CO88 - Error message CK122

Dear Experts,
Because of some reasons, our users are doing Production settlement for period 10.2010. But get this error
"You are attempting to update in a period that is locked against posting. This error can occur when you attempt to post to a period that is in the past"
The reason could be: MM period is just open for period 12.2010 & previous period 11.2010. But settlement to 10.2010
I don't understand why system check for MM period ? Because we are using standard price control for all FG --> Settlement can not affect stock data.
Is there any way to solve this issue ? Thank so much!

Implement note 1135678 in your system
Issue will be resolved!! I have myself been in this situation
Ajay M

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    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Pinky,
    I think You have done a simple mistake,
    Before Reversing the Order, i think u did not revers Settlement...RIGHT...?
    U should have reversed the settlement, and reversed GR...
    Now the solution is, Post the Reversed GR again ,  first check in current period, IF not I think u have to change the period to 003,
    Reverse the settlement in the last period 003, Again reverse The GR.
    Now it will be ready for WIP calculation.
    Check it in SANDBOX.
    Correct me if  i m Wrong..
    SAP PP

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    If dynamic price change is active in your system the first posting in the new period of this material tries to
    - release a future cost estimate of that period OR
    - change the price to the future price in accounting view
       (if the future price date is reached)
    Unfortunately this dynamic price change does not work in order settlement. Therefore you are asked to perform the price change first by t-code CKME (or CK24).
    If you are using price determination control 3, any price change or release should always be the first transaction in a new period to avoid any inconsistencies.
    The dynamic price release will only release the price with transactions which involve material movement and this is not the case by posting invoices and order settlements.
    if you are in period 12/2009 then a settlement in 12/2009 does not require the release cost estimate of 01/2010.
    But if you are already in 01/2010 therefore settlement in 12/2009 is a posting into the previous period. This will change also data of the current period. Therefore the cost estimate has to be released first.
    Another option, if you don't want to receive this message, would be to change this message from Error to Warning (check note 434752).
    Please follow the following steps:
    Message M8 394
    =>you set the message type to '-' for error message M8394, that means no message is to be issued.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Nanz,
    Find out the PA transfer structure of the production order by
    Header -> Settlement rule
    Go to-> settlement parameter
    then assign the value field for cost element 53611101 in KEI1 corresponding to variance category INPV(Input variance).
    It appears from the message that your PA transfer structure is A1
    With regards,

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    you have to update Vista go to this site and up-date

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    Try tis way
    message e999(00) with i_emp-empno into lv_text.
    press f1 in message will provide you more details

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    I still don't get it, how can I put it in disk mode if I CANNOT see the iPod in iTunes..?
    Did you read the document i linked you to? here's another link to it:
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
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    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
    is there any playlist selected in the preferences tab that isn't showing up in the sourcelist?
    love, b

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    Hi Mike thank you for replying,
    I am not able to start the computer in safe mode, safe mode with networking, last good known configuration etc, Each time it quickly blue screens and restarts about two secs into the process.
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ^_^
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   15" PowerBook 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4, 1.5GB RAM - Windows XP with iPod 5 Generation

    Okay I went thru that entire list and here's what I got...
    (1) My OS is XP and is running fine.
    (2) I've updated my windows
    (3) I don't know of any software that might be interfering.
    (4) There are no damaged files.
    (5) My Windows hard-drive is not damaged and I've tried restoring my iPod's disk thru iTunes but it still doesn't work.
    (6) I don't have an iPod photo and I can't find the folder to delete the cache if if I did.
    (7) The USB cord is firmly connected into my USB port and my iPod
    (8) My music is on my external hard-drive so I need to keep 3rd-party hardware connected
    (9) I will try another USB cord to see if that works.
    Is there anything else that I can do? Can Apple fix this?
    Please let me know.

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    Yes, you can delete the cache files manually,  Just be advised that Bridge will become very, very slow until it finishes rebuilding its caches.  Depending on your files, that can take a few minutes or several hours.
    A good way of doing it is at night, so you can do it before going to bed and let Bridge rebuild caches overnight.
    If you can, save the cache files before deleting them to an external drive, so that you'll have them as backup if something goes wrong.

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    Did you upgrade from a previous version of OS X like 10.3.x or 10.2.x or from a prior version of 10.4.x? If the former, there are probably some files in your previous system folder that need to be restored.
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       Log says
    Upload Error message: HTTPS protocol is not supported, please ensure this server is not using HTTPS. My webdynpro applications are getting deployed without any issues.
         How to resolve this?

    Hi Sumathi,
    As there are often problems with the Quick PAR Upload reported, I would suggest to use the "normal" PAR upload from the icon tray (you have to activate the portal icons in the icon tray). That is almost that "quick" (one or two clicks more needed, we don't talk about more than a second) and - it works (it least it should, and at least it works in most cases even if the Quick PAR Upload fails).
    Hope it helps

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