Cisco PI 2.0 -- dcrcli - Tool needed

Hi all,
as in LMS 4.2x we used dcrcli heavily for admin tasks like device add/delete/show credentials
I wonder if there is a similar tool on Console of PI 2.0.
Does anybody of you know how to manually perform device add/delete via CLI or API?
Thanks for any feedback.

It seems PI doesn't have such command line tools for equivalent task of GUI, such as adding devices.
Bulk import seems to be the only additional option to add devices apart from regular adding option.
You can check the command reference here :
Adding devices in PI 2.0:
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    Site Surveys are important and should be done by a professional. A poor site survey can lead to a lot of problems. It would be hard to put all aspects of conducting a proper site survey in a single post. Lets cover a few of the basics.
    1) If you plan to deploy 1140 model access points. Then you should use that AP in autonomous mode so you dont have to be plugged into your network
    2) The AP gets powered by an exteral power source like this battery for exmaple:
    3) As far as moving the AP around you can purchase a site survey pole like this:
    4) As for software, I like AirMagnet Surveyor
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    I am in process of upgrading CUCM from 8.6 to 9.1.2 and receiving "not enough disk space on the partition" error.
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    Memory Total:        4016964K
            Free:         161516K
            Used:        3855448K
          Cached:        1745416K
          Shared:              0K
         Buffers:           9216K
                            Total            Free            Used
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    Disk/inactive       14410560K       13499216K         167512K (2%)
    Disk/logging        50179664K       18651876K       28937612K (61%)

    Hi MK,
    If the percentage of disk usage is above the high water mark that you configured, the system sends an alarm message to syslog, generates a corresponding alert in RTMT Alert Central, and automatically purges log files until the value reaches the low water mark. So, try lowering the high water mark value as well and then restart the Log Partition Monitoring service.

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    -Firewall Internal interface is,
    -F5_BigIP External interface is,
    -F5_BigIP Internal interface is and,
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    That won't work because ACE uses the vlan id to distinguish between flows.
    So when the response comes back on a different vlan, ACE can't find the flow it belongs to and it drops it.
    Even if we could force it to accept the packet, ACE would then try to create a new flow for this packet and it will collide with the flow already existing on the frontend.
    You would need to force your host to respond on the same vlan the traffic came in.
    This could be done with client nat on ACE using different nat pool.

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    All 3 of the options provide are all JavaScript. There is no plug-in used. You do need to place the JavaScript code text file into a special folder so that the menu and tool bar tools that allow execution of the JavaScript code and associate the pop-up calendar with a specific field.

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  • Text parsing tool - need suggestion

    I need to do the following on a text file, tab separated.
    The lines I'm interested in begin all with 4 digits; other lines must remain untouched.
    The structure of a line is:
    4-digit code
    desciptive string
    If the "end" of line X is equal to the "start" of line X+1, the end of the first line must be replaced by (for instance) --- ; I need to compare line 1 and 2, then line 2 and 3, then line 3 and 4, and so on. If a line doesn't begin with 4 digits, it must be printed literally and the comparison must be done with the following line.
    Something like:
    line 1 begins with 4 digit, so compare it with the following line
    line 2 begins with text: print it and skip to the following for the comparison with line 1
    line 3 begins with 4 digit: use it for the comparison with line 1 and then compare it with the following line
    line 4 begins with 4 digit: use it for the comparison with the previous line and then compare it with the following line
    ### example input ###
    Some garbage text
    0123 001 003 dfghdfhg
    4569 002 003 fdsygiusdg
    Some other garbage text
    5001 003 005 fguoiauhg
    4786 005 007 fdhgsdhg
    5641 007 008 kgjhlks
    4455 009 010 dlkhsjsdf
    ### example desidered output ###
    Some garbage text
    0123 001 003 dfghdfhg
    4569 002 --- fdsygiusdg
    Some other garbage text
    5001 003 --- fguoiauhg
    4786 005 --- fdhgsdhg
    5641 007 008 kgjhlks
    4455 009 010 dlkhsjsdf
    Can someone suggest the right tool for this and give some hints?

    I've added my own comments to the code:
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    # initialize an array to hold the matches from a line that fits our regular expression
    # we initialize it here to make it global so we can use it in the loop
    my @last_line = ();
    # the stack will temporarily hold all the lines that don't match the regular expression
    # we initialize it here too so that we can use it in the loop
    my $stack = '';
    # here's the main loop... it gets run once for each line of input
    # the "my $line = <STDIN>" sets "$line" to the value of the next line on STDIN
    # the "defined()" function is just to make sure that we get all of the input because
    # perl can interpret some strings and digits as "False"
    # without the "defined()" part, the actual value of each line would be used
    while (defined(my $line = <STDIN>))
    # first we need to decide how to print the lines
    # the tricky part is that before we print one line,
    # we need to check the NEXT line to see if it's "start"
    # is this line's "end"
    # we also need to keep the junk text in the right order,
    # which means that we can't print the last line or any of
    # the junk lines between it and the next matching line
    # until we've checked it so we dump the junk lines on
    # a stack that we can print after we've printed the last
    # matching line
    # here we check for lines that begin with 4 digits,
    # followed by spaces, digits, spaces, more digits,
    # then whatever's left on the line
    # we capture the first 4 digits and the following spaces in first group
    # the "start" in the second group
    # the spaces between the "start" and the "end" in the third group
    # the "end" in the fourth group
    # and then the rest of the line in the fifth group
    # the "m" at the beginning is not necessary as it defaults
    # to matching, but I prefer to be explicit when sharing code
    # to make it clearer... you could skip it
    if ($line =~ m/^(\d{4}\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(.+\n)$/)
    # not we assign the matches to an array
    # remember that arrays are 0-indexed, so
    # group 1 will be at [0], etc
    my (@current_line) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
    # check if the "start" of the current line
    # (group 2, index 1) matches the "end" of the
    # last line (group 4, index 3)
    if ($last_line[3] eq $current_line[1])
    # if it does, replace each character in
    # the "end" of the last line with "-"
    $last_line[3] =~ s/./-/g;
    # print the last line by joining the 5 groups
    # together in a string without spaces then
    # print all the junk lines that came after it
    # before the current matching line
    print join ('',@last_line), $stack;
    # make the current line the "last line" for
    # the comparison with the next matching line
    # clear the stack because we've printed those
    # lines that were in it already
    $stack = '';
    # otherwise, the line didn't match our regular express
    # so drop it on the stack for later
    # if we printed it now, it would be printed before
    # the last matching line
    $stack .= $line;
    # now we've run through all the input but we haven't
    # printed the last matching line because we always waited
    # for the next matching line to compare its "end" with the
    # next "start"
    # now there's nothing more to compare so we can print
    # the last line and the stack
    print join ('',@last_line), $stack;
    Let's look at a modified version of your example input (with line numbers) and what happens when the script is run
    1 Some garbage text
    2 0123 001 003 dfghdfhg
    3 4569 002 003 fdsygiusdg
    4 Some other garbage text
    5 Even more garbage text
    6 5001 003 005 fguoiauhg
    7 4786 005 007 fdhgsdhg
    8 5641 007 008 kgjhlks
    9 4455 009 010 dlkhsjsdf
    @last_line is initalized (empty) and so is $stack
    line 1 doesn't match the regex so it get's dropped on the stack
    line 2 matches the regex
    line 2's "start" (001) doesn't match @last_line's "end" (which is empty) so no changes are made to @last_line's "end"
    print @last_line (""), followed by the stack (line 1) and clear the stack
    @last_line = line 2
    line 3 matches the regex
    line 3's "start" (002) doesn't match @last_line's "end" (003) so no changes are made
    print @last_line (line 2) followed by the stack ("")
    @last_line = line 3
    line 4 doesn't match the regex so it's dropped on the stack
    same for line 5 so the stack is now line 4 + line 5
    line 6 matches the regex
    line 6's "start" (003) matches @last_line's (line 3's) "end" (003) so replace "003" with "---"
    print @last_line (line 3) followed by the stack (line 4 + line 5)
    Without the stack, lines 4 and 5 would have been printed before line 3 because we were holding on to it for comparison with line 6.
    (I sense another one of those "you have too much time on your hands" comments in this thread... I can't help it though, I like to help, plus it's good exercise to explain how you've programmed something and why)
    Last edited by Xyne (2009-03-10 20:34:35)

  • Tools needed for Interactive forms

    Hi ,
       DO we need to install any other tool apart from SAP GUI to work with ADOBE interactive forms.

    Hi Arpitha,
    ADS configuration in Java stack of WAS,
    For interactive forms - Adobe credential file,
    Adobe lifecycle designer.
    Hope these helps.
    Please check out the homepage/ this forum for more details.
    - anto.

  • Which Developers Tools need to be downloaded?

    Our company is developing a software program that we would like to Interface with Oracle products. The initial product that we planning to work with is Oracle E-Business 11i. We are developing on a .NET platform. I have several questions with regard to becoming an Oracle product developer.
    1.     Is there an application or cost to become an Oracle developer?
    2.     What developer tools would we need in addition to .NET Development?
    3.     Will we have access to a development or test environment?
    4.     What system requirements are needed?

    Hello rousse101,
    Would you mind to describe video games in detail? I'm not quite sure the meaning of your video game. As far as I know, almost all games are actually apps, video in games are just playing some movies and do not have Interaction.
    Flash Player Games seems have interaction but I don't know whether VS can develop it.
    Anyway, if you want to develop an Game, you should choose your library first, for example, for DirectX, you can refer to the following blog:
    Or XNA:
    However, none of them are pending on VS. You need the SDK and also VS installed together then you can develop Games.
    By the way, this is not the right forum for your issue, we talk about install/uninstall Visual Studio issues here.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Manager Reporting Tool Needed

    If this iTunesU is really going to be successful it needs a way to add quizes/assessments and to have a reporting tool for managers to check on the progress of students work assignments and the scores (even pass/fail would be ok)
    So far all I see is a way of publishing materials for students to self study - a good start but can we share in the Apple roadmap plans to make this amarket leader in education for both schools and business.
    Anyone have ideas on third party tools for now?
    The only idea I can think of is to have a link on the footer of an iBook that will open a macro on a network that can run a question/answer log.
    Graham, London

    You can provide formal feedback to Apple using the product feedback forum:
    If you are associated with an educational institution, you could also talk to your Apple account rep.

  • Tools needed for Adobe Form SFP

    Hi Experts,
    I need to accomplish my task by using Adobe Interactive Form. What tools do I need to do so.
    - I have ABAP workbench so do I need to install Adobe Designer?
    - Do I need to configure the ADS in the portal?
    - what else do I need?

    Hi Anthony,
    Yes u need to install Adobe LifeCycle Designer in ur Computer.
    Adobe Document Service (ADS) must be configured..
    If u r using ZCI (zero Client  installation) layout in the forms these ll do..
    Check SDN.. many posts are ther regarding this..

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    Q#2: Is there a capacity planning tool in Oracle Database that can be used for sizing a new system?
    Q#3: How do we find out the status/usage of CPU, Disk Usage etc?
    This is the version in use: Oracle Database 11g Release – 64bit Production
    With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options.

    >Q#1: Is there a capacity planning tool in Oracle Database that can tell us when do we need more memory or CPU?
    >Q#2: Is there a capacity planning tool in Oracle Database that can be used for sizing a new system?
    >Q#3: How do we find out the status/usage of CPU, Disk Usage etc?

  • SQL executing error differences with different tools, need help!!

    Hi everyone,
    I'm getting trouble with executing SQL query using SQLdevelopper.
    but it returns the error about bind value parameter in & out doesn't set.
    I also try to same SQL with other tools but only one tool could succeed
    executing which is Osqledit.
    Object Browser--------No
    does anybody know why some sql tools couldn't succeed executing
    same sql such as Osqledit?
    and also in this case often to cause or not?
    thank you for reading and helping me.

    thanks SHUBH I think so too.
    To Colin and others,
    here is my SQL query which wasn't written in English so
    it took me for a while to translate.
    and it very long SQL which my co-worker made it.
    sorry for it unable to read easily tho I need your help.
    in additon, we use bind-values on this SQL.
                   JANcode JAN,
                   min(lowestestprice) lowestestprice,
                   max(highestprice) highestprice,
                   sum(amount) amount,
                   sum(totalsales) totalsales,
                   sum(retailprice) retailprice,
                   sum(aprice) aprice,
                   sum(normalamount) normalamount,
                   sum(normaltotalsales) normaltotalsales,
                   sum(normalretailprice) normalretailprice,
                   sum(normalaprice) normalaprice,
                   sum(discountamount) discountamount,
                   sum(discounttotalsales) discounttotalsales,
                   sum(discountretailprice) discountretailprice,
                   sum(discountaprice) discountaprice,
                   sum(memberamount) memberamount,
                   sum(membertotalsales) membertotalsales,
                   sum(memberretailprice) memberretailprice,
                   sum(memberaprice) memberaprice,
                   salesdate between :begindate and :enddate
              group by
         ) h
         full outer join
    min(lowestestprice) lowestestprice,
                   max(highestprice) highestprice,
                   sum(amount) amount,
                   sum(totalsales) totalsales,
                   sum(retailprice) retailprice,
                   sum(aprice) aprice,
                   sum(normalamount) normalamount,
                   sum(normaltotalsales) normaltotalsales,
                   sum(normalretailprice) normalretailprice,
                   sum(normalaprice) normalaprice,
                   sum(discountamount) discountamount,
                   sum(discounttotalsales) discounttotalsales,
                   sum(discountretailprice) discountretailprice,
                   sum(discountaprice) discountaprice,
                   sum(memberamount) memberamount,
                   sum(membertotalsales) membertotalsales,
                   sum(memberretailprice) memberretailprice,
                   sum(memberaprice) memberaprice,
                   salesdate between :begindate and :enddate
              group by shopcode, JAN
              union all
                   min(a.pricewiotax) lowestestprice,
              -     max(a.pricewiotax) highestprice,
                   sum(a.amount) amount,
                   sum(a.totalsales) totalsales,
                   sum(a.retailprice) retailprice,
                   sum(a.aprice) aprice,
                   sum(a.normalamount) normalamount,
                   sum(a.normaltotalsales) normaltotalsales,
                   sum(a.normalretailprice) normalretailprice,
                   sum(a.normalaprice) normalaprice,
                   sum(a.discountamount) discountamount,
                   sum(a.discounttotalsales) discounttotalsales,
                   sum(a.discountretailprice) discountretailprice,
                   sum(a.discountaprice) discountaprice,
                   sum(a.memberamount) memberamount,
                   sum(a.membertotalsales) membertotalsales,
                   sum(a.memberretailprice) memberretailprice,
                   sum(a.memberaprice) memberaprice,
              from (
                        substr(p.makedate, 1, 8) salesdate,
                        p.amount amount,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax)
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice))
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.discountretailprice), 0, 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice)))
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
    p.amount, 0) normalamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax), 0)
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
                        trunc(p.amount * p.totalsales), 0)
                        decode(p.totalsales, 0, 0, decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount * p.retailprice), 0))
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
    p.amount) discountamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax))
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                        trunc(p.amount *
                        decode(p.discountretailprice, 0, 0,
                   decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                   trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax)
                        trunc(p.amount *
    p.discountretailprice))) discountaprice,
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then p.amount else 0 end
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax)
    else 0 end membertotalsales,
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554') then
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.discountretailprice)) else 0 end
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554') then
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
    p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice),
    0, 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice)))
    else 0 end memberaprice,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
                   decode(p.discountsec, '07',
    p.amount, 0), 0)
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                        decode(p.discountsec, '07',
    p.amount, 0)) discountreserveamount
                   from shopweeksaleswk p
                   where p.salesdate between :begindate
    and :enddate
                   and p.makedate not between
                   :begindate|| '000000 '
    and :enddate|| '000000 '
                   ) a
              group by a.shopcode, a.JAN
              union all     
                   min(a.pricewiotax) lowestestprice,
                   max(a.pricewiotax) highestprice,
                   sum(a.amount) amount,
                   sum(a.totalsales) totalsales,
                   sum(a.retailprice) retailprice,
                   sum(a.aprice) aprice,
                   sum(a.normalamount) normalamount,
                   sum(a.normaltotalsales) normaltotalsales,
                   sum(a.normalretailprice) normalretailprice,
                   sum(a.normalaprice) normalaprice,
                   sum(a.discountamount) discountamount,
                   sum(a.discounttotalsales) discounttotalsales,
                   sum(a.discountretailprice) discountretailprice,
                   sum(a.discountaprice) discountaprice,
                   sum(a.memberamount) memberamount,
                   sum(a.membertotalsales) membertotalsales,
                   sum(a.memberretailprice) memberretailprice,
                   sum(a.memberaprice) memberaprice,
              from (
                        substr(p.makedate, 1, 8) salesdate,
                        p.amount *- 1 amount,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) *- 1
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice)) *-
    1 retailprice,
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice),
    0, 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice))) *-
    1 aprice,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
    p.amount, 0) *- 1 normalamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
    trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax), 0) *
                        - 1 normaltotalsales,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
    trunc(p.amount * p.retailprice), 0) *
                        - 1 normalretailprice,
                        decode(p.retailprice, 0, 0, decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount * p.retailprice), 0)) *- 1
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
    p.amount) *- 1 discountamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
    trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax)) *
                        - 1 discounttotalsales,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                        trunc(p.amount *
    p.discountretailprice)) *- 1
                        decode(p.discountretailprice, 0, 0,
    decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
                        trunc(p.amount *
    p.discountretailprice))) *- 1
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then p.amount *- 1 else 0 end
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) *-                                                                1 else 0 end membertotalsales,
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then trunc(p.amount * decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
                        p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice)) *-
    1 else 0 end memberretailprice,
                        case when substr(p.cardnumber,
    1, 7) in
    ('4986428', '4986429', '4986554')
                        then decode(decode
    (p.discountcode, '000000',
    p.discountretailprice), 0, 0,
                        trunc(p.amount * p.pricewiotax) -
    trunc(p.amount *
    p.retailprice, p.discountretailprice))) *
                        - 1 else 0 end memberamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000',
    decode(p.discountsec, '07',
    p.amount, 0), 0)*
                        -1 normalreserveamount,
                        decode(p.discountcode, '000000', 0,
    decode(p.discountsec, '07',
    p.amount, 0))*
                        -1 discountreserveamount
                   from shopweeksaleswk p
                   where p.salesdate not between :begindate
    and :enddate
                   and p.makedate
    between :begindate|| '000000 '
    and :enddate|| '000000 '
                   ) a
              group by a.shopcode, a.JAN
         ) m
         using (shopcode,JAN)
         and h.lowestestprice != m.lowestestprice
         or h.highestprice != m.highestprice
         (h.amount != m.amount
         or h.totalsales != m.totalsales
         or h.aprice != m.aprice
         or h.normalamount != m.normalamount
         or h.normaltotalsales != m.normaltotalsales
         or h.normalretailprice != m.normalretailprice
         or h.normalaprice != m.normalaprice
         or h.discountamount != m.discountamount
         or h.discounttotalsales != m.discounttotalsales
         or h.discountretailprice != m.discountretailprice
         or h.discountaprice != m.discountaprice
         or h.memberamount != m.memberamount
         or h.membertotalsales != m.membertotalsales
         or h.memberretailprice != m.memberretailprice
         or h.memberaprice != m.memberaprice
         or h.normalreserveamount != m.normalreserveamount
         or h.discountreserveamount != m.discountreserveamount)
    order by shopcode, JAN ;

  • Repair tool needed after every send/receive

    So this problem has been consistent for more than 3 months now. I can open my Outlook just fine and I can do just about anything I need to. I can send, receive, schedule meetings and reminders etc.... But every time I try to remove a message from my .pst,
    I get the error "Errors have been detected...." and I have to run the repair tool. This happens if I move a message from one PST to another or when I try to delete a message. After I run the repair tool and open Outlook, it works fine... then I receive
    a new email and it's the same story all over again. I have literally run the repair tool 2 or 3 times a day for the last few months. 
    I have tried creating a new .PST file and I get the same issue. I have tried disabling all Add-Ins, and the problem is still there. Any suggestions on how to correct this issue?

    Which version of Outlook are you using?
    What’s the file size of your Outlook data file? If the data file size exceed the limit, it may cause some unexpected issue. If so, please delete some unwanted items to reduce the pst file size and then check the result. More information about Outlook pst
    file size limits, please refer:
    Besides, if you installed any security programs, please temporarily turn off them to check the result. Make sure there’s no security program integrated with your Outlook.
    If above not working, please back up your data file on an external drive and then run a scandisk and defrag on the hard drive where you store your pst files. After that, test the issue again.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cisco Prime LMS 4.1 course needed

    Hi folks,
    In near future we're going to migrate our LMS 3.2 to new LMS 4.1.
    Have anybody know if any Cisco courses for Cisco Prime LMS 4.1 are available to buy, order or download? If so, wher I can find it.
    Thanks in advance for help

    If your employer is willing to let you travel to instructor-led classes, you could search for providers of the 5-day "Implementing CiscoWorks LMS 4.0". Here's a course outline of this class, from the intraweb:
    1. Introduction to CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
    Defining Network Management
    Exploring the Network Management Process
    Basics of CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
    2. Getting Started
    Installing CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
    Logging into CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
    Using the Getting Started Workflow
    3. My Menu
    Basics of My Menu
    Managing Dashboards, Portlets, and Portal Layout
    4. Inventory Management
    Collecting Inventory and End User Information
    Performing Device Administration
    Viewing and Creating Inventory, User Tracking, and Switch Port Reports
    Using Inventory Tools
    5. Configuration and Software Management
    Managing the Configuration Archive
    Verifying Configuration Compliance
    Using Configuration Tools
    Using Configuration Workflows
    6. Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting
    Visualizing the Network with Topology Services
    Monitoring Network Performance
    Monitoring Network Response Time
    Monitoring Syslog Messages
    Monitoring Network Faults
    Using Troubleshooting Tools
    7. CiscoWorks LMS Work Center
    Using Smart Install Work Center
    Using Identity Work Center
    Using Auto Smartports Work Center
    Using EnergyWise Work Center
    8. CiscoWorks LMS Administration
    Using the Trust Management Menu
    Managing Collection Settings
    Performing Network Administration Tasks
    Performing System Administration Tasks

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