Close windows after page submit

is it possible to close the windows after the page had been submited (thru a button)?

I found that I can do it by branch to another popup page and include a on load procedure whcih close the pop up windows.

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  • Date Picker null after page submit

    I have created an application with two regions. On one region a select statement displays the list of employees with their employee id's. On other region there is a select statement which shows the leave detail of every employee using range of date on where clause of select statement. Two date picker items are created on region one. when a name of employee is clicked on region one the employee id of that employee uses select statement in second region and its information should display. It is working well without date range. when I use dates in where clause it shows no data because date pickers goes null after page submit. Page is branchig to same page.
    I am not able to resolve why date pickers goes null.
    Oracle Database 11G
    Apex Version 3.0

    In region one select statement retreives employee id's and there is also search item on region one searching employee names and it retain the value. but date pickers having same setup that you mentioned dos'nt retain values. If they retain values my problem will solve.
    When cliked on employee id select statement should execute using employee id and date picker values on another region on same page.

  • Page item value set in app process not maintained after page submit

    Hi -- I have a sequence of events that goes like this:
    1) Page 0 region REG_1 is rendered before footer
    - Region REG_1 uses javascript / AJAX to call App process PROC_1
    - PROC_1 sets Page1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE to X
    - After PROC_1 executes successfully, REG_1 does doSubmit()
    2) Page 0 region REG_2 is rendered before footer; this happens
    after the page submit done by REG_1. (Conditions ensure that
    REG_1 is not rendered again)
    - Region REG_2 displays PAGE1_MESSAGE (=X) in an alert.
    - Region REG_2 uses javascript / AJAX to call App process PROC_2
    - PROC_2 sets Page1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE to Y
    - PROC_2 sets Application item DEBUG to PAGE1_MESSAGE (this is for debugging)
    - PROC_2 sets Application item APP_MESSAGE to Y (this is also for debugging)
    - After PROC_2 executes successfully, REG_2 does doSubmit()
    3) After REG_2 submits the page, here's what I have:
    - Application item APP_MESSAGE = Y. Good. This is what it was set to in PROC_2.
    - Page 1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE = X. Bad. This is what it was set to in PROC_1.
    - Application item DEBUG = Y. Good. This at least shows that PAGE1_MESSAGE was
    set to Y within PROC_2... but for some reason that value is not being preserved
    after the app process is done executing.
    - There are several other application items set in PROC_2, and they're all correct.
    Any ideas as to why this is happening? It seems like this should be
    pretty straightforward: set the value, submit the page, the value should be what
    I set it to.

    Hi -- Thanks for the suggestions. First and 3rd (default value, or being overwritten by process or computation) aren't happening. The source for PAGE1_MESSAGE having is Always, Using app item PAGE1_MESSAGE... but I don't see what else could work here. Not sure if that's the problem.
    I've put an example on Workspace is dew_mir_tor. Username is [email protected]. Password is Mir97Dew77!Tor. Application is 22679, RefreshAllTest.
    To reiterate the description in my original posting, but using the real application item/region/process names:
    0) Press Button REFRESH_ALL on Page 1. This branches back to Page 1.
    1) Page 0 region Refresh_All is rendered before footer
    - Region sends up an alert to show you it's working
    - Region Refresh_All uses javascript / AJAX to call App process REFRESH_CZAR (You'll see a "wait" window flash up briefly while the app process is running)
    - REFRESH_CZAR sets Page1 item P1_MESSAGE_1 to X (The text here indicates where
    the value is being set and when it should be displayed)
    - After REFRESH_CZAR executes successfully, region Refresh_All does doSubmit()
    2) Page 0 region Refresh_Non_Czar is rendered before footer; this happens
    after the page submit done by Refresh_Czar. (Conditions ensure that
    Refresh_Czar is not rendered again)
    - Region sends up an alert to show you it's working
    - Region Refresh_Non_Czar displays P1_MESSAGE_1 in an alert.
    - Region Refresh_Non_Czar uses javascript / AJAX to call App process REFRESH_NON_CZAR (You'll see a "wait" window flash up briefly while the app process is running)
    - REFRESH_NON_CZAR sets Page1 item P1_MESSAGE_1 to Y (The text here indicates where
    the value is being set and when it should be displayed
    - REFRESH_NON_CZAR sets Application item TEST_VALUE2 to P1_MESSAGE_1 (this just shows that P1_MESSAGE_1 was indeed set to Y in this process...)
    - After process REFRESH_NON_CZAR executes successfully, region Refresh_Non_Czar does doSubmit()
    3) After Refresh_Non_Czar submits the page, Page 0 region Display_Messages is rendered.
    It sends up an alert so you can see it's working, and then it displays the value in P1_MESSAGE_1.
    The value is still the one that was set in REFRESH_CZAR, not the one set in REFRESH_NON_CZAR.
    Note that Display_Messages sets P1_MESSAGE_1 back to null, so you won't see it in session state after it's displayed in the alert. But you can see that TEST_VALUE2 is set to the message from REFRESH_NON_CZAR.
    Hope this helps solve the problem!

  • Automatically close window after processing

    In my program, I open a detail-screen in a new window (target=_blank in the link properties). Users can change details of the record on that screen.
    What i want to do, is automatically close the window after the record has been processed.
    When I add "javascript:window.close()" to the Button's URL, it closes the window. However, this does not work on the Branch option, which is called after the processes.
    I also tried the option that's mentioned in the "how to create popups" tutorial, with a piece of javascript in the header (a simple function with a close() in it), which is called by the branching process. This doesn't work either. I get a "This page cannot be displayed" page.
    So my question is: how can I automatically close the window after the record has been saved?

    In my program, I open a detail-screen in a new window (target=_blank in the link properties). Users can change details of the record on that screen.
    What i want to do, is automatically close the window after the record has been processed.
    When I add "javascript:window.close()" to the Button's URL, it closes the window. However, this does not work on the Branch option, which is called after the processes.
    I also tried the option that's mentioned in the "how to create popups" tutorial, with a piece of javascript in the header (a simple function with a close() in it), which is called by the branching process. This doesn't work either. I get a "This page cannot be displayed" page.
    So my question is: how can I automatically close the window after the record has been saved?

  • Simple PopUp Close Window after Saving

    (I did some seaching on the forum and didn't find a solution.)
    I have a PopUp window (called with the popUp2() function) which I would like to have close when a person clicks the save button in the PopUp, therefore only showing the main page.
    (I have an application that the user can enter general comments in. They want a window to pop up for the entry of their comment(s) and close after they enter and save them. Automatically 'returning' to the main page they were on. When they click the Save button it simply saves their comments into a comment table that is associated with the main tables of the application.)
    How is it best to close the PopUp window in the scenario I described? A DML process is saving the changes. I assume that's a server process, so javascript to close the window won't work there. I was gonna add a branch to close the window, but branches are server side too.
    Not sure how to best go about closing the window after table changes are saved. I bet it's something simple, but I'm not seeing it. :-)
    Thanks, Tony

    Hi Monica,
    Since the form is not submitting to the database try the other option I gave you.
    Remove the javascript from the SAVE button, set the Target to -No Target -.
    I assume you're using an Automatic Row Processing (DML) that saves the data to the database?
    If so, after that process, create a PL/SQL process using the following:
    -- Redirects the calling (parent page) then closes this popup window.
    htp.p('<script type="text/javascript">');
    Under the Conditional Processing for this process, select the 'SAVE' button (When Button Pressed).
    Remove any branches you have on the pop up page (assuming you have a branch that takes you to page 24).
    When you click the SAVE button, the DML process will run, saving the data to the database. Then the second process you just created will run which will close the pop up window, then reload the 'parent' page.

  • Error-Message "Item not defined on current page" after Page submit - AJAX

    a lot of subpages (regions) are loaded over htmldb_get and displayed on a master page.
    The parts loaded over AJAX are reports. The report regions of these reports contain a hidden and protected field, which hold the page number (&APP_PAGE_ID.)
    This was necessary because I had to overwrite the standard pagination function $a_report on the master page. Otherwise the standard pagination function uses always the page number of the master page and not the page number of the loaded subpages. The overwritten function $a_report is placed in the master page header and searchs for the hidden + proteced field, containing the page number of the loaded subpage.
    This works already fine.
    But after submitting the master page with before loaded subpages over htmldb_get, I get following error message:
    Error Item ID (15348310159873659) is not an item defined on the current page .
    Setting the hidden + protected field on the subpage to never display, the error message disappear, but the pagination function doesn´t work any more.
    Where is the mistake I made?

    Hello Ben,
    yesterday evening I read in short your answer, but today I can´t see your answer. Have you edited it again?
    My pagination function works fine and I would maintain it if possible.
    But now a new feature is requiered, which require a submit on the master page. The submit on the master page is not possible due to the hidden field on the loaded subpage, containing the page number for the pagination function.
    Using a normal text field (not saving state) works as long as the text field is visible (condiational view != never). But this information shouldn´t be visible to the user.
    I thought, perhaps a cleanworkaround exists.
    As dirty workaround I could place the information about the actual page number in the report themself (static invisible column). But as soon as the column is invisible (not shown), I have no access on this value
    With a normal hidden html-input-element (not a APEX-Item) in the report regions header of the subpage, holding the page number, I get a http 400 error on page submit.
    An I-Frame is not really a solution, because the master page contains several subpages, which should only be loaded and displayed on demand and not immediatly on page load.
    Edited by: user6044915 on 31.03.2009 00:27

  • Mail In Full Screen Closes Window after Sending

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    When I send a new message or reply to a message the Mail window closes out of the full screen and closes the mail window.  How do I get the window to stop closing after I send or reply?

    I found out what is was. I had serial mail try to send about 200 emails. Something went wrong (not sure whether it is lion compatible) and there were a load of unsent emails somewhere in the background. Funny thing was they were not showing anywhere, just when I tried to close window, an unsent message popped up.
    Anyway, force quit mail as I could not be bothered to find out how many mails had not been sent, and on reopening all back to normal

  • Firefox closes windows after they are opened when transfering data.

    I open some sites and Firefox closes the window after it is opened. It happens on various sites, and now just on I can open a news site, search for a story, open the story and it then closes.
    == URL of affected sites ==

    why is this happening

  • Passing checkbox values to popup window on page submit

    I'm using APEX 3.2.
    On one page I have a SQL report with checkboxes that are dynamically created using SQL: select apex_item.checkbox(1, bm_id) as "check", ...
    I now want to add a button to the page and when a user clicks on the button, the page should submit and a popup window should open with some extra fields to fill in. Now, in the popup window, I want to add a PL/SQL process and loop to all the values of the checked checkboxes in the parent page using the APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01() array. Can I do this? I tried it but the array always seems to be empty. Do I have to pass all checked values to the Javascript function which opens the popup window??

    The APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01() will have values only after the form has been submitted.
    So,your best bet is to use javascript to make the selected checkbox values available in the pop-up window.

  • How to keep up the session state values uncleared after page submit

    i am using Application Express
    and 11g
    i have created a tabular form manually useing apex_items.
    select apex_item.checkbox(1,null) as "check",
           APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(4,line_item_no) as "Line Item No",
           APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(5,line_item) as "line item",
           APEX_ITEM.text(6,module) as "Modulle",
           rstag as "RS tag",
           *apex_item.text(2,null) as "FS Name"*,      --"fsname" and "fstag" are not columns of this table(pli)
           *apex_item.text(3,null) as "FS Tag"*
    from pli where pid = :P17_PID
    order by line_item_no deschere on submit, data gets inserted into the another table(fli),(whixh contains all these columns)
    after the page is submitted it returns to same page,
    i want the apex_items's text fields to retain the submitted values after returning to the same page
    can you tell me how to achieve this.
    Little Foot

    can you help me to use this collections,
    i have created a collection processdeclare 
      la_cks wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
      for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
        if htmldb_application.g_f01(i) is not null then
              p_collection_name => 'UPDATEE',
              p_c001            => htmldb_application.g_f01(i),
              p_c002            => htmldb_application.g_f02(i),
              p_c003            => htmldb_application.g_f03(i),
              p_c004            => htmldb_application.g_f04(i),
              p_c005            => htmldb_application.g_f06(i),
              p_c006            => htmldb_application.g_f07(i),
              p_c007            => htmldb_application.g_f08(i),
              p_c008            => htmldb_application.g_f09(i));
              p_collection_name => 'INSERTT',
              p_c001            => htmldb_application.g_f01(i),
              p_c002            => htmldb_application.g_f02(i),
              p_c003            => htmldb_application.g_f03(i),
              p_c004            => htmldb_application.g_f04(i),
              p_c005            => htmldb_application.g_f06(i),
              p_c006            => htmldb_application.g_f07(i),
              p_c007            => htmldb_application.g_f08(i),
              p_c008            => htmldb_application.g_f09(i));
        end if;
      end loop;
    end;            then when creating a report on collections i am unable to proceed,
    in sql report i used select apex_item.checkbox(1,null) as "check",
           APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(4,line_item_no) as "Line Item No",
           APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(5,line_item) as "line item",
           APEX_ITEM.text(6,module) as "Modulle",
           nvl(rstag,APEX_ITEM.text(7,null)) as "RS tag",
           apex_item.text(2,'klklk',null,null,' readonly="readonly" ') as "FS Name",
           apex_item.text(3,null) as "FS Tag"
          from htmldb_collections
    where collection_name = 'UPDATEE'says rstag invalid indentifier...,
    can you tell me how to use this collections to achieve my purpose.
    i tried
    so i need to use collections in this way only...!
    can i make collections to just collect values from two columns and then put those values to the respective rows in their columns...!!!
    guide me to achieve my requirement.
    Little Foot
    Edited by: Little Foot on May 10, 2011 5:00 AM

  • Conditional branching after page submit

    Hi all
    I have a page where I need to submit and process the page and items(insert and update database) then branch to a certain page depending on which button was pressed. I have 4 buttons and each button should go to a different page, each button also needs to submit the page and process data(using an Apex DML process and passing 'SAVE' request in each button). the problem I'm having is that no matter which button I press the 'app branches to the first branch. I have 4 branches set to run after the process. Each branch should go to a different page depending on the button pressed. In each branch I have made the branch conditional based on the button pressed.
    APEX seems to ignore the button condition(in Debug) it says unconditional even though the button is definitely conditional.
    I'm running Apex 4.2.2
    It seems as though when I pass a Request of 'SAVE' Apex treats all buttons with this request in the same manner?Regardless of which button was pressed?
    Any ideas or alternatives?

    Your problem is with setting the request of all the buttons to "SAVE", it will always fire the first branch for all those buttons.
    If you edit the DML process you will see the following:
    Valid Update Request Values:
    This tells you the request values that will perform an Update DML.
    You could have one button be "SAVE", another, "APPLY CHANGES", another "UPDATE", and another "CHANGE".  They will all do the update DML for you and then the branches will have different request values to trigger off of.
    Another option is to set the request of each button like this:
    Button 1 - APPLY_CHANGES_INV
    These would satisfy the valid update request value of APPLY%CHANGES%

  • After page submit, cursor is displaced :(

    Hi there developers!
    I have a textfiled that always submits when "Enter" is pressed.(Redirects to the same page)
    But the problem is that when i press "Enter"(or "SUBMIT" button) and the page is submitted and redirected to the same page, my cursor(focus) goes to next textfield. I want it to stay on the first textfield. In any other languages and programming environments there are "TAB sequences". "Sequence" in APEX
    is only for display or process order.
    Is it possible to control that in APEX.
    Best Regards,

    Yes and No. there is no such parameter as tab-sequence (like in app developer ide's), but if you play around with item parameter "Sequence" - its not only the position in the window, it also works as tab operator. tab also tabs to other page objects like images, buttons and labels but if you put the form correctly - it works like a charm.
    take a large form page, tab through it: 1) it tabs items (text fields) 2) tabs buttons 3) tabs browser fields (addess bar) 4) tabs item labels. so its kinda working..
    try putting cursor on the first item that has to be filled with the script i pasted.

  • Close window after execution

    Hi! I have read the "Distributing Applications with the LabVIEW Application Builder" tutorial and followed the instructions on how to develop a stand-alone application. I have added my VI to a project and built an application specification (EXE). My problem is that after I have run the exe-file, I would like the program to close, but instead a window, much like my exe-file appears, but with a toolbar and a run- and abort button. How can I change the settings so that this window doesn't appear?
    Go to Solution.
    while_executing.jpg ‏34 KB
    after_execution.jpg ‏41 KB

    Anil Reddy wrote:
    You can use property node to close the front
    panel. instead of Quit labVIEW. if your second executable is also
    labVIEW based, then Quit LabVIEW may close both....If you use Property
    node to close the front panel, this will close the front panel of the
    present executable as soon as it stops execution.
    check the image for details..
    To get this property node, do following.....
    .place a property node (general), select right click on that.  go to select class-->VI server-->VI-->VI
     Then left click on the property, FrontPanel window-->Open
    then right click on the node and select " change all to write".
    No Quit LabVIEW in one executable should not have any influence on another LabVIEW executable. A LabVIEW executable is a single process and what you do in there will not influence other processes, unless you do something specific like interapplication commmunication.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Remember values in form after page submit

    Hi there,
    im absolutely new to APEX (as u can see it`s my first post ;)), i read the documentations i found on the oracle website and know at least the basics...
    So i started to create my first application and got already my first problem :D Maybe you can tell me if what i want to do is possible and how to do it.
    I have several pages with a form on the left side and a sql report on the right side.
    The form contains some fields which are list of values (fields which contain foreign keys so the user can just select a valid value). next to every list of value field i have a button. when the user clicks on the button i have a branch to the same page and the sql report gets updated. depending on which button next to the list of values with the foreign keys was pressed it shows the complete table the list of values references to (so the user can see what the foreign key he is selecting actually contains). after some work i finally made this work.
    But the problem is: When the user enters some values into the form and then clicks on a button to see what the foreign keys contain the values he already entered are gone. But i want the values he entered to stay in the form after he pressed the button. is there a easy way to do that? the only thing i could imagine is to create a variable for every form field, save the current values into the variable before the page gets submitted and write the values of the variables back into the form when the page reloads. but that sounds kind of stupid... i would have to do that for every page of this kind (which are a lot). so is there a better way?
    thx a lot :)

    Hi Fennek,
    If you created the Form using a wizard, it is possible that your page has a "reset page" process on it. If it has, either set a condition of Never for it or delete it. This process will clear the values for all items on the page.
    If you don't have this process, check the branches on the page. It could be that one of them has a Clear Cache setting that clears the values for the page - just remove the setting to stop that happening.

  • Shuttle Control: Keep selection after page submit

    Hi @all,
    I tried out Carl's shuttle control.. GREAT work!
    Now I have a question: Is it possible to recall the page (after hitting a button) and keep the control with the selections/moves made without writing them into the database?
    Thank you!
    Best regards

    Hello All,
    After a long think, I've decided to separate this into a 2 applications.
    But still would have liked to hear from the community how I could have over come this.
    Maybe have 2 application, with one redirecting to the other after login?
    Thanks Jan

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