Checking the first character of the element in an array

I have a situation where in I have to check if the array element which is of type long (but it can also be of type double..) is negative. e.g.:
{-8767, 987656, 1827636, -982563, -36372626898}
How do I check to see if the element in the array is negative???
I get this array from another class which gives me only the array with the amounts(elements) but I cannot be sure if it is a long type of double type.
Please help.

You're killing me here!
In your original post you ask:
"How do I check to see if the element in the array is negative???"
It turns out the element in the array has a method called "isNegative". So, you check to see if the element in the array is negative by calling its isNegative method! If it returns true, it's negative, if it returns false it's positive.
Unless, of course, there's something else going on that has not been revealed yet

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    warnerja wrote:
    flounder wrote:
    DrLaszloJamf wrote:
    You mean x.length?<pbs>
    Depends upon your interpretation of "number of elements in the array"
    int[] numbers = new int[10];
    numbers[0] = 42;
    numbers[1] = 666;Number of elements in the array is 2 not 10.
    </pbs>If you used something other than a primitive type for the array element type you could have a case. A value of integer zero for the other elements is still a value, so there are indeed 10 elements there.Even if it were not primitive, every element would have a value. That value would either be null or a reference.

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    Go to the array palette; there is a Sort function node.
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                    IF length(trim(p_parserec(31))) = 22 AND p_parserec(31) LIKE 'DE%'  THEN
                        AUFTRAGGEBERKONTONR := trim(p_parserec(31)) ;
                     ELSIF  (length(trim(p_parserec(31))) > 22 AND length(trim(p_parserec(31))) < 35)  AND p_parserec(31) NOT LIKE 'DE%'  THEN
                       AUFTRAGGEBERKONTONR := lpad(trim(p_parserec(31)), 34, 0) ;
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    Siva.V wrote:
    Need to check whether first two characters of a string is alphabet or not.
    To this requirement only regexp_like will work too! No need of some other string function!
            -- in regexp_like last parameter shows to ignore case (optional).
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      3  select 'CD234567' from dual union all
      4  select 'A1234567' from dual union all
      5  select 'A52H4341' from dual union all
      6  select 'Dk274341' from dual union all
      7  select 'DE234556' from dual)
      8  select key
      9  from t
    10  where regexp_like(key,'^[A-Z]{2}','i') -- even '^[[:alpha:]]{2}' or '^\D{2}' pattern can be replaced for same result..
      11  /

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    Ceylor wrote:
    Hello all,
    thanks very much for the quick replies.
    prometheuzz, I've read the topic you mentioned and your explanation is great. Your UML makes it very clear.You're welcome.
    I allready use OOP as much as possible. In my project I use a playField class (the board, also GUI), a node class (extends from rectangle, a cell in the field), a vehicle class (contains a collection of nodes and some other properties), a class for my algoritm and a state class.Good to hear that.
    The state class is used for storing all possible states of the playField. (ie all valid moves). These states are needed for a shortest path algoritm, and are not automatically a state the playField gets. Therefor I can't use the vehicles stored in the playField class because this class only contains the initial state of the game. The playField only get's updated when the algoritm is done and a shortest path is found. So would it be a good solution to store a collection of vehicles inside my state class?I'm don't quite follow you here, I'm afraid.
    The thing I'm a bit worried about is that there can be a lot of states. When adding the vehicles to each state object, doesn't this slow things down?
    ...Don't worry about inefficient code too soon. First get your logic correct: check your algorithm against a small puzzle, ensure that it works. After that, try some larger puzzles to see if a solution is found within the required time frame. If it takes too long, only then adjust your algorithm.
    Feel free to post back if you have any questions.
    Good luck.

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    I have an array, let's call it M[], and for each element in the array (we'll say M[1]), I need assign three integers: row, col and value.
    I need to set it up so I can do something like this:
    A.row = M[i].col;
    A[i].col = M[i].row;
    A[i].value = M[i].value;
    The algorithm isn't what I need help with, it's assigning .col, .row and .value to an index of an array.
    Please help if you can.

    You are right. You did not word your question perfectly, but I still think I get what you want.
    First of all: A single element in an array always has exactly one value. No more, no less.
    But that's not a problem. The element in an array is either of a primitive type (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, double) or it's a reference (to a Object, String, MyClass, ...).
    You can simply write a class that holds your three values and create an array of that type:
    public class SomeData {
      public int row;
      public int col;
      public int value;
    // somewhere else:
    SomeData[] a = new SomeData[10];
    a[0] = new SomeData();
    a[0].row = 10;
    a[0].col = 5;
    a[0].value = 42;Note how you only assign a single value to the element (a[0]) itself. All other assignment actually go to fields of the object refered to by that element in the array.
    Also note that in Java types (such as classes, interfaces, ...) should start with a upper-case letter, while variables (local variables, members, parameters) and method names should start with a lower-case letter.
    Edit: I'm getting old ...

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    for (h=0; myParaCount>h; h++){
    myChars = myStory.paragraphs.item(h).contents;
    if (myChars.characters.item(0) == "l" && myChars.characters.item(0).appliedCharacterStyle == CharStyleWin){
    myStory.paragraphs.item(h).appliedParagraphStyle = "L-B";
    This script is supposed to test if the first character is an "l" with my character style "Wingdings" applied to it. I could not test whether the character style is "Wingdings" or not. What could be wrong with my script. Thanks.

    // You need to have a textFrame selected
    var myFrame = app.selection[0];
    var myParaCount = myFrame.paragraphs.length;
    // There must exist a paragraphStyle name L-B
    var myApplyStyle = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("L-B")
    for (h=0; h < myParaCount; h++){
    var myChar = myFrame.paragraphs.item(h).characters.firstItem();
    // check if first char is "l" and if its applied charstyle name is CharStyleWin
    if (myChar.contents == "l" && == "CharStyleWin"){
    myFrame.paragraphs.item(h).appliedParagraphStyle = myApplyStyle;
    /* Edited at 11.21 */

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