Code formatting for Applescript

I found the "Syntax Highlighting," but can't figure out how to use it to format Applescript snippets in posts.
Can someone tell me how to do it so I don't look like the amateur noob that I actually am?

tell application "Contacts"
  set new_folks to every person whose company is false and last name is not missing value and first name is not missing value
  repeat with each_person in new_folks
  tell each_person
  set lookup_name to (character 1 of (get first name)) & last name as text
  if note is missing value then
  set note to lookup_name
  end if
  if note is "" then
  set note to note & lookup_name
  if note does not contain lookup_name then
  set note to (note & return & lookup_name) as text
  end if
  end if
  end tell
  end repeat
end tell
Works great for me. Ran it from my Favorites Bar.
Hiroto had a simple and effective suggestion: Just uncheck "indent wrapped lines by:"
tell application "Contacts"
  set new_folks to every person whose company is false and last name is not missing value and first name is not missing value
  repeat with each_person in new_folks
  tell each_person
  set lookup_name to (character 1 of (get first name)) & last name as text
  if note is missing value then
  set note to lookup_name
  end if
  if note is "" then
  set note to note & lookup_name
  if note does not contain lookup_name then
  set note to (note & return & lookup_name) as text
  end if
  end if
  end tell
  end repeat
end tell
I like the bookmarklet better.

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    Well Yash
    You might have noticed the checking rules in the same place. They are the ones which is used for checking formats. I don't know which internal table  (I doubt if there is one) holds the format data per country.  There are formal format checks for few specific countries like Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, South Korea, and Portugal and I guess they are hardcoded.  Another thought is that Regional Structure Group related tables may hold this.
    If you have ABAPer by your side, check out Function module POSTAL_CODE_CHECK which is used in conjunction with the checking rules mentioned. This may provide you some clues.
    I am wondering why you need this info.
    If you need to set up your own config in Address Management than what is supplied in the standard,  then use the following path:
    SPRO/IMG/SAP NetWeaver/Application Server/Basis Services/Address Management
    Also go through the following OSS notes:
    1123588 - Postal code check for different countries
    1381564 - Postal codes

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      Public Function SafeDivide(Numerator as String, Denominator as String) as String
    If Numerator = “” or Denominator = “” then
    Return “-“
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    How do I do use the custom code and format for a percentage with 2 decimals?

    Hi AngP,
    After testing the issue in my local environment, I can reproduce it. Based on my research, I find this issue is caused by the type of Units_VAR_Percentage cell is string, while the type of CDbl(Parameters!Var_Threshold.Value) is double, so they cannot be
    To fix this issue, we can add a hidden column (Textbox91) next to the Units_VAR_Percentage column, and type =(sum(Fields!TY_UNITS.Value)-sum(Fields!LY_UNITS.Value)) /sum(Fields!LY_UNITS.Value) as the expression. Then use the expression below to control the
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Code Formatting Instructions for Developer Forums

    Although this topic only applies to the two Developer forums, the need for some upfront code formatting instructions in those forums is desperate. There may be hundreds of threads which include one or more messages on this subject. In my case alone, I've posted at least a dozen messages each containing these three lines:
    Paste your code here.
    Of course a quick search of either Dev forum on the keys +code formatting+ will find the above right away, but those who need help the most don't know code requires special formatting so won't be making that search. For the same reason, neither the excellent instructions in the User Tips Library nor the pertinent threads in this forum are likely to be discovered before they're needed. The +Help & Terms of Use+ FAQ might seem to be a good place for the instructions, but this has been proposed so many times before I'm sure it will never happen. The need is confined to the Dev forums afterall.
    I think the solution would be a permanent post (similar to +How to Post a new Topic+ in this forum) at the top of both Dev forums. I don't think most developers want to see instructions on any other topic at the top of the forums, but a brief note titled +How to Post Code+ might make everyone's life easier.
    Assuming most of the other developers agree, how could we make this happen?

    Thanks so much for helping with this, Nubz!
    Joerg's instructions are excellent. I refer to them often and I've had them bookmarked since I found Apple Discussions last year. The new Code section is great!! Very clear!
    Now we just need to find a way to get users to that page. Our problem has never been with users who are interested enough in Apple Discussions to visit the Tips Library. The unformatted code is coming from first-time users--not necessarily novice coders, but programmers of all skill levels who aren't coming here to learn about the forums or relate to the community. These folks are focused on their current project, may have found no answers anywhere else, and arrive here with tunnel vision. Often there's a language problem as well.
    The newly arrived OP will often start the thread with a page of unformatted code. Those of us with eyes used to filling in the missing brackets, indentation etc. can sometimes decypher the mess, but usually we need to give formatting instructions and ask the OP to repost. The frequency of this scenario has been increasing. Lately I've been posting those instructions almost once every day.
    Of course that's a good sign! We've been giving good service down there and the number of newcomers seems to be reflecting that. A big percentage have turned into regulars, so I think we have a very healthy forum. It's just the formatting cycle gets old, and the time and bytes add up too.
    My suggestion is this:
    One yellow moderator announcement that stays in the first position on the topic page for both dev forums. The subject line is:
    To format code: Paste your code here
    The user doesn't even need to open the message. Only developers will see this. No change to the page header is needed. If the user does open the message, a link will be provided to Joerg's tips.
    - Ray

  • Color names in Java code format.  Looking for the 216 safe colors.

    Color names and associated values are available in HTML format; I am looking for such a list in Java code.
    thanks for any help.

    // Since I could not find it, I pasted it up myself.
    // Since I think it is useful and cool, I am sharing it.
    import java.awt.Color;
    Java class of the standard non-standard "safe" browser colors.
    View and choose colors grouped by color at
    or others.
    Colors in this alpha ordered list are presumed to correspond.
    public class Colors {
    public static final Color AliceBlue = rgb("F0F8FF");
    public static final Color AntiqueWhite = rgb("FAEBD7");
    public static final Color Aqua = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color Aquamarine = rgb("7FFFD4");
    public static final Color Azure = rgb("F0FFFF");
    public static final Color Beige = rgb("F5F5DC");
    public static final Color Bisque = rgb("FFE4C4");
    public static final Color Black = rgb("000000");
    public static final Color BlanchedAlmond = rgb("FFEBCD");
    public static final Color Blue = rgb("0000FF");
    public static final Color BlueViolet = rgb("8A2BE2");
    public static final Color Brown = rgb("A52A2A");
    public static final Color BurlyWood = rgb("DEB887");
    public static final Color CadetBlue = rgb("5F9EA0");
    public static final Color Chartreuse = rgb("7FFF00");
    public static final Color Chocolate = rgb("D2691E");
    public static final Color Coral = rgb("FF7F50");
    public static final Color CornflowerBlue = rgb("6495ED");
    public static final Color Cornsilk = rgb("FFF8DC");
    public static final Color Crimson = rgb("DC143C");
    public static final Color Cyan = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color DarkBlue = rgb("00008B");
    public static final Color DarkCyan = rgb("008B8B");
    public static final Color DarkGoldenRod = rgb("B8860B");
    public static final Color DarkGray = rgb("A9A9A9");
    public static final Color DarkGreen = rgb("006400");
    public static final Color DarkKhaki = rgb("BDB76B");
    public static final Color DarkMagenta = rgb("8B008B");
    public static final Color DarkOliveGreen = rgb("556B2F");
    public static final Color Darkorange = rgb("FF8C00");
    public static final Color DarkOrchid = rgb("9932CC");
    public static final Color DarkRed = rgb("8B0000");
    public static final Color DarkSalmon = rgb("E9967A");
    public static final Color DarkSeaGreen = rgb("8FBC8F");
    public static final Color DarkSlateBlue = rgb("483D8B");
    public static final Color DarkSlateGray = rgb("2F4F4F");
    public static final Color DarkTurquoise = rgb("00CED1");
    public static final Color DarkViolet = rgb("9400D3");
    public static final Color DeepPink = rgb("FF1493");
    public static final Color DeepSkyBlue = rgb("00BFFF");
    public static final Color DimGray = rgb("696969");
    public static final Color DodgerBlue = rgb("1E90FF");
    public static final Color Feldspar = rgb("D19275");
    public static final Color FireBrick = rgb("B22222");
    public static final Color FloralWhite = rgb("FFFAF0");
    public static final Color ForestGreen = rgb("228B22");
    public static final Color Fuchsia = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Gainsboro = rgb("DCDCDC");
    public static final Color GhostWhite = rgb("F8F8FF");
    public static final Color Gold = rgb("FFD700");
    public static final Color GoldenRod = rgb("DAA520");
    public static final Color Gray = rgb("808080");
    public static final Color Green = rgb("008000");
    public static final Color GreenYellow = rgb("ADFF2F");
    public static final Color HoneyDew = rgb("F0FFF0");
    public static final Color HotPink = rgb("FF69B4");
    public static final Color IndianRed = rgb("CD5C5C");
    public static final Color Indigo = rgb("4B0082");
    public static final Color Ivory = rgb("FFFFF0");
    public static final Color Khaki = rgb("F0E68C");
    public static final Color Lavender = rgb("E6E6FA");
    public static final Color LavenderBlush = rgb("FFF0F5");
    public static final Color LawnGreen = rgb("7CFC00");
    public static final Color LemonChiffon = rgb("FFFACD");
    public static final Color LightBlue = rgb("ADD8E6");
    public static final Color LightCoral = rgb("F08080");
    public static final Color LightCyan = rgb("E0FFFF");
    public static final Color LightGoldenRodYellow = rgb("FAFAD2");
    public static final Color LightGrey = rgb("D3D3D3");
    public static final Color LightGreen = rgb("90EE90");
    public static final Color LightPink = rgb("FFB6C1");
    public static final Color LightSalmon = rgb("FFA07A");
    public static final Color LightSeaGreen = rgb("20B2AA");
    public static final Color LightSkyBlue = rgb("87CEFA");
    public static final Color LightSlateBlue = rgb("8470FF");
    public static final Color LightSlateGray = rgb("778899");
    public static final Color LightSteelBlue = rgb("B0C4DE");
    public static final Color LightYellow = rgb("FFFFE0");
    public static final Color Lime = rgb("00FF00");
    public static final Color LimeGreen = rgb("32CD32");
    public static final Color Linen = rgb("FAF0E6");
    public static final Color Magenta = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Maroon = rgb("800000");
    public static final Color MediumAquaMarine = rgb("66CDAA");
    public static final Color MediumBlue = rgb("0000CD");
    public static final Color MediumOrchid = rgb("BA55D3");
    public static final Color MediumPurple = rgb("9370D8");
    public static final Color MediumSeaGree = rgb("3CB371");
    public static final Color MediumSlateBlue = rgb("7B68EE");
    public static final Color MediumSpringGreen = rgb("00FA9A");
    public static final Color MediumTurquoise = rgb("48D1CC");
    public static final Color MediumVioletRed = rgb("C71585");
    public static final Color MidnightBlue = rgb("191970");
    public static final Color MintCream = rgb("F5FFFA");
    public static final Color MistyRose = rgb("FFE4E1");
    public static final Color Moccasin = rgb("FFE4B5");
    public static final Color NavajoWhite = rgb("FFDEAD");
    public static final Color Navy = rgb("000080");
    public static final Color OldLace = rgb("FDF5E6");
    public static final Color Olive = rgb("808000");
    public static final Color OliveDrab = rgb("6B8E23");
    public static final Color Orange = rgb("FFA500");
    public static final Color OrangeRed = rgb("FF4500");
    public static final Color Orchid = rgb("DA70D6");
    public static final Color PaleGoldenRod = rgb("EEE8AA");
    public static final Color PaleGreen = rgb("98FB98");
    public static final Color PaleTurquoise = rgb("AFEEEE");
    public static final Color PaleVioletRed = rgb("D87093");
    public static final Color PapayaWhip = rgb("FFEFD5");
    public static final Color PeachPuff = rgb("FFDAB9");
    public static final Color Peru = rgb("CD853F");
    public static final Color Pink = rgb("FFC0CB");
    public static final Color Plum = rgb("DDA0DD");
    public static final Color PowderBlue = rgb("B0E0E6");
    public static final Color Purple = rgb("800080");
    public static final Color Red = rgb("FF0000");
    public static final Color RosyBrown = rgb("BC8F8F");
    public static final Color RoyalBlue = rgb("4169E1");
    public static final Color SaddleBrown = rgb("8B4513");
    public static final Color Salmon = rgb("FA8072");
    public static final Color SandyBrown = rgb("F4A460");
    public static final Color SeaGreen = rgb("2E8B57");
    public static final Color SeaShell = rgb("FFF5EE");
    public static final Color Sienna = rgb("A0522D");
    public static final Color Silver = rgb("C0C0C0");
    public static final Color SkyBlue = rgb("87CEEB");
    public static final Color SlateBlue = rgb("6A5ACD");
    public static final Color SlateGray = rgb("708090");
    public static final Color Snow = rgb("FFFAFA");
    public static final Color SpringGreen = rgb("00FF7F");
    public static final Color SteelBlue = rgb("4682B4");
    public static final Color Tan = rgb("D2B48C");
    public static final Color Teal = rgb("008080");
    public static final Color Thistle = rgb("D8BFD8");
    public static final Color Tomato = rgb("FF6347");
    public static final Color Turquoise = rgb("40E0D0");
    public static final Color Violet = rgb("EE82EE");
    public static final Color VioletRed = rgb("D02090");
    public static final Color Wheat = rgb("F5DEB3");
    public static final Color White = rgb("FFFFFF");
    public static final Color WhiteSmoke = rgb("F5F5F5");
    public static final Color Yellow = rgb("FFFF00");
    public static final Color YellowGreen = rgb("9ACD32");
    public Colors() {  }
    private static Color rgb(String hexValue){
    return(new Color(
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(0, 2), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(2, 4), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(4), 16)));

  • How to Change the default format for differnt language both in java and SQL

    I am using SQL Anywhere in my application.And in my java client application user can log in with their preferred language like English,French,German,Chinese,etc....When even the user log in to the application the data from the database will be displayed with respective to the language.But when i tried to see the dates in Interactive SQL all the dates r in the format of '2008-12-5 16:44:10:673' but say for example for Chinese it will be displayed as '08-12-5 16.44.10' and for some other language it will come in some other format(which is standard format for those language).
    Mean while i am using java client.When ever i am displaying a date it will be with respective to the language using Locale and date format classes.When i am displaying the date for Chinese in GUI it will show the date as '08-12-5 &#19979;&#21320;4:44'. In summary
    1. For Chinese,the default date pattern from SQL Anywhere date base is '08-12-5 16.44.10'
    2. For the same language date using java code is displaying as '08-12-5 &#19979;&#21320;4:44'. and i am getting the time format pattern as 'ah:mm'.I tried to change the display format in regional settings but no change in display.
    Is there any way to make both the time format as same?
    Please help me to solve this issue!!!
    Thanks in Advance!

    pon_arun wrote:
    Hello masijade,
    I did as u said but still the date display is not the same......And I'm telling you that it doesn't matter. What "format" the DB likes to display a Date in when it displays it, is completely irrelevant to how you display it in your GUI.
    A Date does not have a format. A String representation of a Date does.
    As long as you use getDate from ResultSet and setDate from PreparedStatement you do not have to worry about this. Those methods will handle dates to and from the DB themselves. You can then use SimpleDateFormat to display the Date anyway you want to.
    Just because you show the Date one way, and the DB shows it another, does not mean that it is not the same date. Don't get hung up on how the String representation of the Date looks.
    Edit: If you simply want to be able to do "Human Comparisons" then look at the SQL TO_CHAR function (for Oracle, for other DBs the function name may vary). And for Java, read the API docs for SimpleDateFormat (as already intimated above).

  • Create custom code colouring for additional file types

    Hi All,
    I spend a lot of time editing .ini files in Dreamweaver (in my case langague files for custom Joomla extensions). Although the file format is extremely  simple, particularly in the way that they re used in this context, I would like to improve the readability by adding code coloring  for strins, standard text and comments.
    I haven't been able to find any really useful information on the web about how to go about doing this.
    From what i can gather, the steps are
    Get Dreamweaver to recognise the file type (editing Extensions.txt and MMDocumentTypes.xml?)
    Add the code coloringxml file.
    So far I've had no success with the first step, so haven't tried the second.
    It would be great if I caould also add it as an option in the New File dialog.
    If some kind and clever person could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.
    I'm in Dreamwaever CC on Windows 7, if that's relevant

    From what i can gather, the steps are
    Get Dreamweaver to recognise the file type (editing Extensions.txt and MMDocumentTypes.xml?)
    Add the code coloringxml file.
    So far I've had no success with the first step, so haven't tried the second.
    It would be great if I caould also add it as an option in the New File dialog.
    What have you tried so far that made you think that you were not successful?  To add new file extensions to be recognized in DW, you need to go to:
    Edit >> Preferences and then look for something like in this picture:
    Now this is in CS6 and I suspect the steps should be similar in CC.  If not then CC is a step backwards in terms of progress in current technology IMO.  I don't use CC so can't comment any further here.
    Good luck.

  • Date formats for SQL statements used by recordset object

    Date formatting appears to be quite problematic for Business One.  I did a forum search for date issues and I don't think I saw any of them with an "answered" status.  I have an issue with formatting a date for the creation of an SQL statement that the DI sends to SQL Server 2005.  I need to format a date so that the localization parameters don't matter for either the client machine or SQL Server's machine.  We don't have a problem as long as our machines are localized as USA.
    I have PL 22 and I have a form - ours - where I use the Today() function to fill a date field.  So this is a date that is not entered by the user.  The result of this function is consistent with the localization parameters on my machine.  We have two other date fields on the form where the user must type in the date. 
    As a test, I changed my machine to the UK parameters.  I then set up the language parameters of Business One for English(United Kingdom).  I changed the date format specifications in Business One so that its format is dd/mm/yy.  I then brought up the form and the field that is formatted by the above function arrived in the form's field as dd/mm/yy.  I then typed in the two other dates in the same format and added the record to the database.  The form's table is user-defined. 
    I dismissed the form then brought it back up loaded with the new record.  The date that was entered by the function appeared in USA format (mm/dd/yy).  The dates that were typed in appeared in the Business One format (dd/mm/yy).  This of course is not consistent.
    When I looked at what got into the database, the formats were the opposite.  Weird!  To make matters really confusing, I run an SQL statement within SQL Server Mgt Studio, and use the WHERE clause to filter on the date that was based on the function.  It didn’t matter what format I used for the WHERE clause, the record came up.  Does anyone have any idea about how I can ensure that I always use the correct date format for SQL statements passed by Business One to SQL Server regardless of where in the world the application is being run?

    Here's what I'm concerned about:  I’m using the date in a “WHERE” clause.
    Assume the date is Aug 3, 2007.
    "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE StartDate > ‘8/3/2007’"
    "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE StartDate > ‘3/8/2007’"
    If the client machine is set up as USA, the today function will provide the date as formatted in the first query.  If the database server is setup as let’s say the UK, I believe that SQL Server query parser will interpret the date as Mar 8, 2007.
    If the client machine is set up as UK, the today function will provide the date as formatted in the second query.  If the database server is setup as let’s say USA, I believe that SQL Server query parser will also interpret the date as Mar 8, 2007.
    In both cases it would be wrong.
    I know I could use the DATEPART function to get the three parts and this will make the code indifferent to the localization specs of the client machine.  I need to then be able to concatenate those date parts for the “WHERE” clause so that the localization specifications of the database server don’t matter.

  • Auto Code Formatting in 10G

    Is there any way to change how Jdev 10g auto-formats code? For instance, if I enter a new function:
    public void foo() {[enter]
    Jdev automatically converts this to:
    public void foo()
    I like my opening curly brace on the same line as the declaration - is there any hope? I see that I can modify the code templates, but these do not seem to be involved in the auto formatting.
    Eric Everman

    I can't get this to work! It doesn't matter what settings I select on the tools->preferences->Code editor->Java page, it doesn't seem to make any difference.
    For example, if I select "On the Same Line", deselect "Add Closing Brace Automatically" and deselect "Move Open Brace To Match Preferred Style" it still moves the open brace onto it's own line. Anyone else having this problem, or found a way to fix it?

  • Date Format for Spry data set sort

    Just feeling my way through the use of Spry Datasets for the
    first time and have a couple of issues hopefully someone with more
    knowledge of it than me know the answer to.
    I had an issue with my Spry Dataset initially that it would
    not work in ie7 but was OK in FF3.
    After some mucking round I realised the error I was getting -
    albeit obscure in IE was telling me it was a date format issue in
    my data set.
    The db data I am playing with here is fairly simple: I have a
    couple of text fields, an integer field that contains the
    unixtimestamp of the entry (its a simple diary application) and a
    formal date field that holds the same date in mysql's date format.
    When I display the date in the dataset I do so in the format
    "23rd May 2009" (as an example)- I code this using phps date
    function in my xml query.
    I had set this field to date format in the Spry dataset
    conditions but IE seems to barf on this- I can change it to
    textstring but then my sort is done on Alpha/Numeric sort of the
    first character in the date field which is rubbish.
    I only display the date in this format and one of the other
    text fields in my dataset- the unixdate is for programmatic
    purposes not general display so I cannot sort on this field if its
    invisible. How can I acheive a date based sort with this set up- or
    what date formats does Spry code prefer for date sorts? (My client
    wants the date to show as I have explained). Many thanks. I have a
    second query which I will post separately!

    "Tanushiheadbash" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gqa70o$iat$[email protected]..
    > I think I follow what you are saying and in fact I think
    its what I
    > already
    > have. I have set the sort order to use the unixtime when
    the page
    > initially
    > loads and thats OK.
    I am sorry, but you aren't following my explanation. English
    isn't my mother
    tongue, and I am not able to explain it any better.
    > However what I need to be able to do is to have the
    AJAX/Javascript sort
    > (done in this case with Spry- ) to sort on the date when
    the column header
    > is
    > clicked. The problem I have is the date format in this
    visible column is
    > in
    > DDth Month YYYY format and Spry does not recocnise this
    as a date format-
    > it
    > wants it as a string ( or ie gives an error). Maybe its
    not possible what
    > I am
    > trying to do- just thought there might be a clever way
    to implement this.
    You can take a look at this page:
    Even if all the dates here are incidentally using the
    yyyy-mm-dd format, the
    dataset display the date from the "start_date_formatted"
    <td><a href="javascript:"
    But uses another field to sort the table:
    <th scope="col" spry:sort="start_date">Start
    You can have the same date, using two different formats,
    inside two,
    separated dataset fields. One is used for display, the other
    one is used for
    You may try to read again my previous explanations, look at
    the code in the
    page above and see if you get the idea.
    Massimo Foti, web-programmer for hire
    Tools for ColdFusion, JavaScript and Dreamweaver:

  • How to change date format for prentation variable

    Hi experts
    In my prompt the date format is MM/DD/YYYY . I have created one presentation variable for that but i want to use this in Formula as well in Title as: DD-MON-YY
    So how can i achieve it..
    Thanks in advance

    i think this can't be done through any code like oracle uses to_char, to_date function.
    Just follow this
    With this, wherever you have this column, you will be getting this format dates..
    if you don't want in reports you can change it by mentioning the data format for that paricular column in report, but for the same column, if you want different format at different places (for prompts), you can't do that..

  • Converting Year in YYYY format for return in select list

    Using Apex 4.1.1 on Linux (Apex Listener on glassfish)
    I have a table with week ending dates and use this table for as my LOV.
    The select list comes up like 12-SEP-12 when I check the value attribute in Firebug. Problem is that this comes up as year 0012 instead of 2012 when I try to use it in my PL SQL code to save it to a table.
    Is there a way I can get the return value for the year in YYYY format for return value in select list? Have tried to_date(dt, 'DD-MON-YYYY') with no luck.

    All APEX session state values are held as VARCHAR2s. Explicit conversion to and from DATE values using specified formats is recommended. Convert to VARCHAR2 in the LOV query:
    select to_char(week_ending, 'DD-MON-YYYY') l, to_char(week_ending, 'YYYY-MM-DD') v from ...and to DATE in the PL/SQL process code:
    ...to_date(:p1_week_ending, 'YYYY-MM-DD')...I'm trying to standardise on using ISO 8601 representations for non-displayed date values. These are unambiguous, sort properly using character semantics, and are compatible with other systems and technologies.

  • Poland Withholding Tax Format for Platnik

    Is there a standard format for sending Poland contractor deductions for income tax and social security to Platnik?  We are deducting using withholding taxes from the vendor payment to the contractor and not from the payroll system.

    Hey Sandrine,
    You can fill in the SIRET in customizing
    Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Company Code -> Enter Global Parameters
    Than choose 'Additional data' buttom, and fill in the field 'Commercial register no. SIRET'.
    You can fill in 14 digits.
    The first 9 digits = SIRET-number
    The last 5 digits = NIC-number
    In a previous SAP-version, yoy could also fill in the APE in the additional data screen, but that field no longer appears in that customizing screen (you can adapt it using se16 -> table T001Z - party WT_EDI)
    Ik hope this can help you.

  • Help in date format for transaction F-01

    Hello Experts,
    I am currently modifying a report wherein it posts document using
    transaction F-01. Now, I am getting an error wherein it says:
    Direct input date: Date 04162007 is incorrect. The document has not
    been created.
    Now, how can I modify it in such a way that whatever format of the date is,
    it will be correctly translated to the proper format for F-01. For example,
    in my selection screen i enter it as 16.04.2007 and other users enter it as
    04/16/2007. Hope you can help me out here guys. Thank you and take care!

    You can enter any date format.
    But you have to validate the date format.
    The date format depends on the settings.
    The format code can be known by the <b>USR01</b> with <b>DATFM</b> field.
    So<b> select</b> that field value.
    <b>Depending</b> on that type(1 to 6)
    write your conversion code like:
    Case date_code.
      when 1.
         do convwersion here.  
      when 2.
    when 6.
         do convwersion here
    Hope now you can do with any date format.
    <b>Reward points if it helps you.</b>
    Rama chary.Pammi

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