Clear text if validation fails

I have a date field for which i have set a particular pattern("DD/MM/YYYY").
I want to clear off  the entered value if user types in the value in wrong format.
let me know how to achive this.

on exit
if (true){
try this.

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  • Automatically displaying the error text for a form field when the validator fails?

    Flex 2 has a very nice feature to display custom text next to
    a form field whose validation failed. But the user has to move the
    mouse over the form field to display the text. Is there a way to
    invoke this feature programmatically?
    What I would like to do is validate form fields on submit and
    - if validation fails for a form field - set focus on that form
    field and automatically display the custom error text in the red
    blurb. Focusing works fine but I cant' get the text to render...

    Thanks Bregent.
    Weirdest thing...I just tried a Google search for a solution to this problem and came across another thread on this forum.  By the time I got to the bottom of it I realised one of those taking part was myself from years ago!  Jeesh, been here before or what!
    Changed my recordset to...
    Dim rsPROP__MMColParam
    rsPROP__MMColParam = "0"
    If (Request.Form("categoryID") <> "") Then
      rsPROP__MMColParam = Request.Form("categoryID")
    End If
    Dim rsPROP__MMColParam1
    rsPROP__MMColParam1 = "1"
    If (Request.Form("categoryID") <> "") Then
      rsPROP__MMColParam1 = Request.Form("categoryID")
    End If
    Dim rsPROP
    Dim rsPROP_cmd
    Dim rsPROP_numRows
    Set rsPROP_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    rsPROP_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_cs_STRING
    rsPROP_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT prodid, product, categoryID FROM dbo.products WHERE ISNULL(?,0) = 0 OR categoryID = ?"
    rsPROP_cmd.Prepared = true
    rsPROP_cmd.Parameters.Append rsPROP_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 5, 1, -1, rsPROP__MMColParam) ' adDouble
    rsPROP_cmd.Parameters.Append rsPROP_cmd.CreateParameter("param2", 5, 1, -1, rsPROP__MMColParam) ' adDouble
    Set rsPROP = rsPROP_cmd.Execute
    rsPROP_numRows = 0
    ...and it works fine.
    Appreciate the help. I would have taken your advice and done an If Else on the WHERE clause to acheive the same.
    Thank you.

  • Process_order api - Validation Failed for Field Bill To

    I am relatively new to the EBS world and I'm having some issues with calling the OE_Order_Pub.Process_order API. When I call this API I am getting a return error of "Validation failed for field - Bill To".
    For a background...I have an APEX application where users can choose parts from a small part master list to add to an existing order. The existing order will not have a status of Closed or Cancelled and there will be atleast 1 line in the order before the new parts are added. The parts will be added as new lines to the order with some of the new line data defaulting to the same information as the first line. I am using EBS version 12.1.3 with a multi-org setup. It seems that the orders under one org (id=3) are working fine, but another org(id=569) they never work and keep getting the error. I am setting the context to the org of the order and initializing the apps user information with the responsibility "Order Management Super User".
    Do you have any idea what could be wrong or how I can debug the error to get a little more detail?
    Here is the procedure I have.
        CURSOR c_order_parts IS
          SELECT *
           WHERE ORDER_ID = p_order_id;
        v_order_parts t_parts;
        --Setup variables
        v_install_type VARCHAR2(25) := 'PTO';
        v_source_id    NUMBER;
        v_user_id      NUMBER;
        v_resp_id      NUMBER;
        v_app_id       NUMBER;
        v_debug        VARCHAR2(32767);
        v_oracle_order OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL%ROWTYPE;
        p_header_rec                    OE_Order_Pub.Header_Rec_Type;
        p_header_val_rec                OE_Order_Pub.Header_Val_Rec_Type;
        p_Header_Adj_tab                OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_Adj_val_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_price_Att_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Header_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_Adj_Att_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_Scredit_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
        p_Header_Scredit_val_tab        OE_Order_Pub.Header_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_line_tab                      OE_Order_Pub.Line_Tbl_Type;
        p_line_val_tab                  OE_Order_Pub.Line_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Adj_tab                  OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Adj_val_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_price_Att_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Line_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Adj_Att_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Adj_Assoc_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Scredit_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
        p_Line_Scredit_val_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Line_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_Lot_Serial_tab                OE_Order_Pub.Lot_Serial_Tbl_Type;
        p_Lot_Serial_val_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Lot_Serial_Val_Tbl_Type;
        p_action_request_tab            OE_Order_pub.Request_Tbl_Type;
        l_header_rec                    OE_Order_Pub.Header_Rec_Type;
        l_header_val_rec                OE_Order_Pub.Header_Val_Rec_Type;
        l_Header_Adj_tab                OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_Adj_val_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_price_Att_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Header_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_Adj_Att_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Header_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_Scredit_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Header_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
        l_Header_Scredit_val_tab        OE_Order_Pub.Header_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_line_tab                      OE_Order_Pub.Line_Tbl_Type;
        l_line_val_tab                  OE_Order_Pub.Line_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Adj_tab                  OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Adj_val_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_price_Att_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Line_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Adj_Att_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Adj_Assoc_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Line_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Scredit_tab              OE_Order_Pub.Line_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
        l_Line_Scredit_val_tab          OE_Order_Pub.Line_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_Lot_Serial_tab                OE_Order_Pub.Lot_Serial_Tbl_Type;
        l_Lot_Serial_val_tab            OE_Order_Pub.Lot_Serial_Val_Tbl_Type;
        l_ret_status                    VARCHAR2(200);
        l_msg_count                     NUMBER;
        l_msg_data                      VARCHAR2(200);
           --Email information
        v_email_address           varchar2(100);
           v_msg_text                varchar(1000);
           v_subject_text            varchar(1000);
           --Default line information
        v_item_id           NUMBER;
        v_contact_id        NUMBER;
        v_invoice_to_org_id oe_order_lines_all.INVOICE_TO_ORG_ID%TYPE;
        v_ship_to_org_id    oe_order_lines_all.SHIP_TO_ORG_ID%TYPE;
        v_sold_to_org_id    oe_order_lines_all.SOLD_TO_ORG_ID%TYPE;
        v_flow_status_code  oe_order_lines_all.FLOW_STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
          SELECT *
            INTO v_order
           WHERE ORDER_NUMBER = p_order_number;
          RETURN v_order;
            RETURN NULL;
          SELECT *
            INTO v_order
           WHERE ORDER_ID = p_order_id;
          RETURN v_order;
            RETURN NULL;
        FUNCTION GET_SOURCE_ID(p_source_name IN VARCHAR2)
            INTO v_source_id
           WHERE NAME = p_source_name;
          RETURN v_source_id;
            RETURN NULL;
        FUNCTION GET_ITEM_ID(p_part_number IN VARCHAR2, p_org_id IN NUMBER)
            INTO v_item_id
           WHERE SEGMENT1 = p_part_number
             AND ORGANIZATION_ID = p_org_id;
          RETURN v_item_id;
            RETURN NULL;
        END GET_ITEM_ID;
          SELECT USER_ID
            INTO v_user_id
            FROM APPS.FND_USER
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Error selecting user');
            INTO v_resp_id, v_app_id
          --Set current user information
          fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id      => v_user_id
                                     ,resp_id      => v_resp_id
                                     ,resp_appl_id => v_app_id);
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Error selecting responsibility');
        --Get the order information from Oracle and APEX
        v_apex_order := GET_APEX_ORDER(p_order_id);
        IF v_apex_order.ORDER_ID IS NULL THEN
          RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'APEX Order ID is invalid: ' || p_order_id);
        END IF;
        v_oracle_order := GET_ORACLE_ORDER(TO_NUMBER(v_apex_order.ORDER_NUMBER));
        IF v_oracle_order.ORDER_NUMBER IS NULL THEN
          RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Order Number not found in Oracle: ' || v_apex_order.ORDER_NUMBER);
        END IF;
        apps.mo_global.set_policy_context('S', v_oracle_order.ORG_ID);
        v_source_id := GET_SOURCE_ID('IMPORT');
        IF v_source_id IS NULL THEN
          RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Source ID not found for IMPORT');
        END IF;
        /* ********** Gather Order Header********** */
        /* ********** Info.              ********** */
        OE_Order_Pub.Get_Order(p_api_version_number    =>      1.0,
                               p_init_msg_list         =>      FND_API.G_TRUE,
                               p_return_values         =>      FND_API.G_TRUE,
                               x_return_status         =>      l_ret_status,
                               x_msg_count             =>      l_msg_count,
                               x_msg_data              =>      l_msg_data,
                               p_header_id             =>      v_oracle_order.HEADER_ID,
                               p_header                =>      NULL,
                               x_header_rec            =>      l_header_rec,
                               x_header_val_rec        =>      l_header_val_rec,
                               x_Header_Adj_tbl        =>      l_Header_Adj_tab,
                               x_Header_Adj_val_tbl    =>      l_Header_Adj_val_tab,
                               x_Header_price_Att_tbl  =>      l_Header_price_Att_tab,
                               x_Header_Adj_Att_tbl    =>      l_Header_Adj_Att_tab,
                               x_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl  =>      l_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab,
                               x_Header_Scredit_tbl    =>      l_Header_Scredit_tab,
                               x_Header_Scredit_val_tbl=>      l_Header_Scredit_val_tab,
                               x_line_tbl              =>      l_line_tab,
                               x_line_val_tbl          =>      l_line_val_tab,
                               x_Line_Adj_tbl          =>      l_Line_Adj_tab,
                               x_Line_Adj_val_tbl      =>      l_Line_Adj_val_tab,
                               x_Line_price_Att_tbl    =>      l_Line_price_Att_tab,
                               x_Line_Adj_Att_tbl      =>      l_Line_Adj_Att_tab,
                               x_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl    =>      l_Line_Adj_Assoc_tab,
                               x_Line_Scredit_tbl      =>      l_Line_Scredit_tab,
                               x_Line_Scredit_val_tbl  =>      l_Line_Scredit_val_tab,
                               x_Lot_Serial_tbl        =>      l_Lot_Serial_tab,
                               x_Lot_Serial_val_tbl    =>      l_Lot_Serial_val_tab);
        --Save defaults from first line
        IF l_line_tab.EXISTS(1) THEN
          v_contact_id        := l_line_tab(1).SHIP_TO_CONTACT_ID;
          v_invoice_to_org_id := l_line_tab(1).INVOICE_TO_ORG_ID;
          v_ship_to_org_id    := l_line_tab(1).SHIP_TO_ORG_ID;
          v_sold_to_org_id    := l_line_tab(1).SOLD_TO_ORG_ID;
          v_flow_status_code  := l_line_tab(1).FLOW_STATUS_CODE;
        END IF;
        --Clear out the line array before adding any new parts
        FOR i IN l_line_tab.FIRST..l_line_tab.LAST LOOP
        END LOOP;
        /* ********** Gather Order Lines ********** */
        OPEN c_order_parts;
        FETCH c_order_parts BULK COLLECT INTO v_order_parts;
        CLOSE c_order_parts;
        FOR i IN v_order_parts.FIRST..v_order_parts.LAST LOOP
          v_item_id := GET_ITEM_ID(v_order_parts(i).PART_NUMBER, v_oracle_order.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID);
          IF v_item_id IS NULL THEN
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Error selecting part number ' || v_order_parts(i).PART_NUMBER);
          END IF;
          --Clear line first
          l_line_tab(i)             := OE_Order_Pub.G_Miss_Line_Rec;
             l_line_val_tab(i)         := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_VAL_REC;
          l_line_adj_tab(i)             := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_REC;
          l_line_adj_val_tab(i)     := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_VAL_REC;
          l_line_price_att_tab(i)      := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_PRICE_ATT_REC ;
          l_line_adj_att_tab(i)     := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ATT_REC;
          l_line_adj_assoc_tab(i)   := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ASSOC_REC;
          l_line_scredit_tab(i)     := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_REC;
          l_line_scredit_val_tab(i) := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_VAL_REC;
          l_lot_serial_tab(i)       := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_REC;
          l_lot_serial_val_tab(i)   := OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_VAL_REC;
          --Set line information
             l_line_tab(i).PRICE_LIST_ID          := v_oracle_order.PRICE_LIST_ID;
          l_line_tab(i).header_id              := v_oracle_order.header_id;
          l_line_tab(i).inventory_item_id      := v_item_id;
          l_line_tab(i).ordered_quantity       := v_order_parts(i).QUANTITY;
          l_line_tab(i).operation              := l_op_code;
          l_line_tab(i).unit_list_price        := 0;
          l_line_tab(i).ship_from_org_id       := v_oracle_order.ship_from_org_id;
          l_line_tab(i).program_id             := fnd_global.conc_program_id ;
          l_line_tab(i).program_application_id := fnd_global.PROG_APPL_ID;
          l_line_tab(i).order_source_id        := v_source_id;
          l_line_tab(i).calculate_price_flag   := 'N' ;
          l_line_tab(i).unit_selling_price     := 0.00 ;
             l_line_tab(i).request_date           := v_apex_order.onsite_date;
             l_line_tab(i).Schedule_ship_date     := v_apex_order.onsite_date;
             l_line_tab(i).promise_date           := null;
          l_line_tab(i).invoice_to_org_id      := v_invoice_to_org_id;
          l_line_tab(i).ship_to_org_id         := v_ship_to_org_id;
          l_line_tab(i).sold_to_org_id         := v_sold_to_org_id;
          l_line_tab(i).ship_to_contact_id     := v_contact_id;
        END LOOP;
        --Add lines to order
        OE_Order_Pub.Process_order(p_api_version_number            =>      1.0,
                                   p_init_msg_list                 =>      FND_API.G_TRUE,
                                   p_return_values                 =>      FND_API.G_TRUE,
                                   p_action_commit                 =>      FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                   x_return_status                 =>      l_ret_status,
                                   x_msg_count                     =>      l_msg_count,
                                   x_msg_data                      =>      l_msg_data,
                                   p_header_rec                    =>  l_header_rec,
                                   p_old_header_rec                =>  l_header_rec,
                                   p_header_val_rec                =>  l_header_val_rec,
                                   p_old_header_val_rec            =>  l_header_val_rec,
                                   p_Header_Adj_tbl                =>  l_Header_Adj_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Adj_tbl            =>  l_Header_Adj_tab,
                                   p_Header_Adj_val_tbl            =>  l_Header_Adj_val_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Adj_val_tbl        =>  l_Header_Adj_val_tab,
                                   p_Header_price_Att_tbl          =>  l_Header_price_Att_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Price_Att_tbl      =>  l_Header_price_Att_tab,
                                   p_Header_Adj_Att_tbl            =>  l_Header_Adj_Att_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Adj_Att_tbl        =>  l_Header_Adj_Att_tab,
                                   p_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl          =>  l_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl      =>  l_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab,
                                   p_Header_Scredit_tbl            =>  l_Header_Scredit_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Scredit_tbl        =>  l_Header_Scredit_tab,
                                   p_Header_Scredit_val_tbl        =>  l_Header_Scredit_val_tab,
                                   p_old_Header_Scredit_val_tbl    =>  l_Header_Scredit_val_tab,
                                   p_line_tbl                      =>  l_line_tab,
                                   p_line_val_tbl                  =>  l_line_val_tab,
                                   p_Line_Adj_tbl                  =>  l_line_adj_tab,
                                   p_Line_Adj_val_tbl              =>  l_line_adj_val_tab,
                                   p_Line_price_Att_tbl            =>  l_line_price_att_tab,
                                   p_Line_Adj_Att_tbl              =>  l_line_adj_att_tab,
                                   p_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl            =>  l_line_adj_assoc_tab,
                                   p_Line_Scredit_tbl              =>  l_line_scredit_tab,
                                   p_Line_Scredit_val_tbl          =>  l_line_scredit_val_tab,
                                   p_Lot_Serial_tbl                =>  l_lot_serial_tab,
                                   p_Lot_Serial_val_tbl            =>  l_lot_serial_val_tab,
                                   p_action_request_tbl            =>  OE_ORDER_PUB.G_MISS_REQUEST_TBL,
                                   x_header_rec                    =>      p_header_rec,
                                   x_header_val_rec                =>      p_header_val_rec,
                                   x_Header_Adj_tbl                =>      p_Header_Adj_tab,
                                   x_Header_Adj_val_tbl            =>      p_Header_Adj_val_tab,
                                   x_Header_price_Att_tbl          =>      p_Header_price_Att_tab,
                                   x_Header_Adj_Att_tbl            =>      p_Header_Adj_Att_tab,
                                   x_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl          =>      p_Header_Adj_Assoc_tab,
                                   x_Header_Scredit_tbl            =>      p_Header_Scredit_tab,
                                   x_Header_Scredit_val_tbl        =>      p_Header_Scredit_val_tab,
                                   x_line_tbl                      =>      p_line_tab,
                                   x_line_val_tbl                  =>      p_line_val_tab,
                                   x_line_adj_tbl                  =>      p_line_adj_tab,
                                   x_line_adj_val_tbl              =>      p_line_adj_val_tab,
                                   x_line_price_att_tbl            =>      p_line_price_att_tab,
                                   x_line_adj_att_tbl              =>      p_line_adj_att_tab,
                                   x_line_adj_assoc_tbl            =>      p_line_adj_assoc_tab,
                                   x_line_scredit_tbl              =>      p_line_scredit_tab,
                                   x_line_scredit_val_tbl          =>      p_line_scredit_val_tab,
                                   x_lot_serial_tbl                =>      p_lot_serial_tab,
                                   x_lot_serial_val_tbl            =>      p_lot_serial_val_tab,
                                   x_action_request_tbl            =>      p_action_request_tab);
        p_return_code := l_ret_status;
        IF l_ret_status != 'S' THEN
          IF l_msg_count = 1 THEN
            p_status := OE_Msg_Pub.Get(1,'F');
            FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
              p_status := OE_Msg_Pub.Get(i,'F') || '<br />';
            END LOOP;
          END IF;
          p_status := 'Error loading lines<br>' || p_status;
          p_status := 'Order Processed Successfully<br>' || v_order_parts.COUNT || ' Line(s) Loaded';
        END IF;
    --      OE_DEBUG_PUB.GetNext(v_debug);
    --      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_debug);
    --    END LOOP;
    Jonathan Hart

    Try the following
    1) Check if any processing constraints are applied to customer/location
    2) Try to create a new customer and associate internal location.
    Create a new order to reproduce the issue

  • Clear text value not allowed for credentials in config.xml

    I am in the process of migrating our J2EE application from Weblogic 8.1 to Weblogic 10 MP1 and have converted config.xml to the new schema. When starting up in production mode, I see the following error which causes the server to shutdown:
    <Server failed. Reason: [Management:141266]Parsing Failure in config.xml: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: In production mode, it's not allowed to set a clear text value to the property: CredentialEncrypted of SecurityConfigurationMBean>
    In 8.1 it seems that it would fill in the credentials based on the username and password in so it was possible for our installation program to leave these entries blank. However, when starting in 10.0 it doesn't do this. Below is an excerpt from config.xml.
    <sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-authenticatorType"></sec:authentication-provider>
    <sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-identity-asserterType">
    <sec:role-mapper xsi:type="wls:default-role-mapperType"></sec:role-mapper>
    <sec:authorizer xsi:type="wls:default-authorizerType"></sec:authorizer>
    <sec:adjudicator xsi:type="wls:default-adjudicatorType"></sec:adjudicator>
    <sec:credential-mapper xsi:type="wls:default-credential-mapperType"></sec:credential-mapper>
    <sec:cert-path-provider xsi:type="wls:web-logic-cert-path-providerType"></sec:cert-path-provider>
    Is anyone else trying to do this?

    Hi henry,
    While running a particular instance in the production mode(wls 10.x),prior to upgrading the domain you need to upgrade the security provider(all the mbeans ) you use in the previous versions and later on if you follow the domain upgrade you may find a solution for this issue...

  • List data validation failed when creating a new list item but does not fail when editing an existing item

    Dear SharePoint Experts,
    Please help.
    Why does my simple formula work in Excel but not-work in SharePoint?
    Why does this formula...
    =IF([Request Type]="Review",(IF(ISBLANK([Request Date]),FALSE,TRUE)),TRUE) in Excel but fail when I try to use it in SharePoint?
    The intent of this formula is the following...
    If the field "Request Type" has the value "Review" and the field "Request Data" is blank then show FALSE, otherwise show TRUE.
    SharePoint saves the formula, but when a list item is saved where the formula is implemented, (under List Settings, List Validation), SharePoint does not, say anything other than that the formula failed.
    Note that the "list data validation failed" error only happens when I am creating a new item-- the formula above works just fine when one is trying to Save on the edit form. 
    Can you help?
    -- Mark Kamoski

    Dear Jason,
    I appreciate your efforts.
    However, it seems to me that this statement of yours is not correct...
    "If it meet the validation formula, then you can new or edit the item, otherwise, it will throw the 'list data validation failed' error, it is by design".
    I believe this is NOT the answer for the following reasons.
    When I create a new item and click Save, the validation error is "list data validation failed".
    When I edit an existing item and click Save, the validation error is "my custom error message" and this is, I believe, the way it needs to work each time.
    I think, at the core, the error my formula does not handle some condition of null or blank or other default value.
    I tried a forumla that casts the date back to a string, and then checked the string for a default value, but that did not work.
    I tried looking up the Correlation ID in the ULS when "list data validation failed" occurs, but that gave no useful information because, even though logging was set to Verbose, the stack trace in the error log was truncated and did not given any
    good details.
    However, it seems to me that SharePoint 2013 is not well-suited for complex validation rules, because...
    SharePoint 2013 list-level validation (NOT column-level validation) allows only 1 input for all the multi-field validation formulas in a given list-- so, if I had more than 1 multi-field validation rule to implement on a given list, it would need to be packed
    into that single-line-of-code forumla style, like Excel does. That is not practice to write, debug, or maintain.
    SharePoint 2013 list-level validation only allows 1 block of text for all such multi-field validation rules. So that will not work because I would have something like "Validation failed for one or more of the following reasons-- withdrawal cannot exceed
    available balance, date-of-birth cannot be after date-of-death,... etc". That will not work for me.
    The real and awesome solution would simply be enhancing SP 2013 so that column-level validation forumlas are able to reference other columns.
    But, for now, my workaround solution is to use JavaScript and jQuery, hook the onclick handler on the Save button, and that works good. The only problem, is that the jQuery validation rules run before any of the column-level rules created  with OOTB
    SP 2013. So, in some cases, there is an extra click for the enduser.
    Mark Kamoski
    -- Mark Kamoski

  • Is Numeric Validation Failing on Decimals

    We just moved from HTMLDB 1.6 to APEX 3.0.1. A field that used to work fine will now not accept a decimal number. It is a text field. There is an item level validation on that field and the only criteria in it is "IS NUMERIC". If I put in a whole number, it works fine, if I put in a decimal number the validation fails. What has changed?

    The decimal separator has always been a period. Just now I replaced it with a comma and it accepted that as numeric. So I don't know if it thinks 4,5 is 4 and a half, or 4 and 5. The application is in English but has been translated to French (I tried it in French as well and it's the same - periods as decimals make it fail, comma instead of a decimal and it saves fine.) Regardless, what would make APEX think a comma makes a decimal number numeric? A database setting? There is no format mask on the field. I deleted the field and recreated it, same problem.
    My Oracle space was removed awhile ago so I have to request it again - I will put this page up there later if there isn't a simple flag or something that needs to be set to accept decimals to be periods instead of commas.

  • Keep the old value in the UI field if entity validation fails

    I have a requirement to retain the original value (old value), if the entity attribute validation fails when the filed value is changed. I have created one validation rule on the entity object and the validation rule is working as expected. But I would like to reset the value to the original value if the validation fails on the modified value.
    Thanks and Regards,
    S R Prasad

    Please tell us your first name, and change your forum handle to something more friendly than User123. It’s nicer and easier for us this way.
    It seems that the forum software messed up the example code you wanted to present. To avoid that you can use the forum tags &#91;code] and &#91;/code] at the beginning and end of your code.
    If I understand correctly, you are trying to retrieve the original field value from a fxx array, however these arrays are populated after page submit, so they don’t hold the initial values of the column.
    I think the simplest solution will be to use an ‘onfocus’ event that will save the initial value – this.value – in a global JavaScript variable. In your ‘onchange’ code, instead of clearing the field if validation failed just assigns the original value for the JavaScript variable.
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Migration Signature Validation Failed

    Hi, I am getting an invalid migration signature error when trying to install AIR Launchpad beta 3.0.1.
    The machine is running XP SP3, with all patches applied. I have tried switching off antivirus for both download and installation, but with no success.
    This is a 'clean' machine, with disk formatted, and OS and all other software re-installed less than a week ago. System time and date are correct.
    AIR was installed automatically as part of Flashbuilder 4.5 installation and the update to + 4.5.1 immediately applied.
    I have search the net for solutions to this, but found relatively few others with this exact issue. I did find many reports of issues with 'Package' validation errors, whhic are often attributed to certificate failures due to system date/time which I have already checked.
    Hope that sombody has an answer.
    The log file is attached below.
    Many Thanks
    [2011-08-28:11:09:51] Application Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-08-28:11:09:51] Commandline is: "C:\Documents and Settings\Ciaran\My Documents\Downloads\airlaunchpad_p8_3-0-1_081911.air"
    [2011-08-28:11:09:51] Installed runtime ( located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-08-28:11:09:52] Unpackaging file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ciaran/My%20Documents/Downloads/airlaunchpad_p8_3-0 -1_081911.air to C:\Documents and Settings\Ciaran\Local Settings\Temp\fla16C.tmp
    [2011-08-28:11:09:55] Migration signature validation failed
    [2011-08-28:11:09:55] Got an unexpected fatal error while unpackaging: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="invalid migration signature" errorID=5023]
    [2011-08-28:11:10:01] Application Installer end with exit code 7

    Looked at the system requirements for Launchpad 3.0.1.. Flashbuilder 4.5.1 or 4.5 sdk with AIR 2.6 overlay.. Log showed I was running 2.5.xxxx.
    Launched Flashbuilder and searched for updates.. Tells me all versions of Flash Player and AIR are up to date. Decide to try installing another AIR app, so go for Tour De Flex as I want to study the mobile stuff anyway. Installs fine, and on launch, I am immediately offered an AIR update to 2.7.x. Accept the update and low and behold, AIR Launchpad now installs.
    Sweet, but wtf?
    So, for anyone out there who comes falls foul of this in the future, do not rely on Flashbuilder to confirm your version of AIR is up to date, launch an AIR app instead and you will get the true picture.
    Hope this helps some other confused soul.

  • Catalog object privilege validation failed for user.

    I'm getting following error after adding the HTML tags in dashboard 11g.
    How to set the privileges?..Kindly let me know.Thank you.
    Error Massage:
    Catalog object privilege validation failed for user to path /users/User1/_portal/page 1.
    You do not currently have sufficient privileges to save a report or dashboard page that contains HTML markup. Dashboard contains custom HTML tags as part of static text.

    Hi User,
    Go to Settings -> Administrators -> Manage Privileges -> 'Answers'
    Here you can view - "Save Content with HTML Markup" next to it you will see 'Presentation Server Administrators'
    Click it and Change for 'Everyone'
    And, Save changes. Restart BI Services now you can add the contents and it will not popup any error messages.
    Thank you.
    Award Points and Close the Post as Answered to help others with same issue :)

  • Manually trigger the "validation failed" rendering mode

    I am converting a forms application to APEX. The forms application has many before insert triggers with raise_application_error instructions. These triggers are used for validation purpose. Obviously there are modifications needed as I want to display the application error messages in the notification box instead of the APEX error page.
    The most efficient way is obviously to reproduce the trigger logic in APEX validations. However I am curious to know if there would be a way to replace the raise_application_error instructions in triggers with something that could stop and rollback all the processing and then re-render the page like when a validation fails.
    I played with wwv_flow variables but I didn't find anything that would trigger this. Is it possible to call the same thing that APEX uses to re-render the page with notification message when it detects that one or more validations have failed?

    Hi ,
    I am not sure if this would work, but you can give it a try. In the exception area try to display message using the
    apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message|| 'My custom text' ;

  • Espresso Reader: Migration signature validation failed

    I would like to install EspressoReader on Windows7 64 bit viaAodbe Air. I get the following error in the AdobeAir log file:
    [2013-02-04:13:48:52] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-02-04:13:48:52] Commandline is: C:\Users\rka\Desktop\EspressoReader_0_9_8.air
    [2013-02-04:13:48:52] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2013-02-04:13:48:52] Unpackaging file:///C:/Users/rka/Desktop/EspressoReader_0_9_8.air to C:\Users\rka\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5CC4.tmp
    [2013-02-04:13:48:53] Migration signature validation failed
    [2013-02-04:13:48:53] Got an unexpected fatal error while unpackaging: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="invalid migration signature" errorID=5023]
    [2013-02-04:13:48:56] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    What is wrong with this installer? Thanks for any tip.

    You can see this link in our site explanation

  • Reset Item After Regular Expression Validation Fails

    Apex 4.2
    I have a page item (P1_MYITEM) that should only hold alpha charaters, so I have created an item regular expression validation
    This works well, but now I want to reset my item (P1_MYITEM) to null
    if the validation fails.
    Tried using a page process, but they do not run if the validation fails.
    Any ideas ?

    Got it working using
      if not regexp_like (:P1_MYITEM, '^[a-zA-Z]+$')
          return 'Country must be text characters only.';
      end if;

  • .MAC account credentials validation failed

    I have never had trouble publishing before and now I get this error
    ".Mac account credentials validation failed for account ksporterproductions."
    I haven't changed anything - suggestions??
    iweb version 1.1.2 2006

    I have exactly the same problem when trying to publish with iWeb 06- .Mac account credentials validtion failed- or iWeb opens the .Mac pane from system preferences, I insert password & username, press return, it says password valid, and nothing happens. I return to iWeb, and publishing activity has stopped.
    This is clearly related to MobileMe switch.
    This is a total pain- get it sorted Apple, or at lest reply to tech support e-mails.
    Pixxed Off.
    Yours Beefybov

  • Use GLC-T to connect ucs 6120 and 2960s (RJ45),.have SFP validation failed problem

    hi,every .
    i use GLC-T to  connect ucs 6120 and cisco2960s (RJ45),.have sfp validation failed problem.
    I have done speed to 1G then I am getting error " link not connected" even I have connected the nnetwork cable..

    UCS6120-A(nxos)# show interface e1/7
    Ethernet1/7 is down (SFP validation failed)
    Hardware: 1000/10000 Ethernet, address: 0005.73d2.934e (bia 0005.73d2.934e)
    Description: U: Uplink
    MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
    reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
    Encapsulation ARPA
    Port mode is trunk
    auto-duplex, 1000 Mb/s, media type is 10G
    Beacon is turned off
    Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
    Rate mode is dedicated
    Switchport monitor is off
    EtherType is 0x8100
    Last link flapped never
    Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
    30 seconds input rate 0 bits c, 0 bytes c, 0 packets c
    30 seconds output rate 0 bits c, 0 bytes c, 0 packets c
    Load-Interval #2: 5 minute (300 seconds)
    input rate 0 bps, 0 pps; output rate 0 bps, 0 pps
    0 unicast packets  0 multicast packets  0 broadcast packets
    0 input packets  0 bytes

  • Clear Text Entry after wrong answer

    I'm searching a way for clearing text entry box after the
    user entered a wrong answer.
    If this it's not possible to do that with text entry, is it
    possible to do that with captivate question quiz, or somthing else?
    Thank you
    Miky Aviel

    The problem is that the text-entry object is a "scoring
    object" and it is considered best practice NOT to allow movement to
    and fro once a scoring object has been answered.
    The solution is to move forward through the eLearning
    experience, not back and forth. So how does that apply? Well, one
    way is to duplicate the slide, including the text-entry object, so
    the same problem can be offered for solution in the slide(s)
    following the failed effort. The same principals apply to question
    slides ... if you want the user to retake a failed effort, you
    should add (for instance) an "explanation" slide after the question
    slide and route the use to that following failure; then the
    following slide can be a re-creation of the question slide if you
    want to give the student a second chance at the same question.
    There are problems with doing it this way - for one, the
    scoring is going to be "skewed" - or could be unless the second
    attempt is weighted at "zero". But since the basic learning concept
    of asking each question only once is being thrown out anyway, the
    skewed scoring may not be a big deal (?).

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  • Unanswered Labview Question

    Hello All, I have searched the entire NI forum to get the answer of the following question. But still I couldnot get the answer. Which of the following only plots data in evenly distributed intervals along the x-axis?  A) Waveform GraphB) Waveform Ch