Closing lid/rebooting loses Airport preferred network

I'm having trouble getting Airport to hold its default network (i.e. which one to join) between powerups/sleeps etc.
There are a few visible wireless routers in my area, but my one has a hidden SSID. Joining my network manually is no problem - I just select 'Other' from the drop-down Airport menu on my menu bar, enter the name and password of my wireless network and I'm on - no problem.
Soon as I power down or close the lid for a second - then re-open - it won't rejoin that network. I just want it to select it and be on by default all the time. Each time I have to manually reconnect. What am I doing wrong?

I am pasting a solution from "Centurion" that was in another thread that solved the same challenge for me; I hope it helps for you too.
I came upon this earlier:
So I reinstalled OS X.4.5 and it fixed the problem BUT I then applied the patch to X.4.6 and the problem came right back.. So, what is the deal, I'll tell you. For some reason, after installing X.4.6 OSX corrupts your saved WPA/WEP password in a cache. So when you initially connect it doesn't work, but after you turn it off, then on again, it fetches the uncorrupt password from the keychain and it works. Want proof? Ok, do this:
- Go to System Preferences
- Click Network
- Highlight AirPort and click Configure
- Choose "By default, join: Preferred networks"
- Select your access point and click edit
- Click on "show password"
At this point you should see a crazy corrupt password.. Proof that it is jacked up. Now:
- Exit that window back to the access point list
- Remove your access point with the "-" button
- Launch your keychain and delete your access point keychain entry.
- Reboot
- Go back to the "By default, join:" page and click the "+" this time to add your access point. Enter the correct password, save, reboot, BAM, FIXED!

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    Message was edited by: sworisbreathing
    Message was edited by: sworisbreathing

    I have a MacBook Pro running Leopard (10.5.2). Here's the situation:
    I'm a university student, and I connect to one of several wireless networks, depending on where I am. Usually, Leopard connects to the proper network because there's only one available. However, when I am on campus there are two separate wireless networks. When I am in class, I connect to one (we'll call this network "class"), and when I am at work, I connect to the other (we'll call this one "work"). The "class" network SSID is broadcast, but the "work" network SSID is not. Neither network requires a password to join.
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    Message was edited by: sworisbreathing
    Message was edited by: sworisbreathing

  • Leopard airport issues - Preferred Networks

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    I have tried the following:
    -Deleting the network location in System preferences.
    -Deleted Airport Keychain entries and restarted laptop.
    -Reset network location using System preferences, restarting laptop again.
    -Created a new user account and still found the same issue.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions or is it a matter of waiting for 10.5.2?
    Thanks, Graham

    The issues appear to be due to improper settings of routers and/or networking issues, which appear to be more prevalent on third party routers though can also affect Apple routers if their firmware isn't up to date. It is not an operating system specific issue, even though it can often appear to show up when upgrading. The reason for this is numerous routers haven't followed specs that are industry wide.
    I suggest looking over these tips*:
    As well as making sure when you upgrade to follow these tips:
    to avoid the most frequently encountered problems.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation
    Message was edited by: a brody

  • Preferred Networks: default ... ?

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    Perhaps not made clear.
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    System Preferences/Network- Unlock padlock. 
    Highlight Airport. 
    Network Name-select your name. 
    Click on the Advanced button. 
    Airport/Preferred Networks-delete all that is not your network.
    Place a check mark next to "Remember networks this computer has joined." 
    Click the OK button and lock the padlock. 
    Restart your computer.

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    Try the following, in order, until (hopefully) resolved:
    1a. Delete Preferred Network(s)
    System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Advanced > AirPort tab
    Under "Preferred Networks," delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list.
    1b. Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
    Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
    Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
    1c. Add Preferred Network(s)
    System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Advanced > AirPort tab
    Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
    Restart or log out then back in.
    2. Move System Configuration Files
    (Note: You will have to reestablish your network connections settings.)
    Go to /Library/Preferences
    Move the SystemConfiguration folder to the desktop.
    Restart your Mac. (Note: OS X will rebuild the files that are now sitting on your desktop. If this doesn't resolve the issue, you can move the folder back to it's original location.)

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    Make sure the box next to Remember networks this computer has joined is checked.
    No other boxes should be checked.
    Click OK, then click Apply.
    It is easy to miss "Apply", and if you do, the settings will not "stick" on the Mac.
    Restart the Mac.
    Hopefully, your new Time Capsule network name does not use the same name of a previous network. That will really confuse things. If that is the case, use a new wireless network name and a new password for the Time Capsule.

  • Airport doesn't automatically connect to my preferred network

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    I need to re-connect to the network manually (ie: I need to select my network form the drop down list) each time I wake my computer up from sleep mode.
    How do I have my airport automatically connect??

    Go to System Preferences then select the Network icon.
    Select the airport adaptor then click advanced
    the first tab "Airport" has all your recent SSID's listed.
    Select the desired network and drag it to the top of the list and check the " Remember Networks this computers has joined."
    Apart from that the next best thing would be to removed all the networks from the list and add that network you wish to join to verify its configuration

  • "Preferred Network" option missing from Airport tab

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    Anyone know what might have happened to the other options in that popup menu?

    Replying to my own post, bad form...
    I don't know why "Preferred Networks" was missing from my "By Default, Join:" menu, but I discovered that I could get the option back by creating a new location and migrating my old settings to the new location.

  • 802.11: "Preferred networks" vs. "A specific network"

    I've got a new MacBook Pro and it appears that -- at least in my opinion -- has eliminiated one of the key advantages OS X networking has over Win XP.
    With my G4 PowerBook, I can create a one-to-one relationship between locations and network access points. For me this is critical, as my work location has multiple access points -- some on our corporate network and some open to the internet. For the corporate nets, I have a static IP address and need various proxy configurations to be stored, whereas for the public nets, its DHCP and no proxy info needs to be stored.
    On the MacBook Pro, it appears to me that I can't force network settings to access one and only one access point per location setting. Worse, I can't even change the prioirties of access per location.
    This causes unpredictable behavior when my truly preferred access point is momentarily out of range. It appears that the MBP is grabbing another access point automatically. When this happens, my network settings are incorrect, and my connection is broken.
    Am I missing something obvious? 'Cause this is the exact problem I've had with XP for years -- and something that has always been a ton better on Mac.
    17 in MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    various   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Thanks for the suggestion, but the behavior described in the article is the actually the issue. Here's the problem: in my work environment, there are three VLANs with three APs, all three are always visible from my desk. According to what I'm doing, I need to shift between them a couple time per day.
    Physical Location: Work
    Access Points Available:
    - "Internet" (closed SSID, DHCP, no proxies)
    - "Corporate" (closed SSID, DHCP, proxies)
    - "Development" (closed SSID, static IP, no proxies)
    Location "Outside Network"
    - Preferred Airport: "Intenet"
    - DHCP
    - no proxies
    Location "Inside Network"
    - Preferred Airport: "Corporate"
    - DHCP
    - appropriate proxy settings
    Location "Development Network"
    - Preferred Airport: "Development"
    - static IP
    - no proxies
    So the "Preferred network" option would work (though less than optimum) if I could change the order based on location. It would be optimum (and better than the 10.6.4 PowerPC version) if I could change the order and add/delete netwoks according to location. Unfortunately, there seems to be only one preferred network list that is global for all locations. And that causes the unpredictability that I tried to describe.

  • HT3606 why does airport change networks in 10.5.8

    How do I get my Airport to remember which network I regularly use?
    It seems to constantly default to a different one

    Go to System Preferences
    Click Network
    Highlight AirPort and click Configure, or Advanced in 10.5?...
    Choose “By default, join: Preferred networks”
    Select the wrong access points and Remove those access point swith the minus button.
    Go back to the “By default, join:” page and click the plus this time to add your access point. Enter the correct password, save, reboot, or...
    Instead of joining it from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.

  • "None of your preferred networks is available" annoyance.

    The spousal unit has an iBook G3 running the latest OSX. There have been no problems up until now.
    After a few days of network problems in the house which necessitated replacement of the cable modem, her computer continually pops-up the message, "None of your preferred networks is available" whenever the lid is opened. Of course, I have selected the preferred network, asked that it be remembered, etc., etc., but the problem persists, regardless of what I do. I've run permissions, erased the selection in keychain, deleted all other networks in the selection list, reset, rebooted, etc.
    Surely this is a bad plst problem or some other file needs to be discarded and allowed to rebuild . . . or whatever. Anyone have any ideas?

    hdansmith wrote:
    Where is this .plist located?
    It's in the local user's Library->Preference folder
    You drag it onto your desktop (don't trash it immediately) and then log out and back in. Rebooting is probably better - and system creates a new default .plist to replace it.
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

  • Preferred network list...

    Hi there - I have had a new MacBook Pro for a few weeks now and it is great! - a god improvement over my ageing PowerbookG4.
    anway - I have wireless 'b' network at home in use by various macs and PC's - the MBP was fine and registered my home wifi network as a preferred network, but in the past two days it has decided it doesn't want to have it as a preferred network and always asks me if I want to connect manually. this is getting annoying as everytime I shut the lid or logout or whatever, it drops off the network and asks me if I want to connect on reopeneing.
    How do I go about putting it back on the prefferred list?
    I have opened network options in the system pref - and the advanced tab - the network SSID is listed there - but still it doesn't want to connect by default.
    my networ kit is a Linksys router (cable broadband conection) with an airport express downstairs to use airtunes. The network is secured using 128bit WEP.
    thanks for any help as this is doing my head in!!

    Thats just it - I don't have the option to click a "by default join.." button anywhere. the MBP is running OSX 10.5.1 - I think this is one of the 'new' things in leopard a I am sure I had that option on my powerbook

  • DVI to VGA Adapter Closed Lid Mode Distorted Picture on TV

    I managed to hook up the DVI to VGA adapter and view on my Sanyo TV. Nothing fancy just a older TV.
    I am feeding through the Yellow Video output into the video input on the TV. (Also tried s-video)
    Viewing with the macbook lid open no problems. Remembered that I could close the lid.
    Followed the instructions online about connecting, closing the lid and waking up using my bluetooth mouse.
    First time things went well - able to use Front Row and View Slideshows etc. also steaming video from Safari, (TV Land for my kid)
    Then the screen began to flash - and change to black with rolling images.
    Like you used to have in the 60-70's black and white TV - multiple images rolling past over and over.
    I tried rebooting - starting new connections, using different cables, using both VGA and S-Video directly into the TV and not through my reciever.
    Any ideas!
    I can't use closed lid mode at all. I must instead, dim my screen.

    Thanks, BSteely, I have the latest QT and iTunes already. Closing the lid seems to kick the MacBook external display into some special mode that Front Row can't display videos in. For example, you get the Front Row interface, but as you select movies/TV shows, the preview window on the left side is blank. Open the cover, and have both displays going, and you can see the previews fine (and of course, you can see the movies/TV shows play fine as well when you click on them)
    Running Quicktime Player full screen works fine without Front Row in either open or closed lid mode. So it is apparently something wrong with Front Row itself.

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