Classic WoW low FPS with 13 MBP

Normally I run at 60 fps constantly when I play classic World of Warcraft, and have terrible performance in any other game I play.
However since my XP BSoD'd and forced me to wipe both bootcamp and mac partitions, I only get 12-20 fps.
I reinstalled OS X and XP after I wiped everything.
I just updated my video drivers hoping for a fix, but now it's stuck in low resolution and I cannot fix it.
Can anybody help my FPS/low resolution issues? I wish I never bought into this Apple nonsense.

I reinstalled the drivers and downloaded a fan control and set both fans to 6k rpm.
My core temp dropped from 180F to 162F and I have no FPS drop.
Thanks for the no help LOL.

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    Hello Bryan Schmiedeler,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    Wi-Fi and Bluetooth: Potential sources of wireless interference
    You will want to get your RSSI as close to 0 as possible.
    Best of luck,

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    Hi dimmu,
    Check through this FAQ which has much of the above and probably soem I missed at the time
    In certain circumstances and old version of iChatUSBCam for Panther can cause this problem when moving up to Tiger.

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    Topic seems to come up here often. Apple has a tendency to dismiss the issue.
    Its a pretty well known problem that Mac font smoothing doesn't seem to work well on high resolution third party external displays, making text hard to read. In addition, I think the Mac HDMI resolution support is limited to 1080p, so you must use DP or DVI video interfaces to see full monitor resolution.
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    I hope realy if any one could help me.
    If you know a anser, please give it in a comment
    Gerwin Tiemens
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Hello gerwintiemens,
    I recommend resetting your SMC and your PRAM. Perhaps even a safeboot as well.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    About NVRAM and PRAM
    Mac OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?
    All the very best,

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    I would make sure it's not running the game in the screens native res as that would be soo high even a gaming laptop would struggle

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    Also I use stageQuality=BEST, because I need a smooth movement of fractional coordinates
    how you use requestedDisplayResolution and what fps you see?
    Tested on air 3.1, 3.0 and 2.7

    Are you using exactly the same assets on both the iPhone 4 and 3GS, because if so it makes no sense that it'd run better on the 3GS. I'd say that using stageQuality=BEST is probably the cause of your problems, the default setting is MEDIUM for a reason.

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    Jul 12 16:59:21 Severity:5 Associated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    Jul 12 16:59:24 Severity:5 Deauthenticating with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX (reserved 2).
    Jul 12 16:59:24 Severity:5 Disassociated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    Jul 12 16:59:25 Severity:5 Associated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    Jul 12 16:59:25 Severity:5 Disassociated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    Jul 12 16:59:54 Severity:5 Associated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    Jul 12 16:59:57 Severity:5 Deauthenticating with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX (reserved 2).
    Jul 12 16:59:57 Severity:5 Disassociated with station 00:1b:63:XX:XX:XX
    This goes on and on and I can't have my connexion back. I must connect with an ethernet cable for a while and some time later (minutes or hours, it doesn't seem to be a constant) I get back my wireless connexion. I have another computer that seems to be working wirelessly, but I don't know if it has the same problem, I don't use internet that often with the other one. One sure thing, it is working on the other computer while it's not with the mbp. I ruled out the network adapter of the mbp because while I can't connect with my tc, I can connect with any non secure wireless router around.
    I am running OS X leopard 10.5.4 with all the available updates at the time as for the tc, every updates have been made.
    Tell us if you have the same problem or if you found something to fix it.
    Thanks a lot!

    I don't have 10.4.x so haven't tried. With 10.2.8 and 10.3.9, after setting up the Airp. Expr., I had success printing wireless with the driver that shipped on the printer CD. (I found the 1320 showed up in the list under Rendezvous printers. You do have to be sure the base station is configured for a USB printer.. there's a tab for base station options--I think, don't have it in front of me now--when you configure using the Airport admin utility.)
    I also noticed HP has an update for the 1320: HP LaserJet v5.5.2.051. I downloaded and updated to that. Then, I did have a problem, I think because I also installed an updated driver for Classic after running the installer for OSX.. got no error messages when I tried to print after that but the printer never flashed and no paper ever came out(!). So I re-ran the OSX installer and then it all worked fine again.
    Good luck!

  • Radeon HD 7850 low fps issue

    I have been playing WOW and on the lowest settings and DirectX 9,  I am only getting 20 fps sitting still.  In battles it will drop down to 13.  I have the most recent drivers and nothing seems to be working.  Any suggestions?

    Quote from: Bernhard on 04-March-14, 01:03:12
    Quote from: radier
    You have terrible CPU.
    If you want play games buy at least Core i5.
    Not true. Nothing wrong with that AMD CPU. In Benchmarks it performs as well as an i5.
    More or less ...
    World of Warcraft is a CPU killer game.
    It has been optimized for Intel processors.
    Medium values:
    105 FPS with Intel (3,4,5,6 cores)
    57 FPS with AMD (3,4,5 cores) and 64 FPS with AMD 6 cores.
    Now talking about that  AMD FX 8150:
    We can summarize the AMD FX-8150 in one word: "disappointment".
    The Core i5-2500K is cheaper and provides a higher overall performance.

  • DOTA2 low fps during hero picking phase

    Usually I have ~50FPS rate, but when I picking hero in PvP game (with bots it works great), my FPS downs to 9-10 and sound is cracking.
    Before I played well, in common I use proprietary driver, but some days ago, when I reinstall system with encryption, I also tried non-proprietary driver, which was bad idea for my NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO (too many artifacts and very low FPS).
    So I deleted "free" driver and installed proprietary driver. Mb I forget to delete some free-driver packages, or forget to install some non-free driver componets, mb some libraries (provided by Steam) are conflicting with system`s librararies. Anyway I dont know what to do, my attempts to find a solution in Internet led me here.
    I`ll be very greatful if you help me! But you must know that I`m not a Linux-guru, so write me all commands I need.

    First of all, whether you have  1GB/512mb/256mb of vga memory doesnt mean much in terms of performance, it all depends on your specific gpu unit whether its a 5650M, 6570M, etc. In your case your gpu does seem to be able to run most older games okay. Measuring fps in lobbies doesnt mean much either since there's hardly anything there for your gpu to render. You say you begin with 60fps and then drop to about 20fps midgame, presumably when the action is getting most hot. You could perhaps try lowering your graphical settings a bit or maybe your resolution. Alternatively the problem may also lie with your internet connection. 

Maybe you are looking for