CLOB how to?

Hi all
I have JPublished a pl/sql package and JDeveloper has created a xxx.sqlj file with the desired method:
public void foo (String argOne, oracle.sql.CLOB argTwo[]) throws SQLException
#sql [getConnectionContext()] { CALL INV.REGAKTIV_PCK.XML_INDREVAERDI(
:OUT (argTwo[0])) };
But how do I Call this method? The method expects an arguments of CLOBs with size 1 to be able to store the result in. But this Clob array must be created prior to calling foo() but how?
Any help appreciated

Already answered here, I think this is what you'll need
It's a common issue for SQL developer when exporting CLOBs. If you have the facility try using datapump instead, it's easy to use and if needs be you can use the dbms_datapump api, only difference being it will pump out to a local directory object.

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    Create table r_dummy
    c_clob_file clob
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    You need to share a directory on your local drive and give permissions for the database server to write a file on your local drive. Or you may create the file on your database server and copy the same to your local drive.
    conn / as sysdba
    create or replace directory ext_tab_dir as 'C:\ExtTab_Dir';
    /* you may need to give a network path in place of C:\ExtTab_Dir if you want to create the file on your local drive. The directory should be created manually by you on the file system*/
    grant read, write on directory ext_tab_dir to scott;
    conn scott/tiger
            clb clob;
            l_output utl_file.file_type;
            len integer(6);
            vstart integer(6):=1;
            bytelen integer(6):=32000;
            my_vr varchar2(32000);
            x integer(6);
             l_output := utl_file.fopen('EXT_TAB_DIR','Clob_File.txt','w',32767);
            select c_clob_file into clb
             from r_dummy;
            while vstart < len and bytelen > 0
                if x< 32000 then
                   bytelen := x;
                end if;
            end loop;
    exception when others then
    /Edited by: Preta on Sep 29, 2010 10:53 AM

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    i am using Apex 4.1 Ver.
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    Hi Kiran,
    i have done it with Text Area but when i change text Area with Rich Text Editor then it's not Working.
    How can i do this with Rich Text Editor.
    My Code
    Application Process
       v_mgr  VARCHAR2(4000);
       CURSOR cur_c
       FOR c IN cur_c
          v_mgr := c.DESCRIPTION;
       END LOOP;
       OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
       HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
       HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
       HTP.prn ('<body>');
       HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
       HTP.prn ('<item id="P1_SUMMARY">'||v_mgr|| '</item>');
       HTP.prn ('</body>');
          OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
          HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
          HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
          HTP.prn ('<body>');
          HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
          HTP.prn ('<item id="P1_SUMMARY">'||SQLERRM||'</item>');
          HTP.prn ('</body>');
    Java Script
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function pull_multi_value(pValue){
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
        gReturn = get.get('XML');
            var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
            for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
                var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item");
    var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
    var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);
    var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
    var l_Value = '';
    if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
    l_El.value = l_Value;
    }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' &&
    l_El.className == 'grabber'){
    l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value; = l_ID;
    l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
    get = null;
    HTML Form Element Attributes
    For Riich Text Editor i have changed these value in Application Process and table column data Type
    v_mgr  clob;
    DESCRIPTION Column Type Clob
    How can i do this with Rich text Editor /

  • How to hold result of query with too many characters into a cursor?

    Hi, guys:
    Could anyone help me on this issue? I encounter such a error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small. The reason is because the returning result is too big to hold in a cursor. I know I should use clob, how can I return result of a query into a clob?
    Here is my code of procedure
    function Find_Near_Offenders(P_f_Resident_Latitude in float, P_f_Resident_Longitude in float, P_n_Radius in number, P_s_User_Group in varchar2, P_b_Found out boolean) return rcur_Offender AS
        rcur_Offender_address rcur_Offender;
        if P_s_User_Group='Public' then
            open rcur_Offender_address for
              select distinct  so.offender_id as "Offender_ID",  so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender_Name",
              replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#') ,',') as "Address",
              replace(replace(nvl2(sl.physical_address1,sl.physical_address1||' '||sl.physical_city ||' '||sl.physical_county||' '||(select sc4.description from sor_code sc4 where sc4.code_id=sl.physical_state)||' '||sl.physical_zip, 'No Known Address'),'#') ,',')  as "Physical_Address",
              nvl2(sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE, to_char(sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE)||','||to_char(sl.address_longitude),'') as "Address_Geocoding",
              nvl2(sl.physical_address_latitude,to_char(sl.physical_address_latitude) ||','||to_char(sl.physical_address_Longitude),'') as "Physical_Geocoding"
              from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, sor_offense sof, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
              where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
              and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
              and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
              and sof.offender_id=so.offender_id
              and rox.status not in ('Merged')
              and rox.reg_type_id=1
              and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
              and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
              --and sl.physical_address_latitude is null
              and sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE <=to_number(P_f_Resident_Latitude)+0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius) and sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE>= to_number(P_f_Resident_Latitude)-0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius)
              and sl.address_longitude >=to_number(P_f_Resident_Longitude)-0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius) and  sl.address_longitude<=to_number(P_f_Resident_Longitude)+0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius)
              and sor_google_map_service.Calculate_Distance(P_f_Resident_Latitude, P_f_Resident_Longitude, sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE, sl.address_longitude)<=P_n_Radius
              select distinct  so.offender_id as "Offender_ID",  so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender_Name",
              replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#') ,',') as "Address",
              replace(replace(nvl2(sl.physical_address1,sl.physical_address1||' '||sl.physical_city ||' '||sl.physical_county||' '||(select sc4.description from sor_code sc4 where sc4.code_id=sl.physical_state)||' '||sl.physical_zip, 'No Known Address'),'#') ,',')  as "Physical_Address",
              nvl2(sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE, to_char(sl.ADDRESS_LATITUDE)||','||to_char(sl.address_longitude),'') as "Address_Geocoding",
              nvl2(sl.physical_address_latitude,to_char(sl.physical_address_latitude) ||','||to_char(sl.physical_address_Longitude),'') as "Physical_Geocoding"
              from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, sor_offense sof, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
              where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
              and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
              and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
              and sof.offender_id=so.offender_id
              and rox.status not in ('Merged')
              and rox.reg_type_id=1
              and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
              and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
              and sl.physical_address_latitude <=to_number(P_f_Resident_Latitude)+0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius) and sl.physical_address_latitude>= to_number(P_f_Resident_Latitude)-0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius)
              and sl.physical_address_Longitude >=to_number(P_f_Resident_Longitude)-0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius) and  sl.physical_address_Longitude<=to_number(P_f_Resident_Longitude)+0.02*to_number(P_n_Radius)
              and sor_google_map_service.Calculate_Distance(P_f_Resident_Latitude, P_f_Resident_Longitude, sl.physical_address_latitude, sl.physical_address_Longitude)<=P_n_Radius;
            return rcur_Offender_address;
          end if;
      end;and my anonymous block is:
      query_result json_list;
      --list_string varchar2(32000);
      list_string clob;
      l_cursor sor_google_map_service.rcur_Offender;
      b_found boolean;
        l_cursor:=sor_google_map_service.find_near_offenders(35.5113030,-97.5543081, 3, 'Public', b_found);
        list_string:='{"Offenders": '||json_printer.pretty_print_list(query_result)||'}';

    lxiscas wrote:
    I checked the PL_JSON, and I found it uses sys_refcursor, which is limited to 32K around. That doesn't make sense. A SYS_REFCURSOR has no 32k limit-- the limits are related to the data types that the SQL statement that the SYS_REFCURSOR points to uses. If that SQL statement has a CLOB column, there is effectively no limit. If that SQL statement has a VARCHAR2 column, you've got the 4000 byte limit.
    and I was using varchar2 variable in anonymous block. However, my cursor result is too big to hold in a 32K space. Again, this doesn't seem to make sense. There is no such thing as a result that is too big for a cursor
    Do you think I need to change PL_JSON API myself to ensure it uses CLOB? or there is anyway that I can avoid update PL_JSON package internally?If the PL_JSON package is trying to write more than 32k of data into a VARCHAR2, your options are
    - Modify the package to use a CLOB
    - Find some other package that implements whatever functionality you need
    - Limit the data to 32k

  • Clob or XML

    I need to store product specifications and definitions to display on the internet. These definitions are very long and detailed. Moreover, they include imagery. I need to develop queries on these products, too.
    Should I store all the descriptions as CLOB type or use standard XML file for them? When I display the page, I can get the key information from ORACLE tables, and the descriptions from XML files. Will this work fast? Or CLOB will be fast enough to display long text on the internet?

    The definitions are not just couples of words or
    sentences. They are at least half a page long
    detailed descriptions, and there are at least 10
    different variables like this. If I don't use CLOB,
    how else can I store them?
    Thanks,The approach is to model the information contained in the description, rather than just poke it into the database as big aptly named clob of text.

  • Data compare

    I would like to run below query on all tables, however it doesnt work on clob and long datatypes
    select * from owner.table_name
    select * from owner.table_name@remote_db;
    from dba_tables
    where owner in ( '....');
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
    How can I compare the data of clob and long datatypes using dblink ?

    you can not pass clob data over a dblink. you can use plsql to help if it is necessary. you can create a package and describe a cursor in it, then write a function which will return next 4000 char of clob and you can get all clob data using this. why do you want to compare clobs ? what is your purpose, what data is in clob ?

  • Extracting and Loading XML document

    We need to extract and load an XML document into the database
    For e.g.
    <RESUME> Resume of sssk
    We need to load emp_id, emp_name to emp_id, emp_name field in the database and <RESUME> field to a CLOB.
    The table is as follows
    How exactly is this done using the XSU utility? Does it support loading of <RESUME> data in this case to a CLOB.
    Where could I find examples of doing this.

    The "first child" of most of your elements is a white-space node containing a newline character. Your code incorrectly assumes it is an element node.

  • File To Long

    I have created a table like
    (     "ATTACHMENT" LONG,
         "SEQ_NO" NUMBER
    I want to upload data from a file to the long column as we do for blob and clob.
    how can i do it using stored procedure??
    Thanks in advance,
    Balaji TK

    Iam not able to read the clob or blob from another iam trying to load data in long column

  • To persist or not persist....

    I have a table that contains a clob field. when I persist this table in the unit of work and make some changes to other fields, I would expect toplink to trigger an update ONLY on those fields that I modified. However, I've noticed that toplink is trying to update the clob field as well with 'Ljava.lang.Character;@123' I missing something?

    I mean my question was how does Toplink implement CLOB support not if Toplink supports it or not. The issue is from a CLOB perspective how does support for a LOB different than any other data type ?
    In any case here is the link for LOB support via Toplink
    The issue I raised was for an update of a CLOB how does Toplink know if the underlying LOB has changed its value or not ? If you see updates to the LOB field even though it has not changed that means it goes ahead and updates the LOB irrespective of whether the LOB value has changed or not.
    I dont know Toplink implements CLOBs internallybut
    we can ask this question-how does Toplink know
    whether a CLOB field has changed or not ? This would be a nice feature if Toplink can persist a
    clob field.
    why would toplink try to update a column thathasn't
    change? still testing...
    I still haven't figured out how does Toplink track
    changes to a CLOB field. If Toplink does not support
    clob persistance...what's the workaround?

  • Is this too much of data validtion?

    HI, All:
    I am doing one_to_one data migration from SQLSERVER to Oracle dev database. No thing fancy involved, no function, no calculation, no where clause, no join etc. All I do is using an ETL tool to move the data as is from Sqlserver to Oracle. Lots of tables, most of them have less them hundred records. And ETL tool is very good, tells you how many is in source table and how many rows get into target table. or errors if there is any. Usually, when there is error, data won't get loaded into target table.
    After I finish migration, I just did some count(*), and randomly check some records and done with it.
    But my manager asks me to do following for each table:
    Summing up some of the numeric fields on each side to see if the totals match
    Counting occurrences of some specific dates on date columns
    Performing count(distinct()) on some fields to compare values
    Perform a min/max on some fields and compare values
    Perform some of the above on tables that are normally joined
    Other things that may be specific to the table and columns that have been brought over
    I really don't think that's necessary. It's a simple data move with a commercial ETL tool, no any manipulation in between. If there is no error, a quick check is enough. I don't see any possibility that data may get messed up during the migration that requires such detailed validation. I am thinking by his over-cautiousness, I should do all this thorough checking even after each export and import.....
    Any one agree with me?

    Personally I think it's a stupid idea. It's only going to show you any differences that you happen to spot.
    If there is some reason to suspect that the ETL tool might not be transactionally sound and insufficiently instrumented to flag up any potential issues then I'd suggest it was a poor choice of tool in the first place!
    Personally I would used the native distributed heterogeneous database support provided by default for free with Oracle.
    Now, since there is data type mapping involved in migrating from SQL Server to Oracle, and since there is clearly no management buy in to the integrity of the tool, I'd think it was now necessary (if this database is of any importance) to check for any and all discrepancies.
    To do this just create database link from Oracle to SQL Server and write some infrastructure that will show you all differences (e.g. MINUS views)
    This will be trivial to write with the small exception that you must formally decide how to map from (say) an Oracle date to a SQL Server date/SQL Server Text columns to Oracle (Varchar2/CLOBs), how string trimming is expected etc.
    It's very easy to do since it is iterative, and you will see each difference dissolve away.
    This will be a worth while exercise.
    At the end you can show your boss living proof that there are 100% no un-known differences, and then at the same time compile a list of all known differences (datatype maps) so that these can be used in impact analysis of the application, so that changes can be made along with the obviously required change in the transaction model of the applications.

  • Replacing a pattern match using sqlplus

    I have a need to replace a substring in a CLOB with a new pattern.For example if the CLOB's tree_data has
    4.url 102 /track?linkid=1005297&add=1&url=
    I'd like to change the pattern abc-favorites-20 to abc-favorites-new-20.
    SQL> describe abc_favorites;
    Name Null? Type
    How would do about doing this?
    Any suggestions would be great.
    thank you,

    Presumably by 'pattern' you actually mean 'text'. If you actually meant something like 'regex pattern' then you are going to have a lot of difficulty. So going with 'text'...
    Look for a replace method. I would guess it doesn't exist, but if it does then use it.
    Otherwise you look for the start index of the string that should be replaced. Then you take every before it, everything after it and the replace string and put it together. PL/SQL allows all that with the string methods it has.

  • How to load a client file in a clob using sqlcl

    How to load a client file in a clob using sqlcl

    You don't "load" jars. If it's on the classpath, you can obtain individual resources from it using various methods on either Class or ClassLoader. Do you mean "how to add a jar to the classpath at runtime"? Can't be done without using a classloader, typically URLClassLoader or a subclass thereof. Why you want to not use the proven method is beyond me. Presumably because you don't understand classloading. In which case, forget it.

  • How to display and edit the clob datatype column from Data base

    Hi ,
    I have a requiremsnt as below
    1) One Table having some columns with CLOB data type along with varchar columns
    2) need to display the data from DB in search screen and need to be edited clob column in edit screen
    I created EO and VO with that Table and how to display the clob value into the input box for editing.
    using Jdev version.
    Can you please help on this.
    THanks & REgards,

    If you are using an inputText component to display a Character Large Object (CLOB), then you will need to create a custom converter that converts the CLOB to a String.
    For custom convertor refer below link,
    (section7.4 Creating Custom JSF Converters)
    Santosh M E

  • How to Passing clob to PL/SQL pipeline function

    I have a PL/SQL stored function which takes clob as input parameter and sends the results in a pipe line.
    create or replace function GetIds(p_list clob, p_del varchar2 := ',') return ideset_t pipelined is
    I am using ojdbc14.jar (Oracle 10g driver) with oracle 9i (
    I want to use the following SQL Query select * from table(GetIds(clob))
    Now the question is how can I pass the clob from JDBC?
    Here is my client code
    PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT COLUMN_VALUE FROM TABLE(GETIDS(?, ','))");
    stmt.setCharacterStream(1, new StringReader(str), str.length());
    I get the following error when I try to run the program. The same thing works fine if the chracter lenght is less than some chaaracters.
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.execute_for_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.execute_maybe_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.execute_maybe_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at Test.main(
    Exception in thread "main"
    The setChracterStream works for any insert/update clob. Example when I tried the query (INSERT INTO CLOB_TEST VALUES(?)) setCharacterStream just works fine.
    Please any one can help me how to solve this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hóla LuÃs,
    when you pick the PL/SQL function body returning a boolean, it implicitly means that TRUE means OK, while FALSE means error, always.
    In order to associate such error to a given form field, you have to go back to the page definiton / validations and specify the name of the item in the corresponding field.
    When you first create the validation rule, this value is not present even if you ask for the error message inline with the field.
    The error message text can be specified in the validation definition, if I am not wrong.
    When you need to return special error messages, including dynamic content for instance, you can use the Function Returning Error Message type, which reports an error when the string returned by the function is not null. This comes in handy when you want to display an item's code, for example, rather than generic text.
    Even in this case, you must go back to the validation and specify the name of the field if you want to see it inline.
    Hope it helps,

  • How to use the ColumnDescriptor's type as CLOB?

    I want to build a metric which are used to record the content of a file. But the length of the content is too long, it may not be stored with a ColumnDescriptor's type STRING. I tried to make the TYPE='CLOB', but failed. I though it might be something wrong with my output, but I have no idear how to make it right. Does it supposed to point to a file? Could anyone tell me how to do it?
    Here is my code:
    <TableDescriptor TABLE_NAME="TEST_LOB">
    <QueryDescriptor FETCHLET_ID="OSLineToken">
    <Property NAME="command" SCOPE="GLOBAL">"%perlBin%/perl" "%scriptsDir%/emx/%TYPE%/"</Property>
    <Property NAME="delimiter" SCOPE="GLOBAL">%mydelimiter%</Property>
    <Property NAME="startsWith" SCOPE="GLOBAL">em_result=</Property>
    <Property NAME="errStartsWith" SCOPE="GLOBAL">em_error=</Property>
    <CollectionItem NAME="TEST_LOB">
    <IntervalSchedule INTERVAL="5" TIME_UNIT="Min" />
    <MetricColl NAME="TEST_LOB" />
    </CollectionItem>The output of script looks like as below. It started with "em_result=", and delimited by "|".
    em_result=2009-07-30 15:30:35|*** (1) TRANSACTION:
    TRANSACTION 2 1235033361, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 14811, OS thread id 1158457696 inserting
    mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
    LOCK WAIT 3 lock struct(s), heap size 368, undo log entries 4
    MySQL thread id 26693314, query id 5239203160 passportuser update
    insert into digital_id_info (digital_id) values (0x3930303636363734)
    RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 14 n bits 392 index `idx_unq_digitalid` of table `passport/digital_id_info` trx id 2 1235033361 lock mode S waiting
    Record lock, heap no 5 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
    0: len 8; hex 3930303636363734; asc 90066674;; 1: len 4; hex 0014dae7; asc ;;
    *** (2) TRANSACTION:
    TRANSACTION 2 1235033200, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 14811, OS thread id 1215965536 setting auto-inc lock
    mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
    3 lock struct(s), heap size 6752, undo log entries 323
    MySQL thread id 26693430, query id 5239203161 passportuser update
    insert into digital_id_info (digital_id) values (0x3930303637343639)
    *** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
    RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 14 n bits 392 index `idx_unq_digitalid` of table `passport/digital_id_info` trx id 2 1235033200 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
    Record lock, heap no 5 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
    0: len 8; hex 3930303636363734; asc 90066674;; 1: len 4; hex 0014dae7; asc ;;
    TABLE LOCK table `passport/digital_id_info` trx id 2 1235033200 lock mode AUTO-INC waiting
    *** WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (1)the scripts for creating table "TEST_LOB",
    );Any help will be appreciated!!!

    Sorry, that doesn't solve my problem. Please read the question more closely - I want my USERS to be able to do this without changing their configurations. My users are public school elementary teachers and parents. I can't ask them to toggle any settings - I'm looking for a way that my users can do this on their own.

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    Hi,      Currently we are using EJB 2.0 in our project, We want to use EJB 3.0      But for security we want to use Spring ACEGI Security and we don�t want to use container managed security (No Portability, Difficult, �)      ACEGI supports Servlet/J

  • Oracle 8.1.6 Net8 install

    Hi, hope I'm not duplicating anyone, but here goes. I'm installing 8.1.6 on Mandrake 7.0 Linux. It seems to run fine except for the Net8 install. Specifically, it seems to do a compile on install to create all the sqlplus and net8 client tools. Howev

  • Website Name

    Hi guys, I'm relatively new at this. I have created a website and hosted it online but when I preview it in browser or log on to it via the internet, in the start bar tab it says 'Untitled Document' rather than my website name. How do I fix this? Tha

  • What versions of Weblogic currently have Subject Alternative Name support?

    I would like to visit a comment I saw in an old forum thread from 2010 Certificate hostname verification error with 10.3 that "WebLogic currently does not support the Subject Alternative Name field." Can someone please let me know what versions of We

  • Clean install of latest OSX on replacement HD

    I'm replacing the stock HD with a new SSD and I'd like to have a clean install of latest OSX.  How do I do this?  I think if I use the recovery disks that it will install an older version of OSX (10.4) but I want the latest 10.9.4 installed right awa