Charged 3 Times(Web page crashed)

Hi, and welcome to the community!
If you check your subscriptions page you should find the renewal date is in 3 months time.
If it is not, you can submit an online contact form; someone at Spotify can sort this out for you.
Once you get an automated reply; make sure to reply to it directly (even if it's from a no reply); and it will be sent to the Spotify staff.

My credit card was charged 3 times but I only made 1 account the other two I never finished. I got to the college verification and then the Web page crashed and I had to start over. So I don't know if the other 2 accounts finished and they will keep charging me month to month. I would like to make one account and get charged for once. Is there anyway to fix it and get refunded or make that my next 2 month payments.

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    Can you attach a screenshot?
    Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot.
    Such issues can be caused by a problem with the font that is used to display the text.
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    "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"<br />
    "Remove the Cookies" from sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"<br />
    <br />
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    xnav wrote:
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    you didn't look very hard for support information:

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == firefox crashed

    You can try this.
    In the address bar type about:config you will be warned that this is dangerous.
    Search for browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash
    Double click on true to toggle it to false.
    Exit the page.
    Firefox will now NOT try to reload websites after a crash.

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    First do the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    NOTE:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    Next, in Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

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