Clicar aparecer imagem no Adobe Muse

Boa tarde!
Gostaria de saber como criar um site passo a passo.
Ex/ Tem um botao na pagina, quado o usuario clicar aparece uma imagem.
when you click a button, display a picture

You may refer to the tutorials to know more details of how to use Adobe muse from scratch link : Factors to consider when designing websites | Adobe Muse CC tutorials  and TUTORIALS | Adobe Muse CC
If you are new to Adobe Muse, my suggestion : try downloading the sample file and try creating first site link : How to create a website with Adobe Muse | Adobe Muse CC tutorials
I hope this helps.

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    Please check the following threads,
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    Adobe Muse trial expired
    Do let me know if you have any question.

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    sea vertical u horizontal solo me aparece un boton del menu! y no me deja agregar mas..

    1) En tu desarrollo has generado solo la pagina home? o tienes más páginas asociadas al sitio? Muse genera los items del menú de forma automática, si lo quieres hacer de forma manual, selecciona el menú y pulsa el triangulo azul que aparece luego de seleccionar, ahí esta la opción de crear el menú de forma manual!
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    Estoy pendiente!

  • Adobe Muse y Google

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    quedo atento a sus comentarios ¡¡¡ Agradecido ¡¡¡¡

    Hola comunidad ¡¡¡ me auto contesto a mi pregunta anterior, ERA COSA DE TIEMPO, google ya me ha hecho participe de sus resultados de busquedas ¡¡¡ asi que bueno era solo cosa de paciencia ¡¡
    Saludos a todos ¡¡¡

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    Nuevos Datos y una solución:
    Como la instalación desde "Creative Cloud" no daba errores pero en la práctica no aparecía ningún rastro de instalación o carpeta de muse en "Program Files" o "Program Files (x86)" se me ocurrió lo siguiente:
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    Entonces copie toda la carpeta en "Program Files (x86)" creé el respectivo acceso directo y Voilà! todo funcionando perfecto…
    Agradezco mucho sus comentarios. Igual creo que es un grave bug de CC + Muse

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    Mentes Creativas,
    Acabo de descomprimir y abrir el archivo Muse del link al tutorial de la web de Adobe.
    Entonces desde la carpeta de links he arrastrado varios de los .PNG que contiene a la página sin problemas.
    Inicialmente veo un icono de Internet explorer, pero al cabo de un segundo o dos, aparece la vista previa en la miniatura.
    Segun arrastro sobre la página, ampliando la imagen que coloco, se mantiene la previsualización.
    Como en PrintScreen no aparece el cursor ni el icono la captura muestra la imagen segun se arrastra y amplia para colocarla (observa que es semitranslúcida).
    Utilizo Google Chrome e IE 11. Windows 7 64bits y una tarjeta gráfica GF GTX 750Ti. Indica las características de tu ordenador para ver si puede estar ahí el problema.

  • Erros al subir sitio con ADOBE MUSE.

    Que tal.
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    Alguien puede ayudarme?

    When i try to upload my Muse site on the businescatalyst cloud, apears a windows that contains a message of error.
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    I thas been try to correct this error changed the name of the file and eliminated that, but nothing worng.
    Thak yoo.

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    Solución al problema cuando Adobe Muse CC 2014 pide número de serie (siendo subscriptor de Adobe Muse)
    1.- Abrimos el Bloc de Notas con click derecho (Ejecutar como Administrador)
    2.- Ir al menú archivo/abrir y buscamos en la ruta C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc dentro de esta carpeta seleccionamos el archivo "host" (si no visualizan el archivo, cambiar Documentos de Texto (*.txt)  por Todos los Archivos)
    3.- Dentro de "host" borrar todas las lineas que contengan lo siguiente: ""  luego guardas y cierras.
    4.- Luego en el navegador de tu preferencia dirígete a  y te mostrara un mensaje "Alive" (si puedes ver el mensaje ya habrás solucionado el problema)

  • Necesito ayuda con ADOBE MUSE

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    Quedo a la espera de su amable respuesta.

    Hola Federico,
    voy a intentar explicarme.
    Tengo una web con dos niveles. En el nivel superior (páginas superiores) tengo home, presentación, servicios, galería, colaboraciones y contactos. He creado un menú desplegable, con submenus en servicios con cada servicio por separado.
    En la página de servicios he utilizado el widget Composición - sugerencia. La idea era crear varios cuadrados de colores diferentes, uno para cada servicio. Cuando hacemos rollover aparece un cuadro con la explicación del servicio (sugerencia). El problema lo tengo al intentar que cuando clicamos en el menú la 2º opción de servicios me cargue la página con el 2º cuadro activo, siempre me sale el 1º activo por omisión. ¿Hay alguna manera para que si le doy a cualquier apartado del submenú me redirija al cuadrado que necesito como activo y no siempre el primero? Quizás debería haber hecho esto con otro widget? Disculpas si no he usado términos muy apropiados o si no me he explicado con mucha claridad. Gracias a todos!!

  • Adobe Muse APTEE Licensing NOT WORKING!!

    I am an IT Professional working for a major University in Missouri. We have an Apple computer lab of 26 20" iMacs, all running Adobe Creative Cloud with an Enterprise license. This license includes Adobe Muse (with its own serial number). We use Active Directory to manage users/group policies on all computers, and manage users on our Apple computers.
    According to Adobe's support site, you can create a prov.xml file using APTEE and then apply it to serialize the Muse product installation for a computer lab environment.
    I can only get this to work for EXISTING users. When a NEW user logs in to his or her account, they run Muse, and it asks for a subscription, as though Muse is not serialized. According to Adobe, you click on Existing Subscription anyway, enter your Adobe ID, and then it should still open. It doesn' says the "subscription does not have a license for Adobe Muse" and gives the option to BUY or QUIT.

    If I remember correctly, I would advise you to update your Creative Cloud Packager and recreate the deployment package. More, at
    If you are still having issues, check in the proper forum: ent
    Or contact Adobe support.

  • Adobe muse - how to upload images in photo gallery in the admin console?

    Question from Adobe Muse beginner - I can't figure out how images can be uploaded in a slideshow/photo gallery in the admin console? I can edit or delete images but not upload additional images?

    May I know which admin console are you talking about.
    You are talking about Business Catalyst or Adobe Muse?
    Please provide the steps to access the admin console via Muse.
    Gaurav Aggarwal

  • Error when starting Adobe Muse CC

    Has anybody encountered this error?
    Adobe Muse CC has encountered an error and will now exit. Please report the last few actions you took leading up to this error to the Adobe Muse CC team.
    String 'Home' does not appear to be correct format to translate. String should be of form 'module::keystring'
    This happens when I initially open Muse CC 2014. I do not even get to choose New File or open a recent file.

    Uninstall and reinstall.
    One or more of the Widget Library files that are part of your installation of Muse have been altered or were not successfully installed. These files are not intended for end user editing. The only way to revert them to their correct form is to uninstall and reinstall Muse. If you wish to have your own custom collection of widgets, use the "Library" panel within Muse. Don't directly open/edit the widget files within the "Library" folder structure.

  • Adobe Muse.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    I get this message when trying to open  muse. It happened after an upgrade.
    "Adobe Muse.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    Is there anything I can do?

    Please send me ([email protected]) the MuseLog.txt file from your Documents folder.
    Then please delete the "MBLStore" and "OOBE" folders found in
    on Mac: <yourusername>/Library/Application Support/Adobe
    on Windows XP: <youruser>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe
    on Windows 7: <youruser>\AppData\Local\Adobe
    and delete the "AdobeMuse" folder found in
    on Mac: <yourusername>/Library/Preferences
    on Windows XP: <youruser>\Local Settings\
    on Windows 7: <youruser>\AppData\Roaming
    Then launch Muse. It will go through the first launch experience of asking for UI language, AdobeID, etc.
    Please let me know whether or not that works. Thanks.

  • Adobe Muse page capacity

    HI ,
    I am working on my page which is full of pictures and different kinds od stuff. The thing is that i can not create or delete any more pages or masters.Does Adobe Muse have a max use of space or something ? Because every time I try to make a new one or delete a page the program says "not responding".
    Since i started adding here lots of pictures , it started working really slow.And now it does not even work.I tried it on the 3 computers. Still the same thing.
    Coul you help me how to fix it ? Thank You !

    This can happen when Muse is not able to use required memory of system used, as in case where other applications are also running on same time thus using computers memory or system using memory allocation for different process threads etc,
    Please try to Open only Muse and then check.
    Also if you have a large site, try to optimize the contents so that it should not use maximum space and memory to run , try to split up pages so that a single page should not load up with maximum contents.
    This would help you :

  • Adobe Muse Gallery Widgets

    Hi Everyone
    I am not able to figure out how to use the widgets which I downloaded from the Adobe Muse Website ( Widget Gallery). It seems that they cannot be dragged and dropped into the site I am creating. I finally doubled clicked on one of them and it opened in Muse, only to realize it opens as a new site. The widget does not appear on the page I am working on. Can anyone help me with this? Perhaps this has already been aswered, if so can you provide any links. Am I supposed to copy and paste the widget to the page I am working on, and then resize? I thought that the widgets should open on the page you are working on.

    Copy and Paste,  that's what i done with any of the widgets i've downloaded.

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