Class properties change

Service pack changed the super class properties. Issue is with the subclasses in it which is raising error. I have been doing some research. there are two option either change the class properties manually or raise OSS message. Changing the class properties manually might create complications? I need some opinon

The properties of the class can change in Support Packages due to many reasons, and sometimes they have some logic behind that can go beyond a simple flag.
My advice is asking SAP to modify the class or, at least, explain why the properties have been changed.

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    Kind regards Axel

    Dear Thomas,
    I've following requirements:
    - Automated Creation of a cFolders folder structure/hierarchy from a structured uploaded from an excel file
      from R/3 ABAP program
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    Revision: 11454
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-04 18:17:33 -0800 (Wed, 04 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    ASyncList class ASDoc change: added explicit warning about the lack of support for re-inserting pending items.
    QE notes:
    Doc notes:
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    Is noteworthy for integration:
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  • Using tie-classed to change name of file uploaded through FTP protocol srvr

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    I'm fiddling around with code like this:
    AttributeValue val = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newDocName);
    But it does not work: in the FTP client the filename is indeed changed, but somewhere at lower levels the original filename is still being used...
    Any helpfull ideas would be appreciated.

    I'm aware of this... My ftp-client (FTP-Voyager) will prompt me if I "put" a file that already exists in the remote folder, and ask me to go ahead and replace the file, or cancel the put-operation.
    However in this case the ftp-client sees file X' remotely and I'm putting file X, so it does not prompt me at all...
    Stopping and restarting the FTP-client (in case it caches remote folder-contents...) does not change the behaviour.
    Timewise this is what happens:
    1) I put file X.
    2) My S_TieFolder class (extendedPreAddItem) changes it's name into X'.
    3) The ftp-put successfully completes
    4) I refresh the remote folder contents and see the X' name instead of the original X name.
    5) I re-put X (and would now like to have it changed into file X'').
    6) Before my S_TieFolder code executes, something (I'm still suspecting the cm-sdk) deletes the X' file first... ==> the logfile does not show any communication with the ftp-client here now.
    7) Then my S_TieFolder code executes and changes the name into X''.
    8) I refresh the remote folder contents: File X' disappears, file X (just re-put) changes into X''.
    More testing has shown that I'm also not able to delete these files (whose names have been changed by S_TieFolder): 'file does not exist' error.
    I need to know:
    a) If changing the files name on-the-fly using S_Tie class is supported at all.
    b) if so, what am I doing wrong?

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    this code in the main timeline works (and trace the value of
    import scripts.StartupSettings
    trace (StartupSettings.lang);
    but if I try to access the lang property from a movie clip
    timeline, with the same:
    trace (StartupSettings.lang);
    I get traced "undefined".
    The only workaround I have found is to import again the class
    inside the clip, but I would like to avoid it in order to keep
    dimensions small.
    Any idea? thanks

    The import statement doesn't really import anything. It's
    used to not have to call a method using the fully qualified class
    name. So, don't worry about 'dimensions'. And, the import statement
    is only 'valid' on the frame it is defined on. On another frame,
    you have to use the import statement again.

  • Distribution Points properties changing permissions

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    How can we use RBA to lock down branch's admins DP properties changing permission....?
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    You've got to remove the Modify permission on the Site
    object. In case you do want them to be able to modify other site settings, you can also create an additional scope configured to the specific distribution point. Then combine that scope and the role with less permissions on the site object together
    on the administrative user and you achieved your goal.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. 0x80041002

    Following situation. In SCCM we have one Standalone Primray Site Server and two Site Server. The two site server are also SMS Provider. MDT 2012 was installed on all three Servers and the Config Manager Integration was run. When starting the Console
    on any of this server and editing an MDT Task Sequence, it occasionally pops up an error "An error occured when loading the task sequence". TaskSequenceProvider.log File throws a lot of errors:
    [PID: 2824] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Failed to load node Use Toolkit Package from XML into WMI 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Failed to load children steps for node "Applikation" from XML 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Failed to load children steps for node "" from XML 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Failed to load XML for the task sequence into WMI 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    [PID: 2824] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:28:50 4916 (0x1334)
    Tried removing the integration on all SMS Provider Machines and readded them. It does not make a differenence. Does anyone know if MDT supports the use of multiple SMS Providers? When I only use one Provider and deinstall the other two, it works ok.

    Some more info from the log files:
    [1680680 PID:5228] Initializing provider for namespace root\sms\site_P01 TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    [1680680  PID:5228] Initialization of provider for namespace root\sms\site_P01 succeeded TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    [PID: 5228] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.ExportXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to export task sequence to XML 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    [PID: 5228] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.ExportXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Setting status complete:  status code = 0x80041002; Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    [PID: 5228] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load node Use Toolkit Package from XML into WMI 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load children steps for node "Applikation" from XML 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load children steps for node "" from XML 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Failed to load XML for the task sequence into WMI 0x80041002 (2147749890) TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    [PID: 5228] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    Setting status complete:  status code = 0x80041002; Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence. TaskSequenceProvider 20.06.2012 10:51:38 4424 (0x1148)
    SMS Provider logs the following:
    CExtUserContext::EnterThread : User=A2\trth1 Sid=0x0105000000000005150000001BB949E9D7F6AADBC3309AA56BAB0000 Caching IWbemContextPtr=0000000005777900 in Process 0x9f8 (2552) SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008
    Context: SMSAppName=SMS Administrator Console SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: MachineName=vswlieca2146.A2.loc SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: UserName=A2\trth1 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: ObjectLockContext=fdf8ab87-cf50-43bd-a48a-d5bb99c8034f SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: ApplicationName=Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: ApplicationVersion= SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: LocaleID=MS\0x409 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: __ProviderArchitecture=32 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: __RequiredArchitecture=0 (Bool) SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: __ClientPreferredLanguages=en-US,en SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: __GroupOperationId=590802 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Context: __WBEM_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL=6 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    CExtUserContext : Set ThreadLocaleID OK to: 1033 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    CSspClassManager::PreCallAction, dbname=CM_P01 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    ExecMethodAsync : SMS_ObjectLock::ReleaseLocks SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Requested class =SMS_ObjectLock SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    Requested num keys =0 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    CExtProviderClassObject::DoExecuteMethod ReleaseLocks SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    CSspSEDO::ReleaseLocks: ********** Releasing SEDO Lock for object SMS_TaskSequencePackage.PackageID="P010013A" for user A2\trth1. ********** SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)
    CExtUserContext::LeaveThread : Releasing IWbemContextPtr=91715840 SMS Provider 20.06.2012 10:51:47 3008 (0x0BC0)

  • Any FM / CLASS to change/update the Invoice-VBRK-VBELN?

    Hello Experts,
    Pls. let me know that is there any FM / CLASS to change/update the existing Invoice-VBRK-VBELN?
    BECAUSE my requirement is that I need to update/change the field - VBRK-RFBSK ('Status for transfer to accounting') of an existing Invoice in VBRK table/VF03 Tx in the system.
    Thank you

    Why do you need to change VBRK-RFBSK, this field indicates if the bill was trasnferd to the accounting

  •       Specifying class properties in MXML elements instead of attributes (e.g. DataGridColumns)

    Hi there,
    In all the examples I've seen so far, specifying the columns
    for a
    DataGrid is done as follows:
    <mx:DataGridColumn />
    <mx:DataGridColumn />
    However, I'm wonder whether there's a way to express the data
    columns simply as an _attribute_ value on the
    <mx:DataGrid> element?
    If not, does anybody know of an explanation of the syntax for
    class properties when they are not set as attributes?
    For example, since "columns" is a property of the DataGrid
    class, but
    it is set via an XML element, and not via an XML attribute, I
    assume you can do something similar for other properties.
    However, I
    can't seem to find official documentation on this in the Flex
    Language Reference.

    This works:
    <mx:Array id="theMXMLColumns">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" />
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" />
    <mx:DataGrid id="dg2" columns="{theMXMLColumns}" />
    However, the "columns" property of DataGrid must be an array,
    and arrays are not bindable, so ActionScript updates to the array
    would not be shown. e.g. This will not work:
    import mx.collections.*;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.*;
    private var theASColumns:Array;
    private function doCreationComplete():void{
    var dgc:DataGridColumn;
    theASColumns = new Array();
    dgc = new DataGridColumn();
    dgc.headerText = "Column 1";
    dgc = new DataGridColumn();
    dgc.headerText = "Column 2";
    <mx:DataGrid id="dg" columns="{theASColumns}" />

  • Abap class to change po

    Hi experts,
       I am looking for a abap class/method to change Purchase order.
    thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I am still looking for the class to change PO.

  • What happens if the remote class is changed by using codebase

    I have read
    My question is:
    By using codebase the remote classes can be downloaded to client only one time(first time). If the remote classes is changed at server side, then restarting server, I think the client has on chance to get new version of remote classes, because the old version is already in clocal classpath. Is that right? Has any solution?

    When you change the class, change its codebase.
    That will force the client to use a different ClassLoader for it, thus causing the new version to be used.

  • Can we assign "Arrays" as class properties??

    Hi there!
    Is that possible we assign an array as the class properties?
              public class TextToArray
         public var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
         public var dataArray:Array = new Array();
         public var textURL:String = "";
         public var seperator:String = "";
         public function TextToArray(textURL:String,seperator:String)
            this.textURL = textURL;
            this.seperator = seperator;
            urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(textURL));//URL to the text file we need to import to Flash
            urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataArrayLoaded);
         public function dataArrayLoaded(e:Event):void
           this.dataArray =;//the seperator such as "\n"
           urlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataArrayLoaded);
           trace(this.dataArray[2]);  // corret Data
         public function getArray():Array{
           trace(this.dataArray[2]);  // undefined
           trace(textURL); // correct Data
           return dataArray;
         public function getArrayLength():int{
            return dataArray.length;
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for your time.

    thanks a lot for your prompt reply! I have called it in another class ( like this:
              import TextToArray;
              import VerseID;
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Main extends MovieClip
          var textToArray:TextToArray = new TextToArray("data/connection.txt","\n");
          var quranData:Array = new Array();
                        public function Main()
          this.quranData = textToArray.getArray();
          trace(this.quranData[2]); // undefined

  • Dynamically extensible class properties

    What is a good way to implement dynamically extensible class properties in java in a typesafe manner? The only way I know is to either instrument the bytecode using BCEL or a similar library or to somehow hack it up using dynamic proxies.
    At runtime, I would somehow magically like for the class/interface to have specific methods (as opposed to general getValue("property_name") kind of methods). Just to give you an idea, this is in reference to value objects, so the exact number of properties shall be determined by the number of database columns.
    My first preference is not to instrument the code for reliability reasons. Is there a clean way to approach this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm going to start by saying that you should give more
    thought to exactly why you want to do this. Typesafe
    accessor methods provide their greatest benefit at
    compile-time, because the code that invokes them
    expects a certain type. To invoke an accessor method
    at runtime, you have to find its name and expected
    type somewhere, then use reflection, then manage the
    returned value. In my opinion, this provides zero
    benefit over simply retrieving the desired property
    from a Map.If I constructed the source and compiled it on the fly as you suggest, then I wouldn't have the extra reflection overhead and would be typesafe. My only point against Map-based properties is that they are inherently type-unsafe and can be a source of bugs for people that would extend the classes who are not exactly seasoned java programmers.
    So, unless there's some trick that I don't know, you
    have to create your class before it gets loaded. One
    way to do this is with BCEL, of course, but that
    requires that you have a very deep understanding of
    the class file format. A better idea, if you really
    want to create classes at runtime, is to generate code
    and compile it before loading it. This is not terribly
    difficult, nor terribly expensive in terms of runtime
    (look at all the app-servers that do it for JSPs).That is not a bad idea. I could use a custom class-loader to load a specified class from some external defintion and altogether bypass my core (by stub) class that I might or might not package up in the same jar.
    Having said that, are you aware of a java compiler that could be packaged as part of our distribution which is not an OSI project. (LGPL or Apache style license)
    But the question remains: what real benefit do you get
    from doing it?This is to provide a better configuration interface to people that would try to extend the existing business classes with their own properties so they can use them in extensible custom code.

  • Symbol Properties - changing class name

    Newbee question...
    I'm trying to change the class name of a movie clip symbol
    that I have in my library. I've changed the name of the symbol,
    I've change the name of the class in my AS3. I've changed the name
    in the advanced properties Class:, but at the bottom of the
    properties page there is a button that's labeled Symbol... when I
    click on it, nothing happens, next to the button is Symbol Name:
    [old name], but because the Symbol button does nothing when I click
    on it, I cannot change the name here to the new name. Below that is
    a check box that says always update before publishing, which I
    checked and then published, but it still didn't update to the new
    name. What am I missing?

    I believe there are a couple of aspects to that, and for what I offer, anyone who knows better should chime in.
    If you have an object in the library that you want to load dynamically, such as a MovieClip, you prepare it for that by selecting the option to Export for Actionscript, which lights up the ability to define a Class name for the object.  When you compile the file a class definition for that object is automatically generated if there is not already a class by that name in a separate .as file.
    So you can create a movieclip and have it be its own class.  Or you can create some entity and assign it a Class ID that already exists as a separate .as file.
    And in your AS code, to create a new instance of that class, you do it just like any other AS3 class...
    var newInstance:ClassNameAssigned = new ClassNameAssigned();

  • Sub-class objects changing lovu2019s in XI 3.0

    Hello all,
    I have a XI 3.0 universe where I have several classes and sub-classes like this;
    .............Object 1
    .............Object 2
    .............Object 3
    .............Object 4
    .............Object 5
    .............Object 6
    .............Object 7
    .............Object 8
    .............Object 9
    .............Object 10
    .............Object 11
    .............Object 12
    While updating the objects lovu2019s (for sorting) in the properties window, Iu2019ve noticed that beginning with Object 4 that the lovu2019s are changing back to that of Object 1, this is also the case for Object 5 (changes to Object 2u2019s lov) all the way through Object 12. It seems that no mater how often I set and apply the sorted lov for all objects, they take on the settings of the objects in the first sub-class in my universe. When querys are ran from WebIntelligence, they display the correct SQL (and return no results as there is no data in my dev database as yet). Objects in other classes (not sub-classes) seem to be fine. Has anyone seen this type of behavior before?
    Iu2019m thinking that I will need to go to 3.1 and suspect this may be a bug, any thoughts or comments are appreciated....

    Hi Didier,
    I did copy some some of the objects from a subclass to another, and to make sure this was not the issue, I re-created new ones and had the same issue.  I was not aware that previous BOE versions (LOVs) had the issue though, which makes some sense. 
    At the moment, I'm suspecting this is a bug so I am asking the client to upgrade to 3.1 to see if the issue persist (I suspect it may), if so I will then open up a tech support case.
    Thanks, Joe Szabo

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