Client returns a list in a method among other types

I have found the opposite example many times but i want to do the opposite. I want my client to send me a list of objects in a method among other types. Any example?? 

Put the objects in to a class and then serialize a class.

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    - Leon

    Another way, could be to pass one (or both) of the lists as method arguments.
    List list1 = new ArrayList();
    List list2 = new ArrayList();
    myMethod(list1, list2);
    public void myMethod(List list1, List list2) {
      if (list1 == null || list2 == null) return;
    }You'll have to decide which way is suitable and if you do indeed need to
    return two Lists from your method.

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    And the keyStream method is:
    *public int keyStream(List deck) {*
    *          return findTop(deck);*
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    import java.util.ArrayList;
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    public class ListExample {
        public void f() {
            List < Integer > list = new ArrayList < Integer > ();
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    I did this with a LoginModule that returned a list of user roles. Below is the Java call
    stmt = conn.prepareCall(authquery);
            stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
            stmt.setString(3,new String(password));
            // realm is null if not set
            rolesResultSet = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(1); 
            stmt.close();authquery is the name of a procedure that returned a ref Cursor
      TYPE principal_ref IS REF CURSOR;
      function get_user_authentication(p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2) return principal_ref;
      FUNCTION get_user_authentication (p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2)
      RETURN principal_ref
        var_username varchar2(100);
        var_userid number(10);
        var_password varchar2(100);
        role_cursor principal_ref;
        FAILED_AUTHENTICATION exception;
        select userid, username, password into var_userid, var_username, var_password from sec_users where username = p_username;
        if (var_password = p_password) then
            if (p_realm is null) then
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid;
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid and realm=p_realm;
            end if; -- p_realm check
          -- if password doesn't match, raise Excpetion for LM to
          -- abort the authentication process
        else raise FAILED_AUTHENTICATION;
        end if;
        RETURN role_cursor;
      END get_user_authentication;
    END;You only ned to expose the call to teh procedure in a method (e.g. on ADF BC Application Module) and create a method binding for it.

  • How to return a list of generic type

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    public <T> T getSomthing(Class<T> c) throws Exception {
            return c.newInstance();
    }My question is, can I modify this method to return a List of the same type as input class c? If so, how?

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class ReturnList {
        public <T> List<T> getList() {
         return new ArrayList();

  • (261205913) Q SYNCH-14 Is the client behavior still synchronous for buffered methods?

    Q<SYNCH-14> Is the client behavior still synchronous for buffered methods?
    Q<SYNCH-14> For buffered methods the client invocation is essentially asynchronous
    since the return type for the method is void. Quote from BEA Workshop documentation:
    If you add a message buffer to a method of your web service, incoming messages
    (invocations of the method) are buffered on the local machine. The method invocation
    returns to the client immediately. This prevents the client from waiting until
    your web service processes the request. Note that since the buffering occurs on
    your end of the wire, the client still must wait for the network roundtrip even
    though it will return a void result. But the client does not have to wait for
    your service to process the message

    Futher information about the possibility of callback:
    It may be possible for a synchronous only web service (i.e. MS .net) to even paticipant
    in the callback functionality of asynchronous web services. If the client implements
    the appropriate methods for the callback but listens for them on a different port
    or binding than the SOAP request, then web service may be able to build a response
    if the client's "callback URL" is submitted as the beginning part of a conversation.
    Watch the BEA developer forum ( for more information about
    this approach and other tips and techniques for building web services.
    "Adam FitzGerald" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Q<SYNCH-03> I heard that MS .net only implements synchrnonus method? If
    this is true.
    Does it means my async methods will only work with J2EE clients?
    A<SYNCH-03> I do not know the limitations of .net but let me point out that
    is very
    difficult to provide asynchronous web service method invocation (this is
    from an asynchronous web service). HTTP as a general communication protocol
    is based
    on a request and response paradigm so your client libraries will mostly
    likely be
    expecting a response even if it is empty (check the asynchronous example
    from today
    to see that the start method still returns an empty response). You must
    this from the notion of an asynchronous web service which is a business
    that occurs on the server whose return value/result is not directly associated
    building response to the client. An asynchronous web service can (and generally
    be started and stopped with web service operations that are invoked synchronously.
    Thus MS .net clients can still be client to WLS hosted web services.

  • Pl/sql web service returning a list of results

    I am able to publish a pl/sql package as a web service that returns a single result. However, when I try to return a list of results, I get an error in jdeveloper when I select the package and invoke publish as web service.
    I use a simple pl/sql package:
    create type longcredit_obj as object (
    credit varchar2(200),
    parlrepid number(6),
    mbrid number(6),
    rdgid number(6))
    create type longcredit_list as table of longcredit_obj
    create or replace package longcredit_pck as
    function get_longcredit (initials in varchar2) return longcredit_list;
    end longcredit_pck;
    create or replace package body longcredit_pck as
    function get_longcredit (
    initials in varchar2) return longcredit_list
    i integer;
    list longcredit_list;
    cursor c_credit is
    select, a.parlrepid, a.mbrid, a.rdgid
    from member_credits_test_vw a
    where upper(init) = upper(initials);
    list := longcredit_list();
    for rec in c_credit
    i:= list.last;
    list(i) := longcredit_obj(null, null, null, null);
    list(i).credit :=;
    list(i).parlrepid := rec.parlrepid;
    list(i).mbrid := rec.mbrid;
    list(i).rdgid := rec.rdgid;
    end loop;
    return list;
    end get_longcredit;
    end longcredit_pck;
    Is this a feature that is available?
    Any suggestions are appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.
    I am running jdeveloper and database v.

    Hi Steffen,
    I did manage to get it to work by doing the following:
    drop type longcredit_list
    drop type longcredit_obj
    create type longcredit_obj as object
    (credit varchar2(200),
    parlrepid number(6),
    mbrid number(6),
    rdgid number(6))
    create type longcredit_list as table of longcredit_obj
    create or replace package longcredit_pck as
    function get_longcredit(initials in varchar2) return longcredit_list;
    end longcredit_pck;
    create or replace package body longcredit_pck as
    function get_longcredit(initials in varchar2) return longcredit_list
    v_longcredit_obj longcredit_obj:=longcredit_obj(null,null,null,null);
    v_longcredit_list longcredit_list:=longcredit_list();
    i number:=1;
    cursor getlist is
    select distinct, a.parlrepid, a.mbrid, a.rdgid
    from member_credits_test_vw a
    where upper(init) = upper(initials)
    order by a.parlrepid;
    for rec in getlist loop :=;
    v_longcredit_obj.parlrepid := rec.parlrepid;
    v_longcredit_obj.mbrid := rec.mbrid;
    v_longcredit_obj.rdgid := rec.rdgid;
    end loop;
    return v_longcredit_list;
    end get_longcredit;
    end longcredit_pck;
    Also, before deploying, in jdeveloper, in the deploy file, I select the property filters under web-inf\classes and check all the classes that are unchecked (see thread id 505217).
    Also, the database I'm using now is v.
    Thanks for your suggestion!

  • How to return a list of class from a package

    I'm trying to create a RPG game with 50 characters. There will be a superclass, and each character is a subclass that extends from the superclass. Each will have unique abilities that will be functions. These classes will be thrown into a package.
    I would like to know the code for returning the list of classes in that package. That way, I can present them as a list for the player to choose just a handful of characters to start out with.
    Thanks in advance         

    Hi u can use the this class
    Sumit Agrawal

  • How to return a object from a method in a java program to a C++ call (JNI )

    I am new to java and i have been assigned a task to be done using JNI.
    My question is,
    How can i return an object from a method in a java program to a call for the same method in a C++program using JNI.
    Any help or suggesstions in this regard would be very useful.
    Thanking you,
    Anjan Kumar

    I would like to suggest that JNI should be your last choice and not your first choice. JNI is hard to get right. Since the JNI code is executing in the same address space as the JVM, any problems (on either side) will take down the entire process. It dilutes the Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) value proposition because you need to provide the JNI component for all hardware/OS platforms. If you can keep your legacy code(or whatever you feel you need to do in JNI) in a separate address space and communicate via some inter-process channel, you end up with a system that is more flexible, portable, and scalable.
    Having said all that, head over to the Java Native Interface: Programmer's Guide and Specification web page:
    Scroll down to the Download the example code in this book in ZIP or tar.gz formats. links and download the example source. Study and run the example sources. The jniexamples/chap5/MyNewString demo creates a java.lang.String object in native code and returns it to the Java Language program.

  • Alternatives to long parameter lists when calling methods

    I've heard you shouldn't have more than 3 parameters when calling methods. What are the alternatives to long parameter lists when calling methods? Compounding parameters into new inner classes, declaring them as member fields? Which one is preferable?

    Okay, I get it. But since it's late in the day, I'll share my additional wandering thoughts. And I'll just go ahead and preemptively slap myself for doing so. Ouch! There. So the rules are more like this:
    1) Only use setters if the values in question are meant to be part of the state of an object.
    2) In general, don't let external entities directly set the state of an object.
    Which can be combined into:
    1) In general, never use setters.
    Which could be reworded to:
    1) Only use setters in non-general situations.
    1) Only use setters when setters are a good solution...which isn't very often...generally speaking...
    Or if I were to infer when it's a good solution:
    1) Only use a setter when it is useful to the caller and has no significant negative effects on the operation of the object nor the maintainability, size, or performance of the class...generally speaking...
    Actually, you might just infer from here forward that the "generally speaking" is implicit to every rule, and is essentially the "There is an exception to every rule" rule. Which is an interesting rule because it can be applied to itself, resulting in a paradox...generally speaking...but I digress.
    And then translated back to the original topic:
    1) You can use a setter instead of a constructor argument so long as the value isn't needed at time of construction (or a default value will suffice) and it is useful for the caller to be able to use the setter and using the setter has no significant negative effects on the operation of the object nor the maintainability, size, or performance of the class.
    But this won't quite cut it either. With the input of others, we could eventually devise a very concise rule, but it will end up being so long that on one will ever read it...making it an ideal candidate to be included in a legal document. Which will eventually find it's way into a very long scroll pane with a check box at the end exclaiming that you read the document, at which you will not be able to continue unless you check the check which point, what do you do? After all, you are not a liar...generally speaking...
    In summary, you could potentially use setters in some limited cases, but in the general sense, that's more of an option than a recommendation. :-)

  • Do I use a number list or another method?

    Hello, I am very new to Indesign. I am working on a book project that is basically a two column layout. Every paragraph in the columns has a number prefixing it. To better understand what I mean, every paragraph is a verse and is numbered the same way the Bible has verses numbered in chapters.
    1. Some sort of text would go here
    and the words should also be
    indented away from the number
    and not flow beneath like you
    you see here.
    2. Then there would be more verses
    that would appear in the same
    manner all the way to the bottom
    of the column.
    So I have watched many videos and still cannot figure out what is the best method for this type of layout. Do I simply use a numbered list or is there a better way? I appreciate any advice.
    Thank you,

    If the text you are placing/writing is conducive to a numbered paragraph scheme, I would use it.

  • Applescript button returned of list

    Here is my script:
    set firstList to {"Sincronizza proprietà avanzate", "Escludi proprietà avanzate"}
    set listchoice1 to choose from list firstList with prompt "Le proprietà avanzate di una cartella sono l'icona della cartella, la posizione degli elementii al suo interno e l'icona delle cartelle al suo interno." with title "Fai una selezione" without multiple selections allowed
    At the end of the list there are two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel", if I select "Ok" it goes ahed, if I select "Cancel" it still goes ahed.
    Instead I want that if the button "Cancel" is selected, regardless of the choice made, the application must close.
    How can I do that?

    Returend result from choose from list
    If the user clicks the OK button, returns a list of the chosen number and/or text items; if empty selection is allowed and nothing is selected, returns an empty list ({}). If the user clicks the Cancel button, returns false
    So check to see if the result returned is false and if it is exit.
    Something like (there are other ways to do this)
    if listchoice1 is false then
         tell me to quit

  • I ordered the new Iphone 6 and it will ship on 10/31, on 10/15 I completed the paperwork to return my iphone 4 8GB, but it appears when my paperwork was emailed to me and I didn't notice until today.  It has my return phone listed as an iphone4

    I ordered the new Iphone 6 and it will ship on 10/31, on 10/15 I completed the paperwork to return my iphone 4 8GB, but it appears when my paperwork was emailed to me and I didn't notice until today.  It has my return phone listed as an iphone4 this going to be an issue?  I was quoted a trade in value of $200 and need to apply this to my iphone 6, if the trade in is not going to be $200 I need to cancel.  I did call the verizon store today and the woman told me it should be no problem, but I keep hearing horror stories about this trade in program and I need to be sure.

    Congratulations on the purchase of your new iPhone 6. Ordering a new device can be very exciting and we understand wanting to be able to get your hand on it as soon as possible. With the trade in program the device that is being returned should indeed match what was selected at the time the trade in was processed. What we can have you do is reach out to our trade in team to see if this will cause any problems with the amount you receive once you turn in the iPhone 4. You can reach them here by clicking in the "How do I contact you" section. It will allow you to send an email to the team that handles the trade in requests personally.
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport

  • 60 Second Delays in Client Getting Entity Bean (after finder method)

    I am running WLS5.1 with SP10. I have a stateless EJB that gets a
    read-write BMP entity EJB. My test client that executes the stateless
    session bean periodically encounters long delays (60 seconds or more)
    when acquiring the entity bean using its finder method. Logging shows
    the finder method is executing properly, and typically takes 180 ms to
    locate the entity bean; however, from the stateless session beans side,
    it appears to take 60 seconds. The test client is only a single thread,
    so I know the pool is not depleted, or anything like that. Something
    appears to be going haywire with the container.
    Does anybody have an idea what might be going on?

    Hi Greg,
    On a whim, I tried the same test with the thin driver, and the same
    delay occurred. This time, instead of a rollback being at the top ofthe
    thread dump stack trace, it was in some other Oracle call, with the
    top of the stack trace being a socketreader.are you using MTS? Is the db-server a SMP-box? Which exact patch level
    does your Oracle instance have? If yes, can you try to force a dedicated
    server connection and see if the problem disappears? I guess for an OCI
    connection you will have to edit tnsnames.ora, for a
    thin-driver-connection you would have to modify the connect string to
    something like this:
    There is a bug in which is supposed to be fixed in, but
    I can still reproduce it in 9i :-(. It makes the MTS-dispatcher hang for
    60 seconds if you have an SMP box with low load, so maybe this could be
    your problem.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Greg Crider [mailto:[email protected]]
    Posted At: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 8:17 AM
    Posted To: ejb
    Conversation: 60 Second Delays in Client Getting Entity Bean (after
    finder method)
    Subject: Re: 60 Second Delays in Client Getting Entity Bean (after
    finder method)
    My client has been using OCI in production and development
    with JTS for
    over a year now without a problem. We went to OCI because
    there was some
    other problem with the thin driver. I'm not sure what the
    problem was,
    but Oracle acknowledged it, but said it wouldn't be corrected until
    Oracle 9i came out. We're still using 8.1.6, so from what I'm
    told, we
    don't use the thin driver.
    On a whim, I tried the same test with the thin driver, and the same
    delay occurred. This time, instead of a rollback being at the
    top of the
    thread dump stack trace, it was in some other Oracle call, with the
    top of the stack trace being a socketreader.
    Somebody else suggested that there may be a problem with
    Does this ring a bell? Again, I have a stateless session bean
    invoking a
    read-write entity bean, invoking a read-only entity bean. From
    everything I read, including weblogic docs, I should just rely on my
    deployment descriptor to control transactions and stay away from JTA.
    Hi Greg,
    I remeber long ago there were an issue with jts/oci driver combination
    when the connections were opened but never used...
    Buy the way, are there any specific reasons to use OCI instead of
    thin driver?
    "Greg Crider" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I know. That's what I don't get. BTW Slava, I am using the
    latest OCI
    driver; thanks for the suggestion. I tried tweaking some of the Solaris
    kernel settings as relates to TCP, but that didn't clear up the problem
    either; however, it did change the frequency. Modifying the retransmit
    settings (very small values, sub 1.5 seconds) seemed to make it occur
    less frequently.
    It seems like its time for me to contact BEA Support and see what they
    can turn up. Thanks for the suggestions. If anybody else has an idea,
    let me know. I'm betting this is a simple, stupid config problem. I'll
    post back here when I find out what's up.
    But for some reason WebLogic code called the rollback:
    ... rollback
    at weblogic.jdbcbase.jts.Connection.close(
    at weblogic.jdbcbase.jts.Connection.commit(
    at weblogic.jts.internal.TxContext.commit(
    Slava Imeshev <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Greg,
    Which version of OCI driver do you use? OCI driver proved to be
    not that stable as the thin driver. Could you try to download
    and to install the latest version of the OCI driver and
    let us know
    if it helps?
    Slava Imeshev
    [email protected]
    "Greg Crider" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Yup, get fresh connection from the db connection pool,
    and close it
    I'm done. The logs don't indicate that I've ever exhausted the
    connection pool.
    It's interesting to note these problems are occurring on
    Solaris with
    Oracle OCI connections. Running the same code under Linux with thin
    driver connections works just fine.
    Weird. Do you obtain database connection from a
    datasource and close
    every time
    you use it?
    Greg Crider <[email protected]> wrote:
    Okay, this appears to be the offending thread. As it
    turns out, the
    behavior as first described in my initial post, is
    occurring this
    in the
    business method of the entity bean, as opposed to the
    finder. The
    getNextURL() is the business method in this case. I am using BMP, and
    ejbLoad() and ejbStore() methods are not throwing any
    Also, I
    don't see anything in the error logs that indicate a
    EJB transaction
    This being the case, why would an Oracle rollback be
    attempted? Am I
    misinterpretting this stack trace?
    "ExecuteThread-67" daemon prio=5 tid=0x14e300 nid=0x51 runnable
    at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.do_rollback(Native Method)
    at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.rollback(
    at weblogic.jdbcbase.jts.Connection.close(
    at weblogic.jdbcbase.jts.Connection.commit(
    at weblogic.jts.internal.TxContext.commit(
    Dimitri Rakitine wrote:
    Make a thread dump during these 60 seconds to see
    what server is
    Greg Crider <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am running WLS5.1 with SP10. I have a stateless
    EJB that gets a
    read-write BMP entity EJB. My test client that executes the
    session bean periodically encounters long delays (60
    seconds or
    when acquiring the entity bean using its finder
    method. Logging
    the finder method is executing properly, and
    typically takes 180 ms
    locate the entity bean; however, from the stateless
    session beans
    it appears to take 60 seconds. The test client is
    only a single
    so I know the pool is not depleted, or anything like that.
    appears to be going haywire with the container.
    Does anybody have an idea what might be going on?
    GREGORY K. CRIDER, Emerging Digital Concepts
    Systems Integration/Enterprise Solutions/Web &
    Telephony Integration
    (e-mail) [email protected]
    (voicemail) 866-474-4147
    (phone) 703-335-0974
    (cell) 703-851-5073
    (fax) 703-365-0223

  • C2R Client returned failing error

    We are attempting to deploy OneDrive for Business desktop sync app to our organisation via SCCM, in-house packaged.
    Has been a high success rate, however there are few users of which the sync app fails to install and the log files return errors associated with officeclicktorun.exe see below:
    Found C2R Client at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe
    Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=unknown acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="" productreleaseid="none" displaylevel="False"
    culture="en-us" baseurl="C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatesenabled="True" version="15.0.4631.1002" 
    C2R Client returned failing error code 255
    As a result it also tries to install MS Office Pro Plus 2013 and screwing up the 2010 office install as a result.  Can anyone advise?

    Hi Ethan,
    Logs below:
    Timestamp Process
    TID Area
    Category EventID
    Level Message
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.993 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run Telemetry
    aqkhc Medium
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.994 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run Telemetry
    aqkhe Medium
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amawz Medium
    Args::ParseArgument: Parsing commandline.
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ambpm Medium
    Args::Load: Have Admin scenario
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaw0 Medium
    Args::GetNextArgument: Next argument: /configure
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaw0 Medium
    Args::GetNextArgument: Next argument: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2\configuration.xml
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh7y Medium
    Args::GetConfigFile: config file: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2\configuration.xml
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    appfq Medium
    Args::Load: product release id: none  culture: en-us
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    apvr9 Medium
    TrySetUserRegistry::TrySetAttemptGetKey: Setting Attempt Get Key for none
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaw8 Medium
    TrySetUserRegistry::TrySetLicenseTokenOrKey: No key or token found for none
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh76 Medium
    HandleCommandLineAction::HandleStateAction: Not OOD scenario nor showing ODT help, check for elevation.
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh8l Medium
    TryGetElevation::HandleStateAction: Already running from elevated context.
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run Telemetry
    aoh78 Medium
    HandleCommandLineAction::HandleStateAction: Starting Admin tool scenario.
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run Telemetry
    aoh8d Medium
    HandleCommandLineAction::HandleStateAction: Start installation with configuration file: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2\configuration.xml
    11/03/2014 15:55:32.995 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvz Medium
    Configuration::Load: Using config file: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2\configuration.xml
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvy Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAttribute: Value of SourcePath:
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvu Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAddNode: Version not specified.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvv Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAddNode: ForceDowngrade:
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvy Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAttribute: Value of OfficeClientEdition: 32
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvy Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAttribute: Value of Level: None
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwvy Medium
    ConfigFile::ParseAttribute: Value of AcceptEULA: TRUE
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaws Medium
    Configuration::Load: Setting culture to: en-us
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aodb1 Medium
    Configuration::AdjustBaseUrlForLocalSource: Found the version cab at: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2\Office\Data\
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    apm49 Medium
    Configuration::AdjustBaseUrlForLocalSource: Removing \Office\Data
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amcrz Medium
    Configuration::GetProductSource: Adjusted base url: C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaxp Medium
    BaseConfigure::TryGetConfiguration: EULA's have been accepted.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.261 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh85 Medium
    AdminConfigure::HandleStateAction: Configuring an install/crosssell scenario.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.288 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aqdco Monitorable
    TryCheckNetworkCost::HandleStateAction: Failed to initialize NetworkCostManager for C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2. Assuming low cost and proceeding.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.288 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh9i Medium
    TryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab:
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwv6 Medium
    Descriptor::Load: Reading Available value from descriptor: 15.0.4631.1002
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amawt Medium
    Descriptor::Load: Prereq Node exists. Being parsing it.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwv7 Medium
    Descriptor::Load: Reading Bootstrapper value from descriptor: 15.0
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amax8 Medium
    TryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Descriptor contains Prereqs. Run them now.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwb Medium
    IsNativeValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w1 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Validator has version descriptor
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w2 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Currently installed version: 15.0.4454.1513
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w4 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Current build is newer than Beta build. Prereq check passes.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8xa Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.670 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.671 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwj Medium
    SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Has preexisting 32bit Firefly.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.682 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwn Medium
    SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Cross bitness test passed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.682 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.682 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwp Medium
    BootstrapperValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.682 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.697 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ambty Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: No C2R service is running. Checking Firefly Client version.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ambtz Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Client located here C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\IntegratedOffice.exe is version 15.0.4454.1513
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ap2j2 Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Current client version is located here C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ambt0 Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Current client version is version 15.0.4454.1513 available is 15.0.4631.1002
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ap2j3 Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Comparison result: -177
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ap2j4 Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Version of client too low to install with: Have: 15.0.4454.1513 Need: 15.0.4631.1002
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w0 Medium
    ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 0.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmp Medium
    Prereq::ShowPrereqFailure: A Prereq check has failed. Client update needed.  We are sorry, but we could not complete the installation. Please try again later.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh88 Medium
    RunPrereqs::HandleStateAction Prereq check has failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh9d Medium
    HandlePrereqFailure::HandleStateAction: Need to update the client.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ap2j6 Medium
    TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: No config file. Using default values for parameters.
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.734 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amayh Medium
    TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: Unable to find OfficeClickToRun.exe . Found Firefly client C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\IntegratedOffice.exe
    11/03/2014 15:55:33.735 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amayl Medium
    TryLaunchFireflyUpgrade::HandleStateAction: Getting updated client.
    11/03/2014 15:55:35.965 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaym Medium
    TryLaunchFireflyUpgrade::HandleStateAction: Copying new client from: C:\Windows\TEMP\OfficeC2R04F609EC to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64
    11/03/2014 15:55:36.125 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amayo Medium
    TryLaunchFireflyUpgrade::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=clientupgrade baseurl="" culture=en-us platform=x86 version=15.0.4631.1002
    productstoadd=ProPlusRetail migratingproducts="" cdnbaseurl="" installid= displaylevel=False
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.142 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amayq Medium
    TryLaunchFireflyUpgrade::HandleStateAction: Client successfully updated.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.142 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    ambwd Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: Client update already done. Skipping validator for it.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwb Medium
    IsNativeValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w1 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Validator has version descriptor
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w2 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Currently installed version: 15.0.4631.1001
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8w4 Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Current build is newer than Beta build. Prereq check passes.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    an8xa Medium
    O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.143 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwg Medium
    SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Has preexisting 32bit C2R Client.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwn Medium
    SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Cross bitness test passed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwp Medium
    BootstrapperValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anwwe Medium
    DiskSpaceValidator::CheckPreReq: Free disk space is sufficient.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    anhmm Medium
    Prereq::PrereqsFailed: No prereqs have failed.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh9n Medium
    TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Installation path is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amaya Medium
    TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Looking for existing client.
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    amayb Medium
    TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Found C2R Client at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe
    11/03/2014 15:55:42.147 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh9t Medium
    TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=unknown acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="" productreleaseid="none"
    displaylevel="False" culture="en-us" baseurl="C:\Windows\ccmcache\q2" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatesenabled="True" version="15.0.4631.1002" productstoadd="GrooveRetail_en-us_x-none"
    11/03/2014 15:56:06.965 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    apx75 Monitorable
    TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client returned failing error code 255
    11/03/2014 15:56:06.965 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh72 Medium
    ExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0
    11/03/2014 15:56:06.965 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Click-To-Run
    aoh9z Medium
    AdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 255.
    11/03/2014 15:56:06.965 SETUP (0xe98)
    0x770 Logging Liblet
    aqc99 Medium
    Logging liblet uninitializing.
    We are also unable to repair/uninstall as a result.
    Thank you

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