Checking for duplicate primary keys on row inserts

Checking for duplicate primary keys on row inserts
I have a situation where I will be making bulk table inserts knowing that the primary key value will in some cases already exist. In this is the case I simply want to ignore the duplicate inserts.
Should I be performing a sub-query on the table and using a statement like:
where not exist in
Or is there a cleaner way of discarding or checking for duplicates on insert.
My concerns were mainly one of performance, as my routine will be inserting a few thousand rows in its operation.

The MERGE commnad is a good option when a large percentage of the data will exist in the target because it is much more efficient to attempt to update then insert when the update affects zero rows than capture an error and convert it to an update.
However, since in this case it would appear that only a few rows will alreadys exist and we want to ignore the duplicates when they exist then
when dup_value_in_index then null;
would be the way to code this one. The bulk insert version has in 9.2 the ability to store the errors so that they can all be handled at once which means the rest of the array insert can work.
HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Thanks in advance.

      You can achieve this .... All you have to do is to add a new field (a Sequence Number ) to the table. This number will be incremented for each duplicate primary keys. For example....
    Consider the excel file has duplicate entries 3 primary keys. Now you add a new field named Sequence Number in your DB Table.....
    When you load the data into Database...then the records will look like this...
    Key1     Key2    Key3    Seq
    A          B          C           1
    A          B          C           2
    A          B          D           1
    A          B          D           2
    A          C          D           1
    A          C          E           1
      and so on...
    I hope this solves your purpose.....
    Whenever there are duplicate entries, such as the one mentioned in your scenario, then a new field can be added in Database. This field acts like a count or sequence number.... Thus you can maintain unique records.

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    Hey guys,
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    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance
    Rich T.
                $cofa_folder = '\\cpsfs001\Data_pvs\TestCofA'
                $bulk_folder = '\\cpsfs001\PVS\Subsidiary\Nolwood\McWood\POD'
                $filter = '*.tif'
                $cofa = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $cofa_folder, $filter -Property @{ IncludeSubdirectories = $false; EnableRaisingEvents= $true; NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite' }
                $bulk = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $bulk_folder, $filter -Property @{ IncludeSubdirectories = $false; EnableRaisingEvents= $true; NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite' }
                Register-ObjectEvent $cofa Created -SourceIdentifier COFA/PACKAGE -Action {
           $name = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
           $changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
           $timeStamp = $Event.TimeGenerated
         if ($test -eq $true) {
                $pos = $name.IndexOf(".")
           $pos = $left.IndexOf("L")
           $lot = $left.Substring($pos + 1)
                Write-Host "in_item_key $item in_lot_key $lot imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"  -fore green
                Out-File -FilePath c:\OutputLogs\CofA.csv -Append -InputObject "in_item_key $item in_lot_key $lot imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"
                start-sleep -s 5
                $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=PVSNTDB33; Initial Catalog=adagecopy_daily; Integrated Security=TRUE")
                $insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO in_cofa_pvs (in_item_key, in_lot_key, imgfileName, in_cofa_crtdt) VALUES ('$item','$lot','$name','$timestamp')"
                $cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
                $cmd.CommandText = $insert_stmt
              elseif ($test -eq $false) {
                $pos = $name.IndexOf(".")
           $pos = $left.IndexOf("O")
           $order = $left.Substring($pos + 1)
                Write-Host "so_hdr_key $order so_ship_key $shipid imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"  -fore green
                Out-File -FilePath c:\OutputLogs\PackageShipper.csv -Append -InputObject "so_hdr_key $order so_ship_key $shipid imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"
    Rich Thompson

    Since SQL Server 2000 has been out of support, I recommend you to upgrade the SQL Server 2000 to a higher version, such as SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008.
    According to your description, you can try the following methods to check duplicate record in SQL Server.
    1. You can use
    RAISERROR to check the duplicate record, if exists then RAISERROR unless insert accordingly, code block is given below:
    WHERE t.Column1 = @ Column1
    AND t.Column2 = @ Column2)
    RAISERROR(‘Duplicate records’,18,1)
    INSERT INTO TableName (Column1, Column2, Column3)
    SELECT @ Column1, @ Column2, @ Column3
    2. Also you can create UNIQUE INDEX or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the column of a table, when you try to INSERT a value that conflicts with the INDEX/CONSTRAINT, an exception will be thrown. 
    Add the unique index:
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Unique_Index_name ON TableName(ColumnName)
    Add the unique constraint:
    ALTER TABLE TableName
    ADD CONSTRAINT Unique_Contraint_Name
    UNIQUE (ColumnName)
    Lydia Zhang

  • MAP 9.1 - Inventory is scanned but failed during Assessment, Duplicate Primary Key

    Hi MAP team, saw the similar thread but didn't want to hijack it if it's a different root cause.
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    “Microsoft.AssessmentPlatform.MapException: Caught SqlException running the stored procedure [WinClient_Assessment].[LicensingAssessmentProc]. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'LicensingAssessment_pk'. Cannot
    insert duplicate key in object 'WinClient_Assessment.LicensingAssessment'. The duplicate key value is (4d74950a-3c31-4b7e-9464-12fd8ae03942).”
    Tracing it down it looks like there are two entries for a DeviceNumber under Win_Inventory.SoftwareLicensingProducts, with these two descriptions: “Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel”, and “Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP
    channel”. So two lines are trying to get created for an OEM and a RETAIL line in the LicensingAssessmentProc, causing a duplicate PRIMARY KEY and hence the issue with the assessment. Is this an existing bug and if so is there a quick way to resolve it so we
    can conduct the assessments? The issue is that we cannot run additional scans to improve coverage as it wants us to refresh the assessment before letting us run another scan.
    Thank you,

    Following up on this, digging into the data it looks like "Windows(R) 7, OCUR add-on for Ultimate,HomePremium,Enterprise,Professional,ServerHomePremium,Embedded" is getting flagged as an OS and being included in the Win_Inventory.SoftwareLicensingProducts,
    conflicting with the actual OS line. When I deleted those rows the duplicate primary key issue was resolved and we were able to process assessments. Not sure if we can run additional scans on that database, will check soon.
    This is a pretty inconvenient way to get around this bug however, can this be addressed without having to delete SQL rows, or is this an edge case that needs to be caught in the filtering in the next release?

  • How to handle duplicate Primary Key entries in the Source data

    This is my first experience with ODI.
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    ‘N’ represents an Insert in which case I’m to insert a new record into the Target.
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    Identifying Duplicates is a logical activity.  More or less it need Manual intervention to judge both the records means common.  if few unique paramenters like Telephone, Pincode, SSN, passport no etc can be used on filters for searching the records.  Currently there are no automatic method to identify the duplicates.  In MDM 5.5 SP04 which is next release there will be auto de-duplicate facility based on tresholeds and matching criteria that you will setup.
    I hope i have answered your query transparently. if you have any queries futher you can reply here.

  • How do I obtain the next number for a Primary Key using an ADF View Object?

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    I've tried using the following code in my Table1ViewImpl class:
    this.setQuery("SELECT MAX(Table1.NBR) AS MAX_NUMBER FROM TABLE_1 Table1");
    The view object now has what I want, but I have yet to figure a way to extract the MAX_NUMBER out of the View Object. I've also looked into using the method addDynamicAttribute() but I can't figure out any way to set the attribute with the MAX_NUMBER.
    I can't be the only one trying to retrieve the next number from a database table using ADF. Can anyone help me with this? FYI - I'm using JDev 10.1.3 EA.

    You missing the point.
    On a multi-user db knowing the next highest number doesn't guarantee the number will be available when it comes time to commit the record. You can prove this to yourself by opening two instances of your app and do whatever you do to add a new record to your VO. Both will assume the same number, and when you commit an error will be generated
    You must use sequences to avoid the possibility of duplicate keys. If you are trying to avoid gaps in your numbering then you need to convince yourself why this is necessary.

  • Primary key violation when inserting records with insert_identity and ident_current+x

    My problem is this: I have data in a couple of temporary tables including
    relations (one table referencing records from another table by using
    temporary keys).
    Next, I would like to insert the data from the temp tables to my productive tables which have the same structure but their own identity keys. Hence, I need to translate the 'temporary' keys to regular identity keys in my productive tables.
    This is even more difficult because the system is highly concurrent, i.e. multiple sessions may try to insert
    data that way simultaneously.
    So far we were running the following solution, using a combination of
    identity_insert and ident_current:
    create table doc(id int identity primary key, number varchar(100))
    create table pos (id int identity primary key, docid int references doc(id), qty int)
    create table #doc(idx int, number varchar(100))
    create table #pos (docidx int, qty int)
    insert #doc select 1, 'D1'
    insert #doc select 2, 'D2'
    insert #pos select 1, 10
    insert #pos select 1, 12
    insert #pos select 2, 32
    insert #pos select 2, 9
    declare @docids table(ID int)
    set identity_insert doc on
    insert doc (id,number)
    output inserted.ID into @docids
    select ident_current('doc')+idx,number from #doc
    set identity_insert doc off
    -- Since scope_identity() is not reliable, we get the inserted identity values this way:
    declare @docID int = (select min(ID) from @docids)
    insert pos (docid,qty) select @docID+docidx-1, qty from #pos
    Since the request to ident_current() is located directly in the insert statement, we always have an implicit transaction which should be thread safe to a certain extend.
    We never had a problem with this solution for years until recently when we were running in occasional primary key violations. After some reasearch it turned out, that there were concurrent sessions trying to insert records in this way.
    Does anybody have an explanation for the primary key violations or an alternative solution for the problem?
    Thank you

    >> My problem is this: I have data in a couple of temporary tables including relations (one table referencing records [sic] from another table by using temporary keys [sic]). <<
    NO, your problem is that you have no idea how RDBMS and SQL work. 
    1. Rows are not anything like records; this is a basic concept.
    2. Temp tables are how old magnetic tape file mimic scratch tapes. SQL programmers use CTEs, views, derived tables, etc. 
    3. Keys are a subset of attributes of an entity, fundamental characteristics of them! A key cannot be temporary by definition. 
    >> Next, I would like to insert the data from the temp tables to my production tables which have the same structure but their own IDENTITY keys. Hence, I need to translate the 'temporary' keys to regular IDENTITY keys in my productive tables. <<
    NO, you just get worse. IDENTITY is a 1970's Sybase/UNIX dialect, based on the sequential file structure used on 16-bit mini computers back then. It counts the physical insertion attempts (not even successes!) and has nothing to with a logical data model. This
    is a mag tape drive model of 1960's EDP, and not RDBMS.
    >> This is even more difficult because the system is highly concurrent, i.e. multiple sessions may try to insert data that way simultaneously. <<
    Gee, that is how magnetic tapes work, with queues. This is one of many reasons competent SQL programers do not use IDENTITY. 
    >> So far we were running the following solution, using a combination of IDENTITY_INSERT and IDENT_CURRENT: <<
    This is a kludge, not a solution. 
    There is no such thing as a generic “id” in RDBMS; it has to be “<something in particular>_id” to be valid. You have no idea what the ISO-11179 rules are. Even worse, your generic “id” changes names from table to table! By magic, it starts as a “Doc”,
    then becomes a “Pos” in the next table! Does it wind up as a “doc-id”? Can it become a automobile? A squid? Lady Gaga? 
    This is the first principle of any data model; it is based on the Law of Identity; remember that from Freshman Logic 101? A data element has one and only one name in a model. 
    And finally, you do not know the correct syntax for INSERT INTO, so you use the 1970's Sybase/UNIX dialect! The ANSI/ISO Standard uses a table consrtuctor: 
    INSERT INTO Doc VALUES (1, 'D1'), (2, 'D2'); 
    >> We never had a problem with this solution for years until recently when we were running in occasional PRIMARY KEY violations. After some research it turned out, that there were concurrent sessions trying to insert records [sic] in this way. <<
    “No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, turn around.” -- Turkish proverb. 
    You have been mimicking a mag tape file system and have not written correct SQL. It has caught up with you in a way you can see. Throw out this garbage and do it right. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • [Incoming Payments for WTax] Primary Key not exist in DB

    While performing the TDS upgrade, I am getting an error message as "[Incoming Payments for WTax] Primary Key not exist in DB".
    I have checked that the sheet conforms to the instructions provided in the Upgrade guide but am not able to resolve this.
    Any ideas?

    It seems to be some field in the TDS upload Excel sheet which has primary key field not having the correct value.
    Double check the same where Primary Key if linked with some value in other sheet, enter the same.
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Exception: non-read-only mapping defined for the primary key field

    I'm new to Oracle and I created Java EE Web Project.
    And I created entities from tableA, tableB, tableC from my database.
    tableA has foreign key to tableB and has unidirectional Many-to-One relationship. tableC has two primary keys and one of these is foreign key to primary key in tableA. tableC also has unidirection Many-to-One relationship to tableA.
    Then I created session bean and data control from it, in design window, created read-only table from tableA.
    And I selected columns in tableA and also in tableB.
    I ran the application and saw the following exception in log window.
    Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [EclipseLink-46] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.3.v20110304-r9073): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: There should be one non-read-only mapping defined for the primary key field [tableC.tableA_ID].
    Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(mypack.tableC --> [DatabaseTable(tableC)])
    tableA_ID is a primary key in tableA.
    How can I solve this error?
    Please help me.
    Edited by: 900471 on 2011. 12. 3 오전 5:32
    Edited by: 900471 on 2011. 12. 3 오전 5:33
    Edited by: 900471 on 2011. 12. 3 오전 5:33
    Edited by: 900471 on 2011. 12. 3 오전 5:34

    There are not enough details to be sure since you have not provided the mappings. From just the error, it looks like you are using the tableC.tableA_ID field as the foreign key in the ManyToOne relationship to A, but have marked it as insertable=false, writeable=false, meaning that it cannot be updated or used for inserts.
    Either make it writable (set the settings to true), or add another basic mapping/attribute in the entity for TableC that maps to the field which you can use to set when you insert a new tableC entity. A simple example is available at
    Best Regards,

  • How to specify  tablespace for a primary key inde in create table statement

    How to specify the tablespace for a primary key index in a create table statement?
    Does the following statement is right?
                ("ID" NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
                "IP_ADDRESS" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                "EQUIPMENT_ID" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                "PACKET_DT" DATE,
                "PACKET" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),
                "PACKET_FORMAT" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                 TABLESPACE "SBM_DATA";   Thank you
    Edited by: qkc on 09-Nov-2009 13:42

    As orafad indicated, you'll have to use the USING INDEX clause from the documentation, i.e.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      2              ("ID" NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
      3              "IP_ADDRESS" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
      4              "EQUIPMENT_ID" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
      5              "PACKET_DT" DATE,
      6              "PACKET" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),
      7              "PACKET_FORMAT" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    10               )
    11*              TABLESPACE "USERS"
    SQL> /
    Table created.Justin

  • How to change the source type for a primary key on a form?

    At the time of creating a form, I had set the source type for the primary key to an existing sequence.
    Now I want to change the source to a trigger.
    Can anyone suggest how to do it?
    Thanks in advance,

    Define the trigger and then delete the page process named 'Get PK'

  • How do i check ensure that SAP checks for duplicate vendor invoice numbers?

    Hi Experts -
    How do I verify that SAP checks for duplicate vendor invoice numbers and blocks duplicate invoices from being paid?

    Pls chek the settigs by following the path
    IMG>Materials Management>Logistics Invoice Verification>Incoming Invoice>Set Check for Duplicate Invoice.
    Here you make the settings for creating a duplicate invoice check.
    Moreever, in the vendor master, you need to tick the check box for duplicate invoice check.
    I suggest you search the Forums before posting a query. There are lots of postings on this issue.
    Thanks & regards
    Sanil K Bhandari

  • Creating a script for a PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX SORT doesn't work

    Probably a bug.
    h1. Environment
    Application: Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
    h1. Test Case:
    1. Create a new table TRANSACTIONS with some columns.
    2. Mark one of numeric columns as the primary key - PK_TRANSACTIONS.
    3. Go to Physical Models and create new Oracle Database 11g.
    4. Go to Physical Models -> Oracle Database 11g -> Tables -> TRANSACTIONS -> Primary Keys -> PK_TRANSACTIONS -> Properties:
    a) on General tab set Using Index to BY INDEX NAME
    b) on Using Index tab choose a tablespace
    c) on Using Index tab set Index Sort to SORTED.
    5. Export the schema to DDL script. For the primary key you will get something like this:
    PCTFREE 10
    MAXTRANS 255
    INITIAL 65536
    NEXT 1048576
    MAXEXTENTS 2147483645
    ) SORTED
    h1. Reason of failure
    The script will fail because SORTED is not allowed here. It should be SORT.
    Additionally, the default behaviour for Data Modeler is to set Index Sort to NO but default setting for Oracle database 11g is SORT. Shouldn't Data Modeler use SORT as the default value?
    Edited by: user7420841 on 2011-05-07 03:15

    Thanks for reporting this problem. As you say, it should be SORT rather than SORTED. I have logged a bug on this.
    I also agree that, for consistency with the database default, it would be better to have SORT as the default in Data Modeler.

  • Problem in Set Check for Duplicate Invoices

    I have did all the required setting s for check duplicate invoice , but when i do miro , its not giving any error or warning msge.. i did all the config  as per blw link..
    FYI-  in migo, i have entered the 3434 as a invoice ref # in delveriy note column and while doing miro , i have entered 3434 in ref column and give the 3434 as a dlvery note # in item tab .. but its not giving any error?
    Pls guide, where the mistake has gone wrongly??
    Problem in Set Check for Duplicate Invoices
    Edited by: UJ on May 15, 2009 1:45 PM

    Hope you have done all the required configurations for the checking of double invoice and ticked the vendor for the double invoice checking in vendor master record.
    You have to understand the way the system does the double invoice check.
    As per the configuration, if the system identifies an invoice for a vendor whose double invoice check is activated, at the time of MIRO, system will update a separate table.
    So system will check for the double invoice entry among the invoices entered after making the tick in the vendor master.
    i meant to say that, if you are introducing this double invoice check in between the transactions, the check will be valid only for the invoices entered after the activation of double invoice check.

  • Set Check for Duplicate Invoices.

    what is the difference if is set "<b>Set Check for Duplicate Invoices</b>"
    in MIRO?
    Best regards

    This check will prevent incoming invoices being accidentally entered and paid more than once.
    You can choose whether to activate or deactivate the check criteria of company code, reference document number and invoice date for each company code. The more criteria that you activate, the lower the probability of the system finding a duplicate invoice.
    The company code check makes sense if you work with more than one company code.
    Depending on the reference document number entry, the system checks as follows:
    1. If you have entered a reference document number, the system checks whether the invoice matches in the following attributes:
    Company code
    Invoice date
    Reference document number
    2. If you have not entered a reference document number, the system
    3. checks whether the invoice matches in the following attributes:
    Company code
    Invoice date
    Amount in
    document currency
    Depending on the system settings, a warning message or an error message appears if the system finds an invoice that matches all attributes.
    The field Chk double inv. (Check for duplicate invoice) must be flagged on the Accounting view in the vendor master record.

Maybe you are looking for