Collection available to all the classes

I am just wondering if I can have a collection of an object and that collection is made available to all the classes rather than creating that collection again and again. For example I am deserializing an object from the file in one of the class, how can I make that object available to all the classes, I don’t want to read it again and again. This can be done easily when using java servlet, but my application is standalone, so is there any way of achieving this?
Any idea will be appreciated.
Many Thanks,

JoachimSauer wrote:
veer2go wrote:
Yeah Thanks mate, do u think, this approach is better or passing the collection through the parameters is better?That question is opening a huge can of worms.
Normally I'd say avoid the static version as much as possible. Pass the Set to all objects that need it.
This could lead to the Set being passed through many levels of calls, 'though. This usually means that your classes are not isolated enough and need to be refactored.
So both solutions can become quite ugly and writing a clean one takes some experience.+1
The assumption that all classes need to see this collection is to be challenged. It's usually made in order to avoid working out exactly what needs the object in question

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    Hi Ariel,
    Not sure it is relevant to your question but I have an old snippet that collects and displays ExtendScript references using $.list(). This may help to track some object relationships.
    // WARNING: this is just a WIP -- Not tested in all platforms and versions
    $.scanRefs = function scanRefs(/*0|1*/showAll)
        var s = $.list(),
            p = (!showAll) && s.indexOf('[toplevel]'),
            a = ((!showAll) ? s.substr(0,10+p) : s).split(/[\r\n]+/),
            n = a.length,
            // --- Address:1     L:2  Rf:3   Pp:4  Type:5  Name:6
            re = /^([0-9a-z]{8}) (.) +(\d+) +(\d+) (.{10}) (.{1,17})/,
            reTrim = / +$/,
            i, t, k, m,
            refBy, type, name, tag, rest, rfCount, props, j,
            o = {},
            TYPES = {'Function':"FCT", 'Object':"OBJ", 'Array':"ARR", 'RegExp':"REG"};
        for( i=2, refBy=0 ; i < n ; ++i )
            while( s && m=s.match(re) )
                k = '&'+m[1].toUpperCase();
                rfCount = parseInt(m[4],10);
                rest = s.substr(m[0].length);
                type = m[5].replace(reTrim,'');
                name = m[6].replace(reTrim,'');
                if( 0x5B==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                    p = rest.indexOf(']');
                    tag = rest.substr(0,1+p);
                    rest = rest.substr(1+p);
                    tag = '';
                if( 0x20==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                if( p=!(rest.indexOf("referenced by:")) )
                    rest = rest.substr(14);
                o[k] || (o[k] = {
                    locked:        +('L'==m[2]),
                    rfCount:    parseInt(m[3],10),
                    ppCount:    rfCount,
                    type:        TYPES[type]||type,
                    name:        name,
                    tag:        tag,
                    from:        [],
                    order:        -1,
                if( 0 < refBy )
                    if( p || !rest ){ throw "Unable to parse references." }
                    props = rest.split(' ');
                    refBy -= (j=props.length);
                    while( j-- ) t.from.push([k,props[j]]);
                    rest = '';
                    refBy = rfCount;
                    if( p != !!refBy )
                        if( p ){ throw "Unable to parse references."; }
                        refBy = 0;
                    (t = o[k]).order = n - i;
                s = rest;
        for( k in o )
            if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
            a[i++] = k;
        a.sort( function(x,y){return o[x].order-o[y].order;} );
        //a.sort( function(x,y){return parseInt(x.substr(1),16)-parseInt(y.substr(1),16);} );
        var u,
            pngLock = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\x1FH-\xD1\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x01\x00\x9A\x9C\x18\x00\x00\x01VIDAT(\xCF\xA5\x91\xB1j\xC2P\x14\x86\x93\xD6\x94\x98\xA4\xB5\xA5\x85\x0E-R\xAF\xA5\xB8\xF4\x1D\xAA\xEF\x10_B\x9C\xDD\x0B]\xA4o`C\xE9$B\x1C\xCD\x10\x10C6\x05q\td\xA9%\x83d2\x83O\xF0\xF7\xDCp#i\xB5\x1D\xDA\xC0\xC7\xB97\xE7|\xF7\xDC\xCB\x91\x00H\x7FA\xFA\xB7\x98\xFF\xAA\xD5\xEA\x0B\x855\xC1\x13k\xDA\xBF\xEA\x9A\xA6\x9C\x18\xC6\xC1\xB6\xE8\xBBHE\x16\x85w\xC6\xD8\xE3\x91\xA2\xDCQ|\xA2\xFD\x07\xC57\xADXT\x8B\xAAz\xB8#\x8A\x13\xD7\xBC\xD8\xD0\xB4kC\xD7\x19q\xCB*\x95g\xFA\x9FP\xD7\x0B\x8A\n!oE.\xB5Z-\xEC\xA3\xD9l\xA2\xFEP\x07\x1D\xC8;\x18D!/\x16x\x91\xEF\xFBX.\x97\xD8l6H\x92$]O\xA7S\x8CF#\x887\x9F\x13j^T\xB9\xD8\xE9t0\x99L\x10\xC71V\xAB\x15\x82 \xC0\xD0\x1E\xA2\xDDng\xE2\x15q\x9C\x175.:\x8E\x83\xC5b\x81(\x8A \xCB2\xE6\xF39\\\u00D7E\xBF\xDF\xCF\xC4\x1B\xE24/\x1A\\\u00ECv\xBB\xF0<\x0Fa\x18\xA2\xD1h`<\x1E\xC3\xB2,\x98\xA6\x99\x89\x8C8\xDB\x11\x07\x83AzU\xDEu6\x9B\xA5\xA2m\xDB\xE8\xF5z?\x8B4\xC3,\xF9\x1B_E1\x9F\x12Q&j\xC4\xFD\x1Ej\"_\xCA\x8B\x051\xA3K\x91d{(\x8B\xBC\xFE\t\xC1TI!\xE3L\x03\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            pngNop = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x03\x00\x00\x00(\x96\xDD\xE3\x00\x00\x00\x03PLTE\x00\x00\x00\xA7z=\xDA\x00\x00\x00\x01tRNS\x00@\xE6\xD8f\x00\x00\x00\x15IDATx\xDA\xDD\xC1\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x80\x90\xFE\xAF\xF6#\xDA\x01\x00\xD2\x00\x01\xCC \x10\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            w = new Window('dialog', " ExtendScript Memory"),
            p1 = w.add('panel', u, "References"),
            lRefs = p1.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Refs"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120,36],
            g = w.add('group'),
            pFrom = g.add('panel', u, "From"),
            lFrom = pFrom.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Property"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120, 120],
            pTo = g.add('panel', u, "To"),
            lTo = pTo.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Property", "Address", "Type", "Name"],
                columnWidths: [120,90,60, 120],
        g.orientation = 'column';
        w.orientation = 'row';
        w.alignChildren = ['left','top'];
        lRefs.maximumSize = lRefs.minimumSize = [330,450];
        lFrom.maximumSize = lFrom.minimumSize = [420,120];
        lTo.maximumSize = lTo.minimumSize = [420,220];
        lRefs.onChange = function()
            lFrom.parent.text = "From";
            lTo.parent.text = "To";
            if( !this.selection ) return;
            var key = '&'+this.selection.text,
                t = o[key],
                from = t.from,
                i = from.length,
            lFrom.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"] is reachable from " + t.ppCount + (1<t.ppCount ? " properties" : " property");
            if( t.ppCount && !i )
                with( lFrom.add('item', '--------') )
                    image = pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = '';
                    subItems[1].text = '<UNKNOWN REFERRER>';
                    subItems[2].text = '';
            while( i-- )
                k = from[i][0];
                t = o[k];
                with( lFrom.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                    image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = t.type;
                    subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                    subItems[2].text = from[i][1];
            for( k in o )
                if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
                t = o[k];
                from = o[k].from;
                i = from.length;
                while( i-- )
                    if( from[i][0]!=key ) continue;
                    with( lTo.add('item', from[i][1]) )
                        image = pngNop;
                        subItems[0].text = k.substr(1);
                        subItems[1].text = t.type;
                        subItems[2].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
            lTo.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"]'s properties had access to " + lTo.items.length + " addr.";
            from = t = null;
        for( i=0, n=a.length ; i < n ; ++i )
            t = o[k=a[i]];
            with( lRefs.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                subItems[0].text = t.type;
                subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                subItems[2].text = t.ppCount + '/' + t.rfCount; ();
    // TEST
    var t;
    var f = function MyFunc()
        (function MyInnerFunc(){})();

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    My needs are relatively simple for my small business:  1)  I need to be able to import years worth of Quicken data into the new program  2)  I need to easily print checks  3)  I need to easily reconcile my checking account each month and  4)  I need to generate basic reports for my accountant (e.g. P & L statements, category summaries).
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    Bobreba wrote:
    I am using Quicken Essentials 1.7.4 on a [Mac Pro, 2.8 Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon with 16 Gb of memory], running 10.7.5.  I am in the process of upgrading everything to work on Yosemite and Quicken seems to be the most difficult problem to overcome.
    Thanks for your response and feedback.
    I would recommend you continue with Quicken Essentials.  As noted by others, it performs well on Yosemite.
    My personal experience is Quicken 2007 for Mac also on 10.7.5 (with many reports of it both updated and successfully running on Yosemite) and I personally would not touch Quicken Essentials with a 10 foot pole -- BUT, if it ain't broke for you, don't fix it!

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    Hello Everyone,
    I need a list of all the equipments for a specific technical object type in a given plant with their classes ,characteristics and values.
    I tried to do it with standard list editing IH08, but it restricts me to max of 20 characteristics.
    Can some one help me with an alternative or a query to pull up all the classification info ( classes, characteristics, and characteristic values)
    Thanks in advance

    The work around I am using to overcome this problem is Unzipping th ear/war file created by servicegen task and including all the classes. Then creating the ear file again by creating a new ant target.
    I know this is not a neater way, but this works for me.

  • Adding all the classes and external jars in webservice WAR using servicegen

    Can someone please tell me how do I include all the classes and my external jar files to the ear/war file that is created using servicegen. I don't see any option in servicegen tag where I can include my classes and jar files to the ear/war file. The war it creates only contains the web service implementation class but I want to all the classes in the service code and jars in the same war. Any ideas on how to do that instead of putting in the classpath.
    here is the snippet of my build file
            <pathelement path="${classes}"/>
            <pathelement path="${lib}/*.jar"/>
         <pathelement path="C:/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/webserviceclient.jar"/>

    The work around I am using to overcome this problem is Unzipping th ear/war file created by servicegen task and including all the classes. Then creating the ear file again by creating a new ant target.
    I know this is not a neater way, but this works for me.

  • Actual Mechanism of Object class as Parent Class to all the classes

    Hi All,
    We know that all the classes in the java platform are descendants of Object class. Even if we are writing a new class also, in the absence of any other explicit superclass, every class is implicitly a subclass of Object. As we are not extending the Object class directly, then how come the methods in the Object are inheriting to the Sub class what we have written? How the java maintain this heirarchy?
    Can you please explain this elaborately?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Udaya Shankara Gandhi wrote:
    Hi All,
    We know that all the classes in the java platform are descendants of Object class. Even if we are writing a new class also, in the absence of any other explicit superclass, every class is implicitly a subclass of Object. As we are not extending the Object class directly, then how come the methods in the Object are inheriting to the Sub class what we have written? How the java maintain this heirarchy? Because the language is defined that way. Compilers implement the language according to the rules of the JLS. Exactly how they do that is undefined. It's up to each compiler. As long as it follows the rules defined in the JLS for parsing the code and generating the .class file, that's all that matters. However, somewhere in the compiler is code that does approximately this:
    if (class has an extends clause) {
      generate corresponding bytes for extends in .class file
    else {
      generate bytes for extends java.lang.Object in .class file
    }No great mystery, nor philosophical question.

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    Resultsets are one per connection unless you have copied them. Do you have lots of connections are you properly reusing them or at least closing and discarding all references?
    See tutorial and Javadoc of API too

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    Thanks for looking into this Jeff!
    I work with an Inventory module software and is responsible for software detection across several computers. Once an updated version comes up, I update our database with latest software details to get it detected if installed on any machines.
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    1)We have to have it installed with the CC applications in-order to get the notification of the latest updates and have to check everyday.
    2)Only relates to the latest updates, so in-between we may miss a prior update unknowingly.Hence, the remote machines having those updates may not get  detected with the software version update which would create problem in reporting.
    3)For all CC products, there is no base or previous updates available for installation if we miss one.
    I went through the Adobe Products Update pages [Product updates] which holds good when it comes to Acrobat and Reader software which I follow to track down any newer updates but this is inconsistent when it comes to CC products like in After Effects CC, Dreamweaver CC etc...
    So overall to be very specific, is there any one channel I can follow to get the notifications only for the updates on CC products and then may be I can rely on Desktop Creative Cloud for installation if not available anywhere like in product update pages of Adobe ?

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    Alanh61734259 are you receiving any specific error messages in the installation log files?  You can find details on how to locate and interpret the installation log files at Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC.  You are welcome to post any specific errors you discover to this discussion.

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    I have the same problem. One minute everything was okay, the next minute all my addons were disabled.
    Adobe Acrobat
    AVG Site Safety Plugin
    Google Update
    Java Deployment Toolkit
    Java Platform SE 7 U5
    Shockwave Flash 11.3.300.265
    VLC Web Plugin
    Windows Presentation Foundation 3.5.30739.1
    I can reenable them but FF will disable them on the next startup. I uninstalled version 13 and installed version 12. Problem gone! So I'm still using version 12 and am afraid to update to version 13.
    This problem began when I was trying to research and fix a problem (no history all-of-a-sudden) so it probably was something I caused. Can't recall everything I did though.
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    correct. And once ios5 is on a device it can be synced via wifi to both itunes and the icloud. Softwareupdates over the air. You only need that cable to charge the battery . That makes our devices real independant .

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    i have a custom built JAR file which has many classes(Translets) in it . i want to access the classes inthe JAR file in a JSP page or an servlet. I have tried setting the classpaths etc , but nothing has happened.
    Where should the jar file be Palced - i am using Tomcat Server.
    How Can i Access the class files .. Very Urgent .. Please Help me ..
    Peter Iyer

    What is showing a file not found error? The web browser? if so, that's probably not a problem with the jar file.
    Also, have you expanded your jar file to make sure that you jarred it up correctly?

  • Why is not the E90 available on all the other netw...

    I have a Nokia 9500 on the Orange network. I need to change this quickly because the phone is falling to pieces. However orange have told me that the phone is not available to them. I have sent an email to nokia but they have not replyed & this has been over a month ago. I have tried to locate the phone but the only options availabe to me are either to change to the O2 network which i dont want to do because i have been through them all & for me & my business the best network by far is the Orange network. The other option is to buy this outright & sim free but people are charging from £499 up to £650 which is a complete no no!!! please can anyone tell me why the E90 is not available to the Orange network?
    Kind regards,
    Neil Watson

    This sounds like a question for "Orange" not Nokia forums.
    Have you tried on-line auctions to see if you can get one SIM free and unlocked??
    Also, It would be worth searching these forums just to check that the E90 will do "Exactly" what you want, or maybe buy another 9500?.
    I am not trying to be negative, because I think the E90 most have come from canine decent.... The dogs B......s.
    But, this is my 1st communicator, and I am very very pleased with it so far.
    I would like to think that with another Firmware release, it will be even better? Flash Lite 3 support etc....
    But some previous Comummunicator owners have shown some disapointment with the E90's offerings compared with the 9500 on these forums.
    It is not a cheap device, so making the right choice is worth a bit of research!!
    Some things in life are guaranteed, but can you claim on them?

  • No Master Collection available in ALL of India?

    I'm trying to buy the CS5 Master collection, having recently moved here to India to do some work.
    Now I was pretty surprised to see that there's no seller listed when I'm looking to buy the master collection in India.
    I was even more surprised that I can't even do a download purchase, as India isn't listed in the supported regions.
    I know India isn't a very wealthy country but there are more than 1.2 billion people living here, surely some of them would want to use Adobe products legally? Is there ANY way to actually get the Master Collection without setting my invoice address to 'Singapore' or something like that?
    Update: Setting my country to Singapore doesn't work, I HAVE to be registered in the same country to which I wanna ship. Grrr.....

    Hi There,
    Adobe product resellers are available throughout India. You can start from the alternate purchasing options at
    In case you need the direct link, please use
    Rao Parasa

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