ClassCastException and Maps

For some reason i can't get either of the print statements to work.
Could someone please tell me how to fix this and what's goin wrong.
Error: ClassCastException
import java.util.*;
public class bag {
public static void main(String [] args){
     Map m = new TreeMap();
     m.put(1, 2);
     m.put(2, 6);
     m.put(3, 8);
     Set s = m.entrySet();
     Iterator it = s.iterator();
                     Object val = m.get(;

If you read the complete error message closely, you can guess at the problem. If you look at the source code, you'll see it.
get calls compare which casts to a Comparable. The iterator over the entrySet gives TreeMap.Entry objects, which don't implement Comparable.
Your iterator gives you (1, 2). If you read the docs for EntrySet, you'll see that's a Map.Entry, and if you read its docs, you'll see it has both the key and the value, so there's no reason for the get.

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            map.put(new Integer(1), "one");
            map.put(new Integer(2), "two");
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                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
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    Hi Theo,
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    Sandy . 

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    Hi Ravi,
    As suggested by Inaki, you can use proxy communication in recever.
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    Thanks Praveen,Mayank,Sarvesh and Andreas for your  valuable help with the issue.
    I was able to successfully pick up the binary PDF file from a file server , encode it using Base 64 and post it to R3.
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    import java.util.*;
    public class Base64EncodingXIStandard implements StreamTransformation{
         String fileNameFromFileAdapterASMA;
         private Map param;
         public void setParameter (Map map)
              param = map;
              if (param == null)
                   param = new HashMap();
         public static void main(String args[])
              Base64EncodingXIStandard con = new Base64EncodingXIStandard();
                   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
                   OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
                   con.execute(is, os);
              catch (Exception e)
    public void execute(InputStream inputstream, OutputStream outputstream)
                   DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) param.get("DynamicConfiguration");
                   DynamicConfigurationKey KEY_FILENAME = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
                   fileNameFromFileAdapterASMA = conf.get(KEY_FILENAME);
                   if (fileNameFromFileAdapterASMA == null)
                        fileNameFromFileAdapterASMA = "ToBase64.txt";
                   while ((len = > 0)
                        baos.write(buffer, 0, len);
                   str = Base64.encode(baos.toByteArray());     //buffer);
                   outputstream.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><ROOT>".getBytes());
                   outputstream.write(("<FILENAME>" + fileNameFromFileAdapterASMA + "</FILENAME>").getBytes());
                   outputstream.write( ("<BASE64DATA>" + str + "</BASE64DATA></ROOT>" ).getBytes());
              catch(Exception e)
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024*5000];
         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         int len;
         String str = null;
    I had to do the following configuration settings
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    2) Use the Java Mapping in the Operation mapping.
    The scenario is working smoothly with out any issues.

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    When you select Interpolation you then define a table of value pairs; basically the raw data versus actual data.
    For example
    2 5
    4 10
    6 20
    What the VI then does is if the input signal has a value of 3 the Express VI will linearly interpolate between 5 and 10 and will map your value of 3 to 7.5. Again a value of 5 would then be interpolated and mapped to 15.
    Take a look at the attached VI.
    National Instruents
    Attachments: ‏89 KB

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    The following Ant snippet is the way I've defined my wscompile task. I'm creating a web application and it looks like yours might be an EJB endpoint, but you can adjust where necessary:
    <taskdef name="wscompile" classname="">
         <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
    <target name="init">
         <echo message="-------- ${appname} --------" />
    <!-- This target compiles the server components using an existing WSDL as the driving document.
           The configuration file must use the <wsdl> element giving the location (local file system
           or URL) of the WSDL document.
           Note: the fork argument is needed to over come a bug when using the mapping argument. See
         <target name="generate-server-from-WSDL" depends="init">
              <wscompile fork="yes"
                        <path refid="compile.classpath" />
         <target name="compile-server-from-WSDL" depends="generate-server-from-WSDL">
              <javac srcdir="${basedir}/src" destdir="${basedir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes" debug="${compile.debug}">
                   <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
         </target>Just make sure that the named destination directories exist before you run the script.
    If you'd like more details on the wscompile Ant task, I found the following pages invaluable:

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    Hi Kushee  ,
    We need coding for both ABAP Proxy and mapping. We need to know some OO(Object Oreinted) ABAP concepts.
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    how to create a flat file out of an IDoc-XML by means of an ABAP mapping program and the J2EE File Adapter.

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    **Starts**19-OCT-2009 13:55:02
    ORACLE error 6501 in FDPSTP
    Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-06501: PL/SQL: program error
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FLEX_DSC_API", line 1626
    ORA-06501: PL/SQL: program error
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FLEX_DSC_API", line 925
    ORA-01403: no data foun
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    despite I just want to get the value of a single detail.
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    worked successfully, but I can get access to the whole bunch of details.
    May anyone of you help me with that?
    I am very confused I do not know what to do.
    Have any of you a solution for that problem?
    Thank you very much.

    Have you tried a restore in iTunes?

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    I bought my Mac 6 months ago and so don't think i'ts because of the hardware .__. I only have the problem with Safari and Maps.
    Can someone help me please?
    Thanks already

    Hey _A_L_E_X_,
    I see that you are having issues with some keyboard shortcuts in Yosemite. I have a couple of suggestions for you that should be able to help you troubleshoot this issue. First, this article may resolve your issue:
    OS X Yosemite: If a keyboard shortcut doesn’t work
    If not, continue by using this article to make sure all keys you are using for these shortcuts are responding properly:
    One or more keys on the keyboard do not respond - Apple Support
    Finally, you may need to perform a Safe Boot:
    OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? - Apple Support
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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    thank you!

    The MDSYS user does in fact contain all of that information, but you should not be exporting the mdsys user any more than you export the sys or system users.
    When I export map metadata for a user, and I want to be able to reinsert that data on import, I will do something like the following:
    before exporting, I will create metadata tables
    create table my_maps as select * from user_sdo_maps;
    create table my_themes as select * from user_sdo_themes;
    create table my_styles as select * from user_sdo_styles;
    I'll export those tables with whatever data I am exporting.
    After the import, I'll do something like this:
    insert into user_sdo_styles (select * from my_styles);
    insert into user_sdo_themes (select * from my_themes);
    insert into user_sdo_maps (select * from my_maps);
    When I am sure everything looks copacetic, I will drop the tables I created for export.
    hope this helps.

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    if i am combining 2 files and mapping it to a single destination file then do we need to define 2 sender communication channels and 1 receiver communication channel

    i have done with the BPM.
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    2 Fork with end condition counter not equal 2
    3 fork branch 1 -- receive with corelation and container incrementing count by 1
      fork branch 2 -- receive with corelation and container incrementing count by 1
    4 transformation
    5 send
    i have source file structure during mapping:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
          <ns1:SenderData1 xmlns:ns1="">
          <ns1:SenderData2 xmlns:ns1="">
    i breaked the structure in 2 and placed it in different files
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:SenderData1 xmlns:ns0="">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:SenderData2 xmlns:ns0="">
    is that all to be done

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