Checkbox submit problem.

Im working on adf faces with jdev 10.1.3 .
There is a checkbox which shud render a button based on its value. If i use onclick="submit()" it works correctly, but I dont want it to submit the page fully. Is there some other way to do it . I tried autoSubmit=true but then the buttons are not rendered properly.
<af:selectBooleanCheckbox onclick="submit()"
text=" Business Events"
<af:table emptyText="No items were found" rows="5"
value="#{PropertyBean.collectionModel}" var="event"
width="75%" >
<f:facet name="actions">
<af:commandButton text="Add Event"
rendered="#{not PropertyBean.clickedBE}"
<af:commandButton text="Add Event"
clickedBE is set to the corresponding value of the checkbox in the value change event tableSelected(). But onclick will submit the whole page, so the focus will go to the top of the page. I want the focus to remain on this event table itself, something like a partial submit for buttons. I tried with autoSubmit="true", that wasnt even working properly,as in the buttons werent gettin rendered even.
Please if somebody could come up with some method to implement this.
Thanks in advance.

You need to surround the button with a panel group and set the partial page rendering on that panel.
The following works for me:
        <h:form binding="#{backing_untitled8.form1}" id="form1">
          <af:selectBooleanCheckbox text="selectBooleanCheckbox 1"
                                    label="Label 1"
          <af:panelGroup binding="#{backing_untitled8.panelGroup1}"
            <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"

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  • Checkbox jsp problem

    I a list of checkboxes with the same name but unique value that a user can check if they did something indicated by the checked item. After they check them and click on submit, it goes to a page that then puts a boolean true in a mysql database for the item they checked to indicate they checked the option. When they return to the page, the page uses mysql to see if each item was previously checked and marks it checked if it was.
    Problem: What I want is if the user unchecks it and clicks on submit, the next page will receive an attribute showing that a previously checked box was unchecked so that it can then update the mysql database to change the boolean to false. I am royally confused about how to do this. On the next page I was using:
    String[] ticket;
    ticket = request.getParameterValues("Ticket");
    to receive the checkbox settings. Unfortunately, when you uncheck it, it will not (logically) show up.
    I also tried:
    I created a java bean with a Vector called ticket
    protected Vector ticket = new Vector();
    and made:
    public void setTicket(Vector v) {
    ticket = v;
    public Vector getTicket() {
    return ticket;
    I put the bean in the first page and the second page:
    <jsp:useBean id="tkt" scope="session" class="com.bti.ticketBean" />
    When I did in the page the form goes:
    Vector ticket = tkt.getTicket();
    When I checked ticket with ticket.elementAt(1) for example, it was null whether I checked something or not. I think I would have the same problem anyway with unchecked boxes returning no value.
    How can I detect if a user clicks off a checkbox and get that information on the page where the form goes after clicking on submit?

    One way to do this is to store all of the check box values in a cookie as a series of 0's and 1's. When the used submits the form, a javascript function is called to set the cookie. In the servlet you retrieve the cookie, parse it and set all of the database values based on the cookie.
    Here is a sample :
    <title>Set Load Filters</title>
    <body onLoad="loadForm();" >
                         <tr><th>Open State Filters</th></tr>
                         <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS1">Creating</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS2">Closed</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS3">Opened</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS4">Reopened</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS5">Cancelled</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="OF" VALUE="LOADOS6">Reclosed</td></tr>
                 <td style="position:relative;top:0px" >
                    <table style="position:relative;top:0px" >
                         <tr><th>Proximity State Filters</th></tr>
                         <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="PF" VALUE="LOADPS1">Will Be Inbound</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="PF" VALUE="LOADPS2">Inbound</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="PF" VALUE="LOADPS3">Sitting</td></tr>
           <input type=button name="Exit" value="Close" onClick="closeWindow();" >
           <input type=button name="Reset" value="Reset" onClick="resetForm();" >
           <input type=button name="Save" value="Set Filter" onClick="processForm();" >
    <Script language=JavaScript src="/PnSReportXML/javascript/LoadFilters.js">
    In the LoadFilters.js file
       function setCookie (name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ";path=/PnSReportXML/"; }
       function getCookie (name) {
                var dcookie = document.cookie;
                var cname = name + "=";
                var clen = dcookie.length;
                var cbegin = 0;
                while (cbegin < clen) { var vbegin = cbegin + cname.length;
                                        if (dcookie.substring(cbegin, vbegin) == cname) {
                                                    var vend = dcookie.indexOf (";", vbegin);
                                                    if (vend == -1) vend = clen;
                                                    return unescape(dcookie.substring(vbegin, vend)); }
                                       cbegin = dcookie.indexOf(" ", cbegin) + 1;
                                       if (cbegin == 0) break; }
                return null;
               }//end  getCookie ()
       function processForm() { var holdName = document.forms[0].elements[0].value.substring(0,6);
                                var holdValue = new String();
                                for (i = 0; i < (document.forms[0].elements.length - 3); i++)  {
                                         if (document.forms[0].elements.value.substring(0,6) == holdName) {
    holdValue = addValue(holdValue, document.forms[0].elements[i]); }
    else { setCookie(holdName, holdValue);
    holdName = document.forms[0].elements[i].value.substring(0,6);
    holdValue = addValue(new String(), document.forms[0].elements[i]); }
    }//end for
    setCookie(holdName, holdValue);
    } //end processForm()
    function loadForm() { var holdName = document.forms[0].elements[0].value.substring(0,6);
    var holdCookie = getCookie(holdName);
    var offSet = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (document.forms[0].elements.length - 3); i++) {
    if (holdName != document.forms[0].elements[i].value.substring(0,6)) {
    holdName = document.forms[0].elements[i].value.substring(0,6);
    holdCookie = getCookie(holdName);
    offSet = i; }
    if (holdCookie == null) { document.forms[0].elements[i].checked = true; }
    else { if (holdCookie.substring(i - offSet, (i - offSet) + 1) != 0) { document.forms[0].elements[i].checked = true; } }
    }//end for
    } //end loadForm()
    function resetForm() { for (i = 0; i < (document.forms[0].elements.length - 3); i++) {  document.forms[0].elements[i].checked = true; }
    } //end resetForm()
    function closeWindow() { window.close(); }
    function addValue(inHoldValue, inElement) {
    if (inElement.checked) { inHoldValue = inHoldValue + "1"; }
    else { inHoldValue = inHoldValue + "0"; }
    return inHoldValue; }

  • Adobe Livecycle Submit Problems

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    Where is it picking these settings up from ?  ? ?

    Hi All-
      I have an extremely frustrating problem.  I have designed a form in LiveCycle ES 8.2.1 for users to fill out and submit via xml.  I would like to use Acrobat Pro 9.1.0 to track and collect responses from this form.  When I test the original form, the submit button works perfectly and it opens my email client (Groupwise) attaches the xml and populates the To, Subject, and Body fields perfectly.
    The problem comes when I try to use Acrobat to distribute and track the forms.  It creates a filed called 'form_distributed' that adds a bunch of code that completely screws up my form submission.  When the form_distributed is filled out, and the user clicks the submit button, Groupwise 6.5.7 is invoked, but I get a 'Check Names' dialog box that states
    "Windows Messaging does not recognize "1. Double-click the attachment".
    After I click cancel on that dialog box, the JavaScript Debugger shows:
    Exception in line 63 of function top_level, script XFA:form1[0]:p1[0]:Button1[0]:click
    RaiseError: One of the specified recipients is not resolvable.
    ===> One of the specified recipients is not resolvable.
    The distributed version has this extra code inserted
    < script contentType="application/x-javascript">//@@SUBMITURL "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Submitting Completed Form&amp;body=Instructions to add this form to a responses file:\n1. Double-click the attachment.\n2. Acrobat will prompt you to select a responses file.&amp;ui=false"&#xD;
    and further down....
    // submit the form&#xD;
    if (bContinue) {&#xD;
        var rawURL = "[email protected]?subject=Submitting Completed Form&amp;body=Instructions to add this form to a responses file:\n1. Double-click the attachment.\n2. Acrobat will prompt you to select a responses file.&amp;ui=false";&#xD;
        var submitURL;&#xD;
        if (app.viewerVersion &lt; 9.0)&#xD;
            submitURL = "mailto:" + rawURL;&#xD;
            submitURL = "mailto:" + escape(rawURL);&#xD;
            cURL: submitURL,&#xD;
            cSubmitAs: "PDF"&#xD;
    Are these lines of code always inserted when the form is distributed?
    How can I distribute and track these responses?
    Does this tie in to, and is that required to gather responses in this method?
    It seems to be reading
    "[email protected]?subject=Submitting Completed Form&amp;body=Instructions to add this form to a responses file:\n"
    as the first email address and then getting hung up on the body and interpreting it as an incomplete email address.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Email submit problems

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    All computers are running WinXP SP3, Outlook 2003 mail client and have Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 installed.
    I verified the security settings, it says this form can be viewed by all versions of Acrobat.
    I've read numerous posts throughout Adobe's Knowledge base cannot find anyone else who has the same problem I do,
    Has anyone any suggestions?

    There are couple thing you can try with......
    1. Use try-catch block to analyze what is happening with email request
    2. Make sure default setting on browser are set right.....
         for example: For IE browser Properties>>Programs>>Email Client: make sure thy have set the Out Look on each individual machine you will use this.
    3. Finally you may have to assign additional User rights (check ReaderExtensions) to enable email functionality.
    Good luck,

  • Checkbox convertion problem in screen painter

    Hi experts,
    I would like to convert an field from DD char 1 in checkbox in the screen painter but the field is locked in my screen painter. I can't conert it to checkbox or radiobutton.
    -> The field is from an enhancement of an standard IT.
    Is their some option to unlock field in the screen painter ?

    first check u are declare text boxes in TOP INCLUDE if OK, then change data type text to integer. it may be problem of it, can u post u r code where u assigned a value in text box.

  • Checkbox renderer problem

    Hi all,
    I have a checkbox renderer in datagrid .The dataprovider does
    not have the selected property of the checkbox.
    how do i retain the selection of the checkbox,when i scroll
    the datagrid?
    please help.

    thank u very much..
    in set data method,i added the following
    override public function set data(value:Object):void{
    if(value != null){ = value;
    if((data.chkselected==null) ||
    data.chkselected = false;
    this.selected = data.chkselected;
    this works when i change checkbox selection in each row..
    i have another problem..can u please help me in solving this
    i have a checkbox as header renderer..
    On click, it is selectiing/deselecting only the checkboxes of
    rows which are visible and when i scroll the datagrid,other
    checkboxes are not selected/deselected

  • HTTP Submit Problem

    I created a simple form to submit three text fields to a web page that then inserts them into a new record in a MySQL database. This all works fine when I do it from the Preview PDF Tab in Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.
    My problem is that when I distribute this form via email I first get a message that Acrobat cannot detect a submit button on the form. But it says that I can continue. So I send the form to myself via email.
    When I receive the form and open it, fill in the text fields and then click the submit button it does not send the data to the web page. Instead a window pops up asking me to select an email client.
    What could be causing this? Can I not distribute such a form via email?

    I have a complete URL. And as stated, the data is posted to the database on the web server when I do the submission from the Preview PDF Tab in Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.
    Perhaps it is not possible to distribute a form with an HTTP Submit Button on it via email.
    I can simply open the file in Acrobat 8 Professional, fill it in and submit, and the data is submitted fine.
    However, if copy the same file to a computer that only has the Acrobat Reader 7, then when I open the file in the reader I am first told that I will not be able to save it once I enter data into it. Then after I enter the data and click the HTTP Submit button, I receive the message: "Cannot handle content type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
    So, I am beginning to believe that the situation for HTTP submit is the same for Acrobat 8 Professional as it was for Acrobat 7 professionalyou need to buy something extra from Adobe. I was hoping to be able to do the 500 users thing as is the case for an email submission.

  • Submit problem using Adobe Designer 7.0 form & GroupWise email

    We are designing an interactive form using Adobe Designer 7.0, and would like for other people in the organization to be able to fill in the form electronically then hit the "Submit by Email" to return the data.
    For email, we are using Novell GroupWise.
    Problems are occurring once the recipient of the form selects the "Send Data File" button. This action either causes Adobe to crash, or causes an error message, "Acrobat is unable to connect to your email program."
    Can anyone help? Is anyone successfully using this function with GroupWise email?

    I don't really have a solution for you - perhaps the following may be of use though:
    Try reinstalling Designer 7 and ensure that at the point where you are asked about your e-mail client that you tell it that you are using GroupWise.
    You may like to see if you can send an e-mail using the same method that we employ.
    This is the script we use on the 'click' event of a button that sends an e-mail with the form attached (via GroupWise) to the e-mail address as specified ("[email protected]" in the example below).
    var myDoc =;
    myDoc.mailDoc(false,"[email protected]", "", "",
    "This is will appear in the subject line....",
    "Here is the message text............");

  • Javascript / Select List with Submit problems

    I have a page (page 3) where I can either edit or create a record. If I am editing a record, the data loads on page 3 via a PL/SQL block. On page 3, I have a textual item with Javascript linked to it which pops up a new window. In the Javascript, I am passing three values to the next page. Two of those values (P3_ITEM1, P3_ITEM2) are 'Select List with Submit'. If I am creating a new record from page 3, the Javascript works fine and the popup window comes up when I click on the textual item. However, if I am editing an existing record, I get an error when I click on my textual link. Looking at the address bar, it is not passing the value of P3_ITEM1 and P3_ITEM2 to the next page. It does, however, pass the value of P3_ITEM3 (not a 'Select List with Submit') to the next page. Again, the Javascript popup works fine if I use the 'Select List with Submit' fields to populate P3_ITEM1 and P3_ITEM2 (i.e. if I submit those fields) and it does not work if P3_ITEM1 and P3_ITEM2 are already populated when page 3 loads (i.e. if I do not submit those fields). Looking at the session variables, it appears as though P3_ITEM1 and P3_ITEM2 are set prior to clicking the link which initiates the Javascript. However, the URL in the popup window says the value of those fields is 'undefined'. Does anybody have any idea what I can do to make this work or why it is not working? Thanks.

    Hello Chris,
    It seems like you are having some problem with setting/reading session state, but it’s really hard to pin point the problem without seeing any code. Can you post your two pages on

  • Inability to submit Problem Report for Mac OS X kernel

    the problem reporting does not work and it gives me thing message:
    Submission failed.
    Your report could not be submitted. Please try again later.

    If the error is occurring in kernel space then you shouldn't expect anything on your machine to function normally from that point forward without a restart.

  • SQL Query (updateable report) CheckBox Update Problem

    My process will update 1 or 2 rows, but fails on three or more rows. All the rows on the page can be processed, up to 2 at a time.
    The SQL Query Report can have 50 rows on a page. Only the check box and the hidden primary key column are returned by the report to the process (marked as edit).
    If I issue the update myself, I can update any number of rows with no error.
    If I change the update SQL to a select, it works for the all of the checked lines (the correct count is displayed in the process message.
    The only thing I see for the failure is a url
    Process is:
    item NUMBER;
    item := 0;
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
    item := item + 1;
    vRow := apex_application.g_f01(i);
    update #OWNER#.B_ATT_DAYS_FUT
    set day_status_cd =
    when day_status_cd = -1 and day_dt is not null then 2
    when day_status_cd = -1 and day_dt is null then 0
    when day_status_cd = 6 then 7
    else 2
    where days_pk = to_number(apex_application.g_f02 (vRow));
    :P35_CHECKED_CT := item;
    This is in APEX Application Express on Oracle

    Query is at the end. The Report Regions is a SQL Query (Updatable Report).
    I don't thinks this is my code problem.
    The system I'm using is dieing. It has had two disk crashes, which spinrite brought back. I've restored from a partition image and a full cold backup. Then I've had a number of blue screen failures. One of the DBAs working for me rebuilt the 11g instance on a VM and restored the cold backup. Everything runs fine there. I even applied the latest code export from the failing systems development workspace to the VM based system. Still runs fine.
    There are a number of abends in the alert log ORA-07445 and ORA-21779 for which our on-site ASC Engineer has opened a TAR/SR. I suspect that some part of one of the FLOW tablespaces was damaged, a part which deals with runtime APEX. Build time is running fine. Application just does not, either as a runtime or in the development system.
    We are moving to a new AIX server, just finishing the setup and then I can send over the exports. That should put this to bed.
    , NAME_TX
    , DAY_CD
    , DAY_DT
    , DAYS."DAY_CD"
    , DAYS."DAY_DT"
    ( R.COMIT_ID )
    AND DAYS.DAY_STATUS_CD IN ( 1, -1, 6 )

  • Form Submit problems not email field??

    I tested the form and it works fine except for the email
    address which is not being sent from the form. There are no errors
    when I submit or when I check the syntax in Flash c3.
    I do notice in the aciton script window all of hte variables
    name and cooments are blue bu the email is just black.
    I am a beginner learning flash and I used a video tutorial
    form I notice in the tutorial it was also balck but hey
    did not test it.
    What to do??

    Originally posted by:
    I tested the form and it works fine except for the email
    address which is not being sent from the form. There are no errors
    when I submit or when I check the syntax in Flash c3.
    I do notice in the aciton script window all of hte variables
    name and cooments are blue bu the email is just black.
    I am a beginner learning flash and I used a video tutorial
    form I notice in the tutorial it was also balck but hey
    did not test it.
    What to do??
    Server side issue fixed it so never mind.

  • Dynamic Table checkbox binding problem

    I have a dynamically created table bound to a objectArrayDataProvider where all the columns have a check box. The thing is when I read the values in the objectArray it has the values as I loaded it. If a checkbox is changed in the table the objectArray dosn't get the change. How can I make this happen?
    Thanks in advace.

    Hi There,
    This should be of help to you

  • Interactive Form viewed on Adobe Reader for iOS submit problem

    We have created some interactive .pdf forms that, when completed and the submit button is pressed, will access your email client, populate the "To" and "CC" fields as directed in the form script and send the form as an attachment.
    Those fields are left blank on both the iPhone and iPad when accessing the forms via the Adobe Reader app.
    I have not yet been able to test them on an Android operating system.
    This is the URL of one of the forms:
    Is this a bug or have we missed something?

    The current submit mailto: capability is limited in that it doesn't process tokens like "cc=" and in some cases, it doesn't process multiple recipients.  This is something we are expecting to have fixed in a future release.
    Hope this helps.

  • Form submit problem - help please!

    I am new to this forum and to using forms, so I hope I am posting this in the correct area. I want to have a Volunteer Application form and I set it all up but the first time through I mistyped my email address. Since then I have tried MANY different things to try and fix this including starting from scratch, resaving my email address with adobe's website, and then I finally removed the submit email button altogether. BUT, next to Highlight Fields there is a Submit button and and that still submits to the wrong address!
    I check the xml source and it shows the email address correctly - but under advanced setting in Acrobat I see: and then further down the list is:
    I would greatly appreciate any help at all on how to fix this.
    Thank you.

    There are many ways to set up a Submit button, but the way you are describing is using the "Email Submit" button in LC Designer. You can change the email address here:
    If on the other hand you have used a Regular Button and changed the type to Submit, then you would access the email via the Submit tab:
    That deals with the LiveCycle side of things.
    The next step is if you had Reader Enabled the form in Acrobat. What happens next depends on the version of Acrobat you have, but if it is Acrobat version 8 or 7, then the step to Reader Enable the form is to Distribute the form via the Form menu. See this example/summary with screen shots: .
    If you have made a mistake during this process, then you may have affected your ID in Acrobat preferences. I can't do a screenshot for Acrobat version 8 or below, But if you have a look in Preferences (from the Edit menu) and go to the Identity tab, check your email address there:
    This is Acrobat X:
    Hope that helps,

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