Code for infix to postfix

plz send me infix to postfix code in java soon.

plz send me infix to postfix code in java soon.I've intercepted all transmissions. Any code sent to
you has been redistributed to various parts of the
internet at random. You'll have to go find it
yourself (using one of the common search engines).You forgot the "All your base are belong to us!" statement...

Similar Messages

  • Help! - code for infix to postfix

    can someome please send me the code for infix to postfix?

    Or--and I know this will sound crazy, but just keep an open mind--you could try doing your homework yourself, and then post your attempt here when you get stuck, along with details of what specific problems you are having.
    If you are unwilling or unable to do that, then you should look elsewhere. This site is not a place to get code written for you. Try finding someone who will do it for money.

  • Infix to postfix printing out incorrectly sometimes..any ideas?

    alright, my program this time is to make an infix to postfix converter.
    I have it coded, and it works fine except when I use parenthesis. I'm supposed to test it with these expressions:
    a + b
    a * b + c
    a * ( b + c )
    a + b * c - d
    ( a + b ) * ( c - d )
    a - ( b - ( v - ( d - ( e - f ))))
         // initialize two stacks: operator and operand
         private Stack operatorStack = new Stack();
         private Stack operandStack = new Stack();
         // method converts infix expression to postfix notation
         public String toPostfix(String infix)
              StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(infix);
              // divides the input into tokens for input
              String symbol, postfix = "";
              while (s.hasMoreTokens())
              // while there is input to be read
                   symbol = s.nextToken();
                   // if it's a number, add it to the string
                   if (Character.isDigit(symbol.charAt(0)))
                        postfix = postfix + " " + (Integer.parseInt(symbol));
                   else if (symbol.equals("("))
                   // push "("
                        Character operator = new Character('(');
                   else if (symbol.equals(")"))
                   // push everything back to "("
                        /** ERROR OCCURS HERE !!!! **/
                                 while (((Character)operatorStack.peek()).charValue() != '(')
                             postfix = postfix + " " + operatorStack.pop();
                   // print operatorStack occurring before it that have greater precedence
                        while (!operatorStack.isEmpty() && !(operatorStack.peek()).equals("(") && prec(symbol.charAt(0)) <= prec(((Character)operatorStack.peek()).charValue()))
                             postfix = postfix + " " + operatorStack.pop();
                        Character operator = new Character(symbol.charAt(0));
              while (!operatorStack.isEmpty())
                   postfix = postfix + " " + operatorStack.pop();
              return postfix;
    // method compares operators to establish precedence
         public int prec(char x)
              if (x == '+' || x == '-')
                   return 1;
              if (x == '*' || x == '/' || x == '%')
                   return 2;
              return 3;
    /** MY STACK **/
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class StackL {
      private LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
      public void push(Object v) {
      public Object peek() {
        return list.getFirst();
      public Object pop() {
        return list.removeFirst();
      public boolean isEmpty()
          return (list.size() == 0);
    }weird, it erased my question/errors I put in...
    When I use any of the expressions with parenthesis (except the 2nd to last one) I get an emptystackexception pointing to the area noted in the code.
    When I test the 2nd to last one (the one I would expect it to give me the most trouble) it prints out an answer, but it is incorrect. It prints out this : "Expression in postfix: a ( b - ( c - ( d - ( e - f ) -" which is incorrect, as it hsould have no parenthesis
    Edited by: Taco_John on Apr 6, 2008 12:46 PM
    Edited by: Taco_John on Apr 6, 2008 12:47 PM
    Edited by: Taco_John on Apr 6, 2008 12:49 PM

    the algorithm we were told to use is here:
    While not stack error and not the end of infix expression
    a.) Extract the next input token from the infix expression (can be constant value, variable, arithmetic operator, left or right parenthesis)
    b.) If token is
    - left parenthesis : push it onto the stack
    - right parenthesis : pop and display stack elements until the left parenthesis is popped (don't sisplay right parenthesis). It's an error if stack becomes empty with no matching right parenthesis found.
    - Operator : if the stack is empty or token is higher priority than the top element, push it onto the stack. Otherwise, pop and display the top stack element and repeat comparison of token with new top element
    Note : left parenthesis in the stack is assumed to have a lower priority than any operator.
    - operand : display it
    When the end of the infix expression is reached, pop and display remaining stack elements until it is empty.
    it works fine on anything without a parenthesis, and it prints an answer (however it is incorrect) for the a - (b-(c-(d-(e-f)))) expression.
    still looking for an idea if I can get one
    Ok, I just noticed this. If i do a * ( b + c ) I get the error. But if I type " a * ( ( b + c ))" with spaces between the left parenthesis and adding an extra parenthesis as well, and NOT spacing the right parenthesis, I get a result that works just like that 2nd to last was doing. So it's something about the spaces...The answer is incorrect when I use the parenthesis as well. So it's not ignoring white space correctly for some reason and it's printing incorrect answers when I use parenthesis.

  • Infix to postfix expression

    Hi all!
    I'm currently trying to finish up an assignment that is due in a few hours. Here's my delimma, according to the text book and the professor the following algorithm to convert an infix to postfix is as follows:
    1. Two stacks will be used in the conversion(expressionStack and operatorStack)
    2. if an operand is encountered, push onto expressionStack
    3. if an operator is encountered, including the "(" push onto the temporary stack
    4. if a ")" is encountered, pop each operator off the temporaryStack and push it into the expressionStack until a "(" is encountered in the temporaryStack. Once a "(" is encountered, pop that off the temporaryStack.
    Traverse through the infix expression until the end is reached then pop everything from the temporaryStack onto the expression stack.
    Here's the code I wrote for it:
    public String convertInfixToPostfix() throws PostfixConversionException {
      //if there is an unbalace set of parenthesis, throw exception
        if(!isBalance()) {
          throw new PostfixConversionException("Unable to convert infix expression");
        for(int i = 0; i < this.infixExpression.length(); i++) {
          char ch = this.infixExpression.charAt(i);
          //if ch is an operand, push onto stack
          switch(ch) {
            case '0':
            case '1':
            case '2':
            case '3':
            case '4':
            case '5':
            case '6':
            case '7':
            case '8':
            case '9':
            this.expressionStack.push("" + ch);
            //if ch is an operator or a '(', push onto temporaryOperator stack
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '*':
            case '/':
            case '%':
            case '(':
              this.temporaryOperator.push("" + ch);
            /*if ch is ')' push all operators from temporaryOperator stack onto expressionStack until
             * until a matching '(' is encountered*/
            case ')':
              //while the top does not equal "(" pop everything off temporaryOperator stack and onto expression stack until a '(' is encountered
              while(!"(".equals( {
              //removes one open matching '('
              System.out.println("Unable to converted due to invalid characters entered");
        //while expressionStack is not empty, push everything into temporaryOperator stack
        while(!this.expressionStack.isEmpty()) {
        while(!this.temporaryOperator.isEmpty()) {
          this.postfixExpression = this.postfixExpression + this.temporaryOperator.pop();
        return this.postfixExpression;
      }The problem is, unless I did the code wrong (which I don't think i did), the method incorrectly converts the infix to the postfix expression. Meaning the algorithm provided by the text book and professor is incorrect. Are there other ways of converting an infix to postfix expression?

    Well using 2 stacks is same as 1 stack and 1
    StringBuffer. So I'd get rid of your temporary stack.
    Tokens either get pushed onto the operator stack or
    postfix stack.I wish I could get rid of the temporary stack and use a StringBuffer, but the professor wants two stacks used.
    Brackets are only slightly more difficult. If you
    have opening bracket, simply push it onto the
    operator stack. If you have a closing bracket pop
    tokens off the operator stack onto the postfix stack
    until you encounter an opening bracket then you
    simply pop it off the stack and discard it.So basically what you're saying is exactly what my code is doing, only with two stacks. However it only works if the infix entered has to do only one operations like 4-8 or 8+3, etc..but when it converts a longer expression like 0-(((7-8+3*(9/1)*2)+5)*6), postfix is 078391/2**-56*- and result is 300. but when I entered the infix in a calculator, the result is -384. I check my compute method and Im pretty sure that is correct. So that leaves the conversion method. In any case heres the compute method, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I got that down.
    1. when a operand is encountered, push it into stack
    2. when an operator is encountered, pop two operands off and compute, then push it back into the stack.
    public double computeResult(String postfix) throws PostfixArithmeticException {
        //local variables
        Stack computePostfix = new Stack();
        int countOperators = 0;
        int countOperands = 0;
        //goes through the postfix and determines number of operators and operands
        for(int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
         char ch = postfix.charAt(i);
         if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '%') {
        //test if there are enough operators and operands, number of operators should be 1 less than operands
        if((countOperators + 1) != countOperands || postfix.length() == 1) {
          //throw PostfixArithmeticException if there are not enough operators or operands
          throw new PostfixArithmeticException("Unable to compute postfix expression.");
        //otherwise, compute postfix expresstion
        for(int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
          char ch = postfix.charAt(i);
          //if the character is not a operator, push onto a stack
          if(ch != '+' && ch != '-' && ch != '*' && ch != '/' && ch != '%') {
            computePostfix.push("" + ch);
          //otherwise, if an operator, pop two operands off the stack, compute with operator and push back on stack
          else {
            double operand2 = Double.parseDouble("" + computePostfix.pop());
            double operand1 = Double.parseDouble("" + computePostfix.pop());
              case '+':
                this.result =  operand1 + operand2;
              case '-':
                this.result =  operand1 - operand2;
              case '*':
                this.result =  operand1 * operand2;
              case '/':
                this.result =  operand1 / operand2;
              case '%':
                this.result =  operand1 % operand2;
            computePostfix.push("" + result);
        //return the result of the computation
        this.result = Double.parseDouble("" + computePostfix.pop());
        return result;
      }Also, I've tested that there should be the correct number of operators to an operand (which is the number of operators is always one less than number of operands)

  • Infix to Postfix - Please help

    Hello everybody...i am new in java...and i thing i messed up with my exercise. Can anyone help? I have to prepare a main class that translates infixes to postfixes. i have done this until now:
    import java.util.*;
    import jss2.*;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class a3
         private Stack theStack;
         private String input;
         private String output = "";
         public a3(String in)//Constructor for a3 class
         String input = in;
         int stackSize = input.length();
         theStack = new Stack(stackSize);
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
         String input = "1+2*4/5-7+3/6";
         String output;
         System.out.println("- The program translates the InFix to PostFix");
         System.out.println("- The format that you have to enter is: ");
         System.out.printf("(X+Y)*(Z-I) or similar expressions with numbers");
         a3 Trans = new a3(input);
         output = Trans.Postfix();
         System.out.println("Postfix is " + output + '\n');
    i have entered in the same package the classes:,, and
    Please can anyone help me somehow??????

    Please have a look here
    and here
    for a general explanation of the algorithm you need.
    Also, when posting your code, please use code tags so that your code will be well-formatted and readable. To do this, either use the "code" button at the top of the forum Message editor or place the tag &#91;code&#93; at the top of your block of code and the tag &#91;/code&#93; at the bottom, like so:
      // your code block goes here.
    &#91;/code&#93;Other sites to look at:
    ps: don't pay bogad, he's a cheating sob and will rob you blind. We'll help you here for free.
    good luck, pete
    Edited by: petes1234 on Nov 10, 2007 11:40 AM

  • Infix to postfix algorithm

    I need som help to finish my algoritm.
    This is what I have so far:
    import java.util.Stack;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class InfixToPostfix {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Object slutt      = "#";
              char[] operator      = {'^','*','/','+','-'};
              char vParentes      = '(';
              char hParentes      = ')';
              char[] uOperator      = {'^','*','/','+','-','('};
              char[] opPri      = {'^','*','/','+','-','(',')','#'};
              int [] infixPri      = { 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 0 };
              int [] opStackPri      = { 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 ,-1 , 0 };
              String infixStr      = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("infix : ");
              infixStr           += slutt;
              String postfixStr     = "";
              System.out.println("Infix: "+infixStr);
              Stack stack = new Stack();
              System.out.println ("Stack is empty: "+stack.empty ());
              char c;
              for (int i=0; i<infixStr.length(); i++) {
                   c = infixStr.charAt(i);
                   if (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/') {
                        if (stack.empty()) {
                        else {
                             // HELP WANTED!!!!!
                   else if (c == '#') {
                        System.out.println("Postfix: "+ postfixStr);
                   else {
                        postfixStr += c;
    In the "help wanted" else-loop I want to do the following:
    The operator from stack should pop, and
    it must be compared with the next operator
    from the infix-expression, in according to the
    priority which is given in the opPri, infixPri and opStackPri.
    The if the infix-operator has a higher priority then I push it
    to the stack, else the stack-operator pops and are added
    to the postfix-string, and the next stack operator is popped and
    compared with the same infix-operator. Then again if the infix has
    a higher value I push it to the stack, else the stack-operator is popped
    and added. So on and so on...
    As you see, I know how it should function, but I am not sure at all
    about the syntax. Can anyone please help me with this?
    torvald helmer

    Hi there, firstly im not sure why u have done infixPri and opStackPri, i dont think those are necessary?? I have implemented an infix to postfix algorithm that uses only these operators : + - / *. From the help wanted part what you'd want to do is to do this: while the stack is not empty and a '(' character is not encountered, operators of greater or equal precedence from the stack will be popped then appended to the postfixExp else stop the while. Once the while is finished then u push infix onto the stack. Hope this helps. Cheers

  • Recursive Infix to Postfix algorithm (Shunting-yard algorithm)

    Hi, I have to write a Infix to Postfix algorithm in a recursive form. I have an idea of how to do it iteratively using a Stack, but recursively I'm having some trouble. Could anybody offer some help or hints on how to get started?

    Well, I could write the iterative version along the lines of this:
    Scanner inScan = new Scanner(;
    String exp;
    StringBuffer postfix = new StringBuffer();
    Stack stk = new Stack<Character>();
    System.out.println("Enter an arithmetic expression: ");
    exp = inScan.nextLine();
    for(int i = 0; i<exp.length(); i++)
        char ch = exp.charAt(i);
        if(ch<='F' && ch>='A')
              case '+':       \\what to do if ch is a + operator
              case '*':        \\what to do if ch is a * operator
              case '(':        \\what to do if ch is a (
              // and so on for each operator or paranthesis, i know what to do with each operator
    }That's not the full program obviously and may have some mistakes, but I'm confident I know how to do it iteratively. Recursively is the problem. What kind of base case could I use for my recursive method? And do I need more than one recursive method?

  • Converting Infix to Postfix

    I have to convert infix to postfix using a stack, and I have no idea where to start. Any suggestions?

    Read the assignment text well, send email to your instructor about that parts that are not clear, and start doing it. Only when you encounter a problem that you can't overcome by reading your notes, the Java tutorial, or the documentation of standard classes come back here and ask a specific question with a clear description of the problem you are having with some source code, what you want it do, what it is doing instead, and possible error message.
    Java tutorial:
    Documentation of standard classes:
    Examples of how to use them:

  • Creation of Transaction code for Reports created in FGI1.

    Hi all,
       We are in ECC 6.0 version. We have created one report for Profit Center Group Wise Receivables with transaction code FGI1. When we executed the report from FGI5 , it was showing the values correctly.
       We created the t.code for the report painter programe and tried to execute. The screen is different from that of T.Code: FGI4.  When we executed , it was not showing any values. I created authorisation for the report and also for the transaction codes.
       Appreciate your suggestion at the earliest.

    Check TSTCP table  for the existing t-codes and for creating check this link
    Re: Transaction Code Creation for a Table/View

  • Lost the content code for free up gradation of mountain lion. What to do ???

    Lost the content code for free up gradation of mountain lion. What to do ???
    Thread /w same question

  • Help with code for inserting horizontal scroll bar in photo gallery in Business Catalyst site?

    I am using Business Catalyst and Dreamweaver to create a trial site.
    I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this request but anyway I have inserted a photo gallery module at the bottom of the sidebar in the homepage of my test site.
    Can anyone advise on whether jquery or any other code can be inserted into the page or module code that will replace the "next" hyperlink below the first 4 photos with a horizontal scroll bar at bottom of the gallery so users can just scroll through all 12 images ?
    Kind Regards, Matt.

    Have you tried putting this rule back as it was originally:
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto; /*was 9px*/
        color: #EF9CCF;
        background-color: #FFF;
    That is, changing your 9px back to auto.
    And giving  us a link (as you did) is much better than printing out the code for us! Thanks!

  • Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?

    I give up,i have been trying to activate a 3 month subscription for CS6 from Staples and every time i try the code it will not work.  I have used the chat live and spent about 3 hours already going nowhere.  I do not like talking on the phone to some help desk overseas and the only thing i think left to do is to return the junk.

    I tried all that and even took a picture of the numbers and blew them up so a blind person could read them and had 3 others read them off.  A simple way to fix the problem is get someone on Adobes staff to find a font that most people can read from whatever product the stick it to.
    John McDonough
    Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:33:58 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        Re: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        created by David__B in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hey John,
    Not sure if it helps or not, but I know sometimes with codes like that its really hard to tell certain characters apart, O - like in Oscar versus 0 - number and number 1 versus lowercase L like in Lima.
    Might test entering it both ways if you have any suspect characters?
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         Start a new discussion in Adobe Creative Cloud by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • How do I generate redemption code for creative cloud?

    how do I generate redemption code for creative cloud?

    On October 27th 2014, you have purchased two CC (one complete &one photography) under the same Adobe ID. That is the reason you are being asked for a code because under one Adobe ID only one CC can be activated(twice).
    Please contact Adobe Support or you can inbox me privately the CC order number  that you would like to cancel.
    You can also check if the host file has Adobe entry or not as if Adobe entries are there then also CC can ask for serial number. You can check the host by the followinh method.
    Creative cloud do not need a serial number. it will be using your Adobe ID on which you have purchased the creative cloud membership.
    So you need to login with your Adobe ID and password to activate the cloud membership.
    Log out & log back in of the CC Desktop App.
    In case it is not signing in successfully please try the following:
    I don't know which operating system you are working on so i am giving you some steps windows and MAC OS:
       In windows 7 navigate to following location:
       1. look out for "Hosts" file
       2. Open it with notepad
       3. Check if you have any entry for Adobe
       4. Remove the entries and try again launching any product from CC
       1. Please click on "Go" and navigate to /private/etc
       2. Open "hosts" file and check out for any entries for
       3. Remove the entries and save the file
       4.  try again launching any product from CC
      Please refer to Creative Cloud applications ask for serial number
    Hope it helps you.
    Cannot license Illustrator CC after buying subscription

  • NI9203 - Need to know how to set up the FPGA code for multiple NI9203 modules and how to calibrate the data

    Hi. I'm using the NI9203 module to detect pressure, temerature and flow rate of water in a cooling system. I have 17 different inputs coming in therefore i'm using 3 NI9203 modules. I've used the example provided with labview as a base for designing my code. The example can be found here : Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.0\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9203.
    I've had no problems when testing this code out for a single NI9203 module but when i add code for 3 modules the code will not compile as my resources are over mapped. Is there a simpler way to program the FPGA code.
    That said how do you go about calibrating the data that's received from the module. Preferably i'd like to write a vi to do the calibrating. Just need help on how to go about writing this vi

    Hi havok,
    Firstly, I would use constants to configure the modules, it'll save some resources on the FPGA.  I'm not typically changing the settings on the fly, so using constants whenever possible helps.  I would also take a look at the following KnowledgeBase article on other changes you can make to the FPGA VI to compile the code:
    The best changes you can make are to use fewer arrays and front panel elements.  This can be done by using a DMA FIFO or constants on the block diagram. 
    Now actually calibrating the data will require you to do it on the host side.  There is an example VI called Binary to Nominal that changes the raw data to something more useful for datalogging, display, etc.  It can be found in some of the example VIs, or in the following link: 

  • I want to writte C# code for 503 Service Unavailable error to web application page immediate close connection any page loaded

    Here is a ticket regarding our current client web application (  Image data add, edit , delete in folder with form data in MSSQL Database) that using code c#, web form, ajax, VS2008, MSSQL Server2008 , it appears that there is an error where the HTTP
    503 error occurs. 
    . Below is a conversation with Host Server support assistant.Can you take a look at it? 
    Ben (support) - Hi 
    Customer - We're having an issue with our windows host 
    Ben (support) - What's the issue? 
    Customer - 503 errors 
    Ben (support) - I am not getting any 503 errors on your site, is there a specific url to duplicate the error? 
    Customer - no, it comes and goes without any change Customer - could you have access to any logs ? 
    Ben (support) - Error logs are only available on Linux shared hosting, however with this error it may be related to you reaching your concurrent connections 
    Ben (support) - You can review more about this at the link \ 
    Customer - probably yes - how can we troubleshoot ? 
    Ben (support) - 
    Ben (support) - This is something you need to review your code and databases to make sure they are closing the connections in a timely manner 
    Customer - we're low traffic, this is an image DB to show our product details to our customers 
    Customer - ahhhh, so we could have straying sessions ? 
    Ben (support) - Correct Customer - any way you could check if it's the case ? 
    Customer - because it was working previously 
    Ben (support) - We already know that's the case as you stated the 503 errors don't happen all the time if it were issue on the server the the 503 would stay. 
    Customer - so our 2/3 max concurrent users can max out the 200 sessions 
    Customer - correct ? 
    Customer - is there a timeout ? 
    Ben (support) - no that's not a time out concurrent connections are a little different then sessions and or connections. Lets say for an example you have 5 images on your site and 5 7 users come to your site this is not 7 concurrent connections but 35. They
    do close after awhile hence why the 503 error comes and goes. You can have these connections close sooner using code but this is something you have to research using your favorite search engine 
    Customer - thank you so much 
    Customer - I'm surprised that this just started a few weeks ago when we haven't changed anything for months 
    Customer - any changes from your side ? lowering of the value maybe ? 
    Customer - I'm trying to understand what I can report as a significant change 
    Ben (support) - We haven't touched that limit in years 
    Ben (support) - This could just be more users to your site than normal or even more images 
    Customer - I was thinking that could be it indeed 
    Customer - so I need to research how to quickly close connections when not needed 
    Ben (support) - Correctly 
    Ben (support) - correct 
    Customer - thanks !! 
    Ben (support) - Your welcome 
     Analysis : 
     The link provided tells us : All Plesk accounts are limited to 200 simultaneous visitors. 
     From what Ben (support) says and a little extra research, if those aren't visitors but connections then it's quite easy to max out, especially if the connections aren't closed when finished using. I'd suggest forwarding this to Kasem to see what he thinks. 

    Hi Md,
    Thank you for posting in the MSDN forum.
    I want to writte C# code for 503 Service Unavailable error to web application page immediate close connection any page loaded.
    Visual Studio General Forum which discuss VS IDE issue, I am afraid that you post the issue in an incorrect forum.
    To help you find the correct forum, would you mind letting us know more information about this issue? Which kind of web app you develop using C# language? Is it an ASP.NET Web Application?
    If yes, I suggest you could post the issue directly on
    ASP.NET forum, it would better support your issue.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
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