Choose to what keychain a password is stored

I have several keychains, and one of them is for safari passwords (log in names, etc). If I am visiting a new site, and fill in my name and password, safari asks whether I want to store the password. If I click 'yes', then the password is stored in the 'general' keychain (the one that opens when I log in to my comp). However, I want it to be stored in the 'safari keychain'. This means I have to drag the new keychain item to the 'safari keychain' every time I add an item. (I hope you can follow ;)) For the rest the system works fine: I open safari, visit my webmail-page and then my mac asks me to open the 'safari keychain'.
Why doesn't my computer ask what keychain I want to use if I add a new password? This would be very handy. Not just for safari, but for any program.
To be clear: the safari keychain is already unlocked, so that's not it.
I hope I make sense...

Since I only have one login.keychain that stores everything, I don't know how you can set up another for use with Safari. When I go to a new secure website, create a new account, Safari only pops up, and asks if I want to store the username/password combo in my *default login.keychain*. I see no place where it's asking to store the information in a different keychain. Maybe I don't understand the keychain mechanism, correctly. As for the why, it would probably be simpler to create a standard account for those other people to use. Logging out and into that one for your guests.

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    Thanks, BD, this makes sense to me, though I can't seem to find a Login keychain I think I understand what's going on now.
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    Morning.  Good to see that someone is working on using the plug-in for GoldenGate within OEM12c.
    If you are using the plug-in, you will be much better off with reporting on GoldenGate processes.  In order to get the plug-in to work, the JAgent is needed and can be downloaded in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor distribution (Configuring Oracle #GoldenGate Monitor Agent | DBASolved) .  If you are using the old plug-in, then the JAgent is embedded with the GoldenGate software (Oracle GoldenGAte ( and later) and Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c | DBASolved).  I recommend taking the new plug-in!
    Now to address you question about the password. The password is stored in the wallet under the GoldenGate home ($OGG_HOME/dirwlt) and is used directly for the JAgent to login to the EMAgent and communicate with OEM.  The user name associated the password is configured in the $JAGENT_HOME (different depending on version, look for  Then in OEM, the username defined in and the password in the wallet needs to be provided before OEM will pick up the GoldenGate targets.
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  • ICloud keychain access password

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    Safari is saving passwords both on my iphone and my mac – this iCloud Keychain does work. Cool.
    Then design of the website is changing and whatnot and Safari stops entering password for me.
    I go to the Keychain Access and trying to see the password.
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    Hey there keloin,
    It sounds like you are wanting to see what Safari passwords your iCloud Keychain. You should be able to do this in the Safari preferences:
    How do I view the passwords stored in my iCloud keychain?
    Macs using OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later:
    Choose Safari > Preferences, then click Passwords.
    Select the website whose password you want to view.
    Select the “Show passwords for selected websites” checkbox.
    Enter your system password.
    From: iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Keychain
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    You can't retrieve the password; you can only reset it.
    If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know the Apple ID password, then maybe the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    Otherwise*, start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities window appears, select
              Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen—not from any of the items in the OS X Utilities window.
    In the window that opens, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window opens. Close the Terminal window to get it out of the way.
    Select your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
               ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.
    *Note: If you've activated FileVault, this procedure doesn't apply. Follow instead these instructions.

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    (Yosemite 10.10.1  Safari 8.0.2)

    Click "Bookmarks" in the Safari menu bar, then choose "Edit Bookmarks" from the drop-down.
    Go to the bottom right corner of the page that opens up.
    Enter the search terms in the search box.
    Location  of the bookmark will be shown.

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    It should be in your Keychain. Find it in Keychain Access.

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    For what?  Some BT accesories will give the pairing code that you need to enter on the iPOd.  The iPod does not have any BT passsword.  Here are the pairing instructions from the Users Guide
    Pair a Bluetooth headset, car kit, or other device with iPod touch: 
    1 Follow the instructions that came with the device to make it discoverable or to set it to search for
    other Bluetooth devices.
    2 Go to Settings > General > Bluetooth and turn Bluetooth on.
    3 Choose the device on iPod touch, and enter its passkey or PIN number. See the instructions about
    the passkey or PIN that came with the device.
    After you pair headphones with iPod touch, the product name and  appear on the screen when
    you are viewing audio or video playback controls. Tap  to switch to a different audio output,
    such as the internal speaker.
    Just what are you tryng to pair the iPod with?  You can't pair with a computer or phone (except BT tethering with an iPhone for internet service if you supscribed to the tethering plan on the iPone.

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    1. What is the password of the users to use?
    2. I know the AD password is definitly not synchronised as it is one way encrypted. Does the user needs to be set a new password in portal to login with?
    3. Will this password be stored on the Java UME only?
    4. what happens if the users AD password changes, will it affect the password stored in the Java UME?
    Thank you.

    Hello John,
    since we use that setting, too, lets see, what I can tell you. ^^
    1. What is the password of the users to use?
    > The password of their AD-account.
    2. I know the AD password is definitly not synchronised as it is one way encrypted. Does the user needs to be set a new password in portal to login with?
    > No, they can derectly use their AD-account (username and password).
    3. Will this password be stored on the Java UME only?
    > I'm not sure, but I'd say "no". I don't think it is stored in the UME (since the LDAP is connected and the information about the account and password status come from there).
    4. what happens if the users AD password changes, will it affect the password stored in the Java UME?
    > If the user changes his/her AD-password, that he/she can logon to the portal with that new password immediately. So I don't think, there is any connection to the portal UME database.

  • I have a new IMAC 5k running Yosemite and when I log in I am asked a whole series of questions as to what keychain can access. How can I authorise all of these to be available upon login? Items concerned are such as "Talagent", "Messages agent" etc

    I have a new IMAC 5k running Yosemite and when I log in I am asked a whole series of questions as to what keychain can access. How can I authorise all of these to be available upon login? Items concerned are such as "Talagent", "Messages agent" etc

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    Select the login keychain from the list on the left side of the Keychain Access window. If your default keychain has a different name, select that.
    If the lock icon in the top left corner of the window shows that the keychain is locked, click to unlock it. You'll be prompted for the keychain password, which is the same as your login password, unless you've changed it.
    Right-click or control-click the login entry in the list. From the menu that pops up, select
              Change Settings for Keychain "login"
    In the sheet that opens, uncheck both boxes, if not already unchecked.
    From the menu bar, select
              Keychain Access ▹ Preferences... ▹ First Aid
    There are four checkboxes in the window that opens. Check all of them. if they're not already checked. Close the window.
              Keychain Access ▹ Keychain First Aid
    from the menu bar and repair the keychain. Quit Keychain Access.
    If you use iCloud Keychain, open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the Keychain box. You'll be prompted to delete the local iCloud keychain. Confirm. Then re-check the box. Follow one of the procedures described in this support article to set up iCloud Keychain on an additional device.

  • How to stop frequent keychain login password requests

    This problem is very irritating, I’m getting asked frequently by OS X to enter a keychain login password.  What I’ve read suggests this is related to a problem with Keychain Access.  One explanation says it can be caused by an administrator account password change where the default keychain password does not change, resulting in an inconsistency.  I have NOT changed my account password so I don’t think this is the cause of my problem.
    I’ve also tried using Keychain Access First Aid, but it currently finds no problems.
    In my case, this appears to have started after an upgrade from OS X Mavericks to Yosemite.  When I did the upgrade, the first problem I encountered was Mail stopped working – I was unable to send or receive mail.  I could, however, go to my mail provider at their web site and view mail there just fine.  That problem was resolved by using Keychain Access First Aid - I can now use Apple Mail on my "Air" just fine, but I’m still being inundated with frequent requests to enter a keychain login password.  I get these requests from Mail, AddressBookSourceSync, Messages Agent, Safari, Local Items, CalendarAgent, and 
    Once I enter my login password to 3-5 of these requests, I’m able to continue working on my Macbook Air, however once I close and reopen the lid of my Air, the requests start anew.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    Keychain - OS X Mavericks v10.9.1: Repeated prompts to unlock "Local Items"
    Try  resetting the original keychain.
    Keychain Reset
    Keychain Issues - Resolve  see post by Kappy

  • Where can I find the WEP password/number stored on my mac

    Where can I find the WEP password/number stored on my mac.?

    Assuming you saved it it will be in your Keychain (Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access)

  • Keychain Security Password vs. Keychain Login Password

    Does anyone happen to know anything about the keychain SECURITY password? I know what my keychain LOGIN password is and have been able to change it. I don't remember setting up a keychain security password and I haven't been able to find information on how to change it or access it or even find out more about it.
    Securitied Out

    However under security, when I go in I can unlock it with my login password which is the same as my keychain login password.
    I'm a bit confused. I see no security menu item within Keychain Access. Exactly what are you referencing? Additionally, under the Security prefPane in System Preferences, there are only two items requiring a password under the General tab.
    But to access the network access information I have in it it won't allow me in when I use my login password.
    Where are you trying to access this information? There's nothing in Keychain Access, that I can see, that deals with network access.
    In the listing after date modified under the keychain heading what I see is System not login like Login file above. So I'm trying to find out what that is all about and just have no clue and am a bit frustrated.
    Once, again, I have no idea exactly what you're trying to do or where you're doing it. You need to be more explicit and provide the steps and utilities/applications you're using.

Maybe you are looking for