking setting anything for vgpu in Afterburner will have no effect (so is not dangerous). The voltage to be applied with Afterburner with AUX is a safe setting. Memory voltage should only be increased if really needed and as much as needed. Memory dies quickly with too high voltages.
None the less all overvolting is at your own risk.

Similar Messages

  • MOVED: changing voltage msi 670 pe oc

    This topic has been moved to Overclocking, Undervolting.

    I just reinstalled msi 2.2.3. I can change the voltage if I unlock in options. However I would like to know if this even works or was the voltage locked.
    While aux and mem can be adjusted vgpu will not exceed over 1.175v which is the limit dictated by Nvidia and vbios is locked therefor.
    It would require an unlocked mod bios. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
    So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your own risk (as always when using mod bios). If it works 1.2125 should be available.
    However due to technical restrictions the GTX670 PE unfortunately does not offer the possibility to readout voltage of the gpu with Afterburner so you can't monitor.
    Without unlocking setting anything for vgpu in Afterburner will have no effect (so is not dangerous). The voltage to be applied with Afterburner with AUX is a safe setting. Memory voltage should only be increased if really needed and as much as needed. Memory dies quickly with too high voltages.
    None the less all overvolting is at your own risk.

  • Unable to change voltage

    Hey Guys!
    First post on these forums!
    Well any ways i have the MSI NF750-G55
    The probelm im having is that i am unable to change the voltage for the parts. They are all Grayed out on AUto . My question    is there a way that i can change voltages with this board?
    Thank you. If you need any more info on my PC just tell me

    Or enter to enter and value change list.
    Cold, very cold. [too many values, such a long list would take up too much space]
    Plus Minus
    None worked.
    There are two plus-keys and two minus-keys on a standard keyboard.  None of those four keys worked?

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    Anyway is there a way to bump the voltage or even unlock triple voltage in ab?

    Quote from: quattro_ on 11-October-12, 02:35:22
    I appreciate your help and yes I know I have to go to the monitoring tab and selecting it from there but it's not listed.
    On 1.2.4 it was working and I could monitor the voltage but in the end there is no point doing that since I can't play with voltages unless flashing or modifying the bios.
    Thanks again mate you have many helpful posts and replies in this forum.
    Unluckily there is no software out there that can read the voltage on this card. You need to use a DMM (Digital Multi-Meter) to do this. This is why no monitoring tab is available in Afterburner to allow you to display this. Any software that does purport to display the voltage, is purely displaying the expected target voltage (this includes any earlier versions of Afterburner).
    To quote from the Techpowerup review of this card:
    MSI uses use a Richtek RT8802A voltage controller on their card, just like the reference design. This is a fairly simple controller which does not offer any monitoring features or software voltage control. Voltages are controlled via VID pins that are directly connected to the GPU.
    PS. Though the above quote is not any longer 100% correct. As version 2.2.3 of Afterburner does support voltage adjustment on the MSI 670 PE. Though the method used is more than a little messy. If interested, have a rummage on Guru3D there is an article written by Unwinder detailing how he managed it. Though voltage monitoring still does not work in this version either!
    NB. The voltage controller on the MSI 680 Lightening is different to that on the MSI 670 PE (CHiL 8318 rather than the stock Richtek RT8802A) and this does support voltage control/monitoring. Hence why flobelix can see a monitoring tab in Afterburner for his card (IE. he appears to have an MSI 680 Lightening).

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    memory       - 8gb corsair
    HARD DRIVE - 2TB seagate
    PSU              - Corsair 600m
    CPU              - I5 4570

    Quote from: nittyg on 14-August-13, 03:27:03
    hi ive tried all of the above apart from trying graphics in other pci slot,
    my question is why doesnt it boot up using the onboard graphics? (670 gtx is removed when using onboard graphics) i,m thinking its a motherboard fault, as it should have no issue using onboard graphics? or am i wrong, i will try the other pci slot to rule it out but to be honest if i cant get a signal using onboard i cant see my graphics working on other slot.
    but its worth a try before RMA
    Yep, my on-board graphics worked fine even with the 670 installed.  The on-board graphics were set to 'only if no external gpu detected'  so my 670 even though booting up, fan spinning and no error beeps was not getting detected.   Very strange.
    I also tried the 670 in another computer with a x16 socket and it worked.
    I have ordered a new MSI Z77 G45 MB in the hope that it will work in a board of the same make as my 670.

  • Change voltage

    How do you change the voltage of the CPU? Can you do it with any program or so? Because I have a compaq and cant change things like that in the bios...
    And the tweakbios program, you are supposed to be able to start with a start disk. But I cant it only say invalid disk specification or something like that. I have done this:
    1. Create a DOS bootdisk using the SYS command.
    2. Make an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the disk, containing
    only the following lines:
    (make sure you give the correct path to the TweakBIOS files)
    3. Now you can boot from the floppy, and TweakBIOS will be
    run automatically. Then INT19.EXE will ask you to remove the
    floppy from the drive, and it will restart the operating
    system from the hard disk.
    And also, how much agp aperture size do you think I should have? 64mb(default), 128mb or 256mb?

    to change voltage, you change the setting of cpu to manual in the bios. Read the motherboard manual for more.

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    Could i have received a faulty card?  Might I be having a CPU bottleneck?  My CPU is a Athlon 2 x4 640 @ 3ghz. MSI 870-g45 motherboard, 4gb 1600 ram.
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    Okay so i recently bought another MSI 670 Power Edition card. I loved my original and wanted a bit of a performance boost.
    I run a MSI Z68 GD80 G3 mobo with i7 2600K. 16GB of Corsair Vengeance memory.
    So after a few days of testing i get about 10-20fps increase in certain games. Now after comparing my PC to other Computers with similar specs and my cards are faster than theres.
    I am not getting that much of an improvement as i should.
    On unigine Valley "Everything max at 1920x1080" i get a score of 2333 thats with both cards. To me that seems rather low or am i being silly. Also i was watching a video of a guy running the Metro Last Light benchmark and he was hitting over double what i had in terms of FPS.
    Then i read that it could be because i have a sandy bridge and it doesn't utilize PCI.E 3 correctly. Any help would be awesome THANKS :D

    Quote from: rydek on 14-July-14, 02:34:20
    I run a MSI Z68 GD80 G3 mobo with i7 2600K. 16GB of Corsair Vengeance memory.
    Then i read that it could be because i have a sandy bridge and it doesn't utilize PCI.E 3 correctly.
    As flobelix stated before, you are limited to PCI-E 2.0 because of your Sandy CPU.
    Talking about bandwidth, SLI with PCI-E 2.0 x8-x8 is the equivalent of PCI-E 3.0 x4-x4.
    Not very good, but not very bad either.
    Quote from: rydek
    unigine valley sli - 2349
    unigine valley single original card - 1718
    Tomb Raider Tress FX off everything Ultra average FPS 62.7 - SLI
    Tomb Raider Tress FX off everything Ultra average FPS 36.3 - Single GPU original
    Your scores are ok.
    With a better CPU (i7 3770K), the scores are around 2200 (single) and 3000 (SLI).
    Those with higher scores have overclocked GPUs (and CPUs).
    Tomb Raider is one of those few games with great SLI scaling (most of the games are not).
    As you can see, you get a 70-75% boost in this game.

  • MOVED: msi 670 pe/oc and afterburner core voltage questions..

    This topic has been moved to Overclocking, Undervolting.

    A locked card will always max out at 1.175v no matter what is set. Using Afterbuner 2.2.4 possibly also later (2.2.5 and 2.3.0 are said to be not locked but I doubt that) will also max out at 1.175v no matter the vbios. Since the 670PE does not allow to monitor voltage with software it is hard to tell if overvoltage past 1.175v works or not. Could be progress is caused due to increasing aux voltage while gpu stays at 1.175v max. An unlocked card would do 1.2125v max.
    It would require an unlocked mod bios for the unlocked overvoltage. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
    So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your very own risk (as always when using mod bios).

  • Msi 670 pe/oc and afterburner core voltage questions..

    So recently I've been attempting to push my card further. From what I'm hearing these cards are locked with voltage. Max are anywhere from 1.175 - 1.215. I don't remember flashing my bios. So I tried pushing my card to 1202 which is the max I can get without adjusting msi voltage. Also I use heaven to test stability. I limit my frames to 63 since that is what I play bf3 at and it's my most demanding game. With 1202 clock even up to 1228 I can complete one run without crashing and stock voltage.
    So I said what the hell I'll increase powerlimit to 114% and increase core voltage to +30( I don't even know how much this adds because there isn't a way to monitor... If anyone has an idea I'm all ears). What do you know to my surprise I was able to complete one benchmark run in heaven at 1254 without crashing. I tried 1254 without adjusting voltage and it crashed and I had to restart. Added +30 and it didn't crash. Also aux voltage was +30 maxed and still crashed without adding core voltage. So are these voltages really locked like Nvidia wanted? Or is there a problem with heaven benchmark.
    Also my setting are 4xaa( I use 2x in bf3 with low post processing) !680x1050( native) resolution, tessellation is normal, af x 16. I've also heard about flashing with unlocked bios but as of now I don't want to try that.
    My current gpu bios is Anyone know the values for this bios or where I can look it up? I'm also on the beta 310.71 drivers since the whql 310.71 drivers for some reason limited my oc.
    Thanks for anyone who can help answer these questions.

    A locked card will always max out at 1.175v no matter what is set. Using Afterbuner 2.2.4 possibly also later (2.2.5 and 2.3.0 are said to be not locked but I doubt that) will also max out at 1.175v no matter the vbios. Since the 670PE does not allow to monitor voltage with software it is hard to tell if overvoltage past 1.175v works or not. Could be progress is caused due to increasing aux voltage while gpu stays at 1.175v max. An unlocked card would do 1.2125v max.
    It would require an unlocked mod bios for the unlocked overvoltage. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
    So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your very own risk (as always when using mod bios).

  • GTX 670 PE : change voltage - resets itself in 5 seconds

    Like the topic says, when I attempt to change the voltage from the default 0.987V, the new setting sticks for about 5 seconds, and then the voltage reverts to 0.987V. It doesn't matter what I set it to. I have tried changing the voltage with MSI Afterburner 2.2.3, 2.3, and EVGA Precision X; all have the exact same result. According to the monitor graphs in Afterburner and GPU-Z, the voltage does actually change briefly.
    What's the deal?
    Ok, I guess I'm just a noob. It only idles at 0.987V, as soon as I put a load on it, it jumps up to the set value. To think I spent two hours searching for posts on this "issue" ...

      Good work on getting it sorted and thanks for teporting back.

  • MSI 670 Power Edition -- need to disable the Dust Removal

    I just bought a 670 PE and I wish to disable the dust removal because, having a filtered case that's quite free of dust, it is of no benefit to me and only an annoyance (my system is very quiet, having the fan spin that loud is ridiculous).
    It sounds like in the past there was a BIOS on the German website that did this, but I no longer see it there (I tried the one that is listed in the BIOS section there and it does nothing different).
    Does anyone happen to have that particular BIOS? Very surprised that MSI does not officially provide this.
    Also while I'm at it, has anyone solved the issue with these cards throttling when overclocked? Changing the power limit seems to do nothing. I'm pretty sure it's a BIOS issue.

    Quote from: rydek on 14-July-14, 02:34:20
    I run a MSI Z68 GD80 G3 mobo with i7 2600K. 16GB of Corsair Vengeance memory.
    Then i read that it could be because i have a sandy bridge and it doesn't utilize PCI.E 3 correctly.
    As flobelix stated before, you are limited to PCI-E 2.0 because of your Sandy CPU.
    Talking about bandwidth, SLI with PCI-E 2.0 x8-x8 is the equivalent of PCI-E 3.0 x4-x4.
    Not very good, but not very bad either.
    Quote from: rydek
    unigine valley sli - 2349
    unigine valley single original card - 1718
    Tomb Raider Tress FX off everything Ultra average FPS 62.7 - SLI
    Tomb Raider Tress FX off everything Ultra average FPS 36.3 - Single GPU original
    Your scores are ok.
    With a better CPU (i7 3770K), the scores are around 2200 (single) and 3000 (SLI).
    Those with higher scores have overclocked GPUs (and CPUs).
    Tomb Raider is one of those few games with great SLI scaling (most of the games are not).
    As you can see, you get a 70-75% boost in this game.

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    Intel 3770k
    4x8GB Patriot CL9 1600MHz
    EVGA Z77 FTW
    700W PSU

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