Cisco340AP "Too Many Stations in BSS"

I don't know how to resolve this problem in my Cisco 340AP. I've upgraded the AP with AP340v1205.img and now the AP will only allow one client (whichever is first) to connect and then it refuses any further clients with the message: Failed Association, status "Too Many
Stations in BSS".
Thanks for any help, this is driving me nuts.

Hi Anthony,
I hate having to send you this field notice;
Hope this helps! Sorry man!

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  • Scalability Issues - Too Many Active Sessions?

    I'm having an issue with an application I built for one of the campuses at the college I work at. The application is a queuing system where there are stations for students to check in, admin stations where staff can see these students and "call" them, and displays outside each employees office that shows the student that was called. There are about 20 of these last type of display panels. I have the following code in my page footer to poll the DB for the most recent called student for a specific room:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var refresh_region = function( workstation_in, div_in ) {
            {"p_request"      : 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=F_NEXT_STUDENT',
             "p_flow_id"      : $v('pFlowId'),      //app id
             "p_flow_step_id" : $v('pFlowStepId'),  //page id
             "p_instance"     : $v('pInstance'),    //session id
             "x01"            : workstation_in
            function(data) {
        setTimeout(function() { refresh_region( workstation_in, div_in ) }, 5000);
    refresh_region( '&P7_WORKSTATION_IN.', '#next_student_div' );
    </script>The OnDemand process, F_NEXT_STUDENT runs the following query and returns the result:
    select a.FIRST_NAME || ' ' || a.LAST_NAME
    into   full_name
    from   ONESTOP_QUEUE a
    where  a.WORKSTATION_ID_CALLED = in_workstation_id
    and    a.STATUS = 'CALLED'
    and    a.QUEUE_ID = (
       select min( c.QUEUE_ID )
       from   ONESTOP_QUEUE c
       where  c.WORKSTATION_ID_CALLED = in_workstation_id
    and    c.STATUS = 'CALLED');However, when all of these display panels are turned on (and I use code like this in other pages for similar purposes) the application becomes sluggish and eventually unresponsive. At first we had the application running off a box with Oracle XE. We eventually migrated to a full blown 11g install with APEX Listener and GlassFish. My DBA says everything looks ok on the DB side so I've been trying to dig in other areas to see where the bottleneck may be. After inspecting the Active Sessions report in APEX, I saw that there's a ton of connections being generated (> 30,000). This doesn't seem like a good thing to me and I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
    At first I was using $.post() instead of $.()get. I was also using setInterval() instead of a setTimeout() loop. However, none of these changes seemed to really help the situation much. I'm at a loss for how else to improve the performance of this application. Any suggestions on what I can try?
    Most of the app's functionality is on
    USER/PASS: TEST/test
    Direct URL to the page (I pass in the worksation ID):
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi Patrick,
    UPDATE as of 3PM Eastern:
    This afternoon all users lost the ability to connect to the application. My DBA is still reviewing logs but it seems that the error isn't on the DB side. The application came back up after he restarted the Apex listener. We found a bunch of the following error in the Glassfish server.log file:
    [#|2013-02-25T14:34:39.021-0500|WARNING|oracle-glassfish3.1.2|com.sun.grizzly.config.GrizzlyServiceListener|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|GRIZZLY0023: Interrupting idle Thread: http-thread-pool-80(73).|#]The max threads is currently set to 100.
    After we came back up I went to page 4350:45 and cleared out all sessions. After a couple minutes I rechecked the number of sessions on this page:
    Total Sessions: 27,674
    Distinct Users over all sessions = 2
    Sessions older than 15 minute(s) = 4Seems like way too many sessions to have after just a couple minutes.
    End UPDATE
    Again, thank you for taking the time to reply. Everything seems to be working fine for the past couple days, but I figured I'd provide some current data, especially since I'm still curious about all these "sessions".
    Are we talking about page 4350:45 which shows the following information
    Total Sessions: 9
    Distinct Users over all sessions = 4
    Sessions older than 1 day(s) = 0
    Where does it show 17,400 sessions for you? It almost appears that your daily APEX jobs are not running which do normally purge old APEX sessions automatically. See
    Yes, this was the page I was referring to. I just checked it now and it showed me the following:
    Total Sessions: 10,236
    Distinct Users over all sessions = 2
    Sessions older than 1 day(s) = 0And it does appear that the APEX jobs are running since there are no sessions older than 1 day... unless I'm interpreting this information incorrectly.
    Also, I was able to get some more data regarding page loading using the Debug info:
    14763     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     4 seconds ago     0.0000
    14760     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     9 seconds ago     0.5300
    14757     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     14 seconds ago     0.0150
    14754     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     19 seconds ago     0.0160
    14751     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     24 seconds ago     0.0160
    14748     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     29 seconds ago     0.0160
    14745     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     34 seconds ago     0.0160
    14742     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     39 seconds ago     0.0160
    14739     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     44 seconds ago     0.0160
    14736     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     49 seconds ago     0.0160
    14733     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     54 seconds ago     0.0160
    14730     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     59 seconds ago     0.0000
    14727     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     64 seconds ago     0.0160
    14724     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     69 seconds ago     0.0160
    14721     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     74 seconds ago     0.0160
    14718     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     79 seconds ago     0.0160
    14715     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     84 seconds ago     0.0150
    14712     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     89 seconds ago     0.5300
    14709     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     94 seconds ago     0.0000
    14706     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     99 seconds ago     0.0150
    14703     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     104 seconds ago     0.0150
    14700     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     109 seconds ago     0.0150
    14697     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     114 seconds ago     0.0150
    14694     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     119 seconds ago     0.0160
    14691     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5310
    14688     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5300
    14685     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5150
    14682     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5300
    14679     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5300
    14676     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     2 minutes ago     0.5300
    14673     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     3 minutes ago     0.0000
    14670     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     3 minutes ago     0.5930
    14667     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     3 minutes ago     0.5300
    14664     7751818952614     nobody     101     7     show     46     3 minutes ago     0.5460So I'm seeing a page load time of ~0.016 or ~0.53. When I click on the details for one of the longer page view, I get the following:
    0.00000     0.00000     S H O W: application="101" page="7" workspace="" request="APPLICATION_PROCESS=F_NEXT_STUDENT" session="7751818952614"     4
    0.00000     0.04700     Reset NLS settings     4
    0.04700     0.03100     alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="AMERICAN"     4
    0.07800     0.03100     alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA"     4
    0.10900     0.01600     alter session set NLS_CALENDAR="GREGORIAN"     4
    0.12500     0.03100     alter session set NLS_SORT="BINARY"     4
    0.15600     0.00000     alter session set NLS_COMP="BINARY"     4
    0.15600     0.00000     ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."     4
    0.15600     0.00000     ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","     4
    0.15600     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"     4
    0.15600     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"     4
    0.15600     0.03100     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"     4
    0.18700     0.00000     NLS of database and client differs, characterset conversion needed     4
    0.18700     0.01600     ...Setting session time_zone to -05:00     4
    0.20300     0.03100     Reset NLS settings     4
    0.23400     0.03100     alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="AMERICAN"     4
    0.26500     0.01600     alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA"     4
    0.28100     0.03100     alter session set NLS_CALENDAR="GREGORIAN"     4
    0.31200     0.03100     alter session set NLS_SORT="BINARY"     4
    0.34300     0.00000     alter session set NLS_COMP="BINARY"     4
    0.34300     0.00000     ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."     4
    0.34300     0.00000     ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","     4
    0.34300     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"     4
    0.34300     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"     4
    0.34300     0.01600     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"     4
    0.35900     0.03100     ...Setting session time_zone to -05:00     4
    0.39000     0.03100     Setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT to application date format: DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM     4
    0.42100     0.01600     Setting NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT to application timestamp format: DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM     4
    0.43700     0.03100     Setting NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT to application timestamp time zone format: DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM     4
    0.46800     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM"     4
    0.46800     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM"     4
    0.46800     0.00000     ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM"     4
    0.46800     0.00000     NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en     4
    0.46800     0.00000     Application 101, Authentication: PLUGIN, Page Template: 61331314513900454147     4
    0.46800     0.00000     Authentication check: No Authentication (NATIVE_DAD)     4
    0.46800     0.00000     ...fetch session state from database     4
    0.46800     0.01600     fetch items (exact)     4
    0.48400     0.00000     ... sentry+verification success     4
    0.48400     0.00000     ...Session ID 7751818952614 can be used     4
    0.48400     0.01500     ...Application session: 7751818952614, user=nobody     4
    0.49900     0.03100     ...Setting session time_zone to -05:00     4
    0.53000     0.00000     Session: Fetch session header information     4
    0.53000     0.00000     Run APPLICATION_PROCESS= request     4
    0.53000     0.00000     ...Execute Statement: begin sys.htp.p( F_NEXT_STUDENT( in_workstation_id => apex_application.g_x01 ) ); end;     4
    0.53000     0.00000     Stop APEX Engine detected     4
    0.53000     -     Final commit     4Again, not sure if I'm reading this correctly but it seems that the steps that are taking the most time seem to be related to NLS settings... and I have translating turned off. This is consistent with all of the longer page views. As a side note, my DBA did turn archive log mode back on this weekend.
    Again, everything seems to be running smoothly at the moment so the above data is more to help satisfy my curiosity about the inner workings of Apex.
    Edited by: tdsacilowski on Feb 25, 2013 3:04 PM

  • Airport Express--How many is too many?

    I am running a new Airport Extreme base station with 3 Airport Express units to extend the range over about a 6200 sq ft house. My wife set up her office at the far extreme from the base station and, although her signal was somewhat intermittent, it worked well enough to allow her to connect to the internet with adequate functionality (although her signal strength was generally at or below 5 Mbps). After I successfully installed a 4th Express using Airport Utility, and located it in her office, her PC connectivity to the network suffered, and a printer connected to the Express in her office was not recognized on the network and wouldn't print. Do I have too many Expresses on the base station such that the signal is degrading performance for the whole network? Thanks.

    If using the "Extend" option instead of a WDS with all the stations being of band type "n", is there a limit to how many Express "n" I can use to extend an Extreme "n".
    I currently have one Express "n" extending (not WDS) my Extreme "n", and I would like to add one more. Is there a limit to how many can be used to extend the wireless network wirelessly?

  • Too many suggestions on resetting wifi password for my MacBook Pro!  How is it really done?

    I'm trying to reset my wifi passwork on my MacBook Pro.  There are way too many suggestions on the internet.  I want to get the "real" way to do it so I don't make a mistake.  Thanks

    Sorry. Read that as system password the first time. The wifi password needs to be reset in your router, then on your devices. How to do it depends on which router you have.
    In the Airport Extreme, use Airport Utility to get into the router. Double click the base station then choose edit. Select the wireless tab. Enter the new password there.

  • BB Q10 is troublesome for my bluetooth car stereo due to too many contacts

    In the past my various blackberrys have had no problem connecting via bluetooth to my car stereos or various hands free units. I do have 9,000+ contacts on my blackberry. Typically a car hands free unit will only take the fist few hundred or thousand. This has never bothered me as i dial manually from my backberry phone. However on the Q10 it seems to keep feeding contacts to my Kenwood car stereo, result being that my stereo displays continuously the message "downloading" over any other display - which is frustrating to say the least. I have spoken at length with Kenwood support, and they seem unable to help, but keep leading back to trying to find a way for the Q10 to connect on the bluetooth for voice / calls, but turn off sharing of contacts or data. The kenwood product does not have any control on this unfortunately. The Q10 also seems to support phone book auto synchronisation. I know others have had issues on the bluetooth car connection for the Q 10, but no one seem to have the same issue i do - of too many contacts, or not that i have seen. The phone works fine via the bluetooth connection, it is simply a pain that i cannot see my tracks or radio station on the stereo because it is "downloading". Does anyone have a solution for this issue from the blackberry side, if not is there likely to be one in the future? I have been impressed by the fact that blackberry have made other changes recently such as resolution size of photographs etc, wonder if we can expect other tweaks.

    In Italy we have some Radio Sender which can be connected to the iPhone and send the music to the FM receiver.
    They are practically useless. Even if you can tune in to find a range free from Radio sender it is stable only for 1 Mile. Then you get a strong radio over your music.
    BT should be more stable but I do not believe it will give you a stronger signal compared to a direct cable connection.
    You really need an amplifier.

  • Unable to create report. Query produced too many results

    Hi All,
    Does someone knows how to avoid the message "Unable to create report. Query produced too many results" in Grid Report Type in PerformancePoint 2010. When the mdx query returns large amount of data, this message appears. Is there a way to get all
    the large amount in the grid anyway?
    I have set the data Source query time-out under Central Administration - Manager Service applications - PerformancePoint Service Application - PerformancePoint Service Application Settings at 3600 seconds.
    Here Event Viewer log error at the server:
    1. An exception occurred while running a report.  The following details may help you to diagnose the problem:
    Error Message: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
            Contact the administrator for more details.
    Dashboard Name:
    Dashboard Item name:
    Report Location: {3592a959-7c50-0d1d-9185-361d2bd5428b}
    Request Duration: 6,220.93 ms
    User: INTRANET\spsdshadmin
    Exception Message: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
    Inner Exception Message:
    Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportWithParameters(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Analytics.ServerRendering.OLAPBase.OlapViewBaseControl.ExtractReportViewData()
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Analytics.ServerRendering.OLAPBase.OlapViewBaseControl.CreateRenderedView(StringBuilder sd)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerRendering.NavigableControl.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    PerformancePoint Services error code 20604.
    2. Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
    Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BpmException: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.Analytics.AnalyticQueryManager.ExecuteReport(AnalyticReportState reportState, DataSource dataSource)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportBase(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer, String formattingDimensionName)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportWithParameters(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer)
    PerformancePoint Services error code 20605.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I would like you to try the following to adjust your readerquotas.
    Change the values of the parameters listed below to a larger value. We recommend that you double the value and then run the query to check whether the issue is resolved. To do this, follow these steps:
    On the SharePoint 2010 server, open the Web.config file. The file is located in the following folder:
    \Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Web Services\PpsMonitoringServer\
    Locate and change the the below values from 8192 to 16384.
    Open the Client.config file. The file is located in the following folder:
    \Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\WebClients\PpsMonitoringServer\
    Locate and change the below values from 8192 to 16384.
    After you have made the changes, restart Internet Information Services (IIS) on the SharePoint 2010 server.
    Heidi Tr - MSFT
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Too many columns to be shown in the Enterprise Manager 11g?

    we are having some problems with the Enterprise Manager 11g. When we want to VIEW DATA of a specific table, we get this exception. We think that our table has too many columns to be displayed. If we delete some of the columns, the data is shown in the enterprise manager. But this cannot be a solution for us. Can you help us with this point?
    2009-08-03 10:07:04,210 [EMUI_10_07_04_/console/database/schema/displayContents] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DBObjectsMCWInfo.getSqlTimestampIndexes(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.executeQuery(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.DisplayContentsObject.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayAllRows(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayContents(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onEvent(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBController.handleEvent(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.RootController.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBControllerResolver.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
         at we select the table via SQL, everything works fine.

    I'm Galit from the QE team of VIN.
    All the things that you've described are correct.
    It is actually an edge case where the only VM, that the manual App can be managed from its Map view, was removed from the App.
    The Manual App management is as designed, and may be changed in the future.
    There are 2 ways to overcome this situation:
    1.You can, as you stated, create another Manual App with similar name and remain with the "Zombie App".
    2. To run a specific command that will remove the Zombie App from the DB.
    Please note that option no. 2 involves using an API that we do not publish.
    If you would like to use option no. 2 contact me in private and we will see about supplying the relevant commands to run in order to delete the "zombie" application.
    Galit Gutman

  • Router connection problems - DISH satellite receivers or too many devices?

    (Sorry about that - I thought I had broken the message up.)
    I'm having significant issues with my Linksys router timing out, and need help. I'll try to be as detailed as I can.
    I have the following:
    - Linksys WRT54G v3 wireless router I purchased off eBay 3-4 years ago. Using 128-bit WEP secirity. Even though the model says WRT54G, my Linksys setup page says I have a WRT54GL. Don't know if that's pertinent but thought I'd include the info)
    - HP desktop running Vista Home Premium
    - Gateway Solo laptop (circa 3Q 2002) running WinXP SP3, and also have WPC54G - Wireless-G Notebook Adapter
    - Gateway M275 Notebook running Windows XP Tablet Edition w/SP3, internal wireless card
    - Linksys WRE54G Wireless Range Expander, v3
    My broadband internet connects to my cable modem, which then runs via ethernet to my router. I have my desktop connected to my router via (wired) ethernet cable (port 1), and the two laptops connect wirelessly. All three computers on my network run just fine and have had no connection issues until I had two (2) DISH satellite receivers installed this past Friday.
    Prior to installation, I knew I would need the two receivers hooked up to my network via ethernet cable. Since one receiver was in the same room as my router, it was easy to run an ethernet cable from my router to the receiver (port 2). I had a challenge with the upstairs receiver, because I didn't have a direct connection, and wasn't sure how to wire it. So, I used my range expander by plugging in the expander into a nearby outlet, then connecting the receiver to the expander via ethernet cable.
    I had some issues getting a good signal, and did some troubleshooting but made it work. Now I had five devices connected to my router: two with a wired ethernet cable and three wirelessly.
    I started having connection timeouts within about 3-4 hours of satellite [receiver] installation. All of the sudden I couldn't connect to the internet on ANY device; both laptops couldn't connect wirelessly, my desktop couldn't connect, and the receivers were telling me my connection was bad. I checked modem but there were no issues. Still, I unplugged the power cable from the modem for a minute, then reconnected - still no internet. I called my cable company to have them troubleshoot the modem, but they pinged it several times & got positive results - still no internet, so I ruled the modem out.
    I tried using the Windows connection troubleshooter to repair the problem, and got a DNS error message (which I don't know how to fix). I decided to unplug my router for 10-15 seconds, then plug back in - that got my internet connection going again. That lasted a couple hours & then failed. I unplugged the router again (is that a soft reset or a power cycle?), then reconnected & was able to connect to the internet. This happened a few more times over the weekend, and finally I decided the expander might be the issue (both DISH and Linksys tech support was not very helpful).
    I found a way to wire my second receiver via ethernet cable (port 3), so now I had three wired devices, and two wireless devices. I thought this would fix the problem; it didn't, but at least I learned how to wire CAT5 cable. So I got that going for me... which is nice.
    I plugged the ethernet cable directly from my modem to my desktop to test the timeout, but had no issues - the modem just wasn't the problem.
    I was getting some IP address conflicts on my Norton Inernet Security, so I uninstalled that from my desktop, disconnected the power from the modem, disconnected the power from the router, shut down all devices, reset the IP addresses on the receivers, deleted the wireless connection from the laptops, shut down the desktop, and just left the whole mess alone for half a day. Then I reinstalled the Norton Internet Security, connected my wired devices, plugged the modem in, plugged the router in, reset my security, connected wirelessly with my laptops.
    Within an hour my connection timed out.
    Trying to chat with tech support wasn't feasible, as my connection kept going out. A guy at work said I shoudl ping my IP address, and let it repeat until my connection goes out. So I unplugged the router and plugged it back in to get an internet connection, the opened a cmd prompt and typed
    ping -t
    I left it alone for a few hours, and when I came back, my internet connection was down, but I was still getting active pings - no problems there.
    At this point I thought I had done everything except replacing my router (which I'm still tempted to do), but I called my broadband provider to see if there was anything they could do. One of the techs said I had too many devices connected to the internet, but I thought these routers were supposed to handle dozens of devices?
    I finally called Linksys Tech Support and had a conversation for 90 minutes. We went through all the steps of unplugging the the modem, router & all connected devices, resetting the router, etc, etc. The only thing different he did was had me change my security from WPA to 64-bit WEP, and added passwords for DNA1 and DNS 2 (same password for each).
    That was at 1:30am last night, and when I woke up to check my connection this morning, it was still connected. I have to check it again when I get home, but I'm wondering if I should just be prepared to get another router (and if so, any recommendations), or if there's something I'm still not doing that could resolve my issue - if I still have connection losses.
    Also, I'm concerned about the security thing. If changing from WEP 128 or WPA to WEP 64 fixed my problem, I'm not sure I feel completely protected from intrusion - isn't that pretty much the least amount of security I can have (without forgoing it altogether)??
    Finally, I've read a few threads suggesting possibly changing to static IP from DHCP; however, my satellite receiver installation documentation specifically advises against this for the receivers.
    Anyway, I would very much appreciate some help.
    Message Edited by CKdoubleU on 10-01-2008 08:43 AM

    First please break that long text into separate paragraphs. No one wants to read one long runon sentences
    With Knowledge… Impossible means nothing.
    Computer experience: 11 years
    Cisco networks experience: 8 years
    Network administrator: 6 years
    N.E.T. networks experience: 6 years
    Linksys networks experience: 6 years
    Recent additions: A+ | Networks+ | Linux+ | Security+

  • Too many connections - even after closing ResultSets and PreparedStatements

    I'm getting a "Too many connections" error with MySQL when I run my Java program.
    2007-08-06 15:07:26,650 main/CLIRuntime [FATAL]: Too many connections
    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Too many connections
            at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.secureAuth411(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.doHandshake(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO( researched on this and found out that I wasn't closing the ResultSet and the PreparedStatement.
    The JDBC connection is closed by a central program that handles connections (custom connection pooling).
    I added the code to close all ResultSets and PreparedStatements, and re-started MySQL as per the instructions here
    but still get "Too many connections" error.
    A few other things come to mind, as to what I may be doing wrong, so I have a few questions:
    1) A few PreparedStatements are created in one method, and they are used in a 2nd method and closed in the 2nd method
    does this cause "Too many connections" error?
    2) I have 2 different ResultSets, in nested while loops where the outer loop iterates over the first ResultSet and
    the inner loop iterates over the second ResultSet.
    I have a try-finally block that wraps the inner while loop, and I'm closing the second ResultSet and PreparedStement
    in the inner while loop.
    I also have a try-finally block that wraps the outer while loop, and I'm closing the first ResulSet and PreparedStatement
    in the outer while loop as soon as the inner while loop completes.
    So, in the above case the outer while loop's ResultSet and PreparedStatements remain open until the inner while loop completes.
    Does the above cause "Too many connections" error?
    The following is relevant sections of my code ( it is partially pseudo-code ) that shows the above 2 cases:
    init( Connection jdbcConnection ){
       String firstSQLStatement = "....";
       PreparedStatement ps1 = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement( firstSQLStatement );
       String secondSQLStatement = "....";
       PreparedStatement ps2 = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement( secondSQLStatement );
       String thirdSQLStatement = "....";
       PreparedStatement ps3 = null;
       ResultSet rsA = null;
            ps3 = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement( thirdSQLStatement );
            rsA = ps3.executeQuery();
            if( ){
                   rsA.getString( 1 );
            if( rsA != null )
            if( ps3 != null )
       //Notice, how ps1 and ps2 are created here but not used immediately, but only ps3 is
       //used immediately.
       //ps1 and ps2 are used in another method.
    run( Connection jdbcConnection ){
         ResultSet rs1 = ps1.executeQuery();
                    String s = rs1.getString();
                    ps2.setString(1, s);
              ResultSet rs2 = ps2.executeQuery();
                        String s2 = rs2.getString();
                   if( rs2 != null )
                   if( ps2 != null )
         }catch( Exception e ){
            if( rs1 != null )
               if( ps1 != null )
    //Notice in the above case rs1 and ps1 are closed only after the inner
    //while loop completes.
    }I appreciate any help.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I will look at the central connection pooling mechanism ( which was written by someone else) , but that is being used by many other Java programs others have written.
    They are not getting this error.
    An addendum to my previous note, I followed the instructions here.
    There's probably something else in my code that is not closing the connection.
    But I just wanted to rule out the fact that opening a PreparedStatement in one method and closing it in another is not a problem.
    Or, if nested ResultSet loops don't cause the problem.
    I've read in a few threads taht "Too many connections" can occur for unclosed RS and PS , and not just JDBC connections.

  • An embarrassment of riches - too many tablets! Should I consolidate and get an iPad Air?

    Currently I have the following tablets:
    - Nexus 7 2013 wifi only
    - iPad 2 32 GB wifi + cellular, but no longer in contract
    - iPad 1 wifi + cellular, no longer in contract
    - an extra iPad 1, also wifi + cellular, not in contract that I got for free for helping somebody with some computer stuff
    That same friend who gave me the iPad 1, wants to upgrade from his iPad 4th generation to an iPad Air, and he want to give me his 4th G iPad for free. It is a 64 GB wifi only model.
    The reason I never upgraded beyond the iPad 2 was because all the later models got thicker and heavier, and I thought my iPad 2 was already too heavy, which is why I got my Nexus 7. I hardly touch my iPad 2 these days. They are both within arm's reach, but the Nexus 7 is easier to hold, and allows voice input, which I often find convenient, and most of the time I reach for it. I like the voice input on my iPhone 5 too, and I feel like something is "missing" when I pick up my iPad 2. Plus it feels like it weighs a ton next to the Nexus 7.
    Well, anyway I have too many tablets. And soon I'll have the iPad 4th G. So I was thinking of selling the iPad 2, the two iPad 1s and the iPad 4 and getting an iPad Air, wifi + cellular with a data sharing plan with my iPhone 5. After all, compared to the iPad 2, the iPad Air is (1) lighter, (2) has Siri, (3) has a retina display, (4) has much better specs and (5) now the cellular model is universal, so if I take a trip to the U.S. it would be easier to use there.
    Yet there are things I now prefer about my Nexus 7 with Android 4.4 over iOS 7. Like it has better sharing features, the ability to send all kinds of attachments, more customization, better "hooks" into the UI from 3rd party apps, the ability to choose your own default mail apps and browsers. It seems just more flexible overall. And the Facebook app runs "smoother" than on my iPad 2.
    But I like iOS 7 too.
    I wonder if I would use an iPad Air any more than I do my iPad 2 since it is lighter than the recent iPads. The screen being larger might make reading magazines and news sites easier. And Siri is still better than the Android voice dictation in my opinion. Or will the weight and size actually keep driving me back to the Nexus 7?
    I guess I still haven't found the right place in my life for using a tablet for anything other than casual use. I don't want to get into a religious argument about whether tablets are production devices versus consumption devices, but basically I am in the camp that does not see them as true productivity devices. My iMac is for that.
    Conundrums, conundrums. I do have too many "devices" right now though. Within an arm's reach I can count 12 computers, tablets and phones all on wifi! Who needs that much stuff?!
    And if I do get the iPad Air, do I need 128 GB? The way they sell here in Japan, you don't put any cash down at all, and basically get an interest-free loan for 2 years. So "for just a few hundred yen more a month" you can go from the 32 GB model to the 64 GB model. And then "for just a few hundred yen more a month" you can go to the 128 GB model. It seems a waste not to get the 128 GB model. But in my current iPad 2 I only use a little more than half the current 32 GB.
    Decisions, decisions. Any thoughts?

    The weight is somewhat of an issue for me. I find the iPad 2 irritatingly heavy whenever I pick it up, and the iPad 4th generation is heavier even than my iPad 2.
    But for the amount I use it I could get used to that. That option is certainly the least headache, contract-wise, and I would avoid the ever-present possibility of dealing with AppleCare if something is "not perfect" (which it never is).
    I guess the only "practical" reason would be that I would be getting rid of all my iPads with a cellular option. So if I did make a trip to the U.S. in the spring, it would be harder to use the iPad 4. Here, in Japan, of course I could use the free tethering option on my iPhone 5.
    So I guess it is just the cellular option I'm giving up that is in the back of my mind.

  • "Too Many Real Instruments"

    I am posting this in the '09 topic, but my question really dates back to Garageband '08. I rely on Garageband often, and I'm a big fan of it. However, it contains a serious problem which I need fixed.
    I create a new project, drop a single iTunes song into it, and begin to edit. Almost every time, randomly while playing the song the "Part of the project was not played. This project has too many real instrument tracks to be played in real-time" warning message appears. I only have 1 track! Worse still, my audio driver lets out a terrible "HONK" which startles me and blasts through the entire house. After that, My sound output faintly exists until I open up Audio MIDI Setup and change a random setting on my output.
    I am quite tired of this predicament. Is there anyway to fix this (without money)?

    I was experiencing a similar problem, and I just got off the phone with applecare and went through all their steps.
    I'll try my best to recount them here. But before I do, let it be said that the tech fellow, once he heard what I was doing, exclaimed that my core problem was that I needed to be creating new projects, and not re-using the same project (ex. "My Song 2") over and over.
    What I've been doing is backing up a pile of mini-discs that have live concerts on them. A couple of hours of audio each one, and I've been recording them into Garageband. After I divide the concert up into songs and export them to itunes, I've been deleting the track in Garageband and then importing the next concert (repeat x 10 concerts).
    About 7-8 concerts in I started getting that popping sound when the sound would cut out (made the sound of depressing the safety-seal bubble on the metal lid of a jam jar). At first, quitting Garageband and opening it again would work. On the 10th concert, when the sound cut out the sound for the whole computer would stop working (itunes, volume buttons on my keyboard, everything).
    So the tech fellow said the lesson is this: create new projects. Don't be shy about it. No need to re-use and recycle in cyberspace.
    Now - my applecare steps:
    - First we went: Macintosh HD, Library, then dragged "Caches" to the trash
    - then went to Finder, Go, Utilities, Disk Utility, Macintosh HD, Repair Disk Permissions (that took some time)
    - then restarted the computer
    All seems to be well now.
    Good luck

  • Too many real instruments for a new project?

    I keep getting the notification which says "Part of the project was not played - This project has too many real instrument tracks to be played in real-time".
    BUT the problem is that this occurs even when I open a new garageband file (i.e. no tracks!) and I'm only 3 seconds into recording the first track! So garageband is basically not working for me. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it to no avail. Just a few months back I was still able to use it comfortably to do edit many different tracks together so I really don't know what the problem is. I don't really know if its a problem with the processor as I barely use the memory on my macbook pro and even when recording CPU usage doesn't go above 20% so I'm really at a loss. Please help!

    Oh apple support asked me to try that out too but it did not work.. In fact for some of the suggestions they gave (eg using a different user, or even locking the track) it only managed to extend the period of recording to about 10 seconds before the problem resurfaced and after that it was back to the same 3 second problem.
    But that is an important clue, Josiah. If you cannot even record properly from a different user account with basic settings, we know that the settings in your user account cannot be causing this - this looks like system wide trouble.
    You could run a hardware check over night, to check your hardware:
    Intel-based Macs: Using Apple Hardware Test
    and if the hardware check does not show any problems, I'd reinstall Mountain Lion.
    See Linc Davis's post on how to reinstall: Re: Garageband doesn't open in Mac Mini mid 2011

  • My ipod touch won't let me download apps, it tells me that I have too many photos and videos but I haven't got any photos or videos at all.

    My ipod touch 4g keeps telling me that I have too many photos and videos and will not let me download apps.  I have deleted all the photos and videos and some of my old apps but it keeps telling me the same message.  I have tried to sync it with the pc and I have turned it on and off and I have reset it but nothing has worked.  Please help!  Thank you

    Go to Setting>General>About. oow much avaialbe storage do you have?
    Have you tried resetting the iPOd?
    Reset iPod touch:  Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

  • I'm having a huge issue with itunes locating my missing files..and it's too many for me to locate 1 by 1..It says I'm missing over 3,00 songs and They are all in my music folder..What can I do to fix this issue?

    I'm having a huge issue with itunes locating my missing files..and it's too many for me to locate 1 by 1..It says I'm missing over 3,000 songs and They are all in my music folder..What can I do to fix this issue? I've looked at all the tutorials on youtube and none of it works. I recently got a new computer and I Back-Up all my music and itunes playlist and I import it on my new computer with the new itunes and I go to play a few songs, it says I'm missing them I locate a few but it's still like 3,000 missing and again they are all on the computer and in one folder..Please Help !

    I did that and nothing changed half my songs still have examination marks beside them
    I also just tried dragging my folder of music int he playlist and it duplicated all of my songs? My playlist was at 5k now it's at 10k becuz of 3 duplicates of songs. Is there a way to delete multiple duplicate files?

  • My ipod 5th gen has too many GB on the other, and now the rest of my apps and music won't download. What do I do?

    so I went to sync my ipod, and the computer says i have too many GB of space being used on my ipod for "other". I checked yesterday and there wasn't nearly that much space being used. What happened, and can i fix it? Thanks!

    What is the Other on my iPhone and How to Remove It
    An "other" larger than about 1 1/2 usually indicates that the "other" includes corrupted files.
    First try:
    "First you go settings/general/usage/music/then left swipe over music and press delete and you would think it deletes your music but it doesn't instead it deletes your other but make sure your ipod is connected to a computer while doing this"
    as recommended by:
    How do I get rid of "other" storage: Apple Support Communities
    Next, usually restoring from backup eliminated the corrupted files. However, sometimes restoring to factory settings/new iPod is required.
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up
    To restore to factory settings/new iPod see:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software

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