Check New Username

On the redirect page, is there a way to display the username they're tryingto register with?
Say I try to register using "GreatOne", and it already exist, how do I display the name "GreatOne" on the redirect page?

Heya Brachole,
I am also assuming you're using php. This may not answer your question but it may help. You may bypass the redirect if the username already exists for visitors that have javascript enabled. It will show the username availability in the text field as the user types the desired username. There's a demo of what I'm talking about at with a link to show how it's done.
For server side validation to show the username in the redirect page if the chosen username already exists you would have to create a session variable for the text field of the username on the registration form then echo that session variable onto the redirect page. You would only need to create a session variable if your loaded more than one page after the registration form. This is because forms with method POST only carry the value to the next page and then they are destroyed. So if you wanted to carry the desired username to more than one page after the registration form then you would have to create a session variable for the POST value of the username field then echo the session variable to show the chosen username on the page. You'd do this by adding this to the page after the registration form:
$username = $_POST['username'];
That will create a session variable named $username from the POST value of username on the registration form.
Then on any page you wanted to show the chosen username you'd put this code on the very first line:
<?php session_start();?>
That starts the session for the page.
Then put this wherever you want to show the chosen username:
Sorry <?php echo $_SESSION['username']; ?> already exists.
That echos the session variable onto the page.
If it's just one page after the registration form then the POST value is still active and you can echo the POST value onto the page. Your code would look something like this:
Sorry <?php echo $_POST['username']; ?> already exists.
Where username is the name for the form field on the registration page that contains the username.
Look at this page for more information on how to create a session variable
Hope that helps!

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    David Powers wrote:
    > danilocelic AdobeCommunityExpert wrote:
    >> I haven't done it, but I assume that it does work.
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    Owner status on POST PAID is not the same as PRE PAID.
    on prepaid you can get any device you like.
    But you pay upfront.
    People on post paid get the advantage of reduced priced devices on contracts. Prepaid is no contracts.
    Any carrier will function the same way. Go online and check out Verizon pre paid policy and then look at the other carriers.
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    Good Luck

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    You are running into the Activation lock and you need to enter the Apple ID and password for the account last used on the iPod.
    iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    To recovery use of that account:
    Why do I see the message "This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons” when I enter my password?
    This message means that someone was unable to sign in to this account multiple times. The Apple ID system will disable the account to prevent unauthorized people from gaining access to your information. You'll need to follow the instructions on My Apple ID to reset your password.
    If not successful, contact iTunes
    Contact iTunes

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    I am running Windows 7 Professional, with 4 gig ram, Intel i3 CPU, 2.13 GHz, 64 bit operating system, Firefox 7.0.1
    Thank you

    You can not merge accounts.
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    Your old ID connects to an icloud account containing all your data (email, contacts, etc.)  If you then use a different ID, you will connect to a different account, which results in losing all your "apple" data, like emails, contacts, calendars, etc.
    However, Apple IDs are also used to connect to an itunes store account, with is different.  You can keep using the old itunes store ID to keep all your purchases (but if you change to a different ID, you will lose all purchased items) and use the new ID for icloud (but losing emails, contacts, etc. from the old account).

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    Hi mariaangela!
    Are you sure that you entered the exact Apple ID and Password, that you formerly used, to access  Discussions?
    The Apple IDs were usually an Email address. And not the same as an Alias used in  Discussions.
    What is the Alias of your original account?
    ali b

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    If you updated your existing account then try logging out of it on the iPhone by tapping on the id in Settings > iTunes & App Stores and then log back in and see if that 'refreshes' the account on the iPad.
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