Choppy/jerky UI in Mountain Lion

Just upgraded to Mountain Lion running on a 2011 3.4GHz i7 iMac. I'm getting choppy/jerky animation in the UI. When I'm changing spaces, switching the notification center on and off or using the launch pad to show all windows open, I don't get smooth scrolling. Let me mention that it is not a clean install. I did repair disk permissions but no change. Does anyone witnessed similar behaviour?

this is a serious problem -- combine this with the failure to extend the best features of the new OS to computers older than the last year and you have apples worst royal screwing over of its loyal customers possibly ever....
how's that steve jobs grave turnover engine coming along?
i will report.....

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    Reset PRAM.
    Start up in Safe Mode
    Repair Disk
    Steps 1 through 7

  • Mountain Lion choppy animations

    MacBook 13 inch mid-2012 here.
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    Anyone experiencing something like this? Suggestions?
    Probably going to be fixed in future updates...

    You are not alone, Martin. I'm having exactly the same problem - really lovely performance in Lion on my 2 month old i7 MacBook Air 13", and annoying choppiness on Mountain Lion.
    A quick google around shows that others are having trouble with ML and our hardware, too.
    I suspect this is a graphics driver issue and I really hope they sort it out soon!
    NB No such issues on my mid 2011 iMac i5. I upgraded that first, and completely happy with the performance I went ahead with the Air. Big disappointment.

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    Weird, jpg should work.
    Any third party software that could conceivably be in play and making a conflict?
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    How soo do Apple respond and fix these things normally.
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    Hardware Information:
              iMac - model: iMac12,2
              1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 4 cores
              4 GB RAM
    System Software:
              OS X 10.8 (12A269) - Uptime: 1 day 8:45
    Disk Information:
              ST31000528AS disk0 : (1 TB)
                        disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD 2 (disk0s2) /Volumes/Macintosh HD 2: 999.86 GB (696.81 GB free)
              APPLE SSD TS256C disk1 : (251 GB)
                        disk1s1 (disk1s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk1s2) /: 250.14 GB (177.65 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk1s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5690H 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. iPad
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
    FireWire Information:
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.squirrels.airparrot.framebuffer          Version: 3
              com.shengApps.driver.RipcorderDevice          Version: 1.2
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                     [loaded] com.squirrels.kextinstaller.plist
    Launch Agents:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.925793fb327152fd34795896fa1fb9ffa268b2a852256fe56609efa3.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.df0ab5bbe6f698196fcc21e3c1e66dcb758bd911f4d637272d9d8109.plist
                     [loaded] com.propaganda.dejavu.dvmonitor.plist
    User Login Items:
              Bitdefender Virus Scanner
              Google Chrome
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              CAPS Warn
              Déjà Vu
              Flash Player
              MacFUSE (Tuxera)
    Internet Plug-ins:
              EPPEX Plugin.plugin
              Flash Player.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes:
              1.5   %          WindowServer
              1.3   %          EtreCheck
              0.9   %          activitymonitord
              0.8   %          MPlayerX
              0.5   %          fontd
              0.5   %          AppleIDAuthAgent
              0.3   %          Activity
              0.1   %          AdobeAcrobat
              0.1   %          SystemUIServer
              0.1   %          TextMagic
    (The red 'failed's don't show red here)
    Date/Time:       2012-07-31 23:49:19 +0100
    OS Version:      10.8 (Build 12A269)
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Report Version:  11
    Command:         Finder
    Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/
    Version:         10.8 (10.8)
    Build Version:   2
    Project Name:    Finder_FE
    Source Version:  808000000000000
    Parent:          launchd [131]
    PID:             146
    Event:           hang
    Duration:        3.55s
    Steps:           37 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  iMac12,2
    Active cpus:     4
    Free pages:      312512 pages (-3770)
    Pageins:         1204 pages
    Pageouts:        0 pages
    Process:         Finder [146]
    Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Parent:          launchd [131]
    UID:             501
    Sudden Term:     Dirty
    Task size:       131403 pages (+3)
    CPU Time:        3.717s
      Thread 0x44a      DispatchQueue 1          priority <multiple> cpu time   3.488s
      37 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x7fff8fbab7e1]
        37 ??? (Finder + 24774) [0x105d980c6]
          37 NSApplicationMain + 869 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a5e3656]
            37 -[NSApplication run] + 517 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a63ec03]
              37 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a647862]
                37 _DPSNextEvent + 685 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a647fa3]
                  37 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff915703a3]
                    37 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 356 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff91570512]
                      37 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff91570774]
                        37 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de4edd2]
                          37 __CFRunLoopRun + 810 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de4f4fa]
                            37 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 255 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de2b18f]
                              37 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 18 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de6a982]
                                37 __44-[NSProgressProxy _invokePublishingHandler:]_block_invoke_0 + 24 (Foundation) [0x7fff88ac5ef5]
                                  37 __AddSubscriberFor_block_invoke_0 + 83 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8db017da]
                                    37 TNode::HandleSync(unsigned int) + 2629 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8b3b9]
                                      18 TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 318 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8deba]
                                        18 TFSInfoSynchronizer::FetchChildren() + 242 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da91ee6]
                                          18 TFSIterator::Next(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>&) + 41 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8daa04b9]
                                            14 TFSIterator::NextRaw(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>&) + 44 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8daa05c0]
                                              14 _URLEnumeratorGetNextURL + 114 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91912bfd]
                                                6  _GetDirectoryURLs(_CFURLEnumerator*) + 754 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91913a14]
                                                  5  _FSURLCachePropertiesForKeys + 138 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9190791b]
                                                    5  prepareValuesForBitmap(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, _FilePropertyBitmap*, __CFError**) + 216 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff919045a3]
                                                      5  LSPropertyProviderPrepareValues(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFString const* const*, void const**, long, void const*, __CFError**) + 58 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861223b]
                                                        3  prepareLocalizedNameValue(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFError**) + 9 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff886237b0]
                                                          3  prepareDistinctLocalizedNameValue(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFError**) + 93 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88623812]
                                                            3  prepareAttributeValueForKey(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFString const*, void const**, __CFError**) + 175 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88612385]
                                                              3  _LSCopyItemAttributeForRefInfoWithOptions + 314 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861252f]
                                                                3  _LSCopyNodeAttribute + 203 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88616142]
                                                                  1  _LSCopyNodeAttribute_DisplayNameIfDifferentFromFSName(LSNodeAttributeStateCache *) + 324 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff886239a0]
                                                                    1  _LSGetExtensionInfo + 213 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861d13c]
                                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                                                  1  FSNodePrepareCatalogInfo + 1 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88615a97]
                                                                    1  <executing in user space>
                                                                  1  _LSCopyNodeAttribute_DisplayNameIfDifferentFromFSName(LSNodeAttributeStateCache *) + 887 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88623bd3]
                                                                    1  _LSCopyNodeAttribute_NonLocalizedDisplayNameIfDifferentFromFSName(LSNodeAttribu teStateCache*) + 6 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88626a4a]
                                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                                        2  prepareBasicFlags(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFError**) + 138 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88601f1f]
                                                          1  _LSCopyItemInfoForRefInfo + 126 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88602032]
                                                            1  _LSCopyInfoForNode + 113 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861c6c9]
                                                              1  _LSContextInit + 128 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88612a9c]
                                                                1  CSMemPtrToHand + 102 (CarbonCore) [0x7fff8987e9a9]
                                                                  1  <executing in user space>
                                                          1  _LSCopyItemInfoForRefInfo + 97 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88602015]
                                                            1  _LSCreateNodeOrURLFromExtendedInfoNoCopy + 102 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff886125cf]
                                                              1  CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 686 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de3916e]
                                                                1  <executing in user space>
                                                  1  _FSURLCachePropertiesForKeys + 58 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff919078cb]
                                                    1  __CFURLResourceInfoPtr + 17 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de690b1]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                                5  _GetDirectoryURLs(_CFURLEnumerator*) + 504 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9191391a]
                                                  3  _FSURLCreateWithPathAndAttributes + 113 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91908bf6]
                                                    3  createBaseCacheWithPathAndAttributes(__CFAllocator const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned char, attrlist const*, void const*, void**, __CFError**) + 206 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff919090ca]
                                                      2  parseAttributeBuffer(__CFAllocator const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char, attrlist const*, void const*, void**, _FileAttributes*, unsigned int*) + 240 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9190a344]
                                                        2  SetNameAndExtensionLengthFromCString(__CFAllocator const*, char const*, long, _FileAttributes*) + 88 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9190b0c0]
                                                          2  CFStringCreateWithBytes + 59 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de319db]
                                                            1  __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2588 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de1d61c]
                                                              1  <executing in user space>
                                                            1  __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 3013 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de1d7c5]
                                                              1  memmove$VARIANT$sse42 + 94 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87427a66]
                                                                1  <executing in user space>
                                                      1  MountInfoStorageSize() + 1 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91918676]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                                  2  _FSURLCreateWithPathAndAttributes + 222 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91908c63]
                                                    2  createFileReferenceURLRef(__CFAllocator const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, __CFString const*, unsigned char) + 122 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91907236]
                                                      2  snprintf + 188 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874a73ec]
                                                        2  vsnprintf_l + 254 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874ace3e]
                                                          1  __vfprintf + 13606 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874b1d53]
                                                            1  <executing in user space>
                                                          1  __vfprintf + 14741 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874b21c2]
                                                            1  <executing in user space>
                                                3  _GetDirectoryURLs(_CFURLEnumerator*) + 735 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91913a01]
                                                  3  _FSURLCacheCheapVolumeInformation + 122 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff919097d2]
                                                    2  prepareCheapVolumeInformation(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, void**) + 669 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91909a8b]
                                                      2  _FileCacheSetPropertyValueForKey + 118 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91904134]
                                                        2  CFDictionaryCreateMutable + 68 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de268e4]
                                                          2  __CFDictionaryCreateGeneric + 1526 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de26f36]
                                                            2  CFBasicHashCreate + 151 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de27047]
                                                              2  _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 402 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de1db62]
                                                                2  malloc_zone_malloc + 71 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87453183]
                                                                  2  szone_malloc_should_clear + 971 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87460b08]
                                                                    1  tiny_malloc_from_free_list + 523 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87460353]
                                                                      1  get_tiny_free_size + 67 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8745cd8c]
                                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                                                    1  tiny_malloc_from_free_list + 271 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87460257]
                                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                                    1  prepareCheapVolumeInformation(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, void**) + 111 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9190985d]
                                                      1  FSMountIsAutomounted + 19 (CarbonCore) [0x7fff898927cf]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                            4  TFSIterator::NextRaw(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>&) + 76 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8daa05e0]
                                              4  TFSInfo::Initialize(__CFURL const*) + 254 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7532c]
                                                1  TFSInfo::FetchProperties() + 1930 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75b2e]
                                                  1  TAutoRef<__CFString const*, TRetainReleasePolicy<__CFString const*> >::~TAutoRef() + 17 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da71d55]
                                                    1  CFRelease + 175 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de22f9f]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                                1  TFSInfo::FetchProperties() + 213 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75479]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 584 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905b11]
                                                      1  prepareValuesForBitmap(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, _FilePropertyBitmap*, __CFError**) + 158 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91904569]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                                1  TFSInfo::FetchProperties() + 289 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da754c5]
                                                  1  TFSInfo::GetLSItemInfoRecord(unsigned int, LSItemInfoRecord&) const + 58 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75bee]
                                                    1  _LSCopyItemInfoForRefInfo + 126 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff88602032]
                                                      1  _LSCopyInfoForNode + 98 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861c6ba]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                                1  TFSInfo::FetchProperties() + 1000 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7578c]
                                                  1  CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey + 159 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de68f2f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey + 122 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91904234]
                                                      1  LSPropertyProviderCopyValues(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, __CFString const* const*, void const**, void const**, long, void const*) + 109 (LaunchServices) [0x7fff8861219c]
                                                        1  _CFURLFileCacheGetName + 1 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dedafc1]
                                                          1  <executing in user space>
                                      8  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 5496 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8f2f4]
                                        8  TNode::ReconcileProperties(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 123 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8b9c7]
                                          8  TFSInfo::SynchronizeProperties(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8bcdc]
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 250 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c048]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetLabel() const + 102 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c702]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 1079 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905d00]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 261 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c053]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetLabel() const + 102 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c702]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 584 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905b11]
                                                      1  prepareValuesForBitmap(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, _FilePropertyBitmap*, __CFError**) + 154 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91904565]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 306 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c080]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetModificationDate() const + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c760]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 560 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905af9]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 628 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c1c2]
                                              1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                  1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 325 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905a0e]
                                                    1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 1422 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c4dc]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetCreationDate() const + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75ed0]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 532 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905add]
                                                      1  addPropertyAndDependenciesToBitmap(_FileProperty const*, _FilePropertyBitmap*) + 37 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91903fdb]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 1747 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c621]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetDataPhysicalSize() const + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8daa5372]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 548 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905aed]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 1346 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c490]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetCreationDate() const + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75ed0]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 584 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905b11]
                                                      1  corePropertyProviderCopyValues(__CFURL const*, __FileCache const*, __CFString const* const*, void const**, void const**, long, void const*) + 203 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91910049]
                                                        1  <executing in user space>
                                            1  TFSInfo::SynchronizeCatalog(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&, std::__1::set<unsigned int, std::__1::less<unsigned int>, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >&) + 1307 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8c469]
                                              1  TFSInfo::GetCreationDate() const + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75ed0]
                                                1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                  1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                    1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 666 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905b63]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                      4  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 10203 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da90557]
                                        4  std::__1::__vector_base<TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>, std::__1::allocator<TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> > >::~__vector_base() + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da93920]
                                          4  TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>::~TCountedPtr() + 17 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da731d1]
                                            4  TFSInfo::RemovePtrReference() + 42 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da74c30]
                                              4  TRef<__CFURL const*, TRetainReleasePolicy<__CFURL const*> >::~TRef() + 17 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da725e9]
                                                4  CFRelease + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de230ef]
                                                  4  CFRelease + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de230ef]
                                                    4  _FileCacheFinalize(void const*) + 21 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91911ebe]
                                                      4  _FileCacheReleaseContents(__FileCache*, unsigned char, unsigned char) + 199 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91906ebb]
                                                        2  CFRelease + 1541 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de234f5]
                                                          2  objc_destructInstance + 121 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6a9c0]
                                                            1  objc_clear_deallocating + 184 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6aa8f]
                                                              1  objc::DenseMap<objc_object*, unsigned long, true, objc::DenseMapInfo<objc_object*>, objc::DenseMapInfo<unsigned long> >::erase(objc_object* const&) + 21 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6aab5]
                                                                1  objc::DenseMap<objc_object*, unsigned long, true, objc::DenseMapInfo<objc_object*>, objc::DenseMapInfo<unsigned long> >::LookupBucketFor(objc_object* const&, std::__1::pair<objc_object*, unsigned long>*&) const + 58 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d69dfe]
                                                                  1  <executing in user space>
                                                            1  objc_clear_deallocating + 151 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6aa6e]
                                                              1  weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table_t*, objc_object*) + 161 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d80f4e]
                                                                1  <executing in user space>
                                                        2  CFRelease + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de230ef]
                                                          1  CFDictionaryRemoveValue + 256 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de5c1b0]
                                                            1  <executing in user space>
                                                          1  __CFBasicHashDrain + 442 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de2754a]
                                                            1  CFRelease + 1541 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de234f5]
                                                              1  objc_destructInstance + 121 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6a9c0]
                                                                1  objc_clear_deallocating + 184 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6aa8f]
                                                                  1  objc::DenseMap<objc_object*, unsigned long, true, objc::DenseMapInfo<objc_object*>, objc::DenseMapInfo<unsigned long> >::erase(objc_object* const&) + 21 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d6aab5]
                                                                    1  objc::DenseMap<objc_object*, unsigned long, true, objc::DenseMapInfo<objc_object*>, objc::DenseMapInfo<unsigned long> >::LookupBucketFor(objc_object* const&, std::__1::pair<objc_object*, unsigned long>*&) const + 73 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff84d69e0d]
                                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                      3  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 3908 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8ecc0]
                                        3  TFSInfo::Equal(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&) const + 57 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e59b]
                                          1  TFSInfo::operator==(TFSInfo const&) const + 696 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e85e]
                                            1  TFSInfo::GetObjectIdentifier() const + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e8ee]
                                              1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                  1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 190 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905987]
                                                    1  <executing in user space>
                                          1  TFSInfo::operator==(TFSInfo const&) const + 707 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e869]
                                            1  TFSInfo::GetObjectIdentifier() const + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e8ee]
                                              1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                  1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 456 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905a91]
                                                    1  DYLD-STUB$$pthread_once + 6 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff9191aa80]
                                                      1  <executing in user space>
                                          1  TFSInfo::operator==(TFSInfo const&) const + 736 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e886]
                                            1  TFSInfo::GetVolumeIdentifier() const + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e934]
                                              1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                  1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 1545 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905ed2]
                                                    1  <executing in user space>
                                      2  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 3830 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8ec72]
                                        2  TChildrenList::Find(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&) + 183 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da799c9]
                                          1  TFSInfo::LessThan(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&) const + 613 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da82123]
                                            1  TFSInfo::GetName() const + 49 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75cef]
                                              1  <executing in user space>
                                          1  TFSInfo::LessThan(TCountedPtr<TFSInfo> const&) const + 667 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da82159]
                                            1  TFSInfo::GetObjectIdentifier() const + 40 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da7e8ee]
                                              1  TFSInfo::CopyPropertyValues(unsigned long long, unsigned long long&, _CFURLFilePropertyValues*) const + 64 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da75f30]
                                                1  _CFURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 191 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dee256f]
                                                  1  _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyValuesAndFlags + 505 (CoreServicesInternal) [0x7fff91905ac2]
                                                    1  <executing in user space>
                                      1  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 6206 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8f5ba]
                                        1  TCountedPtr<TFSInfo>::~TCountedPtr() + 17 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da731d1]
                                          1  TFSInfo::RemovePtrReference() + 12 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da74c12]
                                            1  <executing in user space>
                                      1  TNode::SynchronizeChildren(unsigned int, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 5449 (DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff8da8f2c5]
                                        1  pthread_mutex_unlock + 268 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87440175]
                                          1  __mtx_droplock + 682 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743f960]
                                            1  <executing in user space>
      Thread 0x469      DispatchQueue 2          priority 48         cpu time   0.104s
      37 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff85d99a2a]
        37 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de10d16]
         *37 ??? (mach_kernel + 3471600) [0xffffff800054f8f0]
      Thread 0x1779a1   priority 62       
      37 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 403 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff8c6d235b]
        37 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de0e686]
         *37 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000213030]
      Thread 0x1833e0   priority 46       
      37 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de0e686]
       *37 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000213030]
      Thread 0x191f46   priority 46         cpu time   0.032s
      37 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874271c1]
        37 _pthread_start + 327 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743a782]
          37 __NSThread__main__ + 1345 (Foundation) [0x7fff88911842]
            34 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 543 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a82d0e8]
              34 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874c473f]
                34 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de10386]
                 *34 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000233e90]
            2  -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1781 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a82d5be]
              2  -[NSProgressIndicator heartBeat:] + 1737 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a82de37]
                2  -[NSProgressIndicator _drawBar:] + 1289 (AppKit) [0x7fff8aab8d5c]
                  2  CUIDraw + 180 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3edc4b]
                    2  CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 3343 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3c29e1]
                      2  CUIArtFileRenderer::Draw(CUIDescriptor const*, CGAffineTransform, CUIReturnInfo&) + 1603 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3e792f]
                        1  CUIArtFileRenderer::DrawProgressIndicatorIndeterminate(CUIDescriptor const*) + 3822 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3d4ac2]
                          1  CUIArtFileRenderer::DrawImages(CUIDescriptor const*, CGImage**, CGRect*, CGRect*, unsigned long, bool, double) + 362 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3c53fe]
                            1  CGContextDrawImages + 229 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff877be216]
                              1  ripc_DrawImages + 6141 (libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff8bcc05bb]
                                1  ripc_RenderImage + 313 (libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff8bcb7c8a]
                                  1  ripl_BltImage + 1625 (libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff8bcb8536]
                                    1  ripl_Mark + 23 (libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff8bcbd5ac]
                                      1  argb32_image + 977 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff877a3746]
                                        1  argb32_mark + 226 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778ef53]
                                          1  argb32_mark_pixelshape + 3772 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff877bafc0]
                                            1  <executing in user space>
                        1  CUIArtFileRenderer::DrawProgressIndicatorIndeterminate(CUIDescriptor const*) + 3874 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e3d4af6]
                          1  CUIElement::Unload() + 26 (CoreUI) [0x7fff8e407266]
                            1  CFRelease + 1571 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8de23513]
                              1  szone_free + 874 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff87455a7e]
                                1  get_tiny_previous_free_msize + 73 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8745d7f5]
                                  1  <executing in user space>
            1  -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1157 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a82d34e]
              1  -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 201 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8dea54f9]
                1  -[NSWindow flushWindow] + 423 (AppKit) [0x7fff8a6b8f4a]
                  1  ripc_Operation + 218 (libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff8bcb4e72]
                    1  CGSDeviceSynchronize + 544 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8779d5b5]
                      1  _CGSFlushRegionInline + 167 (CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8779de1c]
                        1  mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de0e686]
                         *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 19 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002ced13]
                           *1  ??? (mach_kernel + 678614) [0xffffff80002a5ad6]
                             *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 119 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002195b7]
                               *1  ipc_kmsg_get + 140 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff800021014c]
                                 *1  _enable_preemption + 24 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002ad448]
      Thread 0x1a6e5c   priority <multiple> cpu time   0.092s
      37 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874271b1]
        37 _pthread_wqthread + 412 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743ccf3]
          37 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de106d6]
           *37 ??? (mach_kernel + 3911152) [0xffffff80005badf0]
      Thread 0x1a7ed0   priority <multiple>
      37 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874271b1]
        37 _pthread_wqthread + 412 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743ccf3]
          37 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de106d6]
           *37 ??? (mach_kernel + 3911152) [0xffffff80005badf0]
      Thread 0x1a84bd   priority <multiple>
      27 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874271b1]
        27 _pthread_wqthread + 412 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743ccf3]
          27 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de106d6]
           *27 ??? (mach_kernel + 3911152) [0xffffff80005badf0]
      Thread 0x1a82c5   priority 46       
      9 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff874271b1]
        9 _pthread_wqthread + 412 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8743ccf3]
          9 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8de106d6]
           *9 ??? (mach_kernel + 3911152) [0xffffff80005badf0]
      Binary Images:
             0x105d92000 -        0x10624cfff 10.8 (10.8) <88ABD99B-0589-3E68-8120-DC451CD05B96> /System/Library/CoreServices/
          0x7fff84d61000 -     0x7fff84e79a27  libobjc.A.dylib <9FA80CDA-97F4-3801-8879-0C1B976BC5CA> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
          0x7fff85d95000 -     0x7fff85daaff7  libdispatch.dylib <0B6B6E7F-4D8A-3F3B-A4BF-6CF34638DBBB> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
          0x7fff87426000 -     0x7fff874f2fef  libsystem_c.dylib <16B6B86C-53EE-36E8-AC2B-4AADC1008098> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
          0x7fff87746000 -     0x7fff880d739f 1.600.0 <2F5D7032-9A96-36AE-A227-428E95CAE0C5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
          0x7fff88600000 -     0x7fff886b1fff 539 (539) <04FA5C61-6349-3841-9609-B650B6222800> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
          0x7fff8887c000 -     0x7fff88bd8ff7 6.8 (945) <0C972F73-0C07-3384-98F2-B176E0289494> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
          0x7fff8985a000 -     0x7fff89b71ff7 1037 (1037) <5127E2AB-AE98-3393-AEF6-CA8C1090F921> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
          0x7fff8a4f1000 -     0x7fff8b11bfff 6.8 (1187) <C9309F5C-9441-3E5B-A120-B03FEDDA63F9> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
          0x7fff8bca8000 -     0x7fff8bcd4ff7  libRIP.A.dylib <36880C8B-7FC0-3689-91FF-A0E8F4F57FE4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib
          0x7fff8c615000 -     0x7fff8c7c3fff 1.8 (304.0) <BDC66714-F60C-386D-A773-F897D1E87AB6> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
          0x7fff8da69000 -     0x7fff8db88fff 1.7.0 (1.7.0) <F84224B1-BA28-

  • IMac graphics issues on Mountain Lion

    Upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion. Ever since, graphics issues kept popping up. Can't play games in Windows via Bootcamp. Screen all of sudden turned black once entered the game. Even playing games on iMac has this issue, and the whole screen turned grey. I even had a clean install of ML and also reinstall WIndows on Bootcamp, but issues still presists. Graphics artifacts appeared in Mountain Lion, which I never had during Lion. Anyone have the same issues? NOw Bootcamp is V5.0, which is the latest. Is there anything I can do? Even my MBP early 2011 model had minor graphics glitches after waking up from sleep mode, some of my friends even have glitches after opening up his MBP lid. 4 of us upgraded to ML and 3 of them had major issues, which are very annoying.

    I also updated my iMac 21" Mid. 2011 base Model from Lion to Mountain Lion and also had jerky/choppy UI after waking up and only after waking up, never after a restart. I tried a clean intsall and get my data back from Time Machine but it did not help. Then I made clean install without getting back my data and without installing any Apps, and what should I say, same issue. The iMac was over night in sleep mode (this morning I had the promblem again) so i think there is an issue with the Graphic Driver or somthing else and the maintenance scripts. But not sure. I tried 10.8.1 12B17 that did not help either.
    Sorry for my English.

  • Video playback--mba 2010 w/mountain lion

    Has anyone noticed terrible video playback on 13" 4Gb mba 2010 with the mountain lion upgrade? Youtube using flash (11.4.402.265) at 1080p is unwatchable and 720p is barely watchable at full screen. Connecting to a larger monitor is much worse. I could do all 3 when I had Lion. I'm not running any other applications at the time and used the app Free Memory to clear the RAM cache before playing a video. I've tried firefox, chrome, and safari (which I prefer), and they all had similarly poor results. I previously used html5 on lion, but those gave me choppy results and found flash to be better. Any suggestions?

    I tried unchecking "enable hardware acceleration", but the results were similarly poor in safari 6 and chrome. However, while using safari 6 on youtube, I opted for the trial html5 setting and it now plays 1080p smoothly at full screen. Hopefully, this might helps others struggling with the mba 2010 processor.

  • Mountain Lion and Lion very slow on Macbook 13' 2010 Middle

    The problem is the Mountain Lion and Lion very very slow, but Snow Leopard was fast.
    The Lion bit faster, the Mountain Lion is much slower.
    Animations are choppy and slow, but sometimes fast, but mostly random stuttering. If i have multiple windows opened, the Misson Control is very slow and useless. I think the system UI framerate is low (about 10-15 FPS)
    Overall, the system response is very slow, and lagging.
    I tried to clean dinstall several times, but this didn't help me.
    I know that the new system is slower on older machines, but it would not be so necessary. This Machine is good machine, and i think this is enought for Mountain Lion. Will Apple fix this slow issue soon (maybe 10.8.3), or stay in this state?
    At current state of the system is unusable due to the slowness.
    Or is it a non official solution to fix this?
    Thanks for your answers.

    How much RAM do you have installed? 4 GB RAM is generally recommended as a reasonable minimum since kernel_task (part of system) consumes up to 1 GB; my browser consumes another 500 MB or so. So, if you like to multi-task and have several things open, then you will need to increase your RAM. This problem will not be fixed; I sent in a bug report and the reply was that this is how it is intended - 64 bit addressing consumes far more resources than 32 bit (Snow Leopard).
    You'll need to look at your processes in Activity Monitor, quit some apps while working on others that are CPU intensive, and increase the RAM if possible.

  • What is going on with the scroll function? It doesn't seem to work in any applications, now that I downloaded the new Mountain Lion?

    What is going on with the scroll function. It doesn't seem to work ever since I downloaded Mountain Lion.

    I've noticed this too...when I'm in Safari, scrolling is a bit jerky and sometimes it stops even though I'm still fingers go right off the trackpad.  I just downloaded the new updates onto my brand new macbook air- had to do it manually as "power nap" doesn't work, even after the SMC reset.  Lamesauce.

  • My MacBook Air 2013 is 'not compatible with Mac OS X Mountain Lion'

    I just bought a new MacBook Air 2013 yesterday.
    I think there may be some driver issues with it as the graphics seem a little choppy.
    I tried redownloading Mac OS X Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store but a message constantly pops up saying that Mac OS X Mountain Lion is not compatible with my computer.
    Is anyone else getting this issue?

    Wait until the next update, or reinstall it from the recovery partition, which is accessible by pressing the Command and R keys at startup.

  • 2008 iMac won't turn on after Mountain Lion installation

    I have a 2008 iMac with 6GB of RAM that was running on OS X 10.6.8 perfectly. Tonight I upgraded it to Mountain Lion. After the installation, my machine was running slower and a little choppy, especially when first opening programs, even though it meets all the requirements for Mountain Lion. After about an hour or two of running like this, I was standing away from the computer for a minute when I saw a flash come from the monitor. I went to it and the screen was black. I thought maybe it had went to sleep, but nope! It was completely off and would not turn back on. No lights or sounds come on at all. There was no power outage or anything, and all other devices plugged into the same surge protector were working fine. I tried plugging it into another outlet and still had no luck.
    Any insight onto what caused this? Is it most likely a power supply failure, and could this have been caused by the Mountain Lion installation? Considering I've had this computer for almost 5 years and this has never happened before, it seems obvious that this contributed somehow.
    Any advice would be appreciated. I'm going to try to take it to an Apple store soon, but the earliest appointment is a few days away.
    Thank you!

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    It's quite possible that the power supply failed. The failure is difficult to be related with OS X Mountain Lion, so I would discard that. In some cases, it's normal that you experience slowness after installing a new OS X version because Spotlight indexes the hard drive.
    The best you can do is to take it to an Apple Store or reseller so you can get your Mac diagnosed. Now we can't do anything else apart from thinking that is a power supply issue

  • How can I connect my Early 2011" Macbook Pro 13" inch, with a generic Mini Display Port to HDMI connector, to a LG 32LD340 LCD TV, using Mountain Lion 10.8.2?

    I have an Early 2011" macbook pro 13 inch (core i5 2.3ghz 4gb ram 320hdd) with Mountain Lion 10.8.2, and I want to connect it via Mini DP to HDMI connector, and a HDMI cable to a LCD TV LG 32LD340. When I had Lion OS, I had no problems at all.

    If you have an external drive equal to or larger than your internal HD, clone your internal to it with either Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper. Test the clone to make sure it's bootable. Then upgrade either one. Try it out first.

  • TS3147 After installing Mountain Lion, I tried to scan from my Canon MX870 and received the message: "MP Navigator EX quit unexpectedly. Click Reopen to open the application again. A report will be sent to Apple,"

    After installing Mountain Lion, I tried to scan from my Canon MX870 and received the message: "MP Navigator EX quit unexpectedly. Click Reopen to open the application again. A report will be sent to Apple,"  This problem happened right after I installed Mountain Lion. I then downloaded Canon's upgraded software and drivers for the MX 870 and the problem was resolved. Now one month later, the problem has returned.

    rjliii wrote:
    Solved problem with original Canon software.  When I downloaded Canon software upgraded for OS X 10.8, I got all by Navigator Ex. Noticed that on Canon's site, the upgraded version is 3.1; my app was 2.1. Upgraded to 3.1 for Nav. Ex, and it works.
    You should still use Image Capture IMHO.  If it was my gear, that's what I would do.  No need to worry about software upgrades.

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