Cleansing cases in WebUI

I want create a cleansing case in WebUI. After I defined a master account and started the merge process the non-master account should be flagged for archiving.
But the non-master accounts doesnu2019t have an archiving flag.
I looked blogs, videos, sapnote, u2026 but I didnu2019t find relevant information for this problem. Does anybody know, how I can solve this problem?
We have BBPCRM 6.0.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
Jasmin Hauser

Hi Sam!
I've created a Video describing the Merge Process in Web UI.
Within the Merge Process you have a 1by1 comparison and all changes you make via the Checkboxes you have to confirm (Confirm-button). This has to be done for every comparison of a Non-Master Record with the Master Record.
The data will get transferred within the Merge-Process.
Best regards

Similar Messages

  • Cleansing Cases in the Webclient

    Hi All,
    I have followed all of the steps required to merge accounts in the Webclient and have created cleansing cases.
    in the transaction BUPA_CLEAR you can drag and drop Business Transactions from Source to Target but how does this functionality work in the Webclient?
    I can see a list of my Business Transactions in the Referenced Data for source and target account, but there is only a checkbox to select or unselect, i have tried both and when the merge is run it does not transfer the Business Transactions between accounts.
    How do you specify whether the Business Transaction should be transfered to the source or master account?

    Hi Sam!
    I've created a Video describing the Merge Process in Web UI.
    Within the Merge Process you have a 1by1 comparison and all changes you make via the Checkboxes you have to confirm (Confirm-button). This has to be done for every comparison of a Non-Master Record with the Master Record.
    The data will get transferred within the Merge-Process.
    Best regards

  • Cleansing Cases in Webclient UI

    Hi All,
    I have followed all of the steps required to merge accounts in the Webclient and have created cleansing cases.
    in the transaction BUPA_CLEAR you can drag and drop Business Transactions from Source to Target but how does this functionality work in the Webclient?
    I can see a list of my Business Transactions in the Referenced Data for source and target account, but there is only a checkbox to select or unselect, i have tried both and when the merge is run it does not transfer the Business Transactions between accounts.
    How do you specify whether the Business Transaction should be transfered to the source or master account?

    Hi Sam!
    I've created a Video describing the Merge Process in Web UI.
    Within the Merge Process you have a 1by1 comparison and all changes you make via the Checkboxes you have to confirm (Confirm-button). This has to be done for every comparison of a Non-Master Record with the Master Record.
    The data will get transferred within the Merge-Process.
    Best regards

  • Cleansing Cases

    Hello Experts,
    When I use a DQA task (Variant int. duplicate check) to merge bps, I have the following errors at step 'Merge BPs (automatically)' :
    Object cannot be changed using this transaction
    Enter at least one number for the business partner
    The DQA's first two steps (Identify Duplicates Internally and Create Cleansing Cases) are working great.
    Do you know what cause the errors ?
    Thank you,

    Hi Sam!
    I've created a Video describing the Merge Process in Web UI.
    Within the Merge Process you have a 1by1 comparison and all changes you make via the Checkboxes you have to confirm (Confirm-button). This has to be done for every comparison of a Non-Master Record with the Master Record.
    The data will get transferred within the Merge-Process.
    Best regards

  • Cleansing cases - CRM 7.0

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    Does anybody know, where I can get more information about this topic?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards
    Jasmin Hauser

    Hello again!
    To be more precise - Identify Duplicates, Create Cleansing Cases, and Merge Automatically are Task-Steps of the Data Quality Administration Task-Type u201CIntegrated Duplicate Checku201D.
    Within this Task-Type a whole Target Group can get used and the 3 Task-Steps can run automatically for this Target Group. Itu2019s also possible to schedule this as regularly running Task. In this case not a Target Group but a Profile has to get assigned to the DQA-Task and the first step is the generation of a Target Group out of the Profile.
    My recommendation: View this Video: [|]
    Best regards

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    Thank you ,

    *Confirm the document creation by calling database COMMIT
       WAIT          = 'X'
      RETURN        =
    *Output the messages returned from BAPI call

  • Cleansing Cases: Merge BP

    Hi Forum,
    do you know if it is possible to reassign service requests when we Merge 2 Accounts ?
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    Thanks a lot !!!

    Dear Gerhard,
    thank you for your reply. I checked the suggested notes, but the description doesn't match to the error.
    I found a note (609351), which description match to the exiting error. I followed the correction instructions, but there was no error in the programming.
    You said, I should check the transation BUSWU02. There are "CLEARING", "CLEAR_REP" and "STD". Please could you tell me what I have to do?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards,

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    Does anybody know, how I can solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards
    Jasmin Hauser

    Dear Gerhard,
    thank you for your reply. I checked the suggested notes, but the description doesn't match to the error.
    I found a note (609351), which description match to the exiting error. I followed the correction instructions, but there was no error in the programming.
    You said, I should check the transation BUSWU02. There are "CLEARING", "CLEAR_REP" and "STD". Please could you tell me what I have to do?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards,

  • BP_TASK Data Cleansing

    Happy New Year Experts,
    I have a question or three for you on Data Cleansing in the Web IC.  I will explain what I have done and what I need answers to.
    The setup of the Data Cleansing Cases and Account search is fine.  We can search for Business Partners and Merge Now or Merge Later and then search for cases if we chose to Merge Later.
    When we go into the Case to process it most of the functionality is fine.  What isn't ok is this BP_TASK config .
    I understand that in order to execute the 'START' button in the Case Processing screens you need to have the Task config setup.  I have done this to an extent as described below:
    1) Setup Number Ranges - IMG->CRM->Master Data->BP->DQA-> Maintain Number Ranges [Create line 01-0000000001-9999999999]
    2) In Task (1003) add the action profile BP_TASK - IMG->CRM->Transactions->Basic Settings->Define transaction types
    3) Create job CRM_BUPA_REALIGNMENT (periodic job 5-10 min)
    Point 3 is what I am coming unstuck with.  I cannot create a periodic job without assiging an ABAP Program to run etc.  There is nothing anywhere that says 'use this program or method' when creating the job step.
    Secondly, when I select the 'START' button in the Case Processing screen - after confirming the changes, the case errors with a vague message saying the case cannot be saved.  However, if I actually hit the 'SAVE' button the case saves and the changes I confirmed are processed between the various accounts.  So the whole process is about 95% great and 5% annoying.
    Before the questions, all authorisation settings are good as well.
    The questions are then:
    1)  What parameters are required above what I described for the periodic job?
    2)  Does the 'Task' transaction type need to be in the Business Transaction profile for the specific business role the Data Cleansing functionality is assigned within?
    3)  Once a task is created, I guess that the job will process these and that a user does not necessarily need to manual process these tasks?
    4)  Should I change the Action Definition and Condition at all over and above the standard setup that it is currently in?
    Any help and guidance would be great - I'm afraid I have 'Wood for Trees' syndrome now
    Many Thanks for any assistance.

    Hi Gregor,
    I have read your interesting blog. We have a similar kind of data cleansing activity. But when I tried to implement the same, we get a message that the Data Cleansing option is not available for the Insurance industry specific settings. Can you pls help us here ? When I analysed the same the FM 'FKK_CLEANSING_ALLOWED' has a hard coded code element as follows:
    *4.71: Event 7500 does not exist yet*
      IF 1 = 2.
         REFRESH: t_fbstab[].
              i_fbeve            = gc_event_7500
              i_only_application = gc_x
              i_applk            = applk
              t_fbstab           = t_fbstab[].
         LOOP AT t_fbstab INTO fbstab.
           CALL FUNCTION fbstab-funcc
                c_cleansing_allowed = cleansing_allowed.
         IF 1 = 2.
    *     für Verwendungsnachweis
           CALL FUNCTION 'FKK_SAMPLE_7500'
                c_cleansing_allowed = cleansing_allowed.
    Our SAP version is as folows:
    SAP_BASIS      620         0056 SAPKB62056             SAP Basis Component            
    INSURANCE     472           0010     SAPKIPIN10     INSURANCE 472 : Add-On Installation
    Any help is much appreciated.
    I Peter

  • Function Module or alike for Data Cleansing

    Hi Experts,
    Does someone know a function module, method or something to create a complete cleansing case, that is, a cleansing case (header) and its mapping (relationship among the master and sourceu2019s fields).
    I found the FM BAPI_CLEAR_CASE_CREATE_MULTI, however it just create a cleansing case, without the mapping. So the user should use the transaction BUPA_CLEAR in order to map the fields.

    Hello Joesph,
    What do you want to calculate?
    Check these Function Modules
    DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Returns weekday for a date
    DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE Calendar function: Returns factory calendar date for a date
    DATE_GET_WEEK Calendar fucntion: Returns week for a date
    Edited by: Chandran Ganesan on Mar 4, 2008 2:41 PM

  • Dependencies visible in Web UI for Data Cleansing

    Hi All,
    My client is using the functionality Data Cleansing and we are implementing CRM 2007. As of CRM 2007 we now have two variants in BUSWU02 - CLEARING and CLEAR_REP. The dependencies(objects) defined in CLEARING are visible in the web UI.
    and objects defined in CLEAR_REP are not visible in the Web UI.
    I need to see the object -Business Transaction in the web UI in the Data Cleansing Case page. For this i have added the object Business Transaction in BUSWU02 under variant CLEARING and removed it from CLEAR_REP. It is also actviated in BUSWU01 to be picked up in Data Cleansing.  The problem is the Business transactions are still not visible in the Web-UI.
    Anybody who faced this problem before, please do let me know the solution to this.
    Thanks in advance

    Dear Shiloo,
    please see information given in note 900293 (especially point 4) and 1055480. Hopefully they are able to help and get your customizing correct!
    Regards, Gerhard

  • Data cleansing: Clipboard error when using bupa_clear

    When using BUPA_CLEAR transaction to process cleansing cases, dragging and dropping some objects from one BP to another produces the message "Clipboard does not contain any data" and the object is not copied to the new BP.
    An example:
    BP 1 has a folder 'Business Transactions' with sub-folders 'CRM Service Processes' and 'CRM Business Activity'.  The 'CRM Service Processes' contains 1 service ticket object. the 'CRM Business Activity' contains 1 interaction record object. The other main level folders are Address Usage and Sales Classification.
    BP 2 only has 'Address Usage' and 'Sales Classification' folders as it has no interactions or tickets against it.
    When dragging and dropping the folder 'Business Transactions' (or any of it's sub-folders/objects) from BP1 to BP2, I get the message 'Clipboard does not contain any data'.
    Is there a fix or workaround to this? Or am I doing something wrong?
    Any help is greatly appreciated,

    Found out the simple answer to a dumb problem:
    You must drag-and-drop the ICON (Folder icon, document icon) of the object that you are moving, not just the text of the object. Dragging the icon will highlight the icon and the name of what you are trying to move and it will then move to the appropraite folder without giving the clipboard error.

  • Customize Data Cleansing

    Hi Everybody,
    today I've started to customize Data Cleansing in our CRM System to get rid of all the Duplicate Accounts we have. I have two main problems:
    1. I create a cleannsing case in Trasaction BP by marking two Business Partners and right-click to get the context menu and choose "create data cleansing case". The cleansing case is sucessfully created.
    Now I start Transaction BUPA_CLEAR and open this case. In a popup I'm asked for "No Referencing Objects Are Registered for the Current Case. Should Determination Now Take Place Online? (All Changes to the Last Processed Case Are Saved)" I choose yes. Now a divided window appears which shows me both partners. What I expect now from the transaction is to show me also the Business Transactions related to the Business Partner. I've checked in TA CRMD_BUS2000126 that there are Transaction for that partner, but they don't appear.
    What must I do in the customizing? The documentation at <a href="">Data Cleansing</a> and in SPRO does not rearly help.
    2. When I leave BUPA_CLEAR after I've opened a cleansing case I get the info message "Customizing is missing (table TBZ5*)" two times. What could be the case for that?

    HI Gregor.
    Did you eventually find the solution? I think I have the same problem and I think I did what was to be done in customizing.
    One thing about which I'm not sure are the tresholds.
    the F1 says:
    If the duplicate check is not called in dialog (e.g.BAPIs, Batch Input or direct input),
    no dataset is created if a duplicate is found with a higher percentage match than the specified threshold.
    but I don't see any difference if I put 99 instead 0.
    The main problem is that in fact I can compare nothing.
    There are no subtrees to expand.
    Could you please take a quick look at customizing I did for it and its results?
    I put some screenshots on my website:
    Any comment would be appreciated.

  • Merge contact person - Cleansing data

    Hi gurus, in CRM Web UI Account Search there is an option to merge differents accounts into a single one. The resulting account contains the information of all accounts merged. I need the same procedure but with contact persons. This is possible from transaction BP in SAP GUI. Do you know if it is possible to do the same from Web UI?
    Thank you in advance.

    Yes, this is possible, but not within the Contact Person Search.
    In the Contact Person Search you will get a list of Contact Person Relationships. One Business Partner can have multiple Contact Person Relationships and you will get multiple entries in the Search-Result-List but it is one single Business Partner with multiple Contact Person Relationships.
    The way you can merge Contact Person is within the Search-Result-List for Individual Accounts.
    Just search for Individual Accounts with the Role "Contact Person" and/or with the Relationship Type "Is Contact Person for".
    Now you will get a list of Individual Accounts and you can select the potential duplicates to create a cleansing case.
    The Master Record will get all Contact Person Relationships of the involved Business Partners after the Merge Process.
    Best regards,

  • BP merge functionality in CRM 2007 Web UI - Buswu02 objects

    hello champs,
    Could any help me out to resolve the below issue:
    I have a issue with BP Account merge functionality in crm 2007, I have made the config change to create the cleansing case, create task, triggered the bupa_realign to merge the duplicate customer to Master record.
    In this case, Task is created and transferring the BP master data and marked the duplicate BP to to be archived but the issue is, we do want to transfer the service tickets from duplicate customer to master customer.
    I have also check all the setting in buswu01 and buswu02 (clear and clear_rep variants), for me its looks every thing fine but service ticket are not transferred to master account.
    It would be great help if any one help to resolve the issue!     Thanks a lot in advance.

    This question has been resolved by me only, we have implemented the BP merge functionality with web ui crm 2007.
    It was the issue with objects maintenance in tran buswu01 and transportation to testing client and other systems.
    now BP merge fun. works fine:
    to config:
    User the BP merge funn. in web ui.
    Assign the Task for merging the BP's
    Maintain the all relevant object to transfer.
    which will trigger a batch job and will transfer all the transact from duplicate account to master account and will mark the duplicate account to Archive.
    any ho thanks for all your suggestions and help.

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