ColdFusion MX Administrator unreachable

I have installed Trial ColdFusion Enterprise MX 7.0.1
multiserver on my machine : Windows 2000 Pro + IIS 5.0 + java
Impossible to load the ColdFusion MX Administrator page
I have checked the install logs, all seems to be OK, no
Could you help me?

try this - its probable you dont have the CFDocs to restore,
however read this below
its from
Uninstalling Macromedia ColdFusion MX 6.1 after migrating to
ColdFusion MX 7 removes the CFIDE and cfdocs folders. This problem
exists primarily on Windows machines and when ColdFusion MX is
configured to run with an external web server.
The ColdFusion MX 7 CFIDE and cfdocs folders replace the
ColdFusion MX 6.1 folders during the migration process. However,
you are still able to uninstall ColdFusion MX 6.1 using the
uninstall program. When you run the uninstall program for
ColdFusion MX 6.1, the CFIDE and cfdocs folders are removed and
therefore, you are unable to run ColdFusion MX 7 afterwards.
Use the steps below to avoid this problem:
Start the ColdFusion MX 7 installation with ColdFusion MX 6.1
running, so that the migration will occur. Make sure you allow to
configure with an external web server.
Complete the ColdFusion MX 7 installation and copy any items
that didn't migrate.
Make a copy of the CFIDE and cfdocs folders.
Uninstall ColdFusion MX 6.1.
Restart the ColdFusion Application Server service.
Copy the CFIDE and cfdocs folders back to the root directory.

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    I feel like this is a really simple and stupid question and should be easy to figure out, but I can't.
    I am relearning ColdFusion after 12 years out of the IT field.  I am using the ColdFusion 9 Getting Started:Volume 1 book.  In Chapter 7 it states that I need to edit the Application.cfc file so that I can edit the database rather than just selecting from the database.  I can't seem to find anything related to that file in any search.  In my ColdFusion 11 Administrator I have set this mySQL database to be able to be edited, but ColdFusion Builder 3 doesn't seem to allow any editing of the tables.  I have not had much luck searching for help regarding this on the internet either.  My biggest problem so far is getting ColdFusion Builder to talk with my mySQL database properly so I can actually get on with relearning ColdFusion and writing code.  Frustrating!!

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    I get the following RDS error message:
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    How are you trying to open it?  When you say it will not display, what is
    the actual error?
    Generally speaking to view the CF administrator it is:   however often you can't view the
    administrator publicly, and have to be local to the server,
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  • Cluster nodes discover peers outside cluster domain

    All, cross-posted from the ColdFusion Server Administration
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    server1 [] - instance2-1 <- cluster2 -> server2
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    [] - instance7-2
    server1 [] - instance8-1 <- cluster8 -> server2
    [] - instance8-2
    server1 [] - instance9-1 <- cluster9 -> server2
    [] - instance9-2
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    e.g. jrun.xml on instance1-1:
    <service class="jrunx.cluster.ClusterManager"
    <attribute name="bindToJNDI">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="enabled">true</attribute>
    <!-- While we will discover nearby peers automatically
    without prior knowledge -->
    <!-- of them, you can also add as many specific hosts as
    you wish; these unicast -->
    <!-- peers do not need to be nearby or reachable via
    multicast. -->
    <!--EXAMPLE: <attribute
    name="unicastPeer">sneville</attribute> -->
    <attribute name="unicastPeer"></attribute>
    <service class="jrunx.cluster.ClusterDeployerService"
    <attribute name="deactivated">false</attribute>
    e.g. jrun.xml on instance1-2:
    <service class="jrunx.cluster.ClusterManager"
    <attribute name="bindToJNDI">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="enabled">true</attribute>
    <!-- While we will discover nearby peers automatically
    without prior knowledge -->
    <!-- of them, you can also add as many specific hosts as
    you wish; these unicast -->
    <!-- peers do not need to be nearby or reachable via
    multicast. -->
    <!--EXAMPLE: <attribute
    name="unicastPeer">sneville</attribute> -->
    <attribute name="unicastPeer"></attribute>
    <service class="jrunx.cluster.ClusterDeployerService"
    <attribute name="deactivated">false</attribute>
    . . . and so on for each instance and cluster. This is where
    the problem begins. When I start the instances, every instance
    discovers every other instance as a cluster peer, regardless of
    cluster domain.
    Another forum user suggested using host:port, where port is
    the JNDI listening port. That doesn't work. Using the Jini
    listening port, however, does work, e.g.:
    That presents another problem. The Jini listening port
    defaults to 4160. If 4160 is taken, a port is chosen at random.
    I can't find documentation on setting a static Jini listening
    port, if that's even the correct action to take.
    From what I can tell, the version of Reggie (the Jini lookup
    service) shipped with JRun only supports setting the unicast
    listening port programmatically. Reggie is started by
    jrunx.cluster.ClusterManager.init--actually, the private method
    startLookupService--and JRun doesn't appear to ever call Reggie's
    setUnicastPeer method.
    Assuming we can't tweak Reggie, I guess a more appropriate
    question is how do we get JRun's RMI service (?) to honor
    groups/domains in a call to getPeers? I'll cross-post to the JRun
    forums and investigate JRun Updater 6.

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    groups. The registrar will respond if and only if its service ID is
    not in the request and its group memberships exactly match one or
    more of the groups in the request.
    A unicast request includes nothing more than the protocol
    version, and the registrar will respond as if a valid multicast
    request had been received.
    In both cases, the response packet includes a marshalled copy
    of the ServiceRegistrar object and the names of all groups of which
    the registrar is a member.
    Without looking at more of JRun, I'm guessing that in some,
    if not all cases, either JRun's discovery implementation assumes
    that any response from a unicast query is valid, regardless of the
    server IDs or group names received, or the logic that sorts out the
    response isn't 100% correct.

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    still shows the update level as hf702-64586.jar (which I believe is
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    Then startup CF and move on with the day.
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  • Using session variables

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    <CFSET Session.CPActive = True>
    I thought that the variable would be deleted when I close the
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    Any comments on this?

    Found the answer herre ?context=ColdFusion_Documentation&file=00001156.htm
    What is a session?
    A session refers to all the connections that a single client
    might make to a server in the course of viewing any pages
    associated with a given application. Sessions are specific to both
    the individual user and the application. As a result, every user of
    an application has a separate session and has access to a separate
    set of session variables.
    This logical view of a session begins with the first
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    client's last connection. However, because of the stateless nature
    of the web, it is not always possible to define a precise point at
    which a session ends. A session should end when the user finishes
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    no way of knowing if a user has finished or is just lingering over
    a page.
    Therefore, sessions always terminate after a time-out period
    of inactivity. If the user does not access a page of the
    application within this time-out period, ColdFusion interprets this
    as the end of the session and clears any variables associated with
    that session.
    The default time-out for session variables is 20 minutes. You
    can change the default time-out on the Memory Variables page in the
    Server Settings area in the ColdFusion MX Administrator.
    You can also set the time-out period for session variables
    inside a specific application (thereby overruling the Administrator
    default setting) by setting the Application.cfc This.sessionTimeout
    variable or by using the cfapplication tag sessionTimeout
    attribute. However, you cannot set a time-out value for that is
    greater than the maximum session time-out value set on the
    Administrator Memory Variables page.
    For detailed information on ending sessions and deleting
    session variables, see Ending a session.


    We have recently migrated to Coldfusion 8 and have found that certain ALTER SQL commands that ran just fine in our old Coldfusion 7 environment will generate errors in CF8. We verified that all permission are given in both Coldfusion 8 Administrator Datasource Settings and SQLServer 2005 for ALTER rights to this table but we continue to get the following error.
    [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot find the object "dbo.SCI_Group" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
    Here is our SQL Query that we are executing:
          DECLARE @base INT
          DECLARE @fyr INT
          SET @base = IDENT_CURRENT('dbo.SCI_Group')
          SET @fyr = 2009
          SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.SCI_Group ON
          INSERT INTO SCI_Group
            (ID, ParID, OldID, DowID, FYR, Name, Sort, Description, f_Input, f_Output, f_Enabled, f_Parent)
            ID + @base,
            ParID + @base,
            FYR = (@fyr - 1)
    Any insight from prior experience on this error type is much appreciated.

    Things to check:
    1. Does the code execute correctly without SET IDENTITY_INSERT statements?
    2. Check permissions for your login.  From the Microsoft documentation for SET IDENTITY_INSERT: "User must own the object, or be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, or the db_owner and db_ddladmin fixed database roles."
    From the Microsoft documentation for IDENT_CURRENT: "Returns NULL on error or if a caller does not have permission to view the object. In SQL Server 2005, a user can only view the metadata of securables that the user owns or on which the user has been granted permission. This means that metadata-emitting, built-in functions such as IDENT_CURRENT may return NULL if the user does not have any permission on the object. For more information, see Metadata Visibility Configuration and Troubleshooting Metadata Visibility."
    3. Can you wrap your SQL into a stored procedure and using that instead of using a batch of SQL statements?
    Were there any database, network, or ColdFusion changes in the upgrade other then the move from CF7 to CF8?

  • Font Management - No Fonts Found

    CFDocument does not work due to having no fonts found in Font Management in CF9 Administrator.
    also, registering fonts via Font Management fails - nothing but a blank page is displayed when a font path is submitted. here's my system info:
    - Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition
    - ColdFusion 9.01 Enterprise
    I've also installed Acrobat X Pro to see if its fonts would be listed in CF9 Administrator, but failed.
    any help would be greatly appreicated.

    Just out of curiosity, by “uninstalling the CHF2”, do you mean you just removed the cfh9010002.jar? or did you also revert the changes made to the CFIDE, \lib, and \wwwroot]WEB-INF\lib directories? It would just be interesting to know if you did only the former (the jar) and not the latter. Similarly, if you really mean you uninstalled CF and reinstalled it to not include the CHF2, I’ll just note that sometimes problems with the Admin breaking are due instead to mistakes made in updating those other 3 directories. Just sharing the observation.
    More at:
    Re: Font Management - No Fonts Found
    created by Richard Davies <>  in ColdFusion Server Administration - View the full discussion <> 
    It appears in my case this was caused by the Cumulative Hot Fix 2. After uninstalling the hot fix 2 the fonts are again listed in the CF9 administrator.
    System details:
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (64 bit)
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  • Syslog logging in CF801

    How to enable syslog error logging in CF801?
    Its old & documented bug #47314 []
    In the ColdFusion MX Administrator,on the Debugging & Logging > Logging Settings page, the Use operating system logging facilities option does not work. If you select it, restarting your application server throws the following error:
    log4j:ERROR  No syslog host is set for SyslogAppender named "null".
    I got the same error.
    Are there any solutions to enable it? Can I setup it by hands(edit some files)??

    no such feature outthere, there is a field in the tables that will tell you the time a record was last updated cross reference that to your webserver access logs .. maybe that helps
    we use SVN as a source depository for any code. The only way to promote the code form Dev to QA is to have it checked in, hence somewhat being able to identify who changed what

  • CFMAIL sending duplicate messages

    I am using ColdFusion 11 on a Windows Virtual Server 2008.  The CFMAIL tag is producing duplicate messages (3 each time with IE11 and 2 each time with FireFox.  Numerous tests have produced the same results.  I tested with and without the mail spooler enabled - no change.  The code is simple. no loops, no query, no double-click of the 'send' button.  I have seen other complaints about this in other forums with the only solution being "to disable CF scripts that start/stop the mail spooler".  1) Does anyone have a suggestion?  2) How would I disable the CF Script to start/stop the spooler?  Robert

    RM, not your answer, but note that you’ve asked this on the CFBuilder forums. That’s the CF IDE (integrated development environment, or editor).
    You will want to ask this on the CF Forum or one of its subforums instead (perhaps the ColdFusion Server Administration one). It and they are listed at

  • MYSQL 5.0 connection

    i had follow the instruction
    Note: Connector/J version 3.1.11 and higher cannot be used
    with ColdFusion MX 7 because of MySQL bug 13469. Connector/J 3.1.10
    should be used instead for ColdFusion MX 7 until this MySQL bug is
    fixed. All -Connector/J version 3.0 releases and all version 3.2
    releases work with ColdFusion MX 7.
    -Extract the mysql-connector-java-3.{n}-bin.jar file from the
    downloaded archive file.
    -Save the mysql-connector-java-3.{n}-bin.jar file in the
    cf_root/WEB-INF/lib directory.
    -Restart the ColdFusion MX server.
    -Add a new data source to the ColdFusion MX Administrator,
    using the driver option Other.
    -Enter the JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]
    -Enter the Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    -Complete username/password, and adjust other data source
    settings, if needed.
    -.Submit the data source for verification.
    but still got error occurs :
    java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on
    hm:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the machine/port you
    are trying to connect to? (
    :java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on hm:3306.
    Is there a MySQL server running on the machine/port you are trying
    to connect to? (

    the newest driver works with 5+... 3.1.13
    and that previous bug has been fixed in the 3.1.13 driver. I
    use the
    latest driver for connections to 4.0, 4.1 & 5.0 on my dev
    As BKBK suggested, make sure MySQL is running, no firewall
    issues, port
    number is correct, etc.
    Tim Carley
    [email protected]

  • Data Source Username

    I have set up an SQL database in the coldfusion MX
    administrator and it enables ok. When I refresh the databases tab
    in dreamweaver it recognises the database. I then select recordset
    in the bindings tab and select teh database in the drop down menu.
    Then I get a user name and password box. What user name and
    password is it looking for? I have tried all I can think of!

    Problem solved, there was a permissions problem with the
    mysql file by going into terminal and running the chmod 777 command
    on the file it now allows me to select the database without
    entering a username or password. Not sure why it didn't work when
    entering the root username and password I can only assume root
    didn't have all priviledges either!
    Thanks for help.

  • RDS - Flex 2 errors

    Arrrgggg. This is driving me nuts. Using Win2K3 with all
    updates, IIS6, web xml file is not commented, server ports 80 and
    8500 fail, tried using IP, reinstalled CF, DW and CF Admin will
    connect using RDS, password reset, java update. Nothing works and
    it's driving me insane, In the RDS cofiguration of Flex I get the
    &quot;can't connect to RDS&quot; error.
    I want to use Flex, I really do, but it shouldn't be this
    hard to configure using a Win2K3 and IIS6 setup.

    Hi, I had the same difficulties in a previous post last week
    (look for if you like) and received this answer which seems
    comprehensive -- but I have not put it into effect just yet
    (working with the localhost for now).
    Not sure if it helps (I'm a clueless noob at the moment) but
    getting there slowly. . . .
    As it is on port 8300 it sounds like you performed a JRun
    install and used the built in ColdFusion web server. I would not
    recommend doing that. I would suggest installing Apache or
    configuring IIS. Then reinstall ColdFusion and chose to run the web
    server connector. That way you can have it running on the standard
    port 80. If you do not like IIS, Apache for Windows in version
    2.2.6 also has OpenSSL built in if you wanted to test with SSL.
    When you get to the point where it asks you to choose the web
    root if it is not actually pointing to your wwwroot (htdocs for
    apache) directory make sure to point it there as this is where it
    will install your CFIDE directory and it is handy to have that in
    your web root rather then having to remap it later.
    Make sure that when it prompts you to set a password for the
    RDS that you do. You will need it for flex builder.
    Sounds like you have already figured out how to create a DSN
    so I will skip that. Just make sure that they validate.
    Once all that is done I suggest one other thing. Flex needs
    access to the services-config.xml file to compile. You will hear
    lots of advice about copying it over to your local system in a fake
    directory. I find it better to share out the directory it is in on
    the server and then point FlexBuilder to that directory. That path
    is C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml by
    default. But you will want to just share out the ColdFusion8 Folder
    Then share out your webroot. For IIS I believe that is just
    c:\wwwroot. Just share the folder under the same name is fine.
    Make sure you can get to each of the folders over the network
    using their UNC paths. The reason for this will become clear later.
    Or at least less foggy.
    Once all that is done move to your Development workstation.
    Open a command prompt and make sure that you can ping your server
    by Name. IP addresses are ok but it is better to use the name in my
    opinion. If you do not have local DNS resolving names you can
    configure your systems Hosts file to point to that servers IP
    address for any given web URL you would like.
    On your workstation when you install flex builder make sure
    to choose to install the ColdFusion Extensions for FlexBuilder.
    Then open flex builder. I use Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 so if you
    are using version 2.01 your screens will differ.
    Click File &gt; New &gt; Flex Project
    Provide a project name. Anything is fine for now this is just
    a test.
    Example: mycoolnewflexsite
    Choose the default location for the workspace or choose
    another location. It does not really matter where you put the
    workspace. Just don't forget where you put it if you change it's
    default location. Your workspace is not the same as your WebRoot.
    The Work space is Flex's location where it keeps your configuration
    information about your projects and it's UN-Compiled source files.
    Choose ColdFusion for the server technology and Select
    ColdFusion Flash Remoting for this instance.
    Click next.
    On the next screen it is going to ask you which installation
    type. My install uses a standalone server. Sounds like yours is
    JRun which I believe means you have to choose Deployed to J2EE. You
    will want to look that up. Either way there is not too much
    difference in the screens.
    For the standalone these are the settings I use.
    UNCHECK the &quot;Use default location for local
    ColdFusion server&quot;.
    In the field put in the UNC path to the shared ColdFusion8
    Folder on our development server.
    Example: \\MyServerName\ColdFusion8
    This way FlexBuilder has access to that services-config.xml
    we were talking about through the UNC path. No need to copy it over
    to your workstation and you can keep it consistant amongst
    developers this way.
    Uncheck the Use built-in ColdFusion web server
    for the Web root use the shared webroot from your server you
    shared out above and the name of the root file for your sites
    folder inside that shared directory.
    Example: \\MyServerName\wwwroot\MyCoolNewFlexSite
    For the Root URL you will want the actual URL that you will
    be using to get to your website.
    (Again your DNS should be pointing to your local development
    servers ip address and not the real world web address for your
    site. If you do not have DNS running in your network then use your
    local workstations Hosts file to simulate the same thing.)
    Down below that will be a field called &quot;Output
    folder&quot;. This is where flex is going to put the files that
    it Compiles. For this you will want to have the same exact path as
    the Web Root. It may already be in there with a debug folder
    attached to the end. I prefer to take off the debug folder and just
    make it exactly the same as my web root path.
    By using the UNC paths instead of local files this allows
    FlexBuilder to compile directly to the servers wwwroot directory
    you will be testing the files from. No need to transfer the
    compiled files this way. Might not make your network admin happy
    but you will have at least two weeks before your network admin can
    figure out where the extra traffic is coming from and then only if
    they are well above average. And trust me I know wherefore I speak
    about network admins. Odds are they will never figure it out and if
    they do it just gives you reason to have them install a gigabit
    switch and hook you up to the server at a faster pace. It's part of
    the work requirements RIGHT?!
    OK so after you have those paths in place click on validate
    configuration. You may get a warning about there already bing a bin
    directory but just ignore that and move on.
    click next.
    On the next screen for the main source folder I prefer to
    erase the default src it uses. That's up to you.
    For the main application mxml file just use whatever is there
    for now. You can always change it later.
    For the Output folder URL change it to the URL of your site.
    Then click finish.
    FlexBuilder will open up your applications main MXML file. To
    test if it is working you should be able to just add in a text line
    and click the compile button.
    &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;
    &lt;mx:Application xmlns:mx=&quot;;
    &lt;mx:Text id=&quot;hw&quot;
    text=&quot;Hello World!&quot; /&gt;
    If all goes well it will pop open your browser to the URL
    from your development server with your compiled Hello World
    displayed. If you get that far you are almost home.
    Still a bit more though.
    So once this is cone click on Window &gt; Preferences and
    then click the + next to ColdFusion and click RDS Configuration.
    In the RDS configuration highlight localhost and just click
    Then click new button.
    For Description put in the Name of your development server.
    For the Host Name also put in the name of your development
    For the port choose port 80 (Assuming you set up IIS or
    Apache as recommended.)
    Assuming you have not yet set up multiple users in ColdFusion
    Administrator then your User Name is going to be simply
    Put in your password you set up for the RDS password when you
    were installing ColdFusion Server.
    Click on Test Connection. If it tests out then you will have
    just completed your install. The Test Debugger will not work until
    you turn on Debugging in the ColdFusion server Administrator. I
    will let you figure that out on your own as I am getting tired of
    I realize that's a lot but once you have done it 3 or 4
    hundred times it becomes second nature.
    Hope that helped and did not muddy the waters. I realized as
    I was typing that this really is not a good explanation without
    pictures. Next time I do a development install I will have to take
    screen shots I guess.
    - Joe

  • Upgrading 7.02 to 8.01

    I have 7.02 installed and I have a new 8.0 license, but I
    downloaded the new trial 8.01 full version and I'm trying to
    upgrade 7.02 directly to 8.01 without having to go to 8.0 then
    apply an updater. Will the full 8.01 upgrade my current

    Yes. After you run the installer itself, your first call to
    the ColdFusion 8 administrator will run the configuration wizard
    which can import your 702 settings.
    You probably want to install CF801 using only the internal
    coldfusion web server. Alternatively, install to a different
    virtual website on your real web server. You need to segregate CF8
    and CFMX7 so both can run. Test your application before fully
    cutting over to CF8.

  • Weblogic 9.2 and Java 1.4

    I've been unable to find clear, authoritative information on this...
    I have an app which requires Java 1.4.x. Should I be able to deploy it on WL 9.2, or does 9.2 only support apps written in 1.5?
    Can anyone teach me to fish here, and point me in the direction of the information that will answer this?
    === Some Details: ===
    If I attempt to create a new Domain using Java 1.4 I get the following Exception on startup:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/DynamicMBean
    If I create a new Domain using 1.5 start up is fine, but the 1.4 based app doesn't run (it happens to be the ColdFusion 7 Administrator).

    On Tue, 5 Jun 2007 05:30:09 -0700, Paul Harvey <> wrote:
    I've been unable to find clear, authoritative information on this...
    I have an app which requires Java 1.4.x. Should I be able to deploy
    it on WL 9.2, or does 9.2 only support apps written in 1.5?WL9.2 has a Java 1.5 JVM. That should run Java 1.4 programs just fine.
    Tim Slattery
    [email protected]

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