Cloud Hosting for an Wordpress E-commerce Website

I need hosting solution for an e-commerce website built using open source CMS wordpress.
Estimated Traffic of 100,000 per month and 100 transaction / day.
What would be the requirement and what are the pricing for the same.

With regards to daily transactions and month-wise website traffic, I would advise you to opt for Cloudways, a niche PaaS cloud that provides highly optimized servers with dedicated IPs. Also, you can deploy multiple WordPress applications with just a single
click. Coupled with the power of Varnish, Memcached, Apache, Nginx, Cloudways ensures blazing fast page load speed and optimized performance. You can also monitor more than 15 key server and application metrics through a powerful console. You can also scale
your server as per your liking. The platform-level security regime monitors and manages your server performance round the clock, so that your WordPress site remains secure.
Cloudways offers pay-as-you-go pricing model, thus you just have to pay for the resources used only.

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    If you are still under warranty, contact Apple to get it serviced. You can also visit an Apple Store or Authorized Apple Service Provider to get it looked at.
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    Hi SanVerma,
    Thanks for your posting!
    From your description, I think firstly you need confirm which one host service could meet your target. I suggest you could refer to this page about Azure Websites, Cloud Services, and Virtual Machines comparison: 
    The above link could answer your hosting questions 1,2,4.
    >>3.How much space we will get.
    It depends on your size:
    Currently we are using InProc session. What modification will be required by the application.
    You need use the Azure cache service or SQL Azure storage to store your session data, please see those blog:
    Can we point our DNS to the application we host.
    If you use Azure VM to host your application, you could use Azure Virtual Network to deploy your DNS server, Please see this page:
    We do development on our On-Premise environment, do we also get any staging/testing server along with production server.
    Does the usage of application on staging server is chargeable.
    Yes, you can do this. If you use Azure cloud service stage/production environment, You could be charged. If you use single VM to host your production and staging project, you could be charged the single VM.
    >> How many instances we will be getting for one application
    It depends on your requirement, If the quota is not enough, you could contact the Azure support to increase the quota.  >>Does environment automatically increase or decreases the instances in use as per increase or decrease in load.
    Azure platform support the AutoScale. You can set the feature using code or portal.
    SQL Azure: 
    >> 1.Which version of SQL Server we will get.
    Firstly, you need clarify the SQL Azure and sql server. SQL Azure is a data as a service. SQL server in VM is a VM which is installed sql server. If you wants to use SQL Server, I suggest you could refer to this pricing page:
    >>    2.
    Does SQL Azure is compatible with all the features and datatypes of SQL Server 2008 R2? If not then please let us know features and datatypes which are not supported by SQL Azure.
    >> 3.What all SQL Server version’s database can be restored on SQL Azure.
    >>4.What will be the database size.
    I recommend you refer to those post and blog about above 3 questions:
    >>   5   
    Will the database will be in the same datacenter where our application reside.
    You could select the region when you create DB/VM.
    How many database we can create
    Please see this page about sql azure limits:
    >>9Yes, you can use the Import and export database feature:
    How to: Use the Import and Export Service in Azure SQL Database.
    About how to use SQL Azure, you could refer to this page:
    Hope it helps you.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    Hi Budhi,
    1.Is this facility only for new domain name or can be used for existing website (live)?
    If you already have a domain you can associate it with 1 of the 5 sites included with the BC web hosting services included with Creative Cloud
    2.Do we transfer a whole website content into this Host Site? Or only a link?
    You can create and publish an entire site, this is typically done with either Dreamweaver or Muse.
    3.If it a facility similar principle like web hosting, what database engine, and language it support?
    The service that does the hosting is Business Catalyst and the included service is webBasics. This FAQ has info about the service.
    These videos might be useful too: tive-cloud/?go=13698
    Dreamweaver lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-what-is-business-catalyst lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-creating-and-publishing-sites/
    Muse lyst-and-muse-what-is-business-catalyst lyst-and-muse-creating-and-publishing-sites
    We also have a forum specifically for Business Catalyst here:
    They should be able to answer any additional questions you might have.

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    well ,  i would lyk u to put some light on the issue first.
    manasses .
    u are not able to host the website now ?? or u having some problem in accessing ur site from a remote location or shld i say WAN?
    Or there is some problem In The FTP file Transffering From ur Website??
    Well , there are many issues related as u said , so plz let us know the Problem u coping with ?
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    Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function...
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    but didn't find anything there.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Oh wow, that's odd.  It worked just fine when I initially setup the site.  Never heard of having to install a plugin to get SMTP working for a wordpress site.  I've always understood that you'd simply have to configure PHP to let it communicate
    with the SMTP server, which naturally happened when I installed the WordPress site from your plugins.  Which doesn't mean to say that it's impossible for it to be different than what I imagined.  But really, I'd be surprised if this is "standard
    wordpress practice".
    As with all wordpress plugins, there's a worry about installing a malicious one in your site.  Is there any that you all could suggest to "re-bridge" the gap in this functionality?
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  • Need advice for starting a Managed Cloud Service for Small Businesses

    I hope this is in the right forum.  I have done a lot of research and searching but havent found anything that specifically answers, in total, what I am wanting to accomplish.  I live in a small town and want to start a Managed Cloud Services for
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    For hardware, I am figuring something along the lines of this:
    (1) 1U, single CPU w/2-4 cores, 8GB, 2x73GB SAS 10k RAID 1, Dual PSU, running Windows Server 2012 R2
    Domain Controller
    (1) 2U, 2x 8-core Xeon ~2.6Ghz, 80GB RAM, 8x600GB SAS 15k in Raid 10 for Storage (VHDX files, etc), RAID 1 small Basic drives (or USB stick) for OS, Dual PSU, Quad GB Nic which I can use for load balancing/teaming, Hyper-V
    2012 R2
    Hyper-V Virtual Server
    (1) GB Unmanaged Network Switch & (1) Cisco 5510 Firewall
    Most of my questions are about the best way to configure this.  I am planning on managing my Hyper-V from the physical Domain Controller server.  Each virtual server will have RDS & (possibly) AD services on a single server.
    1) I want to replicate the physical Domain Controller.  Should I get another server or just virtualize the replica in Hyper-V?  I understand that if the Hyper-V goes down, so does my DC replica.
    2) Should I use my Domain Controller to manage ALL users on each virtual Server, by creating separate Organizational Units for each business?
    3) Should I setup my domain controller with Hyper-V management and then each Virtual Server I setup be a separate domain (Ex. mydomain.local, business1.local, business2.local, etc)?  Each one has no connection to any
    other, completely seperate.  Or should I do subdomains (business1.mydomain.local).
    4) What I have read is that Subdomains are a pain to manage with user rights, etc.  I want to keep each server complete separated from one another over a network connection, I suppose the VLan through Hyper-V options
    do this?  I dont want wondering users to stumble upon another businesses files (I know they would probably be prompted with a login for that business/domain).
    5) For each virtual server, I want to create and have an HTTP subdomain point to that server from my domain name. (Ex:,, etc.)  I want them to be able to have access to
    only their RemoteApps or be able to type that address in their Remote Desktop program as the host name.  This would be for viewing the RemoteApp login page and RemoteApps for that business over HTTP/S through a browser.
    6) If I do not have separate DC's in each virtual and my main DC manages each one, is their a way to connect up each companies RemoteApps using a single site that only shows what they are assigned to based upon their login?
    (Ex. which then shows that user what they are assigned on their own virtual server)
    7) Since each business will use the same ports for RemoteApp (443) & RDC (3389 unless I change it), how would I setup the subdomains to point to their correct server and not overlap for mess with any of the other servers
    since its all over 1 static WAN IP for all servers.  Thats why I figured setting up IIS subdomains would solve this.
    8) For backups or Hyper-V replication, is it better to have software that backs up the ENTIRE Hyper-V server (Acronis Advanced Backup for Hyper-V) as well as replication or just backups?  Or should I do separate file
    backup on each virtual with a replica?  Can a replica be a slower server since its just a backup? (Ex. 1x 8 core, 80GB, 8x600GB 10k SAS)
    9) For the servers that will be using FTP, can I again rely on the subdomains to determine which server to connect to on port 21 without changing each FTP servers ports?  I just want each business/person to type in
    the subdomain for their business and it connect up to their assigned FTP directory over port 21.
    10) If the physical DC manages DNS for all Virtual servers, can I forward sub domain requests to the proper virtual server so they connect to the correct RemoteApp screen etc.  Again all I have is 1 IP.
    I hope all of these questions make sense.  I just want every business to be independent of each other on the Hyper-V, each on their own virtual server, all without changing default ports on each server, each server running RDS, (possibly) AD, (a few) FTP,
    and all over a common single WAN IP.  Hoping subdomains (possibly managed through IIS on the physical DC) will redirect users to their appropriate virtual server.

    If you really want to run your own multi-tenant service provider cloud, Microsoft has defined the whole setup needed.
    They call it Infrastructure as a Service Product Line Architecture.  You can find the full documentation here -
    There are several different ways of configuring and installing it.  Here is a document I authored that provides step-by-step instructions for deploying into a Cisco UCS and EMC VSPEX environment -
    This document contains the basic infrastructure required to manage a private cloud.  I will soon be publishing a document to add the Windows Azure Pack components onto the above configuration.  That is what would more easily provide a multi-tenant
    experience with a Azure look and feel.  It is not Azure, but the Azure pack is a series of applications, some of which came from Azure, the provides Azure-like capabilities only in a service provider type of environment.
    Whether you use my document or not (which has actually corrected errors found in the Microsoft documentation), you should take a look at it to see what it takes to put something like this up, if you are really serious about it.  It is not a small undertaking. 
    It requires a lot of moving pieces to be coordinated.  Yes, my document is designed to scale to a large environment, but you need the components that are there.  No need re-inventing the wheel.  Microsoft's documentation is based on a lot of
    real hands on experience of their consulting organization that has been doing this for customers for years.  This one is also know as Fast Track 4.  I've done 2 (2008 R2) and 3 (2012), also and it just keeps getting more complicated based on customer
    demands and expectations.
    Good luck!
    . : | : . : | : . tim

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    How to Get user profile properties in provider -cloud hosted app in sharepoint online - office 365 using REST API?
    any idea?

    From your description, my understanding is that you want to get user profile properties in provider-hosted app in SharePoint online using REST API.
    Here is sample code for getting user profile properties:
    Here is a blog below about accessing data from the provider-host apps:
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • HT4759 I sent Cloude maseeg for my phone to update my device stoped no work And then I want to please open a support device and thank you and I am currently in Cairo, Egypt with me

    I sent Cloude maseeg for my phone to update my device stoped no work And then I want to please open a support device and thank you and I am currently in Cairo, Egypt
    <Edited By Host>

    Not what you want to hear, I know, but this is a user to user forum. No one here has the power to help you.
    You can get information about an order you placed on the Apple Online Store through the Order Status page. If you prefer, you can also get order status or make changes by phone at 1-800-692-7753.
    You can try calling again and if the person you speak to can't help, ask to speak to a supervisor.

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    I sometimes need to work at the clients office.  Can I install Dreamweaver and Photoshop on my Cloud disk for access remotely?

    Products such as Dreameaver are still desktop applications and as such need to be installed on a computer. They do not run from the Creative Cloud website.
    You could ask permission of your client to install Dreamweaver on their computer. And then before you leave for the day from the menu choose Help > Sign Out to deactivate your subsscription. Once done with that client you could uninstall Dreamweaver from the computer.
    Less invasive solutions to working with the client would be to use a solution like LogMeIn (, Windows Remote Desktop or VNC to remote into your computer. Here is one article article covering this

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    Hello everyone , i'm new here ^^
    i'm looking for some documents to understand different ways and technologies ( MPLS / VPN / Dedicated line ) that allow clients to connect into their cloud hosted in my Datacenter for example., how it works ?and how to secure each of these connections between me ( the provider of service ) and my clients (category of the service does not matter "IAAS, PAAS or SAAS" )  
    Sorry for my bad English , thanks in advance  

    Clearly you're reading the wrong manuals if they're referring to Active Directory
    The big question is going to be: what do the logs say?
    Either the logs on the client machine, or the logs on the directory server. One (or both) of these should have some indication as to the problem. It could be a problem with the account (is the account enabled) or the home directory, or any number of other things. Knowing the log message will go a long way to explaining what's wrong here.
    You could also try setting a user's home directory to something other than the network directory to see if the problem lies with mounting the home directory vs. logging in at all.

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    Reason String: RemoteDisconnected"
    When I went to renew the internal cert, I get the message:
    WARNING: "4f000000139c71d470b9a56af1000000000013" does not match a unique certificate on this host for issuer "CN=hosting-EXAD2-CA-1, DC=hosting, DC=email".The following certificate was assigned for the type "Default":Default:
    E1864894FD306300A16F301AA21446CF45F7ABD3 02/16/2017 CN=hosting-EXAD2-CA-1, DC=hosting, DC=email 4F000000161F1E51F1F5EB8C57000000000016ImageWARNING: "Set-CSCertificate" processing has completed with warnings. "1" warnings
    were recorded during this run.ImageWARNING: Detailed results can be found at "C:\Users\administrator.HOSTING\AppData\Local\Temp\1\Set-CSCertificate-[2015_02_17][08_29_57].html".
    Any thoughts on this?

    Check this old thread
    Whenever you see a helpful reply, click on Vote As Helpful & click on Mark As Answer if a post answers your question.

  • Can you make a e-commerce website using dreamweaver?

    can you make a e-commerce website using dreamweaver?

    Sure, if you have the requisite coding skills.  Out of the box, DW has no such module.
    Best advice, use a 3rd party shopping cart like PayPal or Or purchase a DW e-commerce extension like Cartweaver.  Or, use Business Catalyst to build your site (includes hosting & shopping cart module).
    Nancy O.

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    Make sure you have signed in with correct email address
    Sign out, Sign in | Creative Cloud Desktop app
    if the email address is correct then check your host file entries once
    Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later

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    - DF

    take a look at
    I bought KVChosting. I believe they are the best. Only $1.89/m. I bought the unlimited C for $100 for 3 years (coupon %20 off: pcworld)
    Their support is excellent. i open a ticket and got reply within 1-2 minutes.
    I host my forum there and also a wordpress.
    also check Hostmonster. they are not cheaper ($3.95/m) but they are good. i hosted there for 3 years but now i found kvchosting which is cheaper and offer the same and more
    Dreamhost is not so good and is also expensive. $9.95 /m (except the first year which is in promo price)

Maybe you are looking for

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