Chose which item to syncronise between Outlook/OraCal

Hi there
we use outlook connector (Win) to syncronise between a mobile, outlook and oracal.
the syncronisation works perfect. Between my mobile and outlook I can chose, which items (tasks, events etc.) I want to have syncronised.
Between outlook and oracal I miss this option. Where can I chose which items to syncronise?
For example, I want to syncronise only events between Outlook and OraCal.
thanks for any help

Bonjour Bettina,
Maybe it's the terminology being use that is confusing in this post.
Oracle has multiple Calendar Client.
Oracle Connector for Outlook (OCFO) is a plug-in on top of Outlook.
What you refers as ocal, I assume you are talking about the Oracle Desktop client (available for windows, Mac and Linux)
Think of all of these calendar clients as a mean to see what is stored on the calendar server.
Therefore, no matter how many clients you are using, each will display the same information and no synchronization is needed between them.
Now for your Mobile, if you synchronize it with the OCFO client, then the information is also pushed to the calendar server, therefore, when using the Desktop client, the same information will be shown.
If you need additional information about this procedure, please open a TAR against the ProductID 1341.
Trusting this is to your complete satisfaction,
Manon Delisle

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