Class not returning all Values of Array

When I send an array with two elements to this class:
public class DrawingList {
     public String[] dwglist;
     public DrawingList(String[] list) {
          this.dwglist = list;
     public String[] getDwgList() {
          return this.dwglist;
     public static DrawingList getList(String[] list) {
          return new DrawingList(list);
}It only returns the last element.
Can some one help me with this issue please.

This is the class that generates the initial array which contains two elements:
import java.sql.*;
* @author sde
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class DrawingConnectionBaseClass {
     public String nameofdrawingb;
     public String errorStringb;
     public String literalerrorStringb;
     public String[] dwgNoArray;
     public DrawingConnectionBaseClass(String arg0) {
        AS400JDBCDataSource datasource = new AS400JDBCDataSource("gvas400");
       Connection connection = datasource.getConnection();
       Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
       String sqla = "select Count(*) As dwgcount from webprddt6.drawmstrp Where dm_drawing_number Like '%" + arg0 + "%'" ;
       String sql = "select * from webprddt6.drawmstrp Where dm_drawing_number Like '%" + arg0 + "%'" ;
       ResultSet rsa = stmt.executeQuery(sqla);;
       int rowCount = rsa.getInt(1);
       dwgNoArray = new String[rowCount];
       errorStringb = "";
       ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
       while (
                 for (int i = 0; i < rowCount - 1; ++i)
                dwgNoArray[i] = rs.getString("DM_DRAWING_NUMBER");
           errorStringb = "";
           literalerrorStringb = "NoError";
     catch (SQLException sqle)
          errorStringb = "Warning!!! The Drawing Number you typed is not valid!";
          literalerrorStringb = "Error";
}This is a servlet that calls the above class and then the DrawingList class to create a bean to be used on a JSP:
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.sql.*;
public class DrawingInquiryBaseServlet extends HttpServlet implements Servlet {
     /* (non-Java-doc)
      * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#HttpServlet()
     public DrawingInquiryBaseServlet() {
     public static String getliteralErrStringb;
     public static String getErrMsgb;
     public static String[] drawingList;
     /* (non-Java-doc)
      * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1) throws ServletException, IOException {
          this.doPost(arg0, arg1);
     /* (non-Java-doc)
      * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1) throws ServletException, IOException {
          String drawingnumber  = arg0.getParameter("dwgnobase");
          DrawingConnectionBaseClass conn = new DrawingConnectionBaseClass(drawingnumber);
          DrawingList drawingList = DrawingList.getList(conn.dwgNoArray);
          ErrorHandling getErrMsgb = ErrorHandling.getErr(conn.errorStringb);
          getliteralErrStringb = conn.literalerrorStringb;
          HttpSession session = arg0.getSession(true);
          if (getliteralErrStringb.equals("NoError")){
               session.setAttribute("errorBean", getErrMsgb);
               session.setAttribute("dwglist", drawingList);
               session.setAttribute("errorBean", getErrMsgb);
               session.setAttribute("dwglist", drawingList);
          RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/DrawingDisplaybase.jsp");
          disp.forward(arg0, arg1);
}This is my JSP where only one element is in the list:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM Software Development Platform">
<META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet"
<P><IMG border="0" src="Zodiac Z Blue (Hi Res).gif" width="73"
     height="76"><B><B><FONT face="Times New Roman" color="navy" size="+2"> WEBER
<B><FONT size="+1" face="Times New Roman" color="navy"> Drawing Inquiry
<P><B><FONT size="+2" color="red"><jsp:useBean id="errorBean"
     type="" scope="session"></jsp:useBean>
<jsp:getProperty name="errorBean" property="errMsg" /></FONT></B></P>
Pick a Drawing number from list to see Details<BR>
<jsp:useBean id="dwglist"
     type="" scope="session"></jsp:useBean><BR><SELECT size="5" name="dwgList">
     for (int i=0; i<dwglist.dwglist.length; i++){
          <option value="<%= i%>"><%= dwglist.dwglist%></option>
<FORM action="/DrawingInquiry/GetMainPageServlet"><INPUT type="submit"
     name="anotherDrawing" value="Look Up Another Drawing"></FORM>

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    Try connecting to the database directly rather than using a command object.
    Or... purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly:

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                   <Note>No records returned for ZA 0020000143</Note>
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      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = party_id AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
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    for example:
    PARNR = 20000143
    And I was surprised when the SE16 did not found any value even I was seeing in the previous screen with no filters!!!! And I supouse thats why the webservice is not working. I started making filters one by one, for example firts filtering just de PARVW = ZA and works, but when I filter just the PARNR =  20000143 the SE16 can't find any value, just when I put an * at the end of the number the SE16 returns all the values expected, Im guessing that the fields in the database has blanks at the end but this is a standar table and a standar program.
    Have any of you had the same problem? is there anything that I can do? does anyone knows if this is an unkown bug? becaus I could'n find any note on the marketplace.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Gustavo Balboa

      The problem were solved but not using the Badi, because the badi only let you change the value of the var party_id and that var is declared as PARNR (of type numeric with length 10), and no mater wat you do the two 00 can´t be removed.
      We solved the problem with an enhancement point in the code at the method "party_get_data", look at the beginin and at the end. We just change the type of var used for party_id.. now we use a CHAR one insted the numeric used by the original code.
    And we repeat the select...
    Thank you very much for the help.
    METHOD party_get_data.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$SE:(1) Class CL_PRS_PROJECTPRJPARTYQR, Method PARTY_GET_DATA, Start                                                                                A
    $$-Start: (1)----
    ENHANCEMENT 1  ZPARTY_GET_DATA.    "active version
    $$-End:   (1)----
      DATA :  temp_object_number TYPE ihpa-objnr,
              field1 TYPE char50,
              field2 TYPE char50,
              field_role TYPE char50,
              field_party TYPE char50,
              st_object_number TYPE TABLE OF bapiprexp.
      DATA : it_data TYPE TABLE OF st_data,
             wa_data LIKE LINE OF it_data,
             itab TYPE TABLE OF st_data,
             wa LIKE LINE OF itab,
             wa_project_details LIKE LINE OF project_details,
    Select Object number based on input Party and Role
      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = party_id AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
    Select Project ID based on input Object number
      LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
        SELECT pspid post1 FROM proj INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_data
        WHERE  objnr = wa_data-pspid.                         "#EC CI_NOFIELD
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa.
        APPEND wa TO itab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        field_role = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/ROLE_CODE' ) .
        field_party = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/PARTY_ID' ) .
        CONCATENATE  field_role role_code_external INTO field1.
        CONCATENATE  field_party party_id INTO field2.
        MESSAGE e002(ecc_se_common) WITH field1 field2 INTO null.
            return = party_return.
        MESSAGE s082(ops_se_prs) INTO null.
            return = party_return.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa TO wa_project_details.
        APPEND wa_project_details TO project_details.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$SE:(2) Class CL_PRS_PROJECTPRJPARTYQR, Method PARTY_GET_DATA, End                                                                                A
    $$-Start: (2)----
    ENHANCEMENT 2  ZPARTY_GET_DATA.    "active version
      WA_CHPAR = party_id.
      CLEAR party_return.
      REFRESH party_return.
      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = WA_CHPAR AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
    Select Project ID based on input Object number
      LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
        SELECT pspid post1 FROM proj INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_data
        WHERE  objnr = wa_data-pspid.                         "#EC CI_NOFIELD
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa.
        APPEND wa TO itab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        field_role = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/ROLE_CODE' ) .
        field_party = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/PARTY_ID' ) .
        CONCATENATE  field_role role_code_external INTO field1.
        CONCATENATE  field_party party_id INTO field2.
        MESSAGE e002(ecc_se_common) WITH field1 field2 INTO null.
            return = party_return.
        MESSAGE s082(ops_se_prs) INTO null.
            return = party_return.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa TO wa_project_details.
        APPEND wa_project_details TO project_details.
    $$-End:   (2)----

  • T-SQL: SET Statement Using a Case Statement is not returning a value

    SQL VER:  2008
    Please see the attached screenshot from SSMS.  The Set statement  below is not returned a value or may be returning a zero value.  The AllocPercent field is set to zero in code preceeding this Update Statement:
    WHEN AllocBase
    OR AllocBase
    = 0
    THEN 0
    ELSE PM_Input/AllocBase
    As you can see by the screen shot from the Select Statement that is displaying the results after the Update Statement is completed, the value of AllocPercent is = 0 even though all the values necessary for it to compute a value > 0 are present in the
    table.  Incidentally, the values in both the AllocBase and PM_Input fields are the same before the Update Statement is ran, as shown in the Select ran after the Update Statement.
    I have ran this type of code several times with never a problem.  This seems really simple, but I just can't seem to get it to compute. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    bob sutor
    Bob Sutor

    Yep--This statement is running in a Stored Procedure and inside its own block statement.
    I did get a response that suggested I change the SET statement as follows, that worked:
    = CASE WHEN AllocBase IS NULL OR AllocBase = 0 THEN 0.00 ELSE cast(PM_Input*1.0/AllocBase*1.0
     as decimal(6,2)) END
    Your response did get me thinking which was great!  I appreciate your help.
    ...bob sutor
    Bob Sutor

  • Pl/sql package for use with workflow will not return a value

    hi all,
    just trying to intercept a requisition being turned into an order if it uses a certain cost code. so i have amended the workflow and created a package to check what cost centre a requisition is using. how over the workflow stops on the function that calls the package witha a status of complete as if the package is not returning any values.
    the package is as below:
    procedure XXHCC_CHECK_CAPITAL(itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout out NOCOPY vARCHAR2);
    END xxhccWFcapitalcheck;
    procedure XXHCC_CHECK_CAPITAL(itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout out NOCOPY varchar2 ) is
    x_progress varchar2(100);
    x_resultout varchar2(30);
    l_doc_mgr_return_val VARCHAR2(1);
    l_doc_string varchar2(200);
    l_preparer_user_name varchar2(100);
    doc_manager_exception exception;
    p_test varchar2(100);
    l_req_id varchar2(30);
    CURSOR p_line_id IS
    codes.segment2 cost_center
    po_requisition_headers_all headers,
    po_requisition_lines_all lines,
    po_req_distributions_all dist,
    gl_code_combinations_v codes
    headers.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
    lines.requisition_line_id = dist.requisition_line_id
    dist.code_combination_id = codes.code_combination_id
    headers.segment1 = l_req_id;
    line_rec p_line_id%rowtype;
    -- Do nothing in cancel or timeout mode
    --if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run) then
    -- resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
    -- return;
    -- end if;
    l_req_id := wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber (itemtype => itemtype,
    itemkey => itemkey,
    aname => 'DOCUMENT_NUMBER');
    --FOR line_rec in p_line_id
    open p_line_id;
    fetch p_line_id into l_doc_string;
    close p_line_id;
    IF p_line_id= 'Q9DEF'
    dbms_output.put_line p_line_id;
    Then resultout := 'COMPLETE:F';
    p_test := 'USE DIFFERENT CODE';
    resultout := 'COMPLETE:T';
    END IF;
    END xxhccWFcapitalcheck;
    any help would be great!

    Hi Community,  first of all, english is not my native language and im not sure to use the correct terms for PowerCenter - so if im wrong please help me correct and make clear what we need. We have a kind of 3-steps ToDo. First step: Load data from an external source into a "local" datastore (its an oracle db on a server in our "hands")Second step: Check data against several verifications, this is done with a PL/SQL Package. The PL/SQL Package shall be called with an Interfacename who is set in the First PowerCenter Mapping. Our current thoghts are to do this via a stored procedure, which runs as "Target Post Load" and gets a variable "Interface Name".Is that possible? Im not quite sure about it. About the last part its even more unclear how we can solve it:Third part should be switch back to PowerCenter now - and the package (or to be correct a function in the package) should return a value for "okay everything fine => workflow continue" or "something happened => workflow is stopped" Im not sure how i can handle this. I hope my explanations are good enough so you can provide some help?!If there are any questions please ask!  Thank you alot, best regards, Christian

  • RowSetIterator not returning all the rows

    We have a use-case where we need to create a new row iterator to insert rows(values) in it. Immediately after insertRow(), we are reading the values by creating a secondary row set iterator (createRowSetIterator) but it is not returning all the inserted rows. Here is the code snippet:
    Code to insert rows:
    public void insertTerrLineOfBusiness(CreateOperation operation, TerritoryVORowImpl newTerritoryRow, TerritoryVORowImpl selectedRow){     
    || operation.equals(CreateOperation.COPY)
    || operation.equals(CreateOperation.ADD_EXISTING)){
    RowIterator selTerritoryLineOfBusinessIter = selectedRow.getTerritoryLineOfBusiness();
    //RowIterator newTerrLineOfBusinessIter = newTerritoryRow.getTerritoryLineOfBusiness();
    ViewRowSetImpl newTerrLineOfBusinessIter = (ViewRowSetImpl) newTerritoryRow.getTerritoryLineOfBusiness();
    TerritoryLineOfBusinessVORowImpl selTerrLineOfBusinessRow =
    TerritoryLineOfBusinessVORowImpl newTerrLineOfBusinessRow =
    Code to read:
    public List getTerritoryLobsValues() {
    List <String> lobsValues = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (this.getTerritory().getCurrentRow() != null) {
    TerritoryVORowImpl territoryVORowImpl =
    if(territoryVORowImpl.getTerritoryLineOfBusiness() != null){
    ViewRowSetImpl territoryLob =
    RowSetIterator itr = territoryLob.createRowSetIterator(null);
    while(itr.hasNext()) {
    Row r =;
    String lobCode = (String)r.getAttribute("LobCode");
    return lobsValues;
    Can anybody suggest what could be the issue? How to fix it?

    Thanks for your response.
    Jdev version:
    Primary == FUSIONAPPS_PT.V1REL6INT_LINUX.X64_120719.0800 (Primary Product for the view)
    Primary depends on FMWTOOLS == FMWTOOLS_11.
    FMWTOOLS depends on label == JDEVADF_11.
    The above label originated from base label == JDEVADF_11.
    Use case: We have a tree table, each record may or may not have Line of Business(LOB) associated with it. On creating a child node in the tree table, the child node copies all the attributes of parent. These attributes are not committed explicitly, if user wants to save the child node only then the attributes are committed.
    Giving secondary rowSetIterator a name did not help in resolving this issue.
    If I am calling postChanges() before reading from secondary row iterator then its returning all the inserted values. But this.getTransaction().postChanges() is a JAudit violation, so cannot use it:
    RuleId: apps-jbo-category.File.AdfModel.54
    Rule: insertTerrLineOfBusiness - Review DBTransaction.postChanges call to ensure passivation-safety
    Any pointers on this?

  • Why is the giving me this error (method does not return a value) PLEASE !!

    I have this code and it is giving me this error and I don't know how to fix it
    can anyone out there tell me why
    I have included the next line of code as I have had problems in the curly brackets in the past.
    The error is
    "": Error #: 466 : method does not return a value at line 941, column 3
    Please help
    private Date DOBFormat()
            (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("") || 
             DayjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("") ||
            String dateString = StringFromDateFields();
            SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy");
            Date d = df.parse(StringFromDateFields());
            return d;
        catch (ParseException pe)
          String d= System.getProperty("line.separator");
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
           "Date format needs to be DD/MM/YYYY,"+ d +
           "You have enterd: "+ StringFromDateFields()   + d +
           "Please change the Date", "Date Format Error",
          return  null;
      //File | Exit action performed
    public void jMenuFileExit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    Fixed it needed to have a return null;
    this is the code
            (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("") ||
             DayjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("") ||
            return null;

  • Web proxy not returning all elements

    Web proxy generated over a web service does not return all elements of an array. Testing of the web service on the application server results in three detail elements. However executing the web proxy only results in the first element being processed. Not sure where the disconnect is when generating the response object. Any suggestion is appreciated.
    Edited by: bstegen on Jul 29, 2009 12:53 PM

    I have also tried using 'Web Service Data Control' as an alternate method to overcome the above mentioned issue. But I have ended up the error "DCA-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.lang.NullPointerException,msg=null" and failed to create a data control.
    The JDeveloper version which I am using is I also came to know that there is a patch (9790388) which has resolved this bug in JDeveloper. I also applied the same patch in my Oracle Home using OPatch utility.
    But unfortunatley, the version suitable for this patch is and I suspected that could be one of the reason that the problem has not got resolved yet.
    Please suggest the patch or any solution which can also help me in resolving this issue. I really appreciate your time and effort in sharing your thoughts for the problems which I have mentioned over here.
    Thank you !!!
    With Regards,
    Thiyagarajan V

  • Returns all values if the user leaves the valuve empty ?

    is there a way to return all values if a user leaves lets say, the 'Project_no' valve empty..
    Below is the bit of SQL that I'm trying to get to work..
    and upper(coj.CUSTOMER_PO_NO) like upper(('%&Project_No%'))

    JamesW wrote:
    is there a way to return all values if a user leaves lets say, the 'Project_no' valve empty..
    Below is the bit of SQL that I'm trying to get to work..
    and upper(coj.CUSTOMER_PO_NO) like upper(('%&Project_No%'))And what's not working about it?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select * from emp where job like '%&job%'
    SQL> /
    Enter value for job: CLERK
    old   1: select * from emp where job like '%&job%'
    new   1: select * from emp where job like '%CLERK%'
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE                    SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-1980 00:00:00        800                    20
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-1987 00:00:00       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00        950                    30
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-1982 00:00:00       1300                    10
    SQL> /
    Enter value for job:
    old   1: select * from emp where job like '%&job%'
    new   1: select * from emp where job like '%%'
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE                    SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-1980 00:00:00        800                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-1981 00:00:00       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-1981 00:00:00       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-1981 00:00:00       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-1981 00:00:00       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-1981 00:00:00       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-1981 00:00:00       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-1987 00:00:00       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-1981 00:00:00       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-1981 00:00:00       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-1987 00:00:00       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-1982 00:00:00       1300                    10
    14 rows selected.

  • SelectOneChoice not showing all values from database

    I have to put a list of values in my select one choice. When I do the query in database, all the values are selected. But, with the same query on JPQL, the select on choice do not show all values in database. Anyone can help me, please?
    P.S.: I am using SelectOneChoice with SelectItems, in JDeveloper 11g
    <af:selectOneChoice id="selAction" value="#{row.idCmd}"
    <af:forEach var="alertTypeNode"
    <af:selectItem value="#{alertTypeNode.dataProvider.idCmd}"

    In your page binding check the rangesize setting for the executable you use - set it to -1.

  • XMLTABLE function not returning any values if xml has attribute "xmlns"

    XMLTABLE function not returning any values if xml has attribute "xmlns". Is there way to get the values if xml has attribute as "xmlns".
    create table xmltest (id number(2), xml xmltype);
    insert into xmltest values(1,
    '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <emp empno="1" deptno="10" ename="John" salary="21000"/>
    <emp empno="2" deptno="10" ename="Jack" salary="310000"/>
    <emp empno="3" deptno="20" ename="Jill" salary="100001"/>
    insert into xmltest values(2,
    '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <emps xmlns="">
    <emp empno="1" deptno="10" ename="John" salary="21000"/>
    <emp empno="2" deptno="10" ename="Jack" salary="310000"/>
    <emp empno="3" deptno="20" ename="Jill" salary="100001"/>
    SELECT a.*
    FROM xmltest,
    'for $i in /emps/emp
    return $i'
    PASSING xml
    COLUMNS empno NUMBER (2) PATH '@empno',
    deptno NUMBER (3) PATH '@deptno',
    ename VARCHAR2 (10) PATH '@ename',
    salary NUMBER (10) PATH '@salary') a
    WHERE id = 1;
    The above query returning results but below query is not returning any results because of xmlns attribute.
    SELECT a.*
    FROM xmltest,
    'for $i in /emps/emp
    return $i'
    PASSING xml
    COLUMNS empno NUMBER (2) PATH '@empno',
    deptno NUMBER (3) PATH '@deptno',
    ename VARCHAR2 (10) PATH '@ename',
    salary NUMBER (10) PATH '@salary') a
    WHERE id = 1;
    how to get rid out of this problem.

    Added below one in xmltable, its working now.
    XmlNamespaces(DEFAULT '')

  • API Not returning all RTMP ingest endpoints

    The web portal shows both URLs for RTMP
    but the API (ex - myChannel.Input.Endpoints) only returns a single one (...:1935).
    Any reason why the web portal and the API don't return the same info?

    According to your post, my understanding is that Search is not returning all STS_Web.
    You need to set the Trim Duplicates to false, please follow the steps as below:
    Export the Search Results Web Part from your page.
    Open the .webpart file in your favorite editor.
    Search for “Trim Duplicates”, you will find it as part of the DataProviderJSON property.
    Set the Trim Duplicates property to
    Upload the web part.
    Add the web part to your page.
    More information:
    SharePoint Online Search Results Duplicates “Trap”:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Loop Not Returning All Rows

    I finally need to turn to the forum after trying for a few days to resolve my problem I decide to turn to the Oracle people for help.
    The following code below does two things:
    1. If I have the get_menu_label in side of it's own loop it never returns
    2. If I take the get_menu_label out side of it's own loop it returns but does not return all the data.
    CURSOR get_db_name
    FROM uaf_mfgp_menus_and_groups_vm
    CURSOR get_object_id_db (l_db_name VARCHAR2)
    SELECT object_id
    WHERE object_label_2 = l_db_name;
    CURSOR get_gp_name
    SELECT group_name
    FROM uaf_mfgp_menus_and_groups_vm
    GROUP BY group_name
    ORDER BY group_name ASC;
    CURSOR get_object_id_gp (l_gp_name VARCHAR2, db_id NUMBER)
    SELECT object_id
    WHERE object_label_2 = l_gp_name AND parent_object_id = db_id;
    CURSOR get_menu_label (l_db_name VARCHAR2, l_gp_name VARCHAR2)
    SELECT menu_label
    FROM uaf_mfgp_menus_and_groups_vm
    WHERE DATABASE = l_db_name AND group_name = l_gp_name;
    got_object_id_db NUMBER (20);
    got_object_id_gp NUMBER (20);
    got_db VARCHAR2 (100);
    got_menu_label VARCHAR2 (200);
    FOR c1 IN get_db_name
    FOR c2 IN get_gp_name
    OPEN get_object_id_db (c1.DATABASE);
    FETCH get_object_id_db
    INTO got_object_id_db;
    OPEN get_object_id_gp (c2.group_name, got_object_id_db);
    FETCH get_object_id_gp
    INTO got_object_id_gp;
              CLOSE get_object_id_db;
    CLOSE get_object_id_gp;
    OPEN get_menu_label (c1.DATABASE, c2.group_name);
    FETCH get_menu_label
    INTO got_menu_label;
    CLOSE get_menu_label;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'GP_OBJECT_ID= '
    || got_object_id_gp
    || ' '
    || 'MENU_LABEL= '
    || got_menu_label

    Javier, this the wrong way to use PL/SQL. Oracle SQL can do all this for you using JOINs.
    This code, even if it did work, would be terrible slow - unable to scale with data volumes.
    This code breaks a few fundamental Oracle rules:
    - row-by-row processing using PL/SQL
    - huge number of context swicthes per PL/SQL loop iteration
    - not maximizing SQL and minimizing PL/SQL
    I suggest you trash this code and write a SQL JOIN instead.

Maybe you are looking for