Coarse-grained object Design for Performance

I’ve several 1-1 mapping between one coarse-grained object with several fine grained objects. In the DB all the fine-grained objects are stored in separate table. In my application the relationship between coarse-grained object and fine-grained objects will not be modified. In this scenario, for good performance which solution is better?
Maintaining the 1-1 mapping between coarse-grained object and fine-grained objects OR adding all the attribute from the fine-grained objects into the coarse-grained object.

The answer depends upon the data usage in your application.
If these fine grained read-only objects are shared between your coarse grain objects then it may be more optimal to keep them as separate classes with 1:1 relationships. If these read-only classes are also of fixed and reasonable quantity (reference data) you could also pre-fetch them all into a full cache (identity map). Then as each course grain object is read the 1:1 relationships can be resolved in memory without additional queries.
If you combine these objects all into one coarse gain object then you will have to pay the cost of a more complex multi-table join on each read. This may be more efficient if the fine grain objects are never or rarely shared between coarse grain objects. To be sure you will want to check with your DBA to see what they can measure as being more optimal for the given schema.
If these are shared and/or reference data then you may also want to consider marking them as read-only in the project. That way they will not be considered for change tracking in the UnitOfWork. This should also provide an additional performance boost.

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    Step 4: Activate and run the interface.
    Your results :
    Hope it helps!!!
    Best regards,

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    Index_Tablespace_D (index TS for datafile no.2)
    F drive
    Index_Tablespace_B (index TS for datafile no.1)
    Datafile_Tablespace_C (datafile TS no. 2)
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    I'm going to default to one of Billy's responses:
    Irrelevant as that does not change any of the storage fundamentals in Oracle. The database does not know or care what you use as storage system.. why should it? It is the kernel and disk/file system drivers job to deal with the actual storage hardware. From a database perspective, it wants the ability to read() and write() - in other words, use the standard I/O interface provided by the kernel.
    I/O performance must not be factor. If it is, then you storage layer is incorrectly designed and implemented. Striping (RAID 0) for example must be dealt with at the storage layer and not at the application layer. Tablespaces and datafiles in Oracle makes extremely poor tools to implement striping of any sort. It does not make sense to attempt I/O balancing such as striping at tablespace and datafile level in Oracle.
    So why then use separate tablespaces? You may need different tablespaces to implement different block sizes for performance.. but this is an exception to the rule. And you do not address actual storage performance here, but more how Oracle should manage the smallest unit of data in the tablespace.
    So besides this exception, what other reasons? Could be you want to physically separate one logical data base (Oracle schema) from another. Could be that you want to implement transportable tablespaces.
    All these requirements are quite explicit in that more than one tablespace is needed. If there is no such requirement, why then consider using multiple tablespaces? It only increases the complexity of space management.
    Consider using different tablespaces for indexes and table data. In a year's time, you may find that the index tablespace has been oversized and the data tablespace undersized. You now have too much space on the one hand, too little on the other, and no easy way to "move" the freespace to where it is needed.
    It is far easier to deal with a single tablespace - as it allows far more flexibility in how you use that for data and index objects, then attempting some kind of split.
    So I will look for a sound and unambiguous technical requirement that very clearly says "multiple tablespaces needed". If not, I will not beat myself over the head trying to find reasons for implementing multiple tablespaces.>
    There are also many other threads on this forum about separating data and indexes, try and search for them.

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    The tablespace that any particular object is in is irrelevant from a performance standpoint (assuming the tablespace parameters are identical, of course. An object in a dictionary managed tablespace may well have different performance characteristics than an object in a locally managed tablespace using ASSM). Now, if different tablespaces have data files on different physical devices, you may see some performance gains from putting different objects into different tablespaces simply because this would tend to distribute I/O over more physical devices. Of course, you could accomplish the same thing by creating data files on different devices in the same tablespace. And with newer disk subsystems, this sort of manual load balancing tends to be rather pointless.
    If you have locally attached storage and you want to distribute I/O across devices by putting objects in different tablespaces rather than assigning multiple data files to the same tablespace, it generally isn't going to matter much which objects are in which tablespace so long as the I/O is relatively evenly distributed (and assuming that there aren't any I/O patterns that need to be accounted for (i.e. if object A is used heavily during the day and object B is used heavily at night and those are the only two objects in the database, putting them in different tablespaces is pointless because you'd never be using the extra spindles simultaneously). You'd have just as much luck putting objects that start with the letters A-L in one tablespace and M-Z in another as putting tables and indexes in different tablespaces or putting related objects in the same tablespace or putting related objects in different tablespaces. So long as I/O gets distributed, it doesn't matter which objects are where.
    Personally, I'd never have separate tablespaces for performance. Much easier to have a single tablespace with multiple data files on different devices. Multiple tablespaces should exist for managability reasons, recoverability reasons, and because different objects require different tablespace settings.

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    Hi Java Experts ;
    I'm curious to know what you think about this design for a multhreaded app i'm working on.
    I have a controller thread that (a.) creates threads and (b.) keeps a reference to threads that it creates (by sticking them in a hashtable along with the generated Id for that thread).
    When a created thread completes its job, it decrements the thread counter and removes its reference from the hashtable before it finishes its run method.
    Now here's the interesting part in my controller thread i'm creating new threads on the fly with this infinite loop
         public void run(){
                   }catch(InterruptedException e){
                   if(threadCounter<maxThreadCount && moreJobsToDo.size()>0){
              }//end while
    what do you think about this pattern ? My goal is to maintain about 200+ created threads running at all times with this pattern.

    jeff kesslerman's book says about threads
    "5.2.3 Threads
    The impact that threads have on RAM footprint isn't a problem for most programs, but running threads do need space to store their stack state, and the system- specific data structures do consume memory.
    Because runtime implementations vary widely in how threads are handled, you might encounter situations where the impact threads have on footprint is significant. For example, some ports of the JRE create a heavyweight OS process for each running thread. In an application that uses many threads, this means that thread costs, rather than class or object costs, can become the dominant factor in the program's memory consumption.
    You shouldn't avoid using threads-they're necessary in many cases, and generally don't have a large impact on footprint. However, you should be aware that the impact can be very different across runtimes. This is one of the reasons it's a good idea to measure performance characteristics under your program's different target environments. "
    Question #1: how does garbage collection go about clearing the stack state, and the system- specific data structures that consume memory.
    Question #2: in my situation, each worker thread's activity is not as brief as a simple server request. Each thread does a lot work and does a lot of network connections. on average I would say 100 http request - each of which can be easily blocked or delayed significantly. Therefore each worker thread may operate for between 2 - 10 minutes.
    Do you think thread pooling is useful in this situation ?

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    I've seen these terms used in almost every pattern article, but I've never seen them defined. Can someone provide me the definitions for coarse- and fine-grained? Also, what are the pros and cons of each.

    it's an anology to sand or other particles. You can have sand that is very fine: small grains or you can have sand that is very coarse: large grains.
    A fine-grained approach is one uses lots of little Objects and a coarse-grained approach uses a smaller number of larger Objects. The reasoning for using a coarse grained approach is that it limits the 'chattiness' of the application. That is you don't have lots of little messages going back and forth, each one with it's own overhead.
    In practice, I've fouind the coarse-grained approach to not be that great. Chattiness is not that big of a deal anymore and big Objects take longer to load. Your application basically does squat while it waits for the be ball of wax and then it's got to disassemble it. If you use lot's of small Objects, the app can start working on them as soon as it starts receiving them.
    This isn't to say this doesn't have it's place, it's just not for every application.

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    I think the name is self explanatory.However since u do not seem to be very clear i will try and explain.Suppose you have an person entity bean.There are essentially two ways to model the bean.
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