How to keep track of all the classes/methods/properties created in a long script

I'm curious to know what method people use to keep track of all the classes, methods, and properties you've created when writing a longer script.
For quick scripts, this isn't a problem. But for long scripts it can get quite difficult to keep track of all the objects one has created, and all their methods and properties, and overloaded constructors, etc.
ESTK is great, and it's the IDE I use for InDesign scripting, if only because of it's powerful debugging options.
But it doesn't provide any way of keeping track of this stuff. No proper Intellisense as in Visual Studio.
I'd be interested to hear how people solve this issue.

Hi Ariel,
Not sure it is relevant to your question but I have an old snippet that collects and displays ExtendScript references using $.list(). This may help to track some object relationships.
// WARNING: this is just a WIP -- Not tested in all platforms and versions
$.scanRefs = function scanRefs(/*0|1*/showAll)
    var s = $.list(),
        p = (!showAll) && s.indexOf('[toplevel]'),
        a = ((!showAll) ? s.substr(0,10+p) : s).split(/[\r\n]+/),
        n = a.length,
        // --- Address:1     L:2  Rf:3   Pp:4  Type:5  Name:6
        re = /^([0-9a-z]{8}) (.) +(\d+) +(\d+) (.{10}) (.{1,17})/,
        reTrim = / +$/,
        i, t, k, m,
        refBy, type, name, tag, rest, rfCount, props, j,
        o = {},
        TYPES = {'Function':"FCT", 'Object':"OBJ", 'Array':"ARR", 'RegExp':"REG"};
    for( i=2, refBy=0 ; i < n ; ++i )
        while( s && m=s.match(re) )
            k = '&'+m[1].toUpperCase();
            rfCount = parseInt(m[4],10);
            rest = s.substr(m[0].length);
            type = m[5].replace(reTrim,'');
            name = m[6].replace(reTrim,'');
            if( 0x5B==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                p = rest.indexOf(']');
                tag = rest.substr(0,1+p);
                rest = rest.substr(1+p);
                tag = '';
            if( 0x20==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
            if( p=!(rest.indexOf("referenced by:")) )
                rest = rest.substr(14);
            o[k] || (o[k] = {
                locked:        +('L'==m[2]),
                rfCount:    parseInt(m[3],10),
                ppCount:    rfCount,
                type:        TYPES[type]||type,
                name:        name,
                tag:        tag,
                from:        [],
                order:        -1,
            if( 0 < refBy )
                if( p || !rest ){ throw "Unable to parse references." }
                props = rest.split(' ');
                refBy -= (j=props.length);
                while( j-- ) t.from.push([k,props[j]]);
                rest = '';
                refBy = rfCount;
                if( p != !!refBy )
                    if( p ){ throw "Unable to parse references."; }
                    refBy = 0;
                (t = o[k]).order = n - i;
            s = rest;
    for( k in o )
        if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
        a[i++] = k;
    a.sort( function(x,y){return o[x].order-o[y].order;} );
    //a.sort( function(x,y){return parseInt(x.substr(1),16)-parseInt(y.substr(1),16);} );
    var u,
        pngLock = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\x1FH-\xD1\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x01\x00\x9A\x9C\x18\x00\x00\x01VIDAT(\xCF\xA5\x91\xB1j\xC2P\x14\x86\x93\xD6\x94\x98\xA4\xB5\xA5\x85\x0E-R\xAF\xA5\xB8\xF4\x1D\xAA\xEF\x10_B\x9C\xDD\x0B]\xA4o`C\xE9$B\x1C\xCD\x10\x10C6\x05q\td\xA9%\x83d2\x83O\xF0\xF7\xDCp#i\xB5\x1D\xDA\xC0\xC7\xB97\xE7|\xF7\xDC\xCB\x91\x00H\x7FA\xFA\xB7\x98\xFF\xAA\xD5\xEA\x0B\x855\xC1\x13k\xDA\xBF\xEA\x9A\xA6\x9C\x18\xC6\xC1\xB6\xE8\xBBHE\x16\x85w\xC6\xD8\xE3\x91\xA2\xDCQ|\xA2\xFD\x07\xC57\xADXT\x8B\xAAz\xB8#\x8A\x13\xD7\xBC\xD8\xD0\xB4kC\xD7\x19q\xCB*\x95g\xFA\x9FP\xD7\x0B\x8A\n!oE.\xB5Z-\xEC\xA3\xD9l\xA2\xFEP\x07\x1D\xC8;\x18D!/\x16x\x91\xEF\xFBX.\x97\xD8l6H\x92$]O\xA7S\x8CF#\x887\x9F\x13j^T\xB9\xD8\xE9t0\x99L\x10\xC71V\xAB\x15\x82 \xC0\xD0\x1E\xA2\xDDng\xE2\x15q\x9C\x175.:\x8E\x83\xC5b\x81(\x8A \xCB2\xE6\xF39\\\u00D7E\xBF\xDF\xCF\xC4\x1B\xE24/\x1A\\\u00ECv\xBB\xF0<\x0Fa\x18\xA2\xD1h`<\x1E\xC3\xB2,\x98\xA6\x99\x89\x8C8\xDB\x11\x07\x83AzU\xDEu6\x9B\xA5\xA2m\xDB\xE8\xF5z?\x8B4\xC3,\xF9\x1B_E1\x9F\x12Q&j\xC4\xFD\x1Ej\"_\xCA\x8B\x051\xA3K\x91d{(\x8B\xBC\xFE\t\xC1TI!\xE3L\x03\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
        pngNop = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x03\x00\x00\x00(\x96\xDD\xE3\x00\x00\x00\x03PLTE\x00\x00\x00\xA7z=\xDA\x00\x00\x00\x01tRNS\x00@\xE6\xD8f\x00\x00\x00\x15IDATx\xDA\xDD\xC1\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x80\x90\xFE\xAF\xF6#\xDA\x01\x00\xD2\x00\x01\xCC \x10\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
        w = new Window('dialog', " ExtendScript Memory"),
        p1 = w.add('panel', u, "References"),
        lRefs = p1.add('listbox', u, "",
            numberOfColumns: 4,
            showHeaders: true,
            columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Refs"],
            columnWidths: [90,60,120,36],
        g = w.add('group'),
        pFrom = g.add('panel', u, "From"),
        lFrom = pFrom.add('listbox', u, "",
            numberOfColumns: 4,
            showHeaders: true,
            columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Property"],
            columnWidths: [90,60,120, 120],
        pTo = g.add('panel', u, "To"),
        lTo = pTo.add('listbox', u, "",
            numberOfColumns: 4,
            showHeaders: true,
            columnTitles: ["Property", "Address", "Type", "Name"],
            columnWidths: [120,90,60, 120],
    g.orientation = 'column';
    w.orientation = 'row';
    w.alignChildren = ['left','top'];
    lRefs.maximumSize = lRefs.minimumSize = [330,450];
    lFrom.maximumSize = lFrom.minimumSize = [420,120];
    lTo.maximumSize = lTo.minimumSize = [420,220];
    lRefs.onChange = function()
        lFrom.parent.text = "From";
        lTo.parent.text = "To";
        if( !this.selection ) return;
        var key = '&'+this.selection.text,
            t = o[key],
            from = t.from,
            i = from.length,
        lFrom.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"] is reachable from " + t.ppCount + (1<t.ppCount ? " properties" : " property");
        if( t.ppCount && !i )
            with( lFrom.add('item', '--------') )
                image = pngNop;
                subItems[0].text = '';
                subItems[1].text = '<UNKNOWN REFERRER>';
                subItems[2].text = '';
        while( i-- )
            k = from[i][0];
            t = o[k];
            with( lFrom.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                subItems[0].text = t.type;
                subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                subItems[2].text = from[i][1];
        for( k in o )
            if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
            t = o[k];
            from = o[k].from;
            i = from.length;
            while( i-- )
                if( from[i][0]!=key ) continue;
                with( lTo.add('item', from[i][1]) )
                    image = pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = k.substr(1);
                    subItems[1].text = t.type;
                    subItems[2].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
        lTo.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"]'s properties had access to " + lTo.items.length + " addr.";
        from = t = null;
    for( i=0, n=a.length ; i < n ; ++i )
        t = o[k=a[i]];
        with( lRefs.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
            image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
            subItems[0].text = t.type;
            subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
            subItems[2].text = t.ppCount + '/' + t.rfCount; ();
var t;
var f = function MyFunc()
    (function MyInnerFunc(){})();

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    Ugly. Uses all uppercase.
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    JoachimSauer wrote:
    veer2go wrote:
    Yeah Thanks mate, do u think, this approach is better or passing the collection through the parameters is better?That question is opening a huge can of worms.
    Normally I'd say avoid the static version as much as possible. Pass the Set to all objects that need it.
    This could lead to the Set being passed through many levels of calls, 'though. This usually means that your classes are not isolated enough and need to be refactored.
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    You can do this by keeping data in a static veriable in a some class of yours. The variable will need to be a collection.
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    Access the table through SM30. It comes blank as standard. Click "New Entries" and make entries for changes to be tracked. For example, whenever an org. unit changes 002 and 003 relationship, you will make entries like:
    01 O 1001 B002 Activate box checked
    01 O 1001 B003 Activate box checked
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    Access the table through SM30. It comes blank as standard. Click "New Entries" and make entries for changes to be tracked. For example, whenever an org. unit changes 002 and 003 relationship, you will make entries like:
    01 O 1001 B002 Activate box checked
    01 O 1001 B003 Activate box checked
    Here, 01 is your active plan version, O is org. unit, 1001 is infotype and B002 and B003 are the subtypes. You can also use * for infotype and subtype which means every change will be logged.
    If you then run the report RHCDOC_DISPLAY through SA38, it will pick up all the changes pertaining to B002 and B003 relationship for org. units (in the above example).
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    For more information, follow SPRO>Personnel Management>OM>Basic Settings>Activate change documents and go through the documentation for that node. Also, read up the documentation for the report.
    Hope this helps.

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    List all JarEntries and convert the paths to fully
    qualified class files
    e.g file in jar
    [1] /com/mycompany/proj/X.class
    should become
    [2] com.mycompany.proj.X
    then for each entry issue
    Class.forName( [2] );

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    Any input on this Regard would be of great help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Pavithra,
    Declare in page attributes:
    appl_url type string
    In the onClick event of the link that calls the A.htm page , use:
    call method runtime->get_url
    URL = appl_url.
    Now appl_url contains the url (also name) of the page that invoked A.htm .
    Hope it helps.

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    Sorry, downgrading isn't supported by Apple.
    what troubleshootings steps have you done to try to resolve your issue?

  • How to keep track of an iterator?

    Hi everyone.
    I'm having an issue trying to keep track of an interator in a tree map.
    Basically my application is an address book, and it has the following button:
    First Prev Next Last
    So if they press the first button it will run the following code:
      Collection c = treeMap.values();
            //obtain iterator for tree map
            Iterator iter = c.iterator();
            //get first item in the list
            Contact temp = (Contact);This works fine.
    But now I'm trying to get the Last element in the tree and then assign a "global" iterator to it, infact all the buttons should have an iterator that will keep track of where the current element is...and thats where I'm having problems with.
    So if I get the first element when someone presses the first button, I would like to now assign an iterator to that position, so if someone presses the Next button, I would just do; and then display the information .
    The problem is though, I also need to go back 1 element if the user presses the Previous there a way to go forward and backward with an iterator?
    I have an internal iterator keeping track of things but I get an error, like for example:
      Collection c = treeMap.values();
             int count = 0;
            //obtain iterator for tree map
            Iterator iter = c.iterator();
            while(iter.hasNext() && count < treeMap.size()-1)
            trackIter =;trackIter =;
    I want trackIter to point to whatever is pointing at, which in this case, is the last element in the list but I get an error here saying:
    found : java.lang.Object
    required: java.util.Iterator
    trackIter =;
    Any ideas?

    First of all your bug.
    Iterators return Objects.
    What kind of object it returns depends on what you were shoving into the Map. If you shoved a Dog into the map, then the iterator returns the Dog, but the Iterator and the Collection only knows that it is an Object, not that it is a Dog. Your code that needed to get a Dog back, needs to cast the result returned by the iterator as a Dog
    trackItem = (Dog);
    However, before you haul off and fix your code, twould be best to fix your design. Your question, "is there a way to go forward and backward with an iterator?" is a good question. Before I tell you the answer, let me ask you a question? What are you going to do if the answer is "NO - you can't go forward and backward"
    I mean, it's OK to hack and slash around, trying this and that, but generally it would be good to know the answer to that question BEFORE you write a bunch of code involving iterators, because when you find out that you CAN'T go both forward and backwards with an iterator, what are you gonna do. Are you going to leave part of the design working one way, using iterators for going next and then some totally different mechanism to go the other way? Of course you could do that, but that is not really how one arrives at good design, by first hacking out one feature until you can get it working and then turning you attention to the next and hacking out a different bunch of code.
    Observe that Collections can be converted to Arrays and that Arrays have indicies and moving forward and backward in an array is a simple matter of incrementing or decrementing an integer and testing if you fell of the end. Also arrays, having no particular order restrictions can be sorted, or re-ordered any way that you like. How much easier your problem would be if only you had an array instead of a Collection.
    Don't take the criticism of your design the wrong way. I actually like the idea of using something like an iterator for your buttons, but the thing you are using is not really an iterator. As you said it must go both ways. It is really more like a text cursor where you can advance forward and backwards over a list. So build a Cursor class that you can hand an array. Give it routines like, first(), last(), mid(), stepForward(), stepBack(), getCurrent(), getIndex(), setIndex().
    And then you ask yourself, "before I write this code - let me see if someone has already written it." you look up Cursor in the API. Nope, there is a cursor class, but it is for crossHair cursors and the like. Then you ask yourself, "What else could they have called this?" How about ListIterator. Bingo - there you are, an interface class that has hasNext, hasPrevious, ... But it is only an interface. It doesn't do anything. What kind of class would implement this interface? Maybe List, so you look up List. Drat, it is some disgusting awt component. Oh wait, there's another interface, List, and there on the "All known Implementing Classes" you see LinkedList, ArrayList and others.
    Cool. You can reduce a collection to an array, if you could get an array into one of these list types, you could have your interface all built for you and everything, or if it isn't exactly what you want, no big deal, you already know the interface you need, you can just build it, whatever reduces your effort.
    See how it works? And just for the record, I didn't know about ListIterators, when I started typing this. But I know a design principle that helped me find it. I don't grab a component that I know and see if I can make the system work with the thing that I know. Instead I think of what I want it to do, try to design the interface for what I want it to do and then, once I know what I want from a structural standpoint, I start groveling around to see if that thing already exists.
    You were almost there. When you asked if an Iterator goes both forwards and backwards. And the answer is, "No"
    I see that others have posted before I finished writing this tome. Reversing the array and creating an iterator for that list will not get you the behavior that you are in some state, at some place in the list, from which you can go either forward or backwards. It just gets you a way to go backwards through the list.
    On the assumption that you are a student attempting to learn something, I would suggest that you actually do both approaches. Using the ListIterator approach is what you would do in a production environment (I just need this one behavior and it already exists over here) but you will probably learn more if you implement your own cursor class as I described above. The point is that you have a chunk of functionality, knowing where you are in a list and being able to step either forward or backward, that you want to achieve. The way that you get some chunk of functionality is that you design and build a class that lets you get that functionality. Iterator is NOT that class.

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